Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 29

"The girls are rocking the boat."

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Hope had to admit that a man ‘confessing’ to her about his desire wasn’t the most original method men had used, but it did save time. Add to that, the not-so-subtle locking of the door at the chapel she had been praying at, and she got the message. At that point, it became a choice, have her fun with him or beat him senseless for his presumption. It all came down to his eyes, a predatory gaze would be punished harshly, but the man’s eyes seemed like he was simply going for broke. Unsure what to do after he had made his first move, he waited to hear her response.

“You seem to have locked the door. Do you expect us to need some privacy?” Hope asked, keeping her face neutral.

“Well, worst case is that I don’t need someone seeing me make an ass of myself,” he replied, trying to charm her with a smile.

“Considering your confession, I think your best case would involve disrobing and acts of carnality. Is this so?”

“Well, I did interrupt your prayers. So, perhaps we can start with something that keeps you on your knees and go from there?”

Hope smiled as she turned to face the front of the chapel again. It wasn’t the first time a man had used that line while she was on her knees but it had yet to wear thin for her. As she knelt on the pillow she waited, to see if he had the guts to move in front of her. When he did, he could see her smiling and touched her cheek. He lifted her head so she could look him in the eyes as he unfastened his trousers. She kept the gaze as he had difficulties pulling himself free, already firmly erect. Then he pushed himself close enough to run his manhood along her face. Thin lines of sticky fluids glistened on her fair skin as he drew them over her cheeks and lips.

Her smile never wavered, even as he pushed against her lips and felt them open to admit him. It surprised him to find she gave no sign of hardship as he pushed deeper and into her throat. Holding her by the sides of her head, she still smiled as best she could with a full mouth, even when her lips met his body and couldn’t go further. He held her there, watching as her face changed colour, her eyes still staring at him, face smiling. Shocked that she could hold her composure for so long without breathing he quickly withdrew. Hope immediately took a deep breath and he watched as her breasts heaved as she took in more air.

“You… how?” he asked, stunned, having let go of her head.

“Discipline, staying calm, and a great deal of practice.”

“You enjoyed that?”

“Yes, but I also wanted to see your reaction. A more shameful man would have kept going to see how long I could last. You halted your pleasure out of concern for my well-being.”

“That was a test? I… passed?”

“Indeed, now we can really enjoy ourselves.”

Hope grabbed him by his manhood and tugged him gently to get him close enough for her to put her lips back around him. This time she moved her own head and let him relax as she worked her tongue over his shaft as it moved in and out of her throat. Taking breaks to breathe, she licked along its length, all while maintaining eye contact. It wasn’t until he felt like he couldn’t take any more that she stopped. Hope stood up, finally getting off her knees and slowly began to disrobe so he could see her naked body. The scrapes and cuts from her fights were all gone thanks to her own healing skills, showing a pure smooth canvas of skin over her frame. He hadn’t expected a fit frame under her robes and became a bit self-conscious seeing her superior muscle tone.

“You are… more than I expected.”

Hope smiled, “Every woman is, though I do suppose that I’m certainly not the meek little priestess you expected to bend over the altar.”

Before he could find any more words, Hope pushed him backwards until he bumped up against the altar. Then, still pushing him backwards, she grabbed his legs and lifted him to sit on the hard marble. After climbing up to straddle him she laid him back so he could just watch as she lowered herself. He watched as she held him in her hand and guided him inside her. As his flesh disappeared within her and reappeared as she lifted herself up again, he watched her muscles work. Starting slowly and gaining speed, he felt the incredible sensation of her flesh enclosing around him and revealing it again. So amazed by her body, he almost forgot the sight of her breasts bouncing with the increased pace. He reached up to grab them, only to have his hands slapped away and pinned down at his side by hers.

His hands were only freed when Hope spun herself around to face away from him. Her hips moved in circular motions as she felt the need to change how she felt him inside her. He watched the muscles on her back flexing to support her movements. Hope was having difficulty keeping enough focus on not falling off the altar, but she kept her balance as her body flooded with pleasure at her first climax. Her partner feeling her fluids pouring onto him. Only once she was finished did she turn back around and lower her chest close enough for him to finally be allowed to touch. He didn’t need any more prompting to take the first into his mouth and cover it with his saliva while his hand gripped the other.

