Line Steppers – Episode 7 – Do You Trust Me?

"Backed into a corner, Tyrone and Dee are forced to think on the fly."

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Although bleary-eyed, Tyrone stretched into a yawn and then planted a kiss on Dee’s naked backside. She stirred as he continued laying kisses on it and giggled, which led to harder smooches.

“So whenever I was over,” she said, propping on her forearms and looking over her shoulder at him, making out with her butt cheeks, “and I told you to kiss my ass; this was what you was imagining?”

“Maybe.” He pecked her cleft, and right after, her phone vibrated and skidded across the bedside counter. When she spotted the caller ID, her eyes lit up, and she answered quickly.

“Maya, where you at, girl?” Tyrone stopped his makeout session with Dee’s ass to crawl north and sidle next to her for a good listen. “What?” Dee hopped to all fours and sat back on her haunches while Tyrone queried her outburst with his hand and expression. “Your dad’s here.”

“Shit.” Tyrone popped out of the bed and peeked through the curtain to observe his father walking from the receptionist’s desk towards their location.

“You see him?” Tyrone gave a thumbs-up. “Damn, we’ll ring you when the coast is clear.” She ended the call and dropped the device onto the mattress.

Tyrone paced up and down – after putting on his pants – clenching his fists, then stared at Dee, who mirrored his questioning body language from before. “This is gonna be messed up, but it’s the best option we got right now.”

“What are you planning?” Dee stood and pulled up her shorts, wriggling into them to make sure they covered everything, even though they weren’t designed to conceal much anyway.

“Just follow my lead.”

Sharp knocks pierced the air, and Tyrone’s father called out his charges in descending order of age. After repeated cycles of this, he called out Dee’s name when Tyrone opened the door.

“Hey, Dad.”

“Son.” Tyrone’s father looked past him and acknowledged Dee, who smiled sweetly and clasped her hands in front of her. “Where’s Maya?”

“She went to get some fresh air,” Dee said.

“May I come in?”

 “If you were me, would you let you in?” Tyrone queried.

“Please, I drove all this way and don’t want us reduced to talking in a doorway.”

Tyrone sighed, then gestured his father inside, who surveyed the area with a judgmental scowl. Unease and negativity seeped through that man’s pores and infected everyone else in the vicinity.

“I thought you were going straight to your mother’s?” his father asked.

“Slight detour,” Tyrone said. “How did you find us, anyway?”

His father squinted. “GPS app.”

Tyrone clapped and pointed to him, shaking his index finger as if he admired the play in this imaginary sport between them.

“I’ll be blunt,” his father said. “Motels are only known for a few things, and I can’t help but wonder about it, seeing you two here all alone. And Dee, what the hell are you wearing?”

“Before you judge,” Dee started, “my mom approved.”

“Does your mom need her prescription updated?” He tapped his orbital bone from the side.

“Okay, Dad, promise you’re not going to freak out.”

“I freaked out already when I saw Maya’s car stopped at a motel, so there’s nothing left in my system. Lay it on me.”

“I’m a little nervous to tell ya.”

“Just spill it, son.”

Dead air pervaded the room for the length of a one-hundred-metre sprint before Tyrone resumed. “Dee and I’ve been seeing each other for a while.”

Dee’s face illuminated in shock, but when Tyrone’s father snapped around at her, she grimaced, clasped her hands behind her and said, “It’s true.”

His old man sat on the bed, shut his eyes tight and nodded slowly, while folding in his lips. Tyrone and Dee exchanged looks, then with Pops in anticipation.

“How long?”

“Like three months.” Tyrone pursed his lips and walked toward Dee so he could stand side by side with her as they maintained eye contact with his father.

“I see.” The middle-aged man stood. “And I assume Maya left you alone so you could do what people in motels do?”

Dee looked away while Tyrone nodded. An exasperated sigh, groan and facepalm escaped his father. “Look, Dee’s who kept encouraging me to take this whole Communication Studies step. It seems weird and all, yes, but she’s really been a good thing for me.”

“Does her mother know about this? Mainly the fact that she’s at a motel?” He focused on Dee. “Young lady, look at me.” Dee did tentatively.

“Well, um, the thing is… she doesn’t.” Dee winced.

The older man stared stolidly. “Call her. I can’t in good conscience be aware of this, and your mother isn’t. Speaker too, and I’m not here, for God’s sake.”

Dee picked up her cell and dialed her mother, who answered after three rings. “Hey, baby, enjoying your outing with Maya and Tyrone?”

“Oh yeah, yeah,” Dee said. “Mom, just wanted you to know we rented a motel room to chill at for a minute.”

“Honey, no one chills out at motels. It’s either for shady meetings or sex, and you ain’t got it in you to be no criminal. Spill the beans: which of them you banging?”


“Don’t ‘Mom’ me, spill it.”

Dee delayed a bit before saying softly, “Tyrone.”

“Mmm, a fine young brotha. Listen, I’m not ready for no grandkids, so be mindful of that.”

Dee facepalmed and whispered, “Oh my God.”

