The Teacher Is Spanked

"Miss Hart has a Punishment Slip to get signed when she gets home"

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Miss Hart had stayed in the staff toilets for over ten minutes, wiping away her tears, smudged make-up, and re-doing her face. She looked at her watch and saw it was going home time, so she walked back to her office, wondering whether Ella would still be there. She passed a couple of schoolgirls who put their hands over their mouths to hide their giggling, and realised they were giggling as she was rubbing her bottom. She blushed as she withdrew her hand and the girls walked on by.

Still blushing, Miss Hart walked into her office and was relieved that Ella wasn’t there. She gasped, though, when she saw the Punishment Slip on the table next to her handbag and was concerned that someone else might have come in whilst the room was empty and seen it. She supposed she might never know, at least until her next horrified thought which was whether the two giggling schoolgirls had seen it? Getting caned was more of a problem than she had thought.

Still worried, Miss Hart put the Punishment Slip into her handbag, and locked her office door behind her, and walked towards the exit, forcing herself not to rub her still stinging bottom. She looked out for the two schoolgirls but reckoned they must have left the school by now and she wouldn’t see them again until tomorrow, and so altered her thoughts to what was likely to happen between now and then.

Once outside the school building, Miss Hart made her way to the car park. She got into her car and gasped as she sat down too heavily. Although it stung, she laughed to herself and told herself she would need to be more careful in the future whenever she got caned, which she now hoped would happen quite often. She laughed again when she realised her mindset was when she was caned again rather than if. Still, she really did want to be caned again and with more than six strokes. It was a fantasy come true for her and one she wanted to repeat.

Feeling more relaxed, Miss Hart manoeuvred herself carefully in the car seat but could not resist feeling under her skirt, running her finger along her knickers, and felt they were damp. She eased her finger under her knickers and along her pussy lips and gasped erotically. Yes, she was so looking forward to being spanked by her partner, Abigail. She drove home musing about the spanking she would be getting fairly soon. She was sure there would be some maternal hugs and kisses afterwards which sounded quite erotic actually, and she knew that thinking about it was keeping her aroused.

Miss Hart unlocked the front door and walked in with a beaming smile calling out, “Hi Abigail. Are you home?”

Not getting a reply, Miss Hart went into the kitchen, put her handbag on the kitchen table, and

took out the Punishment Slip. She heard a noise behind her and, holding out the Punishment Slip, turned and said, “Guess what happened to me today, Abigail.” Once she fully turned around, she gasped and blushed as she saw it was Katie who had walked into the kitchen.

“I know what that is,” Katie said wide-eyed. She added, “It’s a Punishment Slip.”

Miss Hart was still flustered. “Oh, erm, yes, well, erm,” and trailed off as she turned back and put the Punishment Slip on the table.

“Let me see,” Katie demanded.

Miss Hart froze at the ‘Do as I say,’ tone of voice. It was just like Ella’s and was one she loved to hear. “It’s nothing,” Miss Hart tried.

“No, it’s not. Anyway, Ella called me and told me she caned you. It was to warn me as mum has had to go away for a couple of days.”

“Has she?” Miss Hart said with a gasp. That threw her. She knew Abigail was away for two or three days every week and sometimes more, but she always told her. How come she didn’t tell her this time? She fumbled with her phone and saw the missed call and the voicemail indicator which answered that question.

“That’s right, Sandra. Mum told me you didn’t pick up.”

Just then, Miss Hart realised that she had changed her persona, as when she got home she still felt like an adult, but now her partners’ daughter was talking down to her she felt more like a naughty schoolgirl of eighteen and was no longer Miss Hart the adult.

Sandra was still nonplussed by the fact Abigail was away, Katie was at home, and the teenager knew about the Punishment Slip. Still blushing, she looked at Katie and saw a wicked smirk on her face. She was still in her school uniform and looked just as Ella did in her blue and white checked gingham dress, white belt, and bare legs. She looked so young in

her school uniform but her tone of voice belied her age as it sounded so mature.

