It’s taken Jill a few hours and a few joints to finally settle down from the emotional high she’s been on since she left Chicago. She hasn’t felt the same since she woke up from her hypnotic trance with Maggie in the wee hours of this morning. She doesn’t look the same either, nor does she feel the same to Allie.
They’ve kissed like this hundreds of times in this very spot. She thought she knew Jill like a book. But as she kisses her now, it’s like she’s kissing a different Jill. A more vibrant version of the person she fell in love with nine months ago.
Jill’s opened a new chapter in her book of life. A new chapter full of blank pages, ready for Jill to write whatever she wants. Gone are the demons that tormented and held her back in the past. Gone are any limitations she was still holding on to.
Maggie could have approved her for the program when they first interviewed for it, and she probably would have done just fine. But Maggie saw a deep, untreated wound inside Jill. She’s seen wounds like this before in her many years of practice. Wounds that, once healed, freed her patients to fully be who they were always meant to be. And so it is with Jill.
Holding her in her arms, Allie feels new energy flowing from her. “I really missed you last night,” she says. “Not having you in bed beside me let me see how much more I love you.”
“I love you more today, too,” Jill says, “but more than that, I love myself more. Maggie showed me how to love myself. I’ve been missing that part of my life, and I didn’t even know it.”
“What did she show you?”
“She showed me how far I’ve come, despite all the shit I’ve had to deal with all my life. You’re a big part of that, Allie. That’s one reason I love you more today. Maggie said she’s never seen girls like us be this far along when they came into the program. She said we should pat ourselves on the back for what we’ve done.”
“Why don’t we go out to dinner and pat ourselves on the back? I’m getting hungry… are you?”
“Yeah, I am. Let me get out of these boy clothes so I can feel like a girl again. But first, I gotta pee.”
“Fuck, I’ve been peeing a lot lately,” Allie says.
“Me too. I wonder if it’s because of the blockers we’ve been taking?”
“I dunno. We’ve only been on ’em a week. I haven’t noticed any changes, except I always have to go pee.”
In the bedroom, Allie lies on the bed watching Jill get back into her girl clothes. She’s amazed at how she glows with confidence, making up her face and blowing kisses to the girl she sees in the mirror. She looks so sexy putting on her bra with her fake tits. She spends extra time in the closet, carefully choosing what dress she wants to wear.
Jill loved the atmosphere of the Chinese restaurant last night, so when Allie asks her where she wants to eat, she choose another Chinese place. It’s not as nice as the one in Chicago, but the mood is perfect for the frame of mind they’re in.
As they sip on tea and wait for their food, Allie says, “It’s Ladies’ Night tonight at the Club. I wonder if they canceled it.”
“I dunno… but you know they’re missing us. I want them to miss us. I want them to miss us real bad. It’s part of my plan.”
“What plan?”
“The plan to make ’em buy us a house. I’ve been thinking about it all week.”
“Yeah,” Allie chuckles, “I remember how you faked your crying when you talked to Walt last week.”
“That was just the start,” says Jill. “When I had my date with Norm, I laid the shit on thick. I used his good advice against him. He really thinks we’re gonna move to Chicago.”
“How’d you use his advice against him?”
“Well, he’s always told me to use my advantages to exploit the weaknesses of others.”
“Yeah, but he’s not exactly a weak guy.”
“He is when he wants my ass. He loves sucking my cock, too. After I fed him my cock and sat on his dick a while, I talked to him about how much fun we’ll be when we both have nice titties for the guys to play with.
“He’s addicted to cock… young cock… just like most of the guys we fuck there. I’m counting on Norm and Walt to talk the guys into buying us a house so we won’t move to Chicago.”
“That’s so fuckin’ crazy…” Allie laughs, “we’re not even thinking about moving to Chicago.”
“Yeah, I know… but THEY think we are.”
“You’re such a sly little fox, babe.” Allie laughs.
“Yes… I… am…” Jill giggles, “and I love myself for it!”
“You know what I wanna do tomorrow…? I wanna start looking at houses.”
“You think we’re ready to look at houses?”
“Fuck yeah…! Remember what the book says? If you want something to happen, you have to think and act like it’s already happened. We wanna be home buyers… so let’s act like we’re home buyers. Besides, when we quit our jobs Monday, we’ll have lots of extra time!”
