Kelisha Comani – Chapter 1

"Welcome to Kelisha’s world, a sissy and surprise."

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Kelisha Comani was a total bad girl. She bulldozed white boys wherever she went. She had a wicked personality and an enticing, womanly presence to match. Men could almost smell her cunt when she entered the room. She gave off that devilish, salacious all-woman appeal: the way her massive boobs jiggled and juggled about, that tight bum rocking in her shorty shorts. She strolled like a Halle Berry, dashing beyond comprehension. A beautified red rose, always in bloom, never wilting!

Recently, Kalisha had got herself hooked inadvertently on sissy porn! It had been an abundance of newly found sexual interests that rocked her deepest lusts. If anything, it made her feel the animalistic drive of a man. She wanted a shot at it. Now it was her turn to be the baddy! She craved to be the man in power and to make them the woman at her mercy.

It never quite occurred to her that one day, a yearning to peg the hell out of one of these pathetic worms would be her bidding. She had been delt a poor hand of cards earlier in life. It was those white professors, police, and higher status chumps that had brought her down. Now she wanted payback! Things had certainly changed for the young lady. Good times!

She loved to bring herself to multiple climaxes while watching. It brought the daring woman out in her, all at the expense of those puny white boys being smashed by big black men. Better still, when the strap-on came out, she knew that would be all about her. A total Miss Comani of the makings. It screamed truths! Times had changed.

Sure, Kelisha enjoyed having her snatch mangled, but it quickly became not enough. She was power-hungry. It gave her a rush she never expected, so she’d purchased a massive strap-on dildo. She loved to gaze at her wondrous self in the mirror, imagining a pretty little beta boy on his knees, sucking the gargantuan thing! Wow! The time had arrived to make a move. Go for it, girl!

Tom Brady Williams was his name. He was a middle-class dweeb who bleated his wanting ego like Babe Ruth on the last home run! A validation queen, full of himself, plus a mirror junkie, hair prim’n proper, suited and booted. A feigned narcissist that needed to be pulled back down to mother earth. He was married, but harboured a deep secret. Nobody knew he was a sissy. Nobody except, well, Kelisha.

“Hey, Tom,” Kelisha said cheekily.

“Err, what’s up?” He wiped sweat from his brow like he had just run a marathon.

“Whoa, so quick. Where’s my hello back? You’re so rude. Too much mirror time makes you forget your manners, Willy Williams.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just hectic right now.”

Kelisha smiled. He was such an exaggerator. Eyes locked with his, she moved in.

“I think you’ve had it easy. White privilege ‘n all. You didn’t like last night? Is that what’s all hectic then, or are you lying?”

She whipped her phone out.

He tried to interject: “I’m married. I should never have allowed it to happen. That’s what’s making me crazy, you know.”

She scrolled through her photos. “Ahh here it is!” she said with glee. Her glittering eyes fluttered with a strike!

“I thought you deleted them?”

She put the phone up close to his face. What stared back was a picture of him in a pair of pink panties. They rode up in his sissy snatch. Total woman!

“Why would I? They’re hot. I came three times after you left. Next time, you’re going to really kit yourself out. Bling bling ‘n all that.”

“But why?”

“Because it’s what you want. Just do it. I want it, too.”

“I don’t think it’s sensible.”

His mouth quivered at the prospect. A host of anxieties jumbled about him. Sure, he had enjoyed those panties, but he had his work, his family, his wife. This wasn’t a dream. He was already awake, living the realities of what had taken place.

“You’re right. Sensible is a far cry from you right now. Certainly, I wouldn’t get that impression, seeing a grown man in panties.”

She smirked and glided her fingernails down his cheek, which were painted a stunning deep crimson colour. That subtle touch gave him a storm of sexed-up urges, a total rush.

Thinking back, he remembered how he had gyrated around and around, like a dolly bird on her first podium, relishing eyes upon her in the titty bar. In his case, the eyes were Kelisha’s. She was the audience, he the panty-clad Sissy. It caused eruptions from both of them. Squelches of cunt juices, like a waterfall. Kelisha knew this was all because of her. She couldn’t stop laughing. Sex laughs. They were pretty amazing. They hit you different, like that first time you smoke a doobie; unreal.

