A Dog’s Tale Pt. 3 – Aunt Chloe

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Dinner that night turned into a boozy affair, and I even managed to grab a few beers with good help from Aunt Chloe. I’m unsure if Mom and Dad noticed or if they didn’t think it was a big deal. They must have noticed Tawnya and Stan getting hammered, though. The two of them were shockingly flirtatious with each other, but I gathered everyone was too distracted to notice. Even Aunt Shelly was getting good and tipsy.

“If you’ll all excuse me, I need to visit the little girls’ room,” Tawnya spoke out to the room as if anyone paid attention.

She stood up from the table unsteadily and headed for the bathroom. She stopped and glanced back at me before returning to my side and leaning into my ear.

“I. Need. To. Pee. Got it?” she whispered.

I remembered the deal she drew up for us earlier and got up.

“Leaving me, handsome?” Chloe said with disappointment in her eyes.

“I just need to steady Tawnya on her way to the bathroom,” I lied.

Stan looked at me with his confident grin and nodded as to approve.

“Come back soon!” Chloe said with her hypnotic smile.

Fuck, my aunt was beautiful.

I wrapped my arm around my sister’s slim waist and took her arm, steadying her through the dining room and into the hallway.

“I might… perhaps be a bit…drunk,” she giggled.

We got into the bathroom, and she locked the door behind us.

“Hold me,” she said as she grabbed onto my shoulder, reached under her dress, and pulled down her thong. She might as well not have worn anything; the tiny, see-through garment certainly didn’t cover anything.

“Hold on to these,” she said while handing it to me, “This is precisely why I hate wearing a dress; it’s such a pain taking a leak!”

She pulled her dress up and tucked it under her arm but dropped it again almost immediately. She repeated the attempt with the same result.

“Fuck it,” she murmured as she pulled her dress over her head and handed it to me.

Once again, I found myself staring at my naked sister. She looked up at me with her big, dark eyes.

“Do you like what you see?”

I nodded. My tormentor for eighteen years was indeed a beautiful young woman.

“Don’t you find my tits boyishly flat and disgusting?”

“I…no… I don’t. I think they’re absolutely perfect,” I said, hearing my voice turn dry.

“Oh, fuck! I really, really need to pee!” she said and sat herself down on the toilet.

“Come, watch me pee,” she whispered.

She spread her legs as far as she could and leaned back, giving me a perfect view of her urine shooting out of her and down into the bowl. Her eyes were fixed to mine.

“Does it make you hard watching me pee?” she whispered, knowing my cock pressed against my pants.

I watched her spray subside into a gentle sprinkle, and as the last droplet fell into the bowl, she pushed herself forward and spread her legs wide.

“Clean me,” she said in a commanding whisper.

I dropped to my knees and positioned myself between her legs. Her scent took my mind back to their bathroom earlier in the day, and I wished for Stan’s cock to poke at my ass. Her labia were covered in tiny drops of urine, and I slowly ran my tongue up and down the soft tissue, greedily devouring each drop of her pee.

Tawnya spread her pussy with her fingers.

“Make sure you get all the way in there.”

I ran my tongue along her folds and up to her urethral opening, making sure I got every drop she had left for me. She moaned and released a final trickle of pee into my mouth. I let it pool in my mouth and savored it before swallowing. I ran my tongue up her slit and found her clit, sucking it into my mouth.

“Oh, naughty dog!” she moaned, “Not now!”

She pulled herself off my face, cupped my head, and planted a big, wet kiss on my lips.

“Help me with the dress,” she said.

I held her dress as she stepped into it and helped her pull it up. She turned around and told me to zip her up. I watched her in the bathroom mirror and saw her nipples poking hard at the fabric.

“What’s the deal with you and Stan?” I asked.

“I love him. I always have…and it was only a year ago I realized he feels the same. He walked in on me showering after months of me deliberately not locking the door to his room, and he just stood there, watching me. He pulled out his cock and started jerking off, so I invited him into the shower, and he…he didn’t fuck me…he made love to me.”


She turned around and looked up in my face.

“I’m twenty years old. There has never been anyone but Stan that even remotely caught my interest. Not a single boy, man, or girl. High school was hell! Stan could have every girl he wanted, and I? I was the ugly duckling! Girls wanted to befriend me to get to him, and the few guys who showed any interest only thought of me as a cheap thrill, suspecting me to be desperate for any attention. Stan? He’s the only one who makes me feel alive!”

“But…are you…seriously…” I didn’t find the words.

“Trying to get me pregnant?” she continued, “Stan wasn’t too keen on the idea, but he loves my pussy, and I told him it’s the price he has to pay.”

My head tried to wrap itself around the thought of Tawnya raising hers and our brother’s incest offspring, but the process was slow. Perhaps it was the beer; more likely, it was the intoxicating shot of Tawnya’s pee.

Tawnya looked up at me, wrapped her arms around me, and held me warmly.

“Um…your panties…” I mumbled.

“Oh, thank you, I almost forgot!” she chuckled, reaching for my hand to grab them.

“No…” I whispered, “May I keep them?”

