A Femme Domme Tale Ch. 7 Part 1

"Greta and Chris continue their explorations."

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Edith slapped his stomach hard, and he let out a little groan. “That tongue had better be deep in my ass, or else,” she growled. 

“Don’t make me put you back on the rack,” I added for good measure. A little smile broke across my mentor’s face when she heard my little quip. 

Before Edith called and invited me to participate in this spur-of-the-moment Sunday-evening session I had spent the time since our scene with Karen the night before assessing my own reactions and feelings about what had transpired. I’d anticipated the session being with George, and I’d initially been discomfited by the switch in submissives, but I’d definitely enjoyed co-dominating Karen. I’d learned some things that would enhance my control of Chris, but I’d also realized how I needed to manage our growing relationship with Liz. I loved her as a friend and as a submissive, but I knew I wasn’t in love with her and I needed to keep my emotional distance and prevent her from thinking she and I could have an exclusive relationship except for my husband. So when Edith asked me to join her for this scene with her male sub, I was more than ready for it.  

We were about two hours into a very intense session with one of Edith’s submissives. He was on his back and his hands were restrained to the large oak bed in her playroom. She was mercilessly riding his face while I was between his open legs.

I humped my hips forward, sending the long, thick, strap-on dildo deeper into his ass, and he emitted a low, deep groan. His open legs showcased the deep red welts I’d put on his thighs earlier with one of Edith’s floggers. The crimson-colored lash marks were just slightly more severe than the ones I’d put on his stomach and back.

I heard muffled slurping sounds emanating from between Edith’s legs as she continued to mercilessly ride his tongue. “Keep it in my ass, nice and deep,” she said while her fingers began to furiously rub her clit.

Taking me by surprise, she leaned forward, pulled me to her, and gave me a deep, hard kiss. Her tongue slid into my mouth, and suddenly her breathing changed and her body began to climb. Edith’s tongue slipped out of my mouth and her body convulsed violently as her orgasm overwhelmed her. 

I looked down and noticed his testicles were turning a deep shade of blue from the small piece of leather that was latched tightly around his sack. Even though this type of ball torture was common, I didn’t have any experience with it and I trusted Edith to know how far to let it go so it didn’t cause our submissive any permanent injury. I continued to drive the big phallus in and out of him as hard as I could, which produced muffled moans and grunts from between Edith’s legs.

“I bet you’re ready to come for me, aren’t you, little boy?” she said menacingly. 

I heard a few garbled moans. I couldn’t be certain, but my best guess was he’d answered in the affirmative. She reached down and began stroking his cock. Instantly, his breathing changed as his body began to climb. 

I knew he was just seconds away and I drove the cock into him to the hilt and held it there, putting maximum pressure on his prostate. Edith gave me the signal and I reached down and unsnapped the clasp on the leather strap, allowing normal blood-flow to return to his testicles. 

“Oh, God … oh, God … oh, fuck,” he screeched after Edith slid back several inches and was no longer impeding his ability to speak. 

Thick ropes of semen sprayed onto her breasts and stomach, effectively coating her upper torso with his seed. A full minute elapsed as he struggled to regain his breath. I slowly moved backwards, which removed the large phallus from his now obscenely gaped asshole.

Edith untied his hands, and as if on cue he climbed into her waiting arms and began licking his come from her breasts and stomach as she lovingly ran her fingers through his hair and held him like a small child. It was one of the more interesting and shocking scenes I’d experienced since entering the lifestyle.  

Just as he took her nipple into his mouth and began to suckle, our eyes met and she gave me a little nod. I slipped out of the bed, which gave them privacy and allowed her to provide him some aftercare.

– – – – – 

After removing the strap-on harness I collected my corset and thong and put on my trench coat. Even though I was fully covered, I felt deliciously naughty knowing I was naked under the long coat. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the small refrigerator in her playroom and made my way towards her office. 

When I opened the door, I saw Geoffrey standing at attention next to her desk. “Would you like a drink, Ma’am?” he asked in a shaky, uneven voice.

“Jack Daniels, neat,” I replied after taking a seat in the chair in front of the desk. 

