Passing the welcome sign on his way into town, Nick couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief at the sight of his old stomping grounds. It had been a while since he’d last been home. Driving down the main street through town, he gave a glance up to the old water tower. The high school logo was still painted on the side, time faded with help from the weather. Leaving home for college was something Nick looked forward to. A new adventure, one that took him out of state and into the big city, away from the monotony of a one-horse town that was his prison for the first eighteen years of his existence.
Earning a bachelor’s degree and enjoying all that the college life had to offer, Nick thrived. Living independently, partying every weekend, the occasional hook up here and there, the whole lot. Four years flashed by in a blur and upon graduating he found a job close to his university and settled in to his new life.
Things were going well for the young man, he had a nice apartment, a steady job in the infancy of his career, and of course the spotlight of his life, his girlfriend whom he grown very intense feelings for. They hit it off instantly when a mutual friend introduced them. The pair were soon inseparable as casual dates turned into lustful sleepovers, which eventually led to a deeper intimacy and bond that formed between the two. At least that’s how Nick saw it. You can imagine the shock he got when that same mutual friend approached him with the worst news the young man thought he could receive. His girlfriend had stepped out on him and was seeing someone else behind his back. Enraged by the news, Nick was beside himself, replaying events from the last two years in his head.
Where did I go wrong, he thought, the pain of being wronged overcoming him with tears.
She never denied it either when confronted. The only explanation she had was that it wasn’t him, but rather her.
“That old cliché,” he muttered as he turned and walked out of her life, too heartbroken to say anymore.
His world slowly began to crumble around him. Productivity at work slowed as night after night he found himself curled up on a bar stool till closing time. Finally, his boss approached him with an ultimatum, either pick up the productivity or look for other employment. Nearing the end of his rope and foggy from the previous night’s hangover, Nick found himself that next morning loading up all of his belongings into his newly purchased pickup truck. With the turn of the lock on his apartment door, he was gone.
After twelve hours of driving and his hangover all but gone, his truck tires hitting gravel as he turned off the two-lane highway towards his parents’ place. Feeling the rumble of the gravel under him brought back distant memories. A pit formed in his gut as the thoughts of yesteryear flooded back.
Approaching the old homestead, Nick’s heart skipped a beat. For far too long he had been gone and it made him feel good pulling into the old farm yard. Taking in the modest house and barn, freshly repainted an eggshell white, a small smile cracked his lips as he took in a deep breath and coughed. He laughed to himself as he forgot about how potent the fresh smell of manure was. A smell he hadn’t been acquainted with for some time.
Pulling the truck up to the house, he stepped out into the hazy autumn air. It was unusually warm for this time of year, but the humidity felt really good on his skin. Taking a few steps towards the house, Nick took note of how clean the place looked. He always thought his parents’ farm was nothing but a dung heap, but now he was having a new sense of appreciation for the place he called home for so long. He eyed up the sizeable garden that his mom had planted alongside the house, recalling the many long hours he spent helping cultivate, pick weeds, and harvest vegetables each year. Just then the screen door burst open with excitement.
“Nicholas! What are you doing home?” his mom exclaimed, rushing to hug her baby boy. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming all this way?”
“It’s a long story, mom. I’ll tell you after I unpack some of my things. Is that all right with you?” he laughed, returning his mom’s hug.
“Of course, of course. Are you hungry? I can fix some lunch while you unpack?”
“Yeah, that’d be great I’m starving after that long haul.” Nick said, stretching his arms above his head.
Unpacking took a lot less time than he thought and before he knew it, he was sitting at the kitchen table scarfing down a sandwich, chips, and sweet tea. His mom sat across the table, never taking her eyes off the son she hadn’t seen in ages. When he finished eating, he explained in great detail of the events that unfolded in his life the last several months. The whole time, his mom sat and listened intently. Nick always appreciated coming to his mom with things on his mind. They talked on the phone several times a month while he’d been gone, usually for an hour at a time. She was reasonable and always did her best to understand both sides of any story before making her opinion known.
“I’m just so happy you’re home now, Nicholas, I know your father will be thrilled to see you.”
“Speaking of dad, he out hauling a load?” Nick asked, peering through the kitchen window to the vacant farm yard.
“Yes, he’s been hauling corn to the grain elevator for most folks around here the last few weeks or so. Probably won’t be home till after sundown,” his mom said, taking the empty plate and glass and placing them in the sink.
Nick’s dad owned a semi-truck and grain trailer that he used to haul grain from their farm, as well as, helping out neighbors. Many of the neighbors had much larger farms than Nick’s family, but they all respected Nick’s dad as a hard worker and one that could always be trusted to get the job done.
Nick told his mom that he was going to lie down and take a short nap. His mother agreed to the idea and sent him on his way. Retiring down the stairs, Nick found the basement just as he’d remembered it. It was one large room with concrete block walls. Unfinished and used mainly for storage. Nick had turned it into his bedroom when he was about fourteen. He loved the cool and dark, dungeon fell, much easier sleeping than the sunbaked upstairs bedrooms. Plopping down on his old bed, he quickly drifted off to sleep.
Stirring from his deep slumber, Nick awoke to the sound of a diesel truck rumbling up the driveway. The basement was completely dark and he assumed it must be well past sunset. Rising from the bed, he climbed the stairs and entered the kitchen just as his dad stepped through the back door into the mud room. A look of surprise covered his face as he untied his work boots.
