“What’s this amazing thing you wanted to show me? Also, why aren’t you dressed yet?” Katie asked as she burst through the front door of Blake’s dorm room. The pair of twenty-year-olds had just started their junior year in college and had become somewhat close over the past two years, though Katie still saw Blake as nothing more than a friend.
“Katie, it’s the craziest thing! I dreamed that I could make wishes about other people to change them however I liked, but then when I woke up, I discovered I still could, like for real!” Blake’s eyes were wild with excitement, and he either hadn’t noticed or didn’t care that he was still wearing his pajama pants and undershirt.
“You’re so full of shit, Blake. You dragged me all the way over here at 9 AM for this?” Katie crossed her arms in incredulity and gave him a bit of stink-eye.
“No, it’s true! Here, watch!” He grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the window. “I wish that girl’s hair would turn red!” he said, pointing at a cute coed sitting on a park bench scrolling through her phone. To Katie’s amazement, the girl’s hair suddenly changed from dull brownish-gray to bright red! She had her hair pulled up in a ponytail, so she didn’t seem to notice that her hair had somehow become a lot more attention-grabbing in the span of an instant.
“What on earth!? How did you do that? What’s the trick?” Katie asked, her voice full of astonishment, but even so she was certain that this was all a weird ruse that Blake had orchestrated somehow.
“It’s not a trick! I already told you – when I woke up this morning, I could change people with my wishes!” He could tell from the look on her face that she still didn’t believe him. “Ok, you pick someone and tell me how to change them.”
Katie leaned out of the window and chose a pale, somewhat out-of-shape guy running shirtless down the street. “Fine! Give that guy a six-pack!”
“Ok, I wish that guy had a six-pack!” Blake said, and then added, “and a tan!” for good measure, and right before Katie’s eyes the jogger suddenly had visible abs and a noticeably darker skin tone. He must have noticed that something was amiss because he stopped briefly and looked down at his torso, surprised to see that his stomach was suddenly much trimmer than usual, before chalking it up to gains from his first week of exercise and continuing on his way.
The reality of the situation was now undeniable to Katie: somehow, Blake was actually able to make wishes that could change people.
“This is so cool!” Blake shouted. He danced around the room a bit as he pumped his fists in excitement, not noticing as his antics caused his dick to flop out of the front flap of his pajama pants in full view of a horrified Katie, who was still dazed by the implications of what she had just witnessed.
“Uh, Blake, you’re, uh, hanging a bit loose there,” she said, giggling a bit in her embarrassment at unexpectedly coming face to face with her platonic friend’s flaccid member.
“Oh, sorry,” Blake said, starting to put himself back in his pants, but then he had a better idea. “Actually, I wish you felt perfectly comfortable seeing my dick.” And Katie did. She instantly relaxed, and her gaze popped back up to Blake’s face, only casually glancing back down to his exposed penis every few seconds. After all, it was just a natural part of her friend’s body. There was no reason that seeing it should make her uncomfortable.
“What should I wish for next?” Blake asked, starting to get a bit turned on at just how easy it had been to make Katie ok with having his dick out in front of her like this. It began to swell just a little, sticking a bit further out into the open air as the implications of his new wishing ability sank in. He’d always had a slight crush on Katie, but he knew she didn’t feel the same way, and until now he was happy respecting her wishes. Now that he could make her into whatever he wanted, though, the temptation to take their relationship beyond platonic was growing incredibly quickly.
Katie casually glanced down at his slightly more prominent dick before continuing. “I dunno, Blake, this is all kinda freaking me out. I don’t know how I feel about you wishing that I was comfortable seeing your dick like that. I mean, I am comfortable seeing it, of course, there’s no question about that, but knowing that you’ve made me feel that way is kind of off-putting.”
“Aw, that’s unfortunate. I wish you wanted to hang around and let me change you with my wishes.”
“Well of course I want that! But only because you made me want it, you jerk! Now hurry up and wish for something already!” Even though Katie had been tempted to run out of the room in panic just seconds before, she now couldn’t deny the excitement she felt at the prospect of staying put and offering herself up to be modified according to Blake’s wishes. She knew her new feelings weren’t real – actually, come to think of it, she knew that they were real, beyond a shadow of a doubt – but her knowledge that this had been done to her without her consent did nothing to prevent her from feeling exactly as he had wished.
“Uh, ok, I wish your hair was blonde!”
As soon as his words had registered in her brain, the sandy brown curls Katie was used to seeing framing her face were suddenly much more vibrant. She hadn’t felt a thing. Katie knew that she should get out of there before Blake took his new power too far, but she really did want to hang around and let him change her, just as he’d wished she would. And so she stayed put, and Blake immediately took it too far.
