By the time Kurt pulled into my driveway, I was desperate to get out of his car. I moved to open the door as soon as he came to a stop.
“Jocelyn, wait.” He grabbed my arm.
“Let go of me!” I yanked away from him, feeling his rough grip even after I was free. Again, he said my name, but I ignored him.
The rapid click of my heels against the pavement betrayed my eagerness to escape. I was halfway to the house when I heard him get out of the car. “Stop acting like a cunt and talk to me!” he shouted.
My eyes widened in mortification. In all my twenty-four years, no one had ever called me that. But what made it so much worse was the sight of my neighbor and landlord, Ridge, rising from a chair on the wraparound porch. I’d been so hellbent on getting away from Kurt that I failed to notice we weren’t alone.
Ridge wasn’t all that much older than me; I guessed he was in his early thirties. But he had a quiet, serious demeanor that made me feel foolishly young in his presence. I knew he’d inherited this house from his grandmother and had used his savings to fix it up. He lived on the main floor, while I rented the upper level. My apartment had its own entrance via an exterior stairway at the back of the house.
Frozen in the driveway, I could hear Kurt approaching me. I looked up at Ridge and tried to silently convey how sorry I was for the scene playing out in front of him. My face burned with shame, and I figured my fair skin was as red as my hair.
But Ridge wasn’t looking at me. Instead, his stare was fixed on Kurt. My landlord was tall with a muscular build, and while standing at the top of the porch steps, he appeared especially imposing. In the early evening light, his eyes were darker than usual. “Get back in your car,” he told Kurt in a low voice, “and get the fuck out of here before I beat the shit out of you.”
I was afraid to move or even make a sound. Remaining between the two men, I continued gazing at Ridge, watching his face for a sign as to what I should do. Kurt was motionless behind me, and I prayed he wouldn’t be stupid. He was several inches shorter than Ridge and had a far-slighter frame; it was a fight he wouldn’t win.
Finally, Kurt let out a string of curses before retreating to his car, and I bounded up the porch steps. As I stood beside Ridge, he never took his eyes off Kurt. The tightening in his jaw was the only sign that he was angry.
Once Kurt had sped off, his car tires squealing, I covered my face with my hands. “I’m so sorry about that, Ridge! It will never happen again.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” he said softly. “But I’ll be real disappointed if I see you with that asshole in the future.”
I looked at him then, shaking my head firmly. “You won’t. I had no idea he was like that.”
Ridge’s expression softened, which made me worry that he felt sorry for me. Did he think I made a habit of dating guys like Kurt?
“You still look a little shaken up, which is understandable,” he said. “You want to come inside for a few minutes?”
“I’d love to. Thank you.” Though I was happy for the opportunity to clear things up with Ridge, I couldn’t help but wonder why his opinion was so important to me. In the back of my mind, I realized why: I’d harbored a secret desire for my landlord since the day we met.
Following him through the front door, I dared to sneak a few glances at his ass. I knew from previous furtive glances that he had a nice one, and the jeans he now wore accentuated it perfectly. His T-shirt fit snugly, too. His dark hair was cut short and neat, and though he was normally clean-shaven, his face now had a little bit of stubble.
I smoothed my hands over the skirt of my sage-green dress. That was a nervous habit of mine, and I was glad Ridge had his back to me and didn’t see it.
The summer evening was uncharacteristically mild, so he had the living room windows open, with a fan oscillating to circulate the air. “Have a seat,” he said. “Would you like a beer?”
“That would be great.” Instead of choosing one of the chairs, I opted for the couch, hoping he’d sit next to me. I couldn’t hide my smile when he returned to the living room and did just that. Thanking him for the beer, I lifted the bottle to my lips. All the while, I thought of the conversation I’d had with my mom when I first moved into this house. She lived several hours north and tended to worry about me being on my own. She was especially concerned that I was in a house with a man who could enter my apartment at any time.
“What if he spies on you?” she asked over the phone. “Or what if he rummages through your things while you’re out?”
“As long as he keeps the rent low, he can spy all he wants,” I replied. The truth was, I’d never worried about Ridge doing anything like that. Yet I had to admit the thought of him peeking into my underwear drawer got me more than a little excited.
