My wife Rochelle shut off the 6:15 alarm and started getting dressed. She reminded me, “I’m taking Jonathan to a soccer game after school. We should be home around six.”
I sleepily mumbled, “Okay. Have a nice day.”
“You too, Gerald. See you tonight.”
I volunteered at the museum and didn’t have a set schedule. I usually left home around 8:30 am. I pulled the sheet over my face to block the early morning sun and pondered my situation.
I’d met Emily when I stopped at an antique shop near the museum two months ago. I glanced at the young and attractive redhead several times as I browsed the interesting items. I was quite surprised to see a cannon monkey leaned against the wall. Sometimes they were called ‘ball monkeys’ instead. The large and heavy square plate of brass had twenty-five hollows bored into it at even intervals, to keep cannon balls in place on the gun deck of a sailing ship. More cannon balls would be stacked on top, forming a pyramid.
I thought it would make an excellent conversation piece in my basement rec room, or a nice decoration for the back patio. I looked at the price and was quite surprised. The person running the shop knew how rare they were and what it was worth. Emily saw me looking it over quite a while and walked near me. She asked, “Do you know what it is?”
“Yes, it’s a cannon monkey. I like it, but the price is a bit steep.”
She said, “My grandfather tells a story about a ship sailing in the far north carrying some Arctic explorers, Fred Cook’s expedition, I think. In the cold, the brass monkey and the iron cannon balls shrank at different rates. When it got down to thirty-five below, a stack of cannon balls came loose and scattered all over the deck. They discovered thirty-five below is…”
I’d heard the story before and finished it with her, “…cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey. Hahahaha!” She blushed as she laughed, and I thought she was terribly cute. She told me she was a literature major, planning on a minor in history. She worked at her grandparents’ antique shop when she had time between classes, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
I bought the cannon monkey and returned to the shop on Tuesday afternoons to browse and chat with her. I loved my wife Rochelle and thought I’d never cheat, but Emily was amusing and quite tempting. I started fantasizing about her as I made love to my wife.
I was hopeful but thought it unlikely she’d be into my secret fetish, female domination. I imagined kneeling on the floor as she commanded me to lick her. The thought of begging her to ride me as I sat between her feet was supremely arousing. I started getting hard again as I thought about it.
I knew my wife Rochelle loved me, and she’d given me a son, but as she aged she was losing her visual appeal. Her only hint of dominance was, “Don’t forget to put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket.” In bed, most of the time she just lays there. Other than our Chloe-inspired shower, most of the excitement was gone.
Emily has breasts half the size of Chloe’s and a much less curvy backside, but she’d be more than enough to satisfy me. I’d be happy to chat with her for months on end. At only a few years older, she’s much more mature and vastly more knowledgeable than Chloe.
Without a doubt, Chloe has an excellent body and pretty face. She’s a nice girl but talks with her seem to quickly descend into the land of beer parties and fart jokes. She doesn’t have the knowledge or mentality to follow most of my best stories. I have no doubt screwing her would be amazing, though.
I usually visited Emily at the antique shop on Tuesdays, but the next day was Thursday and I knew she’d be working. I debated whether I should bring her flowers or another small gift and invite her on a date. If it went well, I could make up some conference or meeting out of town as an excuse to be away.
I suddenly remembered my wedding anniversary was on the coming Saturday. I was losing interest in my wife, but wasn’t going to be a total jackass and cheat on our anniversary. I still cared for her, and she didn’t deserve that. Instead of visiting Emily, on Thursday I’d go to a jewelry store and buy some earrings for my wife.
After a bit more sleep, I saw the clock showing 8:03 and decided it was time for breakfast.
I woke up at 6 am to make them breakfast. After Mrs. Anderson and her son left for school, I decided to get some more sleep before cleaning up the house. I was finally starting to doze off when I heard a car door close and looked out the window. I saw Jerry sitting in his hot red convertible. He revved the engine a couple times and the sound was high-pitched, not like most cars. I liked it a lot. I thought he looked handsome in his suit as he backed out and drove away.
I laid down for a few more minutes and heard an awful racket. The gardener was trying to start the lawn mower. It would go for maybe ten seconds then quit. The noise was annoying, but I thought his dark tan and big arms were kind of hot. He leaned over to work on the mower, and I could see his butt crack at the top of his jeans. Most guys look gross that way, but he was sexy. His butt muscles are just the kind I like to squeeze.
