Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 47

"Hannah makes her way into the Harem of her home city."

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Inky came onto the forward deck looking for Ving and found her staring off into the distance. She knew Ving was worried for Hannah.

“This is her home turf. She will be fine.” Inky put her hand on Ving’s shoulder as she reassured her.

Ving was slightly startled at the sound and touch but relaxed quickly. “I know, and I weep for whoever gets in her way.” Ving nodded off into the distance. “A dark storm is coming and they always make me nervous.”

Inky regarded the black clouds barely visible in the distance contrasting with the otherwise bright blue sky. “A storm isn’t going to bother her. If anything, it would mask whatever ruckus she’s inevitably going to cause.”

“She hides it well, but she was nervous, too. With how much she has done for me, I just hate that I have to wait here and not help. Can you feel it? How close we are to whatever is going to happen?”

Inky nodded, holding Ving by the hands as she turned to face her. “You know why Hannah has so much sex? I mean, aside from the obvious.”

Ving knew all the reasons Hannah had explained but shook her head because she knew Inky was going somewhere else.

“She is lonely. Or was, growing up. Her parents were always working. She never said as much, but I have known her a long time and it’s my best guess. So she sought out others to spend time with and love. She never really had many close relationships with any of them and some things just became a habit. For the longest time, she could only really love someone while she was having sex with them. This ship changed her. I saw it when she arrived after the ship was attacked. She’s always been a fighter, but it was personal. I’m not saying she wouldn’t have wanted to help free the Emberborn or do anything differently than she has, but it’s not just a mission objective with her. There is no way the Hannah I knew would have had the kind of relationship you two have. Maybe you couldn’t see it because you were dealing with your own issues but you were giving her something she never really had before. I was just another fuck she got along with after, better than most, and a trusted comrade, but not like you. Certainly not in the way she needed.”

“I hadn’t ever known her to be anything like how she is.” Ving was too busy processing what was being said to manage more than a whisper.

“You were both helped by finding yourselves with a family. Leira doesn’t swear as much anymore, Emma isn’t so timid. I’m just happy I don’t have idiots ordering me about like-” Inky stopped herself before she went into a rant. “Vile got to learn what life was like without a collar. Easy and Mari haven’t really changed, but at least they found each other. This ship made us a family. So, Hannah is out there now, on a mission for her new family and nothing is going to get in her way. Not anyone in the city, and not that storm on the horizon. So be content that you have helped her just as she helped you, and come inside to fuck someone.”

“I suppose that if we are the ones who need to convince a gaggle of noble generals to side with us without actually saying so, we are the ones with a serious problem and not Hannah.” Ving laughed with Inky as they went back into the ship.


Hannah had a very serious problem.

She was being escorted by a soldier in a private carriage over the plains between the mountain range and the central peak. On one hand, she had the soldier looking at her like he was about to take liberties with her and it was too early in the mission to murder him. On the other, she was really bored and couldn’t play the timid street girl in over her head to seduce him. Either she was going to have to kill him for trying to force himself, or sit quietly and not have sex. She moaned in frustration.

“Easy, girl, it won’t be so bad. I hear you get to live like a noble when you go up there,” the guard consoled.

Hannah knew that just because he was playing nice and caring didn’t mean he wouldn’t act on his desires, but something about him seemed off.

“Oh, it’s me. Sorry, I do stare, don’t I? You are just really pretty. Sorry about that.” He shifted his seat and looked out the window like a scolded child.

Hannah cursed internally. He was a simpleton! A friendly to a fault and socially awkward type who was self-aware enough of his faults to never knowingly break the rules. Exactly the sort you would assign to watch over a harem girl. Even if seducing him didn’t feel utterly wrong, she could never do it. He wouldn’t pick up on subtle cues and the direct approach would possibly frighten him. She was going to have to wait for sex, and it wouldn’t get any easier to find fun as time went. A very serious problem.


Hope was happy; the general had already been of the mind that the west kingdom was the safe bet since it already had the support of the capital. So there was little for her to talk about other than if he liked the way the silk fell off her body when they were alone.

He did, very much so. “Never had virgin flesh before.”

Hope smiled at his words, having the tact not to explain he still wouldn’t. The assumption that just because she was a holy woman that she was also a virgin wasn’t something she wanted to correct. Her gasp as he ran his fingers over the freshly shaved flesh between her legs was practised innocence intended to sound like it was the first time it had ever happened.