Turning toward him on the couch, I found he was staring down at the bottle he held. He seemed to be patiently waiting for me to speak. Once I opened my mouth, a flood of explanations came pouring out. “That was only my third date with Kurt,” I began. “A friend introduced us, and at first, I thought he was really nice. But this evening at the restaurant, he accused me of flirting with our waiter, which I absolutely was not doing. I was just being extra polite to make up for Kurt being an asshole. I started thinking of that old saying about how you should pay attention to the way a man treats a waiter, because that’s how he’ll end up treating you.”
Ridge looked up at me then, a faint smile on his lips. “I imagine there’s something to that.”
I nodded emphatically. “I think so, too. Anyway, dinner got really awkward, and I said I wanted to go home. I was about to call an Uber, but Kurt apologized profusely, not just to me, but to the waiter as well.” My frown deepened when I thought back to the subsequent car ride. “On the way back home, he got really nasty again, calling me a slut and accusing me of using him for his money. Each time we went out, I offered to pay half, but he insisted on picking up the check. He said he knows I don’t make a lot at my job. Which is true, but I never told him that. He just assumed.”
Ridge’s face darkened, but he only said, “I’m glad I was outside when you got home.”
“Yeah, but I’m embarrassed you had to get in the middle of that.”
He rested a hand on my knee. His touch was brief but so warm against my bare skin. “Don’t be embarrassed, Jocelyn. None of that was your fault.”
“Thank you,” I murmured, flashing a grateful smile. Before I could cover his hand with my own, he nodded toward my empty bottle. I’d practically chugged my beer in an attempt to ease my nervousness. “Want another?”
“Oh, I’m good, thanks.”
Ridge took the bottle and stood. I noticed he’d finished his beer, too. “I think I’ll get another.”
I climbed to my feet as well, then followed him into the kitchen. As he strode toward the fridge, my gaze fell on the table. Two watercolor paintings were neatly laid out upon it. One was matted but not yet framed. “These are beautiful!” I exclaimed. The matted one featured a gorgeous pink orchid.
Ridge glanced over his shoulder. “Thanks. It’s just a hobby of mine, but I enjoy it.”
“You’re so talented!”
With another beer in his hand, he came to stand at my side. “I was lucky to see that orchid during one of my hikes in the mountains. It’s pretty rare. Anyway, I painted that for my sister’s birthday coming up. Just have to decide on a frame.”
I turned my attention to the other painting. “Oh, that’s the rosebush at the back of the house! I always take a moment to smell the blooms before I head up to my apartment.”
Smiling, Ridge nodded toward the painting. “You’re welcome to have it. That way, you can enjoy those roses year-round.”
“Oh, I couldn’t! Not without paying you for it.”
“It’s a gift,” he insisted.
Before I could stop myself, I threw my arms around him. “Thank you so much!” Breathing in, I inhaled his masculine scent. It drew me even closer. “You’ve made what started out as a horrible evening a lovely one, Ridge.”
He laughed low and soft, and I knew he was surprised at my sudden display of affection. “Happy to help.” Gently, he patted my back.
Growing braver, I took the bottle from him and placed it on the table, far away from the paintings. Then I cupped his face in my hands. I gave him a moment to pull away, to let me know he wasn’t interested. But he remained still while our eyes locked. I heard him breathing a little faster, just as I was.
When I guided his mouth to mine for our first kiss, he released a moan that sounded full of hunger. In all the months we’d been neighbors, I’d never seen a woman at his place. Kurt was the first guy I’d dated since moving in here, and despite his attempts to persuade me, I hadn’t slept with him.
It was clear that Ridge shared my need, yet he broke the kiss and whispered, “This isn’t why I invited you inside.”
“I know,” I whispered back. “But it’s why I came inside.”
He gathered up a handful of my long, stick-straight hair. His grasp was gentle as he drew my head back, exposing my neck. The feel of his lips and tongue on my skin made me instantly wet. I slid my palms over his broad chest, and then lower still, until I reached his hardening cock.
Again, Ridge tried to protest even while his lips lingered at my neck. “We have to live under the same roof, Jocelyn. I don’t want to mess up a good thing.”