I watched as his unsteady hand poured the whiskey into the glass and my eyes slowly traveled over his body. He was wearing skin-tight white Spandex boxer shorts that accentuated his sizable basket and the large gold hoop rings were prominently displayed in his pierced nipples. As my eyes traveled upward I noticed his dark, shoulder-length hair, which seemed to shine in the moonlight that was coming in through the large window behind him. As he stood before me, he could only be described as beautifully handsome.

“H-h-here you go, Ma’am,” he stammered while handing me the glass. 

“Do I make you nervous?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Why, boy?”

“You … I … I …”

He was so anxious his brain could barely form words. Still, I wanted to mess with him a little. “You’d better find your tongue, and quickly, boy.”

He took a deep breath and attempted to calm himself enough to speak. “I see what you do to those submissives, how you use them, how you break them, how you …” His voice trailed off and he looked down, unable to meet my intense gaze.

“And you want to experience that for yourself?”

He quickly looked up into my eyes. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“You’re not mine, Geoffrey, I don’t have a say in what your Mistress allows you to experience.”

“It’s just … you’re so beautiful … maybe you could … you know … talk to her for me …”

I took a sip of my drink. “It’s not my place, you’re her property. This is something you need to discuss with her.”

“Yes … but–” He was cut off by a voice that came from behind me.

“You’re a house slave, and you’re not ready to be used in the way you’ve seen us use others.”

I turned and watched Edith walk into the room. The look of shock on his face from being in the presence of his Mistress was quickly replaced by one of dejection when he heard the answer to his request. “Yes, Ma’am,” he said solemnly.

“Now leave us,” she snapped. We waited while he expeditiously left her office and closed the door behind him. Edith sat at her desk and poured a drink from the bottle. “I want to thank you again for agreeing to this session on such short notice, I really appreciate it,” she paused for a moment, “he’s one of my best clients and it really does mean a lot to me.”

“It was no problem, really.”

She reached inside her desk, pulled out a thick envelope, and slid it over to me. After taking a sip of her drink, she exhaled deeply and our topic of conversation turned to Geoffrey. “He’s so young and impatient, I’m not sure what to do with him,” she said. 

“How long has he been with you?” 

“A little over a year.”

I was very curious and wanted to ask more questions about their relationship, but decided against it. I waited patiently in the hope that she would open up and tell me more. She took another sip of her whiskey before speaking.

“He’s the only child of my best friend and my godson, actually. She was transferred to the east coast by her employer and she asked if he could live with us so he could graduate from high school with his friends.” I took a sip of my drink while processing this new information. “It didn’t take him long to figure out what I did for a living and he asked to be trained in the lifestyle.” I nodded my head in acknowledgement. “He’d just turned seventeen when he moved in with us and I made him wait a year before I began training him.”

Through my research on Fetlife, I knew this was a common ‘hard limit’ among dominants. Legally and ethically, submissives had to be eighteen before they could enter the lifestyle and choose to submit.

“He’s very docile and I know he’ll respect your wishes,” I said.

She shot me an apprehensive look. “He’s young and impetuous. He wants to experience everything he sees me doing to others.”

“He doesn’t realize how good he has it as your house slave. People would pay a fortune to see what he sees, what goes on in your playroom.”

She took another sip of her drink, which drained the glass. “It’s more than that … he’s quite smitten with you, I can tell.”

“He’s like a puppy chasing a car, he wouldn’t know what to do with it if he caught it.” 

She laughed, then a serious look broke over her face. “I could use your help training him.”

My eyes widened. “I thought he was only going to be your house slave.”

“He wants more, and like all submissive men he’ll either get what he wants from me, or he’ll look for it elsewhere.”

I thought for a moment. “Perhaps we could trade services, then.”

“How so?”

“Chris would benefit from submitting to a more experienced Domme.”

There was a comfortable silence while she refilled our empty glasses. “I’m open to the idea, but are you sure about this? Giving your husband, your property, to me for a session, it’s a big step.”

“I want to give him the opportunity to broaden his horizons and experience everything this lifestyle has to offer. I know he’d benefit from your knowledge.”

“What types of activities do you want him to experience?”

“I’ll leave that up to you.”

“And his limits?”

“I want to give you a free hand. If things become too intense, he knows to use his safewords.”

“He’s tapped out before, correct?”

