Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 51

"The girls arrive at the train city and get inside."

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The view of the city got more and more amazing as their ship drew closer. They could see levels of cityscape resolve into focus as they watched. The giant train the city moved on looked like it had stopped, and had it not been for the trail of destruction behind it, may have looked like it had been built there. The whole city was made out of metal and industrialization. Smokestacks and cranes littered the sides as well as many obvious gun emplacements no doubt used to force every city it approached into submission.

Hannah held Ving from behind as she talked over the radio to secure landing permission. She looked down Ving’s shirt appreciatively, admiring the cleavage on display contained by the green lace under the white blouse. The brown leather jacket didn’t hide anything from the angle she had and she wished Ving had put on a skirt instead of her matching leather pants. Her own dress, the black and red corset holding up the flowing red silk that swished around her legs, did nothing to hide the cleavage she had on display as she pressed it against Ving.

Liddy minded the conversation between Ving and the city, happy that it was going well for once. Wearing the white dress and yellow jacket she wore when she first started her harlotry adventure, she felt it appropriate since things seemed to be at the end one way or another. The city they approached was a giant metal beast and they had to somehow slay it with nothing more than a small ship of women who just wanted to be indulging their carnal desires. As she saw Cat walk in wearing her black dress, Liddy had to shake her head and focus back to the city. The upper levels looked like the higher class areas, as she expected them to be, though they seemed to favour the forward end around the giant smoke pipe that belched smog from the main engine. As Ving brought them around to land, she could see the front of the train looked like the most privileged area. Giant stained-glass galleries and marble walkways surrounded the smokestack like a crown. The dock they landed at was a bit lower on the right side of the train; parked at an angle to Crater Peak, they could see the mountains in the distance.

Everyone knew the plan, as simple as it was, and could only wait to finally land. Emberborn hidden away — except for Emma who was with the Human women ready to go on display on the railings when they landed. Nobody was wearing military uniforms or weapons; they all had to play the classy harlot. Except for Mari, she wore her best trashy street whore outfit. Fishnet leggings and top, nothing underneath, and a short skirt barely able to be called as such. Aside from that, only her ink and piercings covered her.

Inky felt naked, and not in a comfortable way. She and her girls were unarmed and going into hostile territory. Their weapons were stashed on the ship, hidden in case of inspection, and would remain there unless they could get back to them in the event of an emergency. Otherwise, they would be dependant on whatever they could salvage locally when things finally went wrong. Of course, things going wrong was as much a part of the plan as them going right. She still didn’t like it.

Hope was even less enthusiastic about leaving her weapons and armour hidden on the ship. She wore her robes and little else. Her plan being to look more like she was playing the role of a holy woman rather than actually being one. She saw Emma wearing what looked like the kind of outfit one would expect a girl sent off to boarding school to be wearing — a plaid pleated skirt and a white blouse she borrowed from Ving and tied up at her belly to tighten up the fit. Her hair was done up to hide her ears and to complete the facade of her being much younger than she was.

The rest of the soldiers wore whatever dresses they could fit into that were from the other women. Blaze attached her more aesthetic arm and looked the part despite all standing at attention like a soldier. Nobody was engaging in amorous activities, their minds simply trying to focus on not worrying about the wait.

When the ship finally landed with a slight bump, the tension was broken and everyone suddenly had something to do.

Liddy was at the forward side door quickly, where she watched a long metal ramp lift from the platform on gears and rotate to arrive in front of her. While the other women went to hang over the railings and display their barely contained breasts or to lounge on the front deck, she walked down with Hannah and Cat.

It didn’t take long for someone to greet them as a man with a fancy suit came out flanked by two guards dressed in their own expensive looking outfits. After the first group, another squad of soldiers in more utilitarian uniforms came out led by man who didn’t seem as important due to the decreased tastelessness of his clothing. The second squad seemed on guard and ready for trouble, but not overtly hostile. They faltered as they processed what they were seeing but kept up a respectable display of discipline.

“Welcome to the city engine of the Steam King.” The most important man greeted, his outfit almost a cloud of frills and lace. “I am lord Izzard. We were rather surprised by your approach and…” he paused to observe the women, “intended purpose.

