Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 53

"The final battle continues."

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Cat had found, while in the radio room, that it sat below the observation tower.

Emma and Paje had hoped to find a door leading to it from the floor above so they could avoid going through what Cat had just to learn where things were.

“I didn’t think you had much of a fancy for ladyfolk,” Paje teased as she caught Emma admiring her in the sheer blue silk dress showing off her ink patterns and underwear.

“I’m enjoying the outfit.” Emma smirked after her reply. “Maybe I can wear it back once we are done.”

Paje turned and took Emma into her arms and kissed her. Running her hands around the elf’s body she pulled her tight as she pushed her against the door. The taste of the elf’s tongue in her mouth, she turned the knob on the door and they stumbled into the room. After a moment they broke their kiss.

“Damn it, another empty office,” Emma mumbled.

“Oh yes… we will have to start kissing again at the next door.” Paje put on a playful pout. “Can’t they just guard the important doors? Would make them easier to find. This place is decorated like a palace, not a military base. You can’t tell what’s important!”

“They guarded the radio room. Maybe you can’t get in from up here.” Emma felt the hand on her bum remain as they went to try the next door.

Another office after yet another passionate kiss.

“I can do this all day. Had we the time.” Paje smiled and kissed Emma again, sliding her hand between the elf’s thighs.

Emma sighed in defeat. “I’ve had entirely too many men inside me today. Maybe I could use a cleaning.”

Paje grinned with desire and pushed Emma against the wall with another kiss with enough force that made them stumble as the wall gave way. The two women found themselves mid-kiss standing in front of several men manning their stations in the observation room.

“Oh, hello,” Emma squeaked out in surprise, having genuinely worried about being able to fake it.

“Two women together?! Just what is going on with you?!” the commanding officer shouted.

“We are so sorry.” Paje pulled Emma towards the door. “We will be going now.”

“And then we report you for indecency and trespassing! I don’t know who you two are but you are both in big trouble.” He started walking towards them.

Emma could tell he was going to make them an offer by the way he leered and walked. “Please, don’t report us. We will do anything!”

“Is that so? Yes, I suppose you two could use a reeducation on how women are supposed to act.” He smiled at his men before looking back at them. “You will stay here until we are done. After that, you can leave and nobody will know anything about it.”

Emma looked around the room, acting as if confused as to what was going to happen to her while covertly looking at what else was in the room. More radio controls, screens with wavy lines she didn’t understand, and a big glass window overlooking the docks running down the whole side of the city. Although she couldn’t see it from her angle, she knew it overlooked their docking pad.

Paje wasn’t thrilled at the idea of letting men who were blackmailing them get to enjoy themselves — but she was planning on doing worse to them as part of her mission. It was hardly going to be the least comfortable thing she had been ordered to do. She watched as the officer walked up to Emma and put his finger between her breasts, pulling her dress down to reveal them. As Emma attempted to recover herself Paje remembered that she also had to feign a reluctance.

“Now don’t go covering yourself! You are on display now. Let the men see so you can know who’s supposed to be touching them.” He moved to do the same to Paje. “These are made for men, you have to remember that. Once we are done with you, I dare say you will never touch another woman again. We will correct you.”

“Thank you, sir.” Emma tried to make herself sound forced.

He responded by grabbing her at the neck and pulling her up to kiss him as he leant over her. It wasn’t anywhere near as passionate as the kiss with Paje had been despite her preference for men. She felt him grab her by the breast with his free hand, crushing it in his grip as Emma squealed.

There were four other men in the room and they all approached Paje. With their commander setting the rules, they saw her as fair game. They first grabbed her by the breasts and pulled them to his mouth, forcing Paje to the balls of her feet as he did so. Another moved in behind her and pulled off her dress the rest of the way so she was only wearing the silk underwear. A hard slap across her bum made her yelp and immediately felt another on her other cheek.

Paje was bent over and watched as the man in front pulled himself out of his trousers. She resisted at first as he tried to put his manhood into her mouth but his hands forced her jaw open to admit him. As she took a deep breath she felt him fill her mouth down to her throat. She held him by the hands still on her jaw and tried to pull herself free as she felt her underwear pushed aside to let a pair of fingers enter her. The hand between her legs was clumsy and lacked the technique perfected by every woman aboard the ship. For better or worse, it didn’t last long as he soon replaced his fingers with his member, unable to wait any longer.

