Dirty Bird

"A parrot joins in with two former roommates."

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“Dawn, what a beautiful home, on a street full of beautiful homes,” said Rhonda as they parked in Dawn’s driveway.

“Thank you. It’s a long way from that dive we rented in college, huh?”

“A looong fucking way. Whoops, I don’t usually drop the F-bomb like that. I think I’m feeling those two glasses of Chablis.”

“Hey, I told you to finish the second half of your sandwich.

“Yeah, yeah.”

Anyway, welcome to Chez Parker. Here, grab my arm; I’ll get the door.”

“Thanks,” Rhonda regained her balance as she stepped into the house. “Hey, just from the look of this foyer, I can tell the inside of your house is as lovely as the outside. You have the decorator’s touch, Dawn.”

“It was my major, remember? A whole lot of good it’s done me as a stay-at-home mom.” Dawn’s nose crinkled.

“Wow! What a fantastic way to display your talent, though. Beautiful!”

“Thanks, that’s nice of you to say.” Dawn disengaged her arm from Rhonda’s and pointed. “Just head that way to the family room. Have a seat, and I’ll get us more wine. Just one glass each, I promise.”

“That would be my max, darlin’.”

“Do me to the max, darlin’! Awk!”

“Dawn, what the fuck?” exclaimed Rhonda. “Whoops, there’s that bomb again.”

Dawn called back from the kitchen, “Oh, that’s just Melvin, our parrot. He’s in his cage over in the corner. Sorry, I should’ve warned ya.”

“Awk! Fucking Melvin. Should warn ya.”

“Oh my! Where did he get that mouth, Dawn?”

Dawn grinned as she emerged from the kitchen, carrying two glasses of white wine. “Well, he wasn’t always that way. Here, take a sip.”

“Mmm, yum. So, he learned to talk like a sailor from you guys?”

“Yeah, but it’s partly his fault. When we first got him, he would squawk all night until we moved him into our bedroom. So, that’s where he spends the night now.”

“What? You mean he learned his saucy vocabulary from you and Steve in the bedroom?”

“Yeah, we, um, both get pretty vocal during sex. Dirty words turn us on. So that’s where Melvin gets it. He’s our dirty bird.”

“Awk! Dirty birdie.”

“Oh, my!”

“Indeed!” Dawn giggled. “Steve soundproofed a closet in the basement for when we have company. I forgot to put him there before I left to meet you for lunch.”

“Oh, my God! Melvin’s a riot!”

“Yeah, a real riot.” Dawn rolled her eyes. “Anyway, Rhonda, I was so happy you could make it out here, and I’m especially pleased you can spend the afternoon.”

“Same here. I’d been looking forward to it.”

“What’s it been? Ten years since we last saw each other? It’s just been phone calls, texts, and Facebook.”

“Yeah, at least ten.”

After a pause, Dawn continued. “So, let me cut right to the chase. I really wanted to visit with you and catch up. Lunch was a good start on that, but…”


“Well, there are some things I really, really miss.”


“Um, our sexy playtimes, Rhonda.” Dawn took a sip of her wine. “I see you smiling, there.”

“Dawn, I have the most vivid memories of them. We would get a little drunk and a whole lot more friendly with each other. Is that what you mean?”

“Yeah. THAT.”

“Right. THAT.”

“Woohoo! THAT.”

“Shut up, Melvin. Let me ask, do ever think about those times?”

“More than just think. Sometimes I even dream about them.”

“So, umm, then you’d be interested in, maybe, having another go at THAT?”

“Like now? Today?”

“Yes, today. Steve won’t be home until tomorrow afternoon.”

“Well, then.” Rhonda looked at the wine glass in her hand, took a gulp, and raised her eyes to Dawn’s. “I’m interested, darlin’. Very interested.”

“Look at you, you’re blushing. Do you want to talk for a while first?”

“Dawn, it would just be the elephant in the room while we talked. Besides, playing and talking aren’t mutually exclusive, right?”

“I agree.” Dawn stood, extended her hands to Rhonda, pulled her to her feet, and hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I’d forgotten how good you feel, wrapped in my arms.” Rhonda gave a squeeze, drew back, framed Dawn’s face with her hands and touched her lips to Dawn’s.

“I’d forgotten the feel of your kisses,” Dawn sighed.

“Kissy, kissy. Awk!”

“Ignore him, Rhonda. You can’t kiss while you’re giggling. Steve and I had to learn to tune him out.”