“What the hell brings you home, son?” his dad exclaimed. “Sheila did you know about this?” A look of shock, mixed with pure joy, filled the man’s face as he stood to embrace his son.
“I was just as surprised as you are Terry,” Sheila said with a laugh, turning back to the meal she was preparing over the stove.
Nick and his dad sat at the table catching up while his mom finished making supper. He explained his reasons for returning home, and like his mom, his dad was equally as supportive.
“All me and your mom want is for you to be happy Nicholas, nothing more,” he said, patting his son on the shoulder. “You can stay here as long as you need till you figure out your next move.”
Soon, the three of them were sharing their first meal together in ages, engrossed in joyful conversation. Nick was able to catch up on all the town news and of course the gossip. Who had died, moved away, how each sports team had done this year, grain prices, etc. the whole time he sat and listened, that feeling from earlier grew in his gut. A feeling of happiness, something he hadn’t felt in a while.
When supper was over, Nick’s dad excused himself to go finish up a couple of evening chores. Nick helped his mom with the dishes and then went to the back porch to sit for a time. His mom soon joined him in the darkness, the only light coming from the kitchen window and a warm colored porch light.
“Krissy Taylor is still around town; maybe you could look her up some time,” his mom said, breaking the silence.
“She is?” Nick enquired, a little too quickly.
“You always did have a crush on that girl, too bad you were too bullheaded to ask her out way back when,” his mom said with a giggle.
“Oh, mom not this again,” he groaned. “I told you time and time again, there was no way she was going to say yes to going out with me.”
“Never know until you find out, took me five times to say yes to your father when he asked me. Now look at us.”
Nick laughed at the thought of his mom turning his dad away time and time again. It just surprised him being that his dad was kind of famous for his abilities on the gridiron back in the day. He was sure his dad could have gotten any gal he wanted, but he played the long game and eventually succeeded in winning the hand of a tough as nails, farmer’s daughter.
“Maybe I’ll see her around and say hi,” Nick retorted with a roll of his eyes.
“Nicholas, you’re a lot better young man than that boy she was running around with,” his mom snapped back.
She did have a point there. Krissy Taylor dated Joe Byrd off and on throughout high school and eventually married him when she turned twenty-one. He wasn’t a kind man by any stretch of the imagination. If he wasn’t drunk and beating up someone outside of the bar, he was taking out his frustrations on her. Several times he had put his hands on her and roughed her up and those several times he ended up behind bars. The man had a silver tongue and was quite the manipulator. She would be free one minute and the next, wrapped back around his finger. That is until one day he went too far and pulled a gun on her. She filed for divorce, and he left town to work the pipeline out west.
Nick remembered how all the boys in school lusted after Krissy. She was slender with an athletic build from running cross country. She always had her long, blonde hair flowing down her back. A cute, firm rear that always drew attention down the halls, especially when she wore a pair of tight-fitting jeans. Of course, all the boys wanted to sneak a peek at what was beneath her shirt. Krissy always knew how to wear the right clothes to show off just a little. Though she didn’t have the largest breasts in the class, she always left a button or two open on her flannel shirts to really make the boys’ imaginations run wild.
Most of the boys were too afraid to talk to her outside of class because of Joe. Even if they were on a break from one another, Joe would still punch any boy who dared to hit on Krissy. Nick hadn’t seen her since high school graduation nearly a decade ago, he wondered how much she had changed since then. Along with his mom’s words of encouragement, his curiosity grew as he looked forward to running into his high school crush sometime soon.
Nick woke to the rumble of his dad’s semi-truck heading down the driveway. Checking the time on his phone, he groaned and rolled back. When he finally rose for the day, he dressed and found his mom outside working in her garden.
“What have you got planned for yourself today, sweetie?” his mom asked, as she brushed off a cucumber and placed it in a basket.
“I think I’ll take a drive into town, see what’s all changed since I was last home.”
Standing up out of the dirt, his mom beckoned him back to the house and handed him a piece of paper. “If you’re going into town, could you stop at the feed store and get what I need?”
“Sure thing, mom, happy to help,” Nick said, folding the paper into the pocket of his jeans.
Climbing into his pickup, Nick turned it down the drive and headed for town. Approaching the four-way stop light, he quickly realized that not much change happens in small town America. A new coat of paint here, a different store owner there. As he rolled down Main Street, that feeling he felt sitting at dinner the night before crept back into his gut. For the first time in a very long time, Nick was happy he was home.
Turning off into the feedstore lot, he retrieved the note from his pocket and walked inside. A bell rang as he opened the door. The smell of feed and fertilizer wafted through the air, another smell that brought back fond memories. He took a basket and made quick work of the list his mother had given him. Once every item was found, he paid at the counter and took his receipt. As he turned to leave, Nick perfectly timed his reach for the door right as it swung open. Missing the door that wasn’t there, the heavy basket, awkwardly threw him off balance. The next thing he knew he was flat on his face in the gravel parking lot. His basket and all its contents were strewn about from the door to his pickup.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” he heard a voice exclaim. “Let me help you with your things.”
Turning over, Nick could only make out the silhouette of a woman against the bright sun. As his eyes adjusted, he quickly realized who was standing over him. Within a split second, his heart began to thump out of his chest as she reached out a hand to help him up. Accepting the help, Nick took hold of her soft hand and rose to his feet to dust himself off. Not before he was able to give a quick once over of Krissy Taylor standing there looking at gorgeous as he had ever remembered.