“Yes, when I caned him, but that’s the only time … so far.”

We took a sip of our drinks and there was a comfortable moment of silence. “What about Geoffrey? He appears to have much less experience in the lifestyle than Chris,” I said. 

“I’ve really only used him for sex, aside from his house-slave training. Your husband has endured much more than Geoffrey, but you’ll change that.”

“Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Of course, dear.”

“Your husband … he’s okay with Geoffrey and … you know … everything else?”

“Yes, he is. My husband is vanilla and wants no part in the lifestyle, but he knows it’s an integral part of my sexuality as well as my profession. They say opposites attract and that must be true, because we have a very happy marriage despite being polar opposites.” 

I smiled. “As long as both of you are happy, that’s all that matters.”


I felt so comfortable around her. We were kindred spirits, and it was as if I could feel our relationship deepening. I’d chatted online with other Dommes on Fetlife, but she was the only one I’d met face-to-face, and that had created a deeper personal experience.

“I want to apologize for that kiss earlier,” she said. “I got caught up in the moment, in the intensity of the scene … it was just a spontaneous act … and–” 

“Please … don’t apologize … it was intimate … and … you know … really nice.”

Little smiles broke across our faces. “So, Geoffrey,” I said while looking seriously into her eyes.

“Mind his safewords, of course …” 

“Of course … that goes without saying …”  

“Use him and break him, understood?”

A devious smile broke across my face. “Yes, Ma’am.”

– – – – –

I was exhausted when I got home Sunday night. The long, intense session with Edith had really taken its toll on me physically. Chris was already asleep, and I slipped into bed beside him and fell into a deep, restful sleep. We both had to get up early the next day, and it made more sense to talk to him about the plans Edith and I had made when I got home from work.

I got to work at six a.m. on Monday and Liz led me through an intense free-weights workout. We were concentrating on a different muscle group each morning and that day it was biceps and triceps. When we were done I could barely lift my arms. We showered, dressed, and retired to my office with our fresh-fruit smoothies so we could have a little privacy. I’d been dreading this moment because I knew I’d have to talk with her about my sessions with Edith. This isn’t going to be easy. 

“So, how did it go on Saturday night, what was the guy like?” she asked.

“When I got there the plan changed, somewhat.”

“Changed … changed how?”

“The session was originally going to be with him, like I told you, but it ended up being with his wife while he watched.”

She cut her eyes at me. “What did you do with her?”

“She likes pain, and we flogged her while she was restrained.” I paused for a moment in an attempt to find the right words. “We also made her go down on us, and we used strap-on dildos on her.”

There was a look of pain on Liz’s face that quickly turned to anger, and I could see tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes. “Did you go down on her?”


“Did you want to?”

I tried to keep my voice calm and even. “I know this is difficult to understand, but It wasn’t about sex, it was about a woman whose husband paid us to dominate her.” 

Liz was crying openly. “Did you kiss her?”

I didn’t want to admit that, but I wasn’t going to lie. “Yes, I did.”

She clenched her fists and slammed them down on my desk. “It wasn’t just a detached, dispassionate act, you felt something for her.”

It took me several seconds to formulate my response. “We had a connection and I did feel something for her.”

“You bitch,” she snarled, “how could you do this to me?”

Now tears were streaming down her face. I’d tried to be patient and understanding with her, but I wasn’t going to tolerate this type of disrespect from anyone, much less her. All I saw was red and I started giving back as good as I was getting. 

“And just how many women have you been with … how many girls have you fucked two and three at a time? I know you, so don’t play the virginal innocent with me. You’re the biggest slut I know and I don’t remember taking any oaths of exclusivity with you,” I said with venom in my eyes. 

She clenched her fists again and for a moment I thought she was going to hit me. Then she broke down and began weeping uncontrollably. It took her a full minute to get her emotions under control enough to begin speaking. “I haven’t been with anyone or even thought about being with anyone since the night the three of us were together.”

Tears were forming in my eyes and I began regretting everything I’d said to her. I reached out and gently took her hand. “Can we talk about this calmly and rationally?”

She pulled her hand away from mine and stood up. “No … we can’t. I love you, Greta, and you’ve broken my heart.” She turned and walked out my office door. 