He reflected upon them, too. It was those in-between moments, away from the sex itself, that made him wild. Never before had he donned a pair of panties in front of anybody, let alone Kelisha. That cackling laughter made her sound like a witch possessed, and he bathed in her directives. Those hoots she emitted; his blood rushed!

“Look, I have to get back to work. You know it’s busy,” he whispered, using the iron fist of business-related responsibilities to get out of this awkward encounter.

“You know you want more. I want more. It’s our secret, bubs. No point going on with yourself as though nothing has happened. I have other ideas.”

She brushed his hand with hers, a tickle of his desires. She was hot and cold, playing the vixen one moment, a fairy godmother the next. He absolutely loved it, yet was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He had a wife, for fuck’s sakes. Not that Kelisha seemed to mind. It wasn’t her problem. It was his.

“Can we talk later?” he asked.

He was pathetic. Faced with wider society, he never missed a trick! Damn, he was confidently astute in all methods of his life. Except this. This had forced vulnerability into his normal Alpha man routine. Nobody was privy to his big sissy shame. Not like this, not at all, and not Kelisha Comani.

“Stop being a total jerk-off and man up, Tom! You act like a narcissistic pig wherever you go. With me it’s different, and it scares you, makes you question your macho resolve. That’s why you’re acting like a feeble little lamb. Where’d that lion run off too now, baby?” She howled out a laugh at him.

He looked nothing like that macho man now, polarised opposites. Desire entangled him and everything that it entailed in the long run. How could he meet Kelisha again? What if his colleagues found out, or worse still, his wife Jennifer?

He didn’t answer and left hurriedly. He’d escaped this time, but she would have him back in his place soon enough to take him to a place he couldn’t hide. It was an exciting thought.

In a change of pace she wasn’t expecting, he popped down to see her at her desk that afternoon.

“Kelisha, look, err shall we put this to rest for the sakes of my marriage?” he asked, using a moral anchor to throw her off balance.

She looked up. It was hardly private where they were. What in the hell was he thinking!?

“You want this to stop?”

She locked her screen and turned to him, those big tits bobbing up and down beneath her blouse. Did she even have a bra on? Knowing her, the answer was no. Ever a temptress. He imagined seeing them in the flesh, gnawing on those nips, feeling them pulsate like bullets between his teeth. Uh-oh, that mind of his, turning once again to filth.

“I do!” he exclaimed with seriousness.

“Well, I don’t. Why the fuck you coming here to my desk? People are staring. You say you worry about your marriage. It hardly looks that way. Maybe people will think you have a thing for me.”

“Err, it’s just that, I, err, I want this sorted. Once and for all.”

She clenched her teeth together. He had angered her.

“I tell you what. You take me to a hotel tonight. A motel even, a brief stay. We can work this out then.”

He looked confused. “A hotel? But why?”

“Well, where else do you want to meet? McDonald’s in town? Where everybody can see us? You’re stupid, Tom!”

His mind darted about like a gymnast on a workhorse, all over, tossing and turning with flexibility. A plethora of thoughts galloped through his brain.

“If it’s just to talk, then fine,” he said, naively believing his own bullshit that would actually play out.

“You can pick me up at Rocco’s at 6. I’m having a burger and beer there with a girlfriend. I’ll meet you outside in the parking lot.”

Gravitated by this latest move, he nodded his head in agreement. It all irritated him. It was so untimely.

“I’ll have to tell Jennifer I’m working late.”

Kelisha laughed, “It’s not like you haven’t lied before. Titty bar outings with your bum-chums. Maybe one day soon, we can get you working in one of them, you know. My friend Rico in Philly owns a club. Get you a gig, no problem! Those panties, whoa, you’d be the best girl in the place. Haha.”

“That’s absurd.”

He winked at her, attempting to charm a bit of playfulness at the moment, but her glance back at him was one of serious intent.

“Get the fuck away from here now. I’m busy.”

He realised this and didn’t have the faintest clue why he was all hot and bothered. Not nearly the big man he usually gave off to the world.

With no other option, he reluctantly did as she asked. He had nowhere to hide. He gulped, wondering what she had planned. It certainly would not entail idle chit-chat, but maybe, just maybe, he could nip it in the bud, he hoped.