“Nick, Nick Wheeler, is that really you?” Krissy said with a beaming smile on her face.
“Yes, ma’am, it’s, uh good to see you, Krissy,” Nick stammered, still trying to catch his bearings.
Krissy gave him a glance up and down and giggled. Reaching out to touch his shoulder, she helped brush the dust off his shirt. The two stood there, looking at each other in awkward silence.
Krissy raised an eyebrow and pointed to all the items scattered on the ground, “would you like a hand with these?”
Nick quickly shook out of his trance and nodded. “Yeah, that’d be great, thank you.”
The pair went about picking up each item and putting them back in the basket. Nick couldn’t help but stare as Krissy bent over to pick up a small reel of wire. The loose fitting, flannel shirt she had on had a couple of open buttons and gave him an eyeful of her soft skin not covered by her bra. He quickly averted his gaze to avoid being seen, preventing an instant death by embarrassment. When they stood back up, having collected everything, Nick once again found himself drifting into a trance. Her flowing, blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail and a ball cap shaded her face.
He realized she had said something and he shook his head to clear his thoughts, “I’m sorry?”
“I said, what brings you back into town?” Krissy said with playful laugh.
Nick felt like a fool just standing there speechless and shaking his head. “I, uh, well…let’s just say it’s a long story.”
Krissy nodded her head and looked him up and down. “Well Nick you look great, it was good seeing you. Glad we ran into each other,” she said, making a slow turn towards the feed store door.
“You as well Krissy, take care.”
She pulled the door open and stepped inside, leaving Nick holding a dusty basket full of his mother’s items and feeling like the world’s biggest idiot. Letting out a sigh, he placed the basket in the back of his truck and climbed into the cab. He stared blankly out the windshield thinking about the events of the last five minutes. He pondered how on earth he could be such a dope in front of possibly the sexiest woman alive and assumed any chance he’d ever have with her went completely out the window.
Unaware of the approaching figure next to him, he nearly leapt out of his skin when he heard a tap on his driver door window. Turning, he hastily rolled the window down to find Krissy standing there giving him a good laugh.
“I’m so sorry for scaring you, I just wanted to ask you something?”
Nick’s heart thumbed hard in his chest as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat. “Sure, what’s up?”
“Any chance you’re free on Saturday night? My family is having their annual end of the harvest party and I was wondering if you and your parents were coming?” Krissy asked, still amused by the terror she caused the poor young man.
Nick sat there dumbfounded; his head spinning with thought. He wasn’t sure if his family was going, but then again, his dad had been hauling corn for Krissy’s family all that week. If he went, he would be able to see more of Krissy. Maybe even get a chance to chat with her more.
“I think mom and dad are going, I can certainly ask them when I get home,” he was able to finally reply.
“And you? Are you able to make it Nick?” the expression on Krissy’s face was one of curiosity with a hint flirtatiousness.
Did she want Nick to be there? Maybe she wanted to see him too? The pair found themselves locked in another awkward session of silence before Nick was finally able to get things clicking in his brain.
“Yeah, I’ll be there. Sounds fun Krissy, thanks.”
Krissy gave him a smile and stepped away from his truck. Turning towards her own vehicle, she sashayed, her denim clad cheeks on full display.
As he stared, she looked back over her shoulder with a mile wide smile. “See you Saturday, Nick, bring your dancing boots.”
“Will do,” he responded, hastily averting his gaze from her butt back to his steering wheel.
Pulling his truck back onto the county road, Nick’s brain was spinning from one thought to another. It took all of his willpower to make it home safely, only blowing one stop sign along the way. As he stepped out of his truck back at his parents’ place, He felt his excitement for Saturday growing intensely. Giving his mom her much needed basket of items, Nick hurried in the house and down to the basement for some much-needed relief. He was thankful that when Krissy was standing by his truck earlier, she wasn’t able to see the bulge forming in his blue jeans. He stripped down and quickly began stroking himself to the image of her back at the feed store. The hint of her breasts under her flannel shirt, her tight jeans hugging her sexy ass, his imagination filling in the rest. Quickly, he felt the hot itch from deep down in his loins. Feeling the pressure mounting, he let out an audible moan as his seed shot out like a rocket. Rope after rope of cum flew out onto a towel, draining his aching balls. Once relieved, Nick collapsed onto his bed, and drifted off to sleep.
The remainder of the week was uneventful, Nick helped out around the farm doing chores with his mom while his dad hauled grain during the day. The hours crawled by as he anticipated Saturday night’s festivities. Of course, Krissy Taylor was on his mind constantly. The mental pictures of their encounter at the feed store kept playing in his mind over and over again. Without a doubt, she was the prettiest woman he had probably ever seen; he was in disbelief that she had gotten better looking over the last decade. As painstakingly slow as the days wore on, Saturday evening was eventually upon them.
Nick cleaned himself up and freshly ironed his clothes. A Wrangler, button down shirt, a nice pair of boot-cut jeans, and his best square toe cowboy boots had him dressed and ready for the fun. He rode with his parents the short few miles down the road to the Taylor farm. Pulling into the farm yard, Nick was amazed at the number of vehicles parked all around. It seemed like the entire town had shown up for the end of harvest party.