Emma had been pulled away from where she could hear Paje being attended to; she was made to straddle the commander in his chair. He had pulled his trousers down and she could see his hard shaft mere inches from penetrating her.

“Now, be a good girl and learn what to enjoy. This is proper. The harder you work now, the better you will feel after. Get it in there.”

Emma groaned, annoyed at the man, and slowly lowered herself to touch his tip with her flesh. She hesitated. The hand on her throat squeezed harder and she choked, pushing farther to feel him slowly enter her. Emma moved her hips back and forth, letting him get deeper with every attempt. It was hard not to get him as deep as possible as quickly as she could; she was certainly aroused enough not to need extra time to lubricate, but he was a patronizing boor and she had a role to play.

“That’s a good girl. Doesn’t that feel better? More natural. Having a man inside you. Lucky you, your friend is getting a harsher lesson. You should thank me.”

Emma looked at Paje, who was being shared by the two men on either end of her. The other forced her hands onto their shafts while they waited their turn. She looked back to the man inside her.

“Yes, sir, thank you for teaching me this way. Am I doing good?” Emma knew she could finish him in the middle of his reply that she knew would hardly be approving, but she needed to keep him distracted.

“You should be working your body harder. If you really were the way a woman should be, you would be moving faster on your own.”

“I’m sorry!” Emma started to work her hips faster and bounced her body with the hand still on her throat.

He groaned, enjoying her work, not knowing he should have lost his load already had Emma not been actively preventing him.


Ving was happy to see Mella giving Mari a hard pounding through the window as she snuck into her racer.

She looked up at the other window and saw a pair of women’s underwear pressed against the glass of the observation dome that would have been watching for her. That was the signal that Emma had everyone distracted. She powered up and took off, being sure to keep low.


Emma, despite her feelings for the man it belonged to, loved the feeling of the shaft crushing her insides every time she slammed herself down on it. Her screams stifled by the hand on her neck, a powerful climax made her little body shake in pleasure.

“That’s right!” he shouted, pulling out of Emma and getting out of his chair to put her on her knees. “Now take this!”

Emma had lost control of her magic during her climax and felt the hot seed hit her as it burst with force into her mouth. His aim was terrible as he got as much onto her face as anywhere. Stroking himself to get it all out, he used his tip as a brush to smear it around and Emma kept her tongue out to help him clean it into her mouth.

“Hungry for it, right? I told you!”

“I understand now. Thank you, sir. May I have more?” Emma wasn’t sure how long her distraction needed to last but judged it had probably been long enough.

Paje laid on the floor with her legs spread wide as two men held them apart for their friend to thrust into her. The others had put their seed onto her chest as she rubbed it into her skin like a lotion. The last had decided he wanted to seed her and as his load flowed into her the men cheered him on. She heard Emma ask for more and hoped the men had the energy for it.


Grey was happy at the victory, as short-lived as it would be if the sounds from the forest were any indication. The mechanical units were helping them rapidly repair their defences, but every minute brought the bulk of the enemy forces closer to them. Their air support had retreated out of range, not wanting to make it too tempting to fire at the small fleet of airships and the stubborn defenders despite the danger to the tunnel.

“I’d wager they will attack at dusk. The sun is in their eyes until the mountain blocks it.”

Grey nodded at his mother. “Without the fleet, our backup will be walking. I don’t think they would risk any ships for transport operations at this point.”

She nodded. “It will be a while before we see anything in the sky.”

A small racer craft came from just over the canopy of the forest and pulled upwards at the last moment to avoid hitting the mountain and screamed up its side.

“Aside from that one.” Grey smirked. “I wonder if she’s bringing good news.”


Liddy led the women back to the ship, the generals finding them far too distracting given the unexpected situation. She noticed Mari seeing off a blunt looking woman as she approached and simply smiled at Mari.

“Glad to see you found some entertainment.” Liddy looked around to make sure their escort remained on the docks as everyone gathered inside.

“Ving made the connection, I just distracted her while she did her thing. Speaking of which, where is Hannah?” Mari could feel the tension in the air once the doors were closed.

“She and Inky went off to find the girls we sent to find the local barracks or wherever the elite guard are. The fact they didn’t return would suggest they were successful.” Liddy smiled as she thought of just how they did so. “If they had run into the wrong kind of trouble our escort would have been somewhere else than our ship. It seems things have gotten to a point where we need to get more proactive.”