Liddy giggled like an empty-minded debutant. “Well thank you! We get that response a lot. I appreciate you letting us land.”

“I suppose so.” He did not attempt to hide his inspection of the bust of each woman in front of him. “You certainly surprised us. We weren’t sure if you were really as advertised.”

Liddy stared vacantly for a few moments before letting out another giggle. “We do have some flyers printed if we need to advertise while we are here.”

A flicker of confusion passed over his face. “Right, well I will arrange some local accommodations for you and your servants while you are here.”

Liddy was about to give an eager nod when the lesser noble leading the squad cleared his throat.

“The issue is the sudden and convenient timing of their arrival. Given what is going on.” He glanced at the women but addressed Lord Izzard.

Liddy spoke before he could. “Oh, is there a celebration? That would be very convenient! We would love to help celebrate something.” She looked between the men smiling.

The two men shared a look before the lesser one waved his men to stand down and walked off with them in tow, glancing back at the women frequently.

Lord Izzard said, “As a matter of fact, we will be celebrating soon enough. Come with me and we can get you settled in.”

Liddy leaned in, showing him a better view. “Are you getting suggestive and hoping to have the first play? I certainly wouldn’t mind finding out what a fine man of the city is capable of.”

Again he was caught off guard at Liddy’s interpretation, but only for a moment. “I certainly wouldn’t mind finding out what you have to offer the men of this city.” He took Liddy by the arm and locked it with his as he escorted her off the dock.

Hannah and Cat locked arms with the two soldiers who looked startled at first, but weren’t about to resist either as they followed their lord. While they walked, Hannah used the swishing of her red hair as an excuse to look around. There were no overt points where guns may have been pointed at the ship, but she did spot a freight elevator that she pointed at behind her back with her free hand. She also snuggled up with the soldier to inspect his kit and found it to favour fashion over function.

There were guest rooms right near the docks, unlikely to have been the accommodations the noble had referred to but suited their current needs. Liddy felt her partner shudder upon seeing the simple beds, no doubt thinking them beneath him, but wanting her beneath him overrode his noble senses. He closed the door behind him, leaving his guards with Hannah and Cat.

Liddy knew they wouldn’t be idle for the duration, but was suddenly occupied as hands wrapped around her. One over her chest to grab her by the breast and another around her thigh lifting her dress. She felt him stiffen as he pressed into her but appreciated his restraint in rushing to the end. His tongue licked along her neck and his teeth nipped at her on occasion, leaving Liddy to shudder and honestly enjoy herself rather than play along for the sake of the mission.

Finally getting under her dress, she felt a hand sliding over the silk she was covered with and the wetness the sensation triggered. Both her breasts were pulled free as she moaned and the hard pulls on her nipples contrasted with the soft caresses between her legs. Liddy wanted him inside her badly and loved being made to wait. Of course, she could only wait so long as her body started to quiver in anticipation. It was then that she was let go and pushed to the bed. Letting out a frustrated moan, she turned around to see the man pull himself out of his trousers. Liddy spread her legs wide in the air, ready to take him but instead he pushed them closed and offered himself to her mouth.

He slapped her hands down every time she tried to reach for her breasts or between her legs, watching her frustrated squirms as he watched his bulge moving through her throat. Giving her brief moments to breathe he kept the slow sliding through her lips steady as he controlled her head with his hand in her hair.

Liddy thrust her hips up against nothing as she moaned at the lack of touch against them.

“I’m reluctant to give you my seed. If I do, then you might bear my child. Can I expect you to remain long enough do so?”

Liddy knew full well she wouldn’t be having anyone’s child with her emberstone in place. “Yes.” She started to beg. “Give me your child and I will bear it for you.”

“I’d still expect you to do your duties and please me during. No time off.”

“My pregnant body will always be yours to use.” Liddy rubbed her belly still covered by the dress where it would grow if she

ever did get pregnant.

He delivered one hard thrust down her throat after allowing her to speak and held it there long enough for panic to set in before pulling out. Forcing her legs together and pushing them to the side, he slid between them from behind. Liddy felt him enter her twisted body, the silk that had covered her pushed aside. Within her, she felt him deliver his seed almost immediately and she forced her body to climax, knowing she wouldn’t have another chance for a while if she didn’t get it out then.