“See you at 6, Willy.”

She winked back, then swished herself around back to her screen. He had been told alright.

Kelisha had seen some thoroughly excitable sissy porn lately with lots of transformations. It made her wet. As she was a trained makeup artist, she could perfectly have him done up just to her liking. The beta Sissy cuck thing was going mainstream now. He would know this soon enough. After all, he enjoyed it. No?

Pushing him further into his change was paramount. Fuck his woman. She was a goody-goody housewife. Baking cakes and doing the ironing, just as a docile little woman would. No wonder he wanted more. Yet, Kelisha wasn’t about to let him force guilt upon her. Oh no. This was all about him. If anything to go by, it was how hard his little willy had gotten in those pink panties that told her so. This was just the beginning.

Sure, she had to play it safe herself. Yes, she was single, but her family and especially her brothers, four of them, would not take kindly to her endeavours. They saw her in their own archaic idea of life. Steeped in the tradition. Donovan, her eldest brother, would say, ‘keep it in the family’. Well, fuck that! She was her own maverick woman. She was Kelisha Comani! It wasn’t as if she were dating Tom, so she didn’t care. White boys had such a vulnerability in front of her. It was especially intriguing when she had one such as him, all high and mighty. The sissy needed to be pulled down a peg. God had sent her! She soared on that, flying in harmony over the clouds and into the sun of the deep blue yonder. Yeah, it felt great.

Tom was nervous that evening, rolling up in his Chevrolet at Rocco’s just before 6. He couldn’t see her, so waited patiently. He had booked a motel on the outskirts of town. Forty-five bucks was hardly a penny and after all, he was a high flyer in the company, so a minor financial outlay to sort this debacle out was no biggie.

Someone tapped on the window. It was her. Fortunately, she was alone. He let her in to the passenger seat. She looked gorgeous. She was wearing a pretty little red dress that pushed forward her cleavage and had her hair tied back. Those melons boomed like an amplifier in his eyes. He could have grabbed them at that very moment.

They drove for about fifteen minutes, which wasn’t saying much. She kept herself occupied with her phone. She was scrolling through the pictures of him she had taken. It was so much fun. She was playing it cool, not giving him anything to go by. But then she switched.

“Tom, what’s on your mind?”


“Everything about me?”

“Well, of course.”

She shuffled in her seat, readying herself. She grazed her fingertips over her boobs, squeezing the flesh.

“Is this everything you want?”

Smiling, she cupped his package. He wasn’t expecting it. She toyed with the outline of his dick, making an outline of a worm in his pants. It was engorged, of course.

“I’m not nasty. I’m really enjoying this. You should, too.”

He kept his eyes on the road. It was busy as they left the highway.

“You don’t have a husband, do you? It’s all fun and games for you, Kelisha. What do you think I’m going through?”

It was time to whip him out of his irrational stupor. The subtle blame game was seeping in. Yet, it wasn’t her problem.

“Not like your wife has a big bag of tricks waiting to fulfil your urges, huh? You just enjoy the moment.”

“I loved the other night. I won’t lie. But please, the whole sissy thing, it’s just a wild fantasy. Nothing more!”

What bullshit. His dick was hard now. What sense of reply could she find to further his horniness along? Perfect, she thought, then said, “You ever had makeup on, hun?”

“Don’t be so silly.”

“Silly, you say? But that’s what Sissies love. Those comics you read, I saw them, feminisation. It’s what floats your boat the most.”

“They’re just desires.”

Her eyes widened with anticipation.

“Desires to play out with me. It’s no use pretending. Anyway, let’s get to the motel. I’ll explain your duties when we arrive.”

He screeched the brakes suddenly. They stopped in the road at an awkward crossing.

“You think you can give me duties now, do you? I’m a full-fledged man!”

“Oh, and little Kelisha here is just a full-fledged woman. You are a misogynistic, sexist pig, to say the least. If it were the other way round, would I be using a gender stereotypes to enforce rules over you based on sex? No, Tom, I’ve had enough of men treating me like shit in my life. You won’t be the next.”

