Diary of a High School Stud: Chapter Four

"Tommy's extra circular activities get a little spicy."

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After settling into my hotel room, I started scrolling through YouTube. Since I was still feeling nostalgic, I started searching for old Detroit commercials. I smiled as I watched ads for Faygo, Boblo Island, Mel Farr Superstar, and my dad’s law firm. As the spot played, I actually started crying. The last time I saw him was at his sentencing in January 1987. When I was a kid, he was my hero. Every Saturday, we’d go to Putt Putt, Oak Park Park, or the movies. He loved movies more than I did. His dream was to go to Hollywood and become an actor. Instead, he went to the University of Michigan, where he became a lawyer. Or, more accurately, he became a local celebrity lawyer.

When I was five years old, my father quit the law firm where he had been working since graduating from law school. He then opened his own firm, specializing in accidents and DUIs. He knew he needed a hook that would separate him from the sea of attorneys who played in the same space. But he had something the other lawyers didn’t have: his cousin Stevie. Stevie ran a small advertising agency that created direct mail and TV spots for car dealers throughout the Midwest. After days of ideating, my dad decided to change his name from Greg Mitchell to Dash Mitchell. He only did that because Stevie wrote a jingle that went like this: “If you were in an accident and need a lawyer who’ll help you get your settlement in a flash, call 1-800-CALL-DASH.”

You couldn’t drive anywhere throughout Metro Detroit without seeing his billboards. You couldn’t listen to the radio or watch TV without seeing and hearing his commercials. Eventually, the only place we didn’t see him was at home. By the time I was twelve, my dad was too busy to be part of our family full-time. He was hanging out with popular radio DJs, newscasters, players from all the major sports teams, and women.

My mom tried to turn a blind eye to his shenanigans because she had a lot invested in him. She loaned him money from an inheritance from her father, which allowed him to start his firm. He promised that he would pay her back. He never did. He also promised her he’d stay with her forever, but during eighth grade, they separated. The finalization of their divorce took some time. The biggest holdup was that my mom wanted him to pay her back the money she lent him, plus interest. After the court-appointed accountants looked over his books, they told the judge that my dad was barely making a profit. So all she got was the $150,000 she lent him, plus child support and alimony. In February 1986, my mom told me that my dad probably had two different books. The court appointed accountants to validate the real one, as well as the ones he probably bribed. After mom told me that, I started realizing that my dad was a sleazebag.

By mid-November 1985, many of my old friends considered me a sleazebag for leaving them behind. On Monday, after Kimberly’s party, we made our relationship high school official. I wasn’t sitting at the same lunch table as them anymore. Sometimes I would sit with Kimberly at lunch. Sometimes we’d be in the parking lot, fucking in her car. And sometimes, we would fuck in the bathroom. The longer our relationship lasted, the more possessive she became of me. She put every sixteen and seventeen girl on notice that if they wanted me, they had to ask her permission. They did. In some ways, it felt like she was my pimp. To me, that didn’t matter; I had a very active sex life that I was enjoying immensely.

While Kimberly was my school girlfriend, Jane was my work one. Compared to Kimberly, she was more free. She didn’t care who I had sex with, just as long as I came home to her. The relationship between the two of them was actually good. In our little thrupple, Jane was the dominant one. She kept Kimberly in her place and continually reminded her to play nice, because if she didn’t, she’d kick her out of our special relationship.

Compared to Kimberly, I could tell Jane anything. She knew more about me than anyone else. She appreciated our shared love of horror films. She laughed and vowed to protect me when I revealed my irrational fear of peacocks. She thought it was so hot when I told her that I had lost my virginity to Ms. Stalling, my public speaking teacher. And she thought it was hotter when I brought her along to my teacher’s house for one of our after-school “study” sessions.

After Andrew, my best friend, moved to Idaho before the start of the school year, I didn’t have any close friends, except for my K-Mart crew. There were just guys with whom I had lunch and occasionally played Dungeons & Dragons. If I wanted to spend any real time with them, I would have to join their Olympics of the Mind team. While I had the intelligence to be a valuable member, I constantly declined. That pissed off Ernie Holt, the team captain. Ernie was the kind of guy who considered himself the smartest guy in the room, and he always wanted to surround himself with smart people who could make him look even smarter.

