Alex woke up around midnight and groaned. Her body felt like it had been put through the wringer, and she knew she would be feeling the effects of the night’s activities for days to come. But as exhausted as she was, there was a sense of satisfaction that came with knowing she had done her job well. She had given five men some of the best sex of their lives, and they had left her feeling more alive than ever before. Every inch of her body was singing with pleasure, and she wore the aches and pains from their rough treatment like a badge of honor.
She was still in the apartment where the gangbang had taken place, but it was dark and quiet now. The guys must’ve gone somewhere else to continue the party and left her there to rest.
Another glance at her watch–the only clothing she still wore–made her groan. It was 11:45 pm. She should’ve headed home hours ago to avoid raising eyebrows, but she’d been so exhausted she hadn’t thought of anything but rest. If she was lucky, very lucky, she could sneak into the house without being noticed. Her bedroom window should still be unlocked, and there was a ladder in the shed in the backyard she could use to reach it.
Alex nodded firmly to herself as she dressed. That seemed like a good plan, and having a plan in place made her feel more confident, less stressed. She collected her purse and her fee and made her way outside, humming happily to herself. The money was the largest single fee she’d collected so far, and her mind was buzzing with all the possibilities. Should she buy a Louis Vuitton purse? Perhaps use it as a down payment for a car? Maybe she could take a trip, a vacation after she graduated!
All very tempting ideas, but she knew the smart thing would be to follow Shawna’s advice and use the money she’d saved so far to find a place of her own. Surely she could afford to make a down payment on a place, a fee so it would be held for her until she graduated and could move in. True, her parents wouldn’t approve of an unmarried young woman living on her own, but they’d approve a whole lot less if they knew what she’d really been up to all this time.
It was dark and quiet outside, which suited her just fine. Alex called for another Uber using her work phone and spent most of the ride discretely counting her fee. It was enough to almost make her eyes water, and her mind reeled at what she could do with that kind of money. It was the most she’d made in a single night to date, and the possibilities were very pleasant to contemplate.
Her house was silent when the Uber pulled up to it. Alex thanked the driver and hurriedly unlatched the backyard gate. Quickly and quietly, she retrieved the ladder from the shed and placed it up against the side of the house, then hurriedly ascended. It was but the work of a moment for her to open her bedroom window, then she kicked the ladder with her foot so that it fell in the bushes, hidden from sight.
Alex listened intently for a few minutes, waiting for any sign that her parents might be awake. She heard nothing, but she had to be sure. So she crept down the hall and eased open the door to her parents’ bedroom. They were fast asleep.
Relief crashed through her and she closed the door without making a sound. She was in the clear–if they asked her where she was, she’d simply tell them that the tutoring session had run late and she’d been home by midnight. Still, this had been a close call. Too close. She’d have to be more careful, at least until she was able to move out on her own. As much as she still loved her parents, she was looking forward to the freedom having her own place would give her. Hopefully, she’d be able to keep her new career secret until then. She didn’t have to hide it forever–just long enough.
She had no intention of stopping her escort job, though. She couldn’t get enough of the thrill, the primal desire to be used, to be taken roughly by her clients and made into nothing more than an object for their pleasure. She had tapped into a hidden part of herself, a side that thrived on the rush of adrenaline and power she felt every time she was with a client. It was a feeling she knew she wanted to experience again and again–like a drug, only drugs never felt so good.
As she lay in her bed and drifted off to sleep, Alex thought about the incredible night she had just experienced. She had never felt so alive, so desired, so free. Being a high-class escort had given her a taste of a world she had never even dreamed of before, and now that she had had a glimpse of it, she knew that there was no going back. Alex had always been a model of responsibility and decorum, but now she found herself embracing her newfound sexual freedom with a fervor that shocked even her. Tonight, she had done things that would have made her old self shudder with disgust. But her old self was dead. She was no longer the innocent, book-smart high school senior–she was a sexually active, empowered young woman who was quickly climbing the ranks of Cherry Blossom Escorts and becoming one of their top girls.
She was thoroughly hooked, and she was willing to do whatever it took to get her next fix.
The next morning, Alex woke up feeling sore all over, particularly between her legs. She half-tottered into the shower and let the hot water soothe her for a few precious minutes before donning her school uniform and checking her appearance.
She didn’t look any different. To everyone else, she was the same good girl she’d always been. But her innocent exterior was nothing more than a mask now, a cloak she wore to hide her true self. Alex made sure the disguise was firmly in place before heading downstairs for breakfast.
“Good morning,” she said, smiling with genuine cheeriness.
“You were out late again,” was the only reply that came from her scowling father. Mr. Hannebrink glared over his newspaper.
“Not as late as you think,” Alex said. “I was home by midnight–you were already sleep so you didn’t see me.”
Her father gave her a skeptical look.
“Would I lie to you, Daddy?” she asked, her face the very picture of angelic innocence.
Finally, he grunted and returned to his paper. “Midnight is still later than I would like,” he finally said. “It just isn’t proper for a young lady to be out after dark–in my day, a girl your age would be home before nightfall.”
“Gerald.” Alex’s mother came unexpectedly to her defense. “Alex is a good girl and she didn’t stay out nearly as late last night as she did the night before. If she hung out with her friends or something after tutoring was over, what of it? Let her have a social life. It’s important for her to have friends and do things outside of her academic activities. We can be a little flexible.”
