An Invitation I Could Not Turn Down

"A hen party invite day one."

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Louise sent me an email before I arrived home with a proposition.

I saw the headline on my Apple Watch and stopped at the next pull-in.

It read, “Hen night coming up, we need a man with a big cock.”

I read the whole message as soon as I stopped, and it gave me an erection at the thought of the idea.

“My best friend’s hen night is very soon, and we are having trouble finding her a stripper,” Louise remarked. Like me, she has always wanted a man with a huge cock, and you seem like the perfect match. She is only interested in your cock, which is big, fat, and perfect. Since I know you would be concerned about your identity, I would advise you to wear a mask.”

I was hooked and needed to know more. I required pictures of this woman as well as information about where, when, and what was expected of me.

I sent my reply and waited for details. I would love to go to bed with both Louise and Sarah, so it sounded like a great opportunity to see them again.

“I see I have your interest,” Louise retorted, “but I will fill you in very soon.”

I was so horny when I got home that I spent the next few days making love whenever the opportunity and the circumstances allowed it.

When I received the email, I read it through quickly. I was both excited and intrigued by what might be on offer.

It said, “My best friend Bev is getting married, and we have booked a large country house with a pool and spa. There will be at least twelve women attending the hen party.” The women will range in age from Bev’s eighteen-year-old daughter, who is the youngest, to her seventy-year-old ex-mother-in-law, who is the oldest. Things could get awkward with Bev’s new mother-in-law also expected to attend. On the second night of our four-night stay, we would be thrilled to have you as our special guest, where you could show off your enormous cock and model some sexy boxers for men. The remainder is up to you.”

The following email included photos of most of the women who would be present; the soon-to-be bride and her sister and daughter were attractive. Some of the other women weren’t, but they still caught my attention. I already knew Sarah and Louise would be present. I knew they were both hot and horny.

It was decided on a date, and I needed to figure out how to show up without drawing unwanted attention.

I made sure I was in the best shape possible for my appearance by going to the gym more than usual and having Tracey constantly shave my balls and pubic area over the next few weeks.

With the date approaching, I still struggled to find a good reason to go away for a few days. Subsequently, Sarah devised a plan and used her boss’ email account to send me a fictitious email inviting me to a management meeting at the head office during the dates of the hen party.

Tracey was disappointed but completely understood when I showed her the email.

The day before the hen party, I received another email confirming the full arrangements, location, and a full list of those attending. Louise had added two extra guests; they happened to be her twin nieces, who were twenty-one, blonde, and beautiful. One of the original guests had dropped out; she was not one of the prettiest, so it was not an issue for me.

There were to be thirteen women, including the bride, who would arrive the day before me. I was to arrive at tea time on their second day while they were having an Ann Summers-type party. Then, during the party, I would model some of the lingerie company’s sexy men’s wear that the guests could buy for their partners.


Day two of the party arrived, and I set off from home having received a wonderful early morning blowjob from Tracey that set me up for an exciting experience. Louise was among the two individuals present who were aware of my role when I arrived as directed.

I was led to an extra room and given a bunch of clothes I had to wear for the future bride. Louise had set up a webcam with a link to a screen in the spare room. This allowed me to visualise all the women, dressed in big, fluffy white robes, sitting on big sofas in a large lounge, watching a woman explain and show off lingerie and sex toys.

Louise sent me a text message describing which item I was required to wear. I was terrified at the thought of entering the lounge full of alcohol-filled, hot, horny women in nothing more than a strip of cloth. At the last minute, I decided that I would wear a mask until I was confident in my surroundings.

On my initial visit to the lounge, Louise introduced me as Bob, a work colleague who has agreed to model underwear for them. I was greeted with a round of applause and cheers. Then, when my large bulge was spotted in the very tight, very small budgie smugglers, there was a loud gasp, and someone shouted out, “Get them off.”

I approached the guests who wanted to feel the fabric by moving around the room, using it as an opportunity to touch my cock.

Once outside the room, I heard some comments that concerned me, “He’s too old to be a stripper!” “I thought we were getting a young stripper?”