He withdrew his hands and snapped his fingers. “Get her started.”

His aide, a lovely young woman with brown hair and ample breasts under the same though less decorated red uniform as her superior, gently guided Hope to the bed and laid her down. She removed her uniform, piece by piece, as much a show for Hope as it was for the general.

Hope had been wondering why she had followed them into the workroom, but certainly didn’t mind as she climbed on top of her and laid her naked body on hers. They kissed, their breasts pressing against the others and teasing their nipples against their skin as they moved. Slowly, the kisses evolved into bites at her neck and then her ear.

“Hardly a virgin.” The whisper was so faint Hope almost didn’t hear it over the sounds of her moans.

It was obvious from the start to Hope that the woman hadn’t thought her a virgin in the slightest. She wanted to ask more questions, but doing so without being overheard would be difficult. The room was designed to keep sounds out so a secret conversation was impossible. Then there was the added complication of her legs being spread and feeling the general pressing himself against her and trying to find the way in. The aide moved herself forward and gave Hope a glorious view of the breasts that quickly gathered saliva from her tongue as they caressed her face. It took a few moments that felt longer than they were, but soon Hope felt her body accept the manhood inside her.

The general’s aide gasped as she felt Hope bite into her breast at the moment of penetration, and then moaned as the tongue massaged the marks in her skin. The thrusts shook both of them as he slammed his stomach into her bum, holding it for leverage. It was a welcome change of pace from having his manhood moving inside her as it usually was. However, the enjoyment of being on top of a woman for once didn’t last as he pushed her to the side and laid himself on top of Hope. She watched and wondered if the holy woman hated it as much as she did, but noticed a wandering hand reaching between her legs. The penetration was a relief; it had been a long while since a woman had initiated it with her. For once, she drew herself closer to the general, letting her skin touch his so it was easier for Hope to push inside her and pleasure her body.

Hope was starting to get the picture. The woman obviously liked women, and the general was using her to facilitate sex. It pained her that she seemed to resent touching the general and that perhaps there was something to be done about it. Just as she was working her moans into words that might shed some light on what might be going on between them, she felt him thrust inside and hold himself there while grunting hard as his seed emptied into her.

“Clean her up.” He snapped his fingers again as he got off Hope.

His aide eagerly plunged her head between Hope’s legs and used her tongue trying to avoid the seed leaking from her. Of course, they both knew that there was a better place to use the tongue than where he had left his seed. Hope gripped onto the head between her legs and moaned hard before realising that was a mistake.

“But I want to keep it!” She pleaded, hoping that she didn’t appear to be enjoying the aide more than the general.

It was all moot, as he redressed and ignored them as he left. “Be out by the time I have a drink.”

When he was gone, Hope shrieked as she could finally let loose with her pleasure of the woman between her legs until a climax tore out of her. Taking her time with such a talented tongue would have been ideal, but they didn’t have that kind of time.

“Thanks for enjoying this, it… it has been a while for me.” The naked woman knelt between Hope’s wide legs as she smiled in gratitude, rubbing her breast where the bite mark was still visible.

“What’s the deal with you two?” Hope asked while beckoning the woman closer. “Explain while I return the favour.”

The not-so-subtle hint was more than enough for the woman to put her thighs against Hope’s cheeks to feel a tongue explore her flesh with much the same experience she had bestowed.

“I happened to cross his path when his last aide got sick and landed his job. I always had to worry about other soldiers trying something, so being an officer’s plaything kept me safe. When he made general, it made me safer. He tries his hardest to make me happy but just because his equipment fits in mine doesn’t mean it’s the kind I enjoy the most.” Her story struggled to come out as Hope was making her shudder with every breath. “But like most men in his situation, he sees new girls and wants them. So I offered my services in that regard as well. Most are hired, some want the career boost, and others just wanted me badly enough. He’s not that good at it though, so I offered to get one girl ‘started’ and suddenly she enjoyed it more. So that’s how it-” She was almost crying in pleasure as her body shook in climax atop of Hope’s hungry mouth.

“If you ever want out, just let me know.” Hope enjoyed feeling the woman sliding back down on top of her. “Plenty of women here would protect you.”

“Oh, had he not married a cute young thing I might do that. But when we get back home, I’m finally going to be getting some on a regular basis.”

“You can bring her if you like,” Hope said with a laugh.


