I loosen my Trendhim tie, which is a modern classic, and move my filled glass of cognac to my mouth. I smell its natural aroma of caramel and fruit which feels pleasant in my nostrils. I take a sip of the exquisite liquor, chewing on the alcoholic liquid before swallowing it. I place the glass on my hardwood desk, heaving a relaxing sigh and registering the cognac taste still lingering on my palate. I close my eyes, lean back in my black office chair, and take a deep, refreshing breath. I look up at the clock and see that it has just passed five.
I turn my attention back to the beautiful blond sitting comfortably on my lap. I gently caress my hand up her thigh and slide it under the skirt of her sexy school uniform. She passionately kisses my temple, moves down to my cheek and eventually down my neck, while her hands intertwine tightly behind her head.
Her name is Cathrine. Catherine Andreasen. We’ve known each other since she started her studies last year, but I only started banging her a few months ago. Normally I don’t have students in my office outside of visiting hours, but today is Friday and it’s been an insanely long and hard week that isn’t over yet. By Sunday at the latest, I have to give midterm grades to all my students, and there are over a hundred of them.
Cathrine is an excellent and mega-talented student, but unfortunately her focus and motivation have been elsewhere throughout her studies. For this reason, grades have not been at the top of her priority list in the first year. But no matter what, I know in advance that she will do just fine and get through her studies with good grades. Maybe not in the way I expected, but I guess it doesn’t matter. After all, she is just a cheeky young student who is exploring her sexual boundaries and trying new things.
“Mhmm, Mr. Lauridsen,” she wails fondly as I draw loving circles on my way to her inner thighs. She giggles cheerfully, bites her full lower lip uncontrollably, and presses her nose against my cheek. Out of pure reflex, she spreads her thighs apart and opens the way for my hand to get access to her beautiful pussy. It gives off a nice heat and she makes wonderful sounds, at the same time my fingers spread her soft labia. I moan myself and have a hard time to hold my self back We really need to get out of here and get home before I start something I’m going to regret.
I am far from the perfect professional professor. Throughout my time, I’ve had plenty of successful studies, and I always do my best to keep my work life and private life separate. So when it comes to my whimsical hobby, I always bring them home with me. It also eases the risk of being caught in the workplace.
My other hand is holding her pretty cheeks. I caress down her face, and onto her lovely breasts, which I give a nice squeeze outside the school uniform. She forces her tongue through my lips, making sweet little sounds that echo all the way down my throat. I feel a rush in my stomach and am just about to lift her off my lap and throw her lovely little ass onto my desk when we are interrupted by a gentle knock on my door.
We immediately shift our attention and feel our hearts skip a beat or two. Cathrine looks at me impolitely with a facial expression glowing with flabbiness. She giggles her girly giggle and puts all her weight on my lap. She has no intention of removing herself and wants me to get rid of the disturbance behind the door without movements. I roll my eyes resignedly and press my lips together as she grabs my tie and runs her hands up and down in seductive motions.
I suspect the person behind the door to my office to be my good colleague Mr. Thorup, who wants me to substitute for one of his lectures again. I ignore the pounding sounds and hope he gives up, but no. Two careful knocks sound again and I sigh loudly.
“Who is it?” I shout harsh through my small office, grabbing Cathrine’s firm bottom with both hands.
“Sir. Lauridsen? I need to talk to them,” it sounds from a muffled voice behind the solid office door.
“Sorry, visiting hours ended at five o’clock, try again next week,” I shout, and giggle wickedly along with Cathrine, who caressingly runs her long nails through my hair.
“Mr., please, it’s Amalie, I can’t wait until next week, it’s about my grades. I’m really worried about those in existential psychology,” it then dawns on me who it is that is standing behind the door to my office. Amalie Krogh Jeppesen. She always sits in the front row during my lectures. She is a beautiful little trinket, a really good one for my sweet tooth and horny cock. She has definitely caught my attention several times and she is even more beautiful and delicious than Cathrine. But please don´t tell.
I have taught for several years, and have had many classes during my time as a professor. In that time I have developed a good sense of which girls are more likely to be useful than others. Unfortunately, Amalie doesn’t seem like the type to fool around with her teachers. She is the shy, cautious and quiet type. However, she is in a situation where she needs something from me. A situation which is not reversed and which I really like. I guess it can’t hurt to hear what’s on her mind. I wonder how far she is willing to go. Now is the opportunity to test it.
