Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 36

"Girls returning to Harlottown."

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It was a relief to the girls and clients to not be overwhelmed by the clanking noise of the clockwork servants. They performed their tasks and were remarkably quiet as they did so. Liddy and Emma supervised as they made the beds in the workroom and bundled the sheets down for cleaning. Ving emerged from one of the rooms wearing only the lingerie she had been wearing under her dress and escorted her client back to the lounge. Liddy pressed the small button next to the door and it emitted a faint buzzing noise. Soon, a walking machine came up the stairs to start work on cleaning the room.

“Everyone needs to press these buttons when they leave a room,” Liddy commented.

Emma made a note on her clipboard. “Maybe some discretion on if it needs to be cleaned. These things tend to get clustered on stairs if they are called too many at once.”

“Ma’am,” Blaze spoke up from her position guarding the main doorway. “I find that if a person tries to use the stairs when they cluster, they clear out of the way. So if they do it while we are really working, one of us can just push them out of the way.”

“Good call,” Liddy replied with a smile. “We will go over these once we are underway.”

Blaze smiled back. Her new arm functioned much more smoothly than her combat model did, and the new nerve connectors didn’t even hurt. She watched as Liddy went about her observations. Looking up and down the beautiful blonde. It was strange to feel so happy with the way her life was going. She imagined using her knife to cut off the tight corset containing Liddy’s breasts and freeing them. Taking them in her hands as she kissed the woman. It was a slight pinch that brought her back to reality.

“Relief,” whispered Juno behind her to signal the shift change. “I know it’s hard to get used to,” she added, figuring out what had her so distracted.

Blaze blushed and was about to make an excuse when she saw the understanding look in Juno’s eyes. “I’m not used to…”

“Nobody is used to things on this ship. Just try to keep focus while on duty so you can make sure everyone is safe enough to play with afterwards.”

Blaze stiffened her posture and nodded in understanding. She took one last look at Liddy before reluctantly leaving to take over her next station.


While Mari had wished she had the long tongue of her lover inside her, she could hardly complain about the man doing his thing instead. Her legs were on his shoulders as he punished her body with his hard thrusts. The way he gripped her breasts to leverage himself had brought her to climax once already. It was the predatory gaze he held with her that made it all so thrilling. The wicked smile as sweat dripped from his body onto her. She felt like prey being devoured as he finally burst his seed inside her. After a few slow thrusts, he kept himself deep until he was done pumping his seed into her. Slowly he withdrew.

“Do it,” he said.

Cat crawled onto the bed and started licking between Mari’s legs as she spread them wide for her. She licked and caressed the abused flesh as she tasted the man leaking out of Mari. It was one of the more enjoyable fetishes she entertained for clients. He watched as she made slurping noises and soon pushed himself inside Cat, who had her bum in the air. She felt him inside and moaned as Mari put her hand on the back of her head.

Mari was treated to the sight of seeing a man holding Cat by the hips as he thrust into her, pushing her face against her own womanhood. She massaged her breasts with her free hand, relieving the enjoyable pain from her body almost as well as Cat was doing between her legs. It wasn’t long until she felt another climax rip through her body and the moans of Cat in her flesh as she reacted.

Cat was using a free hand to massage herself and feel the man sliding into her. As good as he felt, the position entirely ignored the most sensitive part between her legs, and she had to do it herself. When Mari climaxed, she felt her own body respond and shudder. That seemed to be enough for the man inside her as he grunted his finish, having little seed left to give her.

Mari pulled Cat by the hair to come up and kiss her. Their bodies pressed against each other, breasts covered in sweat, and their tongues becoming entangled between their mouths. The client watched, moving around to get a better view of their faces. Mari reached out to grab him and pull him close enough that the two women could help clean his shaft, tasting each other on him.


Emma talked with the technician and went over the details with the clockwork servants while Liddy was seeing off the guests after a night of thorough testing.

“That was fun,” Hannah commented, sitting on the bar. Ving was on a stool with her face under Hannah’s skirt.

“Yes,” Liddy replied, turning away from the door. “We should have all the kinks worked out by the time we get actual clients.”

Hannah smiled. Liddy was a lot more mellow after she and Leira had shared a quartet of men. “Taking off soon then?”

