I have had the pleasure of describing our adventures with friends and the occasional stranger, but last month I had the pleasure of witnessing an experience that I was not expecting.
In our neighborhood there is a house a few lots down from ours that has several older boys. We have lived here for 10 years, so have watched them grow from young teens to early twenties young men. We don’t know the family that well (other than to say hi) but are friendly enough that they have stopped by in the past to sell sports fundraising items, etc.
As it’s starting to warm up this Spring, we have been spending more time by the pool, sunning outside and using the hot tub. Deb always wears sexy and skimpy bikinis when we are hanging out at the pool, so on this day she had on a see-through Wicked Weasel suit that was one of my favorites. We had spent the morning doing chores around the house and were both sweaty and wanting to relax. I made a couple of drinks, and we were sitting by the pool. I had moved over next to her and kissed her while massaging her breasts when we both heard, “Hi! Sorry to bother you!”
We both jumped and Deb used her arms to cover up as we looked up at the 22-year-old neighbor boy Jake, standing at the gate. He was embarrassed and said, “I knocked on the front door and no one answered but I heard music so just came around back…. sorry to bother you.” Jake was in tight swim trunks and a sleeveless t-shirt. He was over 6’ tall with blond hair and was an athlete evidently from the size of his arms and chest. Jake was well-tanned and everything we remember about being young!
He turned to leave and I told him, “No! That’s ok – we were relaxing and enjoying the nice weather. What do you need?”
Jake replied, “Well, I’m home this next week for Spring Break and was out asking if anyone needed their driveways or pool surfaces power washed. Trying to make some extra money for school.”
Deb looked at me and said,” Aww, let’s help him out – you remember being that age and trying to get some cash!” I laughed and remembered those days – I also remember seeing some of my older neighbors and wondering how they looked nude! Deb expected me to tell him he could go power-wash the driveway, but I gave her a little surprise.
“Jake, we’re just hanging out here at the pool today. How would you like to wash the pool deck for us?” I asked.
“Sure! I’d be happy to do that! Do you want me to do it right now?” he asked.
“Not a better time than the present!” I said as I stood up and walked over towards him. “I’ll pay you $100 if you can give the deck a good cleaning.” Jake eagerly agreed and told me he would be right back with the equipment.
“I thought we were going to relax out here today?” Deb asked when he walked away.
“We are! Jake is just going to power wash and won’t be long. We can hang out in the pool while he does that. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to watch a hot MILF swim while he works!” I joked as I winked at her.
“You’re bad! He’s young enough to be my kid!” Deb said. “At a minimum, I need to change swimsuits!”
“Nah, just stay in the pool. He can’t see much when you’re in the water and he won’t take that long,” I told her.
Deb got into the pool and swam a few laps. The water was still cool, and when she stopped her laps and walked up to me I noticed that her nipples were pert. She threw a towel and wrap on and sat on the lounge chair by the pool as Jake was coming back in with his power washer. He got set up and moved to the far side of the pool to begin power washing. Deb sat by the pool in her chair, and I jumped in to cool off and enjoy the water. After about 10 minutes, Jake stopped and pulled his T-shirt off as he was starting to sweat. I could see Deb watching him behind her sunglasses, as he had a very ripped torso and was as bronze on his chest and back as he was everywhere else.
Deb sat there sipping her drink and I could see her watching him over her phone as he worked. Interestingly, her nipples were still hard – which told me it wasn’t just the water that was making them erect! After a few minutes, I motioned for her to get in the pool. She finished her drink and stood up, letting the towel and wrap fall onto the chair. As she walked over to the pool, I noticed Jake look up from his task and ogle Deb walking across the surface in her skimpy bikini that was dry but didn’t leave much to the imagination. She stepped into the pool and gave Jake a direct frontal view of her swimsuit, and he was mesmerized by how she looked with her large chest and attentive nipples sticking out. He hadn’t moved from where he was cleaning while she entered the pool, and he looked at me sheepishly and went back to work knowing I had caught him checking her out.
Deb slowly moved around the pool getting used to the water again and walked over by me. She looked at Jake and said, “Poor guy is working hard while we’re lounging around!”
I looked at him and said,” He would do this all day for free if he knew you were going to be lounging around in that swimsuit!”
Deb laughed but agreed that he was enjoying the view. “Why don’t you get on the floating lounger and give him a show!” I said half-jokingly.
“If you will bring it in the pool I would like to sun a bit while I float,” she said with a half grin. I fetched the lounger and brought it to her, and Deb sat on it and began to float around. She was on her phone while she tanned, and I sat relaxingly on the steps. I chuckled watching Deb’s eyes regularly divert over to Jake’s hard body, and I also watched Jake’s eyes dart from his power washer over to Deb and back, trying not to get caught checking her out.
After about 45 minutes Jake turned off his power washer and told me he was going to run home and cool off and take a break. I said to him, “Jake, you’re welcome to hop in the pool with us to cool off! I’m happy to get you a water, or soda, or beer if you want something.”
“Would that be ok? If it wouldn’t be an intrusion the water looks great!” he said. I asked what he wanted to drink, and he said he’d have a beer. I got out to get him a drink, and Jake dove into the deep end of the pool. He came up near the steps, which is where Deb was floating on her lounger. He sat back and I saw the two of them talking while I walked into the garage. I decided to take my time and let him have some “alone time” with Deb, as I am sure he was digging the view!
After about 15 minutes I came back with a beer, and Deb and Jake were talking and laughing in the pool. I walked out and into the pool and said to them, “Ok, what’s so funny out here?”