Stepping out of the pickup, he and his parents made their way up to the Taylor’s giant barn. The sliding barn doors were open and inside the entire place had been cleaned up and decorated for a party. Strings of lights hung from the rafters; barrel keg tables were scattered around with many people already leaning on them with a drink in hand. To one side, an entire potluck buffet was set up full of pan roasters and crockpots for all to enjoy their contents. At the end of the barn, a stage had been erected with a live country music band playing. Several people were already out on the dance floor dancing a two-step.
Nick slowly scanned through the noise and constant motion of partygoers. He was on the lookout for one thing, one person that is. After methodically picking through the small chattering groups, his heart skipped a beat when he finally laid eyes on her. Krissy was standing about thirty feet away near the dance floor, in the middle of a conversation with several people that Nick recognized from town.
He drank in the sight of her, looking absolutely stunning in a knee length summer dress. A perfect outfit for the unusually warm autumn. She had on a pair of black cowboy boots that went to about mid-calf. Her dress formed to her body nicely and was only loose at the hem near her knees. Though modest, the neck line was still deep enough to show a breath-taking amount of cleavage. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back, exposing her light blue eyes and sharp nose for the entire world to see. The entire world, and Nick that is.
He managed to catch his breath right as one of the neighbor farmers approached him and shook his hand. “How you doing son, glad to see you back.”
“Thanks, good to be back, sir,” Nick said, trying to regain his view of Krissy.
Another neighbor stepped in and shook his hand and soon he was locked in conversation with family friends and others he hadn’t seen in years. He glanced once more towards the dance floor and was disappointed to see that she’d disappeared from where she was standing.
As the night progressed, Nick continued his conversing and catching up. He’d had several drinks and was starting to feel pretty loose. After polishing off a plate of food, he joined his parents, standing next to Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Approaching the group, he got a big hug from Mrs. Taylor and a firm handshake from Mr. Taylor.
“Thank you for having us over, this is quite the party,” Nick exclaimed, scanning the room once more.
“Its our pleasure, Nicholas, it’s the least we could do for all the help we got from all of our neighbors this year, especially your father,” Mrs. Taylor said with sincere gratitude.
“You folks would do the same for me in a heartbeat,” Nick’s father beamed, shaking hands with Mr. Taylor.
The five of them continued their light conversation for a while until Mr. Taylor overheard a song the band was playing and asked Mrs. Taylor to dance. Nick’s dad took his mom by the arm and lead her in the same direction towards the dance floor. Nick grabbed another beer from a cooler and mingled at the floor’s edge, watching the couples slow dance. Tapping his boot to the rhythm of the beat, he slowly scanned over the dancing crowd, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning to investigate, his heart about stopped when he discovered Krissy standing not a foot away. She was radiant, the crown jewel of the evening and here she finally was before him.
“There you are, where have you been hiding all night?” Krissy asked with a smirk.
Nick held up his hands in protest, “I got caught up talking with just about everyone one in town, it seems,” he said with a chuckle. “Looks like I saved the best for last.”
Krissy’s smile grew wider from the last comment. She looked out over the dance floor and motioned to Nick. “Dance with me?”
His brain clicked instantly and to his delight and a little bit of nervousness, he took Krissy’s slender hand in his and escorted her onto the dance floor. Turning to face him, she placed her hand on his shoulder and lead him in a slow, rhythmic motion. Nick positioned his free hand behind her and slid it down to the small of her back, pressing their two bodies close together. The didn’t say a word, moving slowly with the music. Nick stared deep into her blue eyes, she returning his gaze. In the back of his mind his awareness was heightening. It clicked the moment he felt the pressure mounting on the zipper of his jeans. Realizing he was getting an erection; he quickly darted his eyes towards the band.
“Something wrong?” She asked in a low whisper.
“No, nothing, just a little nervous is all,” he admitted.
Krissy met his eyes once more and slowly trailed her view to the growing bulge in his pants. Slowly raising her eyes back up to his, she gave him a smirk and leaned in with a whisper. “Do you want to go get some air with me?”
Nick’s lungs nearly collapsed as he tried to catch his breath. They slowly rotated around the dance floor for several long moments before he was able to give her an answer.
“I’d like that very much,” he said with a grin.
Krissy’s smile grew even wider as she slowly maneuvered them to the edge of the dance floor and broke their embrace. Stepping back from Nick, she looked into his eyes and told him where to go.
“Grab a couple beers out of the far cooler and then head around the side of the barn to the back. I’ll be waiting for you there,” she said, turning quickly and walking out the side door.
Nick watched her leave, swaying her hips the same way she showed off at the feed store a few days before. He turned and shuffled over to the nearest cooler. Snagging a bottle of beer in each hand, he made his way out the big doors into the cooling, night air. Rounding the corner, he followed along the side of the barn, the light from inside the barn guiding his way through the cracks in the wood. At the bottom of the hill, he let the moonlight guide his way as he turned the corner to where the barn’s cellar opened up. Just beyond the barn was a large pond, the water shining like glass. As he stepped inside the lower barn, he noticed a stack of straw bails and some pumpkins setup as a display. A soft, red blanket covered a few of the bales where people could sit and have their picture taken. Sitting on that blanket, looking out over the moonlit pond was Krissy.
She turned to him when she heard him approach, giving him a sultry smile. Nick reached out, offering her one of the cold bottles in his hand. She accepted and twisted the top. He sat down along side her and did the same.
“Welcome home, Nick, it’s been far too long,” she said raising her bottle.
“To new beginnings,” he returned, clinking his bottle to hers.