Then I heard Louise’s reaction to the quips. “He is fit; he has a great body, and once you see his enormous cock, you will eat your words.” She spoke. “Anyway, the young strippers let me down, so I called in a favour at short notice.”

This made me feel a little better, but I was still taken aback by their reactions.

I did the same for the next few pairs of briefs I was asked to model; my cock was now very swollen and getting harder by the minute. During each change, I had to think of random things to stop myself from getting an erection.

I was heading back to change when Louise texted me, “Wear the wedding suit next.” This was a duplicate of the outfit that the soon-to-be bride’s new husband was supposed to wear.

Changing into the suit took me a few minutes, as they had estimated my size incorrectly. It was a little too big for me. I had on the smallest pair of briefs underneath, which was a struggle to hold in my large, thick cock.

I thought I looked good, and I threw away the mask because, by this point, I had seen everyone and had only recognised Sarah and Louise.

I headed back towards the lounge, all suited up in a smart blue three piece with a pink tie and shirt.

I could still hear rumblings of concern over my age from the younger women, as only the two mother-in-laws both old and new, were older than me.

As I entered the slightly hostile arena, I was met with a gasp by Bev, the bride-to-be. She said, “Is that Dan’s suit?”

Louise replied, “It is a replica, not Dan’s actual suit.”

Bev sighed in relief and smiled at me, our eyes meeting for the first time since I lost the mask. Bev looked pleased as she stood up to check me out.

Bev was prettier than in her photo, with her big brown eyes and her huge mop of curly dark hair. It was difficult to know what her body shape was due to the huge fluffy robe she was wearing; she was though quite short at about five feet four in her bare feet.

I stood in the middle of the room like a mannequin, not really knowing what I was supposed to do, Louise stood up and made an announcement: “Remember, guys, what happens in the big house stays in the big house even if you’re not in agreement with the event or events that unfold.”

There were a few sighs and frowns on people’s faces, but eventually everyone was in agreement, Louise carried on by saying, “Anyone not happy with this can leave or just return to their rooms, this is Bev’s last few nights of freedom, and we must give her a night to remember.”

I said, “Should I leave now.” And I started to head towards the door.

Bev was the first to respond. She grabbed me by the arm to stop me and said, “I believe you have something I need to see.”

That was when, to my embarrassment, the music to the stripper theme started. I blushed as Bev said, “That’s your cue to get naked for the girls.”

I am not a dancer or a performer, so this was so far outside my comfort zone that I felt uncomfortable and out of place.

I am not ashamed of my body and am proud of my cock, and don’t worry about who gets to see it as it is bigger than most. Normally, the biggest surprise when I get him out is that I am shaved and circumcised.

Slowly off came the jacket, then the waistcoat followed by the tie which I discarded onto an empty chair.

There was quite a bit of tension in the room, and it was clear the two older women were enjoying themselves and licking their lips in anticipation of what was going to happen.

“Are you okay to help from here? It is your party, so it is up to you,” I said softly in Bev’s ear as I gestured for her to join me.

She smiled back at me and nodded, so I kissed her on the cheek and thanked her for being a good sport.

Bev started with my shirt, nervously fumbling with the buttons, then pulling it out of my waistband and removing it as she did, I whispered to her again, “Why don’t you get rid of the robe and wear the shirt? You will be more comfortable.”

I thought she might slap me, then off came the robe, she was not shy in front of her friends. Under the robe, she was naked except for a pair of tiny black pants. I was given sight of her full D cup natural breasts with nice big, dark, thick nipples for the first time, they were a great pair.

Bev slipped on the shirt, only doing up a couple of buttons, so I was given a good sight of her impressive cleavage.

Bev shook as she removed my belt, then bent down and removed my shoes and socks before getting back on her feet.

I looked at her and mouthed, “Only if, you’re sure.” As she started to undo my trousers and slide them down my legs, she encouraged me to step out of them.

Now that I was only wearing the tiniest pair of briefs that had been supplied, my balls were poking out of the leg holes, and my cock was almost poking from the waistband. My cock was coiled up like a snake, making my bulge look huge.