I tickled and rubbed my kitty as I watched him. I was feeling great and almost there when he got the mower to work. He drove it out of sight and started mowing the front lawn, where I couldn’t see him. Dang it! It was obvious why Mrs. Anderson liked him.
I got dressed, then thought about what I should do to make Jerry like me as I cleaned up the kitchen. Him seeing me nearly naked in their bedroom didn’t work. Letting him stare at my mouth when I smoked didn’t work either. He didn’t even go for it when I had him put away my underwear and I asked him to kiss me. Most guys would have been all over me!
She had told me he didn’t like women dressing sleazy, but that didn’t make any sense. Guys love that! For a second I wondered if maybe he was gay, but he had a kid with his wife. This morning she whispered and told me they did it in the shower last night, so for sure he’s not gay. I wondered if asking him to put sunscreen on me would work? That was how I got my last boyfriend. I figured it was worth a try.
As I got home from the museum, Chloe was walking out to the pool in one of her skimpy bikinis. She waved and shouted, “Can you help me a minute?” She sat on a lounger and held up a bottle of sunscreen as I got there. “I can’t reach my back. Would you put some on, so I don’t burn?” I could see the shape of her nipples and vulva through the thin yellow fabric until she rolled over.
Rochelle and Jonathan wouldn’t be home for hours. It was an obvious ploy to get me excited, but I knew I could control myself. I decided to have a little fun and feel part of her beautiful body. “I don’t mind. Sunburns can be painful and lead to skin cancer or other problems. We don’t want that.”
I poured the cool suntan lotion into my hand, then started rubbing it on her shoulders and the back of her neck. I admired her lovely, rounded buttocks and her pretty hair as I moved down her back slowly. She reached behind herself and pulled the string on her top, untying the knot. She smiled and said, “Don’t want a string in the way.”
I poured some more sunscreen into my hand and took my time finishing her back. I enjoyed feeling her smooth warm skin. She let out a happy moan as I neared her bikini bottoms. I held the string and tied it for her as I said, “I’m sure you can reach the rest. You might want to put on something else before Jonathan gets home. I wouldn’t want you being embarrassed.”
She sputtered a moment. “But… uh… thanks.” She was clearly disappointed as I walked in the house.
Chloe met me at the front door and said, “We need to talk.” I followed her out to the guest house. “I keep trying so hard, but he still doesn’t like me! What can I do?” She had tears forming at the corners of her eyes. “When I do sexy stuff, most guys are like lions looking at raw meat! No matter what I try, he doesn’t like me!”
I hugged her and patted her back gently. “He likes you, Chloe. He really does. He just needs to get to know you first. He’s a mature man who thinks before he does things, not some high school boy who’ll obey whatever his dick tells him. You’ve only been here two days. You don’t need to screw him tonight or tomorrow. Another week or two is fine. Take it easy.”
She sniffled. “Thanks. I’m glad you’re so nice to me. I just don’t know what I’m going to do.”
I had a sneaky idea. “If you find his tablet and he’s not around, check what websites he’s been going to. I think if you see what kind of… movies he’s been watching, it will give you some ideas.”
“If he watched ‘Mission Impossible’ or ‘Spiderman’, how does that help me?”
I chuckled. “No, no, porn movies. If you find out what kind of porn he likes, maybe it will give you some ideas.”
She seemed shocked. “PORN! He’s a nice guy! I don’t think he would watch that stuff!”
“You’re so sweet and naïve. Most guys watch porn, even the good ones. Take your time and he’ll come around. Go fix your makeup before dinner.”
On our 18th anniversary a few days later, Gerald got a cake and gave me a pair of earrings. We had a little party with the family after dinner. I had no doubt the large diamonds in the earrings had cost quite a bit, but he didn’t do anything that was actually romantic. He didn’t take me anywhere and didn’t even get flowers or champagne. He kissed me once but gave no sign he wanted to make love to me. When he got in bed, I rolled away and silently cried myself to sleep.