Ernie was jealous that girls like Kimberly and Nikki spent time with me. He thought I was his ticket to the popular girls. They were the girls he thought about when he stroked his sixteen-year-old dick in his darkened room in the middle of the night. He assumed that after my newfound popularity, I would hook him up with any girl he wanted, specifically Jade Lin.

Jade Lin was a beautiful sixteen-year-old girl who immigrated to Michigan from China when she was eight. She was also the smartest girl, not only in our class but in the entire school. That made Ernie livid. He hated the fact that she received all the accolades, and that universities were fighting over her instead of him. He hated the fact that she was being offered scholarships before she even took the SAT, while he was busy padding out his high school resume with things like being the captain of our school’s Olympic of the Mind team, the founder of the astronomy and future engineers club, and a proud member of the mathletes. But he mostly hated the fact that she would never go out with him.

Ernie thought they would be the perfect couple. In his mind, he believed that if she got to know him, she would fall madly in love with him, and from that moment on, they would be inseparable. They would go to the same university. After graduating from the University of Michigan, he would work as an engineer at Ford, like his father and grandfather. Jade would work as a mathematician until she was ready to start having babies. Unfortunately for him, every time he tried to talk to her, she politely ended the conversation after a few minutes.

Jade, like most of the top students in the school, found Ernie to be annoying. She wasn’t wrong. Ernie only cared about his grades, getting into U of M and earning his engineering degree. He once actually told Jade that she should spend more time studying and less time partying. Unlike Ernie, she had not only a photographic memory but also a robust social life. Jade loved to party. And when he chastised her about her lifestyle, she glared at him as she said, “Shut the fuck up.”

However, Ernie never got the hint. He would pursue her until graduation, hoping she would recognize him as her soulmate and allow him to be her first, and she would be his. He did not know that ever since Mark Thomas, the senior class president, took her virginity, she had become a cock-crazed junkie. It was normal to see her on her knees at parties, sucking off any guy who would let her. On Halloween, I was one of those lucky recipients. Kimberly, Jane, and I were at Jake Hanson’s party. She pulled my pants down in the corner of the living room and devoured every inch of my cock for about ten minutes, at which point I filled her throat with my jizz. She wanted to go upstairs and fuck. Before I even had a chance to say “yes,” Kimberly walked over and cockblocked Jade. She pretended that she needed to talk to me in the kitchen. Instead, she, Jane, and I returned to Jane’s mother’s apartment for an evening of steamy sex after leaving the party.

While Kimberly and Jade were friendly, they weren’t friends. One of Kimberly’s worst traits was that she held grudges. She had harbored a grudge against Jade since the fourth grade, when she failed to receive an invitation to her tenth birthday party. Frankly, Jade didn’t invite many kids, myself included. Kimberly was angry that all of her best friends were there, and she hated feeling left out. From that point on, she treated Jade like the enemy. In elementary and middle school, she would spread vicious rumors, and shortly after they both turned sixteen, she would try to steal every boy that Jade fucked, and she did her best to block me from ever getting more than that one blowjob from her. However, I wasn’t going to let some stupid feud stop me from fucking Jade.

On Wednesday, November 13th, 1985, I finally made my move. I had several things going for me that day. First and foremost, Kimberly’s grandmother died, and she, along with her family, drove up to Grand Rapids for the funeral. Second, for the next three days, we had half days due to teacher workshops. Third, since my dad usually worked until eight, we could hang out at his apartment for the next several hours and get into all sorts of trouble. After the final bell rang, I saw her at her locker, and Ernie was trying to convince her to go to 12 Oaks Mall with him for lunch and a movie. He was bragging that his parents bought him a brand new Ford Escort with a cassette player, and that he wanted her to be the first girl, other than his mom, to take a ride in it.

