Sweat trickled down my firm, B-cup cleavage soaking my blue sports bra. I sighed as I put the mower away in the garage. Today was a hot one yet I was happy to get the entire front yard done in record time. I guzzled from my water bottle and allowed the last bit to spill out and cool off my neck. My skin shivered at the temperature change, and I giggled slightly at my goofy nipples poking out. I loved using yard work and mowing as part of my workout routine. Recent changes I’d made were paying off nicely as my body was returning to its earlier days. I have to say that forty was not so bad when you still got looks from admirers. And enviers. Just five minutes ago I saw Mr. O’Neill across the street staring at my bare midriff
Of course, my work as a physical therapist helped keep my mother-of-three bod in what Steve half-jokingly calls my MILF stage.
I had every other Wednesday off in exchange for working on opposite Saturdays. I cherished the time to get things done around the house with no one to bother me. And the way my body was humming right now some personal time with Vinny the vibrator was definitely on the agenda.
I headed back in for a quick shower before anyone got home. I kicked off my shoes after stepping in and stretched my back and hips. I did a mental survey and felt the familiar call.
Yes, definitely needed to masturbate.
It was a few days before my period and that always made me so horny I would fuck a tree! Hubby Steve was gone for two days on a work-related trip, so, vroom vroom!
Luckily, my beautiful thirteen-year-old twin girls were not due for another two hours from dance. And my seventeen-year-old son, Nathan, was at soccer until—!
I stopped in my tracks!
Home early, my firstborn was at the fridge foraging. He had his back to me and was… stark naked.
And he was in, um, really good shape.
I was about to call out when I saw he was wearing his noise-canceling headphones.
His body had matured well, and I was surprised by the classic V-shaped back I was seeing… naked… I was staring at it, actually. He turned and leaned back downing a sports drink. From the way sweat was coating his body, his naked body in a sexy shimmer I could see he had not showered yet.
Sexy shimmer…did I just think that?
My heartbeat that had been slowing post workout now returned to a rapid tattoo as I was transfixed by a bead of sweat that travelled from his navel to his-
Oh my God! Jen stop!
It was impressive with a patch of hair just above it. His balls hung low and were smooth. Did he manscape or was his hair not fully grown in?
His teen cock twitched.
I tried to look away but …oh my goodness—shit!
Maybe it was the endorphins from my mowing, Steve out of town, my hormones- whatever! All of it caused me to become even more aroused. My nipples tingled, my mouth became a desert, and my mama pot went from simmer to low boil.
I knew I should make my presence known and playfully chastise him for walking around with nothing on. Perhaps with my arms folded and a “mom look” he would get that I was bothered, but not angry. Maybe even a smirk to set him off comically racing out of the room. We did like to tease in this family after all. I knew all of that, but I stood still taking all of him in. His sweaty odor even turned me on: a not-so-delicate blend of teenage pheromones and Axe deodorant.
Oh my God, you slut! Stop!
I took a deep breath and regained my moral center, well morality adjacent. I yanked my errant hand away from the waistband of my yoga pants and took a deep breath.
I assumed he thought I was still busy in the yard, so I decided to give him a minute to vacate the room. I turned to go back outside and wait a few moments when he saw me! He turned and contracted, ripping off his headphones and yelping.
“Mom! Fuck! I thought you were—“
“I was mowing. Now I am done.” I was trying to look everywhere but at his grown-up appendage. “So, I’m back in the house. And you are home…naked at the refrigerator.”
I then laughed when he used the door to try and hide his appendage.
“Perhaps you would like to explain why you’re walking around with nothing on. And watch your language.”
“I thought I was alone! Geez, mom! It’s not like I’m breaking the law or anything.”
“No, you’re not. And I suppose it wouldn’t be a big deal if you were by yourself, but you need to be more careful. What if your sisters were home?”
“Yeah, I guess… Can I go now please this is really embarrassing?”
“All right!” I laughed again. “Yes, you may. I think that’s enough chilling for the day don’t you think? Besides cold equals shrinkage, so…”
“Oh my gah—Stop!” he shouted as he did a classic eye roll. He made to leave then stopped. “Can you not watch? I’m kind of, you know…”
Yes, I did know. I also knew I should not be mortified or even disturbed. Being in the medical field I knew erections were not always controllable. I had had patients pop a boner on me many times. It was best to ignore it and move on.
Today was different and I was unsure why. This was my son after all. I had seen him naked his whole life and even seen his erection one unfortunate night last year when he’d thought his door was closed. He’d been of course masturbating and I’d watched for a few seconds out of curiosity, then slowly backed away. I had thought about that once or twice since, even shamefully while Steve and I were fucking once. Now it came rushing back like a foreshadowing.