Katie continued in a more friendly tone of voice, “The girls at school usually show their friends the cane marks. Can I see yours, Sandra?”

Sandra was used to Katie calling her by her first name at home so that didn’t bother her, and she even smiled at the question. She had wanted to be caned and experience the discipline she never got when younger, and she had even decided she was going to comply with the Punishment Slip process that all spanked and caned schoolgirls have to do. So why not show off her cane marks like the other schoolgirls, as she would have shown Abigail quickly enough, she thought? Her only hangback was that Katie was her partner’s daughter. Then again, she reconciled that Ella was also eighteen and she had not only seen her bare bottom but had been the girl who had given her the very cane marks that Katie wanted to see. So why not?

“OK, Katie,” Sandra said shrugging her shoulders as she turned around and lifted up her skirt above her waist and loved feeling just like a naughty schoolgirl as she lowered her knickers.

“Cool,” Katie said as she counted out the strokes. “A sixer, eh?” she added.

Sandra screwed her head around and looked at Katie who was still gazing at the cane strokes. “It really hurt, Katie.”

“I’m sure it did, Sandra, although I haven’t been caned myself and don’t want to be,” Katie said as though just chatting.

Sandra saw the difference between them as she did want to be caned again, although maybe as part of a sexual relationship. Even so, she still knew she deserved to be caned today and, as a teacher, had even reconciled herself to the benefits of strict but fair discipline even for adults.

Katie caught Sandra’s eye and said with a serious look, “If you don’t get the Punishment Slip signed you get a double detention and the cane.” She let the statement hang.

Sandra scrunched up her face and thought for a moment, and then her face lit up with the sudden thought which she voiced to Katie. “Maybe I could get Ella to spank me?” That made sense to her as Ella had caned her and so should be able to sign off her Punishment Slip if she spanked her as well. It was a given that a schoolgirl could ask her teacher to spank her and sign her Punishment Slip if her parents were away. It happened occasionally, but was a precedent that had been set.

Katie gave Sandra a deliberately questioning look. “That works if the parents are away. That is even true of mum, but I am here. The precedent has been set of someone my age disciplining you, so I think the Ella get out won’t wash.” Katie gave Sandra a moment to think about the statement and watched her swallow hard before adding in a firm tone of voice, “So I think I should spank you and sign your Punishment Slip.”

Sandra swallowed again as she assimilated the comment. It was quite true that Ella had caned her so that precedent was set, although Katie was different from Ella as they lived at the same house. She would have been happy enough to be spanked by Abigail but reckoned that would follow with them making out which could not happen with Katie, nor would she want it to even though they weren’t related. So that left the question of discipline. She had earned the caning and wanted to act properly over the Punishment Slip. It would be natural for a parent to deal with the punishment, but would it be so natural for a sibling to spank her if she looked on Katie like that?

Katie saw the thoughtful look on Sandra’s face. “A discipline spanking is needed here, Sandra. I only got spanked once by my Auntie and I never needed it again. Some of my friends, though, need to be spanked on a regular basis because of their behaviour. We joke that a number of parents need to be spanked for their bad behaviour like a few drinks too many, forgetting to pick their kids up, maybe swearing in front of the kids, and the like. In fact, you have been known to have that drink too many, and you leave clothes on the floor and fail to help wash up and the like. Don’t you think that a spanked bottom would help you there?”

Sandra listened intently to Katie and what she said made so much sense. Being spanked as part of lovemaking was all very well, but its true purpose was the prevention of bad behaviour and forgetfulness and the like.

“Didn’t your mum ever spank you then?” Sandra enquired, picking up on that one point. After all, she had hoped that Abigail would spank her.

Katie replied, “Mum never spanked me. She is against spanking and wrote letters to the papers about it. The fact is, though, I think she is wrong. Discipline works, and I have loads of friends who vouch for that, and even friends who are still spanked think that.”