Meanwhile, at the hotel suite the Club rented for tonight’s gang bang, Jill’s plan is starting to become reality. Only Tony, Walt, Norm, and Roger know the girls aren’t going to be there tonight. They thought about canceling but decided instead to have everyone show up as usual and have a meeting.
About the time the girls usually come out of the dressing room to start the party, Norm and Walt go around the room banging silverware against a glass telling everyone they need their attention.
When everyone’s quiet, Norm takes the floor and says to them, “Gentlemen, I know you are all expecting to have a great time with our beautiful ladies. Unfortunately, our ladies can’t be here tonight. But fortunately for us, depending on what we decide, our ladies can be even more beautiful than they’ve already been.
“The girls have decided to enter an experimental research project at a university in Chicago. I don’t know all that much about it, but our good Doctor Walt is here to tell you all about it. Before I give him the floor, I’m asking you to think about how much fun we’ve had since they’ve been a part of our Club. Think about how much fun we’ll miss out on if we lose them.”
When Walt takes the floor, he tells the guys what the girls are about to go through as they begin their physical transition. He tells them, from a medical point of view, what gender dysphoria is all about and how their girls really are girls, except for their male bodies. He tells them about the mental challenges they deal with all the time when they’re not at the Club giving them sexual pleasures.
He especially talks about Jill. Everyone’s seen the scar on her arm, and Walt tells them that’s why the girls aren’t here tonight. He tells them about Jill having her session with Maggie to get psychiatric treatment for the mental scars she’s suffered all her life.
Walt and Norm, having been professionally bullshitted by Jill last week, tell the guys the girls are afraid for their personal and financial security and are seriously considering moving to Chicago. If that happens, Norm tells them, they’ll lose the great sex the girls have been giving them and they’ll have to wait for Roger to find a couple of young gay guys to take their place. That’s if Roger can even find a couple of guys at all.
Roger takes the floor and tells them it isn’t easy finding young cock. He explains how much time it took for him to groom Jill and Allie into being their whores. Roger says he feels kinda guilty for leading them into this lifestyle, and he feels responsible for their well-being.
He’s not sure he wants to do it all over again. He tells the guys it’s in the Club’s best interest to do whatever they can to keep the girls living in Des Moines. He guarantees they’ll never find better whores than the girls they already have.
When everyone finishes talking, Norm takes the floor again and proposes a plan of action. “OK, guys, now you know everything we know. I don’t know about you, but I fuckin’ love our girls. I don’t wanna see them go.
“Guys… they need security… and we can give it to them. When they get into this program, they’re not gonna be able to work. These girls are fuckin’ brave to do what they’re about to do. They need a house to live in and a steady income.
“Look guys… we’ve all got money coming out of our asses. If we all pitch in, we can buy ’em a god-damned nice house, and if we guarantee them a steady income being our escorts, I mean, shit… we’re doing that already, right…? We just have to let ’em know they can count on it.
“We’re starting a fund to buy our girls a house, and I’ll start it off by throwing in five grand. You all tell Tony if you want to chip in and he’ll collect the money.
“So… that’s the good, the bad, and the ugly of our situation, guys. Talk it over amongst yourselves, and if you can pitch five hundred or a grand, let Tony know. I’m telling you… we’re never gonna find better ass than we’re already getting off our own homegrown girls.”
As the guys mingle with each other, they all agree how lucky they are to have the girls in the Club and nobody wants to see them leave. Tony’s sitting at the card table collecting donations and there’s a long line of guys waiting to pledge their support. He gets pledges and checks from almost every member, and at the end of the night, he’s collected cash, checks, and pledges amounting to $47,000.
Tony, Walt, Norm, Roger, and Gary stay after everyone leaves to work up a formal proposal to offer the girls a five-year incentive to stay in Des Moines and continue being their whores… or ‘escorts’… as they’ll be called from now on.
Gary’s going to get together with his lawyer friend, Steve, to draw up legal papers. They’ll arrange it so the house can be in the girls’ names and give the Club the option to take the house back should the girls decide to leave them before five years.
Jill and Allie walk into their apartment after a very relaxing, romantic dinner together. They spent an hour and a half slowly eating and talking about their future. They come in the door with arms around each other, and as soon as they close the door, they kiss long and hard, feeling the love beating in their hearts.
“It’s still kinda early, you want to do anything?” Allie asks.
