Alice’s Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXXI: The Scarecrow

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A dark cloud passed suddenly overhead, accompanied by a strange sound that made her pause and look up.

 “Very curious,” she exclaimed softly at the sight. Far above her was a flock of the strangest looking birds she had ever seen for they were wearing bright red coats with polished brace buttons and their tails were not feathered. Instead, they trailed along behind them like lengths of rope.

She peered skyward, squinting as she watched them pass overhead ignoring her, for which she was thankful, for she noticed that not only did they have wings, but they seemed to have legs and arms and were armed with what looked like short spears which made them look quite warlike and possibly dangerous. Deciding that being ignored suited her just fine, she moved off the road into the tall corn and did her best to remain unseen until they had passed.

 Only then did she realize she’d been holding her breath anxiously and let it out quite noisily.

 “I wonder what they are up too?”

 “Doing ‘Her’ bidding, I would think. If I could think, that is,” answered the corn.

 “You can talk!” Alice replied in astonishment.

 “I can. Only I rarely have anything to say. Or anyone to say it to.”

 It took her a moment to realize that it wasn’t the corn itself that had begun the conversation, but rather a strange looking man wearing raggedy clothes and a raggedy hat perched upon a wooden cross in the middle of the field.

 Remembering her manners – at least she hadn’t forgotten those – Alice gave him a little curtsy.

“A pleasure to meet you. I’m Alice. Or at least I think I am for I am not really very sure at the moment of anything.”

 “Hullo, Alice,” the man replied. “I would give you my name, only I don’t have one. I am simply a scarecrow.”

 Alice came to the realization that he was, indeed, simply a scarecrow and not at all a raggedy man as she first thought.

 “And yet you can talk.”

 “I can. Only I rarely have anything to say. Or anyone to say it to.”

 “I feel as if we’ve already had this conversation,” she said to herself, her brow knitting.

 “Probably because we have,” the scarecrow answered agreeably.  “Next you will introduce yourself as Alice and I will tell you that I am but a nameless scarecrow and we will start over from the beginning once more.”

“Perhaps we should change the subject?”

 “Or perhaps we should start over.”

 “But that would just lead me to introduce myself again,” she said with a frown.

 “As Alice,” the scarecrow nodded.

 Alice paused for a moment, deciding to try a different approach.

 “Who is ‘Her’?”

 The scarecrow looked thoughtful. If scarecrows could look thoughtful, that is.

“’Her’ is the wicked witch of the west.”


 Alice was suddenly very glad that she had taken refuge in the cornfield and that the winged creatures had passed her by.

 “She sounds like someone I would rather not meet.”

 “That would be my advice. If I was capable of giving advice, that is. Which I am clearly not, otherwise I would advise you to run.”

 “You would? Whatever for?”

 “For you are about to be captured by several of her minions who have crept up behind you while you’ve been talking.”

 Alice let out a startled scream, for that is precisely what happened. She felt herself grabbed from behind, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her arms and waist so that she could not escape no matter how she struggled. Not only strong. Quite hairy as well.


 “Shush,” commanded her captor. His breath smelt… fruity.

 As for the scarecrow, he simply watched, unable to do much more, hung as he was from the wooden cross. If only she had thought to free him and help him down she might not find herself in such a helpless predicament.

“What have we here?” the winged creature growled.

“A pretty little toy to play with, Reggie,” answered a second voice.

“A trifling to be trifled with, Reggie,” suggested a third voice.

“A bonbon with a nice round bottom, Reggie,” giggled a fourth.

“Quite right,” growled her captor whose name apparently was Reggie.

“I am none of those things,” Alice protested, “And I demand you let me go this instant.”

Just to show the seriousness of her demand she stamped her foot loudly much to the amusement of the winged monkeys. For that is what they were she realized when the one named Reggie spun her around and pushed her so that she was standing amongst them, surrounded by a quartet of what could only be described as soldiers, their crimson coats adorned with insignia and stripes and bars and medals and all the things that, in her experience, soldiers decorated themselves with.

“She demands we let her go, Reggie,” snickered one of the monkeys.

 “Only she didn’t say please, did she?”

 “Not very polite of her. Not very polite at all, Reggie.”

 “Perhaps she needs to be taught a lesson.”

 “Perhaps we could play with her for a bit, Reggie?”

 “Ravage her. Just a little, Reggie?”

  “SHE wouldn’t mind, would SHE, Reggie?”

 “Not if she don’t know.”

Alice had a sinking feeling that she wasn’t going to enjoy what her captors had planned and yet found herself intrigued at what they intended for her. One of her forgotten memories seemed to be worming it’s way into her thoughts. It suggested that she enjoyed being naughty. That perhaps she didn’t mind being taught lessons. Perhaps more than just not minding it, she actually enjoyed it. The way her pink knickers were beginning to dampen certainly underpinned the idea as did the way she found herself panting softly as her nipples hardened at the idea of… well… being ravaged.

