Coffee And The Dominatrix

"Peter meets a dominatrix and lives out his fantasy"

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Peter had just bought a coffee in the local coffee shop and went to sit down to drink it. Peter was thirty.

After he sat down, a lady sat down opposite him at the same table, which surprised him. He looked at her and saw she was certainly attractive, about forty, with dark hair, blazing eyes, and was wearing a short-sleeved summer dress. He found her so attractive.

The lady immediately said in a stern tone of voice, “You were rude to the server the way you demanded she make the coffee hotter.”

That took Peter aback, but as a submissive, he loved the strict tone of voice. He knew that, while alpha at the office, he was always respectful to his staff, saying please and thank you and listening attentively to the points they wanted to make. He was well respected as a senior manager and none saw him as a pushover or as someone they wanted to take on, as he always won those fights.

His reaction to this lady was different. She wasn’t a member of staff, so there was no need to be diplomatic, and his immediate reaction was to be submissive to this gorgeous lady, and he replied, “Sorry.” He didn’t smile or smirk but knew he felt correctly reprimanded.

The lady replied, still in her strict tone of voice, “Maybe you should say sorry to the server?”

Peter looked at the counter and saw the server was dealing with another customer and wasn’t sure he should interrupt her.

The lady was clearly annoyed with Peter for disobeying her and said sharply, “I’m a teacher and if you were a student of mine, I would give you a detention.” She kept a straight face but could see that Peter wasn’t sure how to handle her, just like so many of her students when they fell foul of her.

To show her annoyance, she said sternly, “Disobeying me would get you a second detention. That would mean being sent for the cane partway through the detention. It would normally be four strokes of the cane, but I can decide you get six.”

Peter’s mind was in turmoil. Not just because he didn’t understand why this lady was saying these things, but he had never been caned and had often wondered what it would feel like. He had seen the tears on the faces of friends of his who had been caned at college, but that only added to his desire to be caned himself.

The lady knew Peter was having muddled thoughts, as she had seen that look on the faces of so many people. She said, “I am Miss Reynolds. What is your name?”

Peter was never able to cope that well with authoritative women, away from the office, and was used to doing whatever he was told by them and replied, “Peter.”

Miss Reynolds said, still in her stern tone of voice, “You mean, Peter, Miss. Say it.”

Peter blushed as he obediently said, “Peter, Miss.”

Miss Reynolds could see that Peter was primarily submissive, although by saying his coffee wasn’t hot enough, suggested he was not totally submissive. However, she hoped he was going to be submissive enough to accept that he needed to be punished. After all, she had the afternoon off but had nothing planned, and she found Peter good-looking, and maybe game for something kinky.

Miss Reynolds continued in her superior, authoritative tone of voice that kept Peter attentive but submissive, “Do you think you have the right to be aggressive toward others?”

Peter knew he wasn’t usually and replied, “No, Miss.” He found he enjoyed being respectful to this gorgeous lady and was getting a hard-on.

Miss Reynolds asked, “Did you get detentions at your college?” She made the assumption he had been to college.

Peter replied, “Yes, I did, Miss, several.”

Miss Reynolds then asked, “Any doubles?”

Peter knew that he hadn’t and if he had, he would have got the caning he had longed for, so replied, “No, Miss.”

Miss Reynolds gauged that as he was continuing to be respectful, he was likely to be a submissive at heart and said, “So, you don’t know what the cane feels like?”

Peter blushed as he replied, “No, Miss.”

Miss Reynolds then asked. “Haven’t you ever wondered what it did feel like to be caned? Some men really do want to know and once they do then they want to experience it again.”

Peter was still blushing, which Miss Reynolds saw and knew that was because he had thought about it. However, he didn’t answer, so she added, “So here you are with a double detention from me and I deal with discipline at the college. I only live a few doors away and have a senior cane at home, so I think you need to come with me and experience a real caning.” She then stared at Peter as though demanding a response.

Peter quickly summed up that he didn’t know the woman, so how could he trust her? It was far too risky because he had no idea what might happen afterwards if he was seen, filmed, or the like.

