The Steele Files: (C4) The New Project

"After accepting his new position, as Ms. Steele’s Personal Assistant, He got a surprise about the new project."

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Darren woke up the next morning, following his extensive interviewing process for his new position, with a huge smile and an extremely hard cock. He still couldn’t believe how his life changed. He still couldn’t believe how the women at Steele Enterprises had acted with him.

He was now skeptical of the teachings of his mother. How could she be right? Every one of those women loved the fact that his big cock got hard for them. How could the extraordinary pleasure of his cock being sucked…and cumming, be bad? It was the best feeling in the world! She loved it; why else would she do it again?

How could it be bad, showing his hard cock to women, when three of them, all together, swooned over it? Let alone that he got a huge promotion for doing it.

He couldn’t help it; as he remembered the events, he had to stroke his hard throbbing cock. He stroked himself faster as he remembered Lisa bending over in the elevator.

‘Oh, God, Lisa. Your ass is so… so… sexy!’ he screamed in his head as he stroked himself faster and faster. His mind meandered from one woman to the next.

‘Melissa… Jesus… you’re so beautiful. I love your tits. I love how you sucked my cock. Oooh. Did you like making me cum on the boss’s ass? Did you? Oooh, God,’ he continued, in his mind behind his closed eyes.

‘June, you make me feel so good. I love cumming in your mouth. I love kissing you. I love watching you bob your head on my cock. So fucking good… so fucking GREAT! JUNE!’ he thought.

“SHIT!” he yelled. His alarm broke his recollections and prevented his release. He let go of his cock and rolled over, and slammed his hand on his alarm clock.

He sat on the side of his bed and looked down at his cock that pointed to the ceiling. He wondered if he would get another blowjob today. The thought made his cock twitch. He chuckled as he thought it was probably better that the alarm interrupted him. More for them, those incredibly sexy women!

He walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. “Hello, Mr. Locke, Personal Assistant to the illustrious Ms. Steele of Steele Enterprises,” he said out loud, smiling at his reflection. He turned to his side. “Do you like my suit, Ms. Steele? It’s my best one… my birthday suit. I can see by your eyes, you like it,” he said as the vision of him cumming all over her ass returned vividly to his mind.

He laughed as he went to the toilet to pee. He went through his morning routine to get ready for work.

Darren sat sipping his coffee, dressed in another new suit his mother bought him. He looked down at the stack of papers still lying where he left them. He may have a new job with a fancy title, but he still didn’t understand a damn thing about all this insurance crap.

A smile grew across his face as he had a thought. A deliciously salacious thought. His cock started to swell again in his pants as he thought about addressing his insurance conundrum.

“Oh, Melanie. Can you help me, please? Can you give me a… hand?” he said as he closed his eyes.

‘Oh, I can clearly see your problem, Darren. It looks like a huge problem. I may need both hands to help. It may also require some oral communication to solve… would that be alright?’ he thought. “Yes, yes, Melanie. Oh, hell yes… oral is required. Oooh,” he voiced as he rubbed his cock over his pants.

“What the hell?” he said as he heard a loud buzz and opened his eyes to look around. He heard the buzz again and realized it was coming from the doorbell box by the door. He’d never heard that before, and he walked over as it buzzed again.

He remembered the property manager telling him about the box. It was the intercom connected to the building’s front door. No one had ever visited him, so he’d never used it. He jumped as he bent down to look at it, and it buzzed again.

He pushed the button to speak, “Hello?”

“Yes, hello. Mr. Locke?” the box said.

“Yes, this is Mr. Locke. Who is this?”

“I’m here to pick you up for Ms. Steele,” it said.

“Is this some kind of a joke?” he asked, confused.

“I can assure you, sir. This is not a joke. I wouldn’t recommend keeping Ms. Steele waiting. Are you ready?”

“Um… yes, I guess so. I’ll be right down,” he said.

He glanced around his little studio apartment. He saw his empty briefcase beside the table where his insurance papers were. He grinned, quickly walked over, grabbed his briefcase, and put the papers inside. He carried it with him as he left his apartment and ran down the stairs.

Through the beveled glass of the door, a man clad in black clothing came into view. His image was somewhat distorted but unmistakably present. He opened the door.