Immediately, I wished I could take back every harsh word I’d said to her and I regretted losing my temper. However, the more I reflected on the situation, the more I realized I wasn’t ready to commit to anyone besides Chris. Liz had been with a lot of women and men, and after all that sexual exploration she was at a point in her life when she wanted to settle down and be in a devoted relationship. We were just at different places. Unlike her, I was just beginning to explore the joy and wonder of being with women and of exploring BDSM, and as much as she tempted me I wasn’t willing to give her what she wanted.

It had been a horrible day. That evening, for the first time in months, Liz and I didn’t work out together. She needed space and I had to give it to her. On my way home I stopped by 24 Hour Fitness and purchased a gym membership so I could continue my exercise regimen before and after work.    

– – – – –

It was Wednesday evening. Because of the intense fight with Liz, I hadn’t been in the mood to talk to Chris about anything Edith and I had discussed, but now it was time. After dinner, Chris joined me on the couch with our wine glasses and the remainder of the bottle that we hadn’t finished at dinner. Like most evenings, when I got home I’d given him the key to his chastity device so he could unlock it. 

“I’m sorry again about Liz,” he said.

I’d told Chris everything that transpired in my office with her on Monday morning and the harsh words we’d exchanged. In addition, I’d given him a graphic account of my two sessions with Edith over the weekend. At that moment, I realized that Chris was my rock, my stability, amidst the upheaval with Liz. I was so deeply in love with him, and our marriage felt so strong, so solid, that the tender feelings were almost indescribable. I reached out, took his hand, and gently squeezed.

“You know, I guess it happens. I hope at some point we’ll be able to be friends again.”

“Just give her time, you never know, she may come around.”

There was a gleam in his eyes, and I knew he was thinking about our night with her. “You liked being with her, didn’t you?”

“It was a fun night for all of us.”

“Yes, it was, and I miss her, she was my best friend, and …” I felt a little tear come to my eye and I quickly wiped it away. He pulled me in and held me tight, and we exchanged a soft, romantic kiss.

“Just give her time and be patient, everything will be okay.”

“I love you so much, baby,” I said while wiping away another tear.

“I love you too, Greta.”

I took a sip of wine and attempted to get my emotions in check. “There’s something else we need to discuss,” I said.

“Okay, what’s up?”

“On Sunday night Edith asked for my help in training one of her submissives.”

“Another client … that’s good.”

“Not exactly … it’s her personal house slave.”

A stunned look broke over his face. “Geoffrey?”

“Yes.” Since the beginning, I’d told Chris everything and gone into minutiae about my scenes with Edith. I felt that it was very important to share every detail with my husband regarding everything I did in the lifestyle because I never wanted there to be secrets between us or have him think I was keeping something from him.   

“Why would she need your help?” 

“To be honest, I’m not sure. So far, she’s only had sex with him, but he wants more experience in the lifestyle, and she wants me to be the one to give it to him.”

He thought for a moment and reflected on my words. “She has feelings for him,” he said.

“I think that’s a possibility.”

A little grin broke across my husband’s face. “I think you should do it and … you know … do as much as you want with him.”

The cuckolding thing again. Since we’d entered into the lifestyle Chris had been adamant that I have sex with another man and I’d always resisted it. I couldn’t be certain how opening up our marriage in that way would affect my relationship with my husband. With all the upheaval with Liz, now more than ever I needed a stable relationship with my husband. Our marriage was so very good … dare I say, perfect. I couldn’t help but think that adding another man into the mix was an unnecessary risk that I wasn’t sure I was willing to take.

“I haven’t decided yet what I’ll do with him …  but, there’s more if you want to hear it.”

“Okay,” he said simply.

“When she brought up the idea of me training Geoffrey, I asked her if she’d be willing to do a session with you.”

His hands began gently shaking. It was his tell, his reaction when something was too exciting for him to handle. “What will she do with me?” he asked in a voice barely above a whisper.

“To be honest, I don’t know,” I paused for a little dramatic effect, then said, “I told her she was free to do whatever she wanted to you unless you chose to tap out.” I reached down and gently began to rub his erection, which was straining against his tight trousers. 

“I never dreamed I’d have the opportunity to be with a professional dominatrix,” he said huskily. 

