Holiday Part Two, After Some Voyeurism, Josie Sneaks Into My Bed

"After a day in the theme park, I spy Josie showering and later in the night she asks to stay in my room, frightened of the thunderstorm."

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The following morning was another casual cereal, juice, and coffee breakfast. Stephanie and Ana appeared in long baggy sleepy tee shirts and somehow I avoided staring at their boobs and nipples bobbing free inside, moving as they walked and laughed. I wondered if either wore knickers. My cock responded to my thoughts, and I struggled to keep myself under control. Josie appeared last, in her pyjamas. She was the most demure of the girls.

I tried to keep my eyes up, my mind out of the gutter, and think about the day ahead. Ana and Stephanie finished first and returned to their rooms to wash and change for the day. I started to load the dishwasher while Josie finished her coffee.

“Thank you for last night and for looking after me, I’m sorry if I was a problem,” she said quietly.

“Don’t be silly, nothing to apologise for, go and get ready while I finish off here.”

Josie brought her mug over, stood just a little closer than I was comfortable with, then smiled up at me and said, “So you know, last night I was sharing with Ana.” She brushed against me as she went around the table. “We are taking turns with Ana,” she added as she walked away to get ready.

The day was spent at the animal park; the girls loved it with lots of ooh-ing and aah-ing. I noticed Josie seemed to find herself a place next to me when we sat to rest or eat and on some rides. I knew my imagination was working overtime and tried not to read anything into it. We only snacked for lunch. “Let’s go out somewhere for a meal tonight,” I said as we made our weary way out of the park.

Back at the villa, the girls made for their rooms to shower and get ready. Ana returned to the lounge and asked if she could use the shower in my room. “Stephanie is showering and takes ages, and you could let me go first.”

I told her to make sure she brought herself a towel and I let her use my ensuite. It was the biggest of the bathrooms, with dual sinks. The walk-in shower was across the wall with a clear glass screen, it was almost a giant wet room.

I walked through to the lounge and found Josie sitting alone on the sofa. She looked sad, small, and sad.

“Hey, are you OK?” I asked.

“Sorry, I was just thinking, this holiday is brilliant, but it is all over in a week or so.”

I sat beside her and put my arm around her shoulder. “Don’t get sad before it’s over,” I said, trying to comfort her. I felt her shoulders move and realised she was crying. “Hey, hey, come on. What’s wrong, did someone upset you?” I so hoped it was not my clumsy touch of last night.

“Oh, no, I’m so happy honestly and you are brilliant. It’s just I’ve never been on a plane, or done any of the things this week and I don’t want it to stop, not any of it.” Josie stopped the tears, wiped her face and smiled. We sat there for a few minutes until Josie suddenly stood up and broke the moment saying, “I ought to get showered and ready.”

I don’t know what came over me, but I heard myself say, “If Stephanie is still in the shower, you can use my ensuite; it’s a walk-in. Bring your towels, and Ana might still be in there.” Josie skipped off to her room, and I saw her cross the corridor with towels in her hand and into my room.

I saw Ana come out of my room, wrapped in a towel, and cross to her own. I waited another ten minutes in the lounge until curiosity got the better of me. I walked quietly back into my room and silently closed the door. The bathroom door was not quite closed and I could hear the shower still running. Halfway across the room and well back from the door, I stopped, and could make out Josie in the shower, and hear her singing to herself. The view was obscured by water running down the glass, but clear enough to make me stop and stare.

Standing sideways onto me, she was rinsing her hair. I could see her dark nipples and a patch of pubes. Her body looked amazing, with no fat; she was all muscle and tone. I could feel my cock rising and wanted to walk into the shower and join her. I froze as Josie turned around in the shower to wash her back. She was facing me as she turned, but there was no reaction from her. I backed out of the room, silently re-closed the door, and returned to the lounge. I stared at the corridor, waiting for Josie to return to her room, which seemed to take forever.

Finally, my room was free, and I returned to shower myself. It never ceases to amaze me how much mess teenage girls leave around them. The ensuite floor was covered in discarded clothes and underwear. I only noticed the knickers and bras. It was easy to tell Ana’s bra from Josie’s, but since neither had a matching set, the knickers were harder to tell. Black and lacy, or a pale thong, both felt warm. Before I knew what I was doing, I held each pair up and inhaled. Each was different, they were both such a massive turn-on.

