Seventeen-year-old Emily was wild, no doubt about it. Frank had known her dad, Brad, for quite some time and had watched his friend’s daughter turn into an outrageously flirty and salacious young woman.
Brad was divorced, worked out of town a lot, and only had custody of Emily every other weekend, so he did what he could do—but he couldn’t rein her in.
Emily took after her mother, and Frank knew all about her mother, Jen. Jen was a wild child who had married Brad at a young age. Brad was much older than her and had been in the military with Frank. Like Frank, had been deployed a lot. While deployed, Jen took full advantage of the situation to barhop and pick up men. Jen freely admitted that she was a slut, and had even made some very obvious passes at Frank. They had been drinking at the time, and Frank had nuzzled her tits before his conscience got to him. It was his best friend’s wife, after all.
Brad and Jen eventually split the sheets, and Jen had continued her wild ways, despite raising a daughter. So it was no surprise that Emily was, what you might call, sexually extroverted.
She seemed to love to flirt with sixty-year-old Frank and sometimes called him her “other Daddy” or “Uncle Frank”, even though this was silly. Like any man, Frank loved the attention this teen vixen showed him and had to smile at her rather immature attempts to get his attention. It was also obvious that Emily very much liked sexual attention.
Weather permitting, she favored mini skirts, short shorts, halter tops and crop tops, low-cut shirts, and bikinis. Frank didn’t see her much except on his weekend outings with her dad that he did on occasion, but, admittedly, he liked what he saw, and liked her naughty attitude.
This weekend their group decided to go off-roading at a large sand dune area in the desert. They had been there many times before and it was always a good party with camping, bonfires, riding the ATVs, dirt bikes, and UTVs. As Brad was a core member of the group, he showed up with his live-in girlfriend, Kimberly. Since it was his weekend with Emily, she attended as well. Frank brought his girlfriend, Lillian, along also.
Emily was bouncy and fun as the youngest member of the group. The average age of the four primary couples there that weekend was something like fifty-seven. One of the couples had their thirty-something son and daughter-in-law along, but Emily was the only teen.
Emily seemed to gravitate to Frank for some reason, although she was flirty enough to make a certain, less-endowed, daughter-in-law elbow her husband when she caught him ogling Emily’s ample bosom.
Frank assumed some of the extra attention he got from her was due to teaching her to ride the Yamaha TTR 125cc dirt bike he had brought along. Lillian seemed non-plussed about the little minx, probably due to her own, new-found sexual confidence. She seemed to be entertained by Emily’s little naïve flirtations with her boyfriend.
When Frank sat behind Emily on the bike with his arms around her bare, teen midriff, giving her riding tips, it brought back memories of his high school years. When she asked to go for a ride on his KTM 300 and sat behind him, holding him tight with her tits squished against his back, it brought a longing for her naked body.
The weather was spring-time warm in the eighties (F), and the juniper and cedar trees gave them shade in their camp. Shorts and tee-shirts were the order of dress, but the women took the time to catch some rays in their swimsuits. All were one-piece except the thirty-one-year-old daughter-in-law and Emily’s. Emily was particularly fond of just wearing her bikini bra with her Daisy Duke shorts, except when she was geared up to ride the motorcycle at the insistence of her dad. Even then, she took to wearing motocross pants and boots and just the bikini top, along with her helmet. She was quite the eye-catching sight in such an unusual outfit!
The men in the group all took pleasure in watching the teenager hit the rough spots on the ATV or dirt bike and seeing her unsupported boobs bounce like mad. It soon became a contest to see who could be in the right place to view, insomuch as they encouraged her to ride certain sections. Emily seemed unaware of their true intent, but enjoyed the male attention. She seemed comfortable around men old enough to be her grandpa, perhaps because her dad was rather old when she was born. She was used to being around older men, including her mother’s lovers.
They arrived on Friday and spent Saturday riding and playing. Emily slept in her little tent on the edge of the encampment while her dad and his lady slept in the enclosed utility trailer that hauled their side-by-side UTV and Emily’s ATV. Saturday night, Brad allowed Emily to have a couple of beers with the adults as they sat around the campfire. Emily looked gorgeous as the campfire light played off her long, bare legs and bared midriff.
On Sunday morning, Lillian had to leave because she needed to catch a flight that night for work. Therefore, Frank was left to himself.
As they all saddled up for a blast around the dunes after breakfast, Emily sidled up to Frank and asked, “Can I ride with you today since Lillian is gone?”