She scooted close to him, changing the goalposts in the minutest of moments. She rousingly popped kiss after kiss on his neck in a sexy as anything manner, up and down, hitting those sensitive nerves of joy. His breath came deep and shaky. Bada bing, bada boom! What the fuck!

“Kelisha, what are you doing to me? This is insane.”

She pulled back and licked her lips. “See, it shows I like you, doesn’t it? I wouldn’t be kissing you otherwise. Just shut up, you bore, and let’s make this happen!”

They said nothing else as he pulled up into the motel parking lot. He switched the engine off. He huffed, a bit overwhelmed by the events taking place.

Upon entering the foyer, an elderly lady at the front desk greeted them.

“Hi there,” Tom said.

“Welcome to Motel Paradise. I’m sure you two lovers will enjoy our rooms. We specialise in helping ya’ll out for a quick bite, ‘n all.”

“Excuse me?” Tom said, aghast at the assumption. “Our reasons are strictly business related.”

“Huh! Really now. Well, I must say Paradise wouldn’t nearly be as popular if it weren’t for those types of engagements. I meant no harm to you, sir! Perhaps it was the tipple of Jack D’s I had at lunch. Sometimes I run away with my thoughts.”

Kelisha found it highly amusing. She took the reins upon herself once ‘Barry big balls’ confident manner had frittered away to that of a nervous pup.

“Which room please, ma’am?”

“Ya’ll on second floor, room 16. A cooked breakfast is available in the morning with OJ and coffee. You need anything, just make a call. I’ll be here.”

“We’ll be gone before sundown. Got it?” Tom said.

The old lady felt his tone to be rather uncouth.

Suddenly, on impulse, Kelisha smacked his bum three times.

“How rude, Tom. This lady has been more than helpful. Apologise immediately.”

The old woman was doing her utmost not to laugh. Spanked by his own wife, she thought, now there was a new one.

He wanted to get out of the situation as quickly as possible and get to their room. So, reluctantly, he blurted out a big, ”Sorry.”

Quickly, he hurried away, leaving Kelisha alone with the receptionist. That was enough for him. He would question Kelisha afterwards. He couldn’t believe she had spanked him right in front of a stranger. All fun and games, was it? Not for him.

“Seems you need to keep him on a leash, girly. He has a temper, that one, hunny!”

“We’re sorry, but sometimes you just have to give them the man child treatment they deserve. I apologise for his indiscretion. Thank you for your hospitality. I’ll be speaking with him about that. He’s just not one for fun at the moment. I think he has wife troubles.”

“So, you are just a friend, then?”

She smirked. “Something like that.”

She took the keys and followed him up the stairs. How much fun! He wasn’t expecting that to have happened. Imagine, a self assertive, wannabe alpha reduced to an apologising, spanked beta. It was uncanny!

When she got to the hallway, he was waiting outside the room. His demeanour was one of hurry, eager to get inside after what had just occurred in the foyer.

“What a fucking cheeky bitch! And that goes for you too, Kelisha. What is it with women? It’s hard to believe you and her. I paid for this motel, after all. I demand respect.”

A cold set of eyes met his response, accompanied by excessive blinking. A fakery to his assertions. No doubt that his manpower was reducing. This was not something Tom Williams was used to.

“Get in the room!” Kelisha barked after unlocking the door. “You are a fucking douche bag, Tom! You are an embarrassment.”

“Me, the embarrassment, you say. Yet you think it’s fine to smack my ass in front of that old sack of potatoes down there!”

“I did it for fun. You’re so serious. Just chill the hell out. I’m not apologising, if that’s what you think. I’ll let go of you calling me bitch for the time being, as you are quite out of sync at present. After all, I want to enjoy this time we have. Go run a bath, will you? We can soak together.”

A bath together? Of all the things to come out of her mouth, that was not one he expected. It felt sensual. It felt romantic. He suddenly felt more at ease.

“I’m just going to go through some reports quickly. You get busy and don’t forget the bubble bath. They usually have some.”

She knew they wouldn’t. It was perfect to have him believe his modesty would have protection, but it just wasn’t to be.

Kelisha made her way into the bathroom just as the water reached to a perfect level. She had a can of shaving foam in one hand and a razor in the other, smiling wickedly!