“Yup, get Ving out from under there and let her take us into the air.” Liddy smiled at Ving, who pouted when she had to stop.

Hannah sighed and reached over to a bell on the bar and rang it several times until everyone was present. They sat at the bar, on the large staircase, leant over the railings from the lounge, or just stood. Emma came in with a bundle of manuals that she seemed happy to have.

“Light reading there, Emma?” Easy asked, guiding her mother to the bar where she could get her a drink.

“Manuals, ones we should have gotten with the delivery, and then some. It’s amazing what people will give you in exchange for touching a lady.”

Liddy looked outside. “I only turned away for a few minutes. When did that happen?” Then she turned back after failing to find the technician she had been talking with.

Emma shook her head. “Literally just touching. Hands down the front of my corset for less than a minute and he was done. Poor boy. It might have actually been his first climax. He looked so surprised.”

“Right. Well, good work. Will they preform better now? Those things worked rather well despite the glitches.”

“They should be much better. I explained some of our problems. He fixed the stair issue, though he said it can still happen. Apparently there was an ‘instruction relay’ setting that is supposed to fix it, but it’s off by default because it makes a buzzing noise like the buttons when they talk. We won’t need it for most of them. Just the room cleaners.”

“Well, we are going to have to hope for the best,” Liddy stated. “We won’t be able to test them in the air because we will be packed to the gills when we leave. Lots of Emberborn want to leave the city but can’t because they can’t afford transit. So we are using both of our ships to haul them to Harlottown, and then leaving our old ship there for them to use. Since we don’t need people in the engine room on this ship, the girls are staying with the old ship.”

“I totally forgot about them,” Leira confessed, and most others shared that guilt.

“Yes, I am going to fly it there with an escort. Foxy and Ela, with whoever else wants to join.”

Blaze put her artificial hand up to volunteer before realising that she was the only one and wasn’t sure if she looked too eager.

“You are welcome to join me,” Liddy said in a soft voice, entirely picking up on the desire in the woman’s eyes. “Keep personal items and weapons packed and locked. The bar will be closed and quarters tight, but this is the right thing to do. After some time in the city, we will be heading back east towards Crater Peak but approaching from the south. This way we can hit cities we haven’t caused problems in, and hopefully get there before the eastern kingdom gets them to join up. Everyone, kiss the capital goodbye, we are taking refugees as soon as they show up.”


Liddy hadn’t been kidding when she had warned about tight quarters. Emberborn were sitting almost everywhere on the ship. Liftoff wouldn’t have been possible had they packed in all the available space, but it was hard for anyone to get any privacy.

The bridge, of course, was the exception. Hannah was handling Ving who in turn handled the controls.

“You know you can only distract me so much,” Ving commented.

“You are a good flyer. I’m sure I can get away with more once we are at cruising altitude,” Hannah replied.

“I mean from the new redhead. Don’t think I have forgotten.”

“I’m more worried about the other new girl and how distracting Liddy will find her.”


Henry was a simple man. Not quite a man in the traditional sense, but despite his appearance as a humanoid dragonfly, he had simple desires. Being allowed to fly was one of them. When the noble lady had asked if he could fly, he had nodded quickly, happy to have met a noble who could recognize the type of insect he was and the advantages he offered. She showed him the specifics of the controls as they took off, allowing him to take control and keep in formation with the other ship they flew with. He was a simple man, enjoying the simple pleasure of flight.

What was not so simple for him was how his spherical vision let him see what was going on behind him. The soldier woman with the fire-ink on her face was setting her rifle down to embrace the noblewoman. Pieces of her uniform were falling to the floor and soon her whole body was exposed. The shining gold engraved into her metal arm reflected light beautifully as it reached behind the noblewoman to unfasten her dress and let it slide to the floor. He heard a small squeak from the noble as the metal hand touched her skin. It was impossible for him to not see as the soldier pinned the noble against the wall and gripped her by the breasts. He had seen a great many things in his life when people didn’t know he could see all

around him at once, but this was new.