They each took a long sip of beer, looking out into the moonlight. The stillness of the night interrupted by the muffled music and celebration directly above their heads. A couple more long sips in silence and Nick looked over to find Krissy staring at him. Her blue eyes sparkling and her long, blonde hair was illuminated in the dark room.
He couldn’t help but take in her natural beauty, accented by the snug dress she wore. Leaned back against the stack of straw bales, her breasts jutted out in eye popping fashion. He drank in the sight before him, slowly taking another swig of beer. They stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, eyeing one another from head to toe before returning to their sensual staring contest.
“I’m glad you came home, Nick,” Krissy said, breaking the silence. “What kept you away all these years?”
Escaping her gaze, Nick peered out over the moonlit pond, working up the courage to explain himself. Swallowing a big gulp of beer, he began.
“I honestly never wanted to come back. After graduation, I figured there wasn’t anything here for me. So, I went to start my life far away. College was great, got an awesome job, found a girl who I thought I would end up,” he trailed off to a whisper.
Krissy, sensing the slow, burning pain rising in him, scooted closer till she brushed up against his side. Nick looked away, finishing the rest of his beer. He inhaled deeply, trying to fight back an unexpected tear and continued telling his story. He felt her body slowly nudge against him as he regained his composure. Turning to here, he worked up the courage to finish what he’d started.
“It wasn’t meant to be and that really hurt me. I ended up in a pretty dark place, a few days ago I finally had enough and packed up. Now, here I am,” he said with a nod and a halfhearted smile.
Krissy slowly reached out and placed her soft hand in his. Giving it a squeeze, she returned his smile with one of her own.
“Thank you for telling me all that,” she softly spoke, resting her head on his shoulder to look out into the moonlight.
They stayed like that for a while. The feeling of her warm body against his gave Nick a sense of comfort. A churning desire was growing deep within him however. He felt the blood slowly trickle between his legs, his crotch beginning to stir. Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm his nerves, his heart nearly leapt out of his chest when he felt Krissy’s hand slide down his inner thigh. Her slender fingers slowly inching towards the bulge in his jeans. His cock stood at full attention, attempting to bust the zipper from the seams.
He turned to stare into her eyes. Deep and blue, piercing right through him. Her narrow lips curled in a sultry expression. Slowly they leaned in closer. Nick inhaled deeply as her hand came to rest between his legs. He slid his arm around her, cupping her shoulder in a warm embrace.
“K, Krissy,” he stammered, as her hand began to slide up and down his crotch.
“Shhh,” she whispered, leaning in even closer. “Don’t say anything; I need this.”
Without another word, their lips met in a tender kiss. Filled with burning desire, their passionate embrace intensified sending tingles through their bodies. Their lips parted, allowing their tongues to duel for control as they breathlessly made out. Nick pulled Krissy’s body into his, caressing her backside through her dress. Her soft breasts pressed against his chest. She continued stroking him through his jeans, picking up the pace ever so slightly. Breaking the kiss to catch their breath, Nick quickly slid his head down and planted several kisses below her jaw. She let out a moan of approval, let him know it was the right thing to do.
Krissy reached down to unclasp his large, shiny belt buckle. She loosened from his belt as it dangled. Feverishly, she worked his pants open, unzipping as far as they’d go. Nick continued planting kisses across her neck, occasionally reaching up to nibble on her ear. He felt his pants slacken, as his hands wandered their way back in front of him. Placing a palm over each one of her perky, firm breasts, he gave them a soft squeeze. They both let out a gasp as he filled his hands with her soft flesh. In return, she had her hand snaked into his jeans and was able to curl her fingers around the shaft of his erect cock.
She slowly worked him, caressing every inch of his semi-hidden manhood. In the darkness, she was only able to rely on feeling, but what she felt she knew she was definitely going to enjoy. Nick continued massaging her breasts, slowly increasing his grip. Her breasts felt amazing in his hands, they fit just right and he couldn’t wait to see them in all their glory. Releasing her left breast from his grasp, he trailed his hand down her stomach to her upper thigh. Feeling for the hem of her dress, he kissed her neck one last time before his hand found its way underneath. Slowly, he felt along the soft, warm skin of her toned leg, inching closer and closer to his goal. As he approached, he felt the fabric of her undergarment. The heat radiating between her legs was proof that she was enjoying his touch just as much as he was. Gently slipping the material to the side, his fingers were quickly dampened by her state of arousal.
Nick slowly explored her wetness, as the hand around his cock picked up its pace. Finding her nub, Krissy let out a moan as he slowly circled around it. A feeling of pure ecstasy shot through her as Nick began playing with her pussy.
“That feels so good, Nick,” she gasped, his work on her clit increasing in intensity.
They worked each other, both breathing hard. The musty old barn, basement filling with lust. Suddenly, Krissy released his cock from her grip and pulled away from him. Freeing his hand from the confines of her dress, she rose from her straw bale. Nick quickly followed suit. Embracing, they gave each other a desperate and passionate kiss as they caressed each other’s bodies.
She reached down to the open zipper of his jeans and slowly tugged at the denim. As his pants and underwear slowly passed over his hips and down his thighs, Nick reached under her dress and slid his fingers along her legs to her hips. Rising higher, his hands slowly hiked up the hem of her dress, exposing the soft flesh of her legs. He felt the night air against his rigid cock as it sprang free. Krissy instantly reached out and began stroking him in a long, slow motion. Nick was able to raise her dress even higher, exposing the soft, fabric undergarment she had on. By now, completely soaked with her arousal.
