Love & Nature Pt.36

"Aria joins Ragden, Sarah & Emily for dinner..."

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Ragden walked quietly behind Sarah and Emily as they headed down the stairs. He could hear Jennifer and Michael in the kitchen preparing food. Sarah and Emily giggled; their heads were close together as they talked passionately about something. Ragden caught bits and pieces of the conversation, but not enough to catch the thread of their discussion. His thoughts wandered the events of the afternoon. The gift he had tried to figure out how to give Sarah. He knew she wanted to share in his bond with Emily, but the thought of exposing her to the dark cloud in his subconscious made him nervous. It had nearly killed Emily and he had saved her. He did not want to risk that with Sarah. It had been an accident and one he would not repeat if he could help it.  

Still, Sarah wanted that connection. She wanted to feel his presence in her even when he was not there. His bond with Emily allowed that. How did he create that same kind of connection without threatening her? He sensed that Emily was open to doing that for Sarah, but the how felt just beyond his reach. He had thought that if he could conjure the energy with Emily and somehow trap Sarah in the middle, maybe that would create that same bond? They had tried that. It had been a wonderful experience, but had it achieved the result she so desperately craved? He did not know.  

As they rounded the corner in the living room to the kitchen, Michael came walking into the room. As was his usual attire at home, he had no shirt on. His broad, hairy chest was exposed, though partially covered with his thick beard. His eyes twinkled with mischief and a large grin spread across his face. His eyes lit as he saw Emily and Sarah, and he pulled them both into a warm embrace. Michael winked at Ragden as he hugged the two women.  

“Emily! Sarah! How good to see you both again so soon!” His voice was low but filled with his contagious good humor. Both women smiled and blushed at his attention. They stood with their arms around him smiling. Michael kissed both on the forehead, then gestured to the couch. “Sit. Sit. We must talk.”  

Sarah and Emily drew their robes about them and sat on the couch side by side. Michael turned to Ragden and gestured to the same couch. Ragden walked over and Emily and Sarah made space between them so he could sit. They both leaned against him, draping arms around him and leaning their heads on his shoulder as he settled into the couch. Ragden draped his arms around both, pulling them snugly against him.  

Michael sat across from them, his eyes twinkling with mischief.  

“Well, don’t you make the cozy threesome,” he mused. Ragden blushed as the women giggled softly. Michael looked at Sarah and smiled. “What have they told you?”  

Sarah shook her head and spoke softly, “Nothing. Only that you had a family trip this weekend.”  

Michael smiled with a sad look in his eyes. He spoke softly, “While this is true, it only scratches the surface of what happened. I know it affected you, and I am sorry for what you went through.”  

Sarah blinked, her eyes damp as tears started to trickle down her cheeks. “It does not matter. I am glad it turned out to be a bad dream.”  

Sarah snuggled closer to Ragden, her arm squeezing him protectively and possessively around him. Ragden smiled and kissed her forehead.  

Michael’s voice was soft and sad, “It was no dream, Sarah. Ragden nearly died. We almost lost him. The important thing is that we did not. He passed the test.”  

Sarah sat in shock, as the words washed over her. Her mind reeled. She could not bear to think about what could have happened. Sarah turned and buried her face in Ragden’s chest as more tears streamed down her face. Michael stood and walked over to the couch. He kneeled in front of Sarah and put one hand on her knee. Sarah turned and looked at him.  

“Your bond with Ragden is not strong enough for you to have experienced all that transpired. You felt a fraction of that loss.”  

Michael looked at Ragden, then back to Sarah. His voice was low and mild but held weight to it. “You asked him to strengthen that connection.”  

Sarah nodded.  

“I do not blame you. He has given you the tools to do that. The next step is for you to accept it. I will caution you though, before you do, you need to consider the consequences of this decision.”  

Sarah sat up straighter and looked at Michael. She weighed his words, wondering if the rewards would be worth the cost.  

“What consequences?” Sarah asked softly.  

Michael smiled and squeezed her leg gently, then he spoke in a soft level tone, “If you accept, you will be changed. You will be bound to him for the rest of your life. You will always feel his presence, but you will also feel his emotions and his physical condition. If he stubs his toe, you will feel it. Not as sharply as he does, but you will feel it.”  

Sarah gulped, “If he dies…”  

“You may not survive the experience.”  

Sarah looked at Michael’s face and saw that he was deadly serious. She turned to look at Ragden, then buried her face in his chest again. Her voice was muffled as she said, “Good, I don’t want to live in a world without him in it…”  

Ragden rubbed her back soothingly with one hand as he turned to look at Emily. Emily giggled and shrugged. Michael rolled his eyes. Sarah wiped the tears from her face and turned back to Michael.  

“I accept. One hundred and ten percent. Wholeheartedly. I accept. Now and forever. Please… What do I have to do?”  

Michael chuckled to himself and squeezed her leg again. Shaking his head, he stood and walked back over to the loveseat. Sinking into it, he looked back at Sarah and said, “Nothing more than that. Close your eyes. Look inward. Feel the roiling mass of energy that Emily and Ragden have given you and accept it. Let it become part of you. That is all you must do.”  

“I…,” Sarah stammered, “I can do that.”  

Sarah closed her eyes. She felt Ragden’s presence next to her. She could sense Emily on the other side of him. She could feel them around her and within her. She let her mind wander and felt the roiling mass of energy within the core of her being. Her stomach felt unsettled by how things kept swirling within her. She could sense the bits of it that belonged to Emily and Ragden. It was alien to her body, like an invasion into her very soul. It was something that did not belong.  