Not that they gave her a choice. She was saddened at the way they treated the scarecrow. After all, he was harmless and much nicer than the monkey-men who’d captured her. They simply pulled him off his wooden cross and tore his straw stuffing out and scattered it about, laughing and stomping all over his remains.

“Poor thing,” Alice murmured, more concerned for him than for herself. After all, she’d begun to secretly relish the thought of what was to come. Hopefully a ravaging! Not that she would, could, or should admit it to the winged brutes!

 “Put her up, Leo,” Reggie ordered.

 “Up?” The winged monkey who was apparently named Leo asked?

 “Up! Reggie repeated, pointing at the recently vacated wooden cross that had previously held up the scarecrow.

 “Right. Up,” Leo said, nodding as he hoisted Alice up on the cross.

 “Put me down, you very naughty monkey!” she exclaimed, indignantly.

 Leo, Reggie, and the yet to be named other two monkeys simply snickered.

 “Of course, your majesty. Right away your majesty,” Leo chuckled and did no such thing.

Naturally, she put up a struggle, resisting as best she could. Perhaps not as best she could, but at least making a show of it as if to say ‘I don’t wish to admit that I am curious as to what they have planned for me and oh, my panties have grown very wet at the thought and I feel flushed with anticipation at it being quite naughty’.

Regardless, Leo was much stronger than her and even if she had put up more than a token resistance, he would easily have overpowered her. Soon she had been placed on the wooden cross, her writes lashed to the cross bar, her pert bottom facing outward. She felt quite helpless for the very reason that she was quite helpless.

 “There you go, Reggie. She’s not going anywhere without your say-so.”

 “She has a very nice bottom,” one of the monkeys commented.

 “And she wiggles it very nicely.”

Alice was, in fact, wiggling her bottom, although not in an enticing way. It was more of a halfhearted attempt to escape her bonds way as a modicum of panic began to set in for indeed, her imagination had begun to present possible outcomes to her current predicament, not all of them pleasant.

 “Be nice if we could get a better look,” mused Reggie.

Leo, apparently, held the same opinion, for he began to tear her pink dress off and toss it into the cornfield along with the remains of the scarecrow. Her panties as well, leaving her entirely naked.

 “You’re right, Victor. She does have a very nice bottom.  And what do we do to very nice bottoms?”

 “Lick them like a lollipop, Reggie!”

 “Nibble them like a jam biscuit, Reggie!”

 “Squeeze them like a plump melon, Reggie!”

 “No, lads. First we spank them. And what do we do after we spank them?”

 “We bugger them!” all three exclaimed at once.

Alice had to admit the idea of being spanked excited her. At least it excited her pussy, which seemed to be leaking down her thighs in expectation of her bottom being thoroughly spanked by the winged monkey soldiers.

 “I may not remember much else, Alice sighed, “But I am beginning to suspect that I am a very naughty young lady who likes to be spanked. And, I suspect, to be buggered as well and oh!”

The last exclamation came shortly after the sound of a hairy hand striking soft flesh was heard, accompanied by a very firm blow upon her exposed bottom.

 “Oh!” she exclaimed again, the heat of the spank spreading through her nubile cheek.

 “She makes lovely noises, Reggie,” Leo commented.

 “Noises that make my pecker hard,” growled Victor.

 “Noises that make me want to do terrible things to her.”

 “Quite right, Freddie. Terrible things.”

 Alice jumped as another stinging blow was delivered to her posterior.

 “Ouch!” she cried out, this one much crueler than the previous one. 

 “Let me have a go, Reggie.”

Reggie moved aside, and let Leo position himself behind her, rendering yet a harder blow to her ass that did more than sting. It hurt!

“Ow!” she shouted, tears leaking down her cheeks and other fluids leaking down her thighs. She noticed that her nipples were painfully swollen and hard and that if she shifted just right she could rub them against the rough grain of the wooden pole upon which she was suspended. It felt quite nice. In fact, it felt wonderful. She let out a moan that was more pleasure than pain as Victor stepped in and smacked her bottom soundly as well.

 “My turn, Reggie!” Freddie called out and soon, Another blow was dealt to Alice’s delicate bottom just as she realized that she could also rub her very wet cunt against the grain of the crude pole in a pleasurable way.

 “Look at her,” Reggie laughed cruelly,  “She’s trying to hump the pole. What kind of girls do that?”

“Naughty girls, Reggie!” Victor exclaimed.

 “Nasty girl, Reggie!” Freddie Added.

 “Sluts, Reggie!” Leo growled.

 “And what do we do to sluts”

“Bugger them!” All three shouted at once.

“No, please!” Alice begged, for it felt like something she should say, despite the fact that the idea of being buggered was causing her to rub against the pole even more vigorously. After all, she supposed that good girls didn’t relish the idea of being buggered by strangers.