As he walked out, the man said, “Mr. Locke?”

“Yes, I’m Mr. Locke,” he said.

“Right this way,” the man said, then quickly turned and briskly walked towards a beautiful, expensive-looking black car. The windows were tinted a dark black. The man opened the rear door and stood waiting for Darren to enter.

Darren smiled to himself. He felt so important and looked around, hoping others would see him. He was disappointed when all he saw was an older couple up the street waking away. He shrugged his shoulders and got into the car.

“Good morning, Darren,” he heard, then smiled broadly as he saw Lisa sitting and looking as beautiful as ever.

“Good morning, Lisa. I wasn’t expecting this. What’s going on?” he asked as he sat and buckled his seat belt.

She giggled, and said, “Well, Darren, I would think you would expect the unexpected at this point,” winking at him.

He quickly placed his briefcase on his lap as he felt his cock hardening quickly in his pants.

“Now, now, Darren. I thought I taught you better than to hide that beautiful cock of yours,” she said, reaching over and coaxing him to set the briefcase on the floor. “Much better,” she said as she ran her hand over his bulge.

“Oh God, Lisa,” he moaned.

She giggled and pulled her hand away. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. You need to save that for your shoot,” she said, placing her hand on her bare thigh, bringing his attention to her short black mini-skirt.

“Shoot? What are you talking about?” he asked as his cock flexed in his pants as he continued looking at her bare legs.

“Your photo shoot, or did you forget already?”

“Forget? Nobody said anything to me about a photo shoot. A photo shoot of what?” he asked, finally looking at her.

“Remember? You’re the featured model for the new men’s wear line for Jazelle. I can’t wait to see you in some of that sexy stuff. They have the best designers,” Lisa said and smiled mischievously.

“Oh. I… I’ve never done anything like that before. What do I have to do?” he asked, suddenly feeling anxious.

“Oh, Darren. Don’t worry about it. You’ll do just fine. You’re so fucking gorgeous,” she said and slid her hand back over his cock. She squeezed him and said, “This is the big star of the show.”

He closed his eyes and tried to breathe as Lisa squeezed it again, then removed her hand.

The chauffeur pulled up to an unmarked warehouse and parked near a red metal door. He jumped out without turning the engine off and opened the door for Lisa.

Darren opened his door, but paused as he caught a glimpse of Lisa’s sexy ass as she got out of the car. He inhaled deeply as the door closed, and the man walked around the car to hold the door for him. Darren chuckled to himself. It was hard to get used to, having someone practically wait on him, hand and foot. He stepped out of the car, turned around, and picked up his briefcase.

“Leave it. You won’t need that,” Lisa said, standing behind him.

He hesitantly put the briefcase back down and stood up, looking at Lisa. “But how am I going to get it back?” he asked.

She smiled and turned her attention to the chauffeur. “Charles, please make sure Mr. Locke’s briefcase is returned to his office.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he said.

Lisa smiled at Darren, saying, “All taken care of, darling,” and winked.

“Wait… office?” he asked, confused.

“Yes, your office. You’re an executive. Of course, you have an office, silly. You didn’t see the doors on either side of the elevator yesterday?” she said.

“No. Where?”

“Beside the elevator. My office is on the left, and your office is on the right. Ms. Steele needs us close … if you know what I mean,” she said and winked at Darren again.

“Oh, wow. Okay. So where are we?” he asked as they turned around and walked to the red door.

“This is one of Jazelle’s warehouses. This one was specified for the new line. Oh, I should also remind you before we go inside, your NDA and legal disclaimers prevent you from disclosing anything you see in here,” Lisa said, with a serious look on her face.

“Yeah. Thanks for reminding me. This is all so new to me. It’s exciting but scary, too,” he said and chuckled.

Lisa opened the door, and Darren reached out to hold it for her. He watched her mini-skirt as she entered and followed behind. He repeatedly blinked his eyes, adjusting to the dimly lit room. He could hear some machinery, but couldn’t see any machines.

Lisa looked over her shoulder at him and said, “Follow me.”

“Okay,” he said but walked beside her. They walked along a dark hallway that followed the far wall.

Up ahead, he saw a room on the left with lit-up windows.