Liddy wrapped her legs around Blaze as they kissed and pulled her close enough to crush their breasts together. She felt the cold metal hand warm from the heat between her legs and moaned as two fingers pushed inside her. Although she hadn’t expected to be the first one to test the new hand, she had made sure the finger joints wouldn’t pinch anyone they got inside. She had gotten a good look at the scars on her body, and the ink that covered them. There would, of course, be clients who wouldn’t want her, but the same could be said for pretty much everyone on the ship. Still, she would have to make sure she felt loved enough to never take any unkind words too personally.


“She will probably wait till they arrive before doing anything. Liddy was never the most relaxed person at the helm.”

Hannah made a noise in agreement to Ving from under her skirt. She used her tongue for something other than talking.


What had once been a slave factory spa where Emberborn bred in comfort, surrounded by a handful of buildings and poorly designed farms was now very different. As the ships flew over the city, they could see it had grown incredibly. Many more structures had been constructed around the core buildings, and there was a lot more farmland surrounding the city under cultivation, along with many gardens around or on top of homes. The train station was likewise improved with warehouses and loading docks.

They landed nearby in a cleared area still within the city. A greeting party met them as the ramps were in place and the refugees began to disembark. They were split into groups and guided away.

“Rayvon!” Hannah shouted as she saw the old man. Though it occurred to her that he looked a whole lot younger yet again. After her tight embrace and solid kiss on the lips, she pulled back and smiled. “How are you?”

“It’s like having a new life. It really is. How about you? Clients been treating you well?” he replied, not bothering to hide his appreciative glance down at her breasts.

“Like royalty,” Hannah replied with a smile.


Hope was relieved to see her holy order was present to greet them. That they had managed to avoid being cast out was almost a miracle in itself. She was warmly welcomed and started talking about all the things that had happened since she had seen them last. Almost all the things. They were far too puritan to know everything.

Easy was worried her mother might not react well to another farm, but Harlottown lacked any oppressive feeling in the slightest. Even clothing seemed to be optional, except for the uniforms of what looked like a volunteer police force. The two of them fluttered their wings and went about wandering through the streets with Mari following close behind.


Emma and Leira sat on the edge of the ship with their legs over the side, remembering their time hiding in the main building.

“It feels like it happened years ago,” Leira stated, trying to count how long it had actually been.

“Yeah, but somewhere else. It hardly looks the same. I mean, it probably does inside, but I’m not sure I want to look.”

“Want to go get fucked by lots of strange men of various species?”

“Six are in that alleyway, quite intently focused on us,” Emma explained, having put on the artefact that let her know how she was being observed.

“Six sounds like a good start.”


“I grew up in this place,” Vile stated, looking around in amazement. “It’s changed so much in such little time.”

“I know I’m not Emberbron in the conventional sense, but I don’t feel so different here,” Tonna replied. She slithered along beside Vile as they moved down the street.

“There!” Vile shouted.

They rushed over to a tree in the middle of what was now a park.

“Yes?” Tonna wasn’t sure of the significance of the tree, but tried to urge Vile to continue.

“I planted this. As a young girl. I thought that once it was big enough, I could climb it to hide so they couldn’t order me about.” Vile paused to shake her head. “I know it’s silly, but I was a kid and had no idea how big I’d get. Probably still needs to grow a few more decades to support my weight anyway.”


Outside the city, Foxy was being hunted. She ran through the trees naked, having left her uniform back on the ship to blend in with the people better. Now she ran to escape her pursuer. When she found her way blocked by a rock face, she suddenly realised she had been chased into the dead end. Her hunter lept from the bushes and tackled her. She struggled and fought, thankful her fur protected her from the bites, until she felt something push inside her and her moan shattered the illusion of the game.

“Got ya, girl,” the fox man whispered in her ear as he thrust into her.

Foxy gripped the dirt tightly as she stretched her body with her bum in the air to make her mounting easier. She yipped in pleasure as he stopped talking to make his own animal noises. With only the sound of wind in the trees and other noises of the forest surrounding them, the pair made plenty of their own. After being with so many human men in a comfortable bed, it was liberating to be taken in the dirt by one of her own. She climaxed the instant she felt his seed inside her body.

Finished, he laid down on the dirt next to her. She heard the call of another in the distance and called back, indicating herself as ready. Her partner seemed confused as she darted off into the trees to be hunted yet again.