It was easy to see why Ernie was infatuated with Jade; she was an absolute knockout. She wore her long black hair in a ponytail that day. With the exception of her seductive legs, her black sweater and gray skirt concealed her 5’3, 110lbs, and 33A-23-24 Chinese physique. Although everything about her was sexy, her smile was the sexiest part of her body. No matter what was going on in her life, she was always smiling, and if you walked by her feeling depressed, her smile would definitely brighten your day.

Ernie was your stereotypical nerd, and he had been a target for bullies since kindergarten. He had short brown hair, stood 5’7, wore glasses that were too big for his head, and always carried a briefcase. If he had had a good personality, none of that would’ve mattered. Instead, he treated everyone like shit, even those he thought were his best friends. If things didn’t go his way, he would yell at whoever he thought had wronged him. During our freshman year, he was on the Olympics of Mind team, which was mostly seniors. The night before the event, he didn’t think the rest of the team was taking it as seriously as he was. They thought he was an egotistical asshole, but nobody showed up. He was furious that not only was he disqualified from that event, but he wouldn’t move forward to state, regionals, and nationals. Maybe if he were nicer, his team wouldn’t have bailed on him. And maybe if he were nicer, Jade would have given him a chance.

As I walked past her locker, she flashed me a smile and gave me a look as if she were trying to tell me to take her away. So I turned back and walked back toward her locker, and when I arrived, I said, “Hey kids, what’s going on?”

“We were deciding which movie to see,” he said as he gave me the get-the-fuck out of here look.

“Jade, I thought we had plans to drive up to Showbiz Pizza to play video games.” I asked her.

“I was trying to tell Ernie that,” she replied as she clutched onto my arm.

“Pizza and video games sound good to me,” Ernie exclaimed. “My lady, would you like to ride up there as we soak up the aroma of a new car?”

“I have my own car,” she said.

“And I don’t have one,” I replied.

“We could all drive together,” he said. “How does that sound?”

“I’d rather drive myself,” Jade said. “And Tommy needs to ride with me so we can discuss chemistry.”

Ernie looked confused. He knew that Jade and I weren’t taking chemistry this year. Like him, we were both on an accelerated track and took most junior-level classes during our sophomore year. He also knew that we didn’t want him to come with us, and he definitely knew that we weren’t going to Showbiz. He knew we were going somewhere to fuck. He could tell that by the way we looked at each other and by the way she was touching me. Ernie was trying to figure out a way to cockblock whatever we were going to do. So he opened his mouth and, with great desperation, said, “You can talk about chemistry in the comfort of my new Ford Escort.”

“Ernie,” Jade said adamantly. “I told you I wanted to drive myself, and if Tommy wants to ride with me, it’s his choice.”

“I want to ride with her,” I quickly replied.

“Can I ride with you too?” Ernie asked in a pleading tone.

Jade just looked him straight in the eyes and said, “No.”

“Why not?” he asked.

She then metaphorically stabbed him in the heart as she said, “You weren’t invited.”

As we walked away hand-in-hand, an emotionally devastated Ernie yelled, “Showbiz Pizza is open to the public. Just because you didn’t invite me doesn’t mean I can’t go.”

Minutes later, we were sitting in Jade’s four-door 1983 silver Mazda Sedan making out. I know Jade would’ve blown me right there in our high school’s parking lot, but Ernie was walking to his car and staring right at us. “He gives me the creeps,” she said as he stopped in front of her car and continued glaring.

“Want to go to your place?” I asked when she started her car.

“Can’t,” she replied. “My grandparents are always there, and if I brought you home, we wouldn’t get past the living room.”

“They don’t like you bringing white guys home,” I said, chuckling.

“Correct, but they don’t like me bringing Chinese boys home either,” she said while laughing. “They still think I’m a little girl. If they knew about the things I do and what I plan to do with you, their heads would explode. I don’t want to be responsible for that.”

“Your parents would never forgive you,” I said, cracking up.

“You’re so silly,” she said. “Can we go to your house?”

“Nope,” I replied. “My mom is home sick. But I know where we can go.”

“Where?” she asked.