Deciding to get off his back, he slid off the altar, holding Hope, who moved her legs up and onto his shoulders. He held her by the thighs and felt them flex as she used them to lift herself up and down to continue feeling herself penetrated. Most of his effort was spent simply as a counterbalance to her. He could see her starting to sweat from the effort, and felt himself getting wet inside his clothing. As best as he could, he stripped off his trousers while watching the holy girl working herself on him. It wasn’t until she finally put her feet down that he could take the rest of it off.

“I don’t often get this kind of workout, but I do believe there was a plan to bend me over an altar?”

Hope laid her bare breasts over the altar and soon felt the man pushing his way inside her. She closed her legs to tighten around the shaft that was now working inside her, letting him work while she relaxed and enjoyed his efforts.

He ran his hands along her back and over her bum as he continued to push inside her. There was a bit of disappointment that he couldn’t see her eyes as he did so, but it didn’t take him long to realise the reflective mirror behind the altar let him see her face and the eyes that stared directly into his. He watched as her smile faded at every thrust to moan in pleasure before returning to her beautiful face in time to moan again for the next thrust. Unable to take it any longer, he pulled her off the altar and put her back on her knees so he could push his seed onto her face. Hope knelt with her mouth open to catch his offerings and tasted it as it fell inside. Much of it missed and covered her face, and she could feel some drops hitting her breasts. He groaned as he tried to get as much onto her as he could. Hope finished by taking his soft manhood into her mouth to clean it.

He collapsed to sit on the floor, unable to stand, and watched as Hope continued to kneel in front of him smiling, not bothering to clean herself.

“That was both not what I expected, and exactly what I wanted to happen.”

“I’m happy you enjoyed it,” Hope replied, happy to feel the drops of seed on her fair skin as they glistened in the light.


Emma found that she could carry drinks a great deal easier with her spectral hand instead of her real ones. Meanwhile, Easy set down the two treys she had been carrying with practised ease. The girls had attracted a lot of looks as they took seats instead of simply being sent there to fetch drinks for someone else. They had taken up in a comfortable booth with soft seating around a corner table. Easy and Emma slid into their seats while the rest took their drinks off the trays. When ready, they clinked their mugs together.

“To freedom and fun!” They cheered before drinking deeply.

“So, be honest. Who saw this coming a few months ago?” Easy asked.

“Well,” Leira started. “I always figured they would fucking kill me sometime when I tried to escape. My fantasy was to get back to the water and just keep away from people. Come ashore and seduce men for anything I needed before slipping away.”

“Mine was just getting out of the collar so I could think for myself. It was hard to think beyond that, when you never knew if a thought was from an order or yourself. That being said, I was almost always supposed to be enjoying myself so it was hard to think anything more was necessary.” Vile ended her words with a slow sip of her drink.

“Those collars,” Foxy muttered. “It was like I couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t do what I was told. A clarity of purpose that just melted away anything else.”

“All I remember was loving every moment of it,” Easy added. “I dove right in and pursued my pleasure. Not just because I was ordered by the collar, but because I always wanted the sex as well. I never minded the collar so much — my first one — I grew up with it and was never treated poorly. That magic one, I felt like I was someone else acting on all my deepest desires. It was weird.”

“I grew up being rented around the city. Cleaning jobs mostly. Cute little elf to scrub the dishes. I saw the way people started to look at me as I grew up and suggested things I could do for extra coin.” Emma spoke softly. “I kept it hidden for a long while — until my parents found out and took it all. That’s when they got the idea to make me do that instead of cleaning. Only then they offered me to someone wealthier, who offered to buy me.

“They were greedy enough to accept, and the first thing he did was free me. All I had to do was sleep with him when he wanted. Of course, when I looked for other men he found out quickly and had me arrested. Apparently, he didn’t like me with other men and flaked out when I broke a rule I didn’t know about. That’s how I ended up in jail where I met Mari. Doing it legally. All I ever wanted was to be left alone. Now though, I have the best of both worlds. Sex and, well, not solitude, but I only need to bother with people I enjoyed being bothered by.”

“Like Liddy?” Foxy asked, with a wink.

“Who?” Emma asked, confused.

“Sorry, Trixy.”

“OH! Yes, her. I don’t mind being bothered by her at all as it turns out.”