The bath wasn’t nearly big enough to accommodate the two of them. She knew only one person would venture into the warm water, and that was him!

“Why have you brought those?” Tom asked.

“Are you a fool?”

“No, I’m just curious.”

“Well, what do sissies do to their legs and bum?”

He knew damn well what she meant. It was blatantly clear that she intended for him to be shaved. Oh Lord!

“You can’t be serious?”

“I am. I really am, Tom. It was on Pornhub. A sissy-to-be man got a full-body shave. Yea, it really brought out his femininity, casting him in that sissy appeal one loves. You want this to happen, you need this. So, I’m being kind and taking it one step at a time. Now, off with your pants!”

Suddenly he felt dread.

“But my wife. She’ll see that I’m shaved. What will I say?”

“It’s ok, don’t worry. I thought of this, as I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

“Your serious?”

“Indeed. We will make you into more of a weekend tranny type. No need to shave you all over, just in those intimate parts, the ones that stay hidden. I mean, does your wife ever see your asshole? I doubt she’s ever even entertained the thought of rimming you, has she?”

He scowled, somewhat unsure. He, of course, knew everything about sissies, trannies and shemales, and was fully aware that shaving was a high priority of the fetish. It was all gravy seeing it in a hot sissy comic, but in reality, it felt rather grim!

“Yes, I’m going to shave your cock and balls, and then your ass.”

“My ass. Are you kidding me?”

“Yes! Your ass all over. Your inside cheeks, and last but not least, your dainty little hole! Yeah, it will be so much fun.”

“I can’t believe this!”

“Well, you’re hardly rejecting the idea, are you? Not like you did when you got all mouthy in the foyer with that old lady.”

He covered his face with his hands.

Kelisha continued, “It’s something we’ll both enjoy. You want to be a sissy and I want to make a sissy. I accept this gladly, as should you, without a tantrum. I think you’ll really, really enjoy this. Now come on, get that naked sissy booty of yours on show!”

He peeled down his trousers and flung off his shirt, standing in front of her in just his boxers. He gazed at her and unflinchingly pulled them down. Standing there in perfect proportions, he dipped his feet into the water. It was still a little too hot. Kelisha sensed this and turned on the cold tap briefly. She didn’t want her sissy getting all burned. He laid down fully and submerged himself up to his neckline. It felt quite nice, actually, and for a moment, he forgot everything.

His little dick, which was strangely disproportionate to his overall physique, bobbed upwards as one’s penis does when in the bath!

“Quiet, baby. Close your eyes,” Kelisha whispered.

She wanted Tom to relax, wanted to offer him comfort. It would help him along in his cause more smoothly. She began tugging at his dick. He wasn’t expecting it, not one iota. Yet, of course, what man would say no to a dashing black beauty as Kelisha playing with their tackle?

“Good Sissy. There you go. Let me massage your clitty. Let me send you to heaven now!”

He was rock hard! She fondled his balls and worked her fingers expertly on that mini shaft. She could sense that he was getting close. His breathing laboured. Just at that, she stopped. The prep was done. She wanted him hot and horny for the shave expedition. If he shot his load, then it would be mighty awkward for him to accept it. It was all about timing. She had had great fun bringing him to that place, yet he seemed none the wiser.

“Why did you stop? I was really enjoying that.”

“No time like the present. Now, I think the warm water has softened you up enough, so up you get. I want you on the bed, legs spread, doggy. Let’s get that sissy snatch shaved, eh!”

He stood up. The water trickled off him, and Kelisha handed him a towel.

“Come, give it to me. I’ll rub you dry now.”

She felt something different just then. It tweaked just a tad, as a cog moving ever so slightly, the sound of a pin drop it was that subtle. It was a warmth towards him, a loving one at that. Perhaps a strange motherly sense. She quickly reverted to business and shook the feelings from her mind.

She dried his back and then moved to his bum. She ran the towel up in between his cheeks, making sure he was wispy dry. Just perfect for a shaving.

“Well, go on then. Off you pop to the bed, baby.”