“Are you sure? Don’t you want to ride your ATV?” Frank asked, surprised that the girl didn’t want to drive herself.
“Nope. I want to ride with Uncle Frank, so can I?” the sexy siren begged.
“Go ask your dad,” was the stern reply.
With assent from her father, the nymph climbed into the machine in the seat next to Frank and buckled in. She was wearing just her Daisy Dukes and the usual bikini top, as well as a baseball hat and sunglasses. All in all, very desirable. The bulge of her firm mounds above her bikini bra and her cleavage attracted Frank’s gaze.
The group tore around the dunes, flying off of crests and circling bowls. They made steep uphill climbs and exhilarating downhill dashes. Emily’s bouncing tits added to the enjoyment. At last, the group stopped at the top of a high dune. The other people decided they were going to head back for a late-morning beer or cooler. Emily protested that she didn’t want to go back so soon.
“Will you take me to the top of that hill over there?” she asked Frank, pointing to a juniper-clad rise in the distance.
“I’ve never been there before,” Emily said with a salacious pout on her face.
Once again, permission was asked of her father, and once again, it was granted. If the truth be known, Brad was anxious to get Kimberly off by herself for a nooner. It would be much easier if his daughter wasn’t along with them.
Soon they were blasting and sliding their way off of the dunes proper and into the juniper forest. They wound their way through the many tracks that covered the area until they found one that climbed up the hill. As they started up, they discovered a small reservoir fed by a pipe in the hillside from a spring that sat in a grassy spot in the trees. It was meant for grazing range cattle but provided a nice cool spot in the desert environment. Frank stopped and they got out, wandering about exploring the little oasis.
Soon, Emily was clowning around and asking Frank to take some pics of her. Frank was quick to agree and snapped away as Emily posed in various positions, some rather provocative.
Standing next to him, bodies touching, they reviewed the pictures on the phone. Emily craned over and put her arm around Frank for balance. He was very aware of the desirable girl touching him.
“Do you think I’m pretty?” she asked ingenuously.
“Of course you are. You know that,” replied Frank with a smile.
“Do you think I’m sexy, then?” was her next question.
“You are, Emily. You damn well know that. What are you getting at?” Frank asked the seventeen-year-old blonde.
Emily spun around to face Frank, up close and personal. Putting a hand on his chest and looking up into his eyes, she dropped the bombshell.
“Would you ever…you know…do it with a girl like me?” Emily asked.
Sensing Frank’s discomfort as he remained silent for a moment, she added, “I know you have a girlfriend, and Lillian is nice, but you aren’t married. So, would you do it with a girl like me?”
With her big eyes gazing at him, Frank replied, “You mean do it with you, don’t you?” Is that what you are getting at?”
“Well, duh! Of course,” was her answer.
“Why do you think I wanted to go with you today? Why do you think I wanted to get you out here in the middle of nowhere? Why do you think I posed for you?” she added by way of confirmation.
Frank gave his reply, “Ordinarily I wouldn’t turn a girl like you down. But you are my best friend’s daughter and I need to take that into account.
Emily stepped away and bent over, picking a wildflower, showing off her tight butt and long legs. The bottom of her ass cheeks peeked out from her shorts. Dozens of butterflies fluttered in the background at the edge of the little pond. Then she turned around and placed the flower in her cleavage. Walking up close to Frank again she reached down her cleavage and removed the flower, drawing the older man’s full attention to her firm young bust.
“You can take that into account all you want, but he knows I’m free to love whoever I want. I am on the pill if that is what you want to know. It will be our little secret. You like my titties, don’t you Uncle Frank?” the flirtatious minx told Frank.
“I’m sure you are free to do what you want, but I’m not sure about all this. I don’t want to deal with puppy love and virgins,” Frank admitted, weakening.
“It isn’t puppy love. Besides, if my dad, fucked your daughter, Nicole, would you hate him?” she asked innocently.
Frank had to admit he wouldn’t. For that matter, Brad had ofttimes confided to Frank that he would love to screw the curvacious Nicole. And Frank had done nothing to discourage his lust. The truth was that Brad had joined him and Lillian in a threesome only recently, unbeknownst to Kimberly. What could he say if Frank fucked his almost-adult daughter?
“No, I guess I wouldn’t,” Frank admitted, honestly.
At this point, Frank realized that with his sex drive, if a woman threw herself at him long enough and hard enough, his willpower would always crumble. At the moment he was teetering on the brink and about to drop into the abyss.