She looked up at me with a delighted grin, grabbed the tiny garment, and slid it into my front pocket.

“I may have lied,” she said, moving her hand to my crotch. “Stan’s cock may not be the only one to catch my interest…”

With that, she freed herself off me, unlocked the door, and motioned for me to escort her back to the dining room.


I don’t know how long we had been gone, but the change of scenery and atmosphere in the dining room suggested it could have been hours. Aunt Shelly and Uncle George sat at the end of the table, caught up in more than just friendly conversation. Mom was straddled on Dad’s lap in a deep kiss. Chloe sat still, sipping her wine and observing her husband, not with jealousy or anger but with intense curiosity, as he obviously tried to get Aunt Shelly to bed. I couldn’t grasp the insanity of going for her when he had Chloe.

The twins had moved themselves over to Stan, who was now sitting in Tawnya’s chair. Monique sat next to Aunt Chloe, facing him. She held his hands in her lap in whispered conversation as she fluttered her sexy eyes at him. Shaquila sat behind him, rubbing his shoulders.

I felt Tawnya freeze up; it was as if her hands had turned to ice in mine, and it felt like the room’s temperature had dropped to match the freezing winter outside. I looked down at her, and all I could see was the familiar, tyrant sister who had bullied me for all my years. Her breath came in shallow gasps; she squeezed her hand around mine, and her jaw tightened as she clenched her teeth. Then, she exhaled hard, took another deep breath, and exhaled again.

Three determined strides later, she leaned in and whispered something in Monique’s ear. Monique turned around, horrified, got up, and quickly motioned for her sister to join her.

They brushed past me, and I could have sworn Monique was crying.

Stan shifted over, and Tawna sat down next to him. I scuttled over and sat down next to her.

“What did you say to her?” I wondered.

Tawnya looked at me, her eyes almost back to the warmth I had learned to find.

“I told her, if she ever touches my brother again, they will find her hanging by her cunt and ass from the rusty, old meat hooks down in the old slaughterhouse.”

There was no lie in her voice.

I grabbed another beer and watched Uncle George and Aunt Shelly bid farewell as they headed upstairs. Aunt Chloe followed them with her eyes and then turned to me with a smile.

“You’re smiling? Your husband just went upstairs with my aunt, and you’re smiling?” I asked, not doing a very good job of hiding my shock.

“Why wouldn’t I be? I get George to myself most of the year, and frankly, that can get a bit stale in the long run. If he wants to fuck Shaquila, Shelly, or your mother on Christmas, who am I to deny him? Besides, poor Shelly hasn’t had the sniff of a cock in years. It’s a shame, really, how she’s let herself go; she used to be a beautiful woman.”

She sighed and took another sip of her wine, “And frankly, do you think poor George would dare venture into something I hadn’t already instructed him to do? You should be more worried about what I intend to do to you now that your uncle is preoccupied.”

She grabbed the back of my head, leaned in, and gave me a deep kiss, making sure to catch the eyes of my dad, Tawnya, and Stan; then excused herself, grabbed her bottle of wine and two glasses, and headed upstairs.

I sat there, dumbfounded, as Tawnya laid her hand on my tenting crotch.

“Go, you dumb fuck!” she whispered in a giggle and nodded her head towards the hallway.

I got up, stumbled across the dining room floor, caught my feet, and landed safely in the hallway. I stopped and leaned against the wall, staring up the stairs.

“Composure! My dear Richard! Composure!” the voice in my head compelled.

I drew a deep breath, feigned confidence, and headed up the stairs. Once at the landing, I glanced down the hallway at Chloe’s and George’s bedroom door—another deep breath.

“Confidence! My dear Richard! Confidence!”

My feet carried me down the hall and in front of the door. I watched as my hand formed a fist and raised it, ready to knock, but my confidence failed, my arm slumped to the side, and my feet slowly retreated to my room.

I stood in front of my bedroom door, hesitantly looking back the way I came, listening for the voice to muster confidence, but only found silence. I sighed and opened the door.

There she was, sitting on the side of my bed, pouring two glasses of wine. A slight shame rushed up inside me at the un-made bed and the general clutter of my room. It’s not like I was expecting female visitors. Ever.

“What took you so long, gorgeous?” she said in a breathy voice, motioning for me to sit beside her.

As I sat down, she handed me a glass of wine. I have never enjoyed wine; I have always found it sour and repulsive.

“The key to a good wine,” she said, “is in the company in which you share it.”

I took a sip and found that she was right.

“Hush,” she said, “Listen.”

Through the wall, I heard Aunt Shelly’s loud moans, begging for her pussy to be fucked.

“Don’t you find it alluring hearing people have sex? Isn’t it the hottest thing ever, sneaking up and spying on people fucking each other’s brains out?”

I took a big gulp of my wine, and she quickly refilled my glass.

“Don’t you just love watching a hard cock slam into a cum-filled pussy? Or perhaps…you prefer watching your uncle take your dad’s cock?”

I wasn’t sure if it was the wine or her voice, but a warm sensation washed over my body, and another big gulp of wine only added to the feeling.

“Drink up, baby. I intend on getting you good and drunk before I take advantage of you and fuck your brains out.”

