HMP Bellgate – Part One

"Emma in her new role as a prison guard gets involved with one of the prisoners."

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The wolf whistles reverberated loudly inside the prison walls as the inmates based over three levels jeered at me through the walkways and the windows to their cells. The place was like a circus and it seemed like I was the show.

“You’ll learn to ignore them in time, Emma.”

I turned to face my supervisor Bill, an older guy in his early sixties who had worked at this prison for the best part of twenty years. He had a stoic and weathered face that suggested he’d seen things during his time here and nothing surprised him anymore. It was Bill’s job to welcome me to HMP Bellgate, after my father, a highly-ranked figure within the police force had helped secure me a job inside one of the biggest prisons in the United Kingdom. HMP Bellgate housed some of the most notorious and dangerous criminals in its maximum security wing and it had earned the nickname Hellgate by some of the guards who had worked in that wing.

I had been raised by my father and four older brothers with no feminine influence around me. My mother had abandoned us when I was still a baby, and the older brothers who did remember her didn’t talk of her fondly. My brothers had aced their exams to enter the police force while I had recently failed. It wasn’t my fault, my instructor didn’t like me. Though, it probably didn’t help that I pranked her on many occasions, including pulling her skirt and panties down and slapping her ass while her inspecting superior was only a few feet away. I know it was a mean thing to do, but I grew up with four bigger brothers, banter and pranking each other was the only thing we knew. It didn’t help that although my family was tall and physically well-built, my genes had somehow missed out on the memo and I was this tiny little figure.

As Bill showed me around the packed low-security wing, I remembered my father’s words from yesterday. If I worked hard and impressed him in this role, he would find a career in the police force worthy of my talents. He’d specifically selected this place for me since it was under suspicion that somewhere in the hierarchy was corrupt. There wasn’t any concrete evidence, only rumours of stories from former inmates that suggested something dodgy was happening inside the prison’s walls.

On the first walkthrough, I couldn’t see anything blatantly obvious that suggested corruption had taken hold of the prison. All the security requirements were being met and everything seemed to be done by the book. Bill had shown me the living quarters, three floors of close to four hundred cells with space in the middle to socialise. Each cell housed two inmates, and all the prisoners in this wing were mostly here for less severe offences such as drug-related crimes, drunk and disorderly behaviour, theft, and so on. Other wings on the complex housed prisoners with far more severe offences, but I wasn’t allowed to step foot on those until I had improved my rank and been promoted to a level where I was trusted and experienced enough to work within that wing.

After a couple of weeks of working at the prison, I discovered I fit into the role quite well. Working in a wing with a capacity of three hundred male prisoners, there was a considerable amount of excess testosterone on display. The wolf whistles and the promises of a good time were always present when I walked into the main area, but I soon learned that these were just a front as they tried to look tough in front of the other prisoners.

This kind of behaviour wasn’t new to me, I was a small girl with an innocent-looking face who was blessed with a natural, full and perky cleavage, and worked out regularly; unwanted attention was something I was very familiar with. Thanks to my experiences of growing up with my brothers, I could brush off this attention and give as good as I got. Some of the more charismatic prisoners inside HMP Bellgate enjoyed the back-and-forth during the inspections, and I did too. Bill would sigh at how I would interact with the prisoners, but I found that if there was a rapport, it was easier to keep them behaving.

During my first couple of weeks, it wasn’t hard to find signs of the corruption my father mentioned. A slight smell of weed in certain cells and plastic wrappers suggested something stronger was also circulated. I’d seen both of these while doing my rounds with Bill and it was clear he was turning a blind eye. The question was whether he wasn’t dealing with the transgressions because he didn’t care, it was easier to ignore and let the prisoners enjoy a few of their vices, or because he or someone else was benefitting. I liked Bill, he seemed like a genuinely nice person and I think he was developing a soft spot for me, looking out for me if there were any hints of trouble. I didn’t want to believe that he was involved somehow.

As I settled into my role over the next few months, I continued collecting evidence, but whatever was happening was concealed very well. There was one inmate, a gang member caught distributing drugs named Ash who was involved somehow, I was sure of it. He seemed to be the kingpin in this wing, respected and feared equally by the other inmates, and he seemed to have his own little following. He also happened to be one of the most charming characters in this wing and from an outsider’s perspective, our little chats over the past few months could be perceived as flirting. I was trying to get close to him to gain more information on how he was getting contraband in, but he was easy to talk to, insanely good-looking, and he knew exactly how to press my buttons.

The first time Ash appeared in my dreams took me by surprise. I never normally dreamed about work, but in my slumber, I vividly saw him press me against the wall as he explored my body with his hands. I woke up in a hot flush, confused by the lack of disgust I felt towards my dream. To my surprise, I was soaking wet, and the temptation to touch myself was impossible to deny; there was no way I was getting back to sleep unless I dealt with this. Closing my eyes while the image was still fresh in my head, I reached down under my panties and moaned as I touched myself.