She could practically see his hormones getting the better of him, and then he blurted out, “Uh, now I wish that you loved looking at my dick.” Well, of course she did, or she did now at least. It was just so perfectly shaped, and now that she was actively staring at it, it began to twitch and rise even further. Katie watched with rapt attention, loving the way it grew and thickened, standing out more and more proudly from his pajamas as Blake’s physical arousal clouded his brain with even more thoughts of sex.
“You love looking at my dick, don’t you?”
“Of course!” Katie responded automatically, feeling just how irrevocably true that statement was. She knew it hadn’t always been the case, and that as recently as a few minutes ago seeing Blake’s cock had made her incredibly uncomfortable, but now his dick was just so appealing that she couldn’t bring herself to look away. It wasn’t even a sexual thing – or not much of a sexual thing, at least – it was more like looking at art. Blake just had a nice dick, and Katie couldn’t deny that she loved looking at it.
She was again struck by a realization that she should leave while she still could, saddled only with an undeniable love of looking at Blake’s thick, pulsing cock whenever she got the chance. But it was so nice to just stand here and keep staring… Plus, she was still clearly affected by his first wish for her, and couldn’t wait to see what he wished for next.
“Would you like to touch it?” Blake asked with a cocksure grin.
“Yeah, you wish. I’m perfectly happy just looking at it, thanks,” she responded disdainfully. Men were such horndogs. All the while, her gaze was still entirely focused on his cock, which had finally reached full mast, and was giving a small twitch every second or so. Her eyebrows raised in time with each movement, eyes full of unmistakable interest.
“I do wish. I wish that the more you look at it, the more you’ll want to touch it,” he said, sitting down on the edge of his bed and leaning back so that his erect phallus was pointing straight up into the air from the hole in his pajamas.
Well that wasn’t fair at all, Katie thought. Blake had made her look at it in the first place, but even now she was already starting to feel the slightest bit of an inclination to walk across the room and maybe run just the tip of her finger along its length. For just a second, of course, just to see how it felt. His cock was so nice to look at, after all, an appealing juxtaposition of hardness and softness, powerful yet vulnerable, a twitching mast of Blake’s masculinity, and Katie couldn’t help but continue to stare, even knowing what it would do to her after Blake’s most recent wish.
Thirty seconds later Katie still hadn’t looked away, and her desire to touch his cock had continued to grow. Now she was imagining lovingly running her hands over it so that she could watch it jerk and dance playfully at the stimulation. She found herself absent-mindedly getting up and walking across the room to sit next to Blake on the bed, still gazing down into his lap as her hands twitched with anticipation.
“Here, I’ll help you out. I wish having a dick in your hands felt perfectly natural to you.”
Katie wanted to stop him, to keep his words from making her touch his dick, but he had already finished his sentence, and suddenly having a dick in her hand seemed like the most natural thing in the world. She immediately dropped her arm into his lap and began gently stroking his shaft, enjoying the feel of the soft, sensitive skin of his cock against her own soft fingers. She loved how comfortable it felt to be sitting here with a good friend, casually caressing his dick, and all the while her eyes continued to eagerly watch as his fascinating phallus enjoyed her efforts.
Even with his crush sitting here calmly giving him a handjob, however, Blake still wasn’t content. The heavenly feeling of Katie’s delicate hand wrapped around his cock only increased his need for sexual release, and he found himself seeking more intense stimulation as a result.
“I think you should suck it.”
She looked up at him in horror. “Blake, please, no! I don’t like blowjobs!”
“Katie, I wish you loved blowjobs.”
Sure enough, Katie suddenly found herself eyeing his cock with newfound hunger. It wasn’t even an “irresistible compulsion” or anything like that – she just knew all of a sudden that she loved giving blowjobs, and that she’d obviously love giving Blake one too. Still, just because she loved it didn’t mean she had to do it. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how much she wanted to suck his cock right now, and she also didn’t want to stop looking at it long enough to slide it into her mouth. All the while, of course, her hand continued to gently caress his dick, and she didn’t think a thing of it.
“I don’t care how much I love them – I’m not some slut who just goes around giving everyone blowjobs!” Katie countered indignantly, though secretly she was already looking forward to seeing how he’d change her next in response to her insolence.
“Katie, I wish you were a natural cocksucker who thought blowjobs between friends were perfectly normal.”