Sarah took a deep breath, and in her mind’s eye, opened her arms and welcomed it. The mass of energy stopped swirling and roiling. Instead, it swept into her arms like the lover sitting next to her and embraced her. As it did, it sank into her. The parts that she could distinctly identify as both Ragden and Emily started to merge within her to become something more. At first, it was like a warm blanket wrapped around her, comforting, soothing, loving. Then it felt like a second skin, soothing and cool. Then it was deeper than that, sinking into the very core of what and who she was. For a moment, her heart thundered frantically. This invasion, this beast, this OTHERness was taking her over. She wanted to scream, to reject it, because it was not HER.  

Sarah took another deep breath and decided that she wanted it to be hers. At that moment, her heart slowed, her breath calmed. The strange, otherworldly energy that had seemed so foreign was now hers. She owned it. It felt different. She felt different. She felt complete, like she had been missing something she never knew she needed. She tried to explore this new sensation within her and found it pulsed with a life of its own. It was her, but it was more than just her.  

Sarah’s stomach rumbled loudly. She realized she was famished. She opened her eyes and realized that Ragden, Emily, and Michael had been talking about something, but she had not heard a word. She felt exhausted. Her body ached. Her ass hurt. Her pussy felt like it had been stretched around a football field. She wanted to lie down and sleep for the rest of her days.  

“Why…” Sarah yawned, blinked, and yawned again. “Why am I so tired?”  

Michael laughed. Emily and Ragden looked at Sarah. Michael spoke softly, “What you have gone through is a lot. The emotional turmoil of what you have experienced will probably take you weeks to puzzle through. Though, I would encourage you to explore that newness you sense in you.”  

Sarah blinked and peered at Michael. He smiled back at her, a knowing smile. He tapped his right temple and winked at her. Sarah saw the way his eyes seemed to peer into her very soul. She got the impression that he knew everything she had experienced.  

Michael stood and nodded towards the kitchen. “If I’m not mistaken, I do believe dinner is about ready. Come, you will feel better with some food in that stomach of yours.”  

Emily and Ragden stood. Sarah sat for a moment, then Ragden pulled her to her feet. She giggled and draped her arms around his waist, snuggling her face against his side. Ragden smiled at her and kissed her softly on the top of her head. Emily giggled to herself and turned to follow as Michael walked into the dining room, then Michael turned back to look at Sarah and Ragden.  

“Ragden, can you let Aria in?”  

Ragden looked at Michael questioningly, and then the doorbell rang.  

“You did invite her for dinner, did you not?”  

Ragden nodded. Sarah stepped back as he headed for the door. Sarah watched Ragden walk into the foyer, then turned and followed Michael into the dining room. Sarah chased after Emily and wrapped herself around the other woman. Emily giggled and hugged her back, then kissed her softly on the lips. Michael watched them and smiled when they noticed him watching them, then they found two chairs at the table to sink into. Michael went into the kitchen to help Jennifer finish making dinner.  

Ragden padded barefoot to the front door. He turned the knob and pulled the door open. Aria stood on the step, looking over the front yard. As the door opened, she turned to look at him and smiled. Aria was wearing a knee-length skirt, striped black and white. She had short socks and sneakers on her feet. Her shirt was a button-down with only a few buttons in the middle holding it closed over her bosom. He could easily see a dark bra holding her breasts in place. Her hair hung loosely over her shoulders. Aria grinned, then looked down at her outfit, then back at Ragden. She stepped up close to him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. She buried her face in his chest and held him tighter. Ragden wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him.  

“Hello, handsome,” she whispered breathily. “I missed you. Wait… Are you wearing anything underneath that?”  

She pulled on the front of his robe, looked down and started giggling. Ragden chuckled and shook his head. Taking a step back, he allowed her entry into the foyer. She bent down, flashing him a beautiful view down the front of her shirt as she picked up a small gym bag and stepped inside. She dropped the bag by the shoe rack and slipped her shoes off.  

Aria stepped up the Ragden and wrapped her arms around him. He leaned into her and kissed her passionately on the lips. Their lips parted and their tongues danced, then Aria stepped back, her heart racing and she giggled again. She took a deep breath and smiled.  

“Smells like dinner is ready,” Aria grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the dining room, “Shall we?”  

Ragden chuckled as he followed her, “Sure.”  

As they rounded the corner of the living room, Aria spotted Emily and Sarah. She let go of Ragden’s hand and ran over to them. She hugged and kissed each of them, then went into the kitchen to hug Jennifer and Michael. Ragden pulled out a chair for her as she came back to the table. She thanked him politely, then sank into the chair reaching for his hand as he sat.  

Ragden took Aria’s hand as he sat down next to her. He turned to her and asked, “How was your weekend?”  

“Oh my. Utterly Boring!” Aria exclaimed. Both Sarah and Emily giggled in response. Aria squeezed Ragden’s hand as she spoke, “How was the beach? I hope you had more fun than I did sitting around waiting for you to get home!”  

“The beach was… eventful,” Ragden stated, trying to figure out how to explain everything that had happened over the last two days. He shook his head and shrugged. Aria watched him, then turned and looked at Sarah and Emily. Aria noted the matching robes and a look of jealousy passed over her face. She turned back to Ragden, her cheeks flushed, her pulse beating hard in her throat.  

Ragden saw the intense look of jealousy on Aria’s face. The firm set of her jaw, the anger beating in her throat. Before she could open her mouth to say another word, he leaned into her and kissed her hard on the lips. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and pulled her body against his. She melted into his embrace. He swept his arms around her, pulling her off the chair into his lap.  

Aria melted into him. Her heart thundered in her chest as all the anger and outrage melted away. She wanted to be angry with Ragden. He had promised she would get her turn with him, but he had already been with both of her best friends. She wanted to scream at him for dismissing her and passing her by. She felt for a moment like she did not matter, then she felt his heart beating against her chest. His strong arms wrapped around her. She pulled him closer to her and felt his love.  