Hope and Liddy sat in what was now the Mayor’s office. What had been the radio room and a private bedroom was now the nerve centre for the city. The radio was still in place, but now there were also desks and clerks going about paperwork. The mayor, the elephant man who Liddy had met previous to bringing Leira onboard the ship, waited patiently as Liddy scanned a ledger.

“You need exports,” Liddy concluded.

“My conclusion exactly,” the Mayor replied. “The problem is the farms can feed us, but our numbers are still growing. The forest is too important to cut for lumber beyond our own needs. There is nothing else we ‘can’ export without leaving us in need of whatever we sell. And we still depend on the church for many things. They can’t keep picking up the slack forever.”

“There any soil that doesn’t grow food but might grow something else? Something buried in the rocks under the soil? An Embermine would solve a lot of problems.”

“I’ve hired a few prospectors and the like, but no guarantee. I was hoping you might have some ideas.”

“I sell sex, so that’s really the only experience I have with making money. The exact opposite you would want to have your citizens do.”

“Despite the name of the town being Harlottown,” Hope commented. “It does seem odd that there aren’t any harlots in this town full-time.”

“I wouldn’t be opposed to it, of course.” The mayor nodded to Liddy. “But I’d like a better economic policy than depending on that. Something I could ethically industrialize would be ideal.”

“Well, you could go down the train tracks and find out what every city you are connected to needs the most. Sell it to them for cheaper than what they currently pay and just do that. Alternatively, you could import raw materials, process them, and send out the finished goods. Though you lose a lot when you don’t use local resources. Sadly, they didn’t pick this spot for the local resources. I thought this place would be temporary at best.” Liddy thought to herself how she would have packed up and moved rather than stuck around had she been in their shoes.

“There is a plan to found another city in the forest along the tracks, but if we do that, we will want to do it on top of some natural resources. That’s where the prospectors are focusing.”

“I hope they find something. Attracting people to come and spend money on things is about your only other option. Schools and tourism being the most common, but most might not want to visit an Emberborn city.”

“I try to press the importance of being polite to visitors but it’s not always easy, and that’s with the few who do visit. I just wish we had something that would make many wealthy people come here and spend all their money.”

“They only do that for sex and gambling,” Hope commented again.

Liddy perked up. “Where is Ving?”


Ving watched as Harriot picked up yet more debris from the floor of the lounge. Seeing her bend over to clean the remains of what the refugees had left was too much to bear. She darted over and slid her arms around the young woman.

“Got ya, girl,” Ving whispered into her ear.

Hannah walked in to see the young redhead slightly bent over with Ving embracing her from behind. She looked down at her own breasts and freed them from the confines of the bra she was wearing.

“Such lovely breasts, don’t you think? Ving asked Harriot. “How do yours compare, I wonder?”

Harriot unclasped the bra on her new uniform and showed off her breasts to Hannah and Ving. “Almost as big, but mine have freckles.”

Ving gripped them tightly as she inspected the freckles over her shoulder. Hannah came in for a closer look as well, giving Harriot a closer look at her own.

“So soft but firm, just like hers.” Ving cooed as she grabbed Hannah by the nipples and tugged her closer so as to embrace both women as their breasts pressed together.

“I’m glad your husband isn’t around,” Hannah stated. “He might enjoy seeing this.”

“I don’t care, I’m just glad he isn’t around. The sight of him when those men had me? So wonderful.”

“Oh yes, those men.” Ving moaned as she reached in front and felt between the legs of both women but focused on the girl between her and her lover. “They filled you up so well. You know I love seeing my Hannah with other men. Giving her their seed inside her body in any way they can. Covering her face and breasts with it so I can lick them clean. Her doing the same for me as she-” Ving was cut off as she climaxed mid-thought.

“Wow, here I grew up thinking I was weird for being this way.” Harriot tried to look at Ving behind her, who was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath. “But you people…”

“Well, you aren’t wrong. You are weird for being like this. It’s just that you aren’t alone.” Hannah started kissing Harriot, causing Ving, the moment she saw them kiss, to fall to the floor after climaxing again and losing her balance.

