My First Adult Theater

"My first adult theater raunch."

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A friend and I went to visit another friend of ours who had moved away that past summer. Our birthdays were close together, and we liked to have a get-together sometime around that time and have some fun.

Her parents were gone for the weekend, and between the three of us, rounded up enough alcohol for way too many people. We started drinking shortly after we got there, except Anna hit the cherry vodka a little too hard and passed out before 10 pm.

Nikki and I were sitting there and were like, what the hell? We talked a little and remembered passing an adult store on the drive-in. It was only a few blocks away, so we put our sweatshirts on and headed out the door. It was a short but cold walk to the store.

Walking in, we were carded by the lady working there. She told us normally you have to be twenty-one to enter, but she would let us stay. We walked around and decided to grab a basket as I was going to spend some of my birthday money! Each of us picked out what we wanted and headed to pay and head back to our friend’s house.

The lady walked out of a door from behind the counter where there was a whole different area and another register. Nikki asked her what was back there, and she told us there were a couple of theaters and a video arcade. I asked her to explain that to me.

She explained, Two theaters were playing X-rated videos. One theater had gay videos, and the other played straight videos. The arcade was a large room with several smaller rooms in it. Each room had a TV and there were several channels to choose from depending on what you wanted to watch. The rooms had doors you could lock if you wanted to or not, if you didn’t.

“So, you just go in and watch adult movies?” I asked.

She went on to explain further what else went on in both areas. Both of us stood there somewhat in disbelief.

She asked if we wanted to go back and check it out. “Females get in for free!” as she smiled.

Nikki and I looked at each other and thought we could at least check it out and decide from there. Normally, you go into that area through the back entrance, but she had us come behind the counter and go through the door to the other side. She pointed us towards the area with the arcade booths and the other hallway were the two theaters. She also told us if we did go into the theater and were going to play to let her know and she would take our clothes so no one could steal them.

We laughed at that and walked back into the arcade area and looked around. It was pretty dark back there. Some doors lined the walls and also a few were in the middle of the room. We looked in a few of them to see what they looked like. Most were the same, but the ones in the two corners. They were bigger, and both had a couch in them.

We left that area and went towards the theaters, going into the second theater, which was where the gay porn was and looked in. There were two guys in that theater getting it on one of the couches. We walked into the first theater and went in. It was an L-shaped room with two TVs on different walls, playing the same video. There were several men there, some were standing, others sitting in various spots.

One of the guys walked over and talked to us.

A little small talk to start, which switched to, “Are you here to play or…”

I asked Nikki what she thought. She shrugged her shoulders and said, “Why not?”

“OK, we will be back,” I told him and we headed out the door.

The lady working looked back through the door between the sales and backside, and asked if everything was ok. Nikki told her that we would take her up on her offer to watch our clothing. She handed us two baskets and told us to put them in them and give them back to her.

Part of me was thinking, “We just undress right here?”

Nikki set her basket down and removed her sweatshirt and put it in the basket. I started to do the same, then handed the full baskets back to the woman and headed back to the theater door. We walked in and instantly had every eye in the room looking at us.

I was approached by the same guy that talked to us before and he told me to head towards the back and pick a couch. I went to the second from the back row and sat down. He and I talked a little about what we were willing to do.

I was like, whatever I guess.

“How about a blowjob?” he asked.

I knelt, and he walked up to me. I reached up, unbuckled, unbuttoned, and unzipped him. I opened his shorts with one hand and reached in and pulled out his cock with the other. I had him step forward about a half step and went to work!

It did not take him long, and he was rock hard. A few minutes later, he grabbed the back of my head. I felt him get very rigid and then he began to shoot into my mouth. I collected his load and after he slipped out of my mouth; I swallowed his cum.

After he said thanks and walked off, another man walked up and asked if it would be OK if he went down on me.

I said yes. As I moved back up to the couch, I looked over and saw that Nikki was in the lap of a guy facing him, moving up and down. She made a funny face at me and I got into position on my couch. He moved in between my legs and did a very nice job of licking my pussy.

After several minutes, he moved and told me he would let someone else in. An older guy walked up next with his very little dick in his hand. I thought about telling him to just go away, but I was nice and didn’t. I sat up, pulled him close to me, and sucked him into my mouth. About thirty seconds later, a small, very thick starchy load came out, and he walked off without ever saying a word.

He was replaced shortly with a guy in his twenties. He was super polite and asked if he could have some playtime with me. After a short conversation, I got on my hands and knees on the couch with him kneeling in front of me. He had what looked like a birth defect. It looked like a third leg hanging there. Although he wasn’t all that thick, he was long.

I took him in my mouth and he gently held my head and he rocked his hips back and forth. Sliding in, then back out, In, then back out. As this went on, he grew stiffer and filled out. He started to test my sword-swallowing skills, with the right thickness that didn’t make me have to fight off what gag reflex I had.

I had never throated a cock that deep for that many repetitions, as he continued to the point where the pace had picked up to a full-fledged face fucking. When I needed a breath or two, I would tap him on the leg and he would pause for a few seconds to let me get some air.

After several more minutes, he told me he was getting close. I took a little deeper breath and let him go at it. Finally, he pushed in tight to my face and I felt the spasms roll through his erection. He was shooting his load directly into my throat.

That in itself was hot as hell!

When he was done, he slowly backed out, and his head fell from my lips. I looked up at him as I swallowed as he was looking down at me. “HOLE-LEE, SHIT,” he said, all bright-eyed. “That was fucking incredible,” he said.

I thought it was pretty flipping cool myself.

He wanted to know if I’d be ok with him hanging around and doing more with me later.

I let him know that would be perfectly fine.

He leaned down and gave me a couple of kisses on the lips and thanked me.

From here on, it was pretty much a blur of men, cock, and pure raunch for the next few hours. One, two and sometimes three guys in me at the same time.

The last guy of the night was a big guy. He wanted to know if I could give him a blowjob and he wanted to finish on my tits.

“I don’t see why not,” I told him.

He stood in front of me as I sat on the edge of the couch. When he was ready, he pulled out of my mouth and stroked as he fired these huge ropes all over my chest. When he was done, I was covered from my neck to my hips, left to right. I had never seen so much cum from one-person in my life.

Published 10 months ago

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