Alex was surprised at her mother’s unexpected defense of her, but knew better than to question it or interrupt the conversation. That would only serve to solidify her father’s opinion. So she stayed quiet.
“Hmph.” Gerald said. “It still smacks of impropriety to me.” But he returned to his paper and said nothing more.
Alex turned to get a piece of toast and did her best to smother a gale of laughter. Impropriety? Oh, Daddy, you have no idea! I was very “improper” last night, and I hope I get to be improper again tonight too!
As if reading her mind, her cell phone— not her regular phone, but the phone Lydia had given her, the phone that Alex carefully kept hidden from her parents and the rest of the world, buzzed in her pocket. Alex had to fight the urge to grab it as she ate a hurried breakfast–last night’s activities had left her ravenously hungry–and hurried to catch the bus. Only when she was on the bus and made certain no one could see did she open it up to read the message. It was from Lydia, and Alex felt her heartbeat faster as she opened it up to read it.
“Alex, all of the young men you met last night have not only left gushing reviews on your agency profile, but each one of them called our agency in person to tell them just how much they enjoyed getting to know you. The agency would like to reward you in recognition of your amazing work so far and continual improvement. Could you come by the office after school?”
Pride and eager curiosity blossomed in Alex’s chest. She quickly shot back a reply to Lydia, saying she would be more than happy to come by the agency office the minute classes were finished. She couldn’t believe it—she had only been working as an escort for a short time, but already she was being recognized for her skills and dedication. Then she went to her agency profile to read her newest reviews. She loved reading positive feedback from her clients.
Sure enough, all five had left five star reviews. One of them read, “Alex was a dream come true! She was so eager to please and had no qualms about getting down and dirty with all of us. She’s a natural born slut and I can’t wait to see her again!”
Another one said, “This chick can take a pounding like it’s nobody’s business. She sucked my cock like it was the last thing she’d ever do and took my buddies’ cocks with ease. Just incredible, the best, tightest and wettest pussy I’ve ever had!”
But the review from the birthday boy was by far the most glowing. He wrote, “Best sex of my life! I never thought I’d be able to afford a girl like Alex, but thanks to Cherry Blossom Escorts, my dream came true. She was the perfect birthday gift to myself, and I’m already counting down the days until I can see her again. She didn’t just give me pleasure, she made me feel like a king. Thanks Alex!”
Alex gave a silent cheer and pumped a triumphant fist. She had never felt so alive, so turned on, or so proud of herself. Even the aches and pains from her wild night of sex couldn’t dampen her spirits. She couldn’t wait to find out what sort of reward Lydia had in mind, and the thought made it impossible to concentrate on anything else when she went got to school She ignored her teachers and did not pay attention in class at all; school increasingly felt like an annoying interruption of her real life rather than something worthwhile. As soon as the final bell rang that afternoon, she called an Uber and headed straight for the offices of Cherry Blossom Escorts.
Lydia was waiting for her in her office with a big smile on her face. “Ah, here comes the conquering heroine! How do you feel after last night’s…exertions?”
Alex smirked. “Sore, but it’ll fade. Mostly I feel horny and ready to go!”
“Easy there, tiger,” Lydia laughed. “First, I want to say just how amazed I am at how much you’ve grown, how quickly you’ve settled into your job and how far you’ve come. You’re one of my rising stars, and to that end…”
She slid an envelope across the table. “A little bonus from our agency, in recognition of your stellar work to date.”
Alex’s heart skipped a beat as she took the envelope, her fingers trembling slightly with anticipation. “Thank you, Lydia. I really appreciate it.”
“And you’re sure you’re holding up okay after the gangbang?” Lydia inquired.
“I’m fine,” Alex assured her, feeling the wad of cash in the envelope. “It was a lot of fun and I had a great time! The guys were actually really sweet–they took care of me afterward, helped me clean up and made sure I was comfortable. That’s one of the things I like most about this job. A lot of our clients are some of the nicest people.”
“I’m glad they were good to you,” Lydia said. “You deserve nothing less. And speaking of clients, I have another one for you. His name is Charles and he’s one of our longtime returning customers. He’s a corporate executive who often travels on business–forty-two, divorced, two grown children. He likes to have company when he’s in town, and we’re always happy to provide it. He’s very handsome and worldly, and quite popular with many of our other escorts. He’s asked for the pleasure of your company on Saturday, two days from now. He’s booked up with meetings today and Friday and flies out Sunday, so he wants to relax in between.”
Alex didn’t hesitate. “Sounds like fun to me! Does he want me for the whole day?”
“That’s his preference, yes. He would like you to show up at his hotel room no later than 9 a.m. He’ll probably want to have breakfast, then spend the day about town before retiring back to the hotel for more intimate activities.”
“Sounds like fun,” Alex said eagerly. “What kind of things does he like to do when he’s in the city?”
“Well,” Lydia began, “he’s quite the connoisseur of fine food and wine, so perhaps you could take him to one of the city’s finer restaurants. He also enjoys museums and the theater, and is very interested in international affairs and current events. He’s quite the well-rounded gentleman. He even expressed interest in attending an opera, if you’re open to that.”
Alex had never been to an opera before, but she was eager to try something new and impress her client. “Sure, I’d be okay with it.”
“Good,” Lydia said with a smirk, “because he already bought the tickets to La Traviata. It’s an opera about a courtesan, believe it or not! Rather fitting, wouldn’t you say?”