“What about Hope?” Mari couldn’t see her and tried to remember if she had already been told.

“She was invited to some local temple. Apparently, religion is almost expunged on this wretched city and the small few who practice wanted her to visit. She took her ‘relics’ with her.”

“Oh, then I am sure she is getting a chance to polish a few ‘relics’ of theirs,” Mari said with a smirk.


Hope was having flashbacks to the convent during her training where she had to polish all the relics with a small rag. The neglected temple needed weeks of work and she wondered why the priests had waited until she arrived to start. She thought that maybe they hadn’t noticed until they had a guest. Whatever the reason, she wasn’t doing what she wanted or what she needed to do, including rest.

“With all the troops outside in the battle, should we not be ministering to them?” Hope asked, startling the priests from their work.

“They hardly have any need for us. Most don’t believe in the divine anymore,” one finally replied.

Hope wondered if her salacious clothing was perhaps causing them discomfort. “I’ve yet to meet an injured man on a battlefield not desperate for any divine power.”

“We aren’t welcome all the same. Down below, only the poor souls of the Emberborn reach out to us.”

The other priest quickly added, “Yet we are forbidden from helping them.”

Hope knew a cover-up when she saw one. “You two aid them? How noble and brave.” Their confused and worried looks confirmed what Hope suspected. “Don’t worry, we all do things generally frowned upon by others. I travelled here on a ship of harlots and I must admit to indulging myself on many occasions.”

“You made no vow of chastity?” the men asked in unison.

Hope laughed. “Not in the slightest. I knew my limits as a mortal woman. Did you?”

“The women in our order did when we still had them, however we have not. We had assumed you had.”

“When was the last time you two indulged yourselves of mortal delights?” Hope could see both men were past their prime but not so far past that their robes couldn’t help but betray their sudden interest in her.

Just as she was tugging on her robes to show off her cleavage in the hopes her breasts would pop out, the door opened and admitted a younger man. Hope wondered if she would have even more fun — until she saw the look of panic on his face. Before anyone could ask him anything, their minds slow to adapt to the sudden intrusion, he spoke.

“There is word of disturbance down below! Rumour is that it’s going to turn into a riot.” He noticed Hope but paid her no mind as he talked, indicating how serious he thought things were.

One of the priests tried to calm him down. “There is no chance of that. Nobody down there would be foolish enough to start something like that.”

“Well, actually…” Hope started but didn’t get a chance to finish.

“They are already dispatching the Steam Knights to deal with them,” the newcomer explained, as if the fight was already over.

“What are those?” Hope asked, eyeing her armour and weapons hidden in the bundle she brought.


The crowd had grown large enough to attract the attention of armoured enforcers. They stood in formation holding barbed batons and spiked shields. Wearing hard leather armour, they looked ready to break any riot, and Foxy could see and hear that many were reluctant to charge them. She held the solution to both problems.

Her shot took out the leader of the enforcers and caused the rest to back off a few steps. Her next along with one from Ela broke their lines completely as they ran, unable to do anything else.

The mob was startled by the shots but saw that the enforcers were on the run. None survived when the mob caught up with them.

“Well, that worked,” Easy commented as she tried not to look at the butchery down the wide metal hall.

“We needed chaos. Now we have it,” Foxy replied, her rifle lowered but ready. “This is going to spread quickly. Our job is to help settle any snags that catch along the way.”

“They have to have at least some military force left in the city. That should be our concern.” Vile had fire in her eyes, burning with the intensity of her desire to punish those who kept the Emberborn slaves in the metal bowels of the city while working them to death.

“Agreed,” Foxy said with a nod. “We just have to find out where they are.”


“How are we going to find our soldiers if we can’t find the soldiers we sent them to find?” Hannah asked as she studied the luxurious surroundings in the hallway.

“Any door here can be to the throne room or janitor’s closet. It’s like they wanted everything to be as tastelessly decorated as decadently as possible.” Inky agreed and wondered why there was never any foot traffic in the halls. “Where is everyone?”

“Duty stations?” Hannah offered. “Servant halls?”

“Servant halls probably have maps or labels,” Inky joked.

There was a hurried set of feet that stalled Hannah’s laugh. A man in uniform holding a paper was rushing in their direction and Hannah pegged him as a runner. He stalled upon seeing them.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” he asked in a rush, but not about to ignore the attractive trespassers.