Miss Reynolds could see Peter was wavering and was enjoying his discomfort. She knew it was so unlikely he would say yes, but just maybe he would be feeling he was missing out on a once-only opportunity if he turned her down.

Peter knew he had no choice and as much as he wanted to say yes, he knew that he mustn’t.

The next moment he looked at the gorgeous woman who was now leaning forward, and he saw her cleavage which sold her to him, and he conceded and asked, “Okay. How many strokes?” He was aghast at what he had said and wondered if that made him weak, or just willingly submissive.

Miss Reynolds was surprised, but she was used to being self-controlled and said, “Six strokes are the norm for a college student, but you are older so it will be twelve.”

Peter felt his hard-on get stiffer and liked the idea of that many strokes.

Miss Reynolds saw he was okay with that and added, “I will warm your bottom up with a bare bottom spanking first.”

Peter was now really up for being disciplined by her and replied, “Understood, Miss.”

Miss Reynolds was in full swing and added, “You will need to thank me afterwards with your tongue.”

That made Peter almost cum as he sat there and started to imagine what it would be like to give this gorgeous woman tongue sex when his own bottom was stinging crazily. He now couldn’t wait to be spanked and then caned. He was wide-eyed as he replied, “Also understood, Miss.”

With that, Miss Reynolds stood up and ordered, “Let’s get going.”

Peter loved the stern tone of voice and immediately stood up. They had already paid for their coffees so they could just leave, and did. Peter happily let Miss Reynolds hold his hand by way of guiding him towards her house.

Once at the house, Miss Reynolds ordered, “Go into the living room and get fully undressed. Naughty boys like you need to be naked when disciplined. I will go and get my cane and come back downstairs. You had better be fully undressed by the time I do, or the number of strokes will be seriously increased.

Peter continued to be obedient, although he was also tense because now the reality was going to happen of him being caned, and he didn’t know how well he would take it. However, as he thought these thoughts, so he kicked his shoes off. He then pulled his T-shirt over his head, folded it, and put it on a chair. He pushed his jeans down towards his ankles, catching his underpants as he did so, and stepped out of both, folded them, and put them with his T-shirt. Finally, and to make sure that he was fully naked, he took his socks off.

He grew even more tense as he heard Miss Reynolds coming back down the stairs, although he was quite taken as she walked into the room as he saw that she had changed so that she was now wearing a vest top that showed off her well-toned arms, and was also in very short cotton shorts showing off her gorgeous bare legs. He was always taken by a woman’s bare arms and legs, and so how she was dressed was absolutely ideal.

Miss Reynolds was satisfied that Peter had obeyed her and got fully undressed. She also saw that, as she walked into the room, he was getting a stiffening erection, and hoped that that was not just because of the impending punishment, but because he found her attractive. She hoped so, anyway, as she went to the dining table, turned the chair into the room, sat down, glared at Peter, and ordered, “Now get across my lap.”

Peter again did as he was told, and, moments later, knew that his erect penis was flattened as he lay across Miss Reynolds’ bare thighs, and saw the floor inches from his face, as well as Miss Reynolds’ upside down legs. He loved the true feeling of submission knowing that over the years he had fantasied about being spanked by a woman, pretty much dressed in the way that Miss Reynolds was, and so this was answering yet another long-held fantasy of his. That certainly wasn’t what he had expected when he went for a coffee, but then, so much could happen just by chance.

Miss Reynolds was quite used to spanking and caning adult men and women, not just students at college but outside there as well, because she was, after all, a dominatrix who advertised her services online. Of course, she was used to being paid, but when she saw Peter in the coffee bar, she, for some reason, had a particular liking for him, and so right now was just as happy knowing she was going to deal with him for free, but at least with the tongue sex to come, which is something she never did with those who had contacted her online.

So, intent on making sure that she gave Peter a good hard spanking, she raised her hand and brought her palm down really hard on his far bottom cheek, and then proceeded to spank him on alternate bottom cheeks time after time. She always loved the way that each bottom cheek flattened under her hand, wobbled about, and then bounced back, and then the same happened when she spanked the other bottom cheek. As hard as she made those initial spanks, she knew it was right to make the spanks even harder to get to the point where the person she was spanking found it harder and harder to cope.

