I kept myself busy throughout the week. The Christmas party is this Saturday. Every night when I get home, Cynthia has a new little decoration for our first Christmas. It took me two days to get over her last surprise. I walked into the apartment, wondering how I was going to look busy for the next few days.
Cynthia met me at the door with her smile, a kiss, and a hug. She was in her sweats and looked comfortable. I asked her if I could shower and shave, then get comfy with her. She agreed and I was off to the shower.
The shower was revitalizing. I felt renewed. I jumped into my sweats and went to the living room. Cynthia had Christmas music going and a tall cold beer for me. She got up and gave me another hug and kiss. I’m not complaining.
“Jack, could you help me with something? I got some lights for the front windows and some spray on snow. I thought it would look festive with the tree in the window as well. What do you think?”
“I like it; let’s do it.” We strung the lights the length of the window.
Cynthia got on the little ladder and asked me to hand her the tape. What she didn’t tell me is she wasn’t wearing a bra. And she sure took her time to make sure the lights were taped properly. So, I thought well, I might just as well get in trouble now instead of later. I pulled her sweatpants down.
Cynthia got off the ladder and slapped my arm. “Ooo, you are so bad.” She was trying to keep a straight face. I just looked at her with a big smile on my face. Finally, she lost it.
“Well, if that’s the way you want to play,” she pulled my sweatpants down.
I pulled hers down again. She pulled my top off, I did the same to her. I took her socks off, she took off my slippers. We stood there, naked looking at each other. We embraced and started to kiss like lovers. I picked Cynthia up and carried her to the bedroom.
I set her on the bed, and Cynthia got on all fours. She was smiling over her shoulder as she wiggled her butt at me. I got on the floor behind her and started licking her sweet pussy. Cynthia cooed as my tongue separated her pussy lips.
Cynthia went down on her elbows and arched her back. Her pussy was wet and she would purr as my tongue when from her tight opening to her clit. When I would spend time at her back door she purred and pushed back trying to get my tongue to penetrate it.
I reached around her and pulled on her nipples. Cynthia whimpered and pushed back even more. I slid my tongue into her pussy as far as I could. She purred and wiggled her butt as my tongue darted in and out of her pussy.
I stood up and gently parted her ass cheeks. My cock head was just at the opening of her pussy, I began to push it into her and Cynthia pushed back and my cock slid deep into her. Then she started riding my cock while she was on all fours.
Looking at the mirror on her vanity and seeing her tits swinging back and forth aroused me even more. I grabbed her tits and squeezed them. Cynthia squealed and her cum shot from her pussy. She was riding my cock harder and faster, I could hear her panting, and her head shook from side to side.
She slammed onto it one more time, groaned, and fell onto the bed. My cock popped out of her pussy, dripping with her girl cum. I crawled onto the bed, between her legs. I lowered myself so my cock was in line with her pussy.
I slammed it into Cynthia; she was whimpering and the smile on her face made it clear she was enjoying every inch of my cock. In this position, it was like she had a firm grip on my cock, she was so tight. I started pumping her pussy and spraying her insides with my cum. Cynthia cooed and purred as she felt each shot of thick cum.
I fell on top of her from sheer exhaustion. My cock slipped out and pushed against her pussy lips. I could hardly move, I was breathing so heavily, that I could feel my chest push against her back. I tried to lift myself off of her a bit, but Cynthia only pouted.
I rolled off of her back, she cuddled against me immediately. She was still trying to recover from her orgasm. Her warm breath felt so good as it flowed around my neck. She kissed my chest and looked up at me.
“Jack, I don’t know why, but I wanted to do it that way. It made me cum so fast. I hope it was okay for you.” She put her head back on my shoulder.
“Sweetie, making love to you is wonderful no matter what position we find ourselves in. Don’t ever be sorry or as if it was okay. You are giving me your most private part. You give it willingly and lovingly. I don’t take that lightly.”
“I don’t want this moment to end, but do think we should get ready?” Cynthia reminded me. “I feel bad getting a new outfit every time we have to go somewhere, but I,” I didn’t let her finish.
“Baby, I want you to have nice things, I always wanted to give you those things. But, well, I didn’t want you to think I was just trying to get in your pants. After I finally got smart enough to tell you I loved you, I could do those things. As my wife, it is a pleasure.”
“I want to make you proud of me, Jack. I always wanted that. Now I can do whatever I can to make you proud, around others.”
“Yeah, I like to see them suffer,” I chuckled. Cynthia blushed.
The boss rented the meeting room at the Kopper Kettle for us. George went out of his way with the decorations. I mean, a nice tree and wreaths on the walls—he outdid himself. I have to say, the company uses his room several times a year.
When I walked in, I was so proud of Cynthia. She wore a red skirt and a green blouse. She added a little white fuzzy trim on the skirt for snow and a little snowman pin for her blouse. She bought a Christmas tie for me, and it didn’t look crappy. It was very festive.