Sensing his intentions, Krissy released his cock and raised her arms. He slid his hands up her hips and the sides of her midsection, collecting more material as he went. Exposing her taut stomach, he held his breath as her dress rode up higher. With a gentle tug, Nick was able to free her breasts from their confines. Spilling out and bouncing with a slight jiggle, they were everything and more that he had dreamed about. They weren’t the largest by any means, but they sat high and proud. Accented by two cute nipples that were beginning to protrude from the slight breeze outside. Sliding her head and arms all the way out of the dress, Krissy took it in hand and careless tossed it to the side. Reaching down, she shimmied her damp thong to the ground. Her pussy glistening with her juices. Nick marveled in the sight of her completely naked, except for the pair of black cowboy boots she wore.
“Your turn big boy,” Krissy said with a lustful smirk.
Nick quickly unbuttoned his shirt, his eyes roaming over the naked goddess before him. Pulling his arms out and slipping the shirt off his shoulders, Krissy took in his powerful physique. He had broad shoulders and pecks, a pretty firm midsection too. Sizeable arms from many days at the gym. Below his waist were two powerful legs with some good muscle tone. Between those very legs, the moon acting as a spotlight, was the nicest looking cock that she’d ever seen. Hard and rigid, pointing straight towards her like an arrow, her aching pussy its target. A shiver went down her spine just imagining what was bound to happen next. They stepped close, wrapping their arms around one another, embracing in the hungriest kiss of the evening.
They freely roamed the naked flesh of their counterpart. Nick reached behind Krissy, running his hands down the small of her back, collecting the soft flesh of her ass in his hands. Krissy did the same as she felt along the toned muscles of his body, soon ending up with both hands at his crotch. Curling her fingers around the shaft of his cock, she stroked him, exploring the feeling of every vein in her hand. Her other hand reached down and fondled his balls, putting a smile on her face as he groaned in approval. As she worked his cock, Nick reached a hand between her legs and slowly slid a finger into her drenched womanhood.
“Oh yes, deeper, please,” she hissed, as first one knuckle and then a second slid further into her.
Slowly, he began to pick up the pace, sliding his finger in and out. Deeper and deeper he went, exploring her as far as he could. She increased her pace working his cock, enough to see a small glob of pre-cum forming around the tip of his bulbous head. She moaned with pleasure as he inserted a second finger, beginning to move harder and faster. Around them, the sounds of lustful passion filled their ears as they played with one another. Both feeling on edge, Nick suddenly released his fingers from her soaked pussy. Feeling the boiling in his balls, he managed to break Krissy’s grip on his member just enough to plop back on the blanket, covered straw bale. His legs wobbly and weak.
“Let me taste you,” Nick said with a grin, pulling Krissy atop him.
Sliding her up, he managed to get between her legs as she sat down on him. Krissy let out a growly moan as he snaked his tongue across her folds. She braced herself on a straw bale and looked down at the naughtiest site she’d ever seen. She was sitting on Nick’s face as he tongued her needy pussy. He lapped and sucked at breakneck pace, slurping up her tangy nectar, dribbling across his tongue and down his chin. He reached up and took hold of her breasts, massaging them in his hands, never missing a beat. The sound of pleasure that Krissy was making grew in intensity as the hot, white feeling of a mounting orgasm began to wash over her.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” she pleaded in desperation. “I’m going to cum.”
Nick gave all he had; his face now covered in her juices. He thought he might drown but figured it would be a good way to go out, when suddenly Krissy let out a shriek. “I, I’m cumming!”
Her creeping orgasm had boiled over and came crashing down. She clamped her legs tight against Nick’s head as she came. Throwing her head back, she bit her lip and ground her pussy into his face. She saw nothing but stars and flashes of light through her tightly closed eyes. Nick lay beneath her, slurping up as much of her as he could. Her shrieks of pleasure and the music playing above were muffled by those tight, athletic thighs clamped tightly over his ears.
Finally, as the aftershocks of her earthshattering orgasm began to subside, Krissy slid off of Nick’s face. Resting beside him, she leaned back to catch a much-needed breath. Her breasts heaving as she fought for air. Her eyes rolled back with delight when she saw the mess that was made between her legs, her pussy quivering with satisfaction. They both lay there, breathing heavily, as the band and dancers above them continued their beat.
Slowly turning her head, Krissy opened her eyes and gave a hungry glance towards Nick’s cock, still standing at attention. She sat up and stood to her feet. Nick watched with anticipation as the blonde beauty stepped in front of him and knelt between his legs. She inched closer toward him as they locked eyes. Sliding her hands up his muscular thighs, she leaned in and planted a wet kiss on the tip of manhood. Nick groaned in approval as she grasped his shaft with her hand and slowly began planting hot, wet kisses down his manhood.
“Oh fuck,” he said with a gasp as Krissy slid her tongue along the base of his cock.
She slowly stroked him as she slithered along every inch of his throbbing member. Up to the tip then all the way back down to his balls, coating him in a fresh layer of slippery saliva. Nick’s hips suddenly bucked when she took him in her hot, wet mouth. he let out a growl as his head fell back onto the blanket. Painstakingly, she sucked him, inch by inch, deeper and deeper until nearly his entire cock filled her mouth and down her throat.