Bev stood in front of me, grinning and looking down at my bulge. Unashamedly, she pulled my waistband with one hand and slipped the other one inside my briefs, taking my swollen cock in her hand.

Bev looked in the direction of the other woman and, with a huge smile on her face, said, “Fuckin hell, it’s huge!” This brought a smile to my face, and I was pleased that she thought I was what she had wanted.

My cock was now free from my briefs, which were now dangling around my knees and sliding down towards the floor. Once they were around my ankles, I stepped out of them. Now I was completely naked in a room full of thirteen hot, sexy, tipsy women.

Bev was gently pumping my cock with both hands, bringing my cock to a full erection, which took both of her hands to control.

Bev’s eyes were fixed on my cock. She licked her lips, which were bright red and full; her nipples were erect and fat, looking suckable and inviting.

With Bev being distracted with all her thoughts and feelings being directed in that of my cock, I undid the buttons on my shirt that she was wearing, pushed it back over her shoulders, and took her big, soft breasts in my hands. Bev shrugged off the shirt, almost unaware we were standing in the middle of this huge manor house, circled by her daughter, sister, mother, her best friends, and, of course, her future husband’s mother.

I released her breasts and put my hand on her head, gently persuading her to kneel in front of me. She took a little persuasion and dropped down onto her knees.

Bev still had my cock in her hands and continued to pump it, but now it was less than six inches from her face and oozing pre-cum.

I still had my hand on her head. I looked her in the eyes. She smiled up at me, licking her full red lips as I mouthed, “Suck it.”

Bev wanted to, but was also aware of the company. She took an embarrassed glance at her future mother-in-law hoping for reassurance or even disgust, but was met with her shouting out, “If you don’t I will.” Said the lady, who had been a widow for many years.

That was all she needed, Bev licked the pre-cum from my pee hole and licked around the end of my cock sending shivers down my spine the sensation of her tongue swirling around my knob was insane.

Bev continued to lick up and down my length, cupping my balls as she pleased me. I cupped her breasts as she enjoyed herself on my cock.

She looked at her friends, all of whom were totally transfixed by watching her master my cock.

I told Bev to put her hands behind her back. She looked up at me as if I had lost the plot. I said, “Close your eyes.” This she did straightaway, “Now open your mouth.” I demanded again, and she did as I asked. I then guided my cock into her mouth inch by inch until she let out a little cough and bit me unintentionally.

I held the back of her head and began to fuck her mouth. Only now was she using her tongue and getting into positions that suited her.

It dawned on me that I was face-fucking this beautiful bride to be in front of her future mother-in-law, who would no doubt leak the details of this to her son. On top of that, we were being filmed with at least ten mobile phones.

I pulled my cock out of Bev’s mouth. She moaned her disapproval, opened her eyes and grabbed my cock. I bent down and whispered into her ear, ”Do you just want to give me a blowjob, or can I make love to you?”

She looked up, smiled, and whispered back, “Fuck me with that big thing right here right now.”

Stunned I said, “In front of everyone here?”

“Oh, yes.” she replied.

Bev slipped off her pants and positioned herself on all fours. She looked at me and said, “Don’t just stand there pointing that thing at me; fuck me, that’s what you’re here for.”

I took that as my invitation moved behind her and slowly and gently slipped my cock into her wet pussy. Bev was tight, but once I had opened her up, I started to slam my cock into her, ramming her hard and fast.

While having her first long lingering orgasm, Bev lost her balance and almost face planted the carpet. This forced her arse higher, allowing me better access and allowing me to go deeper, giving her another orgasm.

We were both sweating as I continued to pound her pussy and I was ready to fill her up. She felt this and shouted out, “Don’t cum inside me.”

I pulled out as she spun around and took my cock in her mouth, pumping me as hard as she could, emptying my balls into her mouth as I shot jet after jet into her mouth, some dribbling out due to the extreme amount.

Once she was satisfied that I was clean, she stopped licking her lips and thanked me. To my astonishment, the other woman just cheered and clapped.

We both got up; she slipped on my shirt, and I just slumped into a chair, still naked and still erect.

I was exhausted and in need of a shower.