Hannah sat patiently in the gondola, unable to believe that it was the same one she took to meet Liddy for the first time. Surprisingly, the man she had satisfied the last time to get it moving was still working at the same job. He hadn’t seen her board, focused on the papers in front of him at the time, but she had noticed him. The journey up was considerably less entertaining without someone inside her. She was in the room where Mari had entertained her mark and wondered what her friend was up to at that moment.


Mari had to wait and watch from behind the bar where she was serving drinks as Easy was led off yet again to entertain another general. The woman she loved had seen seven men already, and it was driving her mad with desire. The magic system that Emma had set up was working well and the men were matched up with the women they wanted the most. Unfortunately, that meant a bit of a lottery on if she would see anyone.

“Can you go get Emma? Her client is taking too long and a lot more guests want her,” Cat whispered in her ear as she took over the bartending job.

“Do none of them want me or what?” Mari sighed as she moved past Cat, making sure to slowly slide her breasts across her back as she did.

“I’m still yet to be chosen myself, but we have both been busy. Flirt around the lounge on your way back and see what you can score.” Cat pinched Mari on the bum as she left.

Mari smirked back at her before checking the board to see what room Emma was in. A careful peek inside and she could see Emma bent over to take the naked man against the wall down her throat. She slipped into the room and closed the door. The clients’ eyes were closed and she was unnoticed.

“He’s taking too long. Finish him.” She whispered into the ear of the elf who could only gag in response.

“Kiss me.” The man moaned as he pulled Emma by the hair.

Mari knew she was too short to reach without more help than that, at least without her hair being torn out, so she crouched under the elf and gave her a boost. Emma had her legs on either side of Mari’s head, though Mari would have prefered facing into her, and kissed the man who was grabbing her breasts. Since he was right in front of her, Mari licked the long shaft before expertly taking it down her throat, not wanting to waste an opportunity. She could feel Emma grinding herself on the back of Mari’s head and relented to her. Lifting her again, Mari brought the legs over her head and lowered her onto the manhood that was waiting to plunge into her tiny body. Not that lubrication was an issue, but Mari couldn’t help but lick the shaft as it made its way inside Emma. Sliding in and out, her tongue worked it until it started pumping his seed into the elf. Mari smiled as she felt Emma climax in response and enjoyed slurping up everything that dripped from them.

“My god! How did you do that?!” The man asked, still unaware Mari was in the room.


Hannah hopped off the gondola and turned to flash a smile and wave to the man behind the counter who recognized her too late to say anything. She had disembarked a lot higher up than the docks and actually had a view this time. Below her, the expanse of the city slopes giving way to the plains before the mountain range stunned her completely. It had been a good long while since she had seen it all. Unbeknownst to her, the escort she had been assigned was relieved.

When she turned around, she saw a fully armoured swordsman of the Imperial Legion. Though their numbers had dwindled considerably since their days as the shock troops of the Old Empire, they followed whoever possessed the sceptre the Emperor had enchanted and were bound to their Order. They were unthinkingly loyal to whoever possessed it. It made sense that they would also guard the harem.

“Follow.” The cold voice radiated menace.

Hannah nodded and followed, knowing without the sceptre in her possession, she wasn’t going to be getting laid by her new escort either.


Foxy listened as the girls worked; it always got her dripping with desire to listen without being involved. She heard them talk to their clients, getting a feel for their motives and giving the subtle impression that they were already fighting for the west. She heard fast feet outside the ship when suddenly the door opened and in dashed a woman in uniform. Foxy lowered her rifle since she hadn’t been noticed, and the woman was already frightened. She reprimanded herself for not locking the door.

The woman turned around to see Foxy looking at her. At first, she was frightened of the fox but then turned at the sound of several sets of feet storming by and was obviously frightened by something else entirely. As they passed, she calmed down and turned back to Foxy. She was about to speak when she was waved into silence.

“I get it. Just relax.” Foxy knew a girl on the run when she saw one.

“Thank you,” the woman whispered, slumping against the door as she finally found herself able to rest.


Vile had noticed the woman running to the ship and the angry group of men as they realised they had lost her.

“You want to chase after them and do something, don’t you?” Tonna slithered up beside Vile at the railing of the ship.

“I don’t think I am subtle enough for it in this armed camp. Magic users are everywhere. They would sense it if I burnt them hot enough to not leave any evidence.” Vile slumped her heavy shoulders.