“We are looking for our friends. They went off to find some soldiers to entertain themselves and we are here to find out where they went.”

“Go back to where you came from. I will send them on when I see them.”

As he moved past them to carry on, Hannah and Inky fell into step with him. Since it was also the way they had come the runner didn’t make an issue. When he stopped he did notice they had stopped with him.

“Carry on,” he urged.

Hannah looked at the door and couldn’t tell how he knew it was the right one and sighed. A quick jab hit the man in his throat, causing him to stumble, and Hannah reached out for his head to throw him over her body. As he hit the floor, his weight along with her grip caused a brutal snap as Hannah twisted her hold. His broken neck left his head at an odd angle when it was allowed to rest on the floor.

“I’m not hiding that,” Inky commented as she looked for anyone else.

“Fine, you go inside and look for the girls.” Hannah opened the message the runner had been carrying. She read it aloud. “Massive riot. All Steam Knights are ordered to deploy immediately.”

“Sounds like the other girls are doing their job.” Inky smirked as she went through the door, leaving Hannah to clean up.

Hannah looked around and hoped one of the other doors led to an empty room.

Inky found herself in what looked like a harsh metal gallery of combat automatons — until she spotted one facing away with its back open to allow the inspection of the man working on it.

“You wouldn’t happen to be missing a number of your men, would you?” Inky noticed he was alone.

The man was surprised, first to hear and then see a woman, then again when she had known what had gotten him so frustrated.

“How did you know?” He had the look of a man trying not to be taken in by a beautiful woman while wondering if it was a trap.

Inky smiled flirtatiously. “I am missing some of my girls.”

He sighed, finally figuring out why his men had not been with him inspecting their equipment. “The showers.”

“Ah.” Inky wanted to avoid telling him she sent them specifically to find soldiers and acted as if she was also relieved at the news. “I told them to find the showers.”

“I suppose I can understand that. But we are also on alert. They should be checking their suits.”

“Suits?” Inky didn’t need to act as she was genuinely curious. “I thought soldiers wore uniforms.”

He smiled. “It’s what we call these.” He tapped his hand on the suit he had been inspecting. “They are like armour but powered with an Ember charge. Mechanical muscles that make you stronger and let you carry much bigger weapons into battle.”

Inky got closer to him and leaned over to wink. “I suppose your men are telling my girls all about their big guns, aren’t they?”

“I’m sure they are. Personally, I prefer using big swords to….” He paused. “I forgot what I was going to say. I don’t suppose you have the other half of that sentence.”

Inky grinned at his clever words and blushed as she replied. “I’m afraid I am terrible with words. I prefer hands-on topics.”

“I like these topics.” He audaciously gripped Inky by her breasts.

“Well, that’s a relief. Though I doubt they would fit in your suit there. Might need to squeeze them more tightly to make it work.” Inky wanted to get him talking about the suits and felt his hands grip harder.

“Oh, you would fit just fine inside one of them. They fill the padding with air and it shapes to your body. Makes movement easier to detect and respond to.” He turned her around to press his chest against her back, resuming his grip on her breasts. “Getting inside one of these makes you feel powerful.”

Inky held herself up on the open suit, feeling him lift her dress up and over her head so only her white lace covered her. “I always thought men felt powerful getting inside softer things. It won’t turn on if I touch it, will it?”

“No,” he replied as he gripped Inky by the chin and made her look into the headspace. “That yellow bar, it closes the suit and turns on the power. Activated with your mouth if nobody is around to turn the wheel on the back manually. It also releases the hatch so you can’t get sealed in.”

“I can do a lot with my mouth.” Inky felt his shaft rubbing between her thighs against her lace underwear.

He pushed Inky to her knees, then leant her head backwards and slid himself inside. It thrilled him to watch the tip of her tongue work over him as his bulge moved through her throat. His jumpsuit was getting in the way so he finished taking it off as Inky took a breather.

Inky was on her hands and knees when he came back to her and she took him in both hands, running her tongue up and down his manhood. Knowing how long to tease for, she stopped as she felt him throbbing. Letting him go, Inky got into the suit as if to wear it except she pulled off her panties and stuck out her bum. She moaned as he once again teased her between her thighs and moved her hips to stop him from teasing anymore. She felt him sliding inside just as Hannah suddenly found herself hiding another body.


Hannah froze as she heard another voice in the hall, again asking what she was doing there.

