My Mind’s Eye

"I stumble upon you in my mind"

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I found a photograph of you in my mind.

Even there the corners were blunted, a wrinkle creasing the left side.

But your beauty is unmarred by the ravages of scattered files and folders in my head.

I gaze at you.

My fingers fluttering against weathered corners.

Your hands, so warm and gentle.

I see them in my minds eye and then I feel them.

Wandering over ticklish skin with loving care.

Massaging the knots in my shoulders to relieve my tension on hard days. 

Lazily combing my hair and teasing my scalp. 

Claiming my secret places with determined sensuality.

Your eyes, so kind and full of desire.

Keeping eye contact as I tell you my stories.

Glancing at my lips as I speak.

Trailing your gaze down my body as I stand before you. 

Commanding my adoration in the stillness of the night.

Your arms, my place of refuge.

I feel them wrapped around me, even in my mind’s eye.

My back to you in bed as they circle my body.

Their grip around my back as I beg for your kisses.

They cradle my head and shoulder as you kiss the tender parts of my neck.

Your lips, authors of kisses and gentle words.

They break your face into a smile so readily at my sweet nothings.

They wipe tears from my eyes and cheeks when my heart is heavy.

They give beneath my fingers when they trail across your cheek as I lie in your arms.

They press their love into my skin when I give myself to your adoration. 

They pull sensation from my core when I succumb to your desire.

I file your photograph away, safely.

In a soft envelope tied with pink ribbon.

Treasured and secure now, despite the chaos of my mind. 

There is more of you to dream of, and so I will keep you, in the vault of my heart. 

Published 9 months ago

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