“My dad’s apartment in Farmington Hills,” I replied.

She put her car in drive, and as she drove out of the parking lot, she said, “Tell me how to get there.”

As we drove off, I could see Ernie through the left mirror, still standing in the parking lot, angrily staring at us.

The nine-mile drive from our high school in Livonia to my dad’s house took forever. We found ourselves stranded at the intersection of Twelve Mile and Orchard Lake Road due to an accident. We were so horny for each other that the stalled traffic was slowly driving us insane. It wasn’t helping our libidos when we were telling each other how horny we were for each other.

To ease her cravings, I lifted her skirt upwards, slid her panties to the right, and then inserted her fingers into her wet snatch. She bit her lip and started moaning as I finger fucked her to her first orgasm of the afternoon. After she arrived, I placed my cum-soaked fingers in her mouth so she could taste her own juices. Before traffic started moving, she gave me a kiss as she whispered, “I don’t want your fingers; I want your cock.”

Seven minutes later, we arrived at the security gate of my father’s apartment complex. That day, Henry Wilkenson was working. He was a retired police officer who loved to chat with everyone who pulled up to his so-called office. Henry had a phenomenal memory. He not only knew my name, but he knew that I loved “Star Wars,” “Star Trek,” “The Gong Show,” and “Get Smart.” So every time I saw him, he’d share some fun facts about one or all of them. When it was our turn, he looked into the car and said, “Who are you here to see, young lady?”

“Hey Henry,” I said as I moved my head forward. “We’re just going to my dad’s place.”

“Before I let you go, I have an astounding piece of “Star Trek” trivia for you,” he said cheerfully. “Would you like to hear it?”

“Not really,” I replied.

Henry looked hurt. I had no idea that telling people ridiculous trivia facts was the highlight of his boring job. It made him feel noticed while doing a job where the person working the window usually isn’t noticed. Before letting us in, he looked me straight in the eyes as he asked, “Does your father know you’re bringing a young lady to his apartment?”

I didn’t reply with a yes or no answer; instead, I gave him a cocky response by saying, “I believe I remember that when my dad introduced me to you, he told you I was welcome here anytime. Do you remember that piece of trivia?”

“I believe I do, Mr. Mitchell,” he said as he opened the gate.

I didn’t like being mean to Henry. On a normal day, I would’ve chatted with him about whatever he wanted. I just didn’t want another delay. Jade and I wanted to get to my dad’s place as quickly as humanly possible so we could fuck each other’s brains out. We quickly parked in a spot right in front of my dad’s unit, ran out of her car, and after fumbling my keys, we ran straight into another obstacle: my dad’s nineteen-year-old girlfriend, Ashley Britton.

As soon as we entered, I knew we weren’t alone. The aroma of weed filled the entrance hall, which could only mean that she was home. Jade and I entered the living room, finding Ashley engrossed in an episode of “Another World,” sucking on a bong. She didn’t even know we were in the room. We could have just sauntered into my dad’s bedroom, and she wouldn’t be any wiser. I just didn’t want her brain to explode if she accidentally walked in on us, so I said, “Hey Ashley.”

Her blue eyes were glazed and confused as she stared at us while trying to understand how two people holding hands were now standing in the same room as her. Unlike Jade, Ashley wasn’t a genius. My dad wasn’t seeing her because of her mind. He was seeing her for her California beach bunny looks, not her IQ. Ashley was my dad’s ideal woman. She was young, she was blonde, and this 5’9 beauty had a tight 34B-22-34 frame that filled out her 112-pound body.

While my dad never told me how he met Ashley, I heard my mom on the phone with Dorthy, her best friend, tell the entire story. He met her while she was working at BT’s, one of the higher-end gentlemen’s clubs in Dearborn. She recognized him from his commercials and glommed onto him all night. When it was time to go, she went home with him and never left, except when it was time to go to work.

“Tommy,” she said between bong hits. “What are you and your friend doing here?”

She said with a snicker as I was attempting to formulate a lie to tell her, “I know you’re here to fuck. When I was your age, my mom’s boyfriend and I always went to my dad’s place to get naughty. Neither of them had a clue what Ray and I did when they weren’t around.”