“There, now you have my seed. I hope you do a better job bearing me a child than my wife who simply refuses to get pregnant for me.”

Liddy wondered as he slid out of her if he knew how pregnancy actually worked and what lies he could tell him so she could continue to have men while in the city.


Hannah felt relaxed as she lounged in the chair in the hall, the head of the guard she had claimed attending between her wide spread legs. His talents were limited but the constant stimulation while watching Cat kissing the other guard passionately was soothing. Neither guard wanted to get into the position of being unable to snap back to duty so they simply did what they could. To Hannah, it was calming after the tension of their wait during the long flight. Feeling the tongue running through the folds of flesh between her legs sapped the stress from her. A slight climax slipped from her and she wrapped her legs around the man’s head to hold him tight for the duration. Her friend couldn’t help it anymore; he pulled up and after some fiddling with his trousers, pushed into Hannah, who tasted herself on his kiss. As she felt him lose his seed inside her, Hannah wondered how her other soldier friends were doing.


Sergeant Gray was running through a few different emotions. The commander of the enemy had taken him a short walk up the mountain to use his spyglass. Looking through it, their elevation offering a view over the trees, and he saw the metal behemoth of the train city. The only thing that snapped him back to reality from bowl-loosening terror was the sight of the airship docking. There had been a few ships coming and going — but the distinctive sight of the harlot’s ship didn’t escape his notice.

“Quite a sight eh?” The pompous man practically oozed arrogance over his city.

“With a city like that, it makes me wonder what you need an army snuck in for.” Grey knew that while his words may have praised the city, it pointed out that there were clear signs it couldn’t do everything.

“Contingencies. If one path doesn’t work, we have this one. Speaking of paths, shouldn’t ours be clear now?” The tone he used was one Grey was familiar with.

“We can check on that now. My radioman should have received the next report.” It was obvious to Grey that delays were about to run out.

Once they were down to the mouth of the tunnel, Mull reported. “Sir, report from the other side.”

Grey nodded and looked at his radioman. “About time they sent the signal for all clear.”

“Yes, sir,” The man understood the code words. “Almost ready. Some civilian traffic was getting in the way. Should be nobody in sight in a few hours.”

Grey nodded as if he hadn’t expected that exact reply. “Good news. Just enough time to crack open the good stuff before we get a move on.” He turned to the enemy officers who were collected around them. “You are all welcome to share. We are keeping it chilled in the tunnel.”

The officers looked ready for a drink and looked to their colonel who, after Grey gestured for him to go first, walked up to the tunnel. “Leave the beast.” His words casual.

Grey was confused, then noticed one of the men halting his step and got a better look at him. He wouldn’t have noticed had the man not been singled out. His ears were long and pointed like one of the girls on the airship with Hannah. He looked to Mull to covertly keep the man covered as the officers entered the tunnel. They waited, muffled noises and shouts came but no shots. The elf man was suddenly horrified, his ears apparently hearing a lot more.

“You are betraying us?” he asked, terrified and thinking the only thing keeping him alive was that he was still in view of the soldiers camped just down the hill.

“Eh.” Grey shrugged. “We were never actually on your side to begin with.” He noticed the camp was largely unconcerned with anything, their soldiers far more relaxed than they should have been even if nothing was afoot.

“You can’t kill me,” The elf stated defiantly. “They will see it.”

Grey found it odd that the man seemed to think it necessary to inform him of the fact. He looked down at the soldiers as if noticing them for the first time. It looked like one of them was looking at them with a paper in his hand, one he wanted to give to his commander. Time for subterfuge was over it seemed.

“My goodness.” His false surprise fooling no one. “I had almost forgotten.” He made a simple gesture with his finger in the air to proceed with the next phase.

The machine gun positions revealed themselves just enough to aim downfield. Men came out of the tunnel in proper Ocean Port uniforms and took cover. Just as the messenger started walking towards them, showing some initiative, he froze. He hadn’t quite clued in until the gunfire started. From the elevated positions, the whole camp was rained on with lead. Short bursts aimed at grouped soldiers from the machine guns, while precise rifle shots took the rest. It was over in less than a minute before nothing moved in the camp.

