The week before Halloween, my friend, occasional lover, and sometime master Bill called and asked if I had plans for the weekend.
With Halloween actually on a Thursday that year, I explained I had a show planned for the Saturday before. But that was all.
“I need you for something that Sunday,” Bill said. “The twenty-seventh I’ve got a very special event I want to attend with you as my – uh – escort.”
“You know I’m always available for you, Master,” I admitted, already intrigued and becoming aroused.
“There’s a very special party I want – need – to attend,” he continued. “Having you with me could make a huge mark in certain circles. I just don’t have anyone else down here who can make the kind of impression you make. You already know you make me look like a king. And you know I’ll pay you anything you ask.”
“I’m honored that you think I’d make more of an impression than Jamal with his monster cock,” I said. “Your slave waits, Master.”
I assumed my role even on the phone.
“This slave is available, willing, and eager to fulfill Master’s wishes.”
“Most of the time, Jamal is more than enough to make a good impression,” Master admitted. “But this occasion calls for the perfect slave, someone who can play the role of slave but take charge of the situation. You’re the only slave I know who can master a master. Plus, you have plenty to offer any master regardless of his particular proclivities.”
Since I had a show the night before, I had to drive down to Queen City that Sunday morning. I also called the newspaper to get the following day off. I had no idea how late Bill’s party might run.
I didn’t have any details about the event for which he needed me as an escort except that I was going to be more slave than date. So, I took several clothing – and toy – options. I was ready for casual or formal attire. I had all the bondage gear I owned, as well as all my cock rings, dildos, and anal toys. Knowing Bill, though, he probably would already have a very specific idea of what he wanted me to wear and would have acquired it.
I dropped to my knees the second Bill opened the door to his apartment.
“Your slave waits, Master,” I said, staring at his groin.
“Come in, Slave,” he said.
I stood only long enough to carry my bag into my master’s living room.
“Forgive your slave for his attire,” I said. “If Master will allow, this slave will strip immediately.”
“Make it quick,” he said. “Next time, I expect you dressed appropriately when I open the door.”
“Your slave will not disappoint you again,” I said as I hastily stripped. “I am ready for whatever punishment you deem necessary.”
My clothes were on the floor in seconds. I already was wearing the red collar and cuffs Master Bill had provided for me the last time I spent a weekend in his service.
“You honor me with my collar,” he said. “For that alone, I will forego punishment – this time.”
“Your slave is honored to serve Master again,” I said on my knees with my head bowed.
Master pushed his fingers through my hair.
“Honor your master by the couch,” he commanded and walked across the room to sit on his couch.
I was at his feet in seconds, on my knees, head bowed, hands in my lap. My cock and balls rested on my thighs just as they should.
Master’s hand was again on my shoulder, then sliding up my neck and over my head.
“Slave, you’re so perfect,” he said. “Would you mind treating your master to a blowjob?”
“Your slave lives to please his master,” I said. “Please, Master, allow your slave to suck your beautiful cock and enjoy the taste of your cum. Your slave has missed Master’s cock and cum for too long.”
In seconds, his long, thick cock was curving toward the ceiling glistening with my saliva.
I had to lift up on my knees to lean over his lap because of the unusual curve of his nearly nine-inch meat.
I pushed his thick cock as deeply into my throat as I could in that position and had him groaning and stroking my hair in less than a minute. My own stiff meat bounced and banged into Master’s knees.
When his heavy thighs began quivering under my hands, I began a quick, deep bobbing on his cock until his round belly stiffened and he grunted a heavy load into my mouth.
It took what felt like minutes for Master to finish throbbing and pumping his bitter seed into me as I sucked and stroked out every drop.
When I finally released his limp dick, Master’s head was thrown back on the couch as his chest heaved up and down, the only sound his loud wheezing.
“God, Slave!” Master breathed. “How long has it been since I felt that?”
“It has been twenty-five weeks since this slave last served his African Master,” I replied. “It has been fourteen weeks since Master had this slave as an equal.”
“You’ve kept count?” Master asked, shocked.
“Of course, Master,” I said, bowing my head. “Service to my master is the highlight of this slave’s life. I count the days as a starving man counts the days between meals. A good slave relishes and looks forward to service with eagerness and excitement. This slave has missed his African King and is excited to serve tonight.”
“You’re definitely going to be serving tonight,” Master said. “This is a very big deal. I’ll make some very important connections at this party, and your – particular – abilities will help me make a very good impression.”
“Your slave waits.”
Master stood without a word and walked down the hall to his bedroom.
I collected our clothes and my bag and followed.