I should have turned away to give him some sense of modesty. My aroused body and steadily lubricating love tunnel had other plans. I had better check the batteries on Vinny before I took him out for a couple of laps.
My eyes locked with Nathan’s and he stared with a new look of curiosity. My sense of lust must have been showing on my face, despite minimal efforts to stop it.
“Sooo… Mom, I’m gonna go now, OK?” I nodded and smiled. He looked around the room as if perhaps a film crew was recording this as a joke then back to me. He saw my arm was now hugging myself and I was softly caressing my sweaty right boob. His eyes looked down, then slowly traveled up my body. I got more excited when I saw him staring at my hard nipples pointing at his face. I shifted my feet to get the crotch of my pants to adjust some, but all it did was excite my clit more. This was headed in a direction I was nervously excited to explore.
I cannot explain it. Nor comprehend it. I saw my son, my athletic, sexy son, through a new lens of lust and desire.
I think he sensed the room dynamic had shifted as he stepped to the side and let the fridge close and set his drink and headphones on the counter. He wasn’t leaving… He gulped in sweet unease yet stood up straighter and tightened his abs. It was my turn for a complete topical survey. He was gorgeous from toe to top of head. And his cock—yes, my son had a cock—was now pointing almost straight up. He was seven inches for sure and sported a great knob.
His next move was like out of a teenage romcom. He lifted his arm up and rubbed his curly brown hair in confusion and false timidity.
By closing the fridge and exposing his rod he had technically made the first move. I made the next. I walked toward him never losing eye contact. I stood less than a foot away, the two of us breathing hard. I put a hand on his chest and he sighed.
The silence between us was rife with questions. The most important: should we? was not even on the list. More like where? How? Or how many times? Another world where sons fucked their mothers had collided with ours and I was happy to be living in it.
“Mom, are we—“ My lips cut him off as I dove in for a face-melting lust-filled mouth clench. The kiss was fire in oral form. He firmly took my waist in his hands, and I moaned. His tongue knew what to do and as he opened his hands to take more of me in his grip. He drove into my mouth like a—well, a cock in a pussy.
Speaking of, my left hand had slid around to his perfect back while my right ran my fingers down his torso. As I got closer to my target, he pulled out of the lip lock, tilted his head back and moaned. I smiled and breathed out, “Oh wow…” as I curled my fingers around his hot pulsing prick. It was soft as steel and had at least half an inch of girth more than his father.
The sudden thought of Steve made me almost stop. Almost…
I gripped it firmly and began to stroke as he pulled me closer and kissed me again. Strong hands slid around to my backside and gripped my ass with teenage enthusiasm. I hummed into his mouth as our tongues, battled, wetly and passionately. My right hand and his cock were now pressed in between our bellies, and I knew I had to be as naked as him if we were to continue.
I pulled back abruptly, and he looked concerned it was over and made to protest. I put a sexy finger on his lips and then peeled off my wet blue sports bra. As I tossed it on the table his breath caught as my tits bounced into view.
Even after nursing all three, and the twins simultaneously, they still held up pretty well with quarter-sized brownish pink nipples now aroused and pointing right at the thing they desired.
Needing a little push, I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled his head to my right breast. He knew exactly what to do and latched on with fervor and tongue-filled excitement. I grabbed his head and pushed it in harder as if telling him to suck more flesh into his burning mouth. He got the message and did exactly that with a wide-mouthed slobber. He was tongue-lashing my hard nipple when I slid him over to the other one, leaving a snail trail. I shuddered and rose up on tiptoe to get even more contact if that were even possible.
Meanwhile, my left hand went back to pulling on his beautiful cock. My thumb ran around the head of it collecting pre-cum to help with my strokes. This was going to feel amazing inside of me, and I needed that very soon. I pulled his head off of me with an audible and slightly painful pop. I winced at the sting.
His sloppy, panting face was a little freaked. “Sorry, Mom, I haven’t done that much. Was I too hard?”
“Oh no, baby, It was amazing. But we need to get going before the girls get home.” I leaned in and bit his earlobe. “You need to fuck your mommy.”
I yanked my hair tie and shook my dirty blonde locks out to look sluttier. I then turned to the kitchen table and sexily peeled my yoga pants and soaking panties down. They actually made a faint Velcro-like sound as they separated from my landing strip above my swollen cooch. I stepped out and kicked them to the side. Nathan was awestruck at the sight of my ass and pussy spread in sexual desperation.
“Are you ready, Nathan?” I bent over the table and lowered my voice to a sultry demand level. “I need that impressive cock to be inside me. Now!”
Ever the obedient he stepped forward and lined up his head a little too low. I reached between my legs and nudged it up a little. Bullseye! But he backed off. I spun my head suddenly worried we had gone too far.