Louise followed me back to my room with a big supply of towels. She said, “Join us later; we have plenty of games to play, and the girls want the chance to see more of your cock.”

Having showered, I was laying on the bed naked, dozing, when there was a gentle knock on the door. Before I had a chance to respond, the door opened, and in walked Bev’s mother-in-law, wrapped in her big fluffy robe.

I didn’t even bother covering up as she put her finger to her lips and sat on the edge of the bed beside me.

“My name is Donna,” she said. And I placed a hand on my thigh close to my limp cock, which was just waking up.

Donna said, “My son will never hear from me what just happened or whatever happens later; you have my word.”

I said, “Thanks.”

“I am curious, how big is that thing?” She said she was producing a retractable tape measure.

I said, “About nine and a half inches.”

Donna said, “Okay, let’s get him hard and find out.”

I was amazed at the words coming out of this lady’s mouth, who was in her seventies.

I thought I was going to have to wank it or she was going to pump it but no, she took me by surprise and took my soft cock in her mouth.

She swirled her tongue around my pee hole and worked me like an expert Almost immediately, my cock went from a floppy, limp thing dangling between my legs to a big, fat, thick-erect monster.

Donna was good and very attentive, she stopped as soon as I was fully erect. She whipped out the tape and measured me at ten and a quarter inches long and seven inches in circumference. It was much bigger than ever before,

Donna said after measuring me, “We had a sweepstake, all of us guessing the length and girth of your cock.”

I said, “So why did you come up to measure me?”

“I won a competition amongst us to do the dirty deed.” she replied.

I said, “Well done I am glad it was you.”

“We have a second sweepstake that you will enjoy,” Donna said.

I looked at her very curiously, and she smiled and said, “We all had to guess how long it would take you to cum if I gave you a blowjob? I have to take my teeth out to do it, though.” And then she laughed. “Curiously, I wasn’t allowed to make a guess,” she continued.

My cock was no longer fully erect and was twitching on my thigh in excitement. The thought of my first ever toothless blowjob had a good feel to it.

I let out a little laugh and looked at Donna, who was removing her dentures and placing them on the nightstand. I hate dentures; they really worry me, so I had to cover them so they were no longer in my line of vision.

I have never been timed before to complete a sexual act, so this was so weird, performing against the clock.

Donna said, “Lay back on the bed, open your legs, and enjoy.”

I moved up the bed so I could rest on the pillow. I opened my legs, and Donna moved from the bottom of the bed and was now lying on her front, minus her robe, but still in a black slip.

Then it got weird; she set the timer on her watch, took my cock in her hand and gave it a few pumps. I was now against the clock to fill her up.

After a few pumps to get my cock going, she started kissing my balls and sucking them before working her magic along the base of my cock all the way to the tip, which was already seeping pre-cum.

I said, “You look as though you are actually enjoying this.”

She looked up, smiled, and replied, “It’s been too long.”

Then, after licking off the pre-cum from my pee hole, she winked at me, opened her mouth, and easily took at least six inches into her mouth, then clamped her lips around my pole. She remained in this position for a few seconds, winked at me, then slid her way up my pole, her hard gums clawing against the sides of my cock.

The sensation of her hard gums running up and down my cock, along with the expertise of her tongue swirling around my cock, was insane.

This woman was a seventy plus widow who would be more at home playing bingo, but now she was performing oral sex on my member like a toothless porn star.

I checked my watch, and ten minutes had passed, and things were starting to move within my balls. An eruption was imminent.

Donna was constantly checking my face, recognising the signs of intense pleasure, and knowing things were happening. She gummed me harder and increased the pace. Up and down she went, then it happened. I almost blew the back of her head off. The eruption was so violent.

Donna coughed and choked, stopped briefly to recover, swallowed the first batch, then resumed until she was sure I could cum no more, then weirdly stopped, the timer on her watch.

She kissed my cock, then me on my forehead, replaced her robe, and she was gone, thanking me for being a good sport and leaving.

Good sport! I thought, “That’s an understatement. Let’s hope some of the younger women want to do the same. I smiled to myself and was happy with what I had just received.