“I’m tired as fuck,” Jill answers, “if you don’t mind, I’d like to just go to bed. I’ve been up since way before the sun came up. It’s been a long-ass day, but a wonderful day. I wanna finish it off by making love with you.”
“Mmmm… yeah… I’d love to do that.”
When they get in their bedroom, the bed looks so inviting to Jill. She’s been up fifteen hours, and it’s catching up with her. As they undress each other, they kiss and hold each other, running their fingers through each other’s long, beautiful hair.
When they do get in bed, Allie pulls the covers over them and starts kissing Jill all over her body. In her physically tired state, Jill can barely move as she enjoys the intimate love Allie’s giving her. Allie feels so good to her as she lies there, soaking up her love.
As Allie kisses and sucks on her nipples, Jill imagines how it will be when her tits start to grow. She wonders how big they’re gonna be, and what they’ll feel like when they do. The best part is, she knows it’s no longer an empty dream to have tits of her own.
Allie’s in such a loving frame of mind tonight. After kissing her way to Jill’s penis, she gently takes it in her mouth, massaging it with her tongue. Rolling her tongue around her shaft and head, everything she does is slow and gentle. Jill’s never felt her make love like this before.
When her cock gets hard, Allie licks up and down her length, just as slow and gentle as she did when it was in her mouth. Jill can’t believe how sensitive it’s making her cock feel. It pulsates up and down as Allie’s tongue brings her to the edge of climax several times.
Each time she gets close, Allie licks her balls as gently as she just licked her cock. Jill’s legs open up on their own, inviting Allie to lick a little lower. After a couple more times of licking her cock and taking her to the edge, Allie knows Jill wants her pussy licked.
She’s happy to grant her unspoken wish, and she licks her hole with the same slow, loving pace she licked her cock. Jill shivers with intense emotions she never knew she had. She’s enjoying having her ass licked like never before. Allie knows she’s loving it, and she gently licks it until it pulses around her tongue.
“Ohhhhh… Gaawwwdddd, Allie,” Jill cries, “you make me feel like a real woman.”
“Mmmmm, yeah, babe,” Allie moans back, “you make yourself feel like a real woman.”
While she was enjoying Allie’s tongue, she didn’t even realize Allie was getting her ass lubed up, ready to be fucked. So when Allie moves up to kiss her, she’s surprised to feel Allie’s cock slip up her ass with ease. Allie’s licking got her hole so relaxed it opened right up for her.
With Allie’s full length nestled inside her, Jill wraps her arms and legs around her lover as they kiss romantic kisses and coo at each other. Allie’s kisses are just as slow and loving as she’s been all night. They’ve been making love for well over an hour, and they’ve hardly said a word.
Their bodies have been talking to each other the entire time. Allie wanting to love, and Jill wanting to be loved. Like always, one always seems to know what others wants and needs in the moment. Allie fucks Jill with slow half-strokes, always slow, always gentle.
Jill can hardly stand it as her fingernails dig into Allie’s back. Her ass hasn’t stopped pulsing since it started when Allie was licking her. Her cock pulses as much as her ass, with Allie’s tummy gently rubbing against it as she fucks. She feels the pressure building in her balls. She feels the inside of her ass squeezing the thick cock that fills her.
Her body can take no more and with a sudden pulse, she feels her semen rushing up her shaft and shooting in between their two joined bodies.
“Ohhh… my God!” she says, her ass pulsing and squeezing like never before.
The pulsing and contracting of her ass sends Allie into a frenzy so intense she can’t fuck slow anymore. She pumps Jill’s ass as fast as she can, needing to spill her load as badly as Jill’s just spilled hers. With Jill’s ass violently pulsing as she orgasms, it doesn’t take her long. She buries her cock deep inside and her balls let go, shooting cum so hard Jill cries again from the pleasure.
Coming down from their orgasms, they lie side-by-side, not saying a word, only kissing and rubbing their tongues together. Jill closes her eyes as she kisses, and the emotional high she’s been on all day catches up with her, and she falls asleep as she kisses her lover, Allie.
It’s only about nine o’clock and Allie can’t fall asleep yet. When she’s sure Jill is fast asleep, she goes into the living room. She starts to turn on the TV, but the quiet stillness appeals to her more. She sits and thinks about what they talked about at dinner, about becoming home buyers and looking at houses tomorrow.