I dropped them both and bundled all the clothes together onto one basin. I turned on the shower and tried to calm myself down. I’d left the bathroom door open as there was no need to close it while on my own. Halfway through my shower, I saw the bedroom door open and close from the corner of my eye. I stayed under the water and could make out someone in the room. I was glad to realise Josie would not have been able to see me earlier. Whoever was in the bedroom moved to stand in the bathroom doorway.

“I came to get my clothes, sorry,” I heard Ana say.

I turned my back to her and said, “OK, they are on the basin.” A moment later, I heard the bedroom door close. I finished showering, dried and dressed, and was still the first back in the lounge. One by one, the girls appeared, dressed and ready to go out in jeans and different tee shirts. I was glad to see all three had also decided bras would be a good idea.

We decided what sort of food we would like and drove out to another recommendation, and enjoyed the evening; no one had space for a pudding. I told them that tomorrow would be an early start, as I had a special day booked. I told them to bring at least one set of swimmers, a one-piece would be sensible and to be ready to leave by 8 AM.

“Where are we going?” “What is it?” “Why so early?” “Are we going to the beach?” I was bombarded with questions on the drive back to the villa. I kept the secret, some subtle hints and clues just frustrated the three of them even more.

We got back late enough that I advised the girls to go straight to bed. I also took the opportunity to confuse them even more by saying, “Don’t bother showering in the morning, don’t wear makeup, we won’t be having breakfast, leave jewellery in the safe, and wear comfortable clothes.” I ushered the girls out down the hallway under a further rain of questions.

I was woken in the night by a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder. I hoped it would not spoil the following day, lightning flashed again silhouetting a figure in the doorway.

“Can I sleep in here? Stephanie is in with Ana. I don’t like thunder on my own, please.”

“Sure, of course,” I waved my arm in the general direction of the second bed. Seconds later I felt Josie climb in next to me, I froze as I slept naked on my own.

“I got scared and didn’t want to admit it, I won’t be any trouble,” Josie whispered.

“That’s OK, I thought you would have taken the other bed. I, err, I don’t have anything on so lie still, OK.” I wanted to turn my back, but it felt rude, so I turned onto my side to face her and stretched out my arm as a barrier. Josie wriggled and turned around, facing her back to me. I felt Josie’s hand reach back and find mine in the dark, she gripped it tightly clenching with each roll of thunder or flash of lightning.

Josie pulled my hand onto her hip and I felt her snuggle backwards a little closer to me. She seemed to inch closer with each flash of lightning, and soon my arm fell forward to lie across her waist. She still held my hand in hers, and I could feel her slowly pulling it further up her body. We were spooning, but with what I hoped was a decent gap between us.

With her next snuggle backwards, I felt the material of her pyjamas brush my chest. I kept my hips and groin pulled back. My cock had been twitching and slowly growing as she got closer. My arm draped across her felt nice, it felt good to lay with someone. Josie pulled my hand even further up her body and held it against her. I knew she had managed to place my hand over one of her tiny tits, my cock jumped and my heart began to race.

I lay still for a minute, which felt like an age, I was unsure what to do. I decided she had put my hand there for a reason and I gently cupped her tit. There was not enough flesh to squeeze, I just curled my fingers and held it tighter. Josie responded with a low ‘mmmm’ as she let go of my hand and pushed herself back against me. Again, I stayed still for what seemed an age before gently squeezing and moving my hand. Josie nestled back even closer.

I’m not sure quite what came over me, apart from pure lust. I slid my hand down to find the lower edge of the top of her pyjamas and then moved my hand back up inside to hold her bare boob. Now I could feel her nipple, hard and proud, but small and pointed against my palm. I moved my hand, rolling her nipple between my finger and thumb. I was enjoying the feel of such a firm boob.

I was wide awake with my head spinning with excitement. The storm, if it could be called that, had passed fairly quickly. The bedside clock said it was just after 1:30 AM and I felt more turned on than I had been in a long time. My cock was rock solid, and without touching it I knew it would be running with pre cum. I still kept my pelvis back being careful to keep my cock from touching Josie.