Peter was finding it more and more difficult to cope. He knew that he could force himself up from her lap or just as easily protect his bottom with his hand, but he actually loved the fact that he was being submissive and knew he wanted to leave it up to Miss Reynolds to decide just how long the spanking would be.

Miss Reynolds was used to adult men and women squirming around on her lap, and was enjoying the fact that Peter was doing that just now. She loved being in control, just as she was, and was satisfied that Peter was happy that he was giving her control as it meant that she could spank him even harder, and she was sure that that was what he wanted as well. After all, she knew from the experience of so many of her submissives that when living out for real a long-held fantasy, they don’t want to do anything that draws it to an early close because that will only lead to regret later on. When wanting to be submissive and severely disciplined, it was far better to take whatever thrashing you were given, and then, afterwards, re-live the experience in your mind with a stinging bottom.

Having spanked Peter pretty much until her hand hurt, Miss Reynolds then ordered, “Get up, Peter, and bend over and clasp hold of the chair, so I can give you the cane.”

As much as Peter was worried about the pain, he so wanted to experience exactly that, and so he pushed himself up, stood up, waited obediently for Miss Reynolds to stand up, then stood in front of the chair, bent over, and clasped hold of the seat, and parted his legs, as he knew should happen. He looked at the floor behind him and saw Miss Reynolds’ bare legs positioning themselves, and knew to watch out for her calf muscles to tense, as that would tell him the cane was on its way downwards to his bottom. As he felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across his bottom, he knew his fantasy was about to become real, and he would find out whether he was able to take it.

Miss Reynolds was pretty sure she knew what was going through Peter’s head just then, but from her own experience, she knew the first couple of strokes should be on the light side, albeit still hard, and she would then increase the strength of each stroke so that he gasped, and then yelped. Even so, he would be forcing himself to stay bent over by clasping hold of the seat of the chair, probably with his knuckles turning white.

As the first stroke landed, so Peter did gasp, as he did with the second stroke. His gasp was louder with still with the third stroke, and each time she enjoyed watching the red welt develop. Much as she hoped for, Peter did stay in position, even as the strokes got harder and harder, but she knew that she enjoyed being the dominatrix, and it was clear that Peter was enjoying being the submissive, although enjoy may well be the wrong word she always joked to herself.

The fourth and fifth strokes followed in a timely fashion, as before, leaving about fifteen or twenty seconds between each stroke. She knew that was long enough for him to recover slightly, but then the next stroke would hurt even more. The sixth stroke made Peter gasp again and Miss Reynolds saw how he was tightening his grip on the seat of the chair, which told her he was forcing himself to cope.

As much as he knew he was struggling, he counted out the strokes and, after the sixth stroke, he wondered if that would be it, but he remembered Miss Reynolds had said he would be getting twelve strokes. He knew the seventh stroke was coming because he did see Mr Reynolds’ calf muscles tense, and when the cane bit into his bottom he did yelp louder than the previous strokes, but he wanted to feel the pain even more.

As Miss Reynolds landed the eighth stroke, Peter still wanted more. She landed the ninth stroke and then the tenth stroke, each time enjoying watching the cane bite into his bottom, and yet another welt was painted right across both now deliciously welt-covered cheeks. The eleventh and twelfth strokes made Peter yelp, but he still wanted to feel more strokes.

Miss Reynolds knew she had told Peter she was going to give him twelve strokes but could see he wanted more, so said sternly, “Stay there, you naughty man, as I need to give you six more strokes.”

Peter gasped in surprise but did as he was told, actually wondering if she could read his mind.

Miss Reynolds only waited a moment to check there was no resistance and, seeing there wasn’t, continued the caning, but, this time, after landing the thirteenth stroke, the fourteenth stroke followed immediately, and the fifteenth immediately after that. She knew the reaction from Peter would be very different, and it was. The difference was he yelped much louder, shook his head from side to side, and hissed in and out through clenched teeth, but he stayed in position, even as three more strokes landed one after the other again in quick succession, now making the eighteen strokes.