Alex giggled. “That’s perfect! I’m actually really excited to go now. I’ve never been to an opera before. Do you think I should bring anything special with me?”
“You should make sure to choose a very nice, very upscale outfit from our wardrobe–nothing too sexy or revealing. The opera house has a strict dress code.”
“Understood,” Alex said. “I love going through the wardrobe. Having access to so many different types of clothes is one of the biggest perks, aside from the sex of course.”
“If you want to go pick it out now, I’ll place it on reserve for you so it’ll still be available when you need it,” Lydia said. “I can also set up a spa and salon appointment for you tomorrow afternoon as well. We can do that in-house here at the agency or we can arrange something at one of the beauty parlors in the area. We have an understanding with a wide variety of local businesses–we provide them regular business by having our girls patronize them, and in return they give our girls discounts and reduced rates. Either way, Charles likes his women to look very well-groomed.”
“You’ve always got good advice, Lydia,” Alex said. “I’ll definitely take you up on that, though I think I’d prefer to do it in-house. Less trouble that way and it saves an Uber trip.”
“Of course. Now, go pick out some outfits to wear for your booking. There’s a stunning emerald gown in the evening wear section that I think would look particularly good on you.”
Alex took Lydia’s advice and spent some time browsing through the wardrobe until she saw the dress her supervisor had mentioned. It was a stunning emerald gown that flowed gracefully to the floor. She also chose a blue dress for dinner, one that clung to her curves and accentuated her bust. They both fit her like a glove, accentuating her curves and, with their plunging necklines, revealing just enough cleavage to be alluring without being vulgar.
She had just finished making her selections when Shawna popped her head into the dressing room. “Hey, girl! Heard you took that gangbang like an absolute champ!”
“God, yes. It was incredible!” Alex gushed. “I was so nervous at first, but it was mind-blowingly good. I’ve never cum so many times in a row before! And they were all so respectful and kind, even after.”
“Glad to hear it! Is it true you’ve got a booking with Charles?”
“Yes. I’ve heard he’s really popular with the other girls.”
“He is,” Shawna confirmed. “He’s, like, the definition of a handsome older guy. He’s fucking fantastic in bed too, and he’s really knowledgeable and worldly about all kinds of shit. Is he taking you to the opera?”
Alex grinned. “How’d you know?”
“He loves it. Every time he books with us, he takes his girl for the evening to the opera. Ever been to one before?”
“No,” admitted Alex. “Is it true they all sing in, like, Latin or something?”
“Sometimes, but it’s not rocket science,” Shawna said with a wink. “Even if you can’t understand what they’re saying, you can still enjoy it. Just pretend you’re in a really, really nice movie theater–all you’ve really gotta do is just sit there and look pretty, and when the fat lady stops singing, clap. There’s really not much else to it.”
Alex laughed. Shawna’s sense of humor was one of the reasons they got along so well. “I’ll keep that in mind. How was your latest booking?”
Shawna grinned. “Oh, you know. Another night of being pampered and fucked senseless. Can’t complain. The guy and his wife had a threesome with me.”
“No way!” Alex exclaimed, impressed. “How’d that work?”
“Oh, it was great,” Shawna said. “They wanted to spice up their marriage a little, and it definitely worked. The guy was a good fuck, and his wife was no slouch either. The best part was when he fucked me doggystyle while I made out with her and played with her pussy as she toyed with my clit. What a rush!”
“And there weren’t any…I dunno, jealousy issues?” Alex asked. Not long ago such a story would have shocked her. Now it just made her curious.
“Nah. We all talked about it beforehand and made sure everyone was on the same page. The guy actually told me I was his wife’s fantasy come true. Can you believe that shit?” Shawna laughed. “It was hot as fuck, if you want my opinion. I even think I helped bring them closer together as a couple.” She held up a hand and Alex high-fived her.
“I can’t wait to meet Charles,” Alex said, her excitement palpable as they returned to the subject of her next appointment. “But what if I mess up, you know, with the whole high-class thing? Will it piss him off and ruin the experience?”
“No, he’s usually pretty chill. He doesn’t, like, expect you to know everything he knows. If you use the wrong spoon at dinner or some shit, it’s not a big deal. Just be yourself and have fun, like you always do. Most of the time, all you need to do is just mimic what he does. Do that and you’ll be fine. Don’t be afraid to ask him to tell you about himself, either. He’s a really, really fascinating guy to talk to. His business travels have taken him all over the world and he’s done all kinds of exciting stuff over the years. And of course, wear something nice.” Shawna grinned. “I’m jealous, honestly. Charles is fine as fuck.”
Alex felt her pussy tingle with anticipation. As she continued her preparations, some of the other escorts also congratulated on her for booking him. It seemed Charles really was quite popular.
One girl, a Latina beauty in her late twenties, sighed wistfully. “You are so lucky, amiga. I’ve been trying to get with him for months. He’s just so…” She trailed off, her eyes glazing over with desire. “Anyway, you are in for a treat. He’ll be a delight. He always is.”
Alex grinned. “I just hope I can be as delightful to him!” she said, and meant it. She was actually more than a little nervous about having someone like Charles as a client and hoped she would impress him the way she’d impressed all her other clients so far. Saturday arrived with almost surreal slowness, and Alex made sure she had a cover story ready to go. She claimed she was going to the zoo with some classmates, and would be going to dinner afterward. “I’ll be back by midnight,” she assured them. “I promise.”