“There are two men in that room together on the floor,” she replied as if shocked by the scandal.

Equally shocked, the man ran over to verify. Hannah sighed, the young soldier was much more handsome than the older general who’d caught her last time; she followed him inside.


“It’s a shame you can’t remove the codpiece and use this suit to thrust. I like feeling power between my legs.” Inky moaned hard as his savage thrusts rose to the challenge she laid down.

Inky enjoyed the test of learning her way in the suit while enduring her so-called punishment. She was confident that any of the girls could fit, or at least any of the ones she had close by. Her body shuddered in climax as she determined the operation of the suit was simple enough to manage. Maintenance wouldn’t be an issue; they would just ditch them when they were spent. She was pulled out and remained impaled on the shaft as she was put back onto her hands and knees with her inky black hair held tight as the thrusts continued. Her face would have been pummeled into the metal flooring had his grip not kept her body lifted. Her breasts had come free of her bra and bounced with every thrust.

It was the sight of Inky’s partner finally spilling his seed into her that greeted his men who were being escorted by the women.

Hannah burst through the other door with her legs wrapped around the man holding her; she had decided he was worth a different manner of distraction. They carried on while the others watched, and the men laughed as he passed Hannah shackles to bind him to one of the hanging chains on a rail meant to move heavy parts. Her dress was lifted off so her red lingerie was open to being traced with his tongue. It was too much for him and he burst suddenly, much to the critical judgement of his peers.

“I dare any of you to shackle yourselves and last inside me!” Hannah shouted back, still working her hips and eyeing Inky on the floor.

“I can go again,” Inky added, knowing as well as Hannah how to taunt soldiers into doing something stupid as a competition.

The men quickly found whatever they needed to restrain themselves all over the room so as to get ready for the challenge. Hannah and Inky shared a look that confirmed they had what they needed.

“That opens the bay doors, right?” Inky asked the commander who nodded, confused. “Alright girls, tutorial time!”

As Inky ran them through the operation of the suits, the men finally clued into what they were doing. Tossing their dresses onto the men they had enjoyed the most, the girls got in their suits. By the time the girls were buttoned up and testing their movements, the men realised just how much trouble they were in. Their protests were ignored.

When the bay doors opened, nobody could tell the squad was operated by women in lace.


Tonna slithered her way through the hall full of statues. The enforcers that had been caught in her gaze were now frozen in various poses of alarm and action. She had been going back to the gigantic engine room she had started in when they had noticed the reinforcements. It had been fun for her to bounce off the walls and move quickly about with her powerful tail; the combination of acrobatics and turning men to stone made for top-tier entertainment.

When she returned to the engine room, she noticed the fight had moved deeper into the labyrinth of machinery and she followed the carnage. Tonna was wondering where her friends had gotten to in the chaos of battle — and knew something was wrong when the Emberborn workers started running towards her.

“Where are you going?!” she tried to ask, but was only urged to run in reply.

Tonna could hear strange noises following them and pushed herself up over a storage tank to see armoured enforcers moving in with strange rifles. Their reflective visors bothered her. When one had noticed her head above the storage tank, she couldn’t turn him to stone! Unless the entire squad was female, none were affected when they all noticed her!

Tonna ducked as the blue beams struck the metal around her. It seemed odd that nothing seemed damaged where they hit, yet when one caught a poor soul who had tried to run with her distracting them, he exploded into gore — save for the human parts of him.

“We’re dead,” whimpered a voice Tonna didn’t realise was behind her.

Tonna flung her tail to crush an enforcer against the deck before he could fire. “What kind of gun is that?!”

“They call them rectifiers. They disrupt magic. So when it hits an Emberborn, it takes away their animal parts.”

Tonna was horrified, looking at her snake body. She wasn’t sure quite what organs wern’t human but knew she certainly couldn’t survive their loss. Not to mention how much of her head would be gone if the snake hair was blasted away.

A mighty roar sounded and the flames consuming the area told Tonna who had just entered the fray.

“Don’t let them shoot at all! Magic won’t stop the shots!” Tonna tried to yell, but the noise of the battle mixed with Vile’s furious bellows made her doubtful her friend heard the warning.

She looked around the corner. Vile was using fire to blind them or at least they were blinded — by the fire intentional or not. Yet Tonna could see not everyone was close enough to be bothered by it. One tried to line up his shots but either missed or hit one of his friends that Vile had been tossing around. Tonna rushed, skirting the edge of the flames as he reloaded, but she wasn’t fast enough.