“Perhaps I am not a good girl,” She mused to herself. “Perhaps I am just as they say – a very naughty young lady. Perhaps I don’t mind that so much and oh!”

Her musing was interrupted by the feel of something very large being pushed between the soft globes of her bottom and into the tight puckered opening between her cheeks as the winged monkeys began their buggering. Hairy hands gripped her waist, ragged nails biting cruelly into her tender flesh.

“Help! I am being ravaged!” she called out, for that is what proper young ladies did, or so she believed. No help came. Nor did Reggie, for that’s who it was, stop and apologize, stating that it has all been a mistake and he really hadn’t meant to bugger her. Instead, he pushed deeper into her.

It hurt. After all, her bottom was not a place that things were normally meant for things to go into. And yet, it felt good as well. He began to thrust, pushing her harder against the pole and she found herself grinding against it and squirming with pleasure tinged with pain. Her nipples felt aflame. Her pussy was on fire. She began to moan louder, her body shaking passionately as she felt awash with ecstasy.

“Oh, my!” she cried out, feeling Reggie’s swollen member parting her pucker again and again as he slammed into her from behind.

 “Oh my!” she screamed as she felt it swell within her.

 “Oh goodness gracious!” she shouted as she felt him flood her with his seed.

 “Oh my god, yes!” she managed as she convulsed, her pussy flooding as a powerful orgasm ripped through her, leaving her panting breathless when he, and it, had finished having their way with her.

 “My turn!”

Leo took his place behind her. Her bottom hole was still sore from the buggering Reggie had given her but fortunately, Leo wasn’t quite as large. She felt him pull her cheeks roughly apart and shove his hard prick into her, biting her shoulder to keep her still as he began to fuck her pucker with great enthusiasm until he, too, dumped his seed into her, igniting another orgasm, one that tore through her body like an earthquake, leaving her spent.

“I don’t think I can take another,” She whimpered, for all the good it did as she felt Leo make way for Freddie. She survived the mind-numbing cum that was trigged as he filled her ass with his cum as well as the explosive cum she had when Victor did the same. But when Leo took her again, she passed out as she came, hanging limply from the wooden cross, drool running down her chin as well as her thighs.

What happened after, she could only surmise as she came too. The winged monkey soldiers were gone and she was hanging limply from the scarecrow’s roost, cum leaking from her well-used bottom.  As she slowly came to her senses, she realized that she was in quite a bit of a quandary, for her ravishers had not bothered to unlash her wrists. She was stuck, still hanging from the cross’s arms.  

“Oh, drat and bother,” she sighed, tugging uselessly at her bonds. “How rude of them not to have the common decency to free me after taking their pleasure.” Had she been able to stamp her foot, she would have.

 “I would help with that if I could,” came a voice. The scarecrow, who had been witness to all that had happened, but had been helpless to do anything about it, being scattered all over the field.

“I don’t suppose you know someone who could?” she asked.

 “Perhaps someone will come along if you wait long enough?”

 “Perhaps,” she said, sighing at the prospect of simply waiting. “Hopefully soon, for I am feeling somewhat peckish.”

 And so she waited. And waited. And waited as day turned to night and night turned to day. And as she waited, her memories slowly returned. Her name was Alice and she was from a faraway place called England, but lately, she had been in a very strange land called Wonderland where she had been having some very curious and often very naughty adventures…

 “I don’t think I’m in Wonderland anymore… But where might I be? Certainly not England.”


 “Pardon me?” she asked, surprised. She had forgotten about the scarecrow who, despite being scattered all over could still carry on a conversation.

 “You are in Oz.”

 And so she passed the time conversing with the torn up remains of the scarecrow who was a surprisingly interesting conversationist despite having never been anywhere beyond the bounds of the cornfield. One thing she did learn, however, was that Oz was a land of magic, ruled by a great and terrible wizard who lived in the emerald city and granted wishes.

 “If you could have one wish,” she asked the scarecrow. “What would it be?”

 “Right now, to be put back together. Being scattered all over a cornfield is quite unpleasant.”

 As is hanging, naked, from a wooden cross,” she sighed.

 “If I do manage to get myself together again, I would prefer not to be reinstated upon my pole.”

 “What would you do instead?”

  “I would like to travel. Seeing fields of endless corn grows tiresome, even for a scarecrow.”

 “Seems like it would take a miracle for that to happen. I fear we are destined to remain here,” Alice said softly, tears filling her eyes at the thought of being resigned to a lifetime of seeing nothing but endless fields of corn. And then, a miracle did happen. One that was shaped like a young woman making her way carefully through the corn, a small dog under one arm who seemed to be muttering something about a yellow brick road and looking somewhat perplexed.

 “How did we manage to lose it, Toto? It was here one moment and then it was gone!”

Published 9 months ago

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