“That settles that dilemma. Now, the question is, what do we do with you? Your people don’t seem to like Emberborn and you are free by decree in the Queen’s domain. I’ve got a feeling we will need every warm body we can find to keep this tunnel secure. You want in?”

Horrified, the elf turned to face Grey. “My army is already here! An army that won’t hesitate to kill you all!”

“Oh bother.” Grey sighed, pulling his pistol out and killing the elf with a headshot. “I knew that all went too smoothly.” He joined Mull in cover as the mortar teams were setting up behind them.

“Well, this is terrible,” Mull commented casually as the forest came alive with figures coming through it.

“Don’t shoot until they are out of cover. Every shot needs to count.” Grey had hoped to have the time to salvage equipment from their enemies and cursed.

“I don’t suppose that flyer is doing anything so important that they can’t come by for another run with that cannon?” Mull mused.


After Hannah and Liddy came back, the rest had taken off to begin working the ruling class.

Ving was sticking close to the ship. It made sense because she needed to stick close to her racer in case things got hot. Of course, her hands being bound to the cannon so one of the guards only had to support her legs meant things were already a bit hot. Her jacket and shirt were open, exposing the green lace covering her breasts — but everything below was laying on the dock.

The men had been taking turns. There had been five who stood satisfied around her, watching as the rest had their chance. Ving begged for more when she felt the guard filling her body with his seed. She wanted all of them focused on her. It was one of the best plans she had ever been a part of, she mused, hoping everything else was moving as smoothly as the new man sliding into her.


Foxy had been the first, moving silently across the lower section of the platform that was used to move freight while passengers worked the upper levels. There had been guards, but she could hear the moaning from Ving over their rowdy shouting and knew she was doing her job. She waved over Ela who took cover with Foxy behind some crates.

“That looks like a freight elevator.” Foxy indicated the wall and the opening that would lead down into the beast of the city. “Go secure it, and hold it for us. I will stay here to listen for trouble.”

Ela nodded, smirking at the sound of Ving begging for another.

Vile and Tonna were simply too big to hide behind crates, so they moved together wearing treated leather that had been shaped to their frames. As Tonna slithered over to the elevator Foxy pointed out to her, Vile followed wearing pillows on her hooves and a grumpy face. The noise was remarkably diminished all things considered, and Foxy was relieved that nobody had noticed.

Easy and Leira both were wearing robes over their borrowed combat uniforms. One to hide her sparkly skin and wings, and the other to help keep her moist. They joined Foxy for a moment, then made the run to Ela before Foxy soon joined them. Inside the elevator, they closed the door.

“Alright, that worked.” Vile smiled as she took the pillows off her hooves. “What’s next?”

“We probably need to figure out how the fuck this works.” Leira gestured to the control system on the wall.

“It’s a half-wheel lever; its arrow is at the docks, right at the end. We want to go to the exact opposite.” Easy pointed at each end and looked around to make sure she wasn’t alone in her thinking.

“That would be the boiler level. Is that where we want to go? I mean it does sound like the kind of shitty place they would make us work but it might also be crawling with guards.”

“Lower Cargo?” Ela suggested. “They have an Upper Cargo, probably for the good stuff, so the Lower one might be good. We are the only ship docked near here so it might also be empty of workers.”

“That’s where we go then,” Foxy decided, wondering how her first independent command would fair with it.

Leira and Easy struggled with the lever until Vile wrenched it, breaking a security locking pin, and set it to the right level. They smirked, feeling silly for not noticing it and enjoying the sight of Vile flexing for show.

“How does Ving know when we have made it?” Tonna asked, looking upwards as the elevator started to move.

Foxy smirked. “She doesn’t. Her job was to distract them as long as possible. Despite me explaining it would only take us a few minutes.”

“Well, I suppose it’s better safe than sorry.” Tonna shook her snake-tail-covered head.


Hannah found a balcony that offered a view of the docks attached to the lounge they had been shown to. She could see a long line in front of Ving and a small crowd around her where men stood after their turn. Her body twinged at the sight; imagined the sweet moans her lover would have been making during her diversion at that moment and wished she could hear them. What actually heard was Liddy going over the legal details of why there was an airship of harlots flying about and that they were available for anyone to hire. The others, especially the soldiers, tried to look thrilled at the sights rather than focusing on the mission.