“Anyone else want some?!” Vile bellowed, looking around, panting and exhausted. Despite her bravado, her flames faded.

Tonna looked and saw Vile realise the man aiming at her was too far away, that her power was too weak.

“Run!” Vile shouted, happy to have her last act in life to be saving a friend.

Tonna bolted as the shot fired.


Seven suits of steam knight armour plodded along the surface of the train city. They approached one of the radar masts and took up position. There they waited until another seven suits came into view, their movements clumsy and the paint splashed on each suit to mark it with an ‘H’ was wet and running. The squad leader raised his sword to signal his men to fire. Before he could bring it down, it was smashed with a burning mace.

Hope had barely made it in time.

She lashed out again at the suit, grunting with the effort of striking solid metal. Gunfire erupted around her as shots came from her friends, hitting the soldiers trying to return fire and get to grips with the enemy closest to them.

Dueling their leader was an interesting challenge for Hope. He was nowhere near as slow as she expected and his sword struck hard. All her divine magic and prayer were needed to empower her and keep her defences up. Her armour had deflected several glancing blows but she knew a direct strike would hurt badly.

Hope crouched low under a swing and rolled away to line up her shot. She doused the whole squad with holy fire from her mace. Not because they were undead but because heat was heat and machines generally hated it.

“Damn it!” Hope cursed.

While her attack had been distracting, it hadn’t even cooked off the ammunition they were wearing. A more intense heat would have been needed and Hope wondered what Vile was doing at that moment. Instead, Hope got the other half of the relationship as Inky used the fire as a chance to run in close and take a swipe at the enemy commander. Her cut was low and damaged the knee forcing him to kneel. That kept him in place long enough for Hope to turn her mace into a flail and build more momentum when she brought it down right on his head.

The strike crushed the helmet along with the skull of the man inside.

Their leader dead and because their guns were made for killing unarmoured troops with explosions, not other knights, the surviving men started to back off.

Hope and Inky didn’t give them any time to breathe. Explosive rounds, even when they hit Inky directly, did little more than knock her off balance. Hope, protected by a divine shield, suffered even less as the rounds curved off into the distance.

The other girls turned their guns on the radar masts. They knew they couldn’t destroy them but there were components sensitive enough to render the whole array useless until someone fixed them. That would take time, and hopefully the workers were in the middle of rebelling. Several more arrays would have to be taken out to put their whole system out of commission.


Ving was crammed in her racer after returning to the ship. Laurel greeted her as she came aboard with her rifle. She wanted to go look for Hannah but knew that wasn’t her role to play.

Lifting her racer back into the air after waving to Liddy, Ving aimed upwards into the smog. There were two new switches next to her. One sent a special signal back to their lines at the tunnel, letting them know she was starting the attack. She switched it on and heard the radio squawk some tones before turning off.

Ving toggled the switch again just to be sure as she entered the black smog and her vision disappeared. That’s when she hit the second switch. Suddenly, the complex array in front of her lit up as the thermal sonic lens Ravon Dex had installed powered on. With the current running through it, everything that made heat or noise came into view as if there was no smog at all.

“This is where the fun begins!” Ving smirked as she opened fire on the first shepherd ship she spotted.

Her cannon coughed a round right into the engines, causing it to drop out of the air like a doll with its strings cut. As she brought her nose around to find another, Ving fired into any ships that crossed her field of view. She knew the kind of chaos it would cause. Blind and under attack with no way to correct their positions, they would be forced out of the smog or even cause panic fire.

Another shepherd ship went down as a round went through a window and Ving could see bursts of heat as other ships started to fire blindly. Seeing them clearly, she could stay out of their fields of fire while taking potshots to ruin any chance of them calming down.

“What’s going on?” Laurel asked, reminding Ving that she couldn’t see what was happening.

“Panic fire. They are moving around and I think two of them are about to crash,” Ving replied, thrilled that Hannah’s plan and the lens were working so well.

Ving wondered why he had even brought it along when he brought the army, but Hannah had insisted that he was the kind of man to bring it just in case he wanted to look at her again.