I’d been the family’s housekeeper for four days. Like Mrs. Anderson had said, I grabbed Jerry’s tablet when everybody was away from home. I looked up the instructions on a website, and copied his internet history to my phone. I put the tablet back and smiled, knowing I’d done something right. I’d watch the videos and see what he really liked, so I’d finally be able to sleep with him! It would make my boss Mrs. Anderson happy, and I’d get some sex!
I was very surprised when I watched some of Jerry’s porn favorites that night. Most of the videos had nearly naked women in high heels ordering people to do things. A porno he watched over thirty times had a woman smoking with a cigarette holder, telling a guy to lick her and put a finger in her butt. I thought it was really hot.
Another one he saw a lot had a girl in a leather bikini standing over a guy and telling him to kiss her shoes and lick her toes. The pushy one or ‘mistress’ was always a woman, but some people they ordered around were women too. I masturbated as I imagined pulling Jerry’s short dark hair and making him suck my clit. I finished quick, then imagined how it would feel to make him watch while his wife fingered me and sucked my boobs. I went off like never had before! I worked for them, though. There was no way that would ever happen! If I tried telling Jerry what to do I’d probably get fired!
I wondered what it would be like if Mrs. Anderson stood over me and pulled my hair, like in a lot of the videos. I didn’t think I’d like it. If Jerry ordered me around like that it might be okay, but I’d much rather do it to him. I looked at the clock and realized I forgot to do the laundry. It was already 9pm, but if I didn’t do it Mrs. Anderson might be mad. I sighed and got dressed, then took care of it before I went back to bed.
Two weeks after Chloe started, I stopped at the antique shop on Tuesday afternoon. Instead of going overboard with a dozen roses, I brought Emily a single pink carnation. We flirted a little and discussed the Aubrey-Maturin book series, which the movie Master and Commander was based on. I loved it and had read the whole twenty-book series twice, but she was only on book eleven. I asked her, “How do you make a pirate furious?”
“Take away the ‘P’.”
“Pirate… Irate! Hahahaha!” We chuckled and she asked, “Why don’t sailors like travelling on twisty roads?”
I laughed at her equally terrible joke and looked in her eyes. She twirled some of her hair with a finger and bit her lip slightly, making it obvious she liked me. I said, “Emily, I like you quite a lot, and I’d enjoy spending even more time with you. However, you deserve honesty. I need to let you know, I’m married.”
“I’m not, and I don’t want to be any time soon.” She asked, “Would you like to have lunch with me Saturday?”
“Sure! How about a picnic on the beach? Pick you up at noon?”
“That sounds nice. I love the beach.” She rested her hand on mine and kissed my cheek before I left. I felt a bit guilty but terribly aroused.
Days later at our picnic, we kissed a few times, then once more when I dropped her off at home. I was right, she loved riding in the Ferrari.
I called in sick to work, since I was so upset. I’d hired Chloe over two weeks ago. My husband had been so inspired by her arousing beauty that on her first day he’d made love to me in the shower! It was wonderful! In the last two weeks, he’d only let me kiss him a few times. He’d even skipped our usual Tuesday lovemaking sessions. Each night he took his tablet into the bathroom and stayed in there a long time. He must have jerked off before he showered, instead of doing anything with me. I was sad, but also terribly horny.
He hadn’t fallen for Chloe either. I wouldn’t mind so much if he started sleeping with her. She was beautiful, but I knew he would never run off with a girl so simple. She took care of my son and the house, but I knew she wasn’t capable of anything more complicated. I was annoyed that with the face and body of a beauty contest winner, she couldn’t even seduce a 40-year-old man! I was glad she’d left to visit her mother this morning.
I heard a loud and annoying noise that still made me smile. Our gardener Antonio was starting to mow the lawn! I threw on a swimsuit and walked to the backyard with a towel over my shoulder, as if I was going for a swim. I smiled and motioned for him to shut off the mower. I noticed him staring at my legs a moment as I walked toward him. I liked his thick moustache and brawny shoulders.
“Good morning, Antonio. I was thinking of making some changes. Could you get rid of that row of shrubs and plant rose bushes there instead? And there are some low branches that get in the way. Could you trim the trees?”
“Of course, Senora! Whatever you want!” He smiled at me.
I rested a hand on his shoulder. “Call me Rochelle. Just charge the roses to our account. Thanks.”
“Si, Rochelle. De nada!” I could see from the reflection in a window he was smiling and staring at my butt as I walked away.