Her father glowered menacingly. “See that you are.” Or else came unspoken afterward.
Alex nodded, looking for all the world like the dutiful, obedient, well-behaved daughter she no longer was. Inwardly, she sneered at him. What did he think he was preventing? Her virginity was long gone, as was her innocence. She was going to spend the whole day with a man she’d never met before, and tonight she would fuck both their brains out. For a moment, she was tempted to spill the beans just to see the look on his face, but then she thought better of it. It would be more fun to keep it a secret. For now. So instead, she smiled sweetly and kissed his cheek before scurrying off to catch her Uber.
She went first to the Cherry Blossom Escorts office to change into the clothes she’d picked out previously, then directed the driver to take her to a luxurious hotel. When she got there, Alex took a few minutes to marvel at the opulence of the place before getting on the elevator. She checked the info about Charles’s booking to make sure she went to the right room, then hit the button for the penthouse suite.
The door was opened by a man in his forties who looked like he could have starred in a cologne commercial. His dark brown hair was going gray at the temples, but to Alex it only made him look distinguished, as did the immaculately-trimmed, close-shaven moustache and pointed goatee. His eyes sparkled with humor, wit, and intelligence, and wore a designer suit with the kind of ease other men might wear pajamas. Everything about him was spit-and-polish, from the bright brass cufflinks to his spotless white Oxford shirt to the shiny leather of his Italian shoes.
Alex instantly grew soaking wet between her thighs. This man had so much sex appeal it practically dripped from his pores. A shiver of anticipation crawled down her spine.
“Ah, Alex,” he said, his voice smooth as silk. “It is lovely to see you, and you’re precisely on time. I appreciate that; I have no use for impunctuality. And, if I may say so, you look even lovelier than Lydia led me to believe. Please, do come in.”
Heart pounding, her throat dry with lust, Alex did.
The hotel room was a luxurious suite, one of the better ones the hotel offered. Alex cast an appreciative eye over her surroundings as Charles closed the door behind her.
“I enjoy the finer things in life,” he explained, gesturing to the room around them. “And I like to be comfortable when I travel. Happily, my career allows me to indulge in both, along with…” he grinned. “Other pursuits.”
Alex smiled back. “Pursuits like me?”
“Precisely.” He checked his watch. “Care to join me for breakfast? A good, hearty breakfast sets the rest of the day on a smooth course.”
Alex had already eaten before leaving her parents’ house, but she wasn’t about to refuse. “I’d like that. I assume you have a place in mind?”
“Of course. I like to plan things out ahead of time,” Charles said. “I always have. You’re free to ask my wife, but as I’m not married anymore, that’s no longer the case.”
Alex recalled what Lydia had said about Charles being divorced. “You’re not on good terms with your ex?”
“Quite the opposite. It was a mutual decision. My wife and I married quite young, you say, and we had our son and daughter very shortly afterward. We made it work for our children’s sake, but we came to a shared realization that, while we were quite fond of each other in a friendly way, we were two different people. I ensured she was adequately compensated,” Charles explained. “It seemed the proper thing to do. She’s quite happy now, as am I.”
“Such a gentleman,” Alex teased.
“I do try,” he agreed, slipping on his coat and holding the door for her. “Shall we? The valet will bring the car around.”
Alex boldly took his arm and let him lead her back down toward the lobby. “I’d like nothing more. How often are you in town?”
“At least a few times a year,” Charles replied. “I quite enjoy it, not least because of the quality of the company available. I’ve patronized your agency for some time now, and have yet to be disappointed.”
“I bet you say that to all the escorts,” she said with a smirk.
“Hardly. Some of the ones I’ve seen elsewhere were barely deserving of the title. There was no charm, no grace, no class. I’ve always thought that if you’re going to take a woman to bed, what happens before and after the intimate act is just as important as the act itself. Standards must be upheld, you see.”
“Where were you before you came here?” Alex wondered.
“Tokyo,” Charles replied, as they walked outside to where a sleek, black luxury car was waiting. He opened the door for her, then got behind the wheel. “For five days, the last of which I spent in the company of a charming young woman. I enjoy women, Alex. Very, very much. I was faithful to my wife while we were together, but now that I am at liberty, I find I cannot go back to monogamy. Not when there are so many varieties of feminine beauty to savor.” He smirked, and Alex felt her pussy tingle. “It is fair to say I am making up for lost time, and I get to see the world in the bargain as well.”
“You’re so lucky,” Alex said. “I’d love to be able to travel like that.”
“You may yet,” he said, as he pulled into the street. “Your profession often entails travel, even to far-off places. Surely Lydia has mentioned that?”
“She has. But I can’t travel right now. Not yet,” Alex said. “My parents…” She bit her lip. “Well, you can probably guess.”
“Yes. I can.” He gave a theatrical sigh. “Never understood the point of it, smothering a young person’s sexual curiosity like that. Quite tragic, not to mention unfair. They have no idea what you are doing, then?”
“Nope. I don’t plan on telling them either. The minute I graduate high school, I’m moving out.”
If Charles was fazed by the revelation she was still a student, he didn’t show it. Instead, he said, “Ah, yes. The classic tale of teenage rebellion. Tell me, Alex, has your new career been everything you expected it to be?”