“It’s just up here,” Lisa said as they got closer to the lit windowed room. “Here we go,” she said as she turned the doorknob and entered the room.

He was surprised as he saw over a dozen very sexy women in different states of dress. Some were only wearing lace panties or thongs. The blood immediately rushed to his cock.

Lisa giggled as she glanced at him and down to his growing bulge. “Focus, Darren. Remember, you’re in charge of this… project,” she said.

“Huh? Oh… um… yeah. How am I supposed to be in charge if I don’t even know what’s going on?” he asked as he observed one of the topless women point to him, saying something to a woman in a nightgown standing beside her.

“Don’t worry, sweetie. You’ll get guidance from Ms. Steele and Mrs. Darlene Wilson. I’ll be helping you as needed, too. I think they should already be here,” Lisa said and continued walking.

Darren couldn’t help it as he continued to look over at the women. Several of them waved at him. One even blew him a kiss.

“Do they know who I am?” he asked Lisa.

She shrugged her shoulders, saying, “I don’t know how they would, but can you blame them for noticing you? I mean… have you looked in the mirror?” she said, growling.

“Oh, my God, Lisa,” he said, turning red.

“Oh, honey. You need to get over that shit. Embrace that sexy body of yours. I know I am,” she said, smiling as she ran her eyes up and down his body. “They should be in here,” she said as they came up to a smaller room within the room.

“There he is,” he heard Ms. Steele say as soon as they walked in.

“Good morning, Ms. Steele,” he said, noticing a pretty woman about the same age as Ms. Steele standing beside her.

She was taller, almost the same height as Darren. Her dark brown hair had soft curls that framed her pretty face and flowed a foot below her shoulders. Her eyes lit up as she looked at him, and a broad smile grew on her face. She seemed to have a flair about her. A colorful silk scarf around her neck, one end over her shoulder and ending on her shoulder blade. The other, hung down, offset to one side of the bare skin exposed by her low-cut light blue silk blouse. Her blouse was tucked into a darker blue pleated skirt that hung down mid-thigh.

Ms. Steele smiled at Darren before saying, “Good morning,” as he and Lisa approached them and stood. She turned and looked at the woman and said, “Darlene, this is Mr. Darren Locke, our rising star and my personal assistant. He will be assisting you and heading this project on our end. As I mentioned earlier, he will also be the lead model in your new men’s wear line, of course, per your approval.”

Mrs. Wilson smiled at Darren and stepped in front of him. “It’s my pleasure to finally meet you,” she said, blatantly undressing him with her eyes that roamed up and down his body several times. “When do we start on the modeling?” she asked enthusiastically.

“That’s entirely up to you. I thought that was part of today’s agenda,” Ms. Steele said.

“It is. Let’s get started,” Mrs. Wilson said, “and, Darren, please call me Darlene. Let’s get a better look at you,” and took one step back and grabbed his hand. She turned him slightly and looked down his backside to his ass. “Mmm, mmm, mmm. You look… scrumptious. I could eat you up whole.”

Darren stood anxiously as his cock started to swell, with all three women eyeing him up like a piece of USDA Prime meat.

Darlene kept her hold on his hand and said, “Come on, darling. Let’s get this party started,” and led him by his hand. Ms. Steele and Lisa followed as she led him out the door. She walked them through the room with the women models to another room within a room and entered.

This room was larger than the other they had just left. There were two photographers, one male and one female, and two tripods with cameras mounted on top. The photographers had a camera in their hands and another hanging from straps around their necks. Several lights were also set up. Some with reflective umbrella shields and some with diffusing light lenses.

They were actively snapping photos of an athletically built young man wearing the skimpiest light gray briefs Darren had ever seen. He couldn’t believe how clearly the outline of his large cock was in the skimpy briefs as he lay on his side on a daybed. He wondered how his skin was so shiny, reflecting the lights.

There was a large free-standing wall, similar to the walls in Mary’s large cubicle, off to the right of the photo area. On the other side of the free-standing wall, there were several more young, fit men in various stages of dress.

Darren looked wide-eyed as he saw one black man with a woman on her knees beside him, pulling a thong up his legs. He couldn’t help it as his cock grew hard, watching the woman turn the man to his side and carefully adjust the tiny strap between the cheeks of his ass. He’d never seen a man in a thong before. She brought her attention back to his front; his cock hung out the side of the fabric. She carefully pulled his foreskin back, exposing his cock head, before carefully placing it inside the pouch of the thong. She adjusted his cock several times over the material.