I had so many questions, but instead of asking them, Jade and I went straight to my dad’s room and quickly got naked. She was so beautiful. Her small nipples were erect as she pinched them. As she bent over and spread her pussy lips and asshole, I stroked my hard cock. She then got on all fours, crawled toward me, and started sucking my enlarged love rocket. Before putting it in her mouth, she said, “Cum quickly so we can fuck longer.” The second she started deep throating it, I let out a loud moan as I filled her mouth with my seed.

“You taste delicious, Tommy Mitchell,” she said as she stood up and started passionately kissing me.

As we kissed, my right hand found its way between her legs and into her even wetter pussy. She fondled my still-hard cock as my fingers brought her to her second orgasm of the day. Her moans of pleasure were so loud that we could hear Ashley yelling, “Keep it down in there,” from the other room.

Upon hearing that, we both busted out laughing. Jade looked me in the eyes and said, “You were kind of loud. You should go out there and apologize.”

“If I do that, it’ll delay me from eating your pussy,” I said while still laughing.

“Good point,” she said as she walked toward her purse that she threw on the ground after entering the room.

When I watched her search her bag, I was worried she was going to grab a condom. Since I started fucking only Janet Crain, a sixteen-year-old girl in my class made me wear one. I did not like it. I felt uncomfortable because it was so damn tight. It was the first time I didn’t enjoy sex. Thankfully, Jade just pulled out some cherry Chapstick and spread it on her lips. She then climbed onto my dad’s bed, put her back against the backboard, spread her lips, and started playing with her black-haired cover pussy. After making herself cum, she said, “Do you want to taste something delicious?”

“Yes,” I said as I walked toward the bed.

Before I climbed onto it, I watched her smear the Chapstick all over her pussy lips. As I positioned myself between her legs, she said, “Make me cum.”

Her cunt tasted wonderful as my tongue licked her outer lips. She was right; her flavored cunt was really delicious. I then spread her lips and sucked her clit as I inserted my fingers into her pleasure cave.

“You know how to make me feel tingly,” she quietly moaned as I increased the velocity of my fingers. Several minutes later, I started rubbing her clit as my tongue started fucking her beautiful beaver. As her body started quivering, her moans got louder and louder until she eventually came all over my face.

As Jade composed herself, I noticed a naked Ashley standing in the doorway, watching us as she simultaneously pinched her erect nipples while playing with her hairless cunt. I then whispered into Jade’s ear, “We have company.”

Jade then made the mistake of locking eyes with Ashley, who took it as an invitation to join us on the bed. She grabbed a hold of my throbbing unit as she said, “I want to join in the fun.” After she said that, Jade squatted her hand off my cock as she shot daggers out of her eyes. I actually thought they were going to fight, but Ashley got the hint as she got off the bed, walked over to the chair by the window, spread her legs, and started masturbating while watching the two of us fornicate.

Jade whispered loudly, “I’ve waited so long for this, and I’m not going to ruin it by sharing you with anyone else.”

We laid face-to-face on the bed as we French kissed. The fingers on my right hand lightly played with her pussy. I then turned her on her back as my mouth moved from her lips to her perky nipples. Her body quivered as I pinched and licked them. I could hear Ashley moan, “Fuck her,” from the chair in the corner. My lips then moved down to her wet beaver, where I licked her clit and finger fucked her to another orgasm. I then got on my knees, spread her legs, and beat her clit with my 13-inch dong before inserting it into her willing love cave.

Upon entering her, Jade had her loudest orgasm of the day. She seemed to enjoy how my cock felt inside of her. As I increased the speed of my thrusts, she looked at me and emphatically stated, “I love watching you fuck me. I love watching you move your cock in and out of me. I love your cock.”

I then picked her up and placed her back against the wall. This was not only a first for me; by the look on her face, I could tell it was a first for her as well. As she licked her pussy juices off her fingers, Ashly was moaning, “Fuck her harder.”