Sandra picked up on the fact that Abigail was set against spanking, as that wasn’t good. She still had to get the Punishment Slip dealt with, but maybe she would have to let that go and admit to Ella she couldn’t get a spanking.

Katie again interjected Sandra’s thoughts. “You know we could have a system when I spank you only when mum isn’t around. She is away for days at a time for work, so there will be plenty of times when I can discipline you without her ever knowing.”

“Could that work?” Sandra found herself asking. She was aghast that she had asked the question out loud, but supposed it came out naturally and so maybe was what she really wanted.

Katie replied firmly, “Of course it can.”

That sounded so definite to Sandra. She shook her head to clear her thoughts rather than to say no, and, in fact, everything told her to say yes. She would get the discipline she wanted and needed to have and that seemed better to her than linking it to sex as discipline was her driving force she now realised. Maybe it always had been, and that making out with Abigail afterwards was just fanciful. So, she looked at Katie, and, biting her lip, she nodded her head and said, “OK, Katie. I have a Punishment Slip and so please spank me.”

Katie looked stern as she asked, “You also agree I should discipline you in the future, even though I will be very strict with you?”

Sandra swallowed and submissively looked at the floor as she replied, “Yes, please, Katie. I need boundaries and to know if I break any, you will discipline me.”

Katie replied firmly, “I think I should be Miss Katie when I do discipline you.”

Sandra gasped but knew immediately she wanted to be respectful to Katie and now looked on her in a new respectful light. ‘Miss’ Katie was now in charge of her, she told herself, and she relished the idea. Her age really didn’t matter as eighteen was well old enough to be in charge of an adult if the adult could accept it, and she was going to accept it. “Yes, Miss Katie,” Sandra replied with a deep breath and the feeling of relief that she was ready to pass disciplinary control to Katie.

Katie took control straight away and very firmly. She ordered, “Right, my girl. I want your skirt and knickers right off and go and face the wall with your hands behind your back, and wait for me.”

Sandra’s mind was almost in a whirl as she submissively followed Katie’s instructions. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall towards the floor, scooping it up and putting it on a kitchen chair. She then stepped out of her knickers and placed them on top of her skirt.

Katie pointed to the wall and ordered, “Press your nose against the wall like we have to do at school.”

Sandra nodded her head as she stepped over to the wall. This may not be a typical home punishment but was one she was used to using at school as she had often sent girls to face the wall if they were misbehaving in class. They may well have kept their skirt and knickers on, but she reminded herself that they weren’t about to get a spanking as she pressed her nose against the wall, folded her arms behind her back, and waited. So, she pressed her nose against the wall, folded her arms behind her back at waist level and so above her bare bottom, and waited.

Sandra heard movement behind her as a drawer opened and closed and a chair was turned around. She thought she could hear the click of a phone but reckoned it must have come from outside the room. She just wasn’t sure, though.

“Come here, girl,” Katie ordered.

Sandra turned around to see Katie sitting on the kitchen chair holding a thick wooden spatula and gasped at the sight, but she saw Katie point to the floor beside her and went and stood exactly there. She stood with her hands clasped behind her back looking contrite and realising that she was about to be spanked over her cane whealed bottom.

Katie looked up at the blushing Sandra and ordered, “Get across my lap.”

Sandra looked down at Katie’s lap and saw that her school dress had ridden up and she was going to be lying across her mainly bare thighs. She eased herself down and, catching herself with her hands on the floor, gently lowered her full weight across Katie’s lap. She looked under the chair and saw her own legs on the far side before looking sideways and saw the backs of Katie’s legs. A really close-up view which together with the sight of her own legs enforced her feeling of submission knowing that ‘Miss’ Katie was fully in charge. As she looked at the floor she pictured the spatula in Katie’s hand and wondered just how much that might hurt. A lot, she reckoned, though probably not as much as the cane did.

Katie put her open palm on Sandra’s bare bottom and rubbed in circles enjoying the feel of her fingers on the raised wheals. It was wondrous having a grown woman who was thirty-seven across her lap, but somehow it felt right to Katie.