I went up to my bedroom as he started mowing again. I closed the curtains most of the way and watched him work. I got a quick breakfast while he left to get the roses and returned. He started digging and I saw sweat glisten on his neck and muscular arms. I was quite happy when he pulled off his shirt and dug topless. I had a strong urge and started rubbing myself as I watched him. I rationalized, ‘If Gerald can jerk off, why can’t I take care of myself too?’ By the time Antonio had most of the roses planted, I exploded with my first orgasm in over a week. It gave me some pleasant relief, but I wanted a man.
Last night I found a porn video so great I watched it in the bathroom four times. A tall redhead was even taller wearing green 4-inch heels. She held a long cigarette holder in her left hand and a man’s hair in her right. She leaned with her back to the wall as he knelt between her feet. I thought it was terribly arousing to see him follow her orders as he licked her thighs and fingered her pussy. It was the first time in ages that I’d cum twice in one night.
In the morning, my phone rang as I was pulling into the museum parking lot. I stopped in my usual spot and answered. “Hello.”
“Hi. Sorry, I was calling Rochelle Anderson.”
“This is her husband Gerald. I must have grabbed her phone by mistake.”
“Oh. I just wanted to know where she put the French 2 tests from Friday. I was going to hand them back. Since the grades are in the system, it can wait. Sorry to bother you.”
“No problem. Have a nice day.”
I was annoyed I had the wrong phone but didn’t want to drive all the way home and back. I figured since Rochelle usually turned her phone off while she was teaching and I rarely got calls from anybody but family, I’d just switch phones with her later.
I went to the bathroom at lunchtime and sat in a stall. I was bored and started looking through my wife’s phone. I was astounded! I found a video of Chloe naked and masturbating! I muted it quickly and watched a few moments. It was very arousing, but still a little upsetting. I could tell she was very embarrassed and didn’t want to do it. I felt a little guilty, but emailed a copy to myself then deleted the email from Rochelle’s phone. I’d watch it in full later.
When I noticed Gerald’s phone was on the nightstand instead of mine, I thought of calling to tell him about the mix-up. I decided to do some snooping first. I saw he’d emailed himself the video I’d made of Chloe in the hotel room, a promising sign.
My happiness quickly faded when I looked at his calendar. He’d been leaving the museum at three instead of five on Tuesdays and some Thursdays. On those days there were two-hour appointments with ‘Emily’. Last Saturday there was one for ‘Museum Admin Meeting – beach – Emily’. He had told me he was going to a meeting at the museum. He lied to me!
I was deeply shocked and felt like vomiting when I saw an appointment a little over a week in the future, on a Saturday and Sunday. ‘Maritime Archaeology Conference + Emily’. He’d booked a single hotel room but TWO round-trip flights to San Francisco!
I knew I had to help Chloe’s seduction efforts and came up with a radical idea. That night as we were sitting in bed, I mentioned to Gerald, “I heard the Thompsons down the block are getting divorced. She caught him squeezing the babysitter’s butt.”
He didn’t look up from his book but replied, “That’s a shame. They were together about as long as us. I think they have three kids?”
“Four kids. I can kind of understand, though. Just look at her. Isn’t she a real cutie?” I showed him a picture of the beautiful cheerleader on my phone.
He stared a little while and I could tell he was thinking hard. He said, “Still, that’s not a good reason to cheat when you’ve been together so long.”
“And the Millers got divorced when he got caught with his office assistant. She’s hot, but still…” I flipped to a photo of the very chesty brunette.
He cleared his throat and said, “They were together over twenty years. He shouldn’t have done that.”
I took a few deep breaths and readied a certain video. I said, “I know men have certain needs. If you were careful to keep it a secret and nobody ever found out…” I coughed and was too upset to finish my sentence. I played the video of Chloe undressing and masturbating at the hotel, and watched a tent form in the sheet above his groin.
I nervously suggested, “If I never caught you, we wouldn’t have to do anything about it. I might try not to know, so we could stay together if…” I fought to stop them, but tears streamed down my face.
It took him far too long to answer, “She’s hot, but I’d never cheat on you. You’re worried over nothing. Let’s go to sleep.”
He didn’t say anything about love and the tone of his voice told me he was lying. I tried to console myself, repeating the thought that if he cheated with Chloe at least he would stay.