Hannah watched as Ving started giving her professional opinions. Cat had met an old friend of hers and introduced them. Now, everyone watching the races was listening to Ving and calling in their bets based on her advice. Cat seemed annoyed that her friend was paying more attention to Ving, and turned to Hannah and crossed her arms in a huff yet with a smile. Hannah shrugged and then turned back to the table she was sitting at. Aside from Inky, they shared it with a number of men in uniform.

“So, you are friends with the racer Ving?” the captain asked, after taking a long look at Hannah’s cleavage.

“More than a little. Though I only met her after her racing days,” Hannah replied, smirking as she puffed out her chest.

“She was rather wild. Either burnt out her engines and failed to finish or came in first. I don’t think I ever saw her place any other way.”

“She did have a rather self-destructive attitude. Though I’d love to see her race now. She’s a whole new woman.”

“My boys and I have all done a little bit of racing, but recent developments have opened up our options.”

“It’s always good when things open up for you.” Hannah had slid her foot out of her boot and used it to push his legs apart wide enough for her to tease between his legs gently.

“I…” he coughed and adjusted his seat. “I got my hands on some of those new craft, propellers and wings. My boys and I can fly faster than ever, and if you put some guns on them, they are deadly. Ever been in a bi-plane miss…”

“Hannah, and yes. I got knocked off my airship and one swooped in to catch me before it fell apart and crashed in some trenches. So it was a rather brief affair, but I can certainly appreciate them.”

He was caught off guard, “Captain Rims. I didn’t know they could do that. Good to know. I’ve got my own zeppelin now and use it to launch my fighters. My crew will be happy to know there is a small chance of catching them if they fall.”

“I did some research. Parachutes work better.”

“Fair enough,” he replied, not sure if he was losing his chance with the woman who still had her foot nudging his thigh.

“What is it you do with your aircraft?” Inky asked, accepting a drink from the tray that was just set down at the table.

“Same thing any mercenary company does,” one of the other men chimed in. “Go fight where the money is. We just do it in the sky. You ladies do anything differently? I mean, aside from not being pilots specifically.”

“Smooth, man.” His buddy beside him shook his head. “Real smooth.”

Inky smiled, “I was taken on as security, and occasionally work the trade of the others on our ship. Fighting, although it happens with surprising frequency, isn’t our normal job.” She paused to make him wonder a bit longer about what they actually did. “Harlotry is our preferred trade.”

The man was confused until his buddy whispered in his ear and his eyes widened. Everyone laughed at him as he blushed, trying to hide it by taking a drink. With the air cleared, Hannah and Inky enjoyed swapping stories over the drinks.


Cat pouted as Ving carried on with her old friend, his hand on her thigh and not hiding his gaze at her breasts. She was showing far more cleavage than Ving and was getting ignored. At least by her friend, she noticed some men at the bar eying her. They bashfully looked away once they noticed her gaze. Cat took that as a good sign, and walked over to them, standing between their stools at the bar.

“Sorry for staring, we just… bah, I have no good excuse,” the one on her left muttered.

“I can think of a few reasons,” Cat replied. “You were looking at my breasts, my bottom, or maybe my whole figure. Then you were so trapped in your imagination of being with me, you didn’t think to move your gaze along.”

“‘Didn’t think’ sums it up nicely,” the man on her right admitted.

“Then don’t think, just act. Escort me someplace private and just act. You think you are the only ones with needs?”

It took a moment for them to process, but the one on the right threw some bills on the bar and stood up, putting his hand out for Catherine to take. He started to walk her out of the bar when she stopped and turned back to the other man.

With a confused look on her face, she asked, “Are you coming?” Then smiled when he got off his seat to follow.

The two men exchanged confused glances about what was going on when they reached a door. The one leading her opened it and saw it full of cleaning tools and supplies. He muttered to himself about it being the wrong door, and started to close it when Cat spoke up.

“I don’t mind. It’s private and right here. Should be plenty of room.”

“Normally I wouldn’t argue, certainly not in this situation, but it’s just the next door here I want.”

He closed the closet door and opened the next one, which revealed a small room with a bed. Cat felt her dress being tugged at as the man behind her started to unfasten it. She pushed her other partner to the bed and kissed him as he unfastened his trousers. Once her dress fell away to reveal the delicate lace she had on under it, she leaned forward to apply her tongue to the manhood offered to her by the man sitting on the bed. She felt hands on her hips sliding off her underwear before pushing her legs apart and exploring her. The man she pleasured with her mouth reached under her to fondle her breasts and relieve them from their confinement.