“We won’t,” I promised. “Let’s enjoy tonight, and afterward, we can go back to being just landlord and tenant, if that’s what you want.”
He slipped an arm around me, pressing my body firmly against his. I was thrilled that he’d run out of arguments as to why we shouldn’t do this. “Have you ever stroked your cock while thinking about me?” I murmured, wearing a sly smile.
My question coaxed another moan from him. “Maybe once or twice,” he confessed. “Have you ever played with your pussy while thinking about me?”
“Absolutely!” I giggled. “Want to feel how wet my pussy is for you right now?”
Ridge didn’t hesitate to lift my dress. I released a whimper when he slipped his hand into my panties. His fingers parted my smooth outer lips. “Fuck, I love that!” he said in a guttural voice. I clung to him, rocking my hips while he teased my clit with the lightest touch.
Impatience finally got the better of him, however, for he gathered me in his arms and started carrying me down the hall. I wrapped myself around him, kissing his face and mouth.
His bedroom windows were open, too, and I swore I could smell the roses outside. So carefully, as if I were fragile, Ridge set me down on the edge of his bed, then turned the table lamp to its lowest setting.
He knelt before me, taking my right foot in his large hands. After easing off my high heel, he lifted my foot to his lips and kissed the arch. When he swirled his tongue against my skin, I squirmed and laughed. “It tickles a little.”
Ridge grinned before wrapping his lips around several of my toes. No one had ever done that to me before, and I found the sensation of his warm, suckling mouth to be exquisite. He clearly enjoyed it as well, for his free hand strayed downward to his crotch, and he stroked himself through his jeans.
When his eyes met mine, I was struck by the desire his gaze held. Before, he’d been distant, even closed off, but now, he readily revealed how much he wanted me.
His mouth revealed it, too. Planting kisses along my calves and then my thighs, Ridge stroked my skin, spreading my legs farther apart. My pussy was already throbbing in anticipation. and when he started gently tugging at my underwear, I lifted my ass off the bed so he’d have an easier time of it. A shudder of lust coursed through me at the sight of him holding my saturated panties against his face.
“Take out your cock,” I pleaded.
Ridge smiled, lifting an eyebrow at my sheer horniness. But before taking out his cock, he pulled his shirt over his head, letting me see his muscular chest, which was covered in dark hair. I found myself wanting to slide my tongue over his nipples.
Then, he rewarded me with a view of his dick. It was glorious, I decided, between six and seven inches long. Its girth was substantial but not so thick that it would feel uncomfortable inside my pussy.
“You like it, baby?” He stroked himself from base to tip, cupping his balls in his other hand.
“Let me show you how much.” My voice was low and thick with lust. Ridge’s stare took on an intense heat when I spread my pussy lips with my fingers, giving him a glimpse of how drenched I was.
In what seemed like a single fluid motion, he leaned forward and buried his face between my thighs. A series of cries, each louder than the one preceding it, emerged from my lips. I noticed he delighted in nuzzling the red hair covering my mound while his tongue explored me.
“You taste so good!” Ridge abandoned himself to the act of eating me out, greedily kissing and suckling my folds. As I stroked his hair, he closed his eyes, his tongue grazing my swollen clit. His fingers did plenty of pleasuring, too. I loved how he used them to frame my tender bud so that it was offered up to him for an enthusiastic licking.
“Oh, my God, yes!” I wailed. He was so fucking sexy, devouring my pussy! All the while, he moaned as if savoring a fine meal. His fingers were gentle sliding inside me, yet my muscles gripped them as I rolled my hips, working my cunt against his face.
In just moments, I began trembling. His tongue continued moving with a fervent rhythm while his fingers claimed me. “I’m so close!” I told him in a high-pitched voice.
He made an encouraging sound from low in his throat. As I succumbed to the climax awaiting me, I could hear his fingers thrusting in and out of my sopping pussy. His tongue never slowed, and its relentless pace sent what felt like endless orgasmic waves undulating through my body. My cries bordered on screams, but I couldn’t suppress them. No one had ever made me come this hard!