I dropped my bag and clothes in the spare bedroom and took Master’s clothes to his room. He already was turning on the water in his shower.
“Come bathe me, Slave,” he commanded.
I was by his side in seconds.
Once Master was clean and sucked empty of cum again, he ordered me to shower.
He was waiting for me in his bedroom. A new set of black leathers were laid out on his bed with a new piece of equipment.
As I stood naked and compliant before African Master, he placed stiff ankle and wrist cuffs on me and a new black collar that seemed even wider and more uncomfortable than the red one he had provided for my service back in May. It was so wide, it was almost painful to bend my neck or look down. He also made sure to pull the cuffs to a nearly pinching tightness as he buckled me up. I noticed the collar had a large chrome O-ring instead of the D-rings my other collars had.
The cuffs also had large, very obvious O-rings instead of the understated, almost unnoticeable D-rings I was used to wearing.
“The large O-rings are the new trend, apparently, from Europe,” he answered my unspoken question. “It’s a more obvious mark of ownership.”
“This slave is yours to mark, Master,” I said as he stood back and closely inspected me from head to toe before roughly grabbing my half-hard cock.
I gasped as Master pulled both my cock and balls out from my body and wrapped a new leather cock ring around them.
Again, he stood back and looked me over. I could feel my cock swelling against the tight leather.
“One more thing,” Master said, turning to get the new piece.
He grabbed my balls, pulling them even more roughly out away from my groin and against the tight strap that already bound them. He pulled so hard he jerked me forward a step.
“Be still, Slave!” he ordered.
Master then wrapped my stretched sac with a wide leather implement that snapped tightly into place. I could immediately feel the constriction as my skin was stretched away from my groin.
This new piece had three short straps hanging from it, each with a D-ring at the end.
Once all my new leather was in place, Master had me dress in normal street clothes. I had no problem with the normal leathers. But the new piece constricting my balls was painful once I pulled my khaki pants up.
“Master,” I said as I followed him to his front door.
When Master turned to look at me, I held out my left wrist with both my masters’ cock rings in place. My head was bowed.
I was wearing Master Blaise’s pink leather cock ring and Master Bill’s original red leather ring as outward signs of my ownership and submission. They both were hanging loosely between my slave cuff and my hand.
“Yes, Slave?”
“Does Master wish to remove his slave’s marks of ownership?” I asked, my head bowed.
“No,” Master said. “Do not remove them for any reason. I want everyone where we’re going to know that you obey multiple masters and that everything you do is by the consent of your masters only.”
“Thank you, Master,” I said quietly. “You honor your slave with your pride of ownership.”
It took nearly thirty minutes to get to the location of Master’s party. The ride was uncomfortable with my balls strapped and constricted separately from my cock. I wasn’t used to having them strapped individually. But my cock already was growing and aching from the effect.
The party was being hosted in a nondescript event space that looked as much like an Elks or Knights of Columbus lodge as anything else. It was secluded and surrounded by woods.
The parking lot was nearly full and I noticed several couples walking toward the door. They all were male. But, otherwise, nothing seemed unusual from the outside.
Once inside, Master spoke to an attendant behind a counter and handed him something. We were then ushered into a locker room.
“Strip, Slave,” Master ordered.
I unbuttoned my shirt and pushed my slacks down my legs. It felt good to release my constricted balls.
I watched Master’s eyes travel down my body and his tongue glide over his red lips.
He produced a black leather leash from his pocket and gathered the D-rings on my scrotum cuff in a spring clamp on one end. The other end was tightly wrapped around his hand.
Once it snapped into place, he gave it a sharp tug jerking my entire body down. I gasped in surprise and a little passion.
“Thank you, Master,” I breathed. “Your slave waits.”
He allowed only about three or four feet of lead between my balls and his heavy brown hand.
Master opened the door and jerked me again pulling my groin and hips forcefully toward him as he exited the locker room.
I found I liked the harsh tug on my balls. The extra constraint of the thick cock ring added to the pressure and stretch. I held back again to force Master to yank my leash again. After a few of those tugs on my sac, I was more than half-hard.
In a minute, we were in a large room full of well-dressed men, many of them obviously masters with their naked slaves dutifully waiting behind them. About half of the masters also were naked.
Some sort of framework had been erected around the periphery of the room with gauzy curtains of various colors hanging down to the floor creating individual alcoves for private activities. It looked like some kind of street bazaar in a medieval Middle Eastern city.
Double doors at the opposite end of the building were open to show the party extended outside. October in the South always was warm enough for all manner of entertainments outside.