Catherine was thankful the man behind her refrained from penetrating her right away. Instead, rubbing his manhood between the folds of her flesh to get her ready. Hands in her hair forced her head lower, pushing himself deeper down her throat, but she kept her legs straight and at the perfect level for the man behind her. When he finally pushed inside, tired of waiting, Cat squealed at not being quite ready, but the pain soon passed. He worked in her and his thrusts doubled the force of the hands on her head. It was getting hard for her to breathe, as her skull was used like a toy over the man in her mouth. The only reprieve was that his size wasn’t significant enough to totally prevent her from taking in some air.

When she was finally pulled free, her face was red and her saliva ran from her mouth. Then he pulled her up further to take her breasts in his mouth. As she caught her breath, the thrusting behind her continuing, she felt the man biting on her breasts, licking his teeth marks after each bite. She couldn’t stop anything, and climaxed loudly. Pulled closer, the man behind her fell out, and she was brought close enough to feel the man biting her slide inside. She had to put her knees on the bed, bouncing herself on him until her hips were seized and held still. She felt the man behind her pressing against her bum, and was thankful she had covered him with her climax when he pushed inside.

Generally, while taking a woman in her bum, you should be more delicate. If anything, this man worked himself harder inside her. Cat cried out as tears began to drop from her face onto her breasts. The man nibbling on her licked them up, making Cat spill her climax onto him this time. She shuddered in pleasure, feeling both men suddenly releasing their seed, unable to resist the noises she made. The one behind withdrew. The other leaned back and brought her with him to rest on him. She felt him shrink inside her as her sore breasts were crushed on his chest.

“How long will you need to rest?” she asked with a smile.


Foxy snorted her drink out through her nose and coughed while clutching it in pain. As the others looked to make sure she was alright, they saw her pointing at the bar. The rest of them turned to see a lamb wearing a collar placing an order for drinks. She had heard the commotion and looked over to see the women sitting at the table. Her face was frozen in surprise, not quite understanding how out of place they were. Vile waved her over and she shook her head to get some sense back in place. She glanced at the barkeep who was still pouring drinks, then scampered over to the table.

“Hello, little lamb. How are you doing today?” Vile asked, trying not to sound intimidating.

“I’m fine, Miss.” She looked at each of the women, trying to figure out what to ask them.

“We are all free, if that is what you are wondering,” Emma explained.

“Why?” The lamb mumbled.

“Because we wanted to be, and because decent folk who understood we aren’t just animals helped us,” Foxy answered, finally getting over the bubbles and alcohol in her nose.

“Yeah, but it’s not safe. I mean, I see us in the streets, starving. Law doesn’t care for us. Nobody cares if we end up dead unless we belong to a human. Seems better to just be happy about being protected by being property.”

“Look.” Leira took a breath while the rest ground their teeth at her opinions. “You are right, it is safer to be someone’s property. Nobody knifes you in an alleyway if they have to answer to some rich prick. Even if the owner wants to free you, they don’t. Not unless they are a fucking idiot. Thing is, safer isn’t the same thing as safe with these assholes. Just means you get to live longer before they bury you. Get free, and just maybe you get to live longer. Longer than you would once your owner thinks it’s time to replace you. Sure, some fall in love and want the world for you, keeping you safe as a slave, but think beyond yourself. For the handful that are that safe, thousands are suffering. So pull your head out of your own fucking ass and be unsafe. This shit won’t last forever, so start planning for that now.”

The lamb scampered away when the barkeep called her drinks. She glanced back right before leaving.

“Damn, how long have you been planning on saying that?” Easy asked, as surprised as the rest.

“Ever since some bitch at the market said something like that. Her big fantasy was finding an owner who wanted to marry her and protect her with his ownership. I mean, she wasn’t wrong in the sense that it wouldn’t work, but I don’t understand loving someone who carries a piece of paper saying they own your ass. I mean, some clients like to play with that kinda stuff, so I get it if that’s just a thing that gets both of you off. But that’s still done by two people who can always say no.”

“This just means we got more work to do, girls,” Vile added while cuddling Leira until she relaxed. “Leading by example helps people like that girl. Then everyone else here seeing us acting like we were never owned get used to seeing our kind mingle with them. The farm, the Capitol — it’s just the start, and there is going to be more.”