Darlene noticed Darren’s cock head flex in the front of his pants, making her swoon. “So, what do you think, Darren?” she asked.

Daren turned to look at Darlene, shocked by how close she was to him. “I’ve never seen anything like this before,” was all he could think to say.

Darlene’s smile grew as she slid her arm across his shoulders. She placed her other hand on his chest, leaned her head next to his ear, and said, “I can’t wait to see you,” as she slid her hand down the front of his body until it rested on his bulge and squeezed it.

Daren stood frozen as his cock flexed hard against Darlene’s hands. “I… I’ve never done… done any modeling, just so you know,” he said.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine,” she said, running her hand back up his front.

“Oilers!” they heard a woman yell out.

Darren looked back over to see the woman with the black man standing up and walking away. Two other women holding what looked like large plastic condiment squeeze bottles came up to either side of him. They immediately squirted the liquid from the condiment bottles into their other hand. Then, they started rubbing his body with their hands. One started with his shoulders, and the other was on her knees, rubbing his legs.

“Is that oil?” Darren asked in amazement.

“Yep. It sure is,” Darlene said, watching the process herself intently.

The model being photographed got up from the daybed and walked to the other side of the wall where the others were. He stripped his tiny briefs from his body right there with everyone around, and threw the briefs into a large basket sitting on the floor. He turned around and walked through a door.

After the oilers were done, the black man walked to the photographing area. The male photographer pointed to the area beside the day bed. It had a cloth standup backdrop. The female photographer was moving one of the tripods, then she looked through the camera and yelled, “Fluffer,” pulled away from the camera, and shook her head back and forth.

The male photographer looked at the black man’s thong and let out a long sigh. Darren looked and saw the black man had a boner that stretched the thong straight out.

“What does that mean? Fluffer?” Darren asked Darlene.

She turned to look at Darren and got a bring grin on her face. “The term comes from the porn industry. Except here…,” she started to say and paused as her grin widened, “Oh, here she comes. You’ll see.”

A short, brunette woman quickly walked to the black man and dropped to her knees. She carefully pulled the thong out with one hand and pulled his hard cock out with the other. She opened her mouth and immediately bobbed her head rapidly back and forth on his cock.

“Oh, my God. Why is she doing that?” Darren asked as his cock became fully hard.

“To get rid of his erection. We can’t take pictures with his big ‘ole hard dick like that. It’s one thing to show it in the garment; it’s quite another for it to be erect and stretching it. Not a good look,” Darlene said as she quickly turned to watch the woman sucking his cock. “Oh, he’s getting close. I love watching their faces when they cum,” she said, while continuing to watch.

Darren couldn’t believe it. How could she do that in front of everyone? He kept watching as the man’s face started to scrunch up. He could tell he was close. Darren’s cock was going wild as he thought about June when she sucked his cock.

“There it is. There it is. Fill that slut’s mouth up. She better not let any leak,” Darlene said.

‘Oh, God. Don’t cum. Don’t cum,’ Darren thought and squeezed his cock over his pants as he watched the black man cumming in the brunette’s mouth.

He still couldn’t believe it as the man opened his eyes and looked down at the woman. She kept his cock head in her mouth and slowly stroked his shaft to ensure she got all of his cum. Keeping his cock in her mouth, she pulled out a small towel from her back pocket. She wiped his now flaccid cock off. She pulled his foreskin back and carefully placed it back into the thong, then adjusted it from the outside. Once she finished, she stood up and quickly walked away.

“I can’t believe there are people just for that,” Darren said.

“Oh, darling… pay people enough money… they’ll do anything. If you ask me… they’re getting one hell of a deal. I mean, my God, they get to suck nice big hunks of man meat on some of the best-looking men around, AND they get paid to do it in a safe environment. The men… well, they get a great deal too. They get paid well for their good looks, and heavens to Betsy… if they get a hard-on? They get an on-demand blowjob!” Darlene said.

“I guess… I mean… yeah, I see what you mean,” he said and chuckled.