“So let’s go leave some evidence.” Tonna grinned mischievously. “We can both crush them utterly, maybe toss them under one of those tracked metal boxes they have moving about this place.”

“We aren’t stealthy. We would get noticed and stopped even if we weren’t out to kill people.” Vile had to remind herself not to crush the railing in her hands.

“Keep this.” Blaze handed them a paper she had written on. “Their city, unit, and squad. Should be easy to find them later. Plus, you can just ask the girl who ran inside who they were. Maybe something bad occurs to them after whatever battle might happen. Justice can be postponed for a little while if it serves a greater good.”

Vile took the paper and memorized it. She turned away and went down into the hold to question the woman. When she arrived, she saw Foxy straddling over the kneeling form of the woman whose head was lost up her friend’s combat skirt.

Foxy shrugged, trying to still do her job while enjoying the grateful mouth expressing it between her legs.

Vile, as quietly as she could, backed away. To her, the woman was clearly not so distraught that it required immediate attention. She found Tonna where she left her, while Blaze had returned to her patrol.

“They fucking?” Tonna cocked an eyebrow.

“Foxy has her head up her skirt. I just left them. Poor thing has to listen to the rest work while waiting down there. She needs it. Hell, I need it. How about you?”

“Two already, but they were mostly interested in my upper half.” Tonna let out a sigh, wishing she had a pair of normal human legs again.

Vile slid her tails into Tonna and got an immediate moan from her. “You know I love it all.”

“Yes,” Tonna moaned. “But legs have a more general interest. Besides, my tail is long and bulky. I can’t fit in most places, let alone private ones.”

Vile kept her tails going for a moment before Blaze came back.

“Enough with the show, you two, you have clients now.” Blaze laughed. “Good job.”

Vile and Tonna looked at each other before the audience they had made of everyone who had been milling about the camp on their own business.

“Oh,” they muttered at once, realising that everyone had seen them.


Hannah had used the hidden passageways in the higher levels before. Though, back then, she had been the one escorting someone. Nominally for servant use, she occasionally took a hooded noble to and from meetings or other such business.

Now she was being taken through them between the clanking armour of her escorts. One was behind her and the other in front. Normally, she preferred being in the middle of two men, but when neither are even capable of sexual interest, it was less than interesting. Two issues served to distract her from her sexual needs. Firstly, she had never been to the harem and wouldn’t know the way in or out. She wondered how long it had been open, since it hadn’t been in use when she was still officially in uniform. The other issue was that if it was being guarded by the magic controlled and empowered soldiers flanking her, then getting out would be difficult.

They stopped abruptly and a soldier spoke, she wasn’t sure which. “In here.” His voice resonated around her.

The bland stone wall shifted backwards and then to the side, revealing a white marble room. It amazed her enough as she walked through that she didn’t notice the door had closed behind her until a soft huff of air signalled its seal. The floor tiles were inlaid with gold that seamlessly flowed up into the walls and columns before reaching the roof. Hannah couldn’t figure out where the light was coming from; it seemed to diffuse from nowhere to fill everywhere.

“Welcome to your new home.” A voice came from the archway that led deeper into the harem.

Hannah turned to see a blonde woman in a gold silk dress that did nothing to hide that she wore nothing underneath it. She studied her for a moment, seeing the forced smile of someone who isn’t happy to see another woman brought there, yet determined to make her feel welcome and ease the transition. It was also obvious that she didn’t want to be there either.

Hannah pulled her eyes from the ample breasts and aimed them at the friendly face. “Well, I suppose that’s one way of saying it.” Hannah avoided saying that the palace would be hers eventually. “How long have you been here?”

“A year almost. I was the first. The Duke opened the harem just to keep me from going home. Then he just started collecting us. Now everyone follows him just to have access. That’s what you will be doing here, I am sorry to say. We haven’t much choice beyond what we wear most of the time.”

“The place seems empty to me.” Hannah looked around as she followed from the entryway into the main foyer where a silver fountain reached toward the roof twenty meters up.

“They are all busy. There are a lot of guests visiting the city at the moment, and when they aren’t in meetings they are usually requesting us.”

“I am going to need a dress.” Hannah took the chance to check out the woman’s dress again and wondered if it would be bad form to get some practice in bed with her.

“Don’t worry, clothing is something we have a great selection of. Have you ever taken a noble to bed before?”

“Well, I haven’t kept count but several hundred at least. More than a few in this city. I was discharged for getting caught with the Arly brothers.”

