Line Steppers – Episode 6 – This Is Really Happening

"With the proverbial apple cart upset, Tyrone and Dee navigate the fall out. Maya receives an unexpected visitor."

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Tyrone and Dee stared at the door that Maya just marched through and then at each other, querying with their hands until Tyrone deemed body language quite insufficient to explain this one.

“What the fuck just happened?” he asked.

“Beats me,” Dee said. “I don’t get why she’s so upset.”

“Was what I said really that offensive?”

Dee raised her palms in surrender. “Hey look, I ain’t no authority on what people should and shouldn’t be offended by, but Maya isn’t usually phased by that type of shit.”

“Doesn’t make sense to me. I called her stuff last night that was way worse.”

Dee pondered for a moment and tapped her chin with an index finger. “Did you call her a slut and whore during sex in a way that was like, she’s your slut? Your whore?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Tyrone shrugged.              

“This is probably semantics, but maybe she sees that as different compared to you outright saying she out here fucking everybody with a hard-on.”

Tyrone sucked his teeth and released profanities before opening the mini-fridge and retrieving bottled water. He took a sip and offered Dee some, but she declined, so he put it on the counter next to the room keys and realized Maya’s car keys were missing.

“Wait, I didn’t remember her picking up her car keys,” Tyrone said. “Fuck, you think she’d leave us stranded?”

“Maybe she’d leave you stranded…” Dee closed in on his personal space, “… but my sweetie-pie wouldn’t do me like that.”

Tyrone raised his right eyebrow at her being just exhalation distance from him. She was so close she had to tilt her face parallel to the ceiling to look at him. Mr. Meat down under started to rise again, and without looking, Dee instinctively grabbed it through his bottoms. It was like she smelled the blood coursing through his frame to fill up his member so she could clinch what came next.

“Take your pants off and sit on the bed.” Dee bit her lower lip and blinked slowly, while stroking him through the bottoms from base to tip.

“B-but, Maya.”

“Trust me, she’ll join us later.” Dee released his cock, allowing him to kick out of his pants quickly, step back and sit spread-legged on the mattress. Another surge of blood filled Tyrone’s member at the sight of Dee breaking eye contact with him and resuming it with the one-eyed snake that bobbed for her entertainment. His balls, even though emptying twice within the last twenty-four hours, still felt weighty and in need of release. In his mind, he hoped to do so with both ladies, but if it only happened with Dee, so be it. Where could he do it? Where would she allow? As beautiful as her tight, little backside was, all over her face, in her mouth while those plump lips hugged him, or her hot, young cunt struck incredible intrigue. A man could only dream of the latter, though, as the risk involved was far too great. In a perfect world, he’d creampie every woman he had relations with sans worry or regret, but the last thing he needed was an unexpected arrival – Especially when he was working on getting his life together. So facial or oral creampie it would be.

“Mmm, been waiting to get this all up in me since I saw it on the ride here.” Dee kneeled and spread her smooth, brown legs, leaned forward so that her pretty mug prominently filled his periphery, and the rounded M of her ass pushed out behind her curls. She grabbed the base of his cock with one hand, then hooked under his balls between the webbing of her thumb and index from the other hand, hefting them and then lowering herself further to lick.

“Oh my fucking God.” Tyrone blinked wide-eyed, looking at the ceiling, then down at her image, still deliciously teasing his fat, cum-filled balls. The thought of grunting a load down her throat as she looked at him while her beautiful ass stuck out consumed him, but he tried to keep those thoughts at bay and live in the moment. Not that they weren’t simultaneously wicked and pleasant, but he wanted to enjoy her pleasuring for as long as possible.

“Tasty-ass balls.” Dee resumed curling her tongue all over them, then sat up, drooled on his cock and rubbed the top third of his shaft one-handed while rolling his testicles within her other tiny hand. The low growl that left Tyrone’s throat got Dee to chuckling, and the more she fondled him, the less he saw her as just Maya’s best friend. The more he viewed her as a sexy slut that needed to be fucked.

“You a sexy lil thing, you know that?” Tyrone, although tempted to lean back and soak in the visual, remained seated and ran his hand through Dee’s hair as she bowed her head and took him past her plump, glossy lips. Their eyes locked as she bobbed on him slowly and continued fondling his balls. He could’ve busted in the next sixty seconds, but determined to keep this in glorious continuance, he said, “No hands.”

She released everything, palmed her thighs and licked her lips. She blew spit bubbles that popped, and a struggling goatee of minute saliva strings dangled from her chin. “Call me a sexy, little whore when I’m sucking this muthafucka.”

“That what you want?” Tyrone gently pulled her head back, watching his stepsister’s friend chuckle wickedly. She nodded, showing perfectly aligned front teeth and slid her hand down her abdomen and into the hidden sanctuary of her shorts. From the lack of panty lines unnoticed from earlier, he guessed Dee forewent that extra barrier. To be honest, the pants she wore offered little more than underwear in terms of length anyway, and he didn’t understand how her mother let her leave the house in it. Then again, everyone wasn’t like his overly fussy dad when it came to their daughters.