“Do you need a fluffer, honey?” she asked as she looked at the big bulge in his pants again. She cleared her throat, looked Darren in the face, and said, “Well, handsome… are you ready for your debut? Can we look at what I’d like you to wear? I can’t wait to see you all oiled up… I might need a fluffer,” and laughed.

“Me neither, Darlene,” Ms. Steele said.

Lisa looked like she wanted to say something, but decided against it. Instead, she simply showed a mile-wide smile.

“Come on, honey,” Darlene said, leading Darren by the hand again, near the male models.

Darlene let go of Darren’s hand and stepped to a small table. She reached into a box sitting beside a bunch of other garments. She pulled out a thong, held it up, stretching it out. It was a flesh-colored thong that looked like it was made from fishnet stockings. “What do you think, Darren?”

Darren stared at it as his cock jerked in his pants.

“It’s going to be available in four sizes. This is the extra-large. I hope it’s big enough,” she said, giggling. She reached out with her right hand and rubbed Darren’s bulge. “Oh, my… we may need an extra-extra-large. Let’s find out, shall we?” and gave Ms. Steele a mischievous side glance.

Darlene held out the fishnet thong in front of Darren. “Here you go, darling,” she said.

Darren hesitantly took the thong from her. “Um… where… where should I put it on?” he asked.

“Right here, darling,” she answered, as she slid a chair out from the table.

‘Oh, God,’ he said in his mind as he turned and sat. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm himself. ’You can do this. You can do this,’ he silently tried to convince himself.

He sat down and untied his shoes and pulled them off. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he pulled each of his socks off. He looked up at Darlene, watching him intently and smiling from ear to ear.

He straightened himself up in the chair and reached for his belt. He realized the thong was sitting in his lap and placed it on the table, before unbuckling his belt. He looked at Lisa grinning at him, then Ms. Steele, who was staring directly at the tent in his pants.

He took a deep breath before unbuttoning his pants. He realized he was still wearing his suit jacket. It gave him a moment of relief as he stood up and removed it. He hung it on the back of the chair. He glanced at each of the women, before starting to unbutton his shirt.

He could hear Darlene’s breaths get louder as he unbuttoned his shirt further down. Once he unbuttoned the last button, Lisa helpfully pulled it off his shoulders and arms. Daren could see the desire in Darlene’s eyes as he stood half-naked in front of her.

He reached down and unzipped his fly as he watched Darlene’s mouth open. He slowly pulled his pants down from his hips, exposing the beginning of the large bulge in his white briefs. He heard Darlene take a sharp breath. He continued pulling his pants down ever so slowly. He’s been learning the effect he has on these women. He was enjoying the fact that he knew that even though Darlene was married, he was causing her arousal to grow the more he exposed his body to her.

With that knowledge, he drew his pants lower until his cock head was outlined in his briefs. He purposely flexed his cock at that precise time, knowing the effect it would have on her as well as the other women.

He knew he was successful in increasing her desire; as she brought her hand up to her chest, her eyes grew wider at his blatant display of manliness. He flexed it again, before allowing his pants to fall to his ankles. He sat down quickly, knowing that his hard cock would stretch the material of his briefs in his lap, drawing all their attention to it.

Although one part of his brain – the part his mother had trained — nagged about how wrong this was, the other side — the side newly awakened in him recently – relished and embraced the sinful act.

He grinned at Darlene as he bent over and pulled his pants off one foot and then the other. He picked up his pants, and again, Lisa immediately helped by taking them. She quickly folded them and placed them on the table.

He sat back straight in his chair, with all the women’s eyes glued to his stretched briefs. He again flexed his cock twice in a row, then slowly stood up. He hooked his thumbs underneath the waistband of his briefs at his hips. His cock flexed involuntarily this time, then slowly alternated, pulling the waistband down from one side to the other.

He could clearly see the effect he was having on Darlene. Her nipples were now pronounced through her bra and blouse as he continued his teasing striptease. His pubic hair is now exposed. He could see their eyes trying to lower his briefs on their own. He exposed the root of his hard shaft as he flexed his manliness, trying to escape its confinement.

He deliberately slowed his movement to a snail’s pace. Exposing himself… inch by inch, he stared directly into Darlene’s eyes. Her eyes didn’t meet his, they dilated, watching intently the main object of his show.