“I’m not a virgin, by the way. Not for a year. And I’m on the pill. I’ve always thought you were sexy, Uncle Frank. And now I’m old enough to show you how much I like you,” Emily explained.
“Uncle Frank…that sounds a bit…risque. Maybe you should just call me Frank,” Frank said, stalling for time.
Putting her arms around him and pulling him tight to her nubile body, Emily looked up and said, “Maybe I should call you Daddy, instead.”
“Jesus, girl! There is no telling you, ‘no’, is there?” the older man said, exasperated.
“Not until we make love, Daddy Frank,” she said coyly.
Giving up on making her stop making relative references about him, Frank bent down pulled her to his lips, and kissed her.
“Then we had better do this, Emily,” he growled.
“Mmm…Uncle Frank, that’s more like it!” the teen beauty replied.
Frank looked and found an old quilt in the back of the machine—one that he and Lillian had used to good effect before. Emily wanted to spread it right there beside the pond but Frank vetoed the idea.
“We aren’t the only machines out playing this weekend here if you haven’t noticed. Let’s get off the trail and pull into those trees behind the pond where we will be off the trail and hidden. I don’t want to give everyone a show,” Frank suggested.
As he maneuvered around the stock pond and through the trees, Frank was almost shaking with excitement. He felt as if he was floating—this despite his age and sexual experience. To think that he was going to have sex with such a hot teenager fired him up! It had been two decades since he had last experienced a girl this age.
Frank decided that Emily was a lot like her mother. In other words, a born slut. Jen never could keep herself limited to just one man, and it looked like Emily was following her path. Of course, that was providential for himself! If the girl wanted to fuck her way through life, who was he to stop her? Might as well enjoy the fruits of it.
Emily was excited, too. It was starting to make her wet. She had a crush on Frank ever since she could remember. Her mom seemed to have no qualms about going after any man she wanted, so why should she be any different? Frank was handsome and still had a hard body.
She had snuck out of her tent the previous night and was drawn to a light shining through partially drawn blinds in Frank’s trailer. Curious, she peeked in. She could hear faint voices, though it wasn’t exactly a conversation. Frank and Lillian had failed to notice this blind wasn’t fully closed. Emily was treated to the sight of Frank, naked, and on top of his lady friend humping away. It was a rear view and she could see his muscular ass working as he drove his cock deep inside this woman’s pussy. His cock and balls were visible as he fucked her hole. For being a grandma, Lillian was fucking back pretty good.
Aroused, Emily watched a bit longer, then snuck back to her tent. Laying on top of her sleeping bag, she used her fingers to jill her twat to an intense orgasm while her free hand manipulated her nipple. She climaxed, writhing on the bag while simultaneously soaking it with her juices. Knowing that Lillian was leaving early in the morning, Emily devised her plan. And now it was going nicely, although it had been touch and go for a bit.
Frank spread the old quilt on the soft sand under a juniper tree. Its fragrance filled the air. Emily laid down on it expectantly. She had enjoyed sex many times before, but this was with a new man. And outdoors. You never knew how it would start.
It was her mom’s boyfriend, Victor, who had been the first to fuck her. Victor would show up when her mom wasn’t home for random reasons. He was smooth and knew all the right things to say. He was forty-eight and quite handsome. Pretty soon, she was kissing him, then letting him play with her tits. It quickly escalated to full-on sex. They had fucked for about three months before her mother got bored with him and moved on.
After Jen had broken up with him, Emily made an excuse so she could meet him for a lover’s tryst. Her mom must have guessed about what she planned on because she asked Emily if she was sneaking off to fuck Victor. Emily, stunned that she had guessed this, denied it, but Jen wasn’t fooled.
“Don’t try to lie to me. Victor is a good fuck, so I don’t blame you. Have fun. He says you’re pretty good too. But don’t bring him around here,” was her mom’s retort.
It was then that Emily knew that her mother had set her up with Victor on purpose. She was a bit irritated that her mother was whoring her out to her boyfriend, and her boyfriend was telling her all about sex with her, but that didn’t stop her from meeting him a couple more times.
The last time they met up she asked Victor the burning question, “Did my mother arrange for you to screw me?”
She asked this question at a critical time. Victor wanted to cum on her face after she blew him. She had never done this before. Previously she had spit, and now was learning to swallow. But this was new. She was warming up his penis with her tongue at the moment and paused. When he failed to answer the question, she started licking his balls, then stopped and asked again. It was obvious she was done unless he answered.