It was as if I could see the wheels spinning in his mind as he pondered the possibilities of what his session with her could entail. I stopped rubbing his cock and gave his balls a rough squeeze, which instantly brought his attention back to me. “Settle down and listen to me,” I said sharply, bringing him back under heel. 

“Yes, Ma’am … I’m … I’m … sorry.”

I took a deep breath before continuing. “I need you to be cognizant of the fact that Edith’s style of play and mine are different.”

His eyes widened. “How are they different?”

“She loves humiliation and that’s not something we’ve experienced during our scenes.” I thought for a moment. “I know you experienced some humiliation during our scene with Liz, but generally speaking I haven’t gone there with you very often.” A little blush broke over his face and I knew he was thinking about our evening with her and how much he’d loved it.

“What will she do to me?” he asked hesitantly. 

“Again, I’ve given her complete freedom to do whatever she wants. Her only limit is to mind your safewords, so you’ll have to decide just how far you let her go.” His hands were gently trembling again, and I was beginning to realize just how much this excited him. Then I felt I needed to give him one more warning.  

“She can be vicious; I’ve seen it first-hand. Mind your safe words and use them if you need to … because there’s no shame in tapping out.” I continued to gently rub my husband’s cock through his pants.

“If I need to … I will … I promise.”

I leaned in and we shared a white-hot, passionate kiss. “Go to our bedroom, take off your clothes, and wait for me.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he said before jumping up and running into our bedroom.

I rode Chris’s face for quite a while before we made love with him coming inside me, cleaning his semen from me, and swallowing it. I was still very hesitant about giving my husband to Edith for a session. Additionally, I still wasn’t sure how far I was willing to go with Geoffrey. What I knew for certain was that the weekend couldn’t come fast enough. 

– – – – –

It took us almost an hour to get from Lake Las Vegas to Summerlin in the heavy Friday-evening freeway traffic. Chris’s hands gently trembled during our entire drive and I knew he was just as excited about what this evening would hold as I was. I took the Summerlin Parkway exit and got off the freeway and drove to the exclusive community of Queensridge. Fortunately, my name was on the security guard’s clipboard, and he let us in without incident. My husband’s mouth dropped open as we drove past the multi-million-dollar homes. Our house was nice, but it paled in comparison to these mansions. 

“She really lives here?” he asked incredulously. 

“She does. Do you think we should call our realtor?” I teased.

He laughed. “You never know; if you keep bringing home those fat envelopes every weekend it might be something worth considering,” he joked.

I smiled. “I don’t think I’m quite there yet.”

In all honesty, it was something that I’d been thinking about. When Chris agreed to enter into this lifestyle with me, I never thought of BDSM as anything other than a way to enhance our somewhat boring sex lives. However, after I’d met Edith and she started to instruct me and invited me to work with her I began to realize just how lucrative doing scenes with submissive men could be. I knew that I still had a lot to learn, but I couldn’t help wondering if the possibility of making a career change might, at some point, be in my future.

We pulled into Edith’s driveway and parked in one of the guest spots. Once we’d exited our Land Rover Evoque, my husband’s eyes widened as he took in her enormous house. “What do you think?” I said.

“Like I wasn’t intimidated enough already.”

I giggled, took his hand, and gently squeezed it. “I was intimidated too last week, but don’t let her know that, okay?”


We walked up to the front door, and I rang the doorbell. Instantly, Geoffrey opened the door. “Good evening, Geoffrey,” I said somewhat sternly.

He lowered his eyes. “Good evening, Ma’am, it’s good to see you again, please come in.” He paused for a moment. “The Mistress is waiting in her library.”

“Lead the way then, boy.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

He walked in front of us to the wide ornate door and opened it for us. Just like last week, I heard the heels of my Stewart Wietzman black leather dominatrix boots click on the white marble floor. When we walked into the large room she was sitting behind her desk and she stood up to greet us.

“Greta, it’s so good to see you again,” she said. We exchanged a little hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

“It’s so good to see you too, Edith.”

Her eyes moved up and down my husband and he quickly lowered his. “And this must be Chris.”

He kept his eyes lowered as he answered her. “It’s nice to meet you, Ma’am.”

She gave me a little smile. “He’s quite a specimen, I feel like I already know him.”