“I am a natural cocksucker!” Katie agreed matter-of-factly as she casually dropped to her knees between Blake’s legs, pulled his pajama pants down to his ankles, and eagerly slid his dick into her mouth. She missed looking at it, but it just felt too natural to wrap her lips around his thick cock to stop. Somehow she knew exactly what to do to give him the most pleasure, and she cupped her free hand around his balls as she took him deep, wrapping his cockhead in the slick skin of her soft palate and the back of her throat. She recalled how just seconds ago she hadn’t wanted to blow him at all, but after his wish she had realized that sucking cock was clearly her calling, and Blake was her friend, so why deny him?
Blake watched her work, and Katie glanced up and gave him a wink as she began to swirl her tongue along his frenulum. He was clearly enjoying the sensation and the view, but was struck with a sudden idea of how he could improve it.
“I wish it was second nature for you to pull up your shirt and bra when blowing someone.”
Katie was so focused on his cock that she hadn’t heard him properly, but even so she immediately used her free hand to pull up her stretchy top and bra so that her petite A-cups could be out in the open where they belonged.
“What are you doing with your shirt?” Blake asked, feigning ignorance to fully enjoy her reaction to this newest development.
“Oh, sorry, it just feels more comfortable for some reason to get my breasts out when I’m giving a blowjob. Sorry if it’s awkward, but try not to look. I know we’re friends and all, but I don’t really feel comfortable getting too sexual with you.”
“No problem, I understand completely. I just wish you enjoyed having your tits looked at.”
“Oh, I absolutely do enjoy it! I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea,” Katie responded. She was still a bit self-conscious about having her top pulled up, but with how right it felt to have her breasts on display, combined with how much she now enjoyed seeing people staring at her tits, she was also secretly hoping that Blake would steal a glance or two as she continued pumping her soft lips up and down his slick shaft.
Blake did steal a glance or two, of course, and Katie felt a small thrill whenever she’d look up from her blowjob to see him contorting to try to catch a glimpse of her naked torso, though she continued to act like she hadn’t noticed. With his legs and her head and arms in the way, however, there really wasn’t much for Blake to see, and, since her chest didn’t protrude far enough to hold her shirt and bra up consistently, Katie had to frequently pause her blowjob to expose herself again. The solution to these problems was obvious.
“I wish you had huge tits!”
Katie looked up at Blake in offended shock as her torso suddenly threatened to pitch forward with the weight of the enormous new globes now firmly attached to her otherwise slim figure.
“What the fuck? Why did you do that? I didn’t want bigger breasts!” As much as she enjoyed sucking Blake’s dick and looked forward to seeing him change her further, Katie knew that he had crossed a line, and angrily popped her lips off his cock in retaliation. As natural as it was for her to give her friends blowjobs, Katie still knew that you don’t suck a guy’s cock when you’re mad at him.
Now that his dick was back in her line of sight, however, she found herself helplessly gazing at it once more, and, after a few seconds of basking in its phallic magnificence, she also felt her hands instinctively stealing up to gently stroke and caress it, continuing to stare even as she berated Blake for giving her giant tits straight out of a horny teenager’s wet dream.
“I can’t believe you would do something like this to me! I thought we were friends!”
“We are friends!” Blake responded, taking advantage of the fact that her attention was focused on his dick to admire her new boobs. He loved the way they hung heavily from her naked chest, large, round, and obscene. Meanwhile, Katie watched with glee as Blake’s dick throbbed with increased need, even though she knew that his growing arousal was due to the pornstar tits he had forced her to have. “I didn’t mean to offend you!” Blake continued. “I just wish you liked them!”
“I do like them! It’s just that you should ask permission before doing something so… sexual to me!” Katie complained. But, with how much she wanted to get his dick back in her mouth where it belonged, his half-apology was enough to appease her for the moment, and she smiled with satisfaction as she calmly slid her tongue back along his shaft, reveling in her newfound dick sucking talent once again. She knew that it too was the result of Blake’s wishes, of course, but it just felt so comfortable having a nice, thick cock in her mouth to stimulate and suck on. And, despite her irritation at having been given new breasts without her permission, she still felt the need to give them a happy little shake for Blake’s benefit, enjoying the sensation of their surprising weight swinging back and forth as they dangled off her body. She really couldn’t help but like them. They were just so large and – she had to admit – sexy.
Still, there was no way her new knockers were going back into her tiny clothes. “Blake, my shirt won’t fit now! As much as I like my new tits, you should probably put them back,” Katie said more than a little regretfully.
“That’s no problem. I wish all of your clothes fit your body perfectly, clinging tightly to your figure and showing off your curves.”
Katie shifted uncomfortably as her pants suddenly felt a lot more snug against her hips and ass. This wasn’t quite what she had meant.
“I dunno Blake, I feel like this makes me look like a slut or something.”
“That’s because I…