Tara and Laurel had finished hitting the shops on the ship, buying all sorts of things they had always wanted. The prize, of course, being a new, long-range rifle that Laurel had always wanted. She was eager for a chance to sight it in, but figured it would have to wait until they weren’t parked near so many people. Tara dragged her away from the long box and found Conna and Juno in the lounge, enjoying each other.

“All the people on this big boat and you two are here?” Laurel asked, teasing her friends.

“Someone has to guard the ship, right?” Conna countered.

“Fair enough, but I need to go hunt down some men.” Laurel adjusted her corset to expose a bit more of her breasts.

“That does sound fun,” Conna commented, hearing Junno moan in disappointment as she worked her tongue under her skirt.

“Fine, Tara, take over. Conna, let’s go get laid.”

Tara dropped her underwear and lifted her skirt so Juno could transition to her as Conna stood up. Tara sat down in the chair where Juno could keep enjoying herself easily. Conna decided to leave her underwear off and joined Laurel as they left the ship.

“Where do we go?” Conna asked, bumping her hips into Laurel.

“Well, having collected gazes by literally everyone I’ve seen so far, I can assume that anywhere is as valid an option as anywhere else.”

Conna laughed. She knew they could have gotten laid right where they stood by the dock hands or the guards that had been posted right there. They just both felt like they should take more than a dozen steps off the ship before filling their needs.

Wandering a short while, they saw a commotion of bodies. Men were moving closer in a group and entering a private room, when they saw a flash of Inky’s black hair. They rushed over to see the dozen men had been surrounding Inky and Hannah.

“Really?! This many men and you can’t share?” Conna shouted.

“I am sharing!” Inky fired back, “Hannah is right there.”

Inky pointed to Hannah, her finger poking her friend in the breast. Most of the men were too focused on pawing the women to get involved in the conversation, until one spoke up.

“Now, I was always raised to believe that sharing is caring. Very important to friendships and such. It just wouldn’t be… Ummm… polite not to invite your friends.”

Inky let out an exaggerated sigh and said, “Fine!”

Laurel noticed the man had been staring at her the most, and rushed over to kiss him as soon as Inky relented. She felt his hands on her bum, under her skirt, gripping tightly as he manoeuvred her into the room.

Conna followed closely, getting her fair share of hands on her body soon enough. She saw Hannah pouring a bottle of white wine on the face of a man who she kissed as she did so. A man felt between her legs and drew her attention away from Hannah. He was pleasantly surprised to find her flesh bare and turned her around to lift her up. She quickly found her legs on his shoulders as he tasted where Juno had been just a few minutes before. Conna gripped the light fixture above her to keep herself stable as she ground her hips into the face of the man between her legs.

Across from her, she saw Laurel on her knees, pleasing the man she had chosen. Another knelt behind her, and after removing her underwear, slid inside her while gripping the hair on her head and ramming it into his buddy.

Conna suddenly felt herself fall and yelped in surprise, her grip on the lights not tight enough to stop it. She landed on the shaft of the man that had been holding her up and felt him slide in deep. However, she was still falling backwards until a man caught her shoulders and slid inside her gasping mouth. She unclasped her bra to let her breasts free so she could tease them herself, but another man came over to do the job for her. He gripped one breast firmly while slapping her other with his shaft.

Inky had been stripped naked and laid on a table to display her darkened skin, already holding a man in each hand as she took turns attending to them with her mouth. A third held her legs wide open to admit him entry inside her, while the fourth climbed on top and pressed her breasts around his fair-skinned member and worked between them.

The only other man not waiting his turn was the captain, who moved on top of Hannah on the bed. He had stripped her of her clothing and pressed his body against hers. She felt the hair on his chest, pressing against her breasts as they kissed. Her hands ran along his back, pulling him closer while his held her head. Hannah could feel his hardness swelling as it pressed into her belly, not yet inside her. She could hear the other girls having their fun. She wrapped her legs around his so she could feel his hair on her smooth legs. Slowly he worked his way down, from her lips to her chin, neck, biting gently as he went, down to her breasts. As she felt him lick and tease around her nipples, she tried to push him with her legs to get him back up to kiss her and slide within her body but he resisted. He made her wait while he took the pleasure he wanted from her breasts.