He could feel, without watching, exactly how much of his cock was showing as he continued. More and more of his manhood was exposed, the waistband bending it towards the floor the closer it got to its end.

When Darren felt the waistband snap over the ridge of his cock head… he stopped. His heart was pounding in his chest, each beat making his cock throb.

‘Here you go. This is what you want, isn’t it?’ he screamed in his head as he purposely flexed his cock, forcing it to pop up over the waistband. It smacked audibly against his abs, then bobbed up and down, sticking obscenely straight out in front of him.

Darlene gasped at the sight. Ms. Steele smiled from ear to ear, while Lisa’s face was painted with a shit-eatin’ grin.

“Fluffer,” Lisa shouted, laughing as Darlene and Ms. Steele stood frozen, staring in awe.

The fluffer girl practically ran over, only to be stopped in her tracks by a raised hand from Darlene.

“No need. This one’s mine,” Darlene said without taking her eyes from Darren’s phallus.

Darren smiled when he heard her words. His cock flexed, and a bead of pre-cum appeared at his tip. He watched Darlene lick her lips as she continued to stare at his cock and step to him. She reached and ran her finger from the top of his tip to his root.

She carefully wrapped her fingers around the base and squeezed it gently as her gaze slowly moved up his naked front until their eyes met. He could see the lust in them as her smile grew. She blinked her eyes once before guiding him to turn around by his cock.

Keeping her grip firmly on his manhood, she sat in the chair. She leaned down as she ran her grip slowly up his shaft.

“Oooh,” Darren moaned quietly.

She pulled her hand back with his foreskin, as she leaned in closer. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply… and again. Her eyes opened again as she lifted his cock up, pointing it directly to her line of sight.

“Oh, Henry… I wish you could see this,” she said barely audible.

She started to stroke him slowly at first. Daren tried to suppress a moan as she stroked a little faster. Her tongue slithered out of the corner of her mouth as she stroked faster. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she stroked him even faster.

Darren watched as her breasts bounced with her stroking. “Oh, Darlene,” he moaned.

Her eyes popped back into place as she looked up at him with a big grin.

“I’m gonna… I’m gonna…,” he moaned.

Suddenly, she stopped mid-stroke.

Darlene looked conspiratorially at Ms. Steele and said, “Marsha,” paused and took a deep breath.

Darren was shocked, not only because Darlene had stopped, but because he had never heard anyone address Ms. Steele by her first name before.

Darlene let out her breath and continued, “Marsha… honey… I know what you want.”

Ms. Steele returned the conspiratorial grin and quickly stepped over between her friend and Darren. She bent over slightly and extended her hand, palm up just under and in front of Darren’s cock.

“Thank you, Darlene. You know me so well,” Ms. Steele said, grinning.

“It’s the least I could do,” Darlene said.

Ms. Steele leaned over and whispered in Darlene’s ear, “Don’t worry. You’ll get what you want too. Trust me, he’ll stay hard as fuck.”

Darren’s cock flexed hard as he wondered what she said to Darlene, which made her eyes grow so wide.

“Seriously,” Darlene said.

Ms. Steele nodded her head up and down, before turning her attention back to the matter of her hand, literally.

Darlene giggled as she commenced her stroking. Lisa and the fluffer woman moved closer. The fluffer girl moved her hand between her legs, rubbing herself as she watched. Darlene stroked Darren faster and faster, relishing his moans of pleasure.

“Oh, oooh, oooh. Oh, I’m…. Darlene! Oh, I’m… I’m… I’m…,” Darren moaned before his balls tightened and his cock swelled more in Darlene’s hand.

Ms. Steele kept her eyes on her hand and said, “Cum in my hand!”

“Oooh,” Darren yelled at her words as he exploded, shooting his cum into her hand with so much force it splattered into and all around it. Rope after rope expelled from the end of his cock into Ms. Steele’s hand.

“Oh, my God,” the fluffer girl exclaimed and shut her eyes as her own orgasm took over her body, and dropped her to her knees.

Lisa reached out as Darren finished cumming and massaged his balls. Darlene slowly ran her hand from his base to his tip, expelling every last drop of cum into Ms. Steele’s hand.