Aria leaned back and broke from his embrace. She scooted back and sat in her chair, her heart hammering in her chest. She felt the dampness of her arousal and feared everyone at the table could see it. She looked at Sarah and Emily and tried to feel angry at them, but when she saw the looks of happiness and love on their faces, her heart melted. She turned to Ragden and playfully hit him in the chest.  

“That is not fair,” she said softly.  

At that moment, Jennifer and Michael came walking into the dining room carrying plates of food. They set down plates in front of Emily, Sarah, and Aria, then went back into the kitchen to get more food. On the plates was a mix of sauteed ground beef with broccoli mixed in, braised vegetables and a sweet potato mash. Jennifer and Michael sat at the ends of the table.  

“Dig in,” Michael stated as he took his seat.  

“This looks amazing,” Aria said, looking over the meal, “Thank you for having me over.”  

“Oh my god,” Sarah said breathily, “I am so hungry. Thank you!”  

“Of course. Of course. Eat!” Michael laughed as he reached over and grasped Aria’s hand. She looked up at him, startled. He smiled at her as he squeezed her fingers. “Glad you could join us, my dear.”  

Aria blushed and looked down at her plate shyly before resuming eating. Sarah and Emily giggled and then resumed eating as well. The rest of the meal was eaten in the quiet of a delicious meal shared among friends and family.  

As Sarah and Emily finished their food, they stood and took the plates into the kitchen. Jennifer finished about the same time and tried to stop them from cleaning, but they insisted, and all three women went into the kitchen together to clean and put away dishes. Michael finished soon after and joined them. Aria had finished her food a while ago, but sat next to Ragden, watching him eat and just enjoying being in his presence. He eyed her from time to time as he finished his food.  

As Ragden ate the last of his food, Aria picked up his plate and carried it into the kitchen. The four women laughed and joked as they put away the dishes, then they made their way back to the table and took their seats.  

As Jennifer sat again, she looked at Ragden. “Did you finish studying for your math test tomorrow?”  

“Yes, I did,” Ragden answered.  

Jennifer smiled. “Good. I did not doubt that you had. We heard you and Emily having an enjoyable time up there and just wanted to make sure you finished your studying.”  

Emily blushed a deep shade of scarlet, and looking at the table, spoke softly, “Of course, we did not start until I made sure he had all of his answers right on his study test.”  

Aria giggled and Sarah laughed throatily. Jennifer smiled and patted Emily’s hand.  

“Thank you, dear. I appreciate that,” Jennifer answered softly. Emily looked up at Jennifer and smiled, still blushing. Emily still had a challenging time coping with how open Ragden’s parents were about their sexual lives. It was refreshing, but she still had difficulty wrapping her head around it.  

Emily turned to Sarah and spoke softly. Sarah giggled and nodded. Emily turned back to everyone else.  

“If you will excuse us, we are going to head out.”  

Jennifer looked at them questioningly. “Are you not staying the night, dear?”  

Sarah shook her head, and Emily spoke, “No. We are going to give Aria and Ragden some time together. We will be back tomorrow for dinner if that is okay?” 

Jennifer smiled and nodded. “Of course, dear.” 

Aria beamed, looking at Sarah and Emily. “Thank you.” 

Ragden looked from Aria to Sarah and Emily. He looked at Emily and raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure?”  

Emily walked around the table to Ragden, who stood as she approached. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, then spoke softly to him as she turned her face to his, “Yes, Love. Meet for lunch at my locker?”  

Ragden kissed Emily softly on the lips, brushing her hair from her face. He nodded and smiled at her. “Of course.”  

Then Emily stepped back from Ragden. Sarah pressed herself against Ragden, hugging him fiercely, then kissing him tenderly. As they broke, Sarah whispered, “Thanks for everything. I love you.”  

“Love you too, dear,” Ragden said as he kissed her again. She giggled and stepped around Ragden to hug Aria.  

Sarah kissed Aria on the lips, then whispered into her ear, “Fuck him silly for me. Please?”  

Aria blushed and nodded as Sarah stood and took Emily’s hand. The two girls walked through the living room and headed upstairs. Ragden stood for a moment, wondering what had just happened. Aria took his hand and pulled him back into his chair. He sat and turned towards her. She smiled happily, pulling his hand into her lap and holding it against her thigh.  

“Can you tell me more about your beach trip?” Aria asked simply.  

Michael laughed. Jennifer smiled and stood. She walked over to Michael and took his hand. He smiled happily and stood, leaving Aria and Ragden at the table. They walked through the living room and headed upstairs. Ragden and Aria watched them go, then Aria gently tugged on his hand again, pulling his attention back to her.  

“Your beach trip?” She prodded again. Ragden looked at her and saw her curiosity.  

“It is a lot to explain,” he started. Aria sat quietly, waiting for him to explain. Ragden took a deep breath, then spoke. “I learned a lot. About my parents and their history together. The truth of my heritage. Then I met… I am not sure how to explain all this. I have a tough time believing some of it and it happened to me…”  

Aria smiled, “Did you get the answers you were looking for?”  

Ragden looked at her. “Yes and no.”  

“Would you like to explain?” she questioned. 

Ragden smiled, “I am not sure you would believe me if I did.”  

“Did you explain it to Emily and Sarah?” she asked. 

“Emily, yes. Sarah, no.”  

Aria looked surprised. She furrowed her brows, then asked, “Why Emily and not Sarah?”  

“Sarah did not ask for the details.”  

“Emily did?” she inquired. 

“Not quite. This will take some explaining.”  

Aria smiled and patted his hand. “I am not going anywhere. I promise to listen and not judge. Whatever you want to tell me, I’m here for it.”  