Jill’s always reminding her about how the book says to do it. It’s clear to Allie that Jill has learned the principles of manifesting much better than she has. She rolls herself a joint, picks up the book, and reads it again, front to back. When she closes the book, she sits on the floor and begins to meditate.
She’s still high with the loving, sexual vibes from the lovemaking earlier. The pot she just smoked has a deadening effect on her conscious mind. With the words of the book she just read fresh in her mind, she’s in a perfect, melancholy state as she goes into a deep meditative trance.
She sits for what seems hours, thinking about her life with Jill and how she wants it to go. She spends a lot of time imagining her female body, knowing the hormones will soon be getting into her system. She smiles as she sees herself wearing a perfect female figure with beautiful C-cupped breasts.
Her thoughts settle into envisioning the house she and Jill will live in. The image she saw months ago comes back to her. She concentrates on it, imaging every detail of their special place in the country. She grins from ear to ear, the feeling of herself living there with Jill is so intense, it almost feels real.
She opens her eyes enthused and inspired, and when she looks at the clock, she’s amazed to see she’s been in a trance for an hour and a half. She’s tired and ready for bed, and she snuggles up to her sleeping lover, kissing her neck, smelling her presence, and holding her close as she drifts off to sleep herself.
Allie wakes up the next morning with Jill still sound asleep. She feels vibrant energy flowing through her as she gets out of bed. She drinks a cup of coffee by herself as Jill still sleeps. She thinks about their house again, and her intuition tells her to go out and buy a Sunday paper.
When she gets back home, she checks on Jill, who continues to sleep. She puts the paper on the kitchen table and gets back in bed with Jill. As she snuggles her, Jill starts waking up, and Allie greets her with morning kisses.
“Mmmm… morning babe,” Jill coos.
“Morning sweetheart, you slept a long time.”
“It felt soooooo good! I had the best dreams, all night long.”
“What did you dream about?”
“I don’t know. All I remember is it was all so fuckin’ beautiful. You look beautiful. I feel beautiful. The whole fuckin’ world is beautiful!”
Jill doesn’t need any coffee to wake up, but she drinks a cup anyway because it tastes so good.
“I got us something this morning,” Allie says.
“What did you get?”
“After you went to sleep last night, it was too early for me. I came in here and read the book again. Then I meditated and I got myself really, really pregnant. I got pregnant with the female body I’m gonna have, and I got really pregnant about our new home. Jill, I saw us living in it, I could feel it!
“I woke up so excited about it, I went out and bought a Sunday paper before you woke up. I wanna look at home ads and go look at houses today just like you said last night.”
“Oh yeah, baby!” Jill gets excited. “We’re thinking like one person again. Watch out world! We can’t be stopped!”
They laugh and giggle as the excitement consumes them. Their both very pregnant with the same idea. They’re so pregnant together, they both know there’s no way this baby is not going to be born.
As they laugh, the phone rings and Jill gets up to answer.
“Hi, Jill-baby. How ya doin’ today?”
“Rosy!” Jill shouts, “I’m doing absolutely fabulous!”
“I was worried about you all weekend. I had to call to see how your trip to Chicago went. Sounds like it went great.”
“It did. It was so fucking great! I can’t believe how fucking great I feel.”
“Damn, it sounds like it. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Wanna go out to brunch with us? Guess what we’re doing today?”
“Yeah, we love to go to brunch. What you doing today?”
“We’re fucking going to look at houses!”
“Holy shit! Can we go with you? I’ve never looked at houses before.”
“Of course, we’d love to have you come. We still have to shower. You want us to pick you up?”
“No. We’ll come over there. We’ve got a surprise for you girls.”
“Ooooo… I love surprises.”
“Well, get your little girly-butts in the shower. Me and Carla will be there in an hour.”
Out of the shower, the girls are drying each other’s hair when the doorbell rings. Carla’s so used to coming over now she doesn’t wait for them to come to the door anymore. “Hey ladies, we’re here!” she says as she walks right in.
“We’re in the bedroom, babes,” Allie yells back.
Allie’s drying and brushing Jill’s hair when they come in to give them a kiss. Allie stops to kiss Carla and when Rosy leans down to kiss Jill, she stops and stares at her face. “Jill!” she says. “Your face…! You’re glowing!”