When Ella had called her, told her she had caned Sandra, and told her about the Punishment Slip, Ella encouraged Katie to manipulate Sandra and convince her she should spank her. Katie was incredulous that Ella had caned Sandra, but after discussing tactics agreed she would aim for that. In the event, Katie had been so confident as the discussion with Sandra continued that not only did she get Sandra to agree to be spanked today, but even got her to also agree to be spanked in the future as well. What a fantastic win, Katie told herself.

So, it was with some relish and enthusiasm that Katie raised her hand and brought it down firmly on Sandra’s bare whealed bottom. She looked at the back of Sandra’s head as she heard her gasp. It wasn’t so surprising, Katie reckoned, as so many of her friends had told her how much a spanking hurt when given so soon after they had been caned.

Nevertheless, Katie raised her hand again and spanked Sandra’s other bottom cheek, and even as she listened to the gasp she was bringing her hand down again on Sandra’s bottom, and continued to spank Sandra on alternate bottom cheeks. On and on she spanked until she counted fifty spanks on each bottom cheek and then started to spank the same bottom cheek a dozen times before spanking the other bottom cheek a dozen times. She did this four times in all.

Sandra was struggling with the spanking and squirmed around on Katie’s lap and tensed her legs crossing her ankles. She knew the spanking would hurt, and it did, and rather more than she had expected. Even so, she kept reminding herself this was a punishment suffered time and again by the schoolgirls so as she was an adult she should be able to take it.

Sandra’s view changed when she felt two light taps from the spatula which she had quite forgotten Katie had taken from the kitchen drawer. She cried out as the first spank with the spatula landed and again with the second. In fact, her cries got louder and louder as spank after spank landed all over her bottom.

Katie was quite deliberate in the strength of her spanks with the spatula as she had followed Ella’s advice and practised using the spatula on a pillow, and doubted she would have spanked as hard if she hadn’t. However, she was pleased she had practiced and even more delighted that Sandra stayed in position for the whole forty spanks she gave her. Twenty on each bottom cheek.

Sandra stayed across Katie’s lap even after the spanks stopped. She was relieved they had stopped, but just like when she was caned, the relief released a tidal wave of tears and she could not stop herself crying even after she was told she could get up and she had eased herself off Katie’s lap. She stood up and faced Katie whilst anxiously rubbing her stinging bottom. In fact, to her surprise, the stinging was even more intense than after the caning.

Katie crossed her arms and legs and sat patiently watching Sandra do the spanking dance realising that it was quite a spectacle to watch an adult stepping from foot to foot like she was.

Sandra looked at Katie through tear-filled eyes as she rubbed her bottom and wiped her wet face with the back of her hand. She was feeling really sorry for herself but considered that she had paid her debt for what she had done to the four schoolgirls yesterday. My goodness, it was just yesterday she realised, and what a change since then. She had been spanked and caned by one girl of eighteen and spanked with a hand and wooden spatula by another and had agreed to be subject to the ongoing disciplinary control of one of them. How strange was that, she asked herself. Yet she had.

“I hope you have learned your lesson, girl,” Katie demanded.

Sandra replied, interspersed with wet sobs, “Oh, I have, Miss Katie.”

“Good girl,” Katie said with a haughty tone. She was really enjoying herself. “I will sign your Punishment Slip now.”

“Oh, thank you, Miss Katie,” Sandra enthused. She picked up the Punishment Slip, took a pen from her handbag, and handed them to Katie who happily signed her name after ticking the box confirming she had given Sandra a spanking using both her hand and a wooden implement.

Sandra took the completed Punishment Slip and put it back into her handbag ready to hand to Ella in the morning. She then wondered what would happen over the next day or two with Katie in charge and particularly what would earn her another spanking.

Katie’s phone pinged. She went to the table and picked it up and saw that it was a message from Ella. ‘Cool. I hope you spanked her hard. I have sent some rules to your email.’ It was a reply to the text she had sent when Sandra had her nose pressed against the wall.