Ragden looked at her, his eyebrows raised, then he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He looked at Aria, considering how to approach this. He spoke slowly, “Can you, at least, keep an open mind?”  

Aria nodded solemnly. “I promise.”  

“Okay,” Ragden said, “I guess I will start by saying that my dad is not human. He is a force of nature given physical form. He is the embodiment of Love and has existed since the dawn of time.”  

Aria giggled. “Your dad? Michael?” Seeing the serious look on Ragden’s face, Aria stopped laughing. “Sorry. I guess that would explain why he always looks super-hot and makes my heart beat a little harder when he looks at me.”  

Ragden nodded. “That would be part of who he is. He cannot help it. Michael met my mother over two thousand years ago.”  

Aria blinked. “She looks pretty good for her age.”  

Ragden laughed. “I suppose you are right. That is part of being so close to him though. They have some kind of bond where he shares his … lifeforce with her. It keeps her young. He also explained that his appearance changes depending on the societal norms of where he is. He even explained that he used to be worshipped as the goddess of love by… many cultures of the past. He paraded the names in front of me, but I do not recall them all.”  

Aria chuckled. “That is a lot to swallow. I can see you believe him though. Okay. If you are his son, what does that make you?”  

Force-born. That is the term he used to describe what I am. Something halfway between a force of nature and a regular human. As he explained it, there used to be a lot more force-born, but they caused some kind of problem. The Primals wiped them out.”  

“Wait,” Aria held up a hand. She raised an eyebrow looking at Ragden, “Primals?”  

“Yeah,” Ragden shrugged, “The Primal Forces of Nature. Fire. Earth. Wind. Water.”  

“Right. Just making sure,” Aria nodded, “So, they caused issues and were wiped out. How does that relate to you? Are they coming for you?”  

As the words slipped from her lips, Aria shivered. This was all silly and fantastical and made her want to laugh, but when she looked at Ragden’s face, she saw he believed it. She stuffed her humor and decided to take him at his word. She shivered again. If it was true, then Ragden was in some kind of danger and she did not want to lose him. She finally had the love of her life and she could not lose him now. Sure, she had to share him, but that was a small price to pay for how he made her feel.  

Ragden shook his head. “No. They are not ‘coming to get me’.”  

Aria breathed a sigh of relief. She had not realized she was holding her breath until that moment. She felt her heart slowing its crazy beat in her chest. She placed a hand on her chest, feeling her heart still beating hard. She realized that her body was responding to his story, even if her mind was having issues grappling with it. She searched her feelings and felt her core of love for Emily, Sarah and him still beating strong within her.  

Ragden cocked an eyebrow at her. “I sound crazy, don’t I?”  

“Yes,” Aria blurted, then she laughed. “And no. I mean, your story is too crazy to be real. Yet… I can see you believe it and I guess it does explain some things. Please go on.”  

Ragden sighed and smiled softly. “As my dad explained it, force-born come into their … gifts at their eighteenth birthday. Which is why nothing ever seemed out of the ordinary until then. Which is why I… uh… responded to your taunts differently last week.”  

Aria smiled. That day was forever engrained in her memory. She felt warmth spreading inside her at the memory of that day’s activities. Her body started to become aroused, and she felt moisture collecting between her legs. She pinched her knees shut and tried to settle her breathing. She looked at Ragden and saw him smiling at her. A thought flitted across her mind, ‘he knows, damn him.’  

“I’m glad you did,” she said huskily. Aria grasped his hand and squeezed it, sliding it up under her skirt to grasp her bare thigh. Her muscles trembled at his touch. She closed her eyes. She wanted so much more, but curiosity had the better of her at this point. “I am glad to hear you are not in danger.”  

“I did not say that,” Ragden said softly. Her eyes flashed and she saw something behind his eyes that gave her pause. She saw fear. He continued, “They are not coming to get me. I have to go to them. That is what took place this weekend. I met the first of the four. Water.”  

Aria took a deep breath. Her heart thundered in her chest. If his story were true, then these things were real, and he had met one. Too wild to be true, surely, she thought. She asked, “And?”  

“Mother Ocean tested me… I passed. Or I would be dead now.”  

“Oh. Of course. That makes sense. Wait,” Aria paused. Peered at him. “How did that work?”  

Ragden’s eyes went unfocused for a moment as he went through his memory of the event in question. Aria watched and waited; then Ragden spoke softly, “She sifted through my memories and decided to let me live. Emily played a part in that. I think Mother Ocean would have drowned me if not for her.”  

Aria looked at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes. She asked, “How did Emily play a part in that? What makes her so special?”  

Aria had tried not to sound angry, but as she heard the words leave her mouth, she realized that she was jealous of Emily again. She wanted to be the important one in his life, the special one. Emily had beat her to that, somehow. Aria gazed into Ragden’s eyes and saw sorrow there. Her heart melted and her anger faded. She saw how much Ragden loved Emily. His eyes were filled with it. She was jealous, but she still felt his love for her. Aria took a deep breath and swallowed her pride and her anger. She smiled at Ragden. “Please tell me.”  

Ragden nodded. “The first night I slept with Emily, I…” he paused, gulped, took a deep breath, “I almost killed her. There is… a dark side to being my father’s son. There is darkness inside me that wants to break loose. When I was with Emily that first night, it almost got loose. It… I… that darkness sucked her life force from her. She was dying. Lying in my arms with almost no pulse, no breath, fading right before me.”  

Tears leaked from his eyes. Aria felt her own eyes growing damp. A tear trickled down her cheek. His sadness at that moment was so powerful. She could not understand what he explained. It did not make sense. She shook her head. Then asked, “What did you do?”  

Ragden looked at her, a soft smile played across his lips as he spoke, “I gave her part of my soul. I pushed it into her until she breathed again. I watched her come back to life in my arms.”  