Darren stood, his cock still hard, breathing heavily. He watched as before, Ms. Steele brought her cum filled hand to her face, inhaled deeply, and then feasted on the gooey dish.

Darlene opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She licked the dripping cum from Darren’s tip, then swirled it around and around his corona. Lisa let go of his balls as Darlene sucked Darren’s cock head into her mouth.

Darlene slowly bobbed her head, taking more and more of Darren’s cock each time, and moaned in appreciation of the feast.

Lisa dropped to her knees and watched Darlene feast on Darren’s cock. She looked on with yearning puppy dog eyes, which caught Darlene’s attention. After a couple more bobs of her head, she pulled Darren’s cock out of her mouth with a pop.

She held the phallus in her hand, then pushed it towards Lisa and asked, “You want some of this?”

Lisa nodded her head up and down quickly, then opened her mouth wide as Darlene fed her his man meat. She gobbled it up, sucking, licking, and swirling her tongue all around it. She started massaging his balls again. She bobbed her head up and down his big cock.

“Lisa… Mmm, Lisa,” Darren moaned, encouraging her to suck harder and bob her her head faster.

Darlene started to stroke him again, synchronizing her strokes with Lisa’s bobbing.

As Darren moaned louder and louder, he started to thrust his hips, attempting to force more of his hard cock in Lisa’s mouth. As the frequency of moans became faster, as well as his thrusting, Darlene’s arousal was becoming unbearable.

“My turn. My turn,” Darlene yelled and pulled her hand further up, preventing Lisa from sucking him further. “Give it to me, dammit!” Darlene screamed.

Lisa pulled back, releasing Darren’s cock from her mouth. Darlene immediately sucked his cock halfway down. Her cheeks hollowed from her suction as she pulled back. Her hand replaced Lisa on his balls.

Darren felt his cock hitting Darlene’s throat each time before she pulled back. Suddenly, she removed her hand from his shaft and grabbed his ass as she plunged his cock in again. This time, as she stopped with his tip at her throat, she pulled him by his ass, popping his cock head into her throat.

She started to gag and pulled back. She immediately plunged him back in again into her throat. She held him there for a moment as she strained to breathe through her nose. Then she pushed harder, taking more of his cock down her throat.

“Oooh, fuck. Oh my God, Darlene!” Darren screamed out from this new feeling.

She gagged again, pulling him back again and then out with a pop. She breathed hard. Her eyes had a determined look as she opened her mouth again and took him in. She brought him back to her throat; he felt her swallow and then squeeze his ass cheek. She pushed harder and took him into her throat even further.

Darren moaned out and looked down to see her lips just an inch from his pelvis. She swallowed again, massaging his cock in her mouth and throat, making him shudder and moan more. He heard her gag, but kept him firmly in place. She pushed again and took him fully in. She continued to gag, but again kept him there.

“Oh, God. Oooh, shit. I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum,” he shouted as his cock flexed, jerked and swelled.

She pulled back, leaving just his cock head behind her lips as he filled her mouth with his seed. She immediately swallowed as he shot out again, forcing cum to leak out from the corners of her mouth. She swallowed again as he continued to cum.

“Mmm,” she moaned out, as he continued cumming, and she continued swallowing until he finished. She squeezed his balls in her hand as she slowly bobbed her head again as his cock softened. Finally, she let his flaccid cock fall from her mouth, looking up to his eyes proudly, and opened her mouth to show she swallowed all of it.

As he tried to catch his breath, she brought her hand from his ass to her mouth. She used two fingers to scoop the escaped cum, to her mouth. She let go of his cock and his balls and took a long breath.

“Okay, so… ready to put on your thong?” she asked with a big smile.

She turned, picked up the thong, bent over, and lifted his foot. She pulled the thong over his foot and then the other one. She carefully pulled the fishnet thong up his legs. Lisa stood up and walked around behind Darren. Darlene pulled Darren’s foreskin back before pulling the thong completely up. Then she adjusted his cock to sit properly inside it. Lisa adjusted the strip between his ass cheeks.

Darlene smiled, looking at the thong. Then she brought her hands up to his hips and turned him to the side. She turned him to look from his other side.

She looked up at him again and said, “It’s never looked better. Oilers!”

Published 9 months ago

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