The woman stopped and stared. “That was you?!” The woman stopped to take Hannah in, looking her up and down. “You dressed up to get in here? Didn’t you?”

Hannah smirked at her intelligence. “Yes, and I would like to know what guests are here and if you can get me to the one I want.”

The expression on the woman’s face changed; she wasn’t comforting a reluctant woman anymore but was instead dealing with an infiltrator. “What’s your game here?”

“I get out and end up freeing you all. Can you help me?” Hannah could tell the woman wanted her freedom but also knew what she was up against.

“Guests make requests. We get escorted there and back. There is no room for getting out or faking a call from one of them.”

“Then I will just go see guests and see what ones I can fuck into enough of a coma to get word out. Maybe someone can just relay a message for me.”

“Who are you?” The woman couldn’t quite understand the redhead in front of her.

“Hannah, and yours?” Hannah extended her hand in greeting.

“Liddy.” She took the offered hand and shook it until she saw the look on Hannah’s face. “What?”

“What’s your first name?” Hannah asked, eyes wide with amazement.

The other Liddy seemed surprised at the question and then sighed before answering. “Bubbles.”

Hannah burst out laughing before silencing herself. “It could be worse, you could have been named Trixy.”

Although Bubbles already had very fair skin, she turned a new shade of ghostly white.

“Lady Captain Trixy Liddy of ‘The Lady Harlot’ airship is one of my best friends. Who is she to you?” Hannah placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“My older sister. She left the estate before I was born. I never got to meet her.” Bubbles seemed about ready to start bawling in tears.

Hannah embraced her, trying to focus on comforting her and not the breasts that pressed into hers. “You will meet her soon enough. Now, let’s focus on getting me ready so I can get you out of here. Ideally, while getting me laid a lot in the process.”

“Do you only bed men?” Bubbles whispered in her ear, her tone soft again but with the friendliness replaced with flirtatious.

“No, but I have been with your sister on more than one occasion,” Hannah admitted, hoping it wouldn’t be a deal breaker.

“I bet I’m better,” she replied, kissing Hannah before she could say anything more.

Hannah pulled the voluptuous breasts free from the gold dress at the same time as she did her own, and giggled as they pressed against hers, knowing she would have to tease her own Liddy about the size. The kiss tasted a lot like her Liddy too and wondered what else might.

Suddenly she felt lifted by the legs that she wrapped around Bubbles to help as she was carried off. It wasn’t often that a woman would take control of her like that, and she wasn’t going to mind in the slightest.

There were no bedrooms but rather a barracks-like hall made of the same gold and marble, with many alcoves with beds that jutted partially into the hallway. Each alcove had thick red carpeting around them to keep feet warm when you first stepped off. Hannah knew that there was no enjoyment from being a sex slave, but such accommodations at least didn’t make the situation worse. She also saw other women sitting on their beds, waiting their turn with guests. They all stared at the two of them.

Bubbles laid Hannah onto her back on the bed, stripping her clothing from her body until she lay naked on the pink silk sheets. Her own dress had slid the rest of the way off the moment Hannah’s legs no longer held it up while wrapped around her. After moving to the bed, she paused to savour the sight of the woman whose wide legs she now knelt between. Slowly, she ran her nails along the inner thighs of Hannah to reach the soft warm flesh that was already aching for her. A gentle massage with her open palm pulled a slow moan from the redhead, and she groaned with her own anticipation.

None of the other women were surprised at the sight. There was little else to do as they waited to be used, so taking what pleasure they could from those around them who weren’t their users was common. It seemed odd that a new girl they had never met was already getting involved, but they continued to watch the pair with interest.

Hannah grabbed her own breasts and yanked on her own nipples as she watched the new Liddy sway her body while she teased her. Seeing the breasts of her partner move made her own more pleasurable to abuse. She almost protested when they were suddenly hidden from view, but the feeling of the tongue licking her womanhood made the trade worth it. Hannah watched the blonde curls fall over her thighs and felt the tongue at work. The heart shape of the bum sticking up wiggled as Bubbles ached to have her own fun and Hannah knew it.

Tasting a woman was always something Bubbles loved, but this time she could enjoy it as more than just something to blot out the memories of a guest. She was celebrating the first bit of hope she had felt in a long time. As well as the chance to finally meet her sister. Her mouth started moving up the body, laying kisses as it went, savouring the heaving breaths that moved the body. Putting a pair of fingers inside Hannah made her gasp and moan hard. She straddled one of the legs and let it grind against her as she moved up and ran her tongue over the reddened breasts.