A little blush broke over my husband’s face. What she’d said was true, though. At one time or another during our frequent lunch dates I’d told her everything I’d done with Chris concerning the lifestyle. At first, sharing that intimate knowledge with my mentor was somewhat difficult. However, I knew she’d use everything I’d told her to orchestrate a scene that both of them would enjoy.

“I have a slightly younger model, but he’ll do quite nicely. Speaking of which, you’ve both met Geoffrey?

“Yes, we have,” I said, while Chris nodded his head in agreement. Just like both times before, Edith’s house slave was wearing skin-tight white Spandex boxer briefs that accentuated his prominent basket. The large gold hoop rings highlighted his hard nipples and his long black hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. “You have a very striking young man yourself.”

She smiled. “He’s been very anxious all week since I told him that I was going to allow you to do a scene with him. Isn’t that correct, Geoffrey?”

His face broke into a little heated blush. “Yes, Ma’am.”

My eyes traveled over his hard, chiseled chest. It was obvious that Edith made him work out because he had very toned arms and legs in addition to his solid core. When my eyes traveled further south, I broke into a little smile when I noticed that he was already semi-erect and a little dollop of pre-cum had soiled his boxers.

“From the looks of him, I’d say he’s more than ready.”

Edith’s eyes followed mine and her little grin told me that my observation concerning his aroused state wasn’t lost on her. “He’s quite smitten with you, Mistress Greta, aren’t you, boy?”

“Y-y-yes, Ma’am,” he stammered.

“We’ll see if that’s still the case two hours from now,” she said menacingly. 

Now she’s challenging me. A week ago, she’d told me that she wanted me to break him, as she put it, and her words gave me a new insight into their relationship. Chris was right, she cared for this boy. I got the sense that she was afraid of losing him if he remained a house slave, a sex slave, for her personal enjoyment. So, she wanted him to have a harsh experience, yet she wasn’t willing to do the dirty work and break him herself; she needed me for that. It was almost as if she wanted me to give him an unpleasant experience, so he’d turn away from the BDSM aspect of the lifestyle and be happy being only what she wanted, a submissive sex slave.

“Before we begin,” Edith said sternly, “are you both comfortable with your safe words?”

“Yes, Mistress,” they replied in unison. 

“Good. So, are you ready to get started, Mistress Greta?” she asked commandingly. 

“Yes, I am.”

– – – – –   

As soon as we entered Edith’s playroom, I saw that she’d added a new piece of dungeon furniture. Standing near one wall was a very sturdy-looking, black-painted St. Andrew’s cross; the cross-pieces looked like they’d been made from two-by-six lumber. There were suspension cuffs dangling from the upper ends of the arms; in addition to the leather cuffs for the bottom’s wrists there were handles he could grasp so if his knees weakened, he could support his weight with his hands rather than having it all hanging from his wrists.

We had entered the room two-by-two, me with Chris and Edith with Geoffrey, but as soon as we were all inside Edith turned and pointed to Chris. “Step over here so I can look at you more closely,” she commanded. I made a similar gesture and Geoffrey immediately walked over and stood before me with his eyes lowered to my feet. Right away I knew this evening was going to be a challenging balancing act; as his Domme I should keep my focus on Geoffrey, but at the same time I wanted to watch and listen to what was happening with Edith and my husband.

I took off my trench coat, exposing my black strapless leather corset. It had spiral steel boning that came up right below my breasts and left them exposed. I was also wearing a tiny black thong and I could already feel the moisture begin to build between my legs in anticipation of what was to come. I assumed she’d be using her new St. Andrew’s cross for Chris, and I was thankful she’d installed it about ten feet away from the bed; that close proximity would allow me to keep an eye on my husband while I dominated Geoffrey. His eyes were still lowered and I gently raised his chin with my fingers.

“Go stand at the foot of the bed,” I ordered.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

We walked over to the large four-poster bed together and I slid onto the red mattress, resting my back against the headboard. I didn’t really have a blueprint of where I wanted our scene to go, but I decided to start slowly and build some heat between us. “Get into the bed, boy,” I said sensually.

“Yes, Ma’am.” 