Alex thought for a moment. “No,” she finally said. “At first, when I decided to take the plunge, I thought it would feel degrading. I thought I’d feel objectified and used. But that hasn’t been the case at all! I feel…I feel so much more confident than I used to be. I’ve learned so much about myself and my body, what I like and don’t like, what feels good and what doesn’t. I love being the center of men’s attention, the way I feel like a goddess when they look at me, and the money is great too. But most of all, I feel free for the first time since I can remember. I feel like I’m taking charge of my life, making my own decisions, doing what I want.”
Charles nodded thoughtfully. “I can understand that. The ability to control one’s destiny is indeed liberating. I cannot say I blame you at all for wanting to take control of your life and find your own path. Lydia has said you’re a rising star at the agency, and now it’s clear why. You put passion and energy into everything you do, don’t you?”
Alex beamed. “I certainly try!”
The restaurant was an elegant affair, the kind of place where the silverware had more settings than her parent’s entire dinner set. A uniformed maître d’ led them to their table, and Charles gallantly pulled her chair out for her to sit.
“I particularly recommend the eggs benedict,” Charles suggested, handing her the menu. “They do a delightful hollandaise here, and they always serve a generous portion. For a side dish, I would get a pair of fresh biscuits with jelly. They make the jelly in-house and the biscuits are always served fresh.”
Alex took his advice and placed her order accordingly. As they waited for the food, she said, “Tell me about some of the places you’ve been, the things you’ve done. All the girls at the agency say you’ve got a lot of stories.”
“Do they?” Charles arched an amused eyebrow. “I’m flattered.” He took a sip of coffee and dabbed at his lips with a napkin. “Hmmm…let me see. Well, there was one-time last year when I went on Safari in South Africa. I was trophy hunting, you see, and I had a most exhilarating encounter with a young, rather feisty lioness. And by ’encounter’, I mean I was in a tent, and she was outside, but she was quite determined to come in.”
“Like an actual lion?” Alex asked.
“Indeed. I wasn’t there to kill lions–I am no poacher–but the choice was to either defend myself or be devoured, and that was no choice at all. My rifle was not near to hand, but thankfully I had a rather large sheath knife in my tent with me. When the lioness finished tearing its way into the tent, I put the knife into its neck. It’s something of a miracle that I avoided being eviscerated as it lashed out blindly in its death throes.” Charles sighed. “I must admit, I hated to do it. Such a majestic beast.”
“You didn’t have a lot of choice,” Alex said. “Did you, like, get in trouble with the authorities?”
“The guides took care of it,” Charles replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. “They know how to handle such situations. But it’s moments like that which make one realize how small and insignificant we truly are in the grand tapestry of the world. You know, I’ve seen a lot of places, done a lot of things, and met a lot of people. But nothing quite compares to the thrill of staring down a creature that could so easily end your life. It’s quite…humbling. It makes you realize that each day must be lived to the fullest.”
Their breakfast arrived, and Alex took a bite of her eggs benedict. The hollandaise sauce was heavenly, just as Charles had promised. They chatted comfortably about his travels, his business, and the occasional escapade that had him dodging bullets or bribe-hungry officials in some third-world country. One particularly close call in Budapest had her on the edge of her seat as Charles related the tale.
“In fairness, the woman did not tell me she was the daughter of a rather notorious local arms dealer,” he said, a wry smile on his face. “I had no idea until her bodyguards burst into the hotel room. Escaping down the fire escape in nothing but silken pajamas was not one of my more gossamer moments.”
Alex sighed. “You live such an exciting life! I’m jealous.”
“Don’t be too jealous,” Charles said, his eyes twinkling. “You’ll find that your career will have its fair share of adventurous moments too.
“I hope so,” she said fervently.
“May I ask what inspired you to take the plunge and go into the industry?” Charles inquired kindly. “Was it the desire for freedom and autonomy?”
“Yes, but what started it all, what made me think about doing it, was a book I read at the library. It was an autobiography of an escort named Chloe,” Alex said. “It was so…open and honest. It made me realize that I didn’t have to settle for what everyone else thought I should be doing. I could make my own choices, and live my life on my terms. So…I called the agency.” She took a bite of eggs benedict. “The best decision I ever made.”
“Chloe was quite the character,” Charles agreed.
Alex’s jaw dropped. “You…you knew Chloe?”
“Intimately, and on quite a few occasions,” Charles quipped. “She’s been out of the industry for a few years now–happily retired somewhere in the Caribbean, from what I’ve heard. I had no idea she’d written her memoirs, though. I must get my hands on a copy. I’m sure it will make for…titillating reading. Would you believe me, Alex, if I said you remind me of her?”
Alex felt a blush creep up her neck. “I do? In what way?”
“Well, aside from your beauty and poise, you both share a certain…spark,” Charles said. “A hunger for life and experience that’s quite intoxicating. It’s what makes you both so good at what you do. Like you, Chloe believed that the art of escorting was more than sex, it was about providing mutual pleasure, companionship, and emotional connection. She also, like you, genuinely loved her work.”
Alex felt a thrill of excitement at the comparison. “Really?”
“Really,” Charles assured her, setting down his fork. “Are you finished eating?”
Alex nodded. “Yes, it was delicious. Thank you.”