“Sorry. I’ll try to focus, but Melvin’s a hoot.”

“Yeah, he’s a fucking blast. Come on, girl, let me show you to the bedroom. Then I’ll run him to the basement.”

“No, don’t do that. He’s fun.”

“Well, if we leave him out here, he’s just gonna squawk.”

“So? Bring him into the bedroom with us.”

“Oh, be careful what you ask for, Rhonda. This bird won’t shut up.”

“That’s okay. I promise he won’t distract me from you. I won’t let that happen.” Rhonda smiled. “Kiss me again.”

“Mmm. I remember those lips.”

“Awk! Get butt naked.”

“Melvin!” Dawn frowned and Rhonda laughed again.

“Well, we’ve got our orders!”


“So, last night, Rhonda, I dreamt of exactly this, the two of us here in bed together, naked, wrapped in each other’s arms.”

“You feel so good, not to mention you haven’t aged a day since college.” Rhonda slid her hands over Dawn’s shoulder, down her back and over her lush bottom.

“I can say the same about you, and if you continue with those slow strokes up and down my back with those warm hands, I’m never going to slide down your body and find something to, umm, taste.”

“Mmm, I want that, Dawn.”

“Awk! Suck my bits.”

“Melvin! Shush! And Rhonda, stop laughing. It just encourages him.”

“Sorry, I’ll do my best… Oh baby, yes, lick my nipple. I’m so fucking horny.”

“Woohoo! That’s it. Suck my hard nipple, baby. Awk!”

“Melvin! I’m sorry, Rhonda. He got that line from me. Without the ‘awk’.”

“Suck my cock. Awk!”

“I’m guessing that would be from Steve?”

“Good guess. Melvin, there’s no cock here!”

“Awk! No fucking cock.”

“Dawn, your dirty bird is something else.”

“Melvin, dirty bird, dirty birdie. Woohoo!”

“Melvin, quiet! Just try to ignore him, Rhonda.”

“I will. Just keep sucking my nipple, baby. It feels so good.”

“Sucking. Mmm mmm. Nibble?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Awk! Nibble it. Suck it.”

“Don’t you laugh, Rhonda. It’ll kill the mood. Bite on your finger, if you have to.”

“I will. Oh, Dawn, I love how your lips and tongue feel on me.”

“Awk! Switch tits.”

“Don’t you laugh, Rhonda.”

“I can’t help it, but… do what he says, please.”

“Sure, darlin’.”

“Yes. Oh God, that’s so good.”

“Mmm, are you getting wet and creamy for me like you used to, Rhonda?”

“Why don’t you check?”

“Mmm. My pleasure. First, with my fingers.”


“Mmm, your pussy feels so wet and silky.”

“And your fingers are so soft and gentle.”

“Awk! Finger-fuck me.”

“Ignore him! Darlin’, I need a taste.”

“Yes! Please, eat me, baby.”

“Awk! Eat my pussy.”

“Your clit feels so hard and hot under my fingers. I want to lick it.”

“Awk! Lick the clit.”

“Yes! Yes! Do that. Lick it. Suck it.”

“Mmm, I remember this taste. So sweet.”

“Eat me.”

“Awk! Eat me good, daddy.”

“Melvin, there’s no daddy here.”

“Awk! No daddy.”

“Finger-fuck me, baby. Please?”

“One? Two?”

“You decide.”

“How’s this, girl?”

“Oh my God! Yes! It feels amazing.”

“Mmm, I love licking your clit and fucking you with my fingers, Rhonda.”

“Don’t stop, Dawn.”

“Awk! Don’t stop, gonna cum.”

“You’ve a smart bird, Dawn. Dirty, but smart.”

“Cum for me, Rhonda, cum in my face.”

“Oh my God, that’s it. Tease my G-spot.”

“Awk! Cum, baby, cum.”

“You heard him, Rhonda. Cum!”

“I’m cumming! Oh, jeez! I’m cumming!”


“Oh, my God, Dawn, I didn’t know I could cum and laugh at the same time.”

“It’s probably a rare skill, be grateful.”

“Ha! I’ll try.”

“So, need a break?”

“Nope, it’s my turn. I’m so fucking horny for you.”

“Awk! Do me good, baby.”

“OK, but the damn bird goes downstairs!”

“If you must. Poor Melvin.”

“Woohoo! Damn! Threesome for Melvin. Awk!”

Published 7 months ago

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