Only after my orgasm subsided did Ridge move his lips to my inner thigh. Withdrawing his fingers, he licked them with an eagerness that made me blush. I watched him climb to his feet and finish undressing, and when he stood before me, his beautiful cock pulsed. I longed to taste the precum on its tip. Extending my hand, I circled my fingers around his shaft. He was so hot and hard in my grasp! I couldn’t wait to feel every inch of him inside me.
Ridge leaned to give me a deep kiss, his lips lingering on mine. I dared to suck his tongue, delighting in the taste of my own pussy. His growl was hungry, his hands gentle yet firm while helping me out of my dress. As I hurried to remove my bra, I wondered if he noticed I was shaking with barely contained excitement. I guessed he did. Still, he remained tender when easing me back against the bed.
Kneeling at my side, Ridge lowered his lips to my right nipple. I gasped at his insistent suckling, for he seemed determined to draw all of my small breast into his mouth. Finally, he got his fill, his moans mingling with my soft cries. When he at last allowed my nipple to escape his lips, I saw it was elongated from his attention. By the time he was finished giving my other breast the same treatment, I was aching to be fucked.
But I was also aching to taste his cock. Opening my mouth, I extended my tongue, letting him know just what I wanted. He growled again yet maintained his self-control while placing two pillows beneath my head. Then he straddled my chest, careful not to rest all his weight upon me.
I readily licked his cockhead, my tongue swirling around it. His precum was mild, with a hint of sweetness, and I grew eager for more. When he took hold of his cock, gently guiding its tip between my lips, I welcomed it into my mouth.
His thrusts were shallow, for he clearly wanted to avoid gagging me. Soon, I was lifting my head, accepting more of his length.
“Ah, baby, that’s perfect!” Ridge was sweet and affectionate, stroking my hair even as he fed me his cock. I kept my lips wrapped snugly around it; my cheeks hollowed from my efforts to please him. From the rhythmic, insistent pumping of his hips, I thought he might come in my mouth.
Instead, he withdrew, panting from his own excitement. “I need to be inside you, Jocelyn!”
Stroking his dick, which was coated with my spit, I told him, “I’ve wanted that since we first met.”
After planting another hungry kiss on my mouth, Ridge hurried to retrieve a condom from the nightstand drawer. In no time at all, he was settled between my thighs, his cock positioned at my opening.
Our eyes locked as he eased into me. I knew I was making one of those mildly ridiculous faces, my expression pulled taut with bliss, but oh fuck, he was incredible! Stretching me open, and burying himself inside me inch by inch, Ridge felt like he was made for my pussy.
He settled his body against mine, then slipped his arms around me. I kissed his neck and chest, pressing my lips to his skin in order to muffle my cries. He moved with a perfect rhythm, his cockhead tapping ever so lightly at my cervix as he thrust. Instead of being painful, the sensation heightened my pleasure until I reeled from it.
Practically senseless, I cried out his name. I sounded downright slutty while begging him to keep fucking me. His breath was hot, his groans full of pleasure. My nails clawed at his back, which made him take me harder.
“Ah, you’re gripping me so tight!” He gently kissed my hair while rutting away between my thighs.
I started shaking beneath him, my nails digging deeper into his flesh. He drove himself all the way inside me, circling his hips a little, and that proved to be my undoing. Even as I came with a low scream, he continued claiming my pussy, his thrusts frenzied. I could feel his muscles tighten while he strove for his own release. The moment he reached it, his shout echoed throughout the room.
Another orgasm descended upon me, drawing a helpless cry from his lips. Still hard inside my cunt, he kept up that fervent thrusting until I shuddered violently, managing only to whimper.
I watched in a kind of daze as he finally pulled out and then removed the condom. His mouth was tender on mine, and when he lay at my side to draw me into an embrace, I merely said, “Oh, my God!” I was practically vibrating with post-fuck bliss.
Ridge laughed, clearly pleased by my reaction. Weaving his fingers through my hair, he whispered, “I don’t want to go back to being just landlord and tenant, Jocelyn.”
I didn’t try to hide how happy I was to hear those words. Instead, I gave Ridge another kiss. “I didn’t think it was possible,” I told him with a huge smile, “but you just made this evening even better.”