“Excellent! Then I propose we go to the downtown art museum for a few hours. There is an exhibit of Claude Monet going on that I would love to see.” Charles took some cash from his wallet and laid it out on the table. “I have always loved Monet’s work, though that is probably due in no small part to my lifelong fondness for waterscapes. My mother, God rest her saintly soul, had a small pond at the house where I grew up, and I spent many happy summer days reading by the water’s edge.”
“I’ve never been to an art museum before,” Alex admitted sheepishly.
“No? A pity. Your parents should have taken you to one long ago. Culture and fine art are as important to a young person’s growth as physical fitness and education. Being able to properly appreciate the finer things in life is something that sets one apart from the rabble,” Charles said.
Alex couldn’t help but agree and made a mental note to plan a day off from escorting to go see more of what her city had to offer. She looped her arm in his and they left the restaurant together.
“It is not far,” he said. “We can walk there easily.”
The art museum was indeed nearby, and the walk there was a delightful one, the cool morning air brisk and invigorating. Alex felt like she was on a date with the most charming man she had ever met, rather than simply accompanying a client as a hired escort. Charles spoke with passion about the merits of some of his favorite artists; aside from Monet, he had a weak spot for Van Gogh and Rembrandt. But Picasso was his least favorite. “His work is too chaotic, too disjointed,” he said.
Once they arrived at the museum, the grandeur of the place took Alex’s breath away. The vast, echoing space was filled with the soft murmur of art enthusiasts and the occasional click of a camera shutter. Why had her parents never taken her here? she wondered. It was a whole new world of beauty and culture that she had been denied for so long.
The whole experience was so enjoyable that she didn’t notice the time go by. Only when Charles checked his watch, and Alex looked out one of the nearby windows, did she see it was getting dark outside. Had they been there that long?
“My goodness, we got rather absorbed in that, didn’t we?” he remarked. “Alex, we need to head to the opera house if we’re to keep our reservation there. Do you need to change?”
She nodded. “I have a dress picked out just for the occasion. Do we have time for me to change into it?”
“Yes, if we hurry.”
They rushed back to the hotel. In the plush suite, Alex hurried into the bathroom to change, feeling a bit like Cinderella preparing for the ball. The green dress, the same one she’d picked out from the agency’s wardrobe hugged her body like a second skin. It had a plunging neckline and a short, flirty skirt that barely concealed her ass. She had picked it out, especially for this date with Charles. She applied her makeup with careful strokes, going for a dramatic look that matched the grandeur of the evening. When she stepped out of the bathroom, Charles’s eyes lit up.
“Stunning,” he declared. “Simply stunning. That dress is perfect for you.”
Alex blushed. “Thanks.”
“You’re quite welcome,” he said, standing up and offering his arm again. “I think you’ll enjoy it very much. La Traviata is one of the most beautiful operas ever written, at least in my opinion. The playwright, Verdi, had quite a flair for drama and passion. His work is known for its emotional depth and intensity. It’s a tragic love story, of course. They usually are.”
“I get the feeling operas usually don’t have happy endings,” Alex said drily.
“Ah, but that’s part of their appeal,” Charles said, his eyes twinkling. “Life is full of tragedies and triumphs, is it not? It’s only natural that art should reflect that.” He checked his watch again. “Now, we really must be going. To the opera house!”
Alex was expecting a certain level of opulence when they arrived at the opera house, but she was still stunned by the grandeur that greeted them. The interior was like a gilded cathedral to the arts, with velvet curtains and gleaming chandeliers overhead that cast a soft, warm light over everything. The air was thick with the scent of expensive cologne and perfume and the smoke from fine cigars, and the low murmur of conversation filled the grand hall. Everyone was dressed to the nines; the men were in their best suits and tails, the women in dresses that could have graced the red carpet and stunning jewelry. Alex felt like a fish out of water, but Charles seemed right at home.
“This way,” he said, gesturing for her to follow. “I got us the box seats. I must have a good view whenever I attend any sort of theatrical production. It’s something of a weakness of mine.”
The box seats were indeed luxurious, offering a panoramic view of the stage. Alex felt like royalty as she settled into the plush chair, her heart racing with excitement. She had never been to an opera before, and the opulence of the setting was overwhelming. The orchestra began to play, and the velvet curtains parted to reveal a stage adorned with elaborate sets and costumes. As the performance began, Charles leaned in and provided some context.
“La Traviata is about a courtesan named Violetta, who falls in love with a young man named Alfredo,” Charles whispered into Alex’s ear as the first aria filled the hall. “It’s a tragic tale of love and sacrifice.”
“Like Romeo and Juliet?” Alex asked.
“More like a love affair with a heavy dose of reality,” Charles whispered back. “Violetta is dying of consumption, you see. When she meets Alfredo, she’s living a life of excess and decadence, but he offers her something she’s never had before: true love and acceptance. It’s a powerful story, and the music is absolutely haunting. It’s always been one of my favorite operas. I catch a performance of it every chance I get.”
“Well, I have no intention of dying of consumption,” Alex joked.
“No, I suspect you’re much more robust than that,” Charles said with a smile. “Despite your petite build.” He paused. “Might I suggest something rather…naughty?”
Alex felt her pulse quicken. “Oh, please do.”
“Why don’t you give me a blowjob, here, now, in this lovely box seat, while I watch the play?”
She licked her lips. “That,” she declared, “is the best idea I’ve heard all day.”