“Yeah, she did. She said you needed your cherry popped. I was trying to break it off at the time with her and she told me if I stuck with her she would let me fuck you,” was his honest reply.
He continued to tell her that Jen had arranged for those times that he could be alone with her. He didn’t mention how hard Jen would fuck him after he had done the deed. She let him fuck her in the ass and do anything he wanted with her after he answered her questions about sex with Emily. The idea that he was screwing her daughter seemed to excite her.
Continuing, Victor explained, “But I liked making love with you more than her and she sensed it. She became jealous and that is why she dumped me. It was because of you.”
Emily gave Victor the blowjob he wanted as a reward for the truth. She let him cum all over her face. She even liked it. It made her feel like the slut she had become. A cum slut like her mother. But she couldn’t forgive Victor for conspiring with her mom. It was the last time she saw him.
But here she was with Frank now. Frank didn’t want her because her mom put him up to it. He wanted her for who she was. Even if it risked angering his best friend.
And there was another thing. Her mom had a thing for Frank. Every time she had a weekend with her dad and Jen knew that they had done something with Frank, she asked how Frank was. Finally, curious about her mother’s feelings about Frank, she asked if they had been lovers.
Jen answered, “No. Unfortunately not. I tried, but he was too damn loyal to your dad. I guess I’ve always had a thing for the asshole.”
The beauty of this moment for Emily, besides the obvious physical pleasure, was that she was going to fuck the one man her mom never could, Frank. It was sweet revenge for the Victor setup. Not that she planned on telling her mom right away. No, she was saving this one for the right moment.
Frank was on the blanket now and Emily got on top of him, sitting astride him. She moved her body in such a way as to feel his manhood under her crotch. That wonderful lump in his cargo shorts. She slowly scooted her pussy over it as she bent over and kissed him. From there she lay atop him, kissing him passionately. Frank had one hand on her bare, tanned back, and the other on her ass, caressing it. His body felt strong and wonderful under hers. Her tongue explored his, French kissing.
Frank removed her phone from her back pocket and laid it beside them. Then he slid his hand inside the waistband to touch the skin on her ass cheek. It was a tight fit but felt so good. The other hand wedged its way between them to cup her breast. Emily rolled to the side to give his hand more room and free rein. His other hand came out of her pants and caressed her back.
“Do you like my little boobies? I know you’ve been a dirty old man and have been looking at them the whole time,” Emily whispered, her face close to his.
“I do. I love your titties. But they aren’t so little, are they?” he whispered back.
Provocatively, Emily undid the ties on her little bikini top and let it fall off, exposing her big, proud, teen breasts.
“I guess they are kinda big, aren’t they?” she said, grinning.
“Fuck…they’re perfect!” Frank opined in a throaty voice as he beheld the full glory of her firm hooters for the first time.
Frank flipped her onto her back, sat up and removed his tee-shirt, and pounced on her jugs with his mouth on one and his big, strong hand on the other. Sucking, caressing, kneading, pinching, and rolling her nipple, Frank attacked her boobs. Emily was thrilled with the cascade of euphoria gripping her body. His bare chest felt amazing against her skin. This was the first time she had ever tried sex outdoors, and it was wonderful!
Frank was old enough and mature enough to take his time and enjoy her teenage, yet adult, in almost every way, body. Just her natural scent of fresh sweat and sex pheromones was heady. Her beautiful hair lay wild under her pretty face. Her pouty lips begged for kisses. Her pink nipples stood hard and erect. She had spread her bare legs and her crotch was against his upper thigh.
He purposely moved his thigh up and down, exciting her kitty. The look in her eyes said, “fuck me”. It was time to remove her shorts and get down to the business of down-and-dirty sex.
At that moment, the roar of ATV engines filled their ears. Both paused and listened, alert. Frank looked up, looking to see the path the machines would take. The trail was fifty meters away on the other side of the pond, but there were side trails throughout the trees and area. But the three Quads stuck to the main trail, roaring up towards the top of the hill.
“Good thing we didn’t stay there,” Frank opined.
At the moment, in her sexual excitement, Emily didn’t care who saw her naked and having sex. All she wanted was Frank. Her wet, voracious pussy craved him.
“Fuck me. Fuck me, Daddy,” she called out throatily.