Completely ignoring my Slave’s Creed imperative to keep my eyes on the floor, I couldn’t help but scan the room. I’d never seen so many collars and cuffs of every imaginable color. Some leathers were cheap; others were obviously elaborate, expensive, some even appeared custom-made.
Quite a few slaves were restrained with rope tied in various ways, some very complex and artistic. Some slaves had their arms bound together. Some had their cocks and balls tied in elaborate weavings. Others had their cocks and balls tied to their necks or wrists. They also were being led around by their masters by rope.
I’d never considered rope. Looking closely, I saw a few slaves had their balls tied in elaborate knots that separated the balls and created a kind of sleeve along the shaft of their cock. I couldn’t help but stare and even feel a little twinge in my own groin.
Most of the slaves were very effeminate. And they all seemed so obviously subservient and cowed. I wondered if I appeared that way to them.
I suddenly realized I was in a room full of masters and slaves, all presumably enjoying the thrill of domination and submission.
It struck me that I developed my Slave’s Creed to create exactly what I was seeing all around me. I was a little shocked that what I thought was a very original idea was much more popular and wide-spread. It never occurred to me that my own inclinations and preferences could be so universal.
I also noticed that many of the masters were just as effeminate as the slaves, if not more so.
My own master glanced back at me with a sly smile.
He leaned into my neck, his leash hand sliding around over my bare ass.
“You can already see we’re a little different,” he said, his breath tickling my ear and neck in that way I always liked.
I turned my head with a quizzical look.
“We’re both men, Slave,” he said, “real men who enjoy playing our parts. But we’re just playing. The minute the collar’s off, we’re equals. These men and boys are slaves to themselves.”
He grabbed my nearly stiff cock and stroked me a few times as he spoke.
I raised my eyebrows and looked Master in his eyes before I caught myself.
“Yes, Master,” I said with a wink and a smile before lowering my eyes again.
“Speak freely, Slave,” he said. “What do you think?”
“I love it,” I said shyly. “I love not being alone, the only person I know who loves being a slave, being ordered to please his master, being punished when I don’t. I’m at home.”
“You are at home,” Master said. “But this is your domain. You’re the king of these slaves.”
“You honor your slave,” I said.
“How much are you willing to do tonight?” he asked.
“Your slave waits, Master,” I said. “My master owns his slave’s body and will. There is no free will in the collar. There is no ‘me’ in the collar. Only Master can set the limits of his slave’s service. Master knows his slave’s – appetites. Allow this slave to please Master’s friends to bring honor to Master and his name – and to taste the cum of every master here.”
Master’s hand was immediately sliding up my bare back.
“You’re amazing,” he said. “I’ll try to watch how hard I work you. But you are free to let me know when you’ve had enough. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master. Your slave waits – eagerly,” I said. “This slave understands that this party is a business opportunity and a spectacle. Slave is an eager performer who lives to be a spectacle in support of his master. Let your slave perform for you so you can be what they talk about tomorrow.”
“You’re probably the smartest man here,” Master said, shaking his head. “You see through all of it. You know exactly what’s going on and how to use it to your advantage – or to my advantage. You really are worth every penny.”
Master pulled me around the room for several minutes, occasionally speaking to another master here and there. Each time we stopped, I intentionally held back to force Master to pull my leash hard.
After doing this four or five times, Master stopped.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“If it pleases my master, your slave loves being – forced,” I admitted. “This slave is hard because of Master’s strict dominance. And, the other masters will be impressed at my master’s willingness to control his property. Please, Master, continue to dominate your slave.”
“Then you don’t need to force me to do it anymore,” Master said with another hard jerk on my leash forcing an eye-closing gasp and smile from me.
“If it pleases him, Master might run his leash through his slave’s legs and assert his dominance from behind at some point during the night,” I suggested. “Master might please his slave so much as to cause it to cum.”
At that, Master smiled and pulled me even tighter. I grunted uncontrollably.
“Slave is aching to cum already,” I added. “Other masters might respect a master who can make his slave beg for release – or for cum.”
Master yanked me hard into submission behind him.
Eventually, I realized we were being watched fairly closely, almost as if we didn’t belong. Just then, Master jerked my leash sharply again. I gasped at the pull on my sac.
When Master looked back at me, I gave him an understated, but obvious grin. Not only did I like it, but I wanted his fellow masters to understand that his slave enjoyed being dominated and controlled. This slave wanted to be there and be had.
“William!” A booming voice suddenly cut through the noise. “I didn’t know you were a slave owner! And, look! You even have a young white boy! What a find!”
“Hi, John. It’s good to see you,” Master said to the light caramel-skinned man staring at me.
I recognized him as one of the men that had been watching us for the last few minutes.