When they kiss, Rosy feels electric energy radiating off Jill’s body. It’s an attractiveness she can’t resist. She kisses her again and gives her a big hug.
“I love seeing you so happy,” she tells her. “What happened in Chicago?”
“Oh… nothing much,” Jill gleams, “I just discovered a wonderful part of me I never knew I had, that’s all.”
“Jill’s been buzzing ever since she got back,” Allie says.
Rosy gives her a tiny little box wrapped in gift wrap and tells her, “Here’s the surprise I told you we had for you. It’s a little something to make you more like a girl. It’s something every girl needs.”
As Jill gives Rosy a kiss to thank her, Carla gives Allie a gift the same size.
“Here, Allie-girl, we got one for you, too.”
“Gee, thanks Carla-babe. It’s so small, I wonder what it could be?”
“You’ll never find out if you don’t open it, you silly girl.” Carla jokes.
When they open their presents, they find a pair of gold studded earrings.
“Oh wow!” Jill says, “my first pair of earrings!”
She looks at them and wonders, “How do I put them on?”
“You have to have pierced ears to wear ’em.” Rosy tells her.
“But my ears aren’t pierced.”
“They aren’t now… but they will be in a few minutes, sweetheart.”
“As your close girlfriends,” Carla says, “we decided it’s time you girls had your ears pierced. Every girl has her ears pierced, and it’s time you did too.”
This surprise has hit Jill and Allie on their blindside. They weren’t expecting anything like this. The thought of piercing their ears has never even occurred to them.
They’re so excited as the girls sit them at the kitchen table, pressing ice cubes against their ear lobes to get them numb. They wince their faces as the needle pierces through their skin. Carla gives Allie a kiss when she pierces her first ear and pushes the stud through. Jill is just as excited as Rosy pierces her ears and puts her earrings in.
When they’re finished, they tell the girls these are trainer earrings and they have to leave them in 24/7 for a few months until the piercings heal. The girls are giddy in front of the bathroom mirror, admiring their new girly ears as Carla shows them how to keep them clean with piercing solution.
“Thank you soooo much!” Jill tells Rosy.
“We told you we’d teach you how to be girls, didn’t we? Well, you’re both doing so good, you’re getting advanced lessons now.”
When they settle down, they go back into the bedroom to finish dressing. Since it’s the middle of November and a chilly day, they forget about wearing dresses and opt for warmer khakis and sweaters today.
Jill puts a list she made of the open houses in her purse and they all hop in Allie’s Mustang to go eat. They go to the fancy buffet at the hotel the Club holds their gangbangs, and the girls chuckle when they realize they’d be eating here right now by themselves if they had made it to Ladies’ Night last night.
“This is really a nice buffet,” Carla says.
“We eat here all the time,” Jill says, “This is where we have our gang bangs.”
“Really?” Rosy giggles, “Are you trying to get us horny by bringing us here?”
Everyone starts laughing when Carla says, “Shit, Rose, you get horny every place Jill takes you!”
“Oooops!” Rosie laughs.
As they’re starting on desserts, Jill gets her list of homes out of her purse to see where they want to go first.
“I can’t believe you girls have money to buy a house already,” Carla says.
“We don’t actually have the money yet,” Jill explains, “But we’re acting like we do, and pretty soon we will.”
Carla doesn’t understand what she’s talking about but leaves it at that.
“Let’s see,” Jill says, looking at her list, “it’s eleven o’clock, and only one open house starts at eleven. I guess we’ll go there first.”
As they tour the different houses, the girls are very aware they’re not in a crowded public place. They’re talking with realtor agents one-on-one, and they have to be careful talking with their male voices. Rosy and Carla do most of the talking to camouflage them, and Allie doesn’t say anything as they walk around.
Jill feels brave with her new aura of confidence, and experiments talking in a higher-pitched voice as she engages in limited conversations with the agents. As they drive to each new house, Rosy tells Jill what parts of her speech sounded feminine and which parts did not.
Although she got a few weird looks from some of the female agents, for the most part, she did fairly well talking like a girl. She knows she has a long way to go before she’ll be able to comfortably do a lot of talking and be able to conceal her male vocal cords.
After the last house, Allie thinks about the house she saw herself and Jill living in while she meditated last night. “Well, I know one thing I learned. We can’t buy a place in town with neighbors.”