We caught up with Kathy and Janet, they held a table for us. Mrs. Timbrook stopped by and we chatted for a bit. I asked the girls what they wanted to drink and headed for the bar. I saw Nancy on the way and we talked for a bit, then she headed towards Cynthia and the girls.
They had a DJ playing Christmas music and other fun tunes. He played a slow tune, I took Cynthia’s and pardoned us from the other. She fussed a little. When we got on the dance floor, we assumed the position like we knew what we were doing.
“Jack, I can’t dance. You know that.” She was looking straight at me, I snuck in a kiss. Our feet moved at least in rhythm to the music. “What am I going to do with you, Jack?”
“Dance with me, Mrs. Langdon, just dance with me.” I pulled her close to me and we just moved to the music.
After the dance, we sat down, Mrs. Timbrook said, “Jack, I didn’t know you could dance.”
“Ma’am, neither did I.” They all started laughing.
“Mrs. Timbrook,” Cynthia was smiling ear to ear, “there isn’t anything my Jack can’t do. He’s my knight in aluminum foil.” Cynthia was proud.
“I’m here to interrupt the entire season,” Mr. Jennings came up behind us.
“Mr. Jennings, thank you for the wonderful party. I would like to introduce my wife, Cynthia Langdon, this is Mr. Jennings. He keeps the organization growing.” He politely shook Cynthia’s hand. I was so proud to say, ‘my wife’. I felt like I was going to pop every button on my shirt.
He stayed for a few minutes, then moved on to talk with the other employees. Jennings is a good man. He knows how to grow the company and keep good workers. When he left, we did discuss what a good boss he was. Even Mrs. Timbrook said she had never heard him raise his voice even when he would have been justified.
Everyone was having a good time. A couple of guys were having a very good time. They would be given a ride home at the company’s expense. Cynthia and I were introduced to others in the company I would have never met. It was great. Then Mr. Lupton came in. The place cheered and the applause was deafening.
He borrowed the mic from the DJ and called for our attention.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending this year’s Christmas party. I hope everyone is having a wonderful time. I want to take the time to thank every one of you for your hard work and dedication this past year. Because of that, you will find your paycheck a little heavier this year.” There were cheers and applause.
“I will remind you to take advantage of our Home Safely program if necessary. There have been a couple of times I have used it myself.” The crowd laughed. “There is another point I would like to make. In years past, we have opened for business on January second. Next year, we will reopen on the third.” The place went wild.
“Now, I’ve interrupted the party long enough for business. To all of you and your families, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. Merry Christmas.”
Lupton left during a thunderous sound of cheers, clapping, and whistles.
When the crowd settled down, I sat next to Cynthia. She patted my leg, “Jack, what’s wrong? What’s bothering you?”
“I didn’t see Alfred. He was working with me again and showing positive signs. I hope he didn’t get sacked.” Mrs. Timbrook tapped my shoulder.
“Pardon me for eavesdropping. Alfred is still with us, but he has gone home to Wisconsin to have Christmas with his family. His grandma is quite ill, they’re not sure how much longer she will be with them. Mr. Jennings has given him a LOA. He will be with you when he returns.” She smiled at me and Cynthia hugged me and kissed my cheek.
The DJ played another slow song, Cynthia took my hand and led me to the dance floor. She put her arm around me and took my hand. She looked into my eyes and gave me a quick kiss. “I love you, Jack Langdon. I love you a lot or I would not be on this dance floor. I’ve been scared to death to dance all of my life.
We danced like there was no one else in the room. We made love by holding each other and never losing eye contact. I could almost feel Cynthia’s breathing as her breasts rose and fell against my chest.
After our dance, we stopped by the bar for one for the road and one for my baby. We sat with the girls, they were getting ready to call it a night. Cynthia said she was getting tired, so I wanted to leave. We finished our drinks and said goodnight to the ladies.
The weather turned quite cold during our party. Cynthia wore her heavy coat, thankfully. I asked if she wanted to wait until the car warmed, and she said she was very tired and wanted to go home. I drove home as quickly as possible. My girl was cold.
When we got into the apartment, Cynthia handed her coat to me and headed for the bathroom. By the time I had hung the coats in the hall closet, she came out smiling. She hugged me and patted my butt.
“Honey, I’m very tired. Would you mind if we went to bed instead of having a nightcap? I feel good, just tired.”
“That’s fine, baby. I am pretty tired myself. Go on in the bathroom and change. I’ll turn down the bed for us.” She smiled and closed the bathroom door.
When she finished, I went in and made myself comfortable. I had my boxers on and she had her penguin tee shirt on. She scooted her little butt against me, it was cold, but I don’t care. I caressed her breast. My little party girl was on her way to Dreamland. So was I.
Departed Soul