I was rock hard, my cock pressed painfully against my pants, and sweat formed on my brow. I had another greedy sip of my wine, and that warm fuzzy feeling spread further and boosted my confidence.

“Are you hot, baby? Feel free to get undressed. In fact, I would like that a lot,” she said, licking her lips.

Youthful enthusiasm grabbed me as I stood up and started pulling off my clothes. Chloe giggled.

“Slow down,” she said, “Take it nice and slow.”

Again, dumbfounded, I excused myself. I slowly removed my sweater and tee shirt as she looked at me with a sultry stare.

“Yeah, that’s how I like it. Now, your pants.”

I unbuttoned my jeans and unzipped, my cock exhaling a sigh of relief as it was freed from the intense pressure. With a gentle tug, I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my jeans and boxers and began to ease them down my thighs, never noticing the tiny garment in my pocket falling to the floor. Aunt Chloe licked her lips as my cock sprung free and poked proudly straight into the air. In a clumsy maneuver, I guided my clothes past my knees and let them drop to the floor. Stepping out of my jeans, I removed my socks and stood stark naked in front of my aunt.

“What’s that?” she asked, pointing to Tawnya’s underwear lying on the floor. She bent down, brazing my cock, and picked them up.

“Sexy…” she whispered, “let me help you slip them on.”

Expertly, she unwound the ball of cloth and told me to step into them. She guided them up my legs and over my thighs, cupped my balls, and tucked them tightly into the thin fabric, the tip of my throbbing cock sticking out at the top. She stood up and kissed me, stroking my bulging panties.

“Do you find me desirable?” she breathed into my mouth, “Of course you do. Your lustful eyes staring down my dress, watching every sway of my hips and my deliciously round ass. I’ve appreciated each and every stolen, lustful look, Rich, but I’m tired of looks.”

She slid the straps of her dress down her shoulders, bared her beautiful, big, round breasts, and guided my hands to them.

“Feel, Rich, play with them, kiss them, suck them into your mouth!”

Her giant tits felt firm in my hand, I suspected surgery was involved, but my points of reference were slim; in fact, none. They did have a natural jiggle to them, and her large, erect nipples definitely felt very natural in my mouth.

“If you’re looking for the scars from the incision, they’re hardly visible. I have a very expensive surgeon, but he’s worth it. Are you disappointed?”

“What? No…oh God, no! I love them!” I slobbered truthfully with a mouthful of tit.

“Oh good, because I do give an excellent titty-fuck!” she whispered, “Lie down on the bed, and I’ll show you.”

I positioned myself comfortably on the bed with a pillow behind my back.

“Spread your legs; I’m going to need a lot more room than you’re offering!”

She sat herself down on her knees between my legs and rubbed my chest, bent down, resting her weight on her left arm on my shoulder, and sucked my nipple into her mouth, biting it softly as her free hand moved down, clawing at my belly.

“I love youthful boys,” she moaned, “What they sorely lack in experience, they make up for in pure enthusiasm and raw energy. Sometimes…that’s all you need.”

The heel of her hand reached the tip of my cock, and she pressed her hand down, rubbing at the head.

“And they get so rock hard,” she whispered gleefully.

She bit down hard on my nipple and released it, running her tongue down my abs, kissing me softly, then harder. She made sure her heavy breasts rubbed at my throbbing member on her way down. Her mouth found my cock, and she kissed it, sucked it into her mouth and released it.

“Mmmm…I love pre-cum.”

She sat herself up and stroked my cock through the thin fabric of my sister’s underwear, then pulled it to the side, freeing it. She bent down, and in the same slow motion as earlier in the day, she took the full length of my cock down her throat.

The poor thing had been begging me to cum since I lapped Tawnya’s pee off her cunt after dinner, and now started sending warning signals and ‘Mayday! Mayday!’

She released my cock from her throat, slobbering all over it, then sucked it all deep down her throat again, only to repeat the action. She sat up and pressed her breasts together, drooling down her cleavage.

“Your cock throbs and jerks so intensely…do you want me to make you cum? Again?” she whispered.

I mustered all my powers not to blow my load; speaking was not an option as I heaved for breath.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’” she smiled, rubbing her tits together. She leaned in and placed the tip of my cock at the bottom of her cleavage, and I watched as my cock disappeared between her massive breasts.

“Mayday! Captain, we’re going down!” my cock exhaled.

“Stand your fucking ground!” my brain yelled back as I clenched my teeth.

The tip of my cock surfaced at the top of her cleavage, and she took it in her mouth, covered it in her spit, and let it drown between her tits again.

“Do you like it slow…” she egged, “Or perhaps a little faster?”

She picked up her pace and slowly started fucking my cock between her tits. Each time she sensed friction, she lubed me up with her drool.

“Abandon ship! Abandon ship!” my mind yelled as I shot my load up in her face, a fat string of cum landing over her eye; the next, she caught it with her mouth as she swallowed me down her throat again.

I moaned as my cock kept convulsing and shooting the biggest load I’d ever produced. I clawed at the sheets as the last brave crewmember abandoned ship and…

Published 9 months ago

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