Will sleep-walks through the day. At the forefront of every thought and every action at school is Mia. Mia, and only Mia. He has no idea what She’ll do with him or how long he’ll be with Her, but he’s positively certain he’ll, well, obey Her and be at the condo this evening.
For the first time he can remember he’s lied to his best friend Dan. He told him that nothing happened with his sister, and they just shopped. Dan is skeptical but doesn’t pursue it any further so Will doesn’t have to tell him anything more.
Returning home after his last class, he alternately fumbles around on his game console and ponders what to wear. By 4:00 he’s simply a ball of nerves. Throwing on a sports coat he got for prom over a black t-shirt and black jeans, he’s out the door.
Now, Will is driving through a new, trendy neighborhood. He ponders just how Mia can possibly afford this area, even with Her parents being fairly rich. Dan has said Mom and Dad have pretty much cut Her off because of Her wild lifestyle. ’Ohhh, gawd’ he moans at that last thought and touches his tense penis. He pulls to the curb in front of a sleek, modern structure. He sees Her Vette in the long driveway. A guy is working on the lower back deck, polishing feverishly.
Will checks the time, 4:55 P.M., heaves a nervous sigh and proceeds up the concrete’s slight incline. “Hi there,” he says to the guy, “Is Mia home?”
“Ms Mia,” he replies curtly, “will arrive soon. Please sit on the porch and be patient.”
“O.K., thanks.” Will trots up the short flight of stairs and sits in one of the chairs to wait. He waits and waits. At almost 5:30 a white stretch limo appears at the far intersection and slowly rolls up to the residence and stops.
Will’s pulse quickens and his aching genitals begin to throb. A large black guy who Will instantly realizes is Elba Morris, the star QB for State U. emerges from the vehicle. He offers up a hand and moments later, Mia steps out and into the brilliant sunlight. Will stops breathing.
Mia caresses Mr. Morris’ bald head then pulls him into a short but savage kiss before releasing him. He bows awkwardly and slips back into the limo. Obviously finished with that one, She surveys the front yard.
Will watches Mia, Ms. Mia, begin striding forward slowly, cautiously atop platform ankle boots with soaring stiletto heels. Every sensuous curve sways majestically. Her gait is impossibly suggestive. The sun glints off gold metallic leggings painted onto Her perfect form.
A luscious puffy sweater of pure white angora partially covers Her upper torso, but massive breasts are perilously close to spilling out of the scooped neckline. Eyes, made up dark and smoky, briefly glance up at Will before they fix on the car polishing guy. She fluffs up a full, thick mane of platinum, today, straight, ultra sleek and flowing below Her wildly undulating ass. Yesterday Mia was dazzling. This evening, She is erotically elegant. His cock rushes upward in surges.
Ms. Mia stops beside Her sports car and says curtly, “Stand.” The guy instantly puts down his cloth and lunges to an upright position. Will distinctly hears Her order, “I’m taking this new one to Playroom Two. Prepare number One for Elba for tonight.” The guy looks longingly at Her brilliance, bows his head and softly responds, “Yes, M’Lady.”
Will is completely overwhelmed by the last minute of Ms. Mia’s display of allure and dominance. Why has She allowed him, barely eighteen Will, to even be here? He’s so totally out of Her league, so unworthy of Her time.
In awe, he watches the towering goddess strut the short distance to him, eyes laser focused on his swelling bulge. His eyes hungrily take in Her brazenly revealing leggings. He can see a pussy slit and stiff clit etched into the glistening material. Quite obviously no under garments for provocative Mia this afternoon.
“Umm, commando,” She purrs, stopping within a foot of him, “Good boi, Willy.” Her hand gently touches his neck as She continues, “I can see you recognized My big, beautiful black plaything.”
“Ya, ya, yes,” he stammers, “Everybody knows him. H,he’s trans,fer,ferring, I thought.”
Mia steps closer, tenderly touching his neck as piercing, come-hither eyes rendering him helpless.