“What—what is it, baby? Is this too much?”
He shook his head and I was pleased to see he was still stroking his impressive manhood. Yes, he was becoming a man today and I was going to get him there.
“Mom, can I, well… I want to… eat you out… please.”
I almost laughed at the twisted sweetness of the moment. This studly young hotty, my lovely boy was asking to suck his mommy’s pussy. To answer I kissed him with mostly tongue and then lay back on the table, spreading my legs and obscenely using my fingers to open my swollen labia even more. Then I lay my head back in total submission.
He sat in a chair with a look I had seen dozens of times: this man needs to eat. He took hold of my thighs and circled around to my ass cheeks and pulled me to his face. Something to be said for internet porn teaching this new generation. When his open mouth and hot tongue hit me, I instantly grabbed his head and arched as I screamed, grinding my clit against his tongue. He held on tight and devoured me with teenage ferocity. He needed no finesse to get me there and after a few more sucks of my lips, I went off.
“Fuck Nathan! Yesss, baby.” I nearly pulled out his hair and clamped my legs tight around him! “You’re making me… UNGH! Cummm!”
He licked a few more times and I shook with the aftershocks. Fuck I needed that!
I flopped open and he sat back panting. “Wow, Mom! That was fucking awesome. Pussy tastes really good! And your orgasm was amazing to watch!”
I laughed and sat up to kiss his soaking face. “You are amazing and I love you. That was all because of how sexy you are.” I winked and he blushed. So adorable! “Now, you think you can fuck me?”
He nodded and helped me down so I could resume the position. This time my cunt was so wide open he easily and firmly slid in. The moment was otherworldly. His cock fit me perfectly, touching every point it was supposed to. He held my hips and just stayed embedded. I assumed he was reveling in the moment as much as I was, but we had a schedule and I assumed he was not going to last long.
I squeezed my inner muscles and moaned at the feeling of fullness. This cock was a masterpiece. I pulled forward to assist the act, knowing Nathan needed a prodding. As if coming out of a fog he gripped my hips and pushed forward with a firm thrust. After the hard boob suck and the intense oral-induced orgasm, I sensed he was a little gun-shy about being too hard.
I twisted, reached behind and grabbed his ass, pulling hard. He caught on and started thrusting in and out with intensity. The hard slaps of his hips on my ass were like something out of a sexual dream. I loved his unbridled vigor and his fiery drive.
“Oh my god, Mom! Ungh! This is amazing. You’re so – holy fuck!” He accelerated and the table slid with the ferocity. “So good, so bad!”
I had to agree. “Yes, baby! Fuck me, Nathan! It’s so wrong and sooo fantastic. Fuck your mommy hard, baby. I won’t break!” I was gripping the table, my tits wobbling in rhythm to his hard thrusting. He grabbed my shoulder and I turned and sucked in his fingers redefining ‘handjob.’ My hair hung down and sweat and spittle were flying off us both. It was the most intense fuck I’d had in years. Ah, youth!
I spit out his fingers as he adjusted his angle of entry and hit a new spot. “OH MY GAAAH!”
Being an all-star soccer player, he knew to keep something in the tank. He miraculously doubled the intensity and speed, knocking me down flat on the table. I silently screamed as another huge cum slammed into my core and burst out like the surface of a lake when a boulder was dropped into it. My legs shook and my cunt vice gripped! Maybe a little too hard. He slowed.
“Ow! Wow that is tight!” He grunted and resumed the jackhammer fuck.
My face was plastered to the table on its right side and I was soaked in drool. Not the sexiest milf in the neighborhood right now, but I don’t think my motherfucker cared.
I was whimpering now, as miniature orgasms rippled through my entire body. My son was thrusting so hard, my feet left the floor. He was almost lying on top of me on the table seeking explosion. How the fuck was he lasting so long?
On cue, “Ohhh fuck! I’m gonna cu- cu- cummm!”
He dug his fingers into my hips which hurt, but I welcomed it! I hadn’t been fucked like this in years, no strike that, ever. Steve was a fantastic lover, but he never got animalistic like this.
The stiff invader swelled up and he screamed, “Mahhmmm!” as he exploded into the deepest parts of my cunt and soul. Wave after wave of orgasm hit me like a dozen tsunamis and I lost track of how many shots of jizz juice he fired.
Finally spent he grunted and collapsed on top of me taking away my air. I almost blacked out, but had enough sense to turn my head and speak to my beautiful firstborn.
“Nathan, baby. Mmm, my darling, sweet, wonderful boy. Pfff… That was by far the best fuck I have ever had.” My tone changed to light joking. “Don’t tell your father!”
He chuckled slightly and pushed himself up slowly sliding out of my pussy. Cum dripped out and ran down my leg. I would have to clean…