Dee lowered her mouth just a breath from his glans and asked, “You wanna bust all over this little whore’s face?” Her shoulder oscillated with her masturbation technique. “Or do you wanna do it in my mouth and throat while grabbing a fistful of my hair?”

“Fistfuls.” Tyrone’s voice dropped several octaves. “Making you take all that backed up nut.”

“Shit.” Dee winced as her hand flitted faster inside her shorts. “Nut so fucking hard, you’d get my throat pregnant.”

Tyrone chuckled, triggering hers as well. “Yeah, I’d do just that.”

“Fuck.” She slowed down momentarily. “I say some wild shit when I’m horny, sorry.”

“It’s all good. Express yourself.” Following those words, Dee lunged her mouth over his cock and masturbated faster, making Tyrone say through clenched teeth, “You sexy, fucking whore.”

Dee’s moans sounded suppressed over his girth, and her eyes became slits as she kept pumping her head faster, but it couldn’t match the speed of her jilling hand.

“Ah shit.” Tyrone stood, grabbed two fistfuls of her hair and drilled her sloppy throat while growling, “You gonna cum for me while I’m fucking your slutty, lil throat? Huh, are you?”

Dee’s entire frame shook, and if not for him clogging her esophagus, her muffled scream would’ve alerted all of the motel’s guests, receptionist and road users. As the jolting of her body subsided and he pulled her off his cock, she looked up at him and whispered, “Fuck.”

“Damn, Dee, you a nasty, lil muthafucka.”

Dee took off her pants and dropped onto the bed belly first, making the swell of her rump ripple for a few microseconds. “I owe you one, but when Maya gets back.”

“Damn, real talk?” Tyrone lifted his arms in questioning fashion, and when Dee nodded, they slapped down to his sides in frustration.

“Look at it this way.” She propped up on her elbows. “You busted twice last night, so edging you up’s the best route to getting as much nut as possible. ‘Cause, ya girl don’t rate no weak-ass cumshots.”

“Oh.” Tyrone pursed his lips and smirked. “Cum fetish?”

Dee shrugged. “Maybe. All I know is, I love making a man bust and cover me with a lot… or down my throat.” She gaped her maw, then snapped it shut. “Either way, I want enough for me and Maya to share.”

“You honestly feel she’s coming back?” Tyrone lay down next to her.

“Maya’s a good girl, unlike present company.” Dee lifted a corner of her mouth. “Plus, all your luggage is in her car, dumbass.”

“I’ma remember you calling me that if we fuck later on.” He interlocked his fingers behind his head and closed his eyes.

“Not if, dumbasss, but when.”

Both shut their eyes, and within minutes, the room overflowed with the quiet of their mutual unconsciousness and Tyrone’s snoring.


It seemed the nearest parking lot that screamed ‘seclusion’ on Maya’s drive away from the motel she turned into, rolled the windows up, leaving a fingertip of space and reclined to rest. Even though annoyed by Tyrone’s statement, the plumpness of her vulva still pressed against her panties and shorts below. At that moment, she should’ve been bouncing on his thick cock. Maybe under it, with her long legs braced against his broad shoulders and taking a pounding that would make her wince. Backshots like the previous night, while Dee narrated how delicious her ass looked, wobbling and slapping against Tyrone’s pelvis sounded heavenly. To hear Dee label her a dirty slut-whore would’ve lit an additional fire against her nerve endings. To return the favour while her stepbrother slammed into her bestie may have been better.

Maya sucked her teeth, folded her arms and pressed into the seat harder as if ordering herself into unconsciousness. She slipped through a realm where colours sprang into a level of vibrancy exceeding the doldrums of reality and then, in an instant, fell below the depressing standards they currently lived in. The latter may have been just her overreaction to what her stepdad and mother referred to as “the real world, kid”. Her mother’s passing a year prior definitely wasn’t her introduction to this “real world” but in many ways was the situation that imprisoned her and discarded the key. Almost any big events, or hell, even medium-sized, always made her wonder how her mom would react. Ironically enough, she knew her mother probably wouldn’t freak out if she found out about her and her stepbrother – not completely, anyway.

“You’d tell me that I better make sure Dad doesn’t find out and to end it with haste.” Maya stood in a grassy field which waved from luscious green to pallid grayscale.

“Betcha lil ass, I would.” That voice Maya hadn’t heard in person for more than a year and in her dreams for months at least.

“Mom?” Maya spun and saw her mother standing in a long, form-fitting, peach evening gown. Anyone that saw them side-by-side knew there was no disputing the identity of who brought Maya into this world. Not only similarly statuesque but near matching figures with the exception of her parent’s superior voluptuousness. She was fine with how she looked currently, but she couldn’t wait to get her grown woman on when the hyperactive metabolism dropped.