After the twelfth stroke, even with the pain greater than he had ever expected it to be, Peter was still up for more strokes, so wasn’t going to object to the extra six strokes. He could see how the pain had intensified already, and he realised when he looked at the floor, hoping to see Miss Reynolds’ calf muscles tense once again, his vision was blurred, and, more than that, he was pretty sure tears were running down his face. How could a man his age succumb to crying just because of the cane, he asked himself. However, as three more what seemed like even harder strokes landed one after the other, and then three more in quick succession, so he told himself crying was okay as the strokes were now so hard, but he was still thinking he could take even harder strokes.

Miss Reynolds was happy eighteen strokes was a good punishment for Peter. Hopefully, it would have given him the experience that he wanted, and time would tell if he wanted that repeated.

Miss Reynolds, then ordered, “Okay, Peter. Eighteen strokes is the right punishment for you, this time. Now, say thank you as I instructed you to.”

Peter remembered and stood up, knowing his bottom was stinging so intensely, but as he watched Miss Reynolds sit down on the chair and push her shorts and knickers down to the floor, scoop them up and put them on another chair, and then part her legs, he immediately knelt on the floor between her legs and started to kiss her inner thighs, working his way up to her stretched pussy lips. He licked and kissed her pussy lips, loving their taste and smell, and used his finger to flick her already taut clit, and could hear Miss Reynolds let out louder and louder erotic gasps before exploding in a huge orgasm.

Miss Reynolds was ecstatic with the way Peter had made her come and was up for meeting him again. Once she had calmed down, she ordered, “Get up and get dressed, and then you can tell me how you feel, not just the pain across your bottom, but your feelings as well.”

Peter was still sniffing back tears, but was so pleased that he had gotten through so many strokes. His fantasy had always been six or twelve strokes, but now realised that wasn’t sufficient for a man of his age. Though, knowing he should, in fact wanted, to remain obedient, and under the control of the wonderfully dominant Miss Reynolds, he quickly got dressed, admittedly being very careful when easing his underpants over his stinging bottom cheeks.

When Peter was dressed and stood facing Miss Reynolds, she asked him, “Are you married, Peter?”

Peter replied, “I’m not, Miss Reynolds. I’m a real alpha at the office, pretty much the boss, but at home I don’t want the stress of making decisions for anyone else and would need a wife or partner who was happy to do that.”

Miss Reynolds rather liked that idea. She was obviously alpha in her private life, being the dominatrix. She therefore said, “Okay then, Peter. I’ll be back at the coffee shop at the same time in three days. Make sure you are there and that you buy me a coffee. You will need to get there before me, of course. You can expect a harder spanking and more strokes of the cane, so if you do come, that’s what will happen. I will make all of the decisions for you, and you will obey them, and I think you now know the consequences if you don’t.”

Peter replied, feeling rather excited, and knew that he was getting his erection back, “I’ll be there, Miss Reynolds. I will be very happy to follow every instruction you give me, to the letter, no second chances, because that is how I have seen my life going.”

Miss Reynolds smiled, and said, “I can see how that will suit me as well.”

Peter’s erection stayed with him as he walked from Miss Reynolds’ house, all the way back to his own, and he couldn’t stop thinking about what a turn-on it was to be so submissive. When he got home, his erection was so stiff that he knew he had to go straight to the dining room where he sat on a chair, his legs apart, and with his knuckles running up and down his erection gave himself the most fabulous orgasm. He knew he was emptying himself into his underpants, but he just couldn’t wait long enough to get himself undressed. However, he knew that he was aroused enough that he would be giving himself several more huge orgasms before the night was out, picturing Miss Reynolds’ calf muscles tensing as she brought the cane down time and again on his bottom, and, even as he thought those thoughts, and relived the intense pain of those multiple strokes, he knew he was going to be exhausted by the time he fell asleep.

Of course, even as he was thinking those thoughts, he was definitely looking forward to seeing Miss Reynolds again, buying her a coffee, hopefully saying all the right things to be invited back to her house, and then relive not just every single stroke, but, hopefully, many more.

Published 8 months ago

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