“Jake was telling me about what the girls were like at his college and how difficult it was to find a girlfriend,” Deb said. I handed Jake his beer and Deb her drink as well. Deb asked if I would hold the float while she got into the pool. She put her legs in and slowly slid into the water. Through my sunglasses, I could see Jake watching her slide in – her bikini bottom had ridden up and you could clearly see the outlines of her pussy lips through the material, and her see-through top barely held her titties in as she went underwater and came back up.
We stood there talking for a while, and Jake shared he and his high school girlfriend had broken up at the end of the year and he was “playing the field” at school. I laughed and told him I was sure he wasn’t having any trouble finding a date, and he told us that most of the girls were pretty shallow and immature. I grabbed us all another round as we visited, and then Jake told us he should finish the job. He walked out of the pool, and I think Deb and I both did a double take when his exceptionally large and long cock was straining against his swimsuit as he stepped out. The wet swimsuit accentuated him, but he didn’t seem to be self-conscious of it as he went back to work. I looked at Deb who was “wowed” as she sat on the pool deck.
As Jake got back to work, Deb seemed intent on watching him as his firm ass and substantial manhood were profiled as he worked. I could see she was mesmerized and could only imagine what she was thinking. I decided to see how she would react if I was not there.
“Hey, I’m going to run into the store and grab some liquor and other groceries for the weekend. Are you ok staying here until he gets done? Just pay him and I’ll pay you back.” Deb was ok with that, so I topped off her drink, gave her a quick peck, told her to “have fun” and told Jake I’d be back later. I told them both I’d be about an hour.
As I got in my car I was fantasizing about Deb taking advantage of the young college boy and was starting to get hard. I quickly ran into the local store, grabbed the few things that I needed and rushed back. I decided I would sneak into the house and watch whatever might happen. I was home in about 25 minutes and parked out on the street and walked up to the front door so they wouldn’t know I was back. As I set the bags down on the kitchen counter I looked outside and didn’t see either Deb or Jake, which somewhat surprised me. I walked over to the picture window to see if they had left but I was given quite a surprise!
Deb was sitting on the lounge chair next to the pool and he and Deb were hungrily making out. Jake had his hands groping Deb’s breast and was rubbing her nipple through the very sheer material. Deb was kissing him back and was rubbing her hand up and down Jake’s chest. He pulled her bikini top up and moved down to devour her nipples, kissing and sucking on them as Deb laid back on the lounger. She was holding his head against her breasts and Jake took advantage of her lying back to quickly pull off her bottoms while he kissed and sucked her breasts. I could see his fingers find her pussy, and he slid several fingers into her deeply, so I knew she was sopping wet.
By this time I had stepped back from the window, grabbed a chair, and had my shorts down and my cock in my hand. I sat there watching them as if I was watching a porn movie, stroking myself as this young guy devoured my wife. He kissed down her stomach and Deb spread her legs apart on the recliner to give him access to her shaved, smooth, and very wet snatch. He used his tongue to flick her clit and then dove in to fuck her with his tongue. Deb was in ecstasy and was massaging her tits and squeezing her nipples while he drove her to orgasm. She started to shudder and then raised her hips up while he licked and sucked her clit as she climaxed.
Once she came down from her orgasm, Deb pulled him up onto the lounger and kissed him. I knew she was tasting her own juices as he straddled her. She pulled his swim trunks down to his knees as his large dick popped out in front of her. He quickly pulled his shorts off, and Deb reached down and started stroking him aggressively. Jake leaned down and kissed her, but Deb broke it off and bent down to kiss the head of his enlarged cock. Jake kneeled straight up, and I sat there watching Deb struggle to take much of his dick into her mouth. Jake grabbed the back of her head and pushed it towards his cock, and Deb gagged as she took more of him in, slobbering on her chest as she did so. She took him out of her mouth and used her tongue to lick down his shaft to his balls and suck them into her mouth. Jake had his head back and eyes closed as she did this and he was getting close to cumming.
Deb began sucking on the head of his cock and running her tongue around it in her mouth, which always drives me crazy. Jake pulled himself out of her mouth and bent over to kiss her again. As he did this he lowered himself on top of her as he prepared to enter her. He broke off the kiss and looked down as he grabbed his cock – slowly rubbing it up and down her sensitive pussy lips as he slowly entered her. I watched this young man slide his cock into my wife until he was all the way into her. Deb threw her legs around his waist and took all of him as he slowly started to pump in and out of her pussy.
Deb grabbed his ass with both hands and pulled him into her with each thrust. It was evident he was close as his pace picked up and he went faster and faster. I assumed he would pull out and cum on her stomach, but she kept her hands on his ass and pulled him hard as he buried himself deep in her as he came. He slowed his strokes as he finished in her and then pulled out of her as he reached over to kiss her again.
I decided it was time to get back to my car and “actually” come home so I ran out, pulled into the driveway, and made a good bit of noise slamming the door and carrying things in. By the time I walked out to the pool, Jake was about to leave with his cleaning equipment. Deb was dressed and had on her wrap and towel, standing by the gate and talking to him. I walked over and they both seemed like they had just finished a workout! I thanked Jake for the work and asked Deb if she had paid him. Deb said, “Yep, all taken care of!” as Jake shook my hand. It hit me that 20 minutes earlier that hand had been in my wife’s pussy!
Deb and I went inside, and she told me about what had happened while I was gone. I kissed her and took her into the bedroom where I reclaimed her by fucking her already used and loose pussy. We talked about how we could do something with Jake again later, and Deb told me he said he’d love to get together with her anytime. We’re looking forward to what that next encounter brings!