He was about my height, in his late 30’s with short buzzed hair and a few freckles across his broad nose. He had an average build, not muscular, but not overweight. He wore slacks and a jacket, but no tie.
“When did you get yourself a slave?” Master John said. “I know you’re probably here more for business than pleasure. But, first, tell me about this hot little twink.”
He rubbed his brown hand up my arm and over my shoulder as I stood quietly with my face to the floor.
I tuned out as Master relayed our history to Master John. This new master was caressing my back and naked ass as Master talked. I fought the urge to tell him that I wasn’t his property. But, in that place, I was just that – property. I was nothing more than a product on display. If my owner allowed it, another master was welcome to inspect the goods in practically any way he chose.
After a few minutes, I was pulled into one of the curtained alcoves and the two masters sat on a small couch.
I assumed my proper position on my knees before Master Bill with my cock and balls displayed appropriately. But, as I lowered myself to the floor, Master Bill slipped my leash from his wrist, letting it fall between my legs. I caught it and held it loosely between my hands as they lay on my thighs. I was ready to hand it back up to my master when he requested it.
Master John’s slave stood behind him. He was very young. I was afraid he might be too young. He was thin, light-skinned to the point of almost being albino. He wore only a black leather collar. His small, limp, uncut cock hung loosely between his skinny legs.
He looked bored and restless. I thought I saw him roll his eyes once or twice.
I didn’t catch everything the masters said. But I occasionally heard bits and pieces about me. Apparently, Master John was very interested in Master Bill’s “built, white slave.” I heard him say something about my “black boy’s cock” and felt myself blush.
After a few minutes of Master Bill praising his favorite white pet – especially my deep-throat talent, he finally offered my throat to Master John.
“Are you sure?” Master John asked, sounding surprised. “I know the value of a good slave, Bill. You don’t share them with just anybody. And this one has got to be something special. I mean, he’s hot, white, built, hung. And, if he’s got the taste for black cock like you say he does, he’s really something.”
“You’re exactly right,” Master said. “He’s very special. But you’re not ‘just anybody.’ Consider it a gift, an incentive to do more business with us.”
Master John moaned and reached for his belt.
“Besides, when he sees your cock, he’ll probably get hard and cum on himself.”
I watched as this new master undid his pants and pushed them down to his ankles. As he did so, I shifted over to place myself between his feet and knees. I lifted my leash up to offer control to my new temporary master.
Master John took the leash and pulled my balls tight.
His dark chocolate cock already was growing. It was more than half-hard. Right at his circumcision scar the color of his meat changed abruptly from deep brown to bright red, practically the same color as my cock head.
He had completely shaved his pubic hair. His deep black balls were pulling up into his groin.
“Beg, Slave!” Master commanded. “Beg for Master John’s cock! Beg to swallow his cum!”
“Please, Master,” I bowed my head. “Please allow your slave the privilege of tasting your massive cock and pleasing you enough to fill my mouth and throat with your superior seed!”
I reached up and slid my fingers around his wrinkled balls. I wanted to massage them and warmed them up enough to keep them loose enough to play.
“Please, Master, let your slave suck this beautiful cock,” I begged.
I felt Master John jump when I grabbed him.
“If Master John doesn’t cum in your mouth in the next five minutes, I’ll whip you in front of everyone here,” Master Bill warned. “Please your master, now!”
I wrapped my fingers around Master John’s thick meat and stroked it several times as I lifted up to slide his red-brown head into my mouth. He was about average thickness and only a little over six inches long once he was fully erect. Frankly, I was disappointed, having believed Master Bill’s exaggeration of his cock.
“Wait!” Master Bill said loudly. “Slip your leash through your legs so Master John can control your balls better.”
It was all I could do to keep from smiling as I took the leash from Master John and passed it between my legs and around my waist before offering it back to him.
He immediately gave a hard pull, jerking my balls and stiff cock down and back between my legs. He kept the pressure tight as I leaned back down to slide my wet lips over his cock.
I swirled my tongue around his head as I began sucking him lightly. I heard him pull in a deep breath loudly as I caressed his frenulum with the tip of my tongue.
“Oh! Fuck!” he exclaimed. “What the fuck is he doing?”
Master John moaned and gasped several times as I sucked and licked and swallowed against his stiff cock. Every time he moved, the pull on my sex became tighter.
Suddenly, he grabbed the back of my head with his free hand and began fucking my face hard and fast, his cock banging against the back of my throat violently. I kept my tongue out as far as I could and felt the wrinkles of his balls every time my nose hit his groin.
Within just a few seconds, he exploded into my throat, sending a huge load into me.