“Although, if you did have kids with Tyrone, that’ll give me an excuse to get closer to his fine-ass daddy.”

“Jesus, Mom.” Tyrone’s father’s forehead space constricted with the amount of real estate his eyebrows occupied. “Anyway, just wanted to let you know where I was. Bye.”

The mother said her goodbyes and disconnected. Tyrone’s father stared at her as if trying to compute what transpired. He shook his head and turned to Tyrone, then calmed his expression before speaking again.

“Alright, Son.” His father placed his palms on Tyrone’s shoulders, so Dee plopped on the bed behind his dad, delighted he couldn’t witness the faces of cringe she made. “I’m not here for all of that. What I came here for was to tell you that you were right earlier. I shouldn’t be so harsh on you, but the reason is because you have so much potential inside of you. Dropping out of college after one semester irritated me, but I still shouldn’t have been comparing you and Maya ‘cause all that did was create a rift between my kids. For that, I’m sorry.”

Tyrone smiled and said, “Dad, like I mentioned before, I don’t hate you. I love you, even though you’ve been a pain in the butt.”

“I just didn’t want the last time we spoke for God knows how long to be what happened earlier. Come ‘ere.” He hugged Tyrone, then gave him three firm back pats. “That said, dating your stepsister’s best friend is crazy. Also, you’re twenty, and Dee’s still a teenager.”

“She’s eighteen.”

“Exactly, a high-school senior, whereas you’re gonna be drinking age in a few months.”

They ended the hug but still had hands on the other’s shoulders. “Forgot about easing up on me, already?” Tyrone smiled.

“I’m a work in progress. Plus, this is a fair take, I think.”

His father walked toward the door. “Look, I can’t stop you all. Just don’t tell anyone that I know about this, okay?”

Tyrone’s temptation to question his dad backing off so easily nearly boiled to the surface, but the sooner he left, the sooner Maya could return and get the ball rolling.

His father opened the door, saluted them and exited. Both peeped through the window at him, getting into his vehicle and vacating the premises. The audible sighs that escaped their beings filled the room before Tyrone rushed Dee, lifted her as she yelped and dropped her light frame onto the bed, making her bounce.

“We’ve been seeing each other, huh?” Dee propped on her elbows as Tyrone peeled her shorts off. He took the garment, threw it to the side and spread her legs, looking at her mound with admiration. “Like what you see?”

Tyrone licked his lips, hummed, then pulled himself closer to her heated vulva until he kissed the labia and clit. He circled her bud with the tip of his tongue and then sucked it between his lips, causing soft moans to waft from her throat. “What do you think?”

“We gotta… oh God.” Dee rocked her head back, her face wrung in torturous bliss while hammer-fisting the mattress. “Gotta call Mayaaa.” She stuck her index finger in her mouth and nibbled it as he lapped her from perineum to clit. Tyrone’s heart beat faster the more ravenously he attacked her genitalia. He flattened his tongue and swept the area, then solidified it into a point and circled the clit again.

“In due time.” He planted another kiss on her cunt, then each inner thigh. “I gotta repay you for earlier.” A wicked smile stretched the corners of his mouth, and he sat up and sidled next to her. Their stares locked, and he inserted two, then three fingers into her sopping pussy. Dee restrained her legs and allowed Tyrone to frig her cunt vigorously, generating squishy noises similar to Mac and Cheese. Her labia and ass cheeks glistened, and a whimper strained from her until it escalated to a cry.

“What the fu-hu-huuck.” She wrinkled a nostril, and the corresponding corner of her mouth rose, accompanying her blank stare. Tyrone lifted her head by the hair to force a chin-to-chest connection and an up-close view of the fingering she was receiving.

“How bad do you wanna cum?” Tyrone’s cock strained his pants at an angle, and he couldn’t wait to fill Dee with its heat after making her climax a few times.

“So bad. Fuck… shit!”

“Then fucking cum!”

Tyrone’s fingers blurred, and Dee’s open maw closed into a pout and blew raspberries, generating bubbles and spit which sprayed her chest. She full-body bucked until only the whites of her eyes remained visible when she croaked out cuss words, which simultaneously frightened but turned Tyrone on immensely.

“Yeah, keep cumming, you sexy slut.” Tyrone removed his pants and crept up, allowing his hard-on to hover over Dee’s pretty face. She opened her eyes after cumming intensely, then grabbed her mobile from the counter to dial Maya while circling Tyrone’s glans with her tongue. She eased his head into her mouth and sucked hard, hollowing her cheeks as she peered into his soul.

She stopped abruptly and said into the mic, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Tyrone looked at her in a confused state, wondering what was so important that her hot kisser abandoned his rigid dick. “Aight, keep me posted.”

“What’s up?” Tyrone asked.

“If it ain’t one thing, it’s another.”


“Maya drove to a diner to camp out until we gave her the all-clear, but she ran into her fuck-buddy, Tommy, and he wants them to come here.”

Tyrone dropped onto his haunches and grunted in frustration.

Published 9 months ago

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