“A moment!” I shout at her.”
“Hurry under the desk and don’t make a single sound, understood?” I whisper firmly to Cathrine with a raised index finger. She looks displeased, but subsequently slides off my lap as I push the office chair back. Unexpectedly, she gets a big ferocious smile glued to her lips, and crawls into the small space under the desk. She gives me a cheeky, playful look before I walk to the office door. I’m sure she’s got some dirty ulterior motives in her head. I shake my head contentedly and head towards the office door.
“I only have a few minutes to talk, Amalie, it’s the weekend and therefore my own private time, which you’re taking up right now,” I explain tightly, and try to seem slightly annoyed by her desperation for attention.
“Thank you very much sir, I really appreciate it,” she says in a soft tone as I sit down on the other side of the desk in my office chair. She herself takes a seat in a leather chair, on the opposite side.
“What can I do for you?” I ask in a calm monotone, and move forward to the edge of the table to keep my cheeky guest under the table hidden.
“You see…” she sighs. Gathering courage. “It’s just about my mid-term grade in your subject existential psychology. I fear it will be a big challenge to complete my current subjects for this semester. I don’t want it to significantly go in and affect my overall average. I know there is plenty of time for the final exams, but I was hoping that I could get some clarification before then, so that I can be at the forefront,” she says with great eagerness and sincerity. Her beautiful gray eyes twinkle with worry and it makes my sympathy rise. It is unexpected, but thankfully it disappears again after a short moment.
“Yes, then, Amalie. I’m not sure what clarifications I can make for you. Your standing grades are there to give you an idea of the grade you are on and what you can expect for your mid-term assessment. I would advise you to consider a different approach to your studies” I stop informing about the things that she already knows. I wonder what she expects from me.
“You were there when I handed out the course syllabus. Half of your overall grade will be assessed with an emphasis on your midterm grade and the other half with an emphasis on your exam,” I stop, letting her swallow the information. “What did you get in your last stand?”
“In my first I got a C-, and the next one I got C+,” she announces in a low, bright voice so I can barely hear her. She looks down at her hands in embarrassment. “I need an average of at least B if I want to have any chance of moving on,” she says dejectedly and begins to seriously show how frustrated she is with her unfortunate situation.
“I understand that it’s not exactly the most comfortable situation to be in, Amalie, but I’ve already given lectures in all parts of the curriculum and posted online videos. I have even given extra tests, which several of your fellow students have done well. I also made it clear on the first day that I do not offer alms in the form of extra lectures or assignments. So I’m afraid my hands are tied.”
“Please, sir. I have to pass with a good grade, there must be something you can do?” she actually starts pleading. I like it. The next step would be for her to start begging.
“What do you have in mind?” I ask curiously, and blurt out in the middle of it all when I feel Cathrine put a hand on my knee. She is probably having a good laugh. Only a few months ago, it was she who was in Amalie’s situation. Back then, she was very quick to get down on her knees and offer herself. I doubt Amalie will do the same, but I can only hope.
“Um, I don’t really know, I’ve been so busy on all fronts.”
“With all due respect, Miss Krogh, you came to see me, and you’re sitting here without any ideas? Do you expect me to just randomly raise your grade like that?”
“Oh no, no, not at all,” she stops. “I mean would you?” she asks. A stomach for audacity. My face scrunches up and my eyes begin to glow piercingly.
“Sorry, I just meant…” she sighs. “Is there nothing I can do? I could take an extra test, or make a report on something so I can raise my midterm grade? I have really had a hard and stressful semester,” Amalie’s voice loses life and energy. She seems resigned, out of breath and tired at the same time. I hold back my own frustrations and take a deep breath.
“Amalie, try to see it from my perspective. All of your previous tests have gotten poor results, and you’ve gotten a C in the standings. This is direct evidence that your upcoming midterm grade is not going to be on the high end, and then you suggest that I give you extra time to turn in a report?” her shoulders slump and her facial expression loses color.
“No, you’re right, it was stupid of me to come…” she hesitates softly. “Is there nothing I can do, Mr. I really need a huge favor. Can’t you think of anything?” her gray innocent eyes flicker into mine. I get a sense of hope regarding my plan, and it sends electric jolts of pleasure down my cock. I press my lips together and twist in my chair.