Aria cocked an eyebrow. She saw the sincerity in his eyes. She thought back to her interactions with Emily in the latter half of the week. There had been something different about her. She had been changed. This was why. It still boggled her mind. She looked down at her hand on his hand on her thigh. It felt warm and comforting. His thumb slid across her skin and she felt a tingle run down her back. She looked back at his face.  

“She isn’t the same, Aria,” Ragden spoke softly, “I saved her, but it changed her. She is now… bound to me. Our souls intertwined. I can feel what she feels, and she can feel me.”  

“How does that work?” Aria asked, genuinely curious.  

“I can close my eyes and see through her eyes. I can feel what she feels, hear what she hears, see what she sees. It does not make sense, but…” Ragden shrugged, “When Mother Ocean tested me, she felt that bond and temporarily severed it. When that happened, it almost broke Emily. That was part of why I was spared.”  

“I guess that makes sense,” Aria said. She thought about it for a moment. That made a lot of sense. If Emily possessed some part of his soul, that would explain why they were so close. She could not compete with that. Yet, Emily allowed Aria to be with him and even seemed to enjoy seeing them together, and she had left with Sarah, leaving them together. Aria had a challenging time reconciling that. If she were connected to him like that, could she have done the same? She was not sure. She looked up into his eyes and saw the happiness there. Seeing that look on his face, she knew she would try; knew she would do anything for him. She swallowed and spoke softly, “What comes next?”  

Ragden laughed, his voice light, the humor like a caress on her cheek, curling down her back. She felt herself growing more damp. There was sex in that laugh and she wanted more of that.  

“Now,” he whispered as he leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips, “Now we go upstairs and spend some time together. Tomorrow is another day. Next weekend I will have to seek out Earth, but until then, we have all week to figure out how our lives fit together.”  

Aria gulped. She wanted this very much. She stood and groaned as his hand slid down her leg. She stepped between his legs and leaned against him, pulling his head against her chest. His arms wrapped around her, hugging her tightly. She did not care if his story was true, she wanted him.  

“Can we go upstairs now?” Aria asked quietly. She felt him nod against her. A thrill ran down her back. She had not had a chance to be alone with him and she felt giddy at the opportunity. She stepped back from Ragden and took his hand. He stood and followed her through the living room. She led him to the foyer where she grabbed her gym bag and slung it over her shoulder, then she went up the stairs, shaking her hips lightly teasing him with a beautiful view of her backside as she went up the stairs.  

Ragden followed up the steps, feeling his hardon grow more insistent under his robe. As they went into his room, he noted that Sarah’s and Emily’s clothes were gone. He sighed. He had been looking forward to another night with all three of them but was just grateful he did not have to sleep alone again.  

Aria tossed her gym bag to Ragden’s desk, then turned to face him as the door slipped shut behind him. She sauntered over to him and undid the tie on the front of his robe. Ragden stood watching her patiently, letting her do as she wished. Aria pulled open the front of his robe. His cock stood at attention before her. She gasped slightly at the sight of it. She knew it was large, but its size always seemed a slight surprise to her. Aria wrapped one hand around it and gently felt his pulse through it. She looked at his face and watched his eyes slip closed as she gently squeezed his manhood, then she leaned into him and kissed him softly on the lips as she stroked his cock. He made small moans as she squeezed and stroked him. She grinned, listening to him.  

Ragden thrust his tongue into her mouth, kissing her passionately. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her against him. He felt his cock press against her body, throbbing hard against her. She squeezed his cock as her tongue danced around his. She opened her mouth wider, allowing him to explore her mouth with his tongue. Her heart thundered and she felt herself growing more damp by the second. She wanted him inside her so badly. Her entire body shook with her need. She wanted to pace herself though and make it last as long as she could.  

Aria leaned back from him, sighing in pleasure as he pulled her body against his. She could feel the heat of his dick through her clothes. A shiver ran down her spine. As their lips parted, she drew in a deep breath as Ragden’s tongue slipped down over her jaw. She leaned her head back, exposing her throat. He suckled on her neck, his teeth nipping tenderly at her soft skin.  

Aria moaned in pleasure as Ragden worked his way down her throat to her collarbone, softly kissing the skin. His teeth nipped softly across her skin as he moved across her collarbone to that soft spot at the base of her throat. He kissed his way down her sternum, his chin gently pushing against her bra, then he dragged his tongue up her sternum and kissed her throat again.  

Aria stood up straight and lowered her chin to look at him. He brought his head up to look at her. Aria saw that hunger in his eyes and shivered again. She felt his big dick throb against her and knew she had to have it in her. She saw the sex in his eyes, the desire to consume her. She wanted nothing more. She had never truly had him to herself, and she wanted everything he could offer her. This time it was just them, alone. No one watching, no one to share him with. Just the two of them. Ever since that day in the school, this was what she had wanted more than anything else.  

Ragden saw the stark desire on Aria’s face. He sensed her need and wanted nothing more than to give her what she wanted. He felt a small pang in the back of his head for Emily and Sarah, but knew that they were happy and wanted him to have this time with Aria. He smiled at her and kissed her lips softly. Aria melted against him, pushing her body firmly against his again. Then she drew back, put her hands on his chest and stepped back from him.  

Aria took a deep, steadying breath as she stood there before him. His robe hung open around him. His body pulsed with desire in front of her. His big dick stood at attention, throbbing with his need for her. She saw that big piece of meat and licked her lips. Her mind wandered for a moment. If he really were the spawn of Love, how many times could she bring him to climax? She grinned, determined to find out.  

Ragden saw the look on her face and understood her intentions. He smiled and nodded to her. He saw her eyes sparkle with desire. She gracefully dropped to her knees before him, one hand on his cock. He closed his eyes as she ran her fingers down the length of him. Ragden took a deep breath as she softly kissed the tip of his dick, then he looked down at her and saw her looking up at him as she sucked on the head of his cock.  