I pulled back and jacked his shaft hard with one hand and massaged his balls with the other to milk all his bitter cum into my mouth. In a minute or two, he was empty and limp.
I kept licking and sucking his softening meat. He twitched and jumped and gasped each time I touched his sensitive frenulum.
I grinned with his soft meat in my mouth as he fell back, his thighs trembling and his chest heaving.
“This is how a slave controls his master,” I thought.
When I finally let his soft black meat slip from my mouth, I kissed and licked over his balls and sucked on each one for several minutes.
As I played with my temporary master’s testicles, I slid one hand up to Master Bill’s thigh.
He took my leash from Master John’s limp, open hand and dropped it in front of me.
I pulled it out from behind me and handed it back to my master as I continued licking Master John.
After another minute or two, Master Bill gave a sharp tug on my swollen balls through my leash.
At his signal, I pulled back into my expected posture on my knees with my stiff cock, gooey with cum, on my thighs, my hands resting on my knees and my eyes turned downward.
I was a sex lamp. Master Bill turned me on by releasing my leash to me and turned me off with a jerk.
It was then I realized a crowd had gathered around us. Master John had been so vocal, other party-goers became curious.
“Oh, my God! Did he cum while sucking me off?” Master John asked when he finally noticed my cock dripping onto my thighs.
“Pleasuring other men – and all that pulling you did on his leash – are orgasmic for my slave,” Master replied. “I’ve seen his untouched cock cum many times while he was swallowing some brother’s load.”
“He’s certainly impressive, Bill,” Master John said. I could feel his eyes on me. “Call me this week. Let’s talk about a new contract for next year. He’s earned it for you.”
After a few more words, Master Bill stood and jerked my leash. I dutifully stood and followed him outside the small alcove where another man immediately called his name.
He was a heavy-set white man in nothing but a fanny pack. He led a young, thin boy around by a chrome chain attached to a matching choke collar.
Master Al had a small cock that was barely visible beneath his hanging belly. His hairless, colorless slave had pink meat that hung halfway to his knees. It was clearly heavy, swinging instead of bouncing, and nearly as thick as his skinny thighs.
We caught each other’s eyes for an instant. He seemed cowed, uncomfortable, unwilling.
I gave my leash two quick tugs as I gazed at the young slave’s dragging meat.
Our masters exchanged words while we sized each other up. Before I realized it, Master Bill yanked hard on my leash and I dropped to my knees before his friend.
Master Al stepped forward and I leaned down to find his two-inch cock ringed in a thick, dark fur.
He tasted sweaty and his hair tickled my nose. I got right to work. I wanted to finish that one as quickly as possible.
I didn’t have to work hard. Master Al was fully hard at about three inches by the second or third bob of my head under his hanging belly. A few swirls of my tongue and just a light suck brought him to a full trembling orgasm that sprayed a thick, chewy load onto my tongue.
I played his hairy balls in my fingers like super balls or large marbles while I sucked his dick dry.
As I stood up, wiping my mouth, I saw Master Bill handing the short bear master his business card. Panting, Master Al stuffed it into his fanny pack and thanked my master.
As Master Al and his skinny slave disappeared through the crowd, another master tapped Master Bill on his shoulder.
Before I got a good look at him, I was back on my knees, massaging this new master’s midnight cock to a full eight-inch erection. I swallowed him as deeply as I could and let his hot cum fill my throat within two minutes.
Everyone at this – function – already was hyper-sexualized and eager for attention. It was easy to please and appease men who were deeply aroused and ready to cum at a moment’s notice.
By the time I’d swallowed the latest master’s cum and wiped my chin of saliva, another was waiting. I didn’t have time to stand up or wipe off my chest.
It seemed men were lined up for a blowjob from the young white twink that belonged to the middle-aged black man. I took them all as deeply as I could, swallowing and humming against their sensitive cocks until each one blew their seed down my eager throat. Some were thick; some were thin. Even if I didn’t taste them all, they all gave me that slightly bitter, gooey aftertaste that I’d come to crave.
I was in heaven at the wide variety of cocks, balls, and cum. They all tasted differently. They all felt different. They all filled my mouth and throat differently. I wished I could photograph all of them and catalog them for my own pleasure.
I lost count of how many men I pleasured before Master Bill jerked my leash. He handed me a towel as I stood up.
“Are you all right?” he asked and I wiped my chest down.
“If it pleases Master, this slave is in Heaven,” I whispered. “I’m beginning to feel how many cocks I’ve swallowed in my throat, though. And my palette is getting a little sore. But I mostly crave the taste of my master’s skin and cum. I’ll suck a hundred cocks today for the privilege of pleasing and tasting my master.”