Hannah held the head firmly to her breasts and wondered what the older Liddy was up to at that moment.


Trixy Liddy was kissing Ving hard as they both held each other, their naked bodies entwined as the magic mirror displayed them for all to see in the lounge. She hadn’t even initiated the bidding to see what women would be seen on the silver screen. The generals had done it on their own and paid handsomely to watch the Lady Captain with her pilot. She wondered if they might have thought it against the rules or something. It certainly wasn’t and was simply happy that Ving had been able to get into the mood after her talk with Inky. Too, she also worried about Hannah.


Bubbles Liddy had crawled up to sit astride Hannah’s face and looked down at the green eyes peeking out to meet hers. She had to pull her own breasts aside to even have the view as she teased them as Hannah had done. The tongue exploring her was expertly flicking along at just the right spots, and she moaned while trying to grind harder without being too forceful. She pulled off and slid down to kiss Hannah again and share the taste they both had of the other.

Hannah slid her hand between the legs on top of her and pushed them inside shortly before the favour was returned. Their moans flowed into the other’s mouth as they both worked inside the other, sliding in more fingers as they went. Her jaw started to hurt with the force of the kiss, their tongues wrestling for control of the mouth of the other, and Hannah filled them with a scream as her body spasmed. She gave Bubbles the orgasm she wanted.

Bubbles pulled back to hear Hannah scream more clearly as she climaxed. Then lifting herself off Hannah, but keeping herself over her, she enjoyed the view of the shaking body. “Now, finish me off. Show me how you pleasure my sister.”

Hannah was surprised at the choice of words, but it was hardly the strangest thing said to her during coitus. She grinned, knowing the woman thought she was in charge and the one giving orders. Hannah was going to take her time, make her beg for it, and show her how a professional asserts dominance in the bedroom.


“Fucking fuck shit fuck!” Leira growled in frustration.

Mari opened the door to see Leira in the bath, scrubbing furiously. “Still covered in ink, I see.”

“Yes!” Leira didn’t even bother looking up. “You know what that’s like!?”

Mari just stared silently until Leira looked up. “No, not a clue.”

Leira looked at all the intricate art that covered Mari’s skin. “Oh, right. Still. It’s not the same as having this shit stuck in the grooves between millions of scales. It would be gone if I had normal fucking skin!”

“Actually, it looks like you have a full-body fishnet on. It’s really fucking sexy.” Mari pulled her own fishnet top away from her breasts to show it off before letting it snap back into place.

“So I should quit my bitching and go get laid?  Did you just see a client?” Leira stood up and let the water run off her body and enjoyed the look she got from Mari.

“Yes, and three of them at once. Some of these generals like to share.” Mari helped pick out a sheer white sundress for Leira to put on over the black silk underwear that sat on the stool next to the tub.

“At least I won’t have to worry about them staining my skin when they get off all over it.” Leira scoffed at how bizarre the whole underwater experience had been.

Mari started to laugh, and Leira joined in once her angry face cracked.


Hannah liked the plan, but Bubbles thought it foolish and quite ridiculous. So much like her sister, Hannah thought.

“How are you going to fit?” Bubbles was still having trouble walking after Hannah had finished her off as she paced around the woman in the dress.

“Look, these old dresses normally have a big thing hanging off their backs to make the bum look even bigger. We just take it off her and I go in its place.” Hannah lifted the heavy layers of cloth and lace that hung off the woman who had been requested by a guest.

Bubbles was unconvinced until Hannah tossed the wooden frame aside and knelt down under the dress. “It might look like it now, but you need to walk with her.”

“These things are bulky and wide. I could do this wearing combat kit.” Hannah pinched the bum of the woman to get her moving and took rapid, small steps to keep pace. “See!”

“Fine,” Bubbles sighed heavily.

Hannah grinned under the dress at how distinctly ‘Liddy’ the annoyed tone was. “Then let’s go. Sooner is better than later.”

Bubbles rang the bell to alert the guards their charge was ready for escort. She watched the two metal plated men enter and surround the harem girl. They didn’t react as they marched her out, and Bubbles hoped for the best as the door sealed shut.