“Then, please.” He gestured at his crotch. “Impress me. Let’s find out if all those five star reviews I saw on your profile were telling the truth.”
“Oh, they were,” she assured him, getting smoothly from her seat and dropping to her knees. “And I’m about to show you why.”
With unhurried grace and practiced ease that belied her tender years, Alex unbuckled Charles’s pants and pulled out his cock. It was already semi-hard, and she wasted no time in making it rock-solid. She took him in her mouth, her eyes never leaving his as she began to bob her head up and down, her cheeks hollowing with each suck. The opera’s music swelled around them, a dramatic backdrop to their intimate performance. Alex flicked his tip with her tongue, stimulating his sensitive tip, and used her fingers to massage his balls.
The sound of the orchestra mingled with the occasional gasp from the audience below, which only served to make Alex feel more aroused. She felt like a secret starlet, giving a private show in this grand theater. She knew that the chances of anyone noticing them were slim, but the thrill of potentially being caught only added to the excitement.
“Finger yourself,” Charles commanded softly. “Finger yourself while you blow me, Alex. I want to see you play with that delightful pussy of yours.”
Alex’s eyes widened slightly, but she didn’t hesitate. She slipped her hand beneath her dress and found her already wet slit, her fingers sliding in and out with ease as she continued to suck him off. She strummed her clit like a guitar and slid her fingers in and out of her rapidly-moistening cunt, matching the rhythm to her bobbing head. She could feel the heat building in her own body, a crescendo of pleasure that grew with every stroke of her hand.
“I’m going to cum,” he said, in a strained voice. “Take every last drop, Alex. Do you understand?”
Alex nodded, eagerly. She felt the tension in his body, the way his thighs quivered slightly with the effort of holding back. She increased her pace, her hand moving faster on her own clit, her other hand stroking him in time with her mouth. She was so wet now, her own juices coating her hand, and she knew that she was going to cum soon too.
Charles hit his climax with a harsh grunt that he forced through clenched teeth. His cock erupted, spewing thick, sticky streams of cum down Alex’s throat. She took it all, swallowing with a grace that was surprisingly elegant for such a crass act, though her self-control was sorely tested when she brought herself to orgasm a few seconds later. Alex’s pussy squirted around her fingers, and she had to fight the urge to let out a squeal. She felt the warmth spread from her core, up her spine and into her brain, making her lightheaded. It was the kind of orgasm that made her want to collapse, but she remained on her knees, her hand still working her pussy, riding out the waves of pleasure as she continued to swallow his cum.
When he was done, she licked her lips and gave him a cheeky wink.
“That was tasty!” she said, panting a little. “But now it’s my turn. Take a seat.”
Alex turned around and bent over the chair, her dress hiked up to expose her ass. She wiggled it playfully, and Charles didn’t need to be told twice. He settled into the chair and pulled out his cock, which was already starting to harden again. Alex took a deep breath, then sat down on him, feeling his cock fill her up. She took a moment to adjust to the sensation, her pussy still pulsing from her recent orgasm.
The opera played out in front of them, the music soaring and plummeting in time with their own rhythms. Alex leaned back, her hands on the chair’s armrests, and began to ride Charles in earnest. She could feel his cock sliding in and out of her, and the friction was exquisite. She closed her eyes, letting the music wash over her as she moved her hips in time with the aria. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned, feeling him hit her G-spot like a bull’s-eye every time he pounded into. “F-fuck, that feels awesome,” she gasped.
“You’re so tight,” Charles murmured, his hands gripping her hips. “So, so tight.”
Alex’s cheeks were flushed, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she worked herself up and down on his cock. The opera’s crescendos matched their own, the passion on stage echoing their own. She leaned back into him, kissing him long and lewdly, and he eagerly reciprocated. His hands roamed over her body, squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples through the fabric of her gown, sending sparks of pleasure through her.
“Who’s a good high school slut?” he said in her ear. “Who’s a good little teenage whore, Alex?”
“I am,” she panted. “I’m your good little high school slut, your good little teenage whore!”
“And you love getting fucked, don’t you? Tell me what a dirty slut you are.”
Alex’s eyes snapped open, and she stared into the middle distance, her pussy clenching around his shaft as bright lights began zinging inside her head. “Yes,” she said, laughing a little as pure ecstasy and joy washed over her. “I love getting fucked. I’m a dirty, filthy slut, and I want to feel you fill me up with your cum like a fucking cum dumpster. My daddy would be so ashamed of me! He’d throw me out of the house, never talk to me again!” She ground her hips, taking him deeper and deeper. “But I don’t care, Charles! I do what I want.”
“You’re such a bad girl,” he whispered, stroking her hair. “But soo obedient and eager to please. I can feel you getting tighter, baby. You’re going to make me cum again. How much do you want it?”
“I want it so much,” Alex whimpered, balling her fists in his shirt helplessly. “Please, Charles, cum in me. Cum inside my slutty teenage cunt! Make me your dirty little secret!”
“Are you a bad girl?” he asked again, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Tell me, Alex. Are you a bad girl?”
“Yes,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper, but filled with a fierce determination that matched the glint in her eyes. “I’m a such a bad girl. My daddy would be so fucking heartbroken if he knew what I was doing. But here I am, taking your cock like a champ, fucking and sucking because it’s what I love. I’m a fucking slut who gave my virginity to a total stranger and had five guys gangbang me like a piece of meat. And now, I’m here with you, a guy three times my own age, fucking you in public.” She kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth. “And I love it. Every. Single. Second.”