Baby? She has never once referred to him as that. It was strange, yet comforting. Was he getting turned on by this? He never thought such an idea would turn him on, but it did. He suddenly felt incredibly erotic, like a teenage boy at fourth base for the first time. It brought it all back, bringing forward a motioning desire he had never felt before. It seemed he was getting aroused by having his ass shaved! Yet, it also spelled a weakness for him. What real man would enjoy such a thing? Then again, he had always harboured the sissy fantasy and now a part of it was coming to pass. His mind was incrementally changing.

He hopped up onto the bed. He spread his legs outwards as instructed in that ever so submissive doggy position. His little dick hung sweetly between them, engorged. It all immensely turned him on.

“Come on now, Tom. You can spread those legs a little further now, can’t you? I need to get right up inside you, in all the nooks and crannies, so it would help if you bore down more and put your head directly on the pillow. That way, with your back arched, it will naturally bring you to a full stretch.”

Oh, dear Lord. Shockwaves rattled their way through him. Instructions steeped in authority. It was utterly riveting. It was all new.

“You’ve got a cute hole, you know. It will be even better once I’ve got rid of all this icky hair.”

He wasn’t monstrously hairy like an ape or anything, but he still maintained a good old bit of man fluff down there. His ass itself wasn’t too bad. Yet up in between those cheeks, there was some serious work to be done.

Suddenly he became alerted to the sound of the can shaking. He just kept his eyes closed face down on the pillow, waiting. Then, he felt the sudden sensation of cold foam blasting onto his milky white cheeks. She gave a good go at it. In all her determinations, she wanted to lather him up well. She didn’t hold back. He was in line for a thoroughly smooth sissy pussy. It had to be so. There was no other way!

Kelisha begun massaging the foam into him, all over his bum and thoroughly up in between his cheeks. She swirled the foam up and around his pinky, ensuring that she covered every inch with the white cream.

“You ever had anything up there, out of interest?”

He shook his head from side to side. It gave her ideas, hot ones. Knowing he was an anal virgin made her incredibly horny. He was so untapped presently. There was much work to be done indeed.

“Now I’ll start with your bum cheeks, then I’ll progress to your more intimate, delicate hole. Make sure you keep still. I don’t wish to cut my sissy up. I want this to go perfectly. Once done, I will talc you up. You don’t want to get a nappy rash, do you now?”

She laughed inside at that remark. Babying him made her wet. Yes, a big sissy baby, that’s what he was. Ohhh, it was such a steamy thought. Perhaps she would one day make him into one, haha!

She ran the razor over his peachy bum cheeks. She had a small bowl of warm water to the side where she tapped off the excess hair and foam.

“Oh, Willy William, it’s coming off just nicely. It really is. Wow, I love this. It’s amazing. You never would have thought this was what I was bringing you here to do. It’s not exactly the usual ‘run of the mill’ idea, but thinking outside of the box makes it all the spicier!”

His bum was almost done. She then took each milky cheek, pulling them open even wider than they already were. She wanted to get right in there. That brought a small yelp from our sissy! It was so much fun gliding that razor over the bed of hair which ran up either side. It came off perfectly. Reducing a man to a demeaned sissy was all part of the process. The ultimate process of turning ‘he’ into a ‘she’!

“Oh, you are looking great already, and that’s just one side finished.”

She did the other cheek, having saved the best till last. She took the foam and squirted just a little right smack-bang onto his tootsie rosebud! She teased it with her finger, but didn’t push inside. That would be for another day.

All the same, he still felt the wicked sexual exertions fill up inside of him. Here he was, a fully grown man, being shaved like a sissy. If he had ever felt as emasculated, it was now. She was bringing his desires to life. It scared the living Jesus out of him, and in tandem, it excited him as much as a kid on Christmas opening their gifts. What a total head-fuck!

She carefully let the razor head go over his hole, leaving light brushes here and there as she went. His little sissy starfish appeared in all its beauty. Just wonderful.

“Ohhh Tom, I’ve wanted this forever and an age. I can tell you in all honesty, I’m absolutely rushing right now. More so than when a big, strong man chews away at my clit. Ohhh my, ohhh my, you sissy bitch!”

She dunked the razor into the water one last time before popping back up to his tight little hole to finish the job.

“It’s so pretty. It’s so cute. Totally adorable. Just as it should be. Wow, you’re as pretty as a picture, hun!”