One of the sights that was quite impossible to miss was the formations of troops disembarking down massive ramps on the lowest levels. Trucks and armoured vehicles of all kinds moved onto the main road the city had parked alongside. It pained Hannah to know they were all bound to march right up to the small tunnel Grey was guarding. She knew they would be funnelled by the terrain, but even so the fight would be over quickly if reinforcements didn’t arrive. It had been a real possibility that she had been sending him to his death, yet Hannah knew it had been the best tactical call. The fact that Crater Peak had the world’s largest air fleet and it could bombard any approaching armies as soon as it got out of range of whatever air defences the train city had meant the odds were still in their favour.

Hannah looked back at Ving, only to see her taken off the cannon so that her arms could do something more entertaining to the men who she was serving en masse. The commotion of other men coming into the lounge just on the other side of the impressive glass doors that separated the lounge from the balcony reminded Hannah that she had her own work to do.


Emma had mixed feelings. On one hand, specifically the one being forced down the trousers of the man who had pushed her into an alcove on her way to the lounge, she was aroused at the situation. The other was that he wasn’t treating her like a hired professional. She knew the plan was to go along with whatever, and not worry so much about actual payment, but to still play the role as if they were.

“I don’t think we have discussed payment yet,” Emma reminded, wrapping her fingers around his shaft and feeling it stiffen and grow. “As much as I would enjoy getting right into things, my Mistress would be annoyed if I worked without compensation.”

Despite the sight of the eager elf showing off her cleavage while handling him pleasantly, he was annoyed that his power fantasy was being thwarted by her enthusiasm. “Take this.” Not in the mood to have her talk back, the noble took a medallion of gold and silver off his neck and put it on hers as she continued to stroke his member.

Emma smirked as it landed on her breasts, sliding between them and shifting with each breath. It was all she really needed to take care of before indulging herself. She knew he had prefered to force her, to appear to pressure a young woman into sexual acts to satisfy his needs. As she pulled his shaft out, sliding it down her throat without a problem, she was going to enjoy it more than him. Her tiny tongue ran the length of the shaft as her hands slid along it before teasing the tip. She could taste the first few drops from him before ramming it down her own throat a moment before the hand on her head could do it first. Even as he held her head right against his body, Emma gripped him by the thighs and pulled tighter rather than trying to push away.

The noble let her go, frustrated as he looked down to see her smile as she gasped for air. He spun her around, pushing his slick manhood between the cheeks of her bum, savouring the threat of entry, only to have Emma push off the wall to impale herself on him. Stunned, he just watched as Emma moved herself to work him within her body as she moaned. Her legs dangled mostly since he was so much taller than her, supported by the hands on her hips and her arms on the wall, just pushing off enough to slide him out before another push crammed him back in. As she climaxed, he lost control and let his load go inside her.

Emma was pushed off and landed on her feet. She turned around as she fixed her dress and smiled. Admiring the medallion, she curtsied and left him standing in the hall with his manhood out. When she got to the lounge, she noticed it had filled with a number of men and went to go find another one who wanted inside her.


Grey had a bit of a conundrum on his hands. The troops moving through the forests hadn’t been the organized vanguard he had expected. They moved strangely, didn’t leave the cover of the forest, and what shots they did fire made enough smoke that he wondered if someone had given them stage props.

Then the first shoe dropped.

“Are they using muskets?” Grey asked incredulously to nobody in particular.

“You know, I think they are. Some of them at least,” one of his men replied.

Then the next shoe dropped. “Cannon fodder.” He turned to look at the man he had killed. “They are Emberborn! They were going to march them through the tunnel to take the brunt of any counter-attack from land or air.”

“I guess that will make this easier on us if they only have shit for rif- what the hell are you doing?!” Mull couldn’t fathom why his commander ran out of the trenches and towards the enemy.

Grey had grabbed the company megaphone and left his rifle as he hoped he wouldn’t get shot. “Cease fire!”

The shooting from the forest stopped and both sides were confused.

“Our Queen has decreed that all Emberborn are to be free in her domain! She could have simply had a wedding and not bothered with any of it but instead declared war to enforce it everywhere! Help us defend this city so that you can be free as well! That asshole I shot didn’t want you to be free!”