Conna was surprised the first man to lose himself was the one playing with her breasts. He covered them with his seed and was promptly mocked by his friends. She had unfastened her corset and tossed it away to keep it clean. The man who had been inside Laurel while holding her by the hips, pulled her away and stood her up while keeping inside her. He brought her over and put her face on Conna to lick her clean. Her efforts were impaired by the man who still wanted her mouth and made her use it on him between licks.

The sight of seeing Laurel taken by two men, bent over Conna while she was being taken by two men, was the trigger to finally setting off Inky, rather than all the men she had herself. Her moans caused the man between her breasts cover her face with his seed while another filled her womb. Both got off or out of her, only to be replaced by more and resume the efforts of their friends. She was just getting back into the grove when she felt the man in her left hand spill his seed onto her face as well. Wanting to join in, the man in her right did the same. She felt humiliated that they would do that to her and let out a howl as she climaxed again.

Hannah had just about had enough of the teasing when she felt something stab into her belly, and climaxed the moment the captain’s manhood speared into her. He had gripped the headboard and used the muscles in his body to stab deeply into her with a savage grunt every time. Hannah smiled, her breasts hurt with the force of the sudden movements, and gripped them tightly herself to support them while she enjoyed the pleasurable pain between her legs. It didn’t take him long, but given his pace, she could recover faster this way, before he flooded her body with his seed. He roared loudly like a wild man killing an enemy. Hannah felt her body shudder and matched his deep rumble as she growled herself in climax. Using a move normally reserved for forcing a mounted attacker below yourself, Hannah flipped him onto his back and began moving her own hips over the captain. This time it was her turn to grip the headboard. She worked quickly while he was still sensitive from his climax, and her sweat dripped off her as she made him grunt again in climax, while she growled in conquest over him. Instead of talking, Hannah growled at him until he stopped trying to ask what happened.


Liddy stared at the work board, her photo, and the plaque that indicated who the captain was. Each of them had a piece of paper stuck to them with ‘Trixy’ covering the name she preferred to use.

“You aren’t that close to Hannah, right? I mean, if I murdered her, you would just sulk for a day or something, right? Nobody would miss her?”

Mari looked at Liddy and said, “You do know this is your fault, and that we would have found out eventually. Right?”

“The next girl one of you brings home better be a total sycophant beyond all reason.”

“You know you would get tired of that.”

“No, I don’t! I’ve never experienced it before! I’d get tired of sex before I got tired of a crewmember who didn’t plot against me on a regular basis!”

“Hush, this will make you feel better.” Liddy yelped as cold metal went between her legs, “I said hush. The Lady left this inside me when she was finished, I kept it. Let it warm up and you will love it.”

“Still angry…” Liddy muttered.

“Fine, you wear it and work out that frustration on me.”

“Fine, then we take down all these name tags and murder Hannah.”


Ving felt the sweat on her breasts running down her skin as she slowly caught her breath after finally being spent. She sat facing Cat’s friend in his lap, feeling him slide out of her as he also relaxed. Neither knew that the other was thinking about Cat and whether they should have let her be there instead. Ving crawled off him and along the couch to the bottle of wine on the table, taking a long drink before passing it over. She got to her feet and used a folded towel to clean herself while her new friend relaxed, staring off into space.

“You seem like you enjoyed yourself,” she commented.

“Better than I ever dreamed it would be.”

Ving used a new towel to dry herself off as he continued to rest. He wasn’t as well practised as she was and needed the time, despite not putting in nearly half the effort she had. That being said, Ving didn’t mind so much. He was good enough to last long enough for her to satisfy herself on him, even if he couldn’t do it himself.

“Worth your offer?”

“Oh, indeed! They are still building the track here, but you can consider my racer yours. Papers are in my case there. Bring them so I can sign.”

Ving remained naked as she fetched the papers. Straddling him again as she showed him the papers, holding them just over her breasts. He took them and grabbed for the fountain pen in the pocket of his jacket that was over the arm of the couch. As he twisted to use the table beside the couch, Ving lowered herself to clean him off with her tongue. It was difficult for him to sign with her mouth now full again of his manhood, but she knew he wouldn’t have second thoughts while she did so. Signed, Ving took the papers after getting off her knees and set it down on the table to dry. She dressed, slowly, in his view, and by the time she was fully covered she could see him stiff again.

Ving smiled, returned to her knees and worked her mouth quickly until he lost another load of his seed. She swallowed quickly to avoid tasting it and got back up. Taking the papers with her, she walked out of the room and went looking for her new racer.