She put the razor down and with both hands prised both his cheeks apart as far as possible. She wanted a good look at her efforts. It looked fantastic. As smooth as a baby’s bum. A sissy bum! Not a hair in sight. It was a vision to behold. She was extremely happy with her efforts.

She finished by tending to those soft velvety sissy nubs and clit. They were hardly big, so it was not a major effort. Yet he was as hard as lead when she did it. Every now and again, she pulled back his foreskin, giving him a little tug ‘here and there’ to keep him active, but he sure didn’t need it. He’d never felt so turned on, not in years. Kelisha had a special touch indeed.

“Now, up you get and back in that bath. You can clean the residue off, so it’s all brand spanking and shiny. I’ll towel you off afterwards and then you can get a good look in that full-length mirror. Sweet as a nut!”

He returned to the bath. He allowed his hands to run up the back of his bum, feeling how smooth it was now. Oh god, what if his wife Jennifer saw!?

The water was still warm when he dipped himself back in. Weekend tranny? You could say that. His crotch still had some wisps of hair, a mini mound, but his dick and balls were squeaky clean. He looked freakish. He ran his fingers in between his crack and, taking the soap, he took steps to cleanse the area.

Kelisha suddenly came in. She peered her head around, smirking at him in delight.

“That’s right, rub that bar of soap up in between your pussy lips, Tom.”

“Pussy lips!? What the hell, Kelisha!”

“Oh, you love it. That’s what you have now, a full-fledged sissy pussy. Remember your tantrum in the car? You told me you were a ‘full-fledged man! Oh, my! How things have changed so quickly. You are my little baby-cakes.”

He dashed the soap into the water, causing a splash in his annoyance.

“I look bizarre! My ass feels super smooth. You’ve shaved my dick and balls. All the while leaving my pube line alone.”

“Clit, Tommy girl. I shaved your clit. That’s exactly what it is now.”

Kelisha grabbed the razor and chucked it into the water. Imagine the racing mental disposition a wanting alpha cast man was going through, knowing that a woman had just begun making him into a sissy? It was exciting and terrifying all in one. He hated it and loved it. Societal condemnation would not take kindly to knowing any of this. He felt like a wrecked wretch of a man! Yet, he was a primed picture of a woman budding itself at the same time.

“And so, that’s for you to get the job finished. There’s a good girl.”

Being already submerged in the water, he didn’t need the cream.

“Well, it will look less weird, I guess. But Jennifer will ask questions. We have sex, you know, Kelisha. How on earth will I explain this away?”

“It will make a nice, shaven front, a camel toe of sorts, once we harness that clit between your legs. All the better for donning the very revealing thongs and panties I am going to put you in as you develop. We can get to your legs at a later date. Anyhow, it’s not like men of all types don’t shave themselves. You truly do boil over when, in fact, it’s nothing more than a mild simmer.”

“Well, maybe,” he retorted, taking the razor and gliding it over his pubes.

“Yet never once have I bothered to shave for Jennifer. It’s my ass, more so. How will I explain that away? It’s hardly befitting that a heterosexual man would shave his ass cheeks. I don’t know any guy who does that. Maybe gays, and trans.”

“That’s correct, and, of course, sissies!” Kelisha said affirmingly. She wasn’t fucking around. It wasn’t playful. It was the damn truth. “You’ll find a way. Just say it’s pop culture, and you wanted to experiment. Gawd, it’s not like she’ll be prising apart those cheeks, is it? You’ll be fine.”

He was glad of sorts, to at least have his front shaved. Thank fuck she had left his legs alone. That was not something he could ever explain away without a lot of questioning coming his way. Shit, the time! He’d have to get gone, and soon.

Kelisha shouted from the bedroom, “Get in here, girly poo! It’s time to check that snatch!”

There was a full-length mirror at the side of the bed, positioned at a perfect height for him to see himself. He dried off and walked into the bedroom. She had made herself a coffee and was sipping it leisurely on the chair by the window.

She had her legs crossed. If they were to open, one could see right up that gorgeous short red dress to her panties. She was not intending to give him that view; it was supposed to be obstructed. This was his ‘Sissy reveal time’ to think he was just at the beginning of many, many more intense revelations to come, those amazing notions of the future.