The dreams continued to come unexpectedly as I spent more time in Ash’s cell during inspection rounds. Bill trusted me and the prisoners enough to do checks in the cells alone, and Ash had enough influence and power over the other prisoners that prevented them from doing anything they shouldn’t. That was the reason I used to explain why I spent more time with him, claiming ignorance of the fact that he starred in my dreams most nights. If things carried on the way they were going, I was going to have to find myself a booty call to relieve this pent-up sexual frustration, maybe that will cause the dreams to stop.

During one of the inspections, I had been inspecting his cell while his inmate had gone out of the room for a medical issue, and I turned around from checking the top mattress to see he was standing behind him. I was inches away from his muscular physique as he stood there shirtless with a sheen of sweat over his toned body, and I suddenly became overcome with desire. I gawked, taking in his sculpted figure as I touched his pec with my hands.

“Are you sure you should be touching the prisoners like this, Officer Emma?”

I snapped out of it, realising my hand was still resting on his impressive pecs and I pulled it away immediately. Why the hell did I do that? Ash towered over me, and put a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s okay, I won’t tell if you won’t.”

Ash had a smirk on his face as he moved his hand down my shoulder and then playfully squeezed my breasts through my shirt and walked away. I had been frozen to the spot, paralysed by my lust and desires. With my head spinning, I stumbled out of the room and inhaled deeply attempting to focus before I inspected the next room. I told myself it was a moment of weakness that I wouldn’t allow to repeat itself, but the needy throbbing between my legs suggested otherwise.

That night when I arrived home, I collapsed onto my bed as I tried to clear my mind from the flooding emotions. Ash had got the better of me today, and as much as I desired it, I couldn’t let that happen. I discovered that Bill regularly reported what he found, and was told that it would be handled, but nothing ever came of it. This was why he turned a blind eye from time to time, he’d been reporting his discoveries for years and years and in no uncertain terms, got told to leave it alone. This suggested that the corruption came from above so I started looking into how someone could benefit from allowing or sneaking the contraband inside.

I was sure the answer could be found with Anna from the accounts department. She was in charge of administration for the prison, including handling the prisoner finances. Upon arrival at the prison, each prisoner had their personal prisoner account where someone could transfer a limited amount of money inside per week. If there was any way for those involved in the corruption to profit, having someone in accounts to hide the movement of the money would be a good start.

I planned to question Anna subtly when I returned to work in a couple of days, but something unexpected changed my focus. My father, a loyal, hard-working police officer of over thirty years was involved in an accident when an intoxicated, brat son of a rich family ran over my father as he tried to apprehend him. Despite the overwhelming evidence, those high up in the police force seemed to lose key evidence and my father’s blood alcohol concentration test showed that he was way above the acceptable limit while on duty. In my mind, the test had to be tampered with, there was no way my father would have been drunk on the job.

I continued to work, but my focus was to be there for my father while he recovered in the hospital. Immediately after the blood alcohol test results were announced, my father was found guilty of gross misconduct and kicked off of the force in disgrace with no recompense for the years of service he had given. This destroyed him, and if it wasn’t for the support from myself and my brothers, I would have feared for his mental health. I needed to continue to work to support him financially should he need it, but the investigation into the corruption would have to be put on the back burner for now.

Slowly, my father recovered over the next month, and eventually, he was discharged from the hospital. He was a strong man, and although it destroyed him that he couldn’t finish his lifelong career in a manner that was deserved, he would come out of this intact. As soon as I realised he was going to be okay, I started returning to my normal self, and with that, the return of my titillating dreams involving Ash.

Still curious about the corruption at the prison, I went to see if I could get close to Anna in accounts. She worked in the same offices where the prison warden was present, and under his watchful eye, I tried to find out what little information I could discreetly. Should I find something, I still didn’t know what I’d do, I’d lost faith in the system after what happened with my father, and I was only looking into it now because I was curious to see how deep the corruption had rooted.

The warden wasn’t in the office when I went to speak with Anna, and she smiled warmly as I approached her. The first time I had come up here to meet her, I had expected Anna to be at least in her mid-to-late forties, rather stern-looking, and dismissive. Instead, Anna was only a couple of years older than me at twenty-one, and something intimidated me about her looks that opposed her soft, well-spoken voice and bubbly nature. She was easy to speak to, but there was no way I would find out anything by talking to her alone. I would have to sneak up here and find out for myself.

The next day, I decided to do a follow-up inspection half an hour after I ran the usual inspection with Bill. I immediately decided to visit Ash’s cell, convincing myself I chose him as he was the one most likely to be in possession or dealing contraband, not anything to do with the constant dreams that left me wanting.