“Why is that, sweetheart?” Carla asks.
“Because it’s gonna strange when the neighbors see our bodies turning into girl bodies.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Carla agrees, “You don’t even know who your neighbors are until after you’ve already moved in. No one’s even heard of changing sexes. Imagine if some bible thumpers found out you’re changing your sex, especially in Des Moines.”
“That’s so true,” says Rosy, “we live in Hicksville, not New York or San Francisco.”
“We’re just looking today anyways,” Jill says, “Allie has a vision of us living in the country. I sorta do, too.”
“That would be cool,” says Rosy, “I bet there aren’t many places for sale in the country, though.’
“Probably not,” Allie agrees, “but we’re in no hurry, we have tons of time. We’re still waiting for the money to come to us.”
Once again, Carla’s puzzled about what Allie’s even talking about. But Jill knows what she’s talking about. She knows Allie’s finally gotten fully on board with her about manifesting what they want. She knows they’re thinking together like they’re one person focusing on the exact same thing. She knows it’s only a matter of time now before all their dreams come true.
Later on, back at the apartment, they’re all sitting around getting high and enjoying each other’s company. Allie and Carla are snuggling on the couch and Jill’s sitting in a bean bag with Rosy in her lap. They’re having fun making out and all, but not really all that interested in having sex at the moment.
When they get hungry, Jill warms up the Chinese leftovers from last night. They turn on the TV and watch Disney while they eat, and a good movie comes on afterward. Carla says to Rosy, “You think we should start thinking about going home, little Rose?”
“Probably,” she replies, “but it feels so good just being with my other girlfriend. I’ve always wanted to see this movie.”
“I wouldn’t mind seeing it,” Carla continues, “but it’s going to be late when it’s over, and Allie has to get up early for work tomorrow.”
“Actually,” Allie says, “I don’t. We’re not going to work anymore.”
“What…? You’ve quit your jobs?”
“Not yet,” Allie informs her, “me and Jill are quitting tomorrow. We can’t work while we transition to female. And besides, we ain’t makin’ shit at our jobs.”
“Shit…” Carla says, “you gals are really doing it. Quitting your jobs, buying a house, changing your sex? I don’t know how you do it, but I admire you two, I really do. I have to admit, I’m just a wee bit jealous, but not in a bad way. How the fuck have you done all this?”
Allie gets the Neville Goddard book off the end table and hands it to her. “It’s all in this book,” Allie tells her. “When we started reading this book and doing what it said, all kinds of great shit started happening for us. Jill got it way before I did, but I eventually got it too. It sounds weird, but it really works.”
“I was gonna borrow it last week but I forgot to take it with me,” Carla says.
“Well, don’t forget it again. So… you gonna stay and watch the movie with us?”
“Yeah, I guess we will,” she says. She giggles a bit and adds, “It might be kinda fun.”
“You never know,” Allie snickers.
She lights a couple of candles and rolls a couple of joints. She turns the lights off and gives Jill and Rosy a joint to smoke by themselves. When the movie comes on, the girls have their lesbian lovers in their arms, kissing and hugging and having a nice, mellow time.
The movie is really good, and they snuggle close as they watch. Rosy smiles as Jill fondles her breasts, and she unbuttons her blouse so Jill can go inside. They kiss during commercials and Rosy lays her head on Jill’s chest when the movie starts again. She reaches into her pants and gets disappointed when Jill’s tight pads get in the way.
During the next commercial, when Jill gets up to pee, Rosy tells her to take off her pads. Jill smiles when she comes back and sees Rosy’s bra laying on the floor beside the bean bag chair. Rosy puts her hand back in her pants, grabs her cock and, says, “Mmmm… that’s much better.”
As the movie plays on, they all get deeper into each other, the kissing during commercials now lasts into the movie. Jill glances back at the couch and Allie and Carla aren’t watching the movie anymore. They’re both rolling around the couch, kissing and grinding their hips together as they dry fuck.
When the movie ends, they’re all ready to go to bed. The girls don’t even think about driving home tonight. They’re so used to being lovers now, it’s just assumed they’re spending the night. Making their way to separate bedrooms, both couples giggle as they realize how close they’re becoming.
Taking their clothes off in separate bedrooms, they almost feel like married couples, the way they’ve become so comfortable crawling in bed with each other. Love is in the air, and they all feel it with different intensities, but Rosy feels it the strongest.