She croaked when she bottomed out, her lower lip grazing his balls. Releasing him from her mouth with a wet pop, she watched as a trail of saliva hung freely from her mouth to his tip. Returning him to her mouth with a slurp, she picked up her pace, receiving moans of approval from Nick as he lay there in awe. Krissy sucked and slurped every inch of him that she could, moving rapidly. A soreness in her jaw soon forced her to slow and with one more trip down her throat, she released him from her grip with a long, wet slurp.
“Holy shit, that felt so good,” Nick exclaimed raising his head with a wide-eyed expression.
Krissy rose with a giggle, slowly crawling on top of him. “Glad you think so, you taste pretty good.”
Resting her body on his, she leaned in and gave him a long, deep kiss. Nick caressed her sides, reveling in the feeling of her soft skin in his hands. They continued their wet embrace as she slowly reached back. Taking the tip of his cock in her fingertips, she aimed it towards her moist folds. Breaking the kiss as she rose up, she knelt with him at her entrance. Letting out a gasp as his cock head slipped in, she slowly eased down on top of him.
“Oh my God, that feels so good,” she whimpered, burying his cock deep within her.
“Fuck, your pussy is tight,” Nick exclaimed, as she enveloped him.
They stayed like that for several moments, indulging in the feeling of being intimately connected. Krissy slowly lifted up all the way to his cockhead before sliding back down the length of his member.
“Good girl, ride my cock!” Nick exclaimed, as she slammed down onto him. “That feels amazing.”
“You like watching a cowgirl ride?” Krissy said with a naughty grin, slamming down on his length once more.
“Fuck yeah!” Nick growled, taking her breasts in his hands.
“Squeeze them, Nick. God that feels so good!”
Krissy continued her ride, bucking like a wild bronco. Sliding up and down on his shaft, her juices flowed, coating his balls and damping the blanket they lay atop. The air soon filled with the staccato slaps of flesh as her cheeks slammed against his thighs. Nick began meeting her downward thrusts with upward thrusts of his own, evoking a stifled scream from Krissy as he took over.
“Fuck me, Nick!” she squealed as he pounded up into her.
She leaned forward as he released her breasts from his grip. Dangling in front of him, he popped one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked hard as he reached around and took hold of her ass in his hands. Spreading her cheeks, he continued his thrusts with encouraging moans in his ear. Giving her other nipple some much needed attention, Nick gave her butt a slap that echoed out into the night air.
“Smack my ass baby, fuck this feels so good,” Krissy bellowed as he slapped her meaty flesh again.
Nick’s pace soon faltered as his hips slowed to long, deep thrusts. A fresh sheen of sweat had built up between their bodies and he was having trouble keeping his grip on her bottom. Attempting to catch his breath, his heart pounding in his ears, Nick inched his slippery cock out. A chill ran down his spine as his wet manhood kissed the cool night air.
Krissy felt the emptiness between her legs and slumped atop Nick. They both heaved for air, trying to regain some composure, the sounds of their tryst evaporating till only the muffled music was audible through the pounding in their ears. Taking a deep breath, Krissy raised up onto her hands and pushed off of Nick. Stretching her hands through her flowing, blond hair, she raised her arms and let her mane carelessly flow across her shoulders and breasts. Nick was in disbelief by the pure sexiness of the act.
“You’re absolutely amazing,” he said with approval.
Krissy looked down at him eyeing her up and gave him a sultry grin. “You sure do know to flatter a girl, don’t you?”
“Only the prettiest ones,” he said, leaning up on his elbows with a smile.
Krissy let out a laugh as she rose to her feet. A little wobbly at first, she tiptoed to the opening to peer out into the moonlight. She didn’t know how long they’d been gone from the party but realized that someone might come looking for them if they didn’t return soon.
Nick watched her saunter out to lean on the door frame. He took in the view of her naked backside, her flowing blond hair, and cute buttocks on full display. He felt his manhood jump as his arousal heightened yet again.
“We should probably go back to the party don’t you think?” Krissy asked, turning away from the door.
“Probably not a bad idea. Would hate for someone to catch us like this,” he answered with a pang of disappointment that their fun was near its end.
Gazing back at Nick lying on the blanket covered straw bales, she felt a tingle between her legs and knew that lust had betrayed reason. Stepping close, she towered over him and slowly ran a finger between her legs, feeling the moistness between her folds. Nick watched with delight and surprise as he found himself reaching for his cock and slowly began stroking it.
“We really should get back, but I need that cock again, Nick,” she said with a moan, sliding her finger deep in her pussy. “I need to cum one more time.”
“Come and get it then,” he responded with a devilish grin.
Krissy stepped forward and turned her back to him. Straddling the hay bale, she stepped up and squatted over his crotch. She needed to feel his throbbing cock deep within her. Grasping his cock in her hand, she slowly sank down atop his manhood. Letting out a guttural moan as she descended, she enveloped him in his entirety. Leaning back to balance against him, she slowly rose up and fell back down, sliding his rigid hammer in and out of her glistening pussy.
“So deep, I love it,” she moaned as her pace gradually quickened.
“Cum for me Krissy, cum all over my cock,” Nick encouraged as he rested his hands on her hips.
Guiding her up and down with his arms, he watched in awe as she bounced and ground on him with urgency. The room filling again with the smacks of flesh on flesh and the primal utterances of the naughty deed they were committing. Krissy whimpered as she threw her head back, slapping her hand down across her clit. That hot, white feeling was slowing rising within her as she felt Nick’s hungry thrusts beginning.