Vile dropped the bloody ruin of the enforcer over the railing. She had covered the distance between them before he could ready another shot after his first had been intercepted by Tonna putting herself in between them. Vile had seen the giant snake body explode in a burst of light that fizzled into nothingness and hadn’t looked back since. Inwardly she cursed herself for the group getting split up in the chaos, for not seeing the threat sooner, for not doing anything else differently that could have saved Tonna. As she fought to keep control and not sink to her knees in tears, she heard maniacal laughter behind her. Vile turned.

Sitting in ill-fitting silk was a raven-haired woman giggling as she kicked her feet in the air.

Vile moved closer, not quite believing her eyes.

The woman noticed her. “Feet! Feet!” she shouted.

Vile guessed, but couldn’t say anything. She was still processing.

“My lower arms! They were my legs this whole time! That thing disrupted the magic in my curse!” Tonna shouted ecstatically.

“You didn’t die?!” Vile finally spoke, sinking to her knees in tears.

“No! I thought I would but I was never actually an Emberborn. It makes sense NOW of course, but I wasn’t even thinking when I jumped in the way. Look at my feet!” Tonna excitedly waved her feet at Vile, not quite ready to try walking on them. Instead, she pressed them against Vile’s breasts to jiggle the massive red mounds.

Vile scooped Tonna up and carried her out of the battlefield and into a dusty office that had been trashed at some point but didn’t contain any bodies. She felt a small tongue exploring the exposed skin of her breasts and looked down to see Tonna coming to grips with her human mouth.

Tonna felt euphoric. Tasting Vile with a new tongue –which was actually her old one, and ran it over the red flesh felt strange and new. Her legs kept moving strangely as she tried to use them like her lower arms but ended up kicking Vile at the thighs instead of helping grip the massive breasts. With her snake body, she had taken truly massive Emberborn men inside her. Now she felt a single tail pressing into her like she was losing her virginity all over again.

“I feel so small now!” Tonna giggled as the tail reminded her she had hardly been a virgin before her curse.

“I like you this way. A little something like this and–” Vile didn’t bother finishing her sentence as her tail flicked inside Tonna and made her scream.

“I feel like I can’t do enough for you.” Tonna moaned. “I don’t have enough hands and not enough room inside me.”

Vile shut her up with a kiss and slid her demon tongue down the tiny human throat that no longer had a jaw that could unhinge. Her other tail wrapped around the breasts that had been so much larger before but were certainly still well-endowed for a human. Vile teased her nipples against the human breasts, feeling somehow better knowing they were the original. Once Vile had forcefully torn a climax from Tonna, knowing they couldn’t take too long, she pulled out her tail flipped her upside down to taste her friend’s human womanhood for the first time while Tonna tasted hers.

Tonna licked at the tails entering Vile, mixing her juices with the demon’s, and flicked her tongue against the large button of pleasure. Having a normal-sized tongue meant she couldn’t slide it deep within anymore and had to do what it was best for. The powerful legs quivered, and Tonna finally clued in that Vile was trying not to waste time. She gorged herself on the climax as another shook her own body.

“We need to teach you to walk again.” Vile set her down right side up.

“Right! Because nothing gets a girl walking steady like two rapid-fire climaxes.” Tonna snorted.

“Oops.” Vile apologized without a hint of guilt.


In the sky above the train city of the Steam King, airships emerged from the smog to get clear of the attacker within and avoid any more friendly fire. As they did, their relief was short-lived.

Out of the sun came a hail of incendiary bullets as dozens of small craft roared in and opened fire on the newly revealed targets.

The spotters on the ships struggled to explain the small craft with only a single engine and a few sets of wings to their officers. Their gunnery crews hadn’t any hope of targeting something so small, and what small arms fire came from open windows was met with the heavier return fire of the tail gunners. The fighters couldn’t expect to take down the ships without a lucky shot, but they kept them distracted, as was the plan.


“They say there is a riot,” Elgon fearfully muttered through his snout.

“They don’t matter. We got told to fix the masts, so we fix the masts. Riots get put down and the cycle repeats.” Slonen stomped his hooves to end the conversation.

“What if they broke the masts? What if we walk into something?” Elgon ignored or didn’t notice his friend’s irritation.

Slonen gripped the lever on the elevator tightly, trying not to lose his temper. “We are the only ones who come up here. A riot certainly won’t. Soldiers won’t. It’s the roof of the city. Just be happy we get to see daylight.”

The elevator stopped at the top level and opened up to the surface of the train city. The mast they had come to fix had been trashed with explosive rounds. However, neither of the men noticed as their hope for sunlight put their attention on the sky where they witnessed the battle raging overhead.