“Let me make it clear to you. I want you to tell me what you’re willing to do, and you’re going to describe it to me in the absolute deepest detail that you possibly can,” I lean over the desk, reach for my glass of cognac, and put a big buttery smile before I take a good sip. Amalie narrows her eyes doubtfully and tries to read my intentions.
“Sir, are you implying that I… have sex with you?” she whispers in a low voice, hardly daring to finish the sentence. My insides are jubilant with joy.
“I am certainly not alluding to anything, Miss Krogh, I am merely giving you the opportunity to present whatever suggestions you may have.”
“Okay, well, because I didn’t intend to. By the way, I have a boyfriend,” protests Amalie. She pierces my heart with the information. Whew. The thought of her sharing her bed and body with a clammy stutter disgusts me.
“Very well, Miss Krogh, but I don’t think there’s anything more to talk about either. Have a good weekend and enjoy the grades,” I gesture to get up from my chair.
“Wait, no, wait,” she pleads and panics. She relaxes the moment I hit the seat again.
“So I just have to say what I’m willing to do? Just talk?”
“Amalie, you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to or feel compelled to do,” I reply, purposely deflecting the last part of her question. Hopefully, she will figure that one out herself.
“No, no, of course, I mean… I want to,” she says emphatically, and it makes my stomach flutter when I hear her determination.
“Okay then, let me hear,” I lean back and eagerly wait with open ears for what she has to offer.
“Um, I wanted to start taking some of my cloth off?” she offers doubtfully, looking at me as if she´s seeking confirmation.
“Mhmm, go on, don’t keep me waiting, I’m listening eagerly,” I sip my cognac delightedly, and smile widely with my eyebrows bouncing up and down. At the same time, I feel Cathrine’s touches under the table. She puts her hand on one of my thighs and moves up towards the crotch. I am so preoccupied with Amalie that I had completely forgotten all about Cathrine. It is a real pleasure to witness. Two beautiful students, one more delicious than the other, in my office.
“I would take my shirt off and reveal my bra.” She stops and waits for my response.
“Is that all?” I raise one of my eyebrows dissatisfied.
Amalie stiffens and is clearly overwhelmed that my expectations are way higher. What is she thinking? That I would be satisfied to see a piece of clothing? I´m laughing inside
“I-I-I… I would of course take it off,” she giggles nervously. “Though my breast are not the biggest I can offer,” she admits, giving them a good squeeze outside her naughty school uniform.
“I´m sure they are just perfect.” I catch my breath shortly, and trying to imagine how she would look like without her skirt. I want to see what she hides underneath.
“What else?” I sighed heavily with the thought of her perfectly naked skin in front of me.
“Erm… Yes and then I want to pull up my skirt and show you my…” she stops. I can see she´s having a hard time finding the tight word.
“You pussy,” I say hoarsely, clearing my throat with a sip of cognac.
“Yes, my pussy. I’m going to show it to you and uh, start rubbing my fingers in.” Amalie’s cheeks turn red, and her voice cracks. Her gaze wanders around and she finds it harder to maintain eye contact. I hum lightly. Mostly because of her courage that she suddenly found, but also because Cathrine’s hand slides up and down my crotch and starts messing with the fly. I close my eyes, sigh deeply, and look at Amalie, who seems pleasantly surprised by my excited reaction.
“I can also lean in front of your desk and position myself so you have a full view of my… behind.”
“Oh yes, Miss Krogh, now you’re talking,” I assure. “I’m what you’d call an ass-man, and you certainly have an excellent…” I clear my throat. “World-class butt,” I smile all the way up to my eyes when I see how happy Amalie gets at my compliment.
“Oh sir, I’m sure you want to punish my poor ass for slacking so much in your lectures,” she says with a sullen expression on her face that is pure play to the gallery, just to please me.
Meanwhile, Cathrine opens my gape and releases my stiff cock. It’s really nice, because my pants were getting uncomfortably tight.
“We could do an extra test and then you could erm, slap me for every question I answer wrong,” Amalie suggests.
I feel Cathrine’s warm mouth embrace me at the same time. I let out a few heavy sighs as I get used to her eager caresses of my cock head and shaft. Amalie stares at me wide-eyed, and is convinced that it is she who has this effect on me. She can think again. She may get some of the profit, but mainly it is Cathrine’s fantastic gap that has the biggest impact on me. She is definitely one of the most significant students that I have had a relationship with. Her sucking skills are excellent and in a completely different league than anything I have ever experienced.