As I walked into his cell, I saw Ash sitting on the top bunk, leaning against the barred window that he had somehow managed to open a little, exhaling smoke from a spliff.

“Miss me already, Officer Emma?”

I had to admire the sheer confidence of the young man. He’d been caught doing something that could earn him time in solitary confinement, or even an extended sentence, and he didn’t even flinch as I walked in. I was suddenly aware of two burly prisoners from the neighbouring cells blocking the doorway behind me, it was clear that Ash was the top dog here.

Sensing my growing anxiety, Ash climbed down from the bunk bed, carrying the spliff. He stopped a couple of feet away from me when I genuinely thought he would get in my face, trying to intimidate me as he stood over a foot taller than me. Instead, he smiled warmly.

“You don’t seem like the party-killer type Officer Emma, we’re chilling out and not harming anyone. There’s nothing to see here.”

His gaze travelled down my body as he spoke, and I thought I saw a flicker of hunger in his eyes, like a predator examining their prey as he took in my figure.

“You smell nice today, do you mind?”

Ash stepped closer and leaned down to get a better smell. I felt his warm breath against my neck and my legs suddenly turned to jelly as vivid images of my dreams repeated in my mind. Since I showed no sign of resistance, Ash placed a firm hand on my cheek, and I couldn’t help but lean into it, feeling the roughness of his skin.

“You seem a little tense today, Officer Emma, here, this will help.”

Ash held up the spliff to my lips as he massaged my shoulder. Trapped in a trance, I opened my lips to allow the spliff in and took a pull. This wasn’t my first rodeo with weed, unbeknownst to my father and my employers, but it had been a while since I last had any. The familiar hit was good, but not as satisfying as Ash’s wandering hands as they wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. I could feel his penis respond to my presence as it engorged within his prison uniform, and I yearned to take it inside my mouth. The thin material of his prison trousers did little to obscure the impressive outline and I was salivating with desire.

The two burly men stood static near the door to keep watch as they enjoyed the show before them. I was lost in the moment, stuck in a trance I couldn’t escape, even if I wanted to. Ash’s wandering hands found their way to the top of my blouse as he unbuttoned the top two buttons and lowered my bra while he had a closer look at my ample breasts. Without thinking of the consequences, I started rubbing my body against his, feeling the friction from his sturdy leg against my moist pussy.

Ash lightly pushed me against the wall, holding my hands above my head with ease as he pressed himself against me. I continued to grind myself against him as best as I could, overcome with a desperation that outweighed any self-conscious thoughts. He held up the spliff to my lips again and I took a deeper pull, this time taking too much as I experienced a small coughing fit that snapped me out of my trance. Inside Ash’s cell, I was suddenly very aware of the fact my breasts spilling out of my blouse, and I was soaking my panties by rubbing myself against him while two people watched. Horror filled me and I couldn’t escape the cell quickly enough as Ash released his grip, clumsily buttoning up the blouse as I hurried to the staff toilets.

The cubicles were empty and I locked myself inside the one furthest from the door, taking a moment to compose myself. I had no idea what had come over me, but if it wasn’t for the coughing fit there was no telling how far I would have gone with Ash in his cell. My actions should have horrified me, though it was more disturbing that I felt a pull calling me back to the cell for more. I could finish myself off now in the cubicle, but it felt like it would be an anticlimax.

My heart pounded and my clit ached to be touched. I didn’t care how humiliating it was to hump Ash like a bitch in heat, and that was a petrifying thought. Taking deep breaths, I tried to rein in my turbulent desires, and as frustrating as it was, I steeled myself to return to work.

I tried to avoid Ash and the other prisoners in that room for the rest of the shift, but Bill asked me to accompany him for one last inspection. Ash’s eyes danced with joy as I walked into the room and Bill seemed oblivious to the energy shift in the cell. To me, there was a palpable tension in the air, a desire from us both so strong that I could feel it pulling me towards Ash. The memory was still fresh from barely an hour ago, and I could feel myself slipping back into a trance as I longed to feel Ash’s body against mine.

“Are you okay, Emma?”

Bill wore a concerned expression as he repeated his question that I hadn’t heard the first time. I shook my head as if I had been lost in a daydream and told him I was fine, appreciating the chance to escape the cell hastily.

Later that evening, I collapsed into bed, mentally drained and frustrated. My mind was awash with desires, confusion, and fear from what happened today. Ash had seemed so sure of himself, so confident that he could get away with blatantly breaking the rules. The memory of feeling so defenceless and open to be used as he held my hands above my head made me squirm with desire; I knew without a doubt that the events with Ash would fuel my unruly dreams as I slept.

Published 8 months ago

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