When Jill rolls on top of her in bed, she puts her arms around her and lets her head rest back on the pillow. The feeling of love almost overwhelms her as Jill covers her face with sweet kisses. As Jill kisses up and down her neck, Rosy feels new energy flowing from Jill. She’s felt it all day, actually, but not as intense as she feels it right now as Jill makes love to her.
Sucking on those beautiful nipples she’s come to love, Jill remembers how nice it felt last night when Allie made love to her. She kisses Rosy’s tits with the same slow, erotic rhythm, wanting to give Rosy the same pleasures.
She wants to lick Rosy’s pussy, but she’s in no hurry. She’s got Rosy writhing all over the bed as she slowly and deliberately kisses her way between her legs. As she runs her nose through the soft hairs of her bush, the intoxicating odors of her pussy are calling her.
They both peed just before they came to bed, and there’s an erotic hint of urine as Jill runs her nose between the folds of Rosy’s pussy. It turns her on when her tongue tastes the distinct saltiness of her juices with slight a taste of urine stimulating her senses even more. It feels so intimate under the darkness of the covers.
Rosy’s moaning with deep pleasure as Jill sucks on her clit with the same slow deliberation she started out. Spreading her legs as wide as can, Rosy bucks her hips in delight with Jill’s tongue wiggling inside her hole. Jill knows Rosy’s body well, and sensing her approaching orgasm, she sucks on her clit and flicks her tongues across it, sending Rosy over the edge.
Jill’s cock is pulsing as she licks the sweet orgasmic juices flowing freely from Rosy. The sweet cunt candy gives Jill as much pleasure as she’s giving Rosy. She slowly brings Rosy down from her emotional peak and kisses her way back up to kiss her sweet lips again.
“Oooooh, baby,” Rosy sighs, “that was wonnnnnn-derful. You get better at that every time you do it.”
“You taught me well, sweetheart. I love lovin’ on you.”
“Oh baby, I love your lovin’. Would you like me to suck on you a while?”
“Naw, not tonight, baby. You can suck me tomorrow. I just feel like giving you love tonight.”
Jill’s hard cock is already knocking at the door of Rosy’s honey hole, and it naturally and effortlessly slides right in as she and Rosy exchange loving kisses back and forth. Rosy wraps her legs around her lover as Jill fills her up, driving her wild as she slides in and out of her wet, aroused pussy hole. They roll back and forth on the bed, entwined like two people in love.
Rosy’s in heaven as Jill gives her orgasmic pleasure Carla’s rubber strap-on can never equal. Her last orgasm brings Jill along with her, and they both silently moan together, as Jill empties her load.
Rosy hugs Jill tight as they lie together in the aftermath of their passion. “I’m getting so used to sleeping with you.”
“Mmmm, yesssss,” says Jill. “It’s nice, isn’t it? Having two lovers? I never dreamed I’d ever be this fortunate.”
“Me neither,” Rosy says, “I just love our arrangement, and I love you.”
“I love you too,” Jill acknowledges “but it confuses me sometimes… even though I’m in love with Allie, I know love you, too.”
“Me and Carla were talking about that last week. We decided if feel love for each other, we shouldn’t try to fight it. As long as everyone’s fine with it, there’s nothing wrong with loving two people at the same time.”
“Carla’s fine with it?”
“She is… she didn’t actually come out and say it, but I’m pretty sure she loves Allie like I love you.”
“Well… we definitely get along great together. How four people can be so loving with each other, it blows my mind sometimes.”
“Have you and Allie talked about it? Being in love with two people at the same time?”
“Not really. We’ve talked a little bit about feeling love for you and Carla, but not about actually being in love with you. Do you think you’re in love with me?”
“I think I am. I’ve got the same feelings I had when I fell in love with Carla. How about you?”
“I know I love you, but I haven’t really thought about actually being in love with you, but I might be. How do you really know?”
“You just know. I can’t explain it. You’re probably not in love with me yet, cuz if you were, you’d know it. But I know you love me, cuz I can feel it in you.”
They’re both purring as they fall asleep. Rosy knows she’s in love, and Jill wonders if she is. Holding this beautiful girl in arms, Jill knows one thing for sure. She’s never felt better her entire life, and she’ll never again feel the same way she did before she went to Chicago last Friday.