Sirena Calling

"A shy guy can't help from peeping on his gorgeous blonde neighbor with disastrously delicious results."

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Kevin is new to this upscale, vibrant neighborhood.  The moving truck just left on this late summer afternoon, and he sits in the middle of stacks of boxes.  He’s bewildered at being here, and overwhelmed by the last few weeks of lawyers, advisors, distant relatives and, of course, the funeral.  

Leaning back against a padded something or other, he’s fading into a nap.  Closing his eyes, he hears a decidedly female voice.  He’s either already dreaming or it’s coming from next door.  He blinks to regain consciousness affirming that it’s a neighbor.  It seems to be an intermittent conversation, so she must be on the phone.  Since he’s not seen, or met any of his neighbors, he decides to look over and at least visually identify her.

He struggles up, stumbles into his side-yard and peers over the fence.  Instantly he’s alert and fiercely aroused.   Ducking down onto knees, he can’t help but whisper, “Oh, gawd fucking damn.”  He waddles over to a connecting gate to look through the open, narrow jamb.  She is perfectly framed.  She’s ultra-sexy beyond words, leaning against a crimson Corvette convertible, cell buried in a flowing blonde mane.  She’s wearing silver latex and black leather, and he simply can’t believe his eyes.

Not being able to resist staring, Kevin suddenly feels creepy.  He’s not pervy.  It’s just that without any awareness, she’s making him wildly horny.  He tells himself he’ll only look, but in seconds he touches his engorging boner.

He can’t quite hear her words, but her voice is low and syrupy and melodic.  A voice meant for seducing. He massages his tingling hard-on in an uncontrollable frenzy.  Minutes pass and he’s now got it out and stroking it madly.  He’s never done this before in his life. His gaze is transfixed on the beguiling beauty.  He’s mindlessly enthralled with Her.

Suddenly Kevin sees a guy stagger out of Her house. The dude is bare-chested, barefooted and seems groggy.  Walking straight to Her, She reaches out and grabs him.  Slinging an arm around his neck, She pulls him close to give him a quick, aggressive kiss as Her leg moves up and down his crotch.  Then She shoves him away, obviously through with him, and quite audibly snarls  “Bring it back when it’s full again.”  She returns to her conversation as he bows and slinks out of view.

After that breathtaking scene, Kevin is hyperventilating and groaning.  He looks down at his pounding fist.  He’s going to cum.  “Ohh, ohh,” he moans, feeling his balls boiling.  He’s gonna cum. Gonna cum.

STOP!” he’s startled, jerking his head up  She has burst thru the apparently unlocked gate, and is looking directly at him.  He whimpers like a chastised kitten.  He’s busted, and shocked into a state of horrified embarrassment.  He tries to get to his feet and cover himself at the same time, accomplishing neither.  “Stay!” She barks.  He flops back down onto the soft lawn.

“Move your hands away.”  He does, dropping them to his sides.  “That’s quite a cock!”  Her exclamatory grumble stuns him to the very core.  She should be screeching and crying and calling 911.  “Close, weren’t you?” is Her next astonishing utterance. 

“Yes,” he whines.

“I saw you peek over the fence about fifteen to twenty minutes ago.  “You haven’t squirted yet, have you?  That’s a lot of wanking-time.”  Kevin cowers as She saunters in a slow circle around him.  “I’m impressed!” She  exclaims.  He feels her piercing gray eyes inspecting him.  She returns to his field of vision.  

“No one can last that long with Me,” this vain beauty boasts, “Unless I’ve got his rod in a ring.”  Kevin’s brain is buzzing now.  She repeats, I’m impressed,” and, abruptly, She points her finger directly at his member.  “Pinch it.  Pinch it hard.  Make it retreat,” is Her consecutive demands.

Kevin mindlessly complies, and his erection starts to deflate.  He hangs his head in frightened shame.

“Now keep that shriveled-up thing out for Me to see.”  Again, She moves around to his backside.  Kevin’s mind reels.  What’s going to happen to him?  Arrest?  Prison?  She sounds exceedingly pissed, but somehow not offended.  She said that She was ‘impressed’?  WTF?