Master smiled.
“Maybe later, Slave,” he said. “This afternoon is about business. I don’t know exactly how many men you’ve sucked off. I lost count. But it’s over fifteen by now. Let me know when you can’t handle any more. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Master might be interested in an accurate count,” I suggested. “To this slave’s credit, Master graciously brags about its abilities. The number of cocks sucked in a single night might be a powerful bullet point.”
“You’re exactly right, Slave.” Master slid his thick hand up my naked back. “That line was at least twelve or thirteen men long. So, we’ll stick to fifteen so far. How many more can you handle?”
“How many more does Master wish to manipulate?” I asked. “How much money does Master wish to make today? How many cocks are here, Master?”
Master lifted his fist to pull my leash – and balls – high and tight. Then he slid his huge hand over my apprehensive cock. I couldn’t help but moan quietly at his attention.
He stopped to talk to three more men – and I was instructed to please each of them. All three were average looking with average builds and average cocks. Their slaves all were slightly younger than them and smaller and less attractive. I wasn’t impressed enough to remember their names.
As I swallowed the last master’s cum, I realized I wished I could have their slaves, as well. I’d noticed the cocks of most of the slaves at the party were more interesting than those of the masters. But I didn’t know how to beg Master Bill for slave cock.
The one’s I had wanted would have increased my cock count to more than thirty.
As close as I could tell, we’d been at the party for about two hours by then and we were finally making our way to the back of the room where several sets of double doors were open.
Through the crowd I could just make out lights and more party-goers beyond the open doors. It was past sundown by then, though it wasn’t completely dark yet.
When we finally wound our way to the doors, we found another crowd of mostly naked men in and around a large swimming pool.
This apparently was the area reserved for more intense activities.
Just a quick scan around the pool revealed more than a dozen couples engaged in anal sex. It appeared mostly slaves were receiving, either bent over lounge chairs or on their hands and knees on the concrete. But there were a few masters being pounded by slaves, leashed balls or necks pulled tight by their receivers.
On one side of the pool, there was a group of masters jacking off on to a naked slave on his knees, his mouth open like a baby bird waiting eagerly to be fed by more than six surrounding men.
I was at least half-hard just seeing so many men giving and receiving pleasure. The atmosphere outside was much more uninhibited or animalistic than it had been inside. Inside the building seemed reserved for mingling or business, even if that included the exchange of bodily fluids. Outside was where pure lust came to play.
Men were sucking and fucking each other with abandon. Slaves were doing masters or other slaves. Masters were reaming slaves or being fucked by them while sucking other masters. Some masters were fucking each other while watching their slaves fuck.
Halfway around the pool, Master settled into a deep conversation with a very handsome man about his same age. His hair was mostly gray. He had an immaculate full white beard with deep gray stripes and was built nearly as well as me. He was completely naked except for a gold necklace and a couple bracelets. He was covered in white body hair, including his groin.
The cock that hung from his white bush was almost exactly the same size and shape as my own. It was red and half-hard, wrinkled and veiny.
I could see his large balls were hanging loose and hairless between his muscled thighs much lower and probably larger than my own.
I bit my lip as I stared at that elder god, feeling my own cock growing in its restraints.
This was the man I wanted to grow up to become.
“I’m kind of new to the whole slave thing. What’s the purpose of all the leather?” I heard this king of men say when I finally snapped out of my daze.
“Don’t you have a slave?” Master asked. “I thought having a slave was a requirement for entry.”
“He’s not really a slave,” he said. “He’s my ex-wife’s nephew. I’m broadening his horizons, so to speak.”
“I was pretty new to it, too, until I met this slave through his other master,” Master began.
“Other master?”
“Slave’s real, full-time master is an old friend and lover of mine. He shared Slave with me one weekend back in the spring. That’s when I really learned how rewarding a Master-slave relationship could be.”
“So, you borrow him from this other master?” God-Master asked. “I didn’t know that was a thing.”
“Essentially,” Master said. “It’s always mutually beneficial.”
Master went on to explain how a few masters might occasionally loan out their slaves – and how I was especially open to being loaned and traded.
“This one is so insatiable that one master isn’t enough,” Master said. “Hell, I had to share him with three other boys the last time I had him.”
“He sounds like fun,” God-Master said, eyeing me.
Master then launched into a full explanation of the collar, cuffs, cock ring, and the rules slaves follow in their master’s presence. Somehow, I could tell God-Master was really only feigning ignorance. There was more to this beautiful man than was obvious on the surface.