I love getting blowjobs, especially from younger, beautiful women. This was just so different and an amazing experience. Bring on the ex-mother-in-law, who was the same age and probably has dentures.

I slipped a pair of boxers on and my robe and joined the women for some supper and a glass of wine.

After supper, the games started with everyone still keen to participate. Louise had already approached me in the kitchen and whispered into my ear, “Save some of that cock for me; I will expect you in my room later.”

First, the results were announced based on the measurements and the timing of the blowjob.

It was no surprise that Bev got closest to the cock size, and her daughter Lexie was closest to the time it would take Donna to blow me.

Their prizes were yet to be divulged but involved me in some way, or so I was told.

I had only seen Bev naked and Donna in a slip, and of course Sarah and Louise, when we had a night away at the company’s expense, but I was expected to guess the bra sizes of each girl, which made it all the more difficult as they were all wearing big fluffy robes.

Next, they had me fill out a short questionnaire about my preference for a woman, and then they had to work out which of the women I would like from first to last.

I stated on my questionnaire that I prefer slim blondes with big breasts who love to dress up in sexy lingerie.

I was asked to complete my list and keep it hidden. They were to try and match my list closest to it to win another prize, which again involved me.

Some of the older women decided that they had had enough for one day, so they retired to their rooms. The competition results were to be announced the following day.

I was invited to share the huge spa or whirlpool bath with a group of the women, which I readily accepted.

The women involved were Louise and her twin nieces, Bev and her daughter Lexie, Bev’s younger, prettier sister Mel, and their mother Alison, who was in her sixties.

The ladies removed their robes, and to my surprise, they were all topless beneath, although they all wore pants, guessing the breast sizes would be so much easier now. They all entered the bubbling, swirling, boiling hot water and beckoned me to join them in just my boxers.

As I went to enter the pool, Louise said, “You can lose them,” pointing at my boxers.”

I hesitated, but from the looks I was getting from the other ladies, it was clear it was a joint request, so I slipped them off and slid into the pool.

I was sitting between Lexie and Alison, both of whom I had never spoken to before.

Alison was the first person to speak to me. She said, “Who invited you to the party? I was expecting some young strippers.” She looked quite disappointed.

It was difficult to hear Alison above the noise of the swirling waters and the voices of the chatter.

I replied, “It was Louise; she was let down by your younger strippers! So, she had the idea to invite me as she had heard about my reputation for being well-hung.”

Ali smiled at me and said, “I am glad you came; it was refreshing to see an older man with a great body and a huge cock do a strip.”

“Did you enjoy it, then?” I spoke.

“I did very much; I was surprised to see you screw my daughter in front of everyone on the eve of her wedding.”

Under the water, I felt a hand on my leg, and from the proximity of Ali, it could only have been hers. Lexie was on the other side of me but facing away, so I guessed it wasn’t her.

We continued to chat, and the hand continued to rub my leg, getting closer and closer to my swelling cock.

Ali leaned in close to me and spoke into my ear in case anyone overheard her She said, “Before this break is over, I am going to suck your cock.”

As she spoke, she wrapped her slim hand around my shaft and, unbeknownst to anyone else present, started to pump it, giving me an erection in minutes.

I was looking around when Lexie spoke to me, I moved my head closer to her so I could hear her over the swirling, gurgling water She said. “Did you enjoy screwing my mum?”

I was shocked at her bluntness I blushed and nodded my head.

She moved back closer and spoke into my ear, “it looks as though my Nan is your next conquest! She clearly likes you.”

I was embarrassed, as I didn’t think anyone realised what was going on beneath the water.

Lexie said, “I heard what my Nan said I was listening to your two chats. if you want me to keep my mouth shut, you had better serve me as well.”

I was out of my league now, and with so many women to keep happy, I was considering getting my stuff and getting out of this place.

I made my excuses and left the spa, grabbed my boxers, and headed to my room in panic, desperate to hide my erection that I had to take out of Ali’s hand.

I sat on my bed, confused and unsure of what I should do. I was about to call Louise when Lexie entered my room and locked the door.

“What are you doing here? You need to leave.” I demanded.