“Your digs?” She asks of the sprawling residence, totally changing the subject.  Kevin gives a nervous nod. “New owner?”  Again, a silent nod.  “So, you’re the new guy in town.” She says matter-of-factly, then follows up, “Huge house, even for this exclusive enclave, isn’t it?”  He finds his voice, mumbling, “Yes, yes, it is.”

“By yourself?”

“Yah,”  then adds meekly, “Can I get off My knees?”

Her return answer is instant and curt, “No!  Stay down.”  Moments pass silently, until She resumes the inquiry.

“No wifey…fiancé… girlfriend?”  Kevin shakes his head side to side, three times.  “Re-al-lee.  No wonder you play with yourself,” then adds in an accusatory tone, “All the time, umm?  Maybe a tiny bit of gooning?”  But before he can form a reply in his muddle state, She reappears in front of him, hands slithering onto curvaceous hips.  Taking a short step forward, She simply towers over his kneeling form.  “Weelll,if you see much more of Me, you’re gunna be pounding it empty all the time.”

“I’m dangerous to your health, honey-pie,” She lightly chuckles, “Muscle fatigue, arm and groin.  Desperate craving spells, and…constant aching balls,” concludes the list.  She hesitates, then grins, “Uhh, painful all the time.  I know lots of My boy-toys have that condition.” 

Arrogantly, She brushes a portion of her, luscious platinum tresses to the side, causing a stirring in Kevin’s almost forgotten crotch.  She sees, or certainly senses, the impact such a simple move has on her horny new neighbor.  For fun, She kicks her tease up a gear.

“You don’t know this, dude, but if you’d been ‘My little peeping tommie’ a couple hours earlier, you might have been rewarded.  Know why?”  Kevin stares, dumbstruck by Her insane beauty as She undulates a chrome-clad ass to the gate, then pivots and gives it a little bump with a saucy hip slap.  It leaps shut. “Know why?” She repeats in a mock girly tone, obviously aware of how devastating her colossal bod is to male carnal lust, most especially her present company.

“No,” Kevin squeaks.

“Cuuzz,” She purrs. Then pauses to heighten his yearning.  “That hunk you saw escaping my lair.  Weelll, I started him out over the hood of ‘My ‘li’l red Corvette’.” She sings the last four words while pivoting in a lewd circular motion, blonde mane sensuously flowing along her torso.  Kevin helplessly groans.  Is this blonde bombshell play’n me?  Am I in trouble for the peeping, or just plain in trouble?

“Close your eyes, little man, and fantasize that!” She enticingly murmurs.  “Yah, you poor baby only got a glimpse of Me tongue-teasing, ahh, him.  His name’s Burt or Bret or something shitty like that.  He’s some chick’s hubby that I…acquired.”  She tips her head down and gazes into Kevin’s starry eyes, gives him a deviously seductive smirk before adding, “Easily…acquired.”

Beyond reason or belief, his cock stiffens.  He’s fallen back on his haunches, still completely exposed and the damn thing rises upward.  If She sees it, what will happen?   

She proceeds with the tale, “The ‘Lady of the house’ is gunna be wondering, asking, demanding why,” Her voice descends into sultry phone-sex mode, “Why B-boy is too pooped to pop!”

Kevin watches Her arm rise, Her sable fur cape slither off a bronzed shoulder and the glistening red talon on HER index finger trail down his nose.  “Weell, I did some serious topping and riding him this afternoon. He gave Me a pretty spirited performance but…” The air seems to sizzle as the back of her hand softly caresses his cheek.  “…I had to Uber him away.  Exhausted boy could hardly walk.”

Kevin is kneeling motionless, heart pounding, prick engorging.  ‘This is not really happening to me’ his mind cautions.  A couple of loud clicks from metallic stiletto-heels indicates She’s moved behind him again.  Now, She’s really going to pour it on.

“I might do that one again, though.” She snickers, indicating “B-Boy” as She steps over Kevin’s outstretched calves and feet.  He sees her shadow extended across the patio as if she were thirty feet tall.  He really does feel that small in comparison, and her strong, enchanting fragrance adds just a touch more to his servile state of inferiority. “Course I’d only schedule the action for a couple of hours max, then, snap My fingers and have him grovel at My feet,” She muses, “I could break wifey’s heart with a few sessions like that.” 

Kevin shudders feeling Her hot breath on the nap of his neck.  Then She blows into his ear, “I am Sirena, but I have My boys call Me, Mz. Sirena.”  Try it.” 