Aria wrapped her hands tightly around his dick and looked up at his face to watch his expression as she sucked the head of his cock into her mouth. She slid it deeper into her mouth, feeling it push against the opening of her throat. She watched as he inhaled sharply, the air whistling through his teeth as she sucked harder on his cock. She squeezed a little harder and stroked his cock as she swirled her tongue around the shaft. Ragden closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feel of her tongue on him.  

Aria took a deep breath, then relaxed his jaw and throat. She slipped the head of his cock into her throat. She closed her eyes and forced her jaw to relax, slipping more of his length down her throat. As her airway was blocked, Aria felt a moment of panic. She could not breathe. His massive cock blocked her throat. Aria blinked back the tears that started to well in her eyes. She looked up at Ragden and saw his eyes closed and his breathing shallow. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her mouth and throat. She forced herself to relax and leaned against him. She continued to push forward until her nose was pressed against his groin, her lips kissing the base of his cock. A surge of triumphant joy rang through her body. She stayed there for a moment, marveling at the feeling of his length down her throat. She convulsively tried to swallow, her throat squeezing on his cock. She felt him throb in response, sucking in the air sharply again.  

Aria slowly backed herself off his cock, feeling it slide free of her throat, then back into her mouth. When the head of it was finally in her mouth, she inhaled sharply. She slipped it from her mouth and gulped air. She coughed and looked up to see his look of concern.  

“Are you…” he started to ask, but she nodded and smiled up at him.  

“I’m fine.” She breathed softly as she stroked his cock and flicked her tongue over the head of his dick. Aria watched as his eyes slipped closed. She continued to stroke her hands up and down the length of his cock while she slipped the head of it into her mouth and sucked softly on it. She grinned as she heard the small noises he made while she stroked him.  

Aria slipped the tip of his dick into her mouth again and sucked on it. She tasted a drop of pre-cum form on her tongue. A shiver ran down her spine at the flavor and texture of it as she swirled it around in her mouth, then swallowed it. She felt the warmth of it pass down her throat. She closed her eyes as the feeling spread inside her. She sucked on him harder, wanting more.  

Ragden closed his eyes, feeling her hands working on the shaft of his cock. He surrendered himself to the feelings she was causing. He felt the pressure starting to build up within him. He could sense her desire and was eager to satisfy it. He cupped her cheek, feeling her jaw working on his meat. She leaned her head against his hand as she continued to suck on his cock. He moaned softly, feeling his climax building.  

Aria’s heart thundered in her chest. She felt her panties soaked with her arousal. She moaned softly as his fingers dug into her hair, gently cupping the back of her head. She stroked first, feeling his body starting to tense up. She took a deep breath, then leaned into him. She pushed herself forward onto his cock, feeling it slide into her throat. She was prepared for the blockage. His hand spasmed against her head as she pushed herself until her lips kissed his groin, then she moved back and forth on his cock, trying to swallow anything that came out. Her throat convulsed on his cock. She heard him moan loudly, and his cock throbbed hard in her throat. She reached up and grabbed his ass, pulling him into her, then she released him and moved herself back and forth as fast as she could.  

Ragden moaned loudly in pleasure as his balls tightened up and exploded into Aria’s throat. She thrust herself forward, her lips pressed to his groin, her teeth scraping the base of his cock. She squeezed her lips tight around him, sucking hard on him. Then she slowly moved back, as cum exploded down her throat. She swallowed convulsively, her throat squeezing on his cock. More cum burst forth. She swallowed it, feeling it course through her body. The heat filled her with warmth and love.  

She sat back on her heels, his throbbing dick slipping from her throat until just the tip rested in her mouth. She took a quick gulp of air, then sealed her lips around the head of his cock and sucked for all she could. She grasped his cock and squeezed it hard as she stroked it, milking it for everything she could get. Ragden gasped at the pressure on his cock and felt another load of cum explode into her mouth.  

Ragden felt his legs trembling and leaned back against the door. Aria leaned forward with him, keeping her mouth locked onto the head of his dick. She continued to stroke and suck him until his dick stopped leaking cum into her mouth, then she took a deep breath, and slid him back into her, leaning forward, she took his entire length into her throat again. Her lips pressed against his groin again, and then she slowly backed off him. She heard him moaning in pleasure as she slipped his dick from her mouth. She marveled at how hard it felt in her hands. He had just cum for her and yet he was still hard and ready for action. She smiled and kissed the tip of his cock, tasting a tiny bead of pre-cum as it formed there for her. She giggled and released her hands from it. She looked up at Ragden, who eyed her with that same hungry gaze.  

Then Aria stood, slowly letting her hands slide down her chest and to her waist. She cupped herself through her skirt and moaned softly. Ragden eyed her hands on her body, then he reached out and pulled her against him. His hands grasped her ass and pulled her groin fiercely against his body. His cock throbbed against her, and she could feel the heat of it through her clothing.  

Their lips met, and he tried to devour her. His tongue invaded her mouth, seeking and probing every crevice of hers. She broke from him, breathless, her heart pounding. His hands dug into her ass, squeezing, and pulling them together. His mouth closed on her neck; his teeth grazed her skin as he sucked on her. She moaned in pleasure as she leaned back from him. His lips broke from her neck and he gazed at her, hungrily. She untied the front of her blouse and let it slide down her arms to drop on the floor.  

Ragden’s hands slid up her back to find the clasp of her bra. He deftly popped it loose. Aria cupped her breasts, holding the fabric to her chest. Ragden’s hands came up to her shoulders, sliding the straps down her arms. She smiled coyly as his hands found hers and gently pulled the fabric from them. She covered her chest shyly as he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.  