Without saying a word, Frank stood and pulled off his cargo shorts and thong underwear. Then he reached down and pulled on Emily’s denim shorts. She undid them and raised her butt and legs to help him. She was wearing a red thong, but she didn’t want anything between her and Frank. Victor liked balling her with the thong on. But she needed it to be different with Frank. She pulled the thong off and flung it to the side.
Spreading her long, bare legs, she displayed her bare pussy. There was a bit of a tan line to accentuate it, but the main feature was her tight, young, teen outer labia and the fact that it was shaved bald.
“Do you like my little kitty?” Emily asked, eyeballing Frank’s massive erection.
“Mmm…I love bald pussy, honey,” Frank said with a huge smile.
Emily had two thoughts. The first was the realization that her mother always encouraged her to keep herself shaven down below. She didn’t know it at the time, but soon realized after sex with Victor, that men liked a clean kitty. Then she realized that the night before Victor “accidentally” came over when her mom wasn’t home and ended up taking her virginity—her mom told her not to forget to shave her pubic area. She said this as Emily was going to take a shower. It was getting hairy and Emily didn’t think anything of it as she took the razor to her bush. Now she knew why her mom told her that.
The second thought came as Frank picked up her leg and began to kiss her toes and feet. Then he started working his way up to her privates. It was that Frank had a really big dick. Long and thick, it was bigger than Victor’s, or any other boy she had screwed. She had no thought as to whether it would give her more pleasure or not, just that it would fill her up tight and make her seem like the first time again.
By now, Frank was licking her labia major. Just the outside, with licks and kisses. Then she felt him part her outer lips and expose her little pink flaps and fuck hole. Victor had eaten her and had plunged right in, but Frank took his time. His finger probed and his tongue licked and danced over her slit. Then he took one of her lips into his mouth and sucked on it for a bit. It felt heavenly! Moving to the other, he did the same.
Finally, his tongue followed the finger that was spreading her into her inner parts. Magically, it hit her clitoris, sending waves of excitement through her body. It flicked and circled. Teased and danced. Meanwhile, his finger probed deep into her vagina, as if it was a little cock. More tease as his mouth backed off and his fingers rubbed her pussy, particularly her clit. More shocks of electric pleasure coursed through her. The anticipation was killing her. She wanted him to dive in and lick her clit hard. Or to rub her clit and its hood hard with his fingers. Anything to get sexual release!
“Tasty pussy,” Frank growled, diving in with his mouth again.
“Oh god, Frank! I need it! Eat my pussy!” She wailed, not caring who heard.
Then, as an afterthought, she said the dirty words that she knew he liked, “Eat me, Daddy. Eat my horny little kitty!”
Calling this man “Daddy” must have worked because he dived in full-stop. The euphoria hit her in waves. Then his fingers curled up inside her tight cunt and hit a certain spot. She felt an orgasm explode over her nude body.
“OH GOD! YES! MMM…YES, OH MY GOD!” the teenage siren called out.
Hips bucking and body shaking, Emily climaxed, carried away by the intensity of the feeling.
Was there anything better for a girl than having your pussy licked and eaten to orgasm? Emily wondered if that was how men felt when she sucked their peter. God knows they all wanted her to do it! It must feel the same, she decided.
Frank took note of how Emily squirted when she came. It wasn’t a huge gush like you see on porn clips, but a nice squirt nonetheless. He wondered if she was aware that she was somewhat unique in this. Frank didn’t know if her teen cunt was better than the mature one with big lips that Lillian had, but it seemed fantastic at the moment. Of course, in the moment, all pussies seem like the best one ever! It was different, and that was the main thing.
Was it time to mount the hot little bitch, or did she have some trick up her sleeve? Frank found out quickly enough.
After taking a moment to recover, Emily propped herself up on an elbow and said, “Oh god! That was amazing, Frank! The best ever! But I need to thank you. Let me suck your cock. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Hell yeah, girl! My cock is all yours!” Frank said with a grin.
Her mom’s best friend, Heather, had given her advice she had gained from years of experience, and she was right. If you want to capture a man’s heart, suck his cock. Heather had been partying with her mom and was drunk when she said it, but the advice was spot-on. So was the rest of the sexual advice the inebriated forty-year-old pair gave her on sex as they downed wine coolers. They laughed and vied about who could be the most risque when it came to advising Emily on men and sex as they sprawled drunkenly on the sofa together. They loved making Emily blush as they became quite explicit about sex.