Katie crooked her finger towards Sandra and said, “Follow me, girl.”

Sandra did as she was told still feeling like she was eighteen rather than her true adult age.

Katie walked out of the kitchen and into the living room and went to the laptop. The pc was already on and she quickly found Ella’s email. She printed off the attachment and was careful to make sure Sandra didn’t see who the email was from.

“Pick up the sheet from the printer,” Katie ordered.

Sandra did as she was told, picked up the sheet from the printer and counted three pages in all. As Sandra turned around Katie ordered, “They are a set of rules for you to keep so you had better read them.”

Sandra was surprised but glanced down at what was quite a long list. At the end, there was a statement that said if any rule was broken then there should be consequences. Just below that was a list of consequences. Sandra saw spanking was the most common consequence but early bedtime, time out, and grounding were there as well. She then gasped when she saw several that would result in various numbers of cane strokes and looked at those that would earn a dozen or more, and amazingly hoped that she would suffer all of those strokes of the cane. As she re-read the rules she saw how she would fail on several of them and earn quite a few trips across Miss Katie’s lap. However, she felt okay with it although could not explain why. Maybe she just wanted to experience as much discipline as she could.

Sandra looked at the schoolgirl, who was just eighteen and was now giving her a very friendly smile. Sandra nodded her head, smiled back, and said, “Yes, Miss Katie. I will try to keep to these rules and know you will spank and cane me if I break any.”

Katie was still smiling when she replied in a firm tone, “You mean you will have earned a spanking and the cane from me, girl.”

Sandra replied submissively “Yes, Miss Katie. I will have earned a spanking and the cane from you.”

Sandra rubbed her bottom as she fantasised about being disciplined again by Miss Katie. That led to thoughts of being spanked and caned again by Ella as well as by Katie, and with twelve or more strokes of the cane. One thing Sandra knew for sure was that she would be under the control of two girls of eighteen who would be very strict with her, which was just as she wanted it to be.

“Go back to the wall and stay there for fifteen minutes,” Katie ordered.

“Yes, Miss Katie,” Sandra happily agreed and felt so pleased that she had passed control over to Miss Katie. She felt so at ease now disciplinary control had been handed to Katie who she knew would be strict but fair with her. She even wondered why other adults didn’t do the same, although on reflection supposed there must be many other adults out there who had. It made sense, after all. So, as she pressed her nose against the wall and folded her hands behind her back she savoured her stinging bottom and thought about her next spanking.

Katie smiled at Sandra and particularly at her very red and whealed bare bottom as she took out her phone and sent a text to Ella. ‘All done and she’s facing the wall. I am in charge and so turned on, though.’

Moments later came the reply. ‘So was I but ten minutes with my vibrator sorted me out. Lol.’

Katie then sent a text saying, “You do know Sandra’s knickers were wet with sex juice when she got here, so she was turned on by being caned?”

The reply from Ella said, “Not surprised at all, so we should keep on thrashing her (lol).”

Katie replied, “Yes, so we all get wet (lol).”

Smiling at the back of Sandra’s head, Katie ordered, “Make sure you keep your nose pressed against the wall, girl. I’ll be checking on you.”

“I won’t move, Miss Katie,” Sandra obediently replied.

Still smiling, Katie left the room and made her way upstairs. She loved the feeling of control, just as she was looking forward to the next ten minutes as she lay on the bed, took off her knickers, and took her vibrator out of her cabinet drawer.

Downstairs Sandra still had her nose pressed against the wall but worked out that Katie had told her to keep her nose pressed against the wall but not that she mustn’t move and so she gently at first and then with more fervour squeezed her thighs together, sending flutters flying around her vagina. She didn’t have an orgasm, but the sensation together with her stinging bottom got her aroused and she started to think about bedtime when she would masturbate thinking about what happened to her today. Her life had changed, she knew, but for the better, and she couldn’t wait to get to bed to celebrate.

Published 10 months ago

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