Lexie slipped off her fluffy robe, under which she was naked. She was a tiny little thing, barely five feet tall and very slim, but with her mother’s big, firm, gorgeous breasts and big pink nipples. Lexie was a pretty brunette with huge dark eyes, perfect little legs, and a neatly trimmed pubic hair area.

Lexie was like an animal I was old enough to be her father; she wanted my cock and was going to have it.

Lexie launched herself at me, both hands on my chest, pushing me backward. Lexie ripped off my boxers with little resistance from me and tossed them away; now we were both naked.

I have watched many videos of teen girls getting it on with older men on a legal website, and now it is happening to me.

Lexie was as hot as her mother; she was bossy, rampant, and very demanding.

Lexie had me pinned down on the bed, I could have moved her at any time but decided against it wondering where this would lead.

She was looking at me, smiling, and gave me a kiss on the lips. She then positioned herself above my face, kneeling astride me, holding onto the headboard her sweet, tiny, dripping pussy inches from my face.

She demanded, “Lick it.” And I lowered her pussy to my mouth, I had to pull her lips apart before I could insert my tongue inside her. She tasted clean and fragrant and was hypersensitive; the moment my tongue entered her, she moaned and ground her pussy harder into my mouth.

She was grinding her body harder and harder into my face as I sucked on her clitoris and pussy lips, causing her to orgasm so hard that the bed shook as she tensed up and covered my face in copious amounts of her juices.

I swallowed what I could; the rest ran down my face, into my ears and hair, and onto the pillow.

Her orgasm was so intense that she clamped her thighs against my head, almost suffocating me, I had to physically lift her up so I could breathe.

When she had recovered from her orgasm, she had to move away from my face. She complained that she was far too sensitive to take anymore.

I decided I could also be demanding and said, “My turn now. Get your sweet lips around this.” I had my erection in my hand, pointing it at her.

Lexie the vamp moved down the bed as I sat myself up, leaning against the headboard with my legs open but bent. She kneeled facing me and took my cock in her tiny hands.

My cock looked even bigger in her tiny hands, which struggled to wrap themselves around my circumference. Lexie pumped me briefly; I was already erect and expecting a special blowjob.

I looked at Lexie and said, “You have given blowjobs before, haven’t you?” She was young, so I was unsure how experienced she was.

Lexie replied, “Yes, but none of my boyfriends have had very big cocks. I have never seen one this big, so let me know if I am doing it correctly.”

“Don’t worry, I will.” I replied, grinning to myself inwardly and cheekily, thinking I could teach this girl a thing or two.

“Do you remember what your mum did? She started with my balls and worked her way around my cock long before she gave me a blowjob.” I said, I had so many naughty thoughts going on in my head, I was going to enjoy this.

Lexie nodded, bent forward, and gave me a nervous smile as she started kissing my balls. “You shave your balls.” She stated.

I grinned and nodded. “Yes, I do; don’t stop now.”

She resumed kissing and licking my balls, which are big and soft. “Take them in your mouth, one at a time, and suck them.”

My suggestion was received and carried out. Her mouth was tiny; she struggled to get them in, but she did her best, and it was good, I was worried now that she would never get my cock inside that tiny mouth of hers.

My next instruction was to lick along the length of my cock from my balls to the tip, starting with the underside and then moving around the whole circumference.

She was attentive and good at following instructions; she never relaxed her grip on my shaft at any stage and continued to gently pump me while pleasuring me.

I said, “I have juices leaking from my pee hole; lick them off, use your tongue, and slip it in the hole as far as you can.”

Instantly, she was licking off my juices and swirling her tongue around my cock head as my juices continued to seep out. She moaned and said, “You taste salty.”

I said, “It’s time, be careful and only take as much as you can; don’t hurt yourself.”

Lexie looked at me and, with a nervous expression, said, “Tell me if I am doing it right, I want to make this special.”

Lexie started by kissing and licking around the end of my cock. She, for a learner, was good and was driving me insane. The moment I had been waiting for, Lexie licked her lips, opened her tiny mouth, and took just the tip of my cock in her mouth.

Her lips were already tight against my shaft, and her teeth were rasping against it as well. It was quite painful to start, but I wanted her to feel comfortable, so I didn’t complain.