“How did you get the pirates to come out and help?” Inky asked as she wiggled her way out of the drained armour.

The men looked down at the source of the voices. They saw the steam knight armours pop open and from them emerged women in expensive-looking underwear.

“Amnesty. Give them all a ticket out and the piracy stops. They will fly under my banner and train up a whole new air fleet in time,” Hannah replied as she relished the cool air on her skin.

A dropped toolbox brought their attention to the horse man and another who looked like a bat.

“If you are here to fix the masts, we can’t let you,” Hannah informed them while eying them up. “We are actually here to free you. What are your names?”

The men were still processing the sight of the women, however their trousers weren’t waiting to show their reaction.

“You girls had your fun in the locker room, I just had a quickie,” Hannah informed her friends as she approached. “You men look like you need a good day. Will I do?”

“But you are human!” Slonen remarked, yet doing nothing to stop Hannah from unfastening his toolbelt.

“And you are a horse man. Perfectly allowed to do whatever you desire to a willing woman like me.” Hannah turned to Elgon. “How about you?”

“I’m… bat man.” he stammered.

Hannah smirked but started to wonder if they really hadn’t been given any names as slaves.

“Slonen, and he is Elgon,” came the answer from the horse-man who looked at Hannah’s breasts with desire.

“Go on, touch them,” Hannah insisted as the sounds of battle above them carried on.

The meaty hands gripped the breasts firmly as he looked at her face for approval; he saw her eyes roll in pleasure as she moaned. He let himself be undressed by the human, only letting go of her to get his arms out of the sleeves. Fully revealed, his massive shaft pressed against Hannah’s belly even while they still stood apart by a pace.

Hannah was thrilled at his size and imagined housing it inside her. Not to ignore the other man, she turned to undress him. The hefty shaft slid between her thighs as he rubbed it against her in anticipation. She could see that Elgon was much more reserved, bats not being facially attractive, but Hannah was impressed as she found out his endowment was nothing to be shy about. She bent over, sliding her underwear off as she opened wide to admit the bat into the cavernous oral opening. The taste of him sliding over her tongue helped ensure that the pressure between her legs would be as lubricated as possible for when it made its grand entry.

Inky rubbed herself as she watched her friend struggle to accept the massive horse man member inside her. She had witnessed Vile take bigger, but Vile was built for it where Hannah was lucky the man wasn’t quite so big. Her fingers penetrated her womanhood with each thrust Slonen took to inch himself deeper into the redhead.

Conna and Astra helped flip Hannah over; they wanted to see the bulge in her belly as it was made to accommodate the man within. They also held a leg each and felt Hannah grip between their legs for support, penetrating them as well. Each woman fondled their own breasts as they watched Hannah struggle.

Hannah was certainly no amateur at taking large men deep into her body but felt tested to the limit. Another climax made yet another inch possible as the pleasure nearly outweighed the pain. Her legs held wide, the powerful hands on her bum and hip moved her body and the member with it. Feeling it slide out came with relief, then the pleasure of its forceful return, getting a bit deeper each time as it was covered with her pleasure. Her breasts bounced with each thrust and the lack of air with the man in her mouth made it even more intense. She felt like a toy, used past its limits, about to burst — but it was the man putting his seed directly into her womb that burst first. Hannah climaxed as the throbbing of the seed pumping into her stimulated her body like nothing else and screamed as the bat-man pulled out of her mouth to put his seed onto her breasts.

Slonen fell to his knees, still holding Hannah, while still inside her. Her friends had let her down and she straddled him as he continued to fill her with his seed. It poured out of her with force as he injected still more into her. He didn’t care about his friend’s seed as he held her breasts to his face as he slowly finished his climax. Falling backwards, she moved with him until her breasts and hair hung over him.

“If we didn’t have somewhere else to be, I would want to go again. Come find me later. You will know where.” Hannah smirked as she kissed him.


Ving had been hovering above the city, only a few meters up, watching.

“Well, damn,” Laurel commented, looking over her shoulder.

Ving still working her fingers inside her own body. “That’s my woman.” She moaned as she watched Hannah slowly pull herself off the horse man, aroused by how long it took for him to pop out of her.

“Shit, he filled her up good.”

“Hopefully that means I get to taste him in her later.” Ving shuddered again in climax.

Published 8 months ago

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