“He was,” She coos, ”till he met ME. Now the hot jock simply adores Me. He’d never think of leaving Ms. Mia. He shares all his NIL profits with Me. I share My body with him. Win-win, baby.”
Will is now speechless and quivering at Her closeness and the audacity of the Elba story. Leaning downward, She lays a slow, smoldering kiss on his dry lips and whispers, “Lets go to My playroom.”
They enter the sleek, modern condo arm and arm. The lavish foyer is furnished with erotic glass sculptures and ornate benches. Mia directs Will to one of the seats and orders, “Remove your shoes and socks, Willy-boi.” Her tone has suddenly changed to that which She used with the guy outside. He rushes the task as She poses over him, hands on hips.
“Jeans, boi!” He drops and steps out of them.
“Stand.” Ms. Mia is there, inches away, speaking hot, breathy words that flow into his brain, “You are so yummy, and I haven’t a lot of time to do you. So, Ms. Mia is going to take this,” Her hand wraps around his oversized, rock-hard member and She firmly tugs, concluding, “with Her!”
“Ohh, gawd, yes, yes,” the startled young lad moans in response. He senses that this is the wicked vixen that Dan has been warning him against. Yet, Will is already so far under Mia’s spell that he can only stumble behind Her.
They proceed through an all-white great room and into a hallway. His eyes are mesmerized by the bodacious golden bod swaying like a hypnotic snake just a few feet ahead. A door slides open, and She leads him into a small room done in vibrant shades of red. He knows this is Playroom Two.
He quickly looks around at the industrial décor, three studded metal walls, hanging wire grid ceiling and patterned steel floor which gives off a loud, reverberating sound as Her high heels strike it. The fourth wall is floor to ceiling mirror which reflects the vision of glorious Ms. Mia and her new plaything.
“Kneel here,” Her velvety voice echoes, long crimson nail indicating the floor a couple of feet in front of a striking, white leather lounge chair. Of course, he does. “Face the mirror.” He scoots around, while seeing Her slither over to drawers inset in a wall and retrieve a small mass of angora that matches her sexy sweater.
She returns, walking behind him and brushing across his shoulders with the delicate wool, sending shivers down his naked body.
“I adored having you do yourself for Me yesterday, so hot, so public, such a big load, such a virile stud you’d make,” She chuckles settling into the plushness of the chair. “Hands behind you.”
In the mirror he sees Ms. Mia slowly raise Her right arm, first, then Her left. With each extension, Her hand disappears into the angora and then each side of his head is engulfed in the downy splendor of a wooly glove. Then, She ever so slowly separates Her impossible long legs and extends them down each of his arms, placing a nasty boot alongside each of his hips. The metallic latex is warm and slippery.
Will is hyperventilating now in the electrified silence. Gazing up, his blurred eyes met Her seductive smirk in the mirror. Without a word, Ms. Mia slides Her hands, hidden in the whiteness of angora, down his chest, over his taut abs and around his oozing erection. The sensation is heavenly.
A hot, moist tongue runs flirtatiously around the rim of one of his ears as She begins long, leisurely strokes of his enormous erection. Never has he felt so exquisitely aroused. His whole body, his whole being tingles. Mindlessly, he longs for this passion to never end. Will groans like a new-born baby as the delicate fondling increases in speed and pressure. The stirring in his scrotum, as pained as it is, feels sublime.
“Ms. Mia wants you, Willy-boi,” is whispered into his ear as the head of his swollen cock is teased so lightly, his thighs tense and toes curl. He tips his head back, mouth opens and he frantically pants.
Her manipulations grow more forceful, driving him up to the very precipice of release. A swirling passion he’s never experienced before engulfs him. In this blinding euphoria, he hears Her ethereal command, “Cum, Cum, Cum.”
He surrenders. He obeys. He erupts. He cries out Her name, “Mia, Mia, Mia.” He is Hers.