Grey could hear commotion and voices in the forest but couldn’t make anything out. It almost sounded like officers trying to maintain discipline to him, something he was rather familiar with. Then from just to the left of the camp littered with dead bodies, what looked like a man on horseback at first resolved into a man with his back half a horse. Mounted on him was a woman, her chest giving it away under the same shoddy uniform they both wore, but covered in scales like a lizard with flaps of scaly skin on her chin making it look like she had a beard.

“Give us one reason to believe you!” The woman demanded as she dismounted; if Grey recalled correctly, it was a centaur.

Grey shrugged. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead. But they are sending you into battle to die with muskets against machine guns and cannons.”

She sighed. “We only have a few of those. The plan was to make you waste your ammunition while we fired off useless rounds of our own.”

“Fair enough.” Grey wanted her to keep talking.

“As for turning coats, we can’t. Our families are on the city. We desert and they die.” Unlike the elf, the bearded lizard seemed to be reluctant to refuse.

“I’m betting the city depends on your people to do the hard work. Slaughtering them doesn’t seem like an efficient use of resources. Also, who would do the killing if all the soldiers are marching this way? I assume someone is supposed to back you up after being murdered. So, launching a purge, with minimal forces, against a population that would have no choice and no better chance to rebel outright, doesn’t seem like the best call. My guess is they won’t say anything if you switched sides. And, if we win, their hands will be full dealing with the problems that makes worrying about killing their workers impracticle.”

“And if we switch sides and lose?”

“Then you are dead and killing your families is pointless anyway because who are they punishing? They still keep it secret, and maybe a little something else, but nothing they probably don’t already do on occasion. Unless I am missing something.”

She looked at the centaur, who Grey couldn’t read at all, but he could tell they had exchanged some kind of understanding. The centaur pulled out a horn and blew into it loudly. A few moments later the sounds of shots and fighting within the forest came from all directions until a sudden silence.

“We amuse ourselves with plotting the deaths of the overseers all the time. Everyone knew the signal to actually do it. We aren’t so unprepared as you might think.” The toothy grin should have been disconcerting but Grey felt calmed by it and was happy to have the help.

“Right! I hope you brought tools because I need to teach you to very quickly dig trenches.” Grey noticed figures moving into the camp and collecting weapons.

She laughed. “Manual labour is what our survivors were to be tasked with. I think we can handle it. Kava Gray.” As she extended her arm in greeting she was puzzled by the sudden shock over his face.

“From Ocean Port?” he stammered.

“Originally, before my husband sold me. How did — Tobias?”

“Mom?” He suddenly realised why everyone had acted like they chose their words when he asked about her while growing up.

While the Emberborn with sharp hearing passed the word along, the troops in the hill shared confused looks as their leader started to openly weep in the arms of the lizard as they fell to their knees.


Inky was exhausted. While the men kept showing up, it was dark outside and the girls had been working most of the day. She led a man into one of the bedrooms that had been set for them to use — only to find Hannah passed out on top of the covers. Instead of being annoyed, Inky saw it as a way to get some of her own sleep and pulled the man in with her.

“She’s passed out.” He chuckled as he examined her naked body on the bed; red hair had stuck to her breasts and dried.

“She is still available if you want to hear a woman moan in her sleep.” Inky let her dress fall to the floor and laid next to Hannah on her back.

The noble watched the two women, the fair skin of Hannah contrasting with the darkened skin of Inky as she wrapped her leg around the leg of the unconscious woman to spread it. He reached out with both hands to touch them both between their legs. As Inky had said, Hannah moaned in her sleep as the fingers explored her while Inky moaned more softly as she tried to drift off into sleep.

Unable to resist the invitation, he stripped himself quickly and gently climbed on the bed so he wouldn’t wake Hannah from her sleep. A soft sigh escaped her lips as he slid into her, feeling the warmth of her flesh around his manhood. It surprised him to see her hips moving slightly in an unconscious reflex to being penetrated.

Inky appreciated that he continued his gentle massage of her womanhood as Hannah’s sleeping form enjoyed the slow thrusting. Other men might have just started thrusting roughly and ignored her. While she knew Hannah never minded the rough awakenings of a shaft inside her, she had always said the dreams she had were quite amazing when she wasn’t awakened.