I was shocked to feel small fingers reach and touch my cock. They surrounded the head and slid so easily, whetted by the copious pre cum leaking out.

“Did you already cum?” Josie asked.

I was taken aback by the directness of the question, “No, no, it’s just. . . pre cum. . .”

“Good, you must be well turned on then,” she said as she squeezed and began sliding her hand up and down the slippery skin.

“Yes, but I don’t think. . .”

“Don’t you like me?” she somehow managed to sound sad again.

I took my hand off of her boob and slid it down. I found the top of her pyjama bottom and slipped it inside. Still further down my fingers brushed through a mass of pubes and cupped her pussy. “I like you a lot, too much even but this is wrong,” I said as my fingertips brushed up and down feeling the heat, slippery with her wetness.

Josie pulled my cock towards her and pushed herself back against me. I responded and pressed hard against the back of her pyjamas. I wanted to thrust into her but felt relieved the material barrier kept me from going too far. Her hand continued to slide up and down, gripping tighter. I could tell this was not the first time she had handled a hard cock.

We laid like that for a while, every few minutes I would have to urge her to stop for a while to save me from cumming. My fingers probed, sliding in and out of her pussy and teasing her clit, it all felt so natural, so right.

Josie never let go of my cock, but wriggled and used her free hand to push her pyjama bottoms down a short way. She pulled me closer and guided my desperate cock between her legs. Poking out between her thighs, I could feel the tip of my cock brushing past my fingers. She pressed my shaft up against her pussy and I instinctively began a slow thrust to rub along under her soaking pussy, our juices mingling into a slippery lubricant. I was dry-humping her, though there was nothing dry about it.

I knew I could not fuck Josie, I had no condom, and I had no idea if she was taking precautions. I had talked about a vasectomy about ten years after Ana was born. Maria was against it, even though she did not want more children. I realised after we split that she needed a reason to be on the pill, with all the extramarital sex she had been having.

I consoled myself that this felt amazing, and I was sure from the shuddering and muffled murmurs that Josie had orgasmed at least twice from my fingers.  I hoped that pulling away and cumming at the last moment would be safe. I felt Josie push her hand underneath mine and I was not sure if she wanted to play with herself, or just hold my cock firmly against her. I moved my hand away, held Josie to me, and continued the long slow thrusts under her. The tip of my cock bumped her hand on each thrust, it felt so nice and I wanted it to last as long as possible.

I did not know that Josie was slowly moving her hand back. She was stopping my thrusts a little shorter each time until the next thrust felt totally different. Josie had guided the tip of my cock into her, and with no resistance at all I was fully inside. I stopped, not sure if this was by design or accident. I held her even tighter and resumed slowly thrusting, but keeping my cock inside, she was so tight and so wet. The feeling took me back years. Within a minute I could feel myself losing control, my cum ready to spurt. I kidded myself that I could pull out at the last moment, and took just a few more strokes. Then it was too late, and I thrust as deep as I could and held myself inside. Cum erupted, jet after jet coursed through my cock and into her.

When I was fully spent, I still held myself inside.

“I needed that,” Josie broke the silence.

“That was. You were. I mean.” I felt like a teenager again, unable to think or speak in the post-orgasmic euphoria.

Josie rolled away, pulling off of me and sat with her knees pulled up to her chest. Her pyjama bottoms were down at mid-thigh, as she looked at me in the darkness and said, “Don’t be shocked, we all thought you would fuck Stephanie first, everyone fancies Stephanie.”

I laid on my back trying to take in what she had said.

“Actually, we think it’s sweet how you try so hard not to stare or notice when we are in swimwear or night clothes. Also that you act cool and hang back when boys are trying to get our attention in queues, or giving us their number and stuff.”

I laid on my back. Under the covers, my cock was softening and shrinking. “Do you want to stay here tonight?” I asked.

“No, it’s all right. I’ll go back to my room. It’s quite wet this side anyway.”

With that, Josie pulled up her pyjamas and slowly walked away. She closed the bedroom door behind her, which I never noticed had been left open the whole time. I slid my hand across the bed, to feel a large soaking wet patch where she had sat up to remind me of the last half hour.

I fell asleep worrying how the morning would be, worrying if Josie would tell anyone.

Published 11 months ago

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