Hannah stripped off Harriot’s skirt as Ving stayed on her knees to admire the tight bum of the girl. Ving pulled the soldier’s underwear off while Hannah helped Harriot with the rest of her clothing. Harriot did her part by pulling Hannah’s underwear down as she got to the floor to join Ving. Hannah moved to the couch nearby and rested her feet on the back of Harriot, who lay on top of Ving as they kissed. She touched herself as she watched Ving and Harriot kiss and grind against each other.

Harriot was a bit overwhelmed. She was on top of one woman and under the feet of another. It was thrilling to finally be able to explore another woman, but what was happening was so much more than she ever expected. It was a flood of pleasure mixed with the relief of being so open with her desire. She was happy she had noticed the job posting with the lines ‘physical attraction to women ideal’ and ‘willing to explore sexuality’ printed on it. The oppression of secrecy was lifted.

Ving pulled Harriot up so her breasts would hang in her face where she gripped them tightly to make it easier to lick both of them at once. She looked up to see Hannah had come down to kiss the girl. Ving reached down to find the dripping wetness between the legs of the soldier and pushed two fingers right in. She felt the woman on top of her twitch and spasm a bit before moving to aid the penetration with her hips. Ving didn’t need anyone to touch her to bring her to climax again so she moaned hard when it happened, putting a third finger inside the girl with her thumb pinching her clit. Harriot screamed and shuddered collapsing on top of Ving.

“I think I overdid it,” Ving commented from under the heavily breathing redhead, who still twitched.

“She should get used to it,” Hannah replied while running her fingers through Harriot’s red hair.


Mari kept her distance as Easy looked around the town with her mother. She didn’t mind, they had so much time to make up for that she was content to simply watch Easy be so happy. There hadn’t been a lot for them to see that wasn’t in any other town, but the experience of walking streets without shame or dirty looks was wonderful for them. Mari wasn’t a stranger to dirty looks herself, but she didn’t get the same ones the Emberborn did. They had to worry about violence for simply existing, she just got dirty looks of judgement that turned into dirty sex in an alleyway most of the time. Mari occasionally spotted shipmates, Ela had been wandering around in a sort of dazed amazement. Then she saw Inky resting against Vile, who was in turn resting against a tree in a park.

“How did those two end up together?” Tonna asked, approaching Mari.

“It was here, actually,” Mari replied. “I don’t know the specifics, but they just sorta fell over each other.”

“It’s comforting to know that looking so different doesn’t stop people from finding each other.”

“Looking to fall in love?” Mari asked, a smile on her face while walking after Easy.

“Nah,” Tonna replied while slithering along beside her. “At least not yet. I still want to get laid a lot.”

“Doesn’t stop any of the other couples on the ship. My girl and I both see clients on top of anyone else we want to tumble with.” Mari twirled to show off her outfit. “I wear things like this because I want to get laid. If I ducked off and had a man or several, she wouldn’t mind at all and just hope I had fun.”

Tonna admired the short skirt Mari wore with the fishnet stockings that showed off the ink on her legs. The struggling red bra and fishnet top didn’t hide much more. “I get that. But I think if I loved someone, I’d want them for myself and nobody else.”

“That’s fine, and if they don’t mind you with others for work or whatever, then that’s great. As long as whatever it is, is what you both want, then go for it.”

“It’s a long ways off either way. I just want to enjoy being free.”

“Fair enough, if I hadn’t been able to get laid for so long, I’d be unstoppable. Seriously, in your place, I wouldn’t be here talking, I’d be out getting fucked silly.”

“It’s not that easy, for me, I’m afraid.” Tonna was sullen as she spoke, looking at her snake body.

Mari didn’t buy it for a second. She knew Tonna believed it, but knew it simply wasn’t true. After some looking around, she spotted a man who didn’t seem to know a glance was supposed to be quick. She walked over and whispered into his ear and got an eager nod in response. Mari looked at Tonna who came over, curious, wondering if it really was that easy. Mari watched him lead her off and smiled. Afterwards, she looked about for Easy and quickly spotted the sparkly fairies down the street.

“I thought you went off to get laid?” Easy asked as Mari caught up.

“I got Tonna laid, I can wait a minute or two,” Mari replied with a chuckle.