He slid into the bed on his knees, and I raised my leg up and ran my foot over his chiseled stomach. “Remove my boots, boy,” I demanded gruffly, and he slowly, lovingly, slipped them off and placed them on the floor beside the bed. When he’d finished, I used my toes to roughly pinch his belly flesh. “What do you want to experience this evening, Geoffrey?”

“I … I … ummm … I don’t know, Ma’am.”

“You’ve seen me, and your Mistress do so many things to others, and you have no idea what you want to experience?” I said sternly. His face broke into a little blush and I was beginning to realize just how much I intimidated him. 

“I … I …”

His powers of speech were taken from him when I slid my foot lower and ran my toes against his very prominent erection, which was now straining inside his tight white boxers. He closed his eyes and reveled in my gentle ministrations. “You like that, don’t you, boy?” I teased.

“It feels so good, Ma’am,” he moaned. 

I used the sole of my foot and ran it up and down his shaft and he began taking short little sips of breath. “And you think you deserve all this pleasure I’m giving you?” He was lost in the sensual moment and didn’t answer me. To bring him back to me, I slid my foot lower under his testicles and pushed up, pressing his balls against his perineum. He let out a loud yelp of pain and slid back a few inches to break contact with my foot. I shot him a displeased look.

“I’m … I’m sorry, Ma’am.”

“You think you can get away from me that easily?” I taunted. 

“No, Ma’am … I … I …” 

I slid off the bed and pointed imperiously. “Come here, boy, get your back against the headboard.” Hesitantly he moved into position. “Extend your arms.” When he did I grabbed the large leather cuffs that were attached to cable ties that were securely fixed to the large oak posts of the bed. After securing both of his wrists I grabbed two items from the wall of implements, stuffed them into my corset, then sensually straddled him. “Do you think you’ll be able to get away from me now?” I whispered into his ear.

“No, Ma’am.”

“I think you’re right.” I pushed my breasts into his chest and my nipples instantly hardened. My vagina was a hot, wet mess and I gently ground myself onto his erection through his boxers.

“Oh … oh … God,” he moaned.

“Do you like the way my pussy feels on your hard young cock?” I cooed.

“I love it, Ma’am,” he said huskily. 

I slid back about a foot to create some space between us. “I’ve always loved these, your jewelry,” I said while gently pulling the gold hoop nipple piercings away from his body, and he winced in pain. “Your Mistress has decorated your body beautifully.”

Ummm … thank you, Ma’am.”

“Something just isn’t right, though, I think those sexy nipples are missing something,” I teased. His eyes got wide. “I think I may have just the thing.” I reached into my corset, pulled out two 10-ounce weights, and held them up so he could examine them. I loved the terrified look in his eyes. “Oh, the little house slave is scared now?” I taunted. 

“N-n-no, I’m not scared, Ma’am.”

I smiled. “Before our scene is over, you will be.” I fastened one of the weights to the gold hoop and he let out a loud groan. “Oh, I think you like that,” I teased. “Let’s try another.” When I attached the second one to his other hoop, the corners of his eyes began to water. The weights were pulling his nipples south an inch or so and the look of extreme discomfort on his face was quite evident. “And you thought this evening was going to be all about pleasure, didn’t you, boy?”

“N-n-no, Ma’am, I didn’t.”

I smiled wickedly. “Whether or not your beautiful body receives any form of pleasure will depend on how well you please me, little boy,” growled.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he stammered. 

I looked down, between his legs. “Oh, that nice big cock that you were so proud of just a few seconds ago seems to be a little deflated now, what could the problem be?” I said sensually. 

He was taking short little sips of breath in an attempt to find his way through the pain, and he didn’t answer me. “Oh, do you need a little help, because you know I want to see that nice big erection again?”

Little beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. I moved my hand lower and sensually rubbed him through his boxers for several seconds before shooting him a look of disgust. “You mean to tell me a strapping 18-year-old boy with a beautiful, nearly naked woman on top of him can’t get it up?” I growled.

“I … I can’t, Ma’am, it hurts too much,” he said while grimacing.

“I want to see that hard cock again and those weights aren’t coming off until you please me, little boy.”

“I can’t, I just can’t.”

“Awww, do you need some help?” I devilishly taunted. He didn’t answer me and I gave his face a hard slap. “You’d better answer me, boy,” I screeched.