“Is she really still asleep?” the man whispered. He leaned forward to lick Hannah’s breasts once they had started to heave.

“Quite,” Inky replied as she decided to take a lick for herself. “Keep it up and you might just wake her with a climax. Her favourite.”

Inky reached down to rub Hannah, feeling him slide between her fingers to enter her friend as she made sure she was being fully stimulated.

“And if she ends up pregnant?”

Inky had decided that the men of the city had no idea what an Emberstone was. “She will thank you. Give her your noble seed at any time, sir.” Or, she thought, they were just universally obsessed with getting women pregnant.


Hannah had been wandering through the barracks where she had spent a lot of time training, and where her adopted sister Louise was trying and failing to make her bed before muster. Instead of trying to help her, she laid down on it and started asking about what she thought of Ving.

“Oh, I was thinking she would end up pregnant if I talked to her again,” Louise replied as she pulled up her skirt and pushed the metal shaft into Hannah who had been naked the whole time.

“How would you do that?” Hannah asked, wondering how her sister could afford Ving.

“My noble seed, of course.” Louise leaned forward to lick Hannah’s breasts, now with two heads so she could reach them both.

Ving stood over them watching. “Use my seed instead.”

“Alright,” Louise replied, pulling out the metal shaft to reveal it had just been covering a flesh member that Louise slid right back into Hannah.

When Hannah looked back at Ving, she could see her breastfeeding Louise while rubbing herself. Despite the fact that she still had both heads on her breasts… although one seemed to be Inky now. Hannah felt the seed burst inside her and felt her belly grow to full pregnancy as she was so happy Louise had used Ving’s seed while she laid in Liddy’s bed of all places.


“Sorry, Liddy!” Hannah screamed as she woke up during her climax.

Inky smirked, wondering what had happened in the dream to have her scream that. She felt the man pull himself out of her friend and from between her fingers.

Hannah quickly figured out the situation once she was awake and smirked at Inky. “Well, that was fun. Good to know you can keep me working in my sleep.”

“I figured you wouldn’t mind a strange man fucking you while you slept.” Inky paused to let Hannah moan. “Unaware of who was filling you with his seed. And, of course, I couldn’t let him be the only one to enjoy your breasts.”

Hannah reached down between her legs to penetrate herself while Inky teased her nipples. “How many men did I have?”

Inky played along. “Oh, at least a dozen. All taking their turns with your vulnerable body. Filling you with seed and stepping aside. Just like all the men down on the docks with your beloved Ving.”

Hannah vigorously penetrated herself as Inky spoke, moaning harder and louder at the thoughts. Thinking of the dream, Ving on the docks, and the sight of the noble getting hard again at the sight of her pleasuring herself.

“I think I might go down and watch. I am sure she has passed out and the men are just tossing her body around to be used by the next while she sleeps.”

Inky was starting to pleasure herself when she felt a man enter her and saw that the noble simply couldn’t stop himself.

“I’m going to get you both pregnant!” he growled as he used much rougher thrusts into Inky than he did Hannah.

Inky and Hannah kissed. Sharing men had always been fun for them, and it was a treat to relive how they had spent time when they first met. Hannah mounted Inky, keeping their kiss and crushing their breasts together as seed leaked from her to spill onto Inky and slicken the thrusts into her.

The sight of two women making love as he thrust into one of them was too much and he grunted hard as he let loose a smaller dose of his seed into Inky. He was utterly spent afterwards and sat on the floor recovering as the two women didn’t even slow down pleasuring each other. They intertwined their legs to grind their womanhoods together, mixing the seed he had put into both of them until they started to shudder and collapse. As he left, the exhausted women passed out together. He got dressed and left.

“Two are in there asleep. I got them pregnant I think, so feel free to have fun anyway,” he explained to the men waiting in the lounge.

About two dozen men got up to go find out what a sleeping woman felt like.


Down some corridors in the office of a general, Harriott was under a desk.

“Oh, General!” His secretary was surprised to find him there as she came through the door. “I thought you were in the command centre.”

“The war hasn’t started just yet and I have things… to take care of here,” he commented, shifting awkwardly.