Liddy looked around the lounge. It was spotless. Although she was happy to see the job done, she was suspicious. She was looking for Ving, and Astra said she hadn’t left the ship, and neither had Hannah or Harriot. She sighed, marching with Hope and the mayor in tow along with the clergy members. She opened the door to her bedroom and saw the three women in her bed waving at the viewers on rooftops through the windows.

“Really!” Liddy yelled, trying not to be distracted by seeing Hannah and Harriot making love with Ving holding them together. “I get the fantasy, Ving, but why use my bed?!”

“It’s the only one with a viewing gallery,” she responded as she turned to face Liddy and the shocked clergy.

“Get dressed and meet me in the lounge! We have things to talk about.” Liddy closed the doors to her room and shook her head as she left.


Cat had continued to speak with Rayvon after Hannah had left and was so very glad she did. The device inside her forced another climax with its vibrations. It touched her in every spot she wanted and drove her wild. When she could finally take no more she turned it off and, with great difficulty walking, returned to the lab where Ravon was working.

“How’d it go?” he asked.

“Amazing! What is it made of? It felt so smooth!” Cat replied.

“Latex, normally used for raincoats and waterproofing, but I added it to my designs when it was obvious that ‘wetness’ was an issue. I gather it from a few of the trees in the forest here.”

“We are going to need so many of these.”

“Well, it’s thanks to Hannah that I got into this at all. I suppose I owe her for all the women I’ve… tested them with. Take whatever you need.”

Cat got a box and started picking out devices of various sizes.


Hannah and Harriot held hands while making seductive glances at the clergy while Liddy addressed Ving with the Mayor.

“Ving, we were discussing the economy when Hope suggested sex and gambling,” Liddy explained.

“What the fuck is sex?” Ving shot back, trying to avoid grinning while sounding serious.

Liddy glared for a brief moment. “Since gambling is how you got on this ship in the first place, I thought you might be an expert of sorts.” She paused, in case there was another comment from Ving, but continued when there wasn’t. “So I thought, what if you were to design a race track. Something to attract tourists. Convincing people to come visit the city of people they used as slaves for vacation would never fly, but a track designed by a minor celebrity would be something else.”

Ving forgot how to sass, “That would be awesome! I can absolutely do that!”

“Good. It might take a while to build but your design might be the key. It would also generate a lot of traffic into town and make it easier for more Emberborn to get passage. The town would grow without the need to export anything.”

They heard the door open. Cat came up the staircase with a box that spilt as she tripped over the final step. The floor was suddenly alive with vibrating objects at the feet of the clergy, who were shocked at the assortment of phalluses.

“I know what these people can export now!” Cat shouted.


Emma counted forty-nine people watching her as she winced hard from the penetration into her bum from the man who couldn’t wait for the man she was on top of to vacate her body. She couldn’t really even see anyone, let alone who her new partner was, with her vision blocked by the man using her throat as a toy. It was an incredible feeling to be on a stage and watched by so many. She was thankful for the experiences that trained her body to be able to handle what she was doing with it.

Leira could see the elf on stage enjoying herself, so tiny between three men. She was playing it a bit more conservatively by sitting in the lap of a single man who bounced her hard on his manhood. Everyone, not watching Emma, watched Leira’s massive breasts bounce at full inflation. She giggled whenever a viewer lost control and climaxed into his pants or hands. When the man she was being bounced on finally filled her with his seed, she got up to find another.

Emma decided she needed to switch up her position and triggered all three men at once to blow their loads inside her. The feeling of three men filling her body at once made her join them in climax. She stretched and flexed her body once the men had withdrawn, earning a number of hollers from the crowd. Flipping onto her back, head hanging over the table to face the crowd, she had a good view of Leira as a man grabbed

her legs and slammed into her. The elf moaned as the man stretched her tiny body to the limit of what could fit inside her. She could see his equine features and looked to see his penetrations actually showing on the surface of her skin.

“Leira! You need to try this one!” Emma shouted, seeing her looking for a new partner.

Leira got on stage and was stunned to see her taking the man at all. She climbed on top of the elf, almost smothering her with her breasts, and soon felt the man pushing inside of her. Leira screamed in shock and wondered how the elf had handled him at all. Her body bucked with every thrust, and she soon figured that he had been going easy on Emma.