“Please, Ma’am, take them off.”

“Oh, are you ready to tap out on me already? Your Mistress told me how strong and tough you are, but she lied to me, didn’t she?” I said sensually.  

“I don’t want to tap out, but I need help, please,” he moaned.

“I like how weak you are, how well you beg, little boy, and I’ll take pity on you.” I reached into his boxers and took his flaccid penis into my hand. I had to admit that even soft, it was still impressive. He let out a little moan when I began to stroke him. Slowly, his cock was coming back to life; however, I didn’t want to make it too easy for him and I pulled a weight down an inch or so with my free hand, which elicited another low groan from his lips. “Don’t quit on me now, you’re almost there,” I said mercilessly.

Tears were running down his face and he was hyperventilating. I pulled the weight down further while I increased the tempo as I stroked him. After about a minute, he’d finally become fully erect for me. “See how easy that was, I think you actually enjoyed that,” I teased.

“It … it hurt so much, Ma’am.”

“Your Mistress has treated you so gently, she’s only used your beautiful body for sex, but this is what you really want, isn’t it? You want to be used, to feel pain. You told her you wanted to experience everything you’ve seen her do to submissive men.”

He looked at me questioningly. I knew he was now second-guessing himself. “I … I don’t know, Ma’am.”

“You don’t know what you want at all, do you?” I said sternly.

There were a few seconds of silence as he contemplated my words. I sensually resumed stroking his shaft and he let out another deep moan. When I looked down, his pre-cum had begun to leak onto my fingers. “I have a little rule in my house, boy. Whatever comes out of your cock goes back into your mouth.” His eyes widened. I took his penis at the base and gave it another hard pull; more liquid oozed out onto my fingers, and he let out another loud groan. 

He gave me an apprehensive look when I held my wet fingers up to his lips. “I … I … I’ve never done that, Ma’am.”

“But I’m willing to bet you demand that women do it for you. Am I correct?”

“Some women have,” he admitted in a mortified tone.

I leaned in and whispered sensually into his ear, “Your other Mistress does, right?”

“Yes, she does.”

“Your decision to obey me or not will dictate how the rest of this evening goes, little boy.”

He shot me another apprehensive look and I could see the terror in his eyes. Then his facial expression changed and I saw he was resigning himself to the fact that this was going to happen. He extended his tongue and began to lick his secretions from my fingers.

I smiled. “Good boy.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.”

“So tell me, how do you taste?”

His face broke into a deep blush. “It tasted a little salty, Ma’am.”

I had to admit, in that hedonistic moment, I was tempted to taste him as well. But I resisted that strong impulse. It’s time to move on, I thought. The weights had already been on his nipples for quite a while and I needed to get him out of the restraints. I removed the weights and he let out a low groan. Then I unlatched the cuffs. Before we proceeded, I wanted to provide him with some aftercare. 

“Sit here, on the bed, next to me, okay?” He slid over to me and our thighs gently touched. “Are you okay with everything we’ve done so far?”

“Yes, Ma’am, I am.”

“We’re out of the scene temporarily, you may call me Greta.”

His eyes got wide. “Okay, Greta.”

“Is there anything we need to talk about?”

He thought for a moment. “This is all so new to me, I’ve never experienced anything like this.”

I smiled. “That’s what this evening is about, right? You wanted more experience with the lifestyle.”

“It’s just so different … I mean … watching it and then … you know.”

“Watching and doing are two different things, aren’t they?”

He smiled. “Yes, they are.”

“I want you to remember something, you have safewords and you dictate how you want the evening to go, Geoffrey. It’s your body, and what I do with it is up to you, okay?”


“Do you want to continue?”

“Yes, I do,” he said confidently. 

“Good, get down, between my feet. You can show me gratitude for our scene thus far by worshiping my feet.”

“Yes, Mistress,” he responded. He slid off the bed and knelt before me. I raised my leg up to his mouth and proceeded to kiss my feet, lightly, delicately, and sensually. 

“Now my toes, boy, lick and suck them,” I commanded. 

While Geoffrey was ardently worshiping my feet, alternating between kissing them, gently massaging them, licking them, and sucking on my toes, I was able to pay some attention to what Edith was doing. 

To be continued …

Published 8 months ago

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