While Jade only weighed 110 pounds, I wasn’t strong enough to hold her up for very long. After an exhilarating five minutes, I slid her off my dick and gently placed her on the floor. She immediately got on her knees, grabbed my love missile, and slapped her face with it before wrapping her lips around it and started sucking away.

A few minutes later, she was begging me to fuck her again. So I grabbed her by the hand, took her over to my dad’s dresser and mirror, bent her over, and resumed fucking her. She intently watched my face as I pounded her from behind. Jade appeared stunning as she bit her lip and rolled her eyes back into her head in delight at the sensation my penis produced. I really wanted to fuck her longer, but time wasn’t on my side. I knew I had maybe ten more thrusts before I’d blow my load. I told her I was going to cum, and she immediately said, “Don’t cum in me.”

I took my dick out of her pussy. She then ran over to the bed and laid on her back. As I stood above her, stroking my cock, all I could think about was Ernie sitting at Showbiz waiting for us to show up and cursing our names as he left there alone. I couldn’t help but laugh at that as I shot a huge load all over Jade’s stomach, boobs, face, and hair, as well as the bed. As she wiped my jizz from her eyes, she said, “You’re a keeper, Tommy Mitchell.”

After helping Jade to the bathroom so she could clean herself, I returned to the bedroom to find Ashley on all fours on the bed, licking my cum off of it. Her ass looked amazing. I took it as an open invitation to stick my face into it. As my tongue licked her asshole and my fingers played in her pussy she started moaning loudly. “Fuck me,” she moaned shortly after I made her cum.

She had me lay on the bed as she stood above me, playing with her vagina. Before squatting down and sitting on my still-throbbing hard penis, she said, “I’ve never seen a cock this large on a white boy.”

That revealed two very important things to me. The first and most important thing was that I was bigger than my dad. Now bear in mind that I never thought about my dad’s unit, let alone the size of it. I guess I just felt better knowing that I had something he didn’t. The second thing was that she wasn’t racist. After I got into porn, I would meet plenty of female talent that wouldn’t fuck black men. One girl actually told me that if her parents ever discovered that she did adult films, they would disown her. If they ever discovered that she fucked a black guy on video, they’d probably kill her.

As she rode me with reckless abandon, all I could think about was the first time I met her. My dad picked Annie and me up for dinner in his 1981 Cadillac. He only drove that car when he was on kid duty. When he wasn’t, he’d be speeding around Metro Detroit in his silver 1984 Porsche. When we got into the car, I immediately noticed two things. The first was that my dad dyed his curly hair and mustache blonde, and Ashley was sitting in the passenger seat.

At the restaurant, the two of them were doing shots and paying little to no attention to me and my little sister. While we tried to tell our dad about what’s going on in our lives, they were more interested in their lives than ours. It was the first time I felt that he wasn’t invested in our lives, and that hurt. When it was the three of us, he was all ears, but when he was with any of his lady friends, he barely noticed us at all. I had no idea back then that a few months later she’d be begging me to fuck her faster.

I furiously fucked her as if it were a jackhammer. The faster it moved, the faster it was ready to explode. As I started counting backward from twenty, I only made it to 15 before shooting my jizz up her cunt.

“You came too fast,” she said with disappointment as she climbed off my cock.

She laid next to me and seemed pretty surprised that my cock was still hard. “It looks like it still wants to fuck,” she said as she started stroking it.

As Ashley’s mouth and tongue continued to play with my joystick, Jade looked sad and shocked. As she watched us, a defeated Jade sat on the chair and started playing with her pussy. She pleasured herself as Ashley moved between my cock and balls, ensuring that she tasted every inch of them. Once she caught her breath after deep throating me, she turned to Jade and said, “Unlike you, I’m not a selfish bitch.” There’s plenty of room on the bed for you.”

Jade and Ashley laid on the bed next to each other with their legs spread. I moved my mouth between their lovely pussies, eventually bringing them both to climax. Jade then sat up with her back against the headboard, and Ashley’s face was buried deep into her muff as I fucked her from behind. Jade looked so beautiful as her body quivered from the pleasure Ashley’s tongue brought her. We were engrossed in our own private world, relishing the pleasures of each other’s bodies. We didn’t hear the front door open. We didn’t see my dad standing in the bedroom doorway watching us. We didn’t know any of this until we heard him yell, “What the fuck is going on here?”