“Fuck me, Nick, I’m so close!” she yelped a little louder than she thought she would.
Nick didn’t need to be told twice as he pistoned his cock deep into her loins. Her high pitch moans of pleasure encouraged him as he gave her all he had. The sweat between them was making it hard for him to hold on, as she slipped and slid across his thighs. He tried his best to brace her but began to see stars and thought he might pass out when Krissy suddenly let out a scream from deep within.
“I, I’m cumming!” She wailed, the orgasm crashing like a tidal wave through her body.
Her vision blurred as her entire body tingled with ecstasy. A flood of her juices spilled out onto Nick’s thighs as she shuttered and shook.
Hearing her screams of pleasure and the effort he was putting in; Nick quickly felt his own orgasm churning in his balls. He kept up his onslaught, burying his cock as deep as he could, her pussy gripping him like a vice as she exploded. Nick felt it, his own orgasm getting closer and closer till finally he freed his manhood with a wet pop. Krissy yelped and collapsed back onto him as his cock sprang free from her folds. With a demonic growl, Nick let loose shooting thick ropes of cum in the air. His manhood erupting like a geyser as he came. His hot, salty spray shot up in the air, falling across the floor and dribbling on his inner thighs.
“Holy shit, wow,” he said with a pant.
“Mmmhmm,” Krissy moaned, unable to formulate a sentence.
Rolling off of him, she sprawled out and rested next to his side. Gazing over at the man that had just given her the best sex of her life, a thousand thoughts raced through her mind. She had never been with another man other than her worthless ex-husband, nor had she ever hooked up with someone before. Her conscience was torn between feeling like a cheap whore and a woman deserving of some lust-filled passion. She made up her mind in an instant as Nick turned his head and gave her a big smile.
“Hey,” he said with a wink.
“Hey yourself,” Krissy giggled.
Nick chuckled as he peered around the room at the old farm tools and the stack of bales, he and the goddess next to him rested on.
“Hay is for horses,” he joked, giving her a silly grin.
Krissy rolled her eyes with a sigh, attempting to hold back a laugh but to no avail. They both busted out laughing at his childish comment. As their laughter subsided, they rose from the blanket covered straw. Nick offered the blanket to Krissy to dry her still very moist crotch.
“Don’t mind if I do, thanks.”
Returning the blanket to Nick, he wiped clean their combine juices from his crotch and thighs, before tossing the blanket back onto the stack of hay. They dressed quickly, covering their nudity from one another. Slipping out into the moonlight, they slowly walked hand in hand back towards the party.
“Nick, can I ask you something?” Krissy said just before entering the still buzzing barn party.
“Anything Krissy, shoot.”
Krissy looked into his eyes for several long moments, the events of the evening playing through her mind.
“Nick, I know you’ve had a crush on me since we were kids. Why didn’t you ever ask me out when we were in school?”
Nick broke his gaze from her only briefly before staring back deeply into her blue eyes.
“I was afraid of Joe, even when you two would be on a break, nobody dared go for you because we knew what a psycho he was.”
Nick quickly looked away and took a deep breath, “besides when we graduated and you got back together with him, I was certain that you’d marry him. The best gal around would end up with a jackass loser and I couldn’t stand that. So, I left town and swore I’d never come back. But, for some reason, here I am.”
Krissy’s eyes grew misty as she embraced Nick in a soft, warm hug.
“I’m so sorry for that,” she said with a sniffle. “Thank God he’s gone. I was such a fool Nick; I don’t want you to leave again.”
Nick was stunned. Not only had he just gotten his brains screwed out by the most beautiful woman in town, but now she wanted him to stay. He couldn’t believe it. What he thought might only be a one-time, drunken hookup was turning into something much better than that. Leaning down, he took Krissy’s face in his hands. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes as he leaned in and planted a passionate kiss upon her lips. With burning desire, she returned the kiss as the two embraced.
Breaking the kiss, Nick took Krissy’s hands in his. “You’re the one thing that can keep me here. Krissy, if you want me to stay and be with you, I will.”
“I do Nick, I want you to be with me,” she said, smashing her lips to his again.
As they separated, they couldn’t help but eye each other up from head to toe. Messy hair to cowboy boots. Jeans and button down to form fitting sundress. Happy smile to happy smile.
“I don’t want you thinking I’m some kind of whore you know, hooking up on the first date,” Krissy said with that same sexy grin she always wore.
“I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of pig who takes advantage of tipsy women,” Nick responded throwing his hands up in defense.
“Oink, oink,” Krissy snorted, exploding with uncontrollable laughter.
Nick shook his head as he laughed along, making a halfhearted attempt not to stare at her breasts jiggling in her sundress. Krissy noticed and took no offense, reaching up and cupping them in her hands.
“All yours if you can handle it,” she said with a wink, as her laughter waned.
Nick kissed her once more before taking her slender fingers and wrapping them in his. They turned and stepped into the brightly lit barn to rejoin the party. His parents, along with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were conversing when they noticed the couple stepping through the door. Seeming them hand in hand, Nick’s dad and Mr. Taylor gave each other a grin. Mrs. Taylor and Nick’s mom smiled and whispered low to one another. Krissy and Nick, noticing the attention, turned to one another. A happy expression filled both of their faces, sealing the beginning of a long, much approved small town romance.