Emily remembered them both taking off their bras from under their shirts and tossing them at the cat, laughing. Her mom went to take off her tee shirt, but Emily stopped her, afraid she was making an ass of herself. The last thing Emily needed to see was her mother strip topless in front of her and Heather. Then the fucked-up pair got up and staggered arm-in-arm to the master bedroom to crash and sleep it off.
Emily had paused at their door, hearing them giggle as they spoke in low voices to each other. She wondered what the two of them were doing that was so funny. It never occurred to her that the pair might be having, or trying to have, drunken lesbian sex.
When she peeked in the door the next morning, she could see her mother’s back and part of Heather’s bare ass cheek and leg sticking out of the covers. Their clothes were strewn across the room. Jen usually slept in the raw, so Emily wasn’t surprised, other than Heather must have drunkenly followed suit. Emily took some comfort that the two middle-aged women would be surprised and embarrassed when they woke up naked with each other. Little did the naïve teen guess that their stripping off for each other was intentional.
Shaking that memory flash from her head, Emily traded places with Frank. The gray-haired man grabbed his shorts and shirt for a pillow and the seventeen-year-old got on all four and held his rod with her hand as she put her mouth over the glans.
Emily looked like a vision as she took Frank’s dick into her mouth. It was like he was young again. Maybe that is why older men seem to crave younger women. It brought back their youth in a small measure. While he was having sex with Emily, he felt twenty again. She erased any aches and pains that had accumulated over a lifetime. And she looked amazing doing it!
Emily didn’t have a lot of technique or style. In that way, she was quite different from the experienced women he usually had sex with. Rather, she went at it with an energy that made up for technique. She took his prick in and out of her mouth as deep as she could and as fast as she could. This too, brought back memories of the girl that gave him his first blowjob.
One thing was for sure—she looked good doing it. Her big, firm tits hung down like ripe fruit and her teen ass stuck up in the air. Her big eyes stared at him, seeking approval. Her mouth was full with his big cock, stretching her lips. She was determined to not let its size deter her. Up and down her head bobbed, thrilling his penis with every stroke.
“Oh fuck, Emily! You really know how to suck a man’s cock, Baby Girl!” Frank gasped, feeling the buzz from his dick and balls.
“You like your Baby Girl sucking you?” Emily answered with a salacious grin.
She was thrilled that the older man was reacting so positively. You never knew with a man who had as much experience as Frank. And the “Baby Girl” thing—for a man that fended off being called “Daddy”, that was a total, and very naughty, reversal! Frank just might have some very risque fantasies, she thought.
“Fuck, Baby Girl, you’re as good as it gets!” Frank said with only a slight exaggeration.
After all, even though she lacked technique, she was giving it her all. And who could ask for more?
Frank’s penis was big in her mouth and she had to work on suppressing her gag reflex. She wanted to deep throat him as much as possible, but there was no way she was getting it all in. The last boy she had sucked was on her high school football team, and for having such a big, buff body, he had a very small weenie. She liked Frank’s much better!
“If you want me to fuck you, you’d better stop now,” the older man counseled.
Emily appreciated the warning. She had made the mistake of not stopping in time with Victor and he had shot his load in her mouth. She hadn’t been able to pull away in time so she got most of the load down her throat. It had been the first time she had taken a load in her mouth so it was a shock. Emily was surprised that the semen didn’t taste all that bad. A bit weird, but okay. The problem was, she wanted her pussy fucked and now Victor was out of action for a bit. She didn’t want this to happen with Frank.
Letting his cock drop from her mouth, Emily put her face close to Frank’s and said, “Fuck me, Uncle Frank. Screw my kitty with your big, hard cock.”
Kiddingly, Frank replied, “Who am I? Your Uncle Frank, or your Daddy?”
Kissing him on the lips, Emily replied in jest, “You can be either one you want. I’m all yours, either way.”
Emily went to get off Frank, assuming, that like the majority of the time with Victor and the other boys, she would be on the bottom in the missionary position.
But Frank stopped her and said, “I want you on top of me, cowgirl.”
Emily had never had sex with her on top before. When Franks said “cowgirl”, she thought he was calling her a name. From laying on the ground, Frank knew that the ground they had spread the blanket on was lumpy and there were some sharper objects they had failed to remove first. He didn’t want Emily uncomfortable with his weight on her, so he decided to have her ride him cowgirl-style. Besides, she would look hot doing so.