“Oh my,” I moan happily. “Tell me more,” I say firmly, and feel a wonderful dizziness that makes my gaze seem absent.
“Um… Yeah, I’ll let you stick a finger inside me so you can make me um… wet,” shit. The words ignite a spark in me that lodges in my stiff cock. Amalie’s cautious and embarrassed way of saying them excites me. I pull on my tie and loosen it.
“Once you’ve warmed me up, I’ll…” she stops again.
“You´ll what?” I hum, finding it hard to sit still with Cathrine’s head between my legs. She is thorough and fiery. It’s impressive how she can stay so silent, and even without slurping sounds. At least Amalie hasn’t noticed her presence under my desk.
“Get on my knees and… take your, erm, dick in my mouth,” I notice Amalie biting her lip unexpectedly. Cathrine lets go of my stiff old cock, and attracts my attention. I look down and see her displeased face as she shakes her head disapprovingly. She makes me smile. Is that jealously I sense from her?
“Oh yes? What are you going to do then?” I ask curiously, longing to know more. I ignore Cathrine’s insult that she feels threatened by Amalie. Don’t worry babe, I haven’t even got a deal in the house so you’re not going to share me. Yet. I put a hand on her adorable little head under the table and press it down over me again.
“Yeah, um… Then I’ll make sure your cock gets wet and suck it until you cum.”
“Wow that was fast, am I cumming already?” I interrupt sharply displeased. Amalie gasps. My reaction surprises her.
“Um… no, of course not,” she says cautiously. “I want to climb onto the sofa, get on my knees and lean in front of its backrest with my bottom sticking up in the air,” she continues with more composure and looks at the yellow two-seater sofa, which is against the wall by the door.
“That was better. Oh yes. Much better. Oh my!” Cathrine’s jealousy of Amalie is increasing, and I can clearly feel it in her fantastic luxury blowjob. She puts her eagerness, tongue, and mouth on such an overwhelming level that I have a hard time holding back my lustful reactions.
“Are you okay sir?” Amalie asks worriedly as I put both hands down between my legs under the desk and sit uneasily.
“Argh! Tell me more!” I exclaim firmly. I´m almost at the edge.
“Erm, .well, if you help change my grades, then I will allow you to stick your erm…cock in me. And you will be happy to do so.”
“Yes I will. I will be so much happy to do so! Oh fuck!” I interrupt her with an unexpected moan, and feel the itch gather at the root as my stiff old man’s cock penetrates Cathrine’s tight throat walls.
“With the guarantee that you will give me a higher, much higher mid-term grade in existential psychology, I will then allow you to ehm … cum inside me, ” Amalie continues with a nervous tone.
“Um… well, you see,” I begin to mumble, completely engrossed in Cathrine’s sucking pleasure on my cock. “I think I’ve got the right picture, and I will definitely consider your situation, but I must apologize and say that the time is not right now,” I snapped hastily.
“Well, you have to register my grade on Sunday at the latest, and I have plans all weekend.”
“I’m sorry Miss Krogh, but I have to ask you to go… now!” I roar loudly, startling her. I sense a tear being forced out of the corner of her eye as she quickly gets to her feet and heads for the door.
“Amalie!” I yell out loud as she opens the door. She turns around and I can see the mournful expression on her face.
“I postpone your mid-term grade a little bit,” I promise, feeling the same warmth in my heart that she experiences from my words.
“Go now!” I command as she turns back to thank me. She half stiffens, and braces herself for the door, which she frantically slams behind her.
“Oh my fucking gooooood!” I exclaim with a fierce moan, firing my huge load down Cathrine’s amazing throat. I press my hands over her head, and splash lively throughout the abdomen, while I enjoy and feel the heavenly contractions of the orgasm at the root and all the way out through the shaft.
“Oh, that was fucking fantastic,” I cheer delightedly.
She relaxes a bit and I can clearly hear swallowing sounds from her. When she’s done cleaning my exhausted cock she lifts her head.
“What shall we have for dinner?” she asks, wriggling her bottom merrily. I giggle and realize that I have fallen completely in love with her. I put my hand on her jaw, tilt her lower lip down, and look fascinatingly into the mouth that has just taken such good care of me. What a shame she is the jealous type, I wouldn’t mind seeing Miss Krogh sitting on the floor with her between my legs. I’d better be careful when I contact Miss Krogh again. Cathrine must not get the wrong impression. But that’s the way it is, I’m the type who likes to play on several horses at the same time.