Then he leaned down and kissed the tops of her breasts. She moved her hands out of his way as he kissed down her breast to her exposed nipple. Ragden gently took it between his teeth and licked it, then pulled it into his mouth and sucked on it softly, flicking the nipple with his tongue as he did so. He moved his hand to cup and squeeze her breast as he licked and kissed it. He released it from his mouth and blew across the damp skin. Aria shivered and sighed in pleasure, then he moved over to do the same with the other breast.  

Aria moaned in pleasure as he continued to display care and affection for her chest. She reached under her skirt and slid her panties down her thighs. She left them around her knees and wiggled her legs back and forth until they dropped to her ankles. Ragden broke his lips from her chest and looked down at her feet, then he looked into her eyes and smiled. She winked back and lifted her feet out of her panties. Aria slid her hands up his arms and pushed the robe off his shoulders. It dropped to the floor around his feet.  

Aria took a single step back from him. She groaned inwardly as she stepped away from the heat and radiance that came off his body. She looked down at his throbbing cock and bit her lip, then spun around and started to take a step towards the bed. Ragden’s hands grasped her hips and held her in place. He stepped up behind her, pressing his body against hers. She moaned softly as she felt the heat and pressure of his cock sliding between her legs.  

Aria’s heart caught in her throat as she looked down and saw the head of his cock pushing her skirt between her legs. She could see the bulge of it sticking out, and the heat of it through the fabric pressed against her. She grabbed the edges of her skirt and lifted it until she could feel the heat of his cock pressed against her most precious parts. His cock slid up through her folds, the head of it pushing against the top of her mound. She shivered in pleasure, feeling it throb against her body.  

Ragden held her hips in place as he ground his hips against her, sliding his cock against her. Then he moved his hands up to her chest, grasping her breasts, and pulling her back against his. He rolled his hips backward, his cock sliding through her wet folds. He could feel her arousal coating his cock and he shuddered in pleasure.  

Aria moaned in pleasure as Ragden kissed the side of her neck, then reached under her skirt and pushed the head of his cock into her labial lips. He rocked his hips back a little further, allowing her to position to the tip of his cock in her lips, poised at the entrance to her vagina. Her body shuddered in anticipation. She could feel the heat and pressure building inside her. She pushed her hips against him, easing him into her. She felt the tip spreading her open as it slid into her.  

Aria gasped as she felt him enter her. He stopped there, and Aria grasped his hands on her chest, squeezing it. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her right earlobe. His breath was hot in her ear as her body shuddered in pleasure. Her heart thundered in her chest. She wanted him to fill her so badly. She bit her lip and tried to press against him. His cock slid a little deeper into her but stopped.  

“Please,” she moaned, “I need you in me.”  

Ragden kissed her ear and whispered to her, “Of course, my love.”  

Slowly, gently, he pressed up into her. Aria moaned loudly, her breath coming in small gasps as more of him filled her. She felt herself being stretched by his immensity. The walls of her pussy were pushed open by the size of him. More kept sliding slowly into her. Deeper and deeper into her. Slow. Methodical. Inch by inch he kept sliding into her. Her heart beat harder, her body shuddering with pleasure as she felt him press against the deepest depths of her. His cock pressed against her cervix, filling every bit of her, then he pushed into her a little harder. She felt her entire body pushed forward by the inexorable pressure inside her. Her feet slipped forward on the carpet and she giggled. His hands kept her body pressed against his. She felt the steady beat of his heart against her back.  

At that moment, she felt complete. Truly and completely filled with all of him; all his love and desire. She knew then that this was what she had always wanted. She felt that incredible fullness in her throbbing in time to his beating heart against her back. A small part of her ached for Sarah and Emily to be here with them, but she was glad she had him to herself. She was eager to feel his seed filling her once more. Her belly felt warm and full of him, and now her pussy was stretched tight around his incredible manhood.  

Ragden held her body still as he gently rolled his hips, sliding himself partially from her, then rolled back into her. His cock pressed against her cervix again, that gentle caress of her deepest parts. They moaned together in pleasure. That impact sent ripples of pleasure through both. Aria leaned her back against him, feeling that warmth and power against her. She relaxed and let him hold her as his hips moved slowly, that rock-hard meat between her legs sliding in and out of her. It was a gentle, slow rhythm of deep caresses.  

Aria could feel the pressure starting to build up within her. She felt her pulse starting to race, her breathing coming in gasps with each gentle impact inside her. She leaned forward slightly, pushing her groin against his, feeling that pressure increase. She reached forward and put her hands on the edge of the bed. Ragden’s hands trailed down her back to hold her hips. His fingers softly dug in, holding her in place.  

Ragden grabbed the edge of her skirt and tossed it up onto her back. Aria looked over her shoulder at him, as he gazed down at her ass. He squeezed her cheek fondly, then smacked it lightly, leaving a red mark. Aria winced at the sudden pain, then her body tingled with pleasure. She moaned at the sensation as he pulled back and gently slid back into her. As he slid in, she thrust herself back against him, feeling the head of his dick thump into her cervix. She moaned loudly. A shockwave of pleasure rolled through her body. A shiver of ecstasy went down her spine. Ragden held her against him, his dick pressed against her cervix. Her pussy stretched tight around his thickness. She could feel his pulse inside her.  

Ragden savored the feel of her ass in his hands. The pressure of her pussy wrapped around his dick. He pulled her against him a little harder, feeling his cock pressing against her. She felt so deliciously tight and smooth against him. There was something ever so slightly different about being inside Aria versus Sarah and Emily. He stopped to ponder it for a moment, enjoying the feel of her. Then he saw the look on her face, the way she bit her lip. She pulled forward, sliding herself partially off his cock, then pushed back, her cervix thumping against his dick again. Her eyes closed as her body vibrated with the impact.  