The teen raised her body, then lowered herself back down on Frank’s beckoning stiffy. It took a moment, and some hand work, to get it in her hole. Finally, she got the guided love missile in the right spot and let it fill her cunt. As she did so, she let out a gasp. She had never experienced a cock this big inside her. It almost hurt. Hurt in a good way, that is.
Once settled, she began to twerk her ass and bounce up and down on the wonderful rod of flesh that was mating with her vagina. She attempted to make it look like she had done this for years, rather than her first time. Like all things, her inner sexual animal innately understood what to do and how to do it.
She had been screwed a couple of times doggy-style by Victor. She had noticed how deep his peter had gone into her vagina and had liked it, except for the fact that she couldn’t see his face or have her boobs sucked. But in this position, she could see Frank’s face and her girls were in the perfect position to be enjoyed by her lover. In addition, she could control the friction and pressure on her clit, putting her in charge. She took an immediate liking to this new position.
Emily felt compelled to let out a continuous string of commentary in her sexual euphoria. “Oh god, Frank! Your cock is so big! Oh god, I’ve never been fucked by a cock this big! Oh my god, it feels so good! Fuck your Baby Girl’s kitty, Frank…fuck me, Daddy!”
Emily’s eyes were shining in that special way women have when having sex. They seemed to glitter as her body worked his dick. Her large tits bounced as she rode him. Not the wonderful big bounces of Lillian’s saggy, mature big jugs, but that special way only firm young tits did. No doubt when she was older they would have that certain hanging sagginess that her mother’s tits probably exhibited now.
And speaking of Jen, Frank could only imagine that fucking Emily was like fucking Jen when she first married Brad. No wonder he couldn’t resist her! The daughter obviously took after her mother in her voracious sexual appetite!
Frank reached around and slapped Emily’s firm ass, calling out, “Fuck me, Baby Girl! Fuck your daddy’s cock!”
Then he spanked her again and again.
Emily had never been spanked before, and the meaty slap of Frank’s hand on her ass startled her. Had she done something wrong? Quickly, she realized that it was part of his sex play. She knew some people liked pain with their sex, and now understood why. The stinging spanks combined with the fire emanating from her snatch were intensely enjoyable. And she liked the idea of being a bad girl.
“Spank me, Daddy! I’ve been such a bad girl. A bad girl screwing my Daddy…oh god, yes! A bad girl fucking my daddy behind the back of my other daddy!” Emily cried out, thrilled with the wild masochistic sex.
Frank answered back as he spanked and fucked. “That’s right. You’ve been a naughty little bitch, fucking Daddy Frank. I’m going to spank you and cum in your fucking pussy, you little cunt!”
Bouncing up and down on Frank’s fuck pole even harder, Emily replied, “I’m such a dirty little whore, just like my mommy! A fucking cunt! I’m your fucking whore to fuck!”
Frank didn’t fail to notice Emily’s reference to her mom, Jen. And that she thought Jen was a whore. He guessed it was pretty obvious to the daughter that her mom was always bringing new men home. And that they were there, in mom’s bed, the next morning. There was some deep water in all this, but her willingness to follow her mother’s footsteps was euphoric to Frank’s cock and nuts at the moment.
The gray-haired man took Emily’s sexy jug into his mouth and sucked. She leaned forward to aid his efforts. Her nipple was hard in his mouth. As an experiment, he lightly bit it. The teen let out an “oooh” sound.
Abandoning spanking her ass, he grabbed her other tit with his free hand and twisted the nipple. More exclamations of pleasure came from Emily’s pouty lips.
Frank experimented with biting and twisting until she finally said, “Oooh, that hurts. Not so much.”
Having established where her erogenous nipple pain tolerance was, Frank doubled down on her nipples. He had her moaning in no time.
“Oh…oh yeah…oh…mmm…just like that…oh god…oh god…Daddy!” the teenage tart moaned.
She was fucking him hard and fast now. Like with sucking cock, she was very energetic. It forced him to release her nipple with his mouth and just use both hands as she sat upright on him. No doubt about it, she was riding his bone for all it was worth! She slipped out a couple of times and hurridly stuck his prick back inside her dripping bald cunt. Her athletic young body was paying dividends now and Frank was about to cum.
“Oh fuck, Baby! Daddy’s gonna cum in your tight fucking cunt!” he growled.
They were fucking like animals in heat now. The prime, fertile female copulates hard with the dominant male, trying to get impregnated. Instinct driving both of them to make him cum deep in her vagina for the ultimate payoff of joyous rapture for both.
