At 11:35 AM that morning Chris came into his office, a file in his hand held down at his side. “How’s things?”
Simon stammered. “F… Fine. Just got the French order off.”
“That’s great Simon. You really do a great job here.”
He didn’t know whether he was being sincere or not, but he acknowledged his praise with a smile. Chris put the file down on his desk.
“This is the Belfast order Simon. Can I leave this with you to go over it and let me have an estimated completion date?”
Simon nodded.
“I have a lunch appointment and a long meeting afterwards. It is doubtful if I will be back before you finish, so leave it on my desk if I’m not. I’ll look at it first thing.”
There was a smile on his face. They both knew where he was going; both knew that Lucy would be preparing lunch for the two of them, and then taking him to the marital bed for most of the afternoon. He felt his cock stirring in its cage. As Chris opened the door he turned back to Simon again and closed it.
“You’ve had a look at the contract, Lucy tells me.”
Simon nodded.
“You’re quite happy to sign then?”
“Yes,” he answered quietly.
Chris stepped closer to his desk. “You will enjoy being under contact Simon,” he said. “I’ve… I’ve known a few couples who have done this, still do actually! Believe me, it really will enhance your marriage. I’ve seen it for myself with couples like you and Lucy. It creates an amazing bond between them. The both of you won’t regret it.”
Simon didn’t know what to say.
“We’ll get it signed on Saturday shall we?”
“I’ll get Tina and Pete, friends of mine, to witness it. They have been doing this for years now.”
Chris nodded. “Pete likes to be cuckolded and Tina likes to be in sexual control. When he confessed his cuckold tendencies to her in the early days of their marriage, she took him under her wings and… well they have never looked back.”
“How many years have they been married?”
Chris shrugged. “Not sure to be honest but they have two children in high school studying to go to university.”
“Th… that’s a long time.”
Chris nodded. “Thing is Simon, a Femdom relationship is for life. The dominant and submissive dynamic between a couple is unbreakable. Both feed on it. Both need it. They can’t live without it.”
Simon turned and looked out of his window as if looking for something to say.
Chris looked at his watch and Simon looked back at him. “Well, Simon, better get going. It doesn’t do to keep a lady waiting, does it? I might introduce Lucy to Tina sometime. She would make a good mentor.”
Simon shook his head and watched Chris close the door behind him. He could feel the pressure of his cage digging into his flesh. He shouldn’t be feeling like this. He shouldn’t be getting sexual excitement from the fact that Lucy was about to get fucked, but yet he could do little about it. Suddenly, his mobile rang breaking his thoughts. It was Lucy.
“Hi darling,” she said softly, “I forgot to mention this morning, could you give me a ring before you leave the office to come home please?”
“I want to get tidied up and ready before you come home.”
It took him a few moments for the penny to drop.
“Y… yes, of course.”
Lucy blew a kiss down the phone and ended the call.
It took Simon a while to gather his thoughts and concentrate on his work. All he could think about was Lucy giving herself to Chris. Would she make the first move? Would she finish eating and place her knife and fork down on her plate and smile at Chris, signalling that she was ready for bed? Just like she sometimes did with him. Simon knew that smile well – the smile that said, ‘I’m ready for bed.’
Maybe, Chris wouldn’t give her the chance. Chris was probably the type that would have made the first move quickly. He may have even fucked her already over the kitchen table. She would have probably put on underwear to facilitate an easy fucking. Simon knew that she was not averse to putting on stockings and leaving off her knickers.
The scenarios flooded his mind and in the end a telephone call from a customer brought him back to earth. His presence on the shop floor was required. Standing to his feet he adjusted the cage in his pants and left his office.
Gradually, the afternoon passed. Simon had looked over the Belfast contract and made notes before putting it down on Chris’s desk, and then gone back to his office. It was almost 5 PM.
Lucy answered his call after a few rings, she sounded a little breathless. “Can you give it half an hour?”
“Y… yes. Is everything okay?”
Lucy hung up without answering. There was only one conclusion, Chris was still there, and they weren’t finished yet. Simon felt the squeeze of the cage against his erection.
He arrived forty-five minutes later not knowing what to expect. He thought that Chris might still be there but there was no sign of his car outside his home. When he walked through the door Lucy was in the kitchen clearing the table from lunchtime dishes. She was wearing just a long, white t-shirt that covered the tops of her thighs. She also wore a pair of white cotton panties.
They kissed. She smelt fresh, her hair was still damp from showering, and she wore make-up.
“Everything okay?” he asked sheepishly.
She smiled and kissed him again. “Yes, everything is fine.”
He was hesitant. He had so much he wanted to ask, but it was all about one thing. Had she fucked Chris and what was it like? Lucy though, took the first steps. Her hand went to his bulge and gripped his cage.
“How was your afternoon?”
“Okay,” he responded as her fingers began to unbuckle his belt. “Still wearing your cage then?”
He nodded.
“You didn’t succumb to the temptation of taking it off and masturbating?”
“What, at work?”
“Some might do that.”
He grimaced. “Not me, anyway, I didn’t take a key with me.”
She kissed him slowly. “You’re a very obedient sub aren’t you?” she said. “I like that.”
She slowly dropped to her knees and began unzipping his trousers. “So how should I reward you then?” she asked as they fell around his ankles.
Simon sighed as she took hold of his caged erection.
“I… I don’t know. It’s up to you.”
She ran a finger across his cage. “There’s a lot of leakage. Lots of precum, my darling. You must have been very aroused.”
He groaned as she cupped his testicles.
“Were you thinking about Chris and I fucking?”
“Yes,” he responded with a faint nod.
“Fucking in our bed for the first time?”
“Yes,” he sighed.
“Taking me in the middle of our bed with pillows under my arse and fucking me hard and filling me with his seed?”
He groaned very loudly.
Lucy quickly stood up and kissed him. “Let’s get you to the bathroom, shall we? You can have a long soak in the bath while I tell you all about our afternoon.”
Kissing him again she led him from the room. “You do want to hear about it don’t you?”
“Yes,” he groaned.
“I thought you would. I can see that you are the type of man who likes to hear how his wife gave his boss a good seeing to in bed!”
He grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly, eager to get her upstairs.
Lucy giggled, “You men are all the same, aren’t you? Grabbing a woman’s hand and dragging her up the stairs.”
He grunted.
“Even if it is another man’s wife!” Lucy commented wistfully.
© Angieseroticpen 2024