The commotion had attracted some outside interest, and in came Vile with Tonna and Inky. They soon rolled their eyes at the sight, annoyed they hadn’t guessed what was going on. When they saw Leira and Emma waving them onto the stage, they decided to join in. Inky hung back at the bar to watch her girl play.

The horse withdrew from Leira when Tonna slithered low and opened her mouth to accept him. When he pushed into the open mouth, he heard a small pop from her jaw unhinging to fit him all the way inside. Her tongue wrapped around the hard shaft to massage it when it was giving her a moment to breathe before the next thrust.

Vile put her tails deep inside Leira and Emma, who remained on the stage table to recover while she stripped for Inky, who she could see already bent over the bar by the tender who was thrusting inside her. Vile then took the horse out of Tonna’s mouth to lay him down and stand over him. Slowly, she lowered herself onto him, feeling his shaft push through her powerful hips until he was as deep as he could get. Then picking up the pace, she felt four hands grab her breasts from behind as Tonna got involved.

When it seemed like he was about to go, Tonna pulled Vile off him and went down to roll him on top of her. Her snake body slithered in anticipation as he positioned himself to push into her. It was what she had been waiting a long time for. Someone to take her snake body and mount it like a man would. To put himself inside her for the pleasure of both. Her snake hair worked into a frenzy as his thrusts grew more forceful and he used her breasts for leverage to get himself deeper. All four of her hands supported him by his chest as he suddenly burst within her body with a harsh stream of his seed. Tonna felt her body spasm and wrap around Vile, who was standing over them. The Naga clenched hard as she climaxed harder than she ever had from her own efforts.

Vile was surprised at the sudden need to protect herself from being crushed by the snake tail, but could rightly understand why. She hoped that it wouldn’t happen if a client had been there without Vile to protect them. Looking up at Inky, she saw her tanned breasts bouncing as a new man had gotten behind her to have his fun. Touching herself under the relaxing strain of the snake tail, Vile climaxed at the sight of her lover being pleasured.

Tonna watched as the horse slowly withdrew from her body. The long manhood wasn’t as stiff as before but retained its length, and she wondered how it fit inside smaller girls. Her body felt a bit empty with it gone, but it had left quite enough to fill at least some of the space within her. She saw Vile getting on her knees to lean down and lick her scales clean.


Liddy looked about at her working girls. They were all exhausted and they hadn’t even finished getting the ship ready for clients. “So, we are casting off. Hopefully, during the rest of the trip, we can get everything ready without any orgies breaking out. We want to have a sex drive when we finally start seeing clients again.”

“Hey! I was designing a race track! That is hard work!” Ving shouted.

“I walked in on Harriot fist deep in you twice, and Hannah giving instruction!” Liddy fired back.

“Now, Trixie,” Hannah started. “You know me well enough to know that’s the least bit distracting I have ever been.”

Liddy had to concede that point. “Fine, but this ship still isn’t ready. We need to unpack all the things that we didn’t want the refugees to damage. The rest of you just need to avoid any more theatre reenactments and I won’t lock up all the toys.”

Everyone suddenly looked very submissive to avoid the level of tragedy that such measures would surely become.

“Speaking of the toys, it seems this city has an export after all. While there aren’t enough rubber trees to export it as a good itself, there is enough to assist with the manufacturing of the toys. So it’s good for the economy, even though it’s not quite what the mayor had in mind.”

“Really? They called his place Harlottown. They should have known better,” Hope stated, getting a few laughs.

“Easy, how’s your mother?” Liddy asked.

“She’s living with another woman who was at her farm. They seemed to get along well and it’s a safe zone, so no men are allowed. Helps avoid stress for anyone having issues with seeing them. Don’t think my mom really has problems since she didn’t seem troubled when we were about. But without me around, who knows. This way, she’s safe no matter what.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear it. Now, let’s get moving so we can see some clients. We aren’t going to fuck ourselves…” Liddy trailed off when she realised what she said.

“Ummm… Liddy?” Mari started to ask cautiously.

“Shut up! That works with almost every other kind of work! You know what I mean!”

Published 10 months ago

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