His secretary curtsied slightly in her uniform. “Understood sir.” She went to sit at her smaller desk off in the corner, next to the door she had come through.

“I found out there are women on board who do things when you tell them, as women should, rather than sputtering out excuses.” The general smirked, enjoying the way her jacket pressed open from her breasts after he had it adjusted without her knowing.

“I’m a married woman, sir.” She sighed with a small shudder.

“To a common man. Now a button if you please.”

She unfastened one of her buttons for the general, who reached a hand under his desk.

Harriott was annoyed at the general for being an asshole but kept her tongue working slowly and silently.

As the secretary waited with her hands in her lap, the door opened again. In came another general who didn’t even notice her.

Although annoyed at the interruption, the general knew his friend well enough to know his business face. “What’s the problem?”

“No nighttime report from our vanguard and no response from our hails.” He knew what his friend was doing with the hand under his desk.

“We were told that they were delayed by enemy formations on the inside. Maybe they are taking advantage of the dark.”

Harriott silently breathed through her nose as her mouth was sealed around the flesh with the pressure from the hand.

“He still would have left a radio team on our side. We sent extra specifically for that reason.”

“Are you suggesting they are dead? We saw them behaving amicably with the mercenaries from our observation platform.”

“I think the Emberborn had something to do with it.”

“Of course you do. But I don’t think the mongrels would have been able to do anything with an axe over their familie’s heads.” He paused as he thought for a moment. “They might have sabotaged the radios. That’s the kind of petty vandalism they usually try when they know we can’t prove who did it.”

“I suppose. Still, I ordered the reinforcements to march down the road during the night. If something has gone wrong, I want news by daylight when they arrive.”

“Fine, fine! Now do you mind?” The general wanted to continue with what was going on under his desk.

“You can finish that later. I want you clear-headed in the command centre while I go visit with the whores that boarded the ship. I will be far too busy with war later.”

The general put away his needle in the compartment under his desk, getting up with a grumble, marching out with his friend.

As soon as the door closed, the secretary let out a hard moan. Harriott had made it difficult to keep quiet. The hands in her lap holding up her skirt shuddered as the tongue flicking in and around the entrance to her body brought her to climax.

“So you are married?” Harriott asked as she looked up from between her legs.

“To as much of a pig as the general.” She sighed. “I like the idea of being with a woman he would desire more than me.”

“If that’s the case, another button if you please.” Harriott smirked.

Another button came undone and the soft breasts popped out, finally free. Harriott crawled up the chair and grasped the breasts to take them into her mouth as she started building the woman up to a stronger climax. As much as she wanted to relay information to Inky and the others, there wasn’t a rush since nothing actually happened and Harriott didn’t want to arouse suspicion when she could arouse a woman instead.


Ving panted heavily on the docks, naked and spent. The area around her was a mess, and the thought of all of it having been put inside her before leaking out made her wonder how Hannah was enjoying herself. The men had been shouted back to work by a burly woman in uniform who looked like a slab of granite.

“Are you alright, girl?” The concerned woman asked, covering up Ving with her jacket.

“Tough day at work. My bill is going to be expensive.” Ving laughed. “I will need a bath and

some water though. Mind helping me onto my ship?”

“So you really did do all that for work?” She seemed concerned and surprised, emotions Ving wouldn’t have thought her capable of from first impressions.

“Mostly for fun. I just joined the crew because I could get paid for it.” It was a lie, but she figured Hannah’s reasons were easier to explain than her own.

“That’s why I joined the military. I like yelling at people.” She laughed and was soon joined by Ving as they made their way to the bath.

“Get me cleaned up and I might just make you scream myself.” Ving wiggled her eyebrows, wondering just what other emotions the tough woman had been hiding under her stern facade. “Then we can both do what we love.”

The woman stripped out of her uniform once Ving was in the bath and joined her.


The elevator had stopped at a packed hallway full of people, who by all appearances were workers, going both ways. The girls looked through the doors but didn’t open them yet to reveal themselves. As they tried a different floor they realised that Vile had broken the level controls when unlocking it, and now they were unable to travel to any other floor.

“Fuck,” Leira cursed, speaking aloud what all the rest of them were thinking.

Published 8 months ago

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