They met in the middle and hugged. Her mother backed off while her hands were fully extended to hold Maya’s shoulders. “Ain’t you gonna stop growing?”

Maya’s eyes brimmed with tears, and she stuttered while trying to formulate a quippy answer. Her mother rubbed the side of her face and nodded, assuring her it was all okay. They held hands and strolled through the field while her mom gave her a look of derision, which usually preceded a questioning.

“So, what are you planning to do about this whole Tyrone mess, young lady?” Her mother asked, lightening her derisive expression with a sarcastic, close-mouthed smile.

“I don’t know. I’m crazy. Do you think I’m going crazy?” Maya swiveled her neck toward her mum.

“Not sure why you’re asking about going because you done been there most of ya damn life.”

Maya shook her head and tilted it up to the sky. “God, Mom, I’m serious.”

“Shit, me too.”

Maya sighed. “Being honest, I don’t know what I’m gonna do. By the time I sat in the car to leave, I already reasoned that he was just saying wild stuff, but I was too proud to turn around and apologise at that point.”

“That’s that stubbornness from your father.”

Maya stood in confusion, and then the light bulb of realization flashed. “Oh, you meant my biological sperm donor. Thought you meant my real dad – although, he can be stubborn too.”

“Meaning your stepdad?”

“Yeah, I just call him Dad now.”

“I noticed. Y’all really got close after I passed. That’s what family’s for, though. Coming together in moments of strife.

“Me and Tyrone didn’t – At least not immediately. But then, I don’t need to tell you. You’ve seen everything.”

“Not everything, thank God.” Maya’s mom shivered. “If it’s any consolation, siblings, whether blood-related or not, are destined to always being disagreeable.”


They continued walking until a bench appeared to Maya’s left. She could’ve sworn nothing was there moments prior, but then again, this wasn’t traditional reality. They sat and angled themselves so that their knees touched, forming a V.

“So, I’ma say this: You think spending the little bit of time you have left with him… away from him makes sense?”

Maya dipped her head and peered through her brow ridge. “No.”

“If you’re worried about Tyrone judging you as some sorta sexual deviant, then don’t. I thought y’all generation was all about abolishing slut-shaming, anyway?”

“I mean…” Maya shrugged, “… we are.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“It’s just, I don’t mind someone else assuming that about me, but not him. No, we can’t get into anything serious because of the whole stepsibling thing, but having someone I’ve crushed on for the longest time just thinking I’m some unabashed slut didn’t sit right with me.”

“And he doesn’t. You know how that boy says all kinds of wild shit.”

Maya sighed. “I guess.”

“You’re more sensitive about what he says because you care about him so much. Look, I won’t sugarcoat it for ya: I’m not in favour of you and ya stepbrother getting it on, but I’d rather that than that knock-off you’ve been seeing for the past year almost.”

“Oh.” Maya folded her lips and looked away, but her mother held her chin and swung her right back.

“Mmhmm, yeah that goofball.” Her mother dropped her hand. “I just want you to be happy once you ain’t hurting nobody, yaself or getting in trouble with the law. And stop using that same college boy so that you and Dee can score alcohol.” She jutted her face into Maya’s view, and the latter grimaced.

“I should go back. God, I’m such a jackass for storming out of there.”

“Girl, you’ll be alright. Just swallow your pride, walk in there, apologise and get on to doing what y’all was gonna do. Or… or maybe a more wholesome activity? A theme park, perhaps.”

“Ugh, long lines. Now technically, there’s a ride waiting for me in that motel ro–”

“Oookay, don’t push it now.” Both cackled and lightly pushed each other.

Maya stared at her mother with an expression of longing. “I don’t wanna wake up.”

“I understand, baby, but running from your problems doesn’t solve anything.” They stood and held hands.

“How soon can I see you again?”

“Only your brain can determine that, baby. For all you know, I’m just a fantasy, and this ain’t really me.”

“I’ll hold onto the hope that it is.”

Light sparkled in her mother’s eye and then expanded to blot out her features and eventually her body before Maya woke up to a knocking on her car window.

“Lady,” a gruff-looking man in security uniform said. “You can’t sleep here.”

Maya put up her palms, pulled her seat up and nosed her vehicle out of what she thought was a secluded area.

To say it felt good to see her mother, even in just dream form for the first time in months, was an understatement. While driving, she allowed her mom’s words to marinate with the goal of running a train on Tyrone with Dee. Quite twisted, but she’d sort out those feelings of guilt after she orgasmed – preferably several times.

Before turning into the motel’s lot, however, she spotted a familiar vehicle and the license plate sent a chill through her nervous system. She kept going straight because Tyrone’s dick would have to wait, given what she just saw.

“What the fuck is Dad doing here?”

Published 9 months ago

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