As they talked, I let my gaze sneak around the pool to watch moaning couples near us grunt and tremble and explode over and over again. I felt my own cock begin to thicken at the variety of live sex shows.
I didn’t catch all of Master’s conversation with God-Master. But I did pick up that he was offering me to service him. I was well over half-hard. But, hearing that I might be given to this white-haired god made me twitch and jump uncontrollably.
“Please, Master,” I whispered into his ear. It was a terrible violation of the Slave Creed. But I knew I was for sale and I wanted to be owned by that man. If Master needed to punish my transgression later, I would suffer any pain in complete joy.
Master responded with a hidden, but forceful yank on my leash, giving my balls a hard jerk.
Before I knew it, God-Master was pulling me out to the edge of the patio surrounding the pool, away from the sex-crazed crowd. We entered a single satin-enclosed alcove.
When he stopped moving and turned toward me, I dropped to my knees at his feet.
“This slave is yours to command,” I practically moaned as I slid my hand up his firm hairy torso. “Your slave will do anything Master wishes. Please, Master. Command your slave to please you. Please give your slave this one joy!”
“What are you best at, Slave?” he asked. “What does your master most enjoy doing to you?”
“This slave loves receiving his masters’ cum in every possible manner in every possible place,” I replied. “Slave survives on his masters’ cum in his mouth, in his ass, on his body, on his face. Please, Master. Your slave desires Master’s cum anywhere Master pleases. This slave only wants his master’s moans and cum.”
“You’re exactly what that guy said,” Master said more to himself than to me. “Can you deep-throat?”
“Your slave has never found a cock too large or too long. Master’s cock will cum in his slave’s chest if he wishes,” I said. “Please, Master! Let your slave swallow your cock and your cum.”
Master took a step forward and his ringed cock appeared before my face. I opened wide and licked his fat red head from his frenulum to his urethra.
He actually tasted amazing. I had only encountered two or three men whose skin tasted sexy and hot and they’d all been black until this sex god. This man really was some kind of god. He was built, hung, beautiful, and tasted like sex! I couldn’t get enough! I wished I could ask his name and phone number. I would have volunteered to be his slave for free on a permanent basis!
I licked his smooth balls with the tip of my tongue as my nose pressed hard against his white pubic hair. His fat cock head slid down into my throat as I dropped my body and lifted my head to allow him easy access to the deepest parts of my throat and chest.
I swallowed and massaged his fat helmet with my throat muscles, calling on all my experience and physical expertise to work this man like I’d never worked any cock before.
In a minute or so, I felt him pulsing in my throat and against my tongue. His cock grew larger and stiffer as I felt his thighs begin to tense first and then to tremble.
I kept swallowing and gulping, stroking and sucking his long, thick meat noisily and lustily until his entire body tensed and he let out a loud gasp and cry.
The next second, I felt a thick, hot explosion of cum in my throat that nearly choked me.
I pulled his cock back into my mouth so I could taste him. Then I pulled him almost completely out to let him and our audience watch him cum in my mouth as I milked him empty.
As the pulsation of his sperm slowed, I engulfed his then half-hard meat again and licked, sucked, and massaged every drop from his twitching, shrinking cock.
I held him in my mouth, licking and playing with him until he was completely limp and empty.
Once I released his then wrinkled cock, I kissed my way over his firm hips and up his stomach to his belly button and back down the other side until I returned to his groin. I then licked and suckled each testicle in turn.
I could feel my own cum dripping from my stiff cock.
God-Master looked over to another slave who had been standing by the curtain waiting and watching. A nod from his master sent him out of the curtain.
A minute later, Master Bill entered and was offered a seat beside God-Master on a small couch. I remained on my knees before both my masters.
“I assume my slave was acceptable?” Master asked. His voice was overflowing with pride.
“Acceptable? He is exceptional,” God-Master said. “He wouldn’t stop kissing and sucking me until I made him. And, I think he came at the same time I did.”
Master looked down at me and smiled.
“Yes. He does that,” Master Bill said.
“I have a special private affair coming up,” he explained. “I could use a piece like this one. He would be the centerpiece of the event of the year. Would it be possible to borrow him for a weekend?”
“I would have to discuss it with his owner,” Master Bill said. “And, as I said, it would have to be mutually beneficial to all three parties.”
“Think of it like subletting any other property,” Master began. “The owner must be paid. The lessee must be paid. And, in the case of this slave, he also is very well rewarded for his services.”
“You pay the slave and the master? I’ve never heard of that. No wonder he’s so eager.”