“Come on, Daddy! Let it go in me. In my little fucking cunt!” she encouraged him.
He didn’t know where she learned to talk so dirty, but he was glad she did! Maybe the thin walls in the place where she lived had something to do with it?
Growling and groaning, Frank shoved his pelvis up hard, driving his large male stinger deep into Emily’s honey hole. He held it in there, then gave her a series of small thrusts that milked the remaining cum from his fuck bone.
“OH FUCK, BABY! OH FUCK YEAH, BABY!” Frank called out in his ecstasy.
If there was a better fuck than seventeen-year-old Emily, he didn’t know who she was—at least not in this moment of total bliss.
A thrilled Emily was caught up in the moment as well. Still bouncing her firm, naked body on his prick, she cried her encouragement to her mature sex partner.
“Oh fuck yes, Frank! Give it all to me, Daddy! Oh fuck…it feels so good! DON’T STOP!” the sexy teen cried out, passionately.
Attuned to Emily’s sexual needs, Frank reassured her, “Keep fucking me, Baby Girl! Keep fucking your daddy!
Driven to the point of insanity from the intense clitoral and nipple stimulation, as well as the feeling of Frank’s big, throbbing dick filling her, Emily finally found release.
“DADDY! OH FUCK, DADDY! OOHH, OOHH, OH GOD!” she moaned as a huge climax shook her whole body.
Emily’s eyes, already glittering and focused on the pleasure she was receiving, rolled back in her head as she orgasmed. She looked like a woman possessed. And she was. Possessed by that sex demon that drives good girls to be bad girls in bed. That makes them fuck like wild animals and crave hard cock. That rewards them with the ultimate physical pleasure this world has to offer.
If there is anything more erotic to watch than a sexy girl having an orgasm on your cock, Frank didn’t know what that was.
Coming back to planet Earth, Emily opined, “Oh my god! That felt so good! I can’t believe how good it felt! I’ve got to catch my breath.”
Then, bending over and kissing him, her wonderful breasts brushing against his chest, she whispered, “It feels so good having you inside of me. I don’t want it to ever end.”
In the splendor of his afterglow, Frank told her, “I agree. Emily, you are amazing. I have watched you turn into a beautiful, sexy, and desirable woman. You don’t know how lucky I feel knowing that you wanted to make love to me.”
At last, she disengaged from his cock and fell into his arms. She felt warm, safe, and loved. Frank was more than Victor or the boys at school. He had always cared for her. It made screwing him that much better. Admittedly, her crush on him didn’t hurt the cause!
She pictured them running off to Europe with her at his side. She could pretend she was his daughter or granddaughter in public, but in private she could be his lover. Or better yet, she could be his young mistress—like the kind you see many rich and powerful men have. They could make love on a beach, or in a hotel in Paris overlooking the Seine.
She was shaken from her reverie by Frank saying, “I love this, Emily honey, but we had better be getting back to camp before they start worrying that we’ve crashed or broken down.”
“Uh, I guess you’re right. It’s just that this feels so good, being naked with you under the blue sky and trees,” Emily replied.
Then the teen added, “I’ve wanted to do this with you for a long time. I know you have a girlfriend and it’s wrong, but I don’t care. I want you so bad even if you do love Lillian.”
Frank kissed the beautiful girl on her forehead, cheeks, and lips (while feeling her breast), and said, “No, it’s okay. It’s what I wanted to do. Lillian is still my girlfriend, so we’ll keep this between the two of us, but I’m glad this happened. This isn’t the end, it is just the start.”
Frank had a wild, erotic notion enter his head: Lillian had mentioned that in her sexual awakening, she had never had a woman. They had kidding around about it, but deep down inside, they knew it was a serious desire. What if Emily was the woman for Lillian? Frank could imagine the sexy fifty-five-year-old grandma and the seventeen-year-old beauty frolicking in bed with each other in front of him. It was worth thinking and scheming about!
As they got back into the Can-Am, Emily decided to leave her top off until they got close to camp. With the seatbelt splitting them, her large, firm breasts looked beautiful in the sunlight. She decided that she was a nudist at heart.
Before Frank started the noisy, high-performance machine, Emily had one last thing to say: “Uncle Frank, tonight after everyone goes to bed, I want to sneak into your trailer. I think I need some more of this!”
“You can sneak into my trailer and fuck me anytime you want, Baby Girl. I can’t wait!” Frank said with a grin.
It was going to be a wonderful night, they both decided.