The three of us froze like deer stuck in front of an oncoming car. I tried thinking of some sort of excuse as to what was going on. But it was kind of obvious. Before I could say a word, Ashley said, “Tommy brought his little friend over, and one thing led to another.”

She then slid off my dick, stood up, and ran over to my father to give him a kiss. My dad looked at my still-hard-throbbing dick and gave a nod of approval as I joined Jade on the bed. She immediately started stroking it as I watched my dad take a vial that contained white powder out of his slacks front pocket and handed it to Ashley as he said, “You can’t have a party without party favors.”

While Ashley was putting the treat up her nose, my dad looked at me and Jade. After gazing at Jade’s naked body, he looked at me and said, for the first and only time in my life, “I’m proud of you.”

He then once again stared at Jade as he said, “I’m friends with your dad. I go to the Great Wall once a week. His shrimp and lobster sauce is not only the best in Oakland County, but probably in all of Michigan. Whenever I eat there, he always boasts about your intelligence, but he never mentions how fucking hot you are.”

Ashley remarked, “He probably never boasts about her fondness for sucking cock,” before snorting another line.

“Is that true?” my dad asked Jade.

“Dad, stop it!” I shouted.

“I wasn’t talking to you, Tommy,” he said. “I was talking to Jade Lin. Jade, is it true that you have a fondness for sucking cock?”

“Yes,” she said as her face turned bright red.

My dad lightly touched her face and said, “Don’t be embarrassed about enjoying blowing men.” You’re sixteen; you should be enjoying sucking and fucking as many men as possible. Can you do me a favor?”

“Yes,” she replied.

“Can you show me how much you love sucking cock?” he asked.

Her eyes lit up as she was about to start sucking my cock. Before that could happen my dad said, “That’s not what I meant by show me.”

My dad was six feet tall and 230 pounds of solid muscle. He not only constantly worked out to look good for all his media appearances and the ladies, but he also wanted to appear mentally and physically intimidating to the opposing counsel in court.

After removing his clothing, he immediately began tossing his dick in front of Jade’s face. While it wasn’t as long or as thick as mine, looking back, I can say it was bigger than average. He then instructed Jade to kneel on the ground before forcing his cock into her mouth, causing her to choke. He remarked, “Any girl who can deep-throat a cock for that length of time certainly knows what she’s doing.”

While she kissed, licked, and sucked my dad off, he started saying weird things like, “You ever fuck a celebrity?” and “Dash doesn’t finish in a dash.” I could tell that Jade was trying not to laugh as he continued to say the cheesiest things.

I was masturbating as I watched my dad fuck Jade’s mouth. I know it was a little pervy for me to do something like that, but Jade looked happy doing it, and that excited me. I’m pretty sure it weirded my dad out as he caught a glimpse of me jacking it out of the corner of his eyes, because he immediately called Ashley over to pay attention to me.

At sixteen, most of the boys in my class share a beer as they bond with their dads. In my case, my dad and I stood shoulder to shoulder as his girlfriend and my classmate sucked our respective cocks. Jade and Ashley started doing the same things at the same time. All I could think of was that synchronized blowjobs should be an Olympic sport.

My father said to Jade, “You’re an incredible cocksucker,” as he carried her to the bed. “Now let’s see how good of a fuck you are.”

He then laid her on her back, spread her legs, got on top of her, and started pounding her tight vagina as he said, “Nothing feels better than a sixteen-year-old high school pussy!”

Soon afterwards, Ashley and I got on the bed. I laid on my back as Ashley started riding me with reckless abandon. Jade and I held hands as my dad’s dick gave her orgasm after orgasm, while mine did the same for my dance partner.