Charles’s eyes glittered with amusement and lust. “Oh, that much is quite clear, I assure you.” He pounded into her like a jackhammer and Alex had to clap a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. “Nothing is better than a tight teenage pussy like yours. And your body is so sensitive, too! Some escorts need a lot of effort to make them get off, but not you.”
Alex felt her orgasm building again. It was like a volcano inside her, the pressure rising with every thrust. “Oh, God,” she moaned into her hand. “I’m gonna cum again! Help me Charles, I don’t want to make any noise!”
He reached around and slapped her ass, hard. “Do it,” he grunted. “I want to feel it. Cum for me, baby. Make that sweet little pussy spasm around my cock.”
Alex bit her lip, trying to keep quiet as the pressure built until she thought she’d burst. She threw her head back and with a silent cry, she came, her body shaking with the force of it. Charles followed suit, pumping her full of his hot, sticky seed, filling her up until she felt like she might overflow. His hand clamped around her throat as he spattered her insides with his cum.
“I’m going to do choke you out while I continue to fuck you,” he said firmly. “Have you ever had a client do that to you, Alex?”
Her eyes went wide with a mix of excitement and fear and shook her head. She didn’t trust herself to speak for fear of making too much noise.
“Then let me explain to you how it works,” Charles said, resuming the fast, hard pace of their fucking. He looked into her eyes as she bounced up and down on his shaft, their mingled juices dripping onto the floor beneath them as his cum trickled out of her. “When I choke you, your body reacts in a way that intensifies your orgasm. I will do this by clamping my hand around her throat, like so.” He wrapped his fingers around her slender neck. “When you are close to orgasm again, I will begin to squeeze, gently at first, then progressively harder. I will do this very carefully to make sure that you do not get hurt, but you will begin to see spots and struggle to breathe as less and less oxygen makes it to your brain. When you cum, the combination of sexual arousal and lack of air will make for an extremely powerful climax. You may very well pass out. Do you understand?”
Alex nodded. It sounded risky and potentially even dangerous, but she trusted Charles. His gentle squeeze around her throat grew tighter as the music swelled and their bodies moved in a silent symphony of their own. She felt her orgasm approaching again, and she leaned into it, her eyes never leaving his. He was in control, and she was fine with that. She felt safe with him, even as he pushed her boundaries further than any client had before.
Charles began to tighten his grip around her neck. He seemed to sense that she was going to cum again soon, and he applied greater pressure slowly, with exquisite care. At first, it wasn’t uncomfortable at all, but as she got closer to the edge, as she brought him closer right alongside her, Alex began struggling to breathe. She didn’t feel fear; instead, a strange thrill shot through her body, like she was riding a rollercoaster to the top of a steep hill. As it became more and more difficult to breathe, colored spots began dancing before her eyes. She tried to speak, but couldn’t even muster enough breath to croak. All she could do was look into his eyes.
Tighter. Tighter. His grip grew even tighter. Alex felt her orgasm approaching like a freight train, barreling down the tracks, unstoppable. Her eyes bulged slightly, her chest heaving as she tried to draw in air that just wasn’t there. The spots grew more intense, swirling around her vision, and she felt herself teetering on the brink of both ecstasy and total darkness. Blackness began to close in around her.
She came in utter silence and it was all the more powerful for it. Alex was utterly torn apart by the most powerful, wrenching, heart-stopping orgasm she’d ever felt in her life, the most world-shattering, mind-breaking climax of her escorting career so far. Alex would have screeched at the top of her lungs if they hadn’t been so starved for air, but instead, she could only manage a muffled whine. Charles shook her like a rag doll as he emptied the remainder of his cum into her.
It was all too much. Sensory overload combined with lack of air pitched Alex over the edge. She blacked out and went as limp as a noodle in his grasp, her eyes rolling back in her head. Charles made sure he emptied every last drop he had left into her nubile teenage body before he finally relaxed his grip and let her collapse against him. He made sure he held her tight, otherwise she would’ve fallen onto the floor in an undignified heap.
Charles waited patiently for Alex to come around. It took her a few minutes, but eventually consciousness returned to her. She gasped for air, her eyes flickering open as she groggily came to. He chuckled and petted her hair. “Good girl,” he murmured. “I knew you could handle it. Now, did you enjoy that?”
It took Alex a moment to find the strength to speak. “Yes,” she croaked weakly. “Oh, Charles…that was…that was…”
He chuckled, stroking her hair. “I know. It’s quite the sensation, isn’t it?” He reached down, gently stimulating her engorged clit. “Unfortunately, the play will be ending soon, and unless you want both of us to get slapped with a public indecency charge, we should make ourselves presentable before the curtain call.”
Alex nodded, taking a deep, shuddering breath as she pushed herself upright. She felt a little dizzy, but the feeling passed quickly. They both hastily tucked themselves back into their clothes, smoothing wrinkles and straightening ties. Alex’s neck felt sore and tender, but it was a fair trade for the incredible experience she’d had.
“So…what now?” she asked.
“Now?” Charles asked. “Now I take you back to my hotel and we pick up where we left off. If you are up for it, of course.”
A wicked grin made Alex’s normally innocent-looking face look anything but. “I’d like nothing more.”