What Happens When

"when psyche reaches out"

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Her fiery tresses

danced like a flame

a siren calling forth

hidden fantasies

captivating my

unsuspecting gaze

that dared to linger

and oh did I linger

upon her glorious form

Then she touched me

this goddess of life

touched me

I was lost

and I was found

I wanted only to kneel

and to worship

Do you know

what happens when

someone really touches you ?

Not just a light caress

or with a passing thought

but reached into your soul

Like whispers in the silence

hidden within a secret world

like life’s happy moments

conceived by togetherness

and the thought

of someone else

you can’t be without

When that desire comes

and fills my mind 

with thoughts of her 

When my body craves her

Where I can touch her deeply

Lose myself in her

Where my body

tingles with anticipation

Nothing can stop my 

thoughts from savouring

her again and again

Published 8 months ago

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