“Oh, no. This one is just as eager without the collar,” Master bragged. “He craves cock and cum like a starving man craves food. In fact, as we were talking he broke the rules of his servitude and begged to be given to you – a violation for which he will be punished later. But, he’ll ride you raw, drain you dry, and beg for more. What he just did to you, he’s already done to probably eighteen other men today. He’s worth every penny you could possibly pay.”
“He does have exceptional skills. I’ve just seen that,” God-Master said. “What’s his ass like? That will be center stage at my affair.”
“I’ve seen him take four cocks in an hour,” Master bragged. “And, I’ve seen him take a dildo as big as your thigh. You’ll never find his better.”
“How much do you think his owner will want?”
“The last time I paid for an entire weekend, it cost me two grand for forty-eight hours of full service. And I shared him with three other men.”
“Did that cover just the owner, or the slave, too?”
“Slave will set his own price once he knows the full terms of the contract and your expectations,” Master said. “Until the collar is snapped, it’s his body you’re renting.”
“And what’s the broker’s cut in this?”
“You know what I want from you,” was all Master Bill said.
“What’s your commission on a two-page spread every month for a year?”
“Of course.”
“That’ll do.”
“I’ll call you in the morning. But for now -–.”
I felt his bright eyes on my naked skin.
“Get me hard again, Slave,” he ordered. “I want back in that throat of yours to remind me of what I’m spending half a million dollars on.”
I reached up and began massaging his limp cock. A few seconds later, I was licking the length of it.
I slid my tongue down the crease of his thigh to find his taint. My tongue instinctively slid under his loose balls so I could suck one into my eager mouth.
I sucked until I was certain I was leaving a mark. Then I switched to the other.
When I pulled back, both his balls were red and a little swollen.
I dove in and planted my tongue at the base of his nearly erect cock and licked up the length of his shaft and pushed into his little hole at the top.
God-Master’s entire body stiffened and I dropped down on to his meat until my nose was firmly planted in his groin.
His fingers plowed into my hair as I began a deep suction on his cock head and worked my tongue around his growing shaft.
In seconds, he was hard and throbbing in my mouth. I kept his flared head as deep in my throat as I could and began bobbing my head up and down, moving him in and out of my throat. I never let his head move past my uvula and I kept the tip of my tongue out past my lips to slide into the stubble of his pubic hair.
“Please, Master!” I begged breathlessly. “Please fill your slave with your thick cum again! Please, Master!”
I swallowed his stiff cock again balls-deep and began a swallowing motion.
“God! Slave!” God-Master gasped as his back and legs stiffened again. His abs contracted. His ass cheeks clenched.
I took that as my cue to push my tongue out to lick his already throbbing balls.
In a few seconds, he sent a thin stream down my throat. It wasn’t the thick cum he gifted me that last time. But it hit with the same intensity and strength.
I moaned loudly and pulled him tight, swallowing every drop of his spermless semen.
God-Master was panting and heaving when I finally released him and pulled back on to my heels still in my kneeling position.
Without any further motion, I dropped my head down into my standard gaze and placed my saliva slick hands on my thighs.
God-Master finally lifted up and ran the fingers of one hand through my hair.
“You’re amazing,” he said, still catching his breath. “What do they feed you to get this kind of performance?”
“Your slave would live on Master’s cum alone if he could,” I said.
“I believe it.”
I noticed Master Bill no longer was in the alcove.
“May your slave know his master’s name so he might remember this night?” I asked in as submissive a manner as I could.
“You can call me Master Jay,” he said. His voice was deep, rough, and sexy after the treatment I’d given him. “If Bill is willing, you’ll be serving me again soon, Slave. You’ll do very nicely.”
“Your slave will count the days, Master,” I said. “Master has made tonight unforgettable.”
Master Jay had his bored slave walk me outside the alcove to find Master Bill not far away. A few minutes later, he was ready to leave in spite of the wide variety of possible masters eyeing us as we made our way to the locker room.
Master Bill suggested I might prefer to sleep alone in his guest bedroom. But I begged for something different.
“Master, your slave will not be able to rest without your powerful arms around it and your amazing cock pressing against it,” I said.
“But I have to get up early tomorrow and you don’t,” he protested.
“In Master’s bed, this slave will be waiting eagerly to bathe and please master in the morning,” I said.
I woke by six and quietly showered and waited by his bed for Master Bill to rise. I gave him a thorough shower and productive blowjob before he finally got dressed and left for work.
Once I had dressed and headed to the door, I found a note thanking me for the evening and an envelope I didn’t open until I got home a couple hours later.
Apparently, Bill considered the night a great success. There was $2,000 in the envelope and another “thank you” note.
I couldn’t wait for the next party.