Many long minutes later, Jade and Ashley were on all fours, kissing each other, as my father and I fucked their individual cunts from behind. My dad was fucking Jade hard. Between her moans and his, I could tell they were enjoying each other. While Ashley was moaning loudly too, there was a little desperation in hers. It was if she wanted to remind my dad that she was his girlfriend and to not become infatuated with a hot Asian high school girl. With as many girlfriends as my dad had, even before he split with my mom, there was no chance of her becoming the next Mrs. Dash Mitchell. She would be around until something better came along.

As I continued fucking Ashley from behind, my dad shot his load into Jade’s furry pussy. “Why the fuck didn’t you cum on me?” Jade yelled after the fact.

“I’m fixed, baby,” my dad said as he walked to the dresser to enjoy some nose candy. “No more babies for Dash.”

Ashley had Jade lay on her back and spread her legs. She used her tongue to lick Jade’s cunt clean while I still pounded away at her sweet vagina. I then had them take turns sucking my cock until the magic moment arrived, and I shot a huge load that covered both of them. After they tried licking and kissing my love goo off each other, they adjourned to the bathroom to shower together.

I fell onto the bed. My limp dick was now drained, and as post-nut clarity, I had to rationalize in my head that I was just in a foursome with my dad. I knew that at some point in the future I’d be talking about this moment fucked me up with a psychologist. My dad obviously didn’t seem to have the same issue with what just happened. Instead, he continued doing some lines and even offered some to me.

After I politely refused, he said, “Nancy Regan was wrong; just say yes to drugs.”

While he laughed hysterically at what he said, I started getting dressed. He then looked at me and said, “What the fuck happened to you? When did you become a ladies man?”

“After Gary Mertz depantsed me in class,” I replied.

“I’m guessing all the girls liked what they saw,” he said with a slight chuckle.

“They did,” I replied as I put my shirt on.

“Nice,” my dad said as he started stroking his cock. “You should bring them over and introduce me. Just let me know so I can make sure Ash is elsewhere. I love high school girls. Until today, I haven’t fucked a sixteen-year-old hottie since high school.”

“No,” I replied.

“No isn’t a word I like to hear,” my dad said. “When you make that happen, I’ll throw some money your way.”

While my mom never said anything bad about dad to me or my sisters, I still heard what she said about him to her friends. I didn’t want to believe that my dad wasn’t a good person. I didn’t want to believe that my dad was a piece of shit, but with one sentence, he proved that he was even worse than how my mom talked about him. I thought it was disgusting that he had the audacity to ask me to pimp out girls for him. My dad not only lost my respect for him that day, but he also my love.

After Ashley and Jade returned from the shower, Jade saw that I was dressed and immediately followed suit. Ashley got on her knees and started blowing my dad. As she was sucking on his balls, my dad turned to us as we were walking out of the bedroom and said, “Jade, you’re welcome to visit any time you want.”

As we drove away, Jade said, “That was weird and hot.”

“It certainly was,” I replied. “Are you going to take my dad up on his offer and visit any time you want?”

“I’d rather fuck Ernie than do that,” she said, laughing.

“Seriously!” I replied, laughing.

“Yes,” she said. “I can’t imagine him talking in the third person like your dad, especially while we’re fucking.”

“Dash won’t finish in a flash,” I said while mockingly imitating my father.

“I kind of wish he came in a flash,” she replied. “You’re a better lover than he is.”

“At least, in your opinion,” I replied.

“Ashley told me that,” she said. 

As Jade drove me home, we made plans to hang out again the next day. But this time we’d do it at my place, so we could enjoy each other’s bodies in the privacy of my own home. That night, I prayed that my mom wouldn’t be home sick for a third day in a row. Thankfully, my prayers were answered.

After the playlist of my dad’s old commercials finished playing, YouTube recommended videos of my dad’s crimes. Old news stories that detailed my dad’s convictions for multiple second-degree homicide murders, a crime he committed while driving drunk. In the early morning of January 1st, 1986, he caused a 10-vehicle pileup that killed eleven people, including Ashley Britton.

In the end, my dad got everything he deserved, especially after the hell he put me, my mom, and my sisters through.

Published 10 months ago

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