Turning sixty, I find myself reflecting on my life often, the twists and turns on my life path. I have learned that regrets are wasted energy, and that decisions and experiences are the fabric of our lives.
I was a good Jewish housewife for many years in a dull, almost sexless marriage, raising two wonderful children. We raised our children in the less restrictive Conservative Jewish sect, even ditching strict kosher diets. The children were in a public school, my teen son was a football and baseball player, and my daughter was an intelligent tech nerd.
When it came to my sexuality, I was not naïve, just inexperienced. I would shake my head at teachers caught with a young charge or when I heard of someone in my temple having an illicit affair. Of course, if you read my other stories on Lush, I was a rebellious teen who dated a married man, so who am I to judge?
One night I was walking past my teenage son’s room, his door slightly open, dimly lit, he was on his bed, masturbating. He was stroking his fair-sized penis, his eyes closed unaware I was outside his door. I turned away quickly and quietly walked briskly away. I couldn’t even tell my husband, I felt shame in seeing this private act.
A month later, the same scene, but this time, I lingered, yet I did not want to be discovered. Like witnessing a car accident, this time I could not look away and when he climaxed, I felt the same shame and now I felt guilt for witnessing this act. My therapist was the only one who knew, and she assured me this was normal among teenage boys.
My therapist never judges, instead she carefully got me to reveal my feelings, and once again assured me I should not feel shame. There was no way I would do anything illicit, I put the incident out of my mind.
One afternoon, months later, my son was in the basement with his best friend Evan. I was at an appointment and came home early, the boys thought they had the house to themselves. They didn’t hear me enter the house and I heard a noise in the basement. They were sitting on a couch looking at pornographic magazines, masturbating.
I would have left right away, but I was frozen at the half-open door, staring at Evan stroking himself while turning the pages. They were the same age, sixteen, and he played football and baseball and was a swimming standout. Evan came to our house often, and we treated him as a son. His parents were having trouble and lived nearby. Both young men would hang out with girls and other boys, but no one seemed to date.
The vision of Evan stroking his penis was too much for me, and I quietly left and later made both boys dinner. I could not get Evan out of my mind. My fantasies were strong that night, but I was a good Jewish wife, and these were impure thoughts. Yet, I could not shake my dreams of young Evan.
A week later, Evan came to the door looking for my son, but he was away visiting his grandparents. I don’t know what happened, but I asked Evan if he could help with some boxes in the basement. I had asked my husband and son to move them for a week and thought this was my chance to get them put away.
Evan was a nice puppy-dog kind of teen, and he was glad to help. He told me that he liked being here, there was too much fighting at his house. We didn’t know his parents well, just at school or sports events.
The boxes were heavy, yet he moved them effortlessly. But it was Summer and he worked hard, so I offered to let him swim in our pool. I knew that was another reason he liked being here, we had a large pool.
That was when the voices in my head began to talk, the good Jewish housewife on one side, the sexually desiring ‘cougar’ on the other. When I let Evan into my home, I was not thinking of being anything but a good Jewish wife. Yet now, I was filling up with sexual desires, the voice reminded me how lonely I was.
My heart was racing, I was in heat, and the good wife’s voice was losing fast. I must have been in a trance. Evan was asking if I was ok, and that he didn’t have a swimsuit. The sexually desiring voice told him he could go in without a suit, while I went in the kitchen to get him a soda.
Teen boys are not as naïve as one would think, and not shy either. As I walked into the kitchen, he stripped down and jumped in the pool.
I did not see him undress but knew he was naked when I returned poolside. While getting the soda, I slipped into a sundress and removed my bra and panties. It was not a see-through sundress, yet it made me feel sexy. I was a conservative dresser and didn’t even own shoes with over a one-inch heel.
I asked my devil voice what I should do now since I have not seduced a man for almost two decades. All I could think of was to ask if I could join him in the pool. I think the realization that I would join him, being naked, stunned him, yet he nodded, and I pulled off the dress and jumped in.
‘What was I doing?’ I asked myself. I prepared myself for rejection, the girls in their social circle were gorgeous. I don’t remember girls so thin and sexy when I was growing up. Instead, Evan was probably thinking of the porn magazines and looked at me, staring at my small chest and hard nipples. The good Jewish wife’s voice was lost as I moved closer and felt his hard cock poking me, as I reached for his smooth muscular body.
He was taller than me, and I caressed his chest and began kissing his strong body. I invited him to touch me and feel my body. He caressed my chest, awkwardly, at times rough; this was clearly all new to him. My submissive mode changed to one that was maternal, I was teaching Evan how to love a woman. I wondered, ‘do real teachers feel this way with their young lovers?’ It was a good feeling being a teacher in this case.
I guided his hands all over my body, my chest, and into my pussy. We kissed, which felt weird, yet it seemed so right.
I stoked his hard cock and felt his full balls, listening to his moans, the same I heard that day in the basement. His eyes were closed, pure ecstasy.
My maternal instinct broke through, and I asked if he was doing alright, and whether I should stop.
He replied, in between soft moans, “I like this Mrs. Sch___.”
The words, Mrs., reminded me that I was a married woman, but no matter, I motioned him to the shallow end of the pool. His hard and sizeable cock was now exposed to the water, I knelt over and gave his large cockhead a lick and kiss. I thought he was going to climax, and backed away and slowed my stoking. Young men seem to climax fast, not having learned to hold back until they can’t hold back any longer.
I asked him if he would like to come to my bed. Evan was in a state of pure lust and sexual desire; he could only nod and off we went.
Once on the bed, I slowly resumed stroking him and taking his cock into my wet mouth. He laid back, the pillows propping his head up so he could watch, yet mostly his eyes were closed.
Nothing I could do, I felt his come moving and quickly engulfed his cock, his hands grabbed my head and he climaxed hard. He held my head tight, ensuring that I swallowed all his warm thick seed.
I knew right then he was a dominant young man waiting to arise, and I wanted him to learn this with me.
I continued to lick and suck on his still-hard cock, his hands loosed. A debate began in my head, should I take his virginity or not? This was not an easy decision, but before I could decide, his fingers were probing my pussy.
My husband never performed cunnilingus, only Ron, my first lover performed this pure pleasure. Here I was, the teacher, why should I not teach this art of Evan, and I did. He was a good student, and the decision was made, I needed Evan’s cock inside me.
Once again, I asked if he was alright and asked if he wanted to fuck me.
His reply, “Hell, yes, Mrs. Sch___.”
Over the coming months, I desired Evan and was sexual with him many times. Sometimes a quick BJ in my car, or longer sessions in my bed or a motel. Once I made love with him in his bed and another time, in his parent’s bed. In his bed, surrounded by posters of sexy models and sports legends, I felt like a teen girl. In his parents’ bed, I felt full-on evil, and could never do that again. That was a bit much, but Evan loved this.
By the end of the Summer, Evan was a skilled lover and confident of himself and his abilities. His parents relocated to London, which was for the best. I knew this would have to end, and this made it easy. Yet, whenever he came back to the area, our desires and lust rekindled.
His career was moving up, quite successfully. He married a gorgeous woman and had a child on the way. A few weeks ago, we made love when we both happened to be in San Francisco, he was on business while I was visiting with my tech nerd daughter.