Mz,” She corrects.

“Mz. Sirena.” 

“And you’re…?”

“Kevin,” he manages to remember his name.

“Well, K-boy, enough of Me for now.”  His brain registers the exact opposite.  He wants to see Her and hear Her forever.  The creaking of leather and the sharp clicking of heels brings Her in front of him again. 

As he looks up, his visual focus is magnetically drawn to smooth metallic surfaces.  Inches above his forehead, suspended like a heavenly cloud is the shameless presentation of perfection, a latex-clad pussy.  Certainly no panties, probably no thong, just fabulous contours of flesh.  Outer lips separated in mouthwatering detail, flaring apart, and beckoning through a  shimmering silver coating.  Most erotic, however, is Her clit which convincingly resembles a very smallish male penis.  Seemingly hard and nearing a half of an inch in magnificent height, it lays upright towards Her left hip.  The mini bulge causes a shooting pain in his scrotum, but looking away is not humanly possible.  Her sex temple is a vision of feminine brilliance he’s never dreamed existed. 

He hears Her softly purring like a cat being stroked, before She clears Her throat, shocking Kevin out of his petrified revere, “So, how does a budding wanker like you afford a playhouse like this?”  She continues with her own pending ideas, “Daddy Money?  Mommy Money?  Bingo Betting?”

“Inheritance,” is the breathless answer.

“How much?”  She snaps.

“A, about, ah, $100 million.”

She takes a quick step forward, diamond pierced navel displayed just below the bottom hem of a nasty black leather demi-bustier.  Both her hands slide possessively into his silky chestnut hair.  “That’s a fuck’n lot,” She exclaims in unrestrained excitement.  “You couldn’t, shouldn’t, spend all of that on yourself in a lifetime.”  Then firmly She raises his head and peers down into his tear-stained eyes, and suggests in a sultry seductive whisper, “I could help you solve that problem.”

She moves back slightly to take a defiant pose with hands coming to rest on smooth, arching hips and blonde tresses flipped arrogantly from side to side.  A tongue appears and licks her upper lip as her eyes brazenly fall on his groin area.  “A little randy again, I see.”

And then She smiles slyly, “Embarrassed?” 

Kevin replies quietly, meekly, “yes.”





“I can do that to a guy.  I like to do that to a guy.  Making them weak in the knees, feeling small, inferior.  Then, I can wrap’em…” Mz. Sirena holds up one of Her hands and presents a pinkie finger that her opposite hand trails around, before She concludes,“…around My little finger.”

She pauses, moving both hands ever so slowly upward along the curve of a tiny waist.  Then they move up under her bodacious breasts and appear again slithering onto their rounded tops.  This is taunting of the highest order which suddenly morphs into arms being flung above her head, and her knees bending, and her hips dipping up and down, causing her luxurious mane to swirl about.  Still undulating lewdly, She gives out a short little shriek, “I love it!”

Kevin groans and swells more, as if that’s even physically possible.

She glances up at her watch as her arms lower.  “Listen,” She begins less suggestively, “I gotta run…well actually drive.  You saw what I drive.  Like Mz. Sirena’s wheels, don’t you, K-boy?”

Kevin nods in the affirmative.

“Yah, it’s sexy and hot,” She smirks, taking a step closer to the oozing stiffness standing between them, “like Me.”

Mz. Sirena continues flirtatiously, “But it’s just My run-around car, I mean, I look cute in it, but My silver Ferrari is parked in the garage.  Now, when I cruise in that shiny bitch, I’m killer gorgeous.”

Kevin is quivering as Mz. Sirena’s calf touches the sensitive underside of his raging erection.  “No touchy yet, K-boy,” She instructs, slithering long fingers into his hair.  What transpires next is beyond Kevin’s ability to comprehend.  This exquisite beauty leans over his face and lightly brushes his dopey, open mouth with her full, lush lips.  Then briskly pushes his face aside, denying him any further excitement.

“Sooo, Kevin, you naughty thing,” She snickers, “What is Mz. Sirena going to do with you, ummm?” 

He wants to plead for mercy, for forgiveness, but there are no words forming in his brain.  There is only the vision of this brazen yet bewitching blonde vixen towering above.  There is only the scent of perfume and polished leather and sex juices filling the air.