Lexie opened her mouth a little wider as she slipped down my shaft, now holding about three inches in her mouth. She looked as though she was struggling, but she wanted to please me.

I said, “Please mind your teeth; they are sharp against my cock.”

Lexie blushed, let my cock out of her mouth, and apologised. Then she immediately wrapped her lips around it again, and with three to four inches in her mouth, she started sliding up and down my cock, giving me a blowjob, pumping me with both hands at the same time.

The tightness of her lips and her hands working on me was an incredible feeling. I didn’t want to cum yet, though I wanted to fuck her tight little pussy which I knew was going to be difficult.

I let her carry on until her mouth was aching and she was struggling to continue. When she stopped, I said, “Do you want to ride me?”

She didn’t even bother to reply; she just mounted me, and with her dripping wet pussy above my erection, she lowered herself onto my pole until my cock was at the entrance to her pussy.

Lexie, with her hands on my chest for balance, looked me in the eyes and said, “Please don’t hurt me. Take me slowly, be gentle.”

She was in control in this position as she very gingerly lowered her mega tight pussy onto my pole, I had never known anything as tight; even women’s arses I have fucked haven’t been this tight.

An inch then two, she was in pain, and so was I, but hers must have been worse. Then she stopped, took a deep breath, repositioned herself, pushed on, and there was an audible popping sound.

Lexie yelled in agony and stopped again, about three inches of my cock buried inside her.

Once she had become accustomed to being stretched to her limits, she slowly started to ride me, although it looked very uncomfortable for her.

She was still only using the tip of my cock and only riding about three inches of it, so I offered to change positions.

I positioned her on all fours on the edge of the bed and stood behind her. I added some lubricant to my cock and entered her from behind.

In this position, I was able to delve deeper into her body; now at least half of my cock has disappeared inside her. It was still very painful for her, and it felt as though I was tearing her inside, but she insisted I continue.

We built up a bit of a rhythm, and with the help of the lubricants, it got easier so much that she had a strong shuddering orgasm and her pussy walls clamped down on my cock.

Due to the tightness of her pussy, my own orgasm was edging closer and closer; it was painful trying to stop it and I was in no position to pull out as I speared her, holding onto her hips. As my thrusts got quicker and more frantic, I could hold back no more and shoot load after load into her tiny pussy.

It felt so good filling this hot young lady with my semen; she didn’t want me to pull out, so she kept pushing back, ensuring I stayed inside and finished the job.

When I could cum no more and my knees started to go weak, I slid my cock from her; it was dripping our juices and it was sore.

I just stood there with my cock sticking out red raw and covered in our joint juices when Lexie turned around, sat on the edge of the bed, opened her mouth, and sucked on my cock, cleaning up our juices and giving me another blowjob.

Lexie continued to pump my tender, erect cock and blow me until her mouth ached and I was clean.

Our tranquilly was shattered when Louise entered wearing a sensual black slip and heels and a key unlocked my door. At that point, my cock was still buried in her mouth.

Louise stopped dead in her tracks, stood mouth wide open, staring as Lexie eyes closed, finished cleaning my cock with her tongue and giving it a final kiss.

Lexie opened her eyes and spotted Louise. She tried to find something to wrap herself up in and hide from Louise’s view as Louise shouted out, “Lexie, what the hell.” Her sentence failed to finish.

Lexie, blushing and totally embarrassed, just grabbed her robe and ran from my room. I tried to stop her but she was gone.

Louise was far from happy with me. She pushed me back onto the bed and started to chastise me, ranting and very angry, “Do you know she is only eighteen? You are old enough to be her father. What were you thinking.” She exclaimed.

Her anger shook me, but I answered, “She came on to me; she started it all. I was just a willing participant.”

Louise said, “I thought we had an agreement that you were mine tonight.”

“All yours, even though I am broken,” I said, “after I take a shower.”

Louise said, “We have all night, so take your time. You do know that all of the women at the party want a piece of you.” And laughed.

I had a shower, then Louise and I chatted, then fell asleep.

Day two is to follow.

Published 9 months ago

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