Hannah was wearing thick stockings to help muffle her footsteps, though they mostly just protected her feet from the hard surfaces of the servants’ passages. She was grateful for them since the awkward movements would have certainly have given her blisters before long. They also allowed her to enjoy the well-toned bum of the woman she was using as cover. Her nose was right against the delicate lace as they walked. When they stopped, Hannah thought it might be to arrive at their destination, but she soon felt the lush carpets of the main hallways. Voices could be heard but soon silenced at their passing. She wondered if it was because of the woman or the guards. They stopped again shortly after and another door opened. They entered what she assumed was one of the apartments meant for guests. Hannah was relieved when the metal plated feet didn’t follow inside.

“Ah, good, I was worried there might not be a suitable dress.” A voice commented in a tone Hannah recognized as noble from its casual arrogance and the way he ignored the woman wearing the dress.

There was more walking. The apartments were massive and the bedrooms were in the back where the balconies were located. She had been to more than a few of them in her time and was happy to be on familiar ground. Some muffled words were exchanged, and it seemed as though there were at least two people in the room with her and her cover girl.

“Get on the bed,” the voice ordered.

Hannah kept with her cover until she reached the bed, and slid down to the floor to hide under it. There was no reaction so Hannah breathed easy that she hadn’t been noticed. Underneath, she could see the feet of the noble at the far end of the room. She heard the sound of crystal clinking with glass and knew he was getting a drink. His back was turned and she was about to slide out from under the bed when heavy boots walked towards the noble.

“It’s safe,” a deep voice stated.

Silently Hannah cursed the presence of a bodyguard. She of course planned on that but had hoped there wouldn’t have been one. When the noble finally came over to the bed, she reached out to push one of his feet behind the other as it stepped. The result was him falling to the ground hard. Heavy boots stomped over quickly to the cursing noble and crouched down to help him up. Hannah saw what she needed to make everything a lot easier for her. Quickly snatching the knife from the boot right next to the bed, Hannah put it to the throat of the noble who suddenly got very quiet.

“Right, so I’m not here to hurt you but if you cause issues for me I won’t hesitate to kill a man who orders a captive woman into his bed. Now, back off a few meters, drop your weapons, then go stand against the door facing it.”

The bodyguard loathed to follow her orders but seeing no other choice, complied.

“Now kneel down and cross your ankles with your hands behind your head.” Hannah could see him reluctantly turning himself into a doorstop.

When she felt sure nobody else was in the room to surprise her, Hannah crept out from under the bed and hauled up her hostage to his feet. She sat him down on a fine wooden chair and bound him with rope from the curtains. Knowing better than to get close to the bodyguard who she was certain wanted an opening to make a move, she tossed him more rope to bind himself. Just watching him she could tell he was making it easy for him to escape, but that didn’t bother her, she just needed time. Hannah tried not to get distracted by the woman stripping out of her clothing on the bed; she was wearing the dress Hannah had wanted under her own.

The hostage didn’t mind the part of his captive experience when the two women swapped dresses. The black leather corset and gown was too big on the woman he had selected but the redhead filled out the bust magnificently. His opinions on modern dresses improved drastically.

Hannah picked up the pistol from the floor and checked it, making sure to work the action to let the bodyguard know she could handle it. “Alright, scoot over to let her out. We are going to wait a few minutes for her to get clear and then I am going to leave. I know you are ready to escape those ropes, that’s fine. But if I see you move before I leave, I will shoot your lord first, then you. Afterwards, well, you can decide how public you want to make your humiliation but I would advise against it.”

There was only a grunt in response to her demands.

Hannah looked at the noble who seemed to have a ‘just happy to be here’ look on his face. She smiled at how her body could possess people. The door to the balcony had already been opened and she backed out onto it. After placing the pistol in the fine leather holster she had bound to her hip, Hannah bolted flat out. In a practised step, she got onto the thick marble railing and leapt off without losing any momentum and landed on the next balcony over. Unfortunately for her, the balcony was connected to the lounge of the same apartment she had snuck into so she wasn’t safe yet. However, it had the benefit of a trellis covered in plants that could support her weight. Climbing it in a dress was more difficult than doing so in her military fatigues, but she made it to the apartment above soon enough.

“I never did get a chance to know you well enough to not be surprised at this, but I feel like if I had, then I wouldn’t be.”

Hannah looked to see Duchess Louise Stirling eating at a table covered with fine foods and sweets on the balcony staring at her.

Published 9 months ago

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