Liddy was resting, exhausted, with her head on Mari’s wonderfully soft breasts. She almost didn’t have the energy, but when she heard a splash of water just outside her window, she pushed herself up to see. Mari had her hands on her breasts to help push her up, curious about the noise as well.

“Someone landed a ship behind us.”

“I thought this was our private dock.”

“It’s a much smaller ship, like a personal… and Ving is getting out of it.”

“She makes that much money from working here? Because if you still want to get rid of Hannah, you can just tell her she can afford her own ship then.”

“Nobody here is getting paid ‘that’ well. I just hope it’s not stol… nope, she’s showing papers to the guards.”

“How about, since we know the girl, we go out and ask her.”

Liddy grunted, annoyed. “That means getting dressed.”

“Please, that’s just the first step to getting naked again. Let’s go.”

Liddy and Mari helped dress the other quickly, eager to see Ving, who was walking into the lounge by the time they arrived.

“I got a racer!” Ving shouted with excitement.

“And quite possibly the biggest token for services rendered ever given to a woman on this ship.”

“Well, I mean, it might be the payment, really,” Ving mentioned.

“Well, since you aren’t really working right now, anything you get is a token. So, I think you won our downtime.”

“I suppose so. There is going to be a race sometime after the big meeting tomorrow. I need to fix my new girl up to be ready to win before then.”

“Fine, go have fun. Just sometime tonight when everyone stumbles back, or maybe tomorrow, we need to have a meeting about this big meeting and what we will be doing while it’s going on.”

“So,” Mari started. “A meeting about a meeting to decide what we do during the meeting with the people at the meeting to…OW!”

Mari clenched her hand over her left breast from the hard flick Liddy had given her nipple. “Do you mind?”

“Sorry, I meant to say, ‘Trixy’ is calling a meeting about a meeting…” Her words cut short by a pair of hands around her throat, wrestling her to the ground.

Ving watched them struggle, “Alright, you two have fun. I’m going to go get my hands on ‘my’ new bitch.”

Juno had poked her head up from behind the bar, wondering if she should get involved. Once she saw Liddy kissing Mari while choking her, she figured things were fine, got back down with Tara, and drank another shot out of her belly button.


“Alright, everyone!” Liddy announced once everyone was in the lounge, with the light of the new day spilling in through the windows. “We may have some work to do today.”

Liddy paused to look at Hannah, who had been sitting at the top of the stairs, a few steps higher than Ving so she had easy access under her dress.

Hannah realised Liddy was staring intently at her exposed chest.

“Oh, they are called breasts. You see, when a young girl becomes a woman, her body changes until she has an awesome rack like this.”

“I know what breasts are! Your’s are covered in grease!”

“Oh, I thought you were wondering when you might grow your own pair. You know, become a real woman. Setting aside childish things.” She paused. “Like names…”

“Hannah, so help me, if you don’t go clean some of that crap off, I will chain you up in a room full of homosexual eunuchs for a year!”

“Fine! It’s not my fault Ving has dirty hands.”

“Now, the rest of you. There is a big meeting going down today, and I am invited. I want you all hanging around outside the meeting hall. Foxy, you need to listen for me and relay messages. If I want someone seduced, you tell the girls. The rest of you, while you wait, listen in on what people are saying and doing elsewhere. Pick marks and go heavy with the pillow talk. Just make sure someone is always with Foxy to sleep with whoever I call out. With any luck, we can get leads on farms — but really anything can be helpful. Bring some notebooks and pencils with you for when you need to write down anything. Anyone not know how to write?” Liddy wasn’t expecting anyone to answer that question, since even Leira had caught on to reading and writing quick, and everyone else grew up doing it.

Though Tara coughed and answered. “Ving doesn’t seem to have an issue.”

Liddy turned to see Hannah, showing off her cleavage, with cleaned lines in the messy palm prints. The name ‘Trixy’ was clearly visible.

“You said ‘some’ and I always obey the order of my captain. Even when she gives orders that don’t make a lot of sense.”

“New rule. If anyone is told to seduce a mark they don’t want, they can pass it over to Hannah if she’s available. Where she will enthusiastically obey the orders of her captain and fuck-them-like-a-champ.”

“Well played, Trixy, well played…”

Published 11 months ago

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