Ragden chuckled to himself, then drew back from her until he nearly came out. She looked over her shoulder as he stood poised with the head of his deck just inside her. Her eyes flashed dangerously at him. He smiled, then smacked her ass again with his right hand, a little harder than before. Her eyes closed at the impact as her body vibrated, then he smacked the other cheek with his other hand. Her mouth dropped open as she panted heavily as he thrust back into her. A fast, hard thrust; his dick slamming into her cervix. Aria started to stumble forward at the impact, but he held her hips steady, his grip tight around her waist.  

“More,” Aria panted, sweat breaking out on her brow, “Please…”  

Ragden slapped her ass again, harder this time; leaving a red, stinging mark. Aria winced from the impact and drew herself forward. Ragden grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him as he thrust into her. His cock slammed into her cervix. Aria arched her back, throwing her head back, her hair whipping across her back. Aria felt him start to slide back and she pulled forward. Just as she felt his dick was going to slip free, she thrust back, as he thrust into her. Their hips smashed together as his dick crashed into her cervix. She arched her back again, grinding her hips against his, pressing her cervix against the head of his cock.  

Ragden grabbed her hips, holding her in place as he pulled back and slammed into her again and again. His pace was fast and insistent. He felt her body tensing around him, flexing, and squeezing him. Aria could feel the pressure inside her reaching a breaking point and knew she could not take much more of this. Ragden felt his balls starting to clench, the pressure inside his body building and building. His climax was fast approaching. Aria matched his rhythm, drawing forward as he pulled back, and slamming her ass into his groin as he thrust forward.  

Ragden continued to pound into her, increasing his pace. He felt his climax looming over him. Aria’s breath was a series of sharp gasps, exhaling as they rammed together, inhaling as they pulled apart. Ragden could sense her climax scrambling over her senses. He clenched every muscle he could, as he pulled back, then released as he slammed into her one more time. As his dick crashed into her cervix, he felt his climax explode inside of her. Aria cried out again, her head thrown back, her body shaking as her climax exploded over her. Fluid gushed down between her legs.  

Ragden’s body shook as cum spurted into Aria. He held her steady as her chest heaved with the effort to catch her breath. Her body continued to shudder and spasm. Her legs twitched, and he felt her start to lose her balance.  

Ragden leaned forward, placing his chest against her back and wrapped his arms around her torso. Then he stood, lifting her against him. Her legs started to spasm. He stepped back, his dick sliding out from her dripping hole. Aria groaned loudly, her hands clutching her throbbing mound. Ragden swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed. He lay her down and then crawled over her. Aria spread her legs and wrapped them around his waist as Ragden slid up against her. His dick slid into her soaked pussy. Aria moaned loudly, her body spasming again. Her legs shuddered as she felt his heat filling her up again.  

Ragden lay down against her, his body draping across her. He propped himself up on his elbows so as not to crush her and kissed her softly on the lips. Aria sucked fiercely on his tongue as he probed into her. When their kiss broke, she gasped at the air, her hips rocking and sliding forward along his cock. She could feel every inch of it throbbing inside her. She moaned, feeling so full of him. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling his body down against hers. She marveled at how firm and strong he felt against her.  

In that moment, Aria felt truly complete. Everything she had gone through had been worth it. All the waiting, the anticipation. This moment made it all worthwhile. Still, she wanted more. She knew he could give it to her. Her heart still thundered in her chest and her legs shook. She tried to move herself against him, to feel that incredible presence move inside her, yet she lacked the strength to accomplish what she wanted.  

Ragden looked down at her and cocked an eyebrow. He could feel her trying to move against him and knew what she wanted. He kissed her softly on the lips, then he kissed her jaw and throat. He drew back and looked down at her. She opened her eyes and saw him looking at her.  

“Do I…” She swallowed, trying to catch her breath, “Do I need to worry about getting pregnant?”  

Ragden shook his head and spoke softly, “Is that something you want?”  

“Maybe someday. Not today. How does that work?”  

Ragden shrugged. “I’m not sure, all my dad said was that if it were something we both wanted, it would happen. I’m not ready for that yet. Are you?”  

Aria shook her head. “No. I just want to enjoy being with you.”  

Ragden smiled. “That you can have.”  

“Thank you,” she whispered as she ran a hand through his hair. Then she closed her eyes and lay back against the bed, letting her body relax. She could still feel his hard meat between her legs, filling her. She smiled as her pussy clenched him inside her. Ragden smiled down at her. As her heart started to beat a more normal rhythm, she looked up at this man who had changed her life. She reflected on the events of the last week. She had no regrets. This was what she had wanted. She loved it. She looked into the depths of his eyes and saw only love and compassion there. Her chest filled with warmth. How did she get this lucky? She leaned up and kissed his lips and felt their softness against her own.  

“Thank you,” she whispered as they broke apart, “I can never thank you enough for…. everything.”  

She smiled as she looked down at that incredible body of his lying on top of her, then she brought her gaze back up to his face. She saw that he was blushing. She laughed and pulled him tighter against her. She loved that he was so humble and caring with her. She lay back and looked up at him again. She saw a tear in his eye. She leaned forward and kissed it from his cheek.  

“No,” he said softly, “I must thank you. For welcoming me in your heart, and your bed. For showing me the other side of you. The beautiful, incredible side that I will always love.”  

Aria’s heart soared and she blushed. She knew he could see every inch of her. She felt like he could see into her soul, and she felt vulnerable and exposed, yet she felt so loved and cared for. She felt her tears starting to well up in her eyes. She loved him so much at that moment that she felt like her heart was going to break. She pulled him down to kiss her again. Their lips met and their hearts raced.  

Published 9 months ago

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