She whipped the towel from his waist and tossed it in the corner. She admired him in his new, glorious self.

“Turn yourself around, now.”

He did as instructed, gazing at that crisp as a cucumber shaved rump! She teased her fingernails over the soft flesh, giving him a raunchy jolt he was not expecting.

“Oh god! It really is fresh and all. I never saw it like that. Well, not since becoming a man, anyway.”

“And now you are reverting. Yet this time, to a woman!”

He gritted his teeth. “I’m not a woman, Kelisha.”

“You will be by the time I’m finished with you. A sissy girl then, if that makes it a little less daunting. It’s not as if you’re having surgery or anything. But thinking of it, that sure would be hot.”

She squeezed both his nipples. She toyed with them, slightly piercing the flesh, rousing them to attention.

“You certainly have big burger whopper nips as it is! Yea, it’s kind of like you have a woman’s areole already. A few injections here, some pills there. Ha, now there’s a thought.”

He glanced directly into her eyes, feeble as a baby bunny that had lost its mother, hunted by a wolf upon the barren plains. She slapped his ass and made him bend over on the bed.

“What are you doing?”

He hadn’t at all anticipated her sudden shove as she forcefully pushed him downwards into a doggy position again.

“Don’t tell me you never fantasised about getting fucked, ogling your hole in the mirror.”

“It never actually occurred to me. I only fuck, you know! I’m not gay, Kelisha.”

She rolled her eyes. “Are you dumb or something? Just because a man decides he wants to pleasure himself anally does not for one minute mean he’s gay. After all those sissy comics, they’re full of sissies getting smashed by men! You’re telling me you just went over those pages? They’re the last parts of the stories, aren’t they? I flicked through a few on your phone on the first meet. Sissy gang-bangs at the mercy of a rowdy bunch of black men! It certainly seems to be all the range. Yeah, right. You just closed the screen at that point. You’re full of shit!”

“I won’t lie, I enjoy those parts. It still doesn’t mean I want to act it out in real life. Certainly not with a man, anyhow!”

“Yes, but with me, it will be different.”

Confused, he said, “You don’t have a dick!”

“Oh, I do Tom, I really do. It’s bigger than average when I strap it on. Oh, just you believe me. It’s ten times bigger than your little weenie.”

A strap on. Of course! How stupidly foolish could he be? All that had taken place, he had forgotten even the basics. Silly buns him. His brain was rotting, like an old piece of flesh, ready for the vultures. Shit, the time.

“I have to go back. Jennifer will wonder what’s going on. I had to lie, you know.”

Kelisha, uninterested in his domestic dilemmas, spread his Sissy legs again.

“Go on, dunk your head downwards between your legs so you can see your reflection in the mirror.”

She kneeled so he could see her smiling face as she stretched his bum outwards at both sides. This gave him a full frontal, unobstructed view of his brand spanking new sissy hole. It was beyond glorious, a charming set of buns. Best of all, he could see how utterly smooth he was now. His hole was like butter that wouldn’t melt. Plenty of men would put aside their sexual preferences when they saw something so cute.

“Wink it in and out,” Kelisha commanded.

He felt completely embarrassed, pulsing his hole for her enjoyment. His dick was rising again. It was turning him the fuck on!

“We’ll get to work on your pussy soon enough. I have plans for your coochie, it needs some serious work. Now, hop back up and get dressed. You’re going to take me home, bubba.”

Just then she remembered something. “Oh, I forgot one last thing.”

“What’s that?”

“The talc, of course, silly. You don’t wish to get shaving spots on your new self. It will help keep your skin dry and prevent rashes. Just like a baby, ha!”

She retrieved it from her bag and began peppering him with the powder, on his bum and up and down the insides of his cheeks, and finally, in and around his delicate sissy hoop! It was ever so tender in that intimate region after a shaving. It warranted care and consideration. Kelisha was kind to him.

“There’s a good little Sissy boy! Aren’t we all lovingly ship shape? It’s the cherry on the cake for you, babe!”

He said nothing. Her baby talk was not something he enjoyed. For now, though, they concluded things for the day. Yet much more excitement lay ahead. It was a journey, after all …

Published 10 months ago

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