“I could call the cops, for the proper punishment.”  His deepest fear rolls off sparkling red lips.

“I could punish you, myself!”  Something he never envisioned brought a mischievous glimmer to darkly shadowed eyes.

Mz. Sirena suspends that thought for a moment as She reaches out and gives both his nips a severe twist through his shirt.  She smiles wickedly at his groaning reaction.  It’s obvious, She’s seriously pondering this outcome.  “I’d have so much orgasmic fun in hurting you,” She chuckles in a diabolically charming way.  The purplish head of Kevin’s tormented cock oozes out a stream of pre-cum reacting to that potential outcome.

“Or…Or, Mz. Sirena could conclude that this was just another horny guy getting off on Her exquisite beauty.  My enthralled neighbor-boy unable to control himself and acting like the pathetic cum-slut that he is.”  She allows the sable cape decoratively adorning Her broad, bronzed shoulders to slip down, then, with a flowing sweep, lets the fur glide down his throbbing member.  Kevin’s panting whimper hangs in the air.

“That jerk-off would be forever indebted to Me for the show of clemency I bestowed on the sniveling pervert.”  Her words are harsh, but delivered as She teases the base of his stiffy and his tense ball-sac with tender passes of fur across their surfaces.  Kevin is now continuously shuddering at the very precipice of release.

“Well, K-boy, wanna be obligated to Mz. Sirena, rather than the legal system?”  A toe of one of Her boots finds the cleavage between his clenched buns and rams upward.  “Yes,” he grunts, “I do, I do.”

Beg Me!”  The frantically wanton Kevin spouts nearly incoherent bits of appeal.  She chuckles quite loudly at his desperation, raising the fur off his tortured cock and tossing it casually aside.

“Wanna cum, bitch,” She whispers in a low, heartless tone, as Her fingernails just barely make contact with his most sensitive, most blood drenched skin.

He grits his teeth tightly and hisses, ”Yesszzz.”  Never has he been more confused and aroused in one descending fog of uncertainty.

“Is Kevin, Mine?


“Will he be obedient…devoted…generous?”  With each word, he moans something in agreement as She pulls his hands from his side and places them on either side of his throbbing manhood.

“Stroke!” is the one-word command.  Instantly, he’s been restored to his former position of personal pleasure.  Wildly, he pumps himself, making vicious growling sounds.  The jizz roars up from his depths and explodes outward and upward in thick, white ribbons which arc and then splash down on his patio. 

Cum, baby, cum,” Ms. Sirena sweetly encourages while watching four, five, six, seven ropes jettison from his convulsing shaft.  “Do it, darling,” She implores, as he mindlessly coaxes his already shrinking cock to continue its show.

Finally, after well over a minute, Kevin slumps and falls to all fours.  He’s panting and sobbing at the same time.  Never, ever has he experienced that much elation from masturbation, and with an intimate audience of one, and with that one being a devious she-devil.

“Kiss,” he hears Her commanding voice penetrate his revelry.

He opens his eyes, which were surprisingly closed for how long, he has no idea.  One of Her glistening ebony leather ankle boots has been placed under his bowed face.  Without hesitation, he knows what to do and presses his parched lips to its shiny surface and embraces Her irresistible power.  “Thank you.”  Kiss.  “Thank you.”  Kiss, is repeated again and again until the boot is removed from his view.

“Now, lick your mess up, K-boy.”  She steps cautiously through the sperm spatters and reaches for Her cape.  “Now!

He whines, “Yes, Mz. Sirena,” and crawls a short distance before lowering his head to begin.

“We’ll forget everything before I came through the gate,” She purrs, “And we’re going to absolutely, fuck’n love what’s ahead.”  He glances up to see Her toss the white-hot mane of hair down over one enormous tit, fling the fur around Her neck again, and then toss the tresses back into place.  That motion rippled invitingly through Her hourglass body.  Amazingly, Kevin felt a spark in the core of his aching scrotum.

“We are going to the dealership tomorrow, trade-in My Ferrari, and you, K-boy, will buy Me the showroom model Lamborghini, won’t you?”

“I will.”

“Till then,” Mz. Sirena proclaims in the sexiest of voices as She pivots and struts away.  

Published 9 months ago

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