The Office Whore – Part 59

"Naughty girls get spanked."

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The next day, after being caught masturbating in the women’s restroom, Reina’s ass was still sore from the spanking her boss, who happened to be her husband, had given her. She smiled. Instead of learning a lesson from that, the lingering sting just made her hornier.

But Chad had made it clear that it would be best if she didn’t repeat the performance. After dropping Bella off in the office daycare, they grabbed some tea in the break area. He took her chin in his hand, lifting her face to kiss her lips softly, gently reminding her.

“Not everyone in this office would understand our little Office Whore agreement, Reina. Sarah comes across as the strait-laced type. She has been a great addition to our firm with her tech skills; I’d hate to lose her because she’s uncomfortable with our sexual shenanigans.”

Reina pouted, but she agreed to be more discreet. “No worries; I promise to behave. Every time I sit down, I’ll be reminded that naughty girls get spanked.”

Chad grinned and headed to his office while Reina headed to her desk. Hopefully, he’d have time to call her in to perform an Office Whore task or two today.

While she waited for Chad’s call, Reina got busy with her work. She spent some time putting sticky notes on pages of the catalog Karen had given her to select some choices for new office chairs before grabbing the pile of folders that needed to be reorganized. After she finished filing, she heard the ping of an incoming email. It was from Sarah.

Hello Reina,

I’m writing because I wanted to talk with you about something and felt awkward approaching you in person. So, I hope you don’t mind me sending you an email.

I suspect I may have gotten you in trouble yesterday when I reported an incident I witnessed in the restroom to Chad. I know it was you because I recognized your fabulous shoes.

Anyway, I feel bad about making a fuss. If I had realized it was the boss’s wife touching herself in the ladies’ room, I would have kept my mouth shut.

I hope I didn’t offend you in any way. I like this job and don’t want to make waves here.

Please accept my apology,


Reina read the email twice. She debated whether to answer her via email or to seek Sarah out and have a private chat. But what would she say?

She decided to think about how she would handle it before answering. But after twenty minutes had passed, she figured the longer she avoided responding, the more awkward it would get. So, she sat down on her tender buttocks and composed a reply.

Hi Sarah,

I’m the one who should be sorry. Although I thought I was alone in the restroom, it was inappropriate for me to masturbate at work. I am truly sorry for making you uncomfortable. Chad made it clear that it could never happen again. I hope you won’t think less of me for my poor choice.

Your job is not in jeopardy whatsoever. Chad may be my husband, but he is also the boss, and I need to be held to the same standards as anyone else.

Please know that I am utterly embarrassed by my behavior.

I hope you can forgive my indiscretion and that we can move on from this incident.


She read it over to ensure it sounded as sincere as she felt, then hit send. Her face flushed with embarrassment, and she hoped that this would all blow over quickly.

Ten minutes later, the phone rang. Reina felt a little giddy when she heard Chad’s voice. But that glee was fleeting when she heard his tone.

“Reina, please come to my office immediately. We have an issue that needs to be resolved.”

Reluctantly, she rose from her desk and walked down the hall to his office. She was surprised to see Sarah sitting across the desk from Chad. He frowned as he motioned for her to close the door and join them at his desk.

“Reina, Sarah tells me that she sent you an email regarding the restroom incident to see if she could confirm that it was you. Since you took it upon yourself to reply to her without consulting me first, we now have a problem on our hands.”

Reina felt confused. “I don’t understand. She sent me an apology, and I sent one back. What did I do wrong?”

Sarah looked uncomfortable and was unable to make eye contact with Reina.

“Sarah thought she might be in danger of losing her job for reporting the boss’s wife for inappropriate behavior.”

Reina frowned. “Sarah, I made it very clear that wasn’t the case in my response. What is this really about?”

Sarah looked down at her lap and picked at her fingernails. When she said nothing, Chad spoke.

“Sarah, if my wife apologized and made it clear your job is safe, and this type of incident won’t happen again, what more can we do to make this right?”

His voice was calm and gentle, but Reina could see in his eyes that he was livid. Fortunately, Sarah didn’t notice.

“I just… well… this is so embarrassing. I hoped to find a way to ask something, but it’s so…”

She stopped. Chad glanced at Reina, no longer looking angry but as frustrated and confused as she was.

Reina decided to try a different tactic. “Sarah, is there something you want to ask about but are afraid it would be considered intrusive?”

Sarah nodded, keeping her gaze on her lap. She wanted to come out and ask the question that had plagued her all morning, but she didn’t have the courage.

“You can ask anything you wish. Reina and I want to make this situation right.”

Sighing heavily, Sarah said, “Okay, well, I want to know why you lied. You said the person masturbating in the bathroom was part of the cleaning crew and that there would be severe consequences. I knew it seemed off since the shoes didn’t look like any janitorial staff member would wear. Then I saw you leaving with your daughter and recognized the shoes on Reina’s feet as the ones I saw under the stall.”

“I was trying to save my wife from a bit of embarrassment, that’s all. However, I assure you that she was reprimanded for her actions.”

“Reprimanded how? I feel terrible! I didn’t mean to make trouble here.”

“There’s nothing to worry about, Sarah. I spoke with Reina, clarifying that her actions would not be tolerated.”

“I’m not trying to be rude, but that doesn’t sound very severe. I’m just trying to understand…”

“He spanked me,” Reina blurted out.

Chad was speechless. He couldn’t believe what was coming out of his wife’s mouth as she continued.

“He put me over his knee and spanked me for acting like a slut. I am sorry, Sarah. It won’t happen again.”

“Oh, well, um. Okay. I…” she paused. “Do you spank all of your employees when they make poor choices?”

“Only the ones I’m married to,” Chad said, hoping it came across as lighthearted.

“I see. Well, I don’t really see, but I understand,” Sarah said, trying to regain her composure. “Actually, I’m not sure I even understand. I mean, I know what you’re saying. But… you spank your wife? Isn’t that against some kind of law? Can’t you get in trouble for hitting your wife?”

Reina put her hand up to indicate to Chad that she would answer this time. “No, I’ve given my consent to allow Chad to spank me. He would never hurt me.”

“So, the spanking doesn’t hurt?”

“Yes, it hurts, but not in an abusive way. It’s just a reminder that my behavior was inappropriate.”

Sarah nodded slowly, processing what she’d heard. “But it’s only you that gets spanked. Because you’re his wife.”

“Yes, that’s correct. Is there anything else you wanted to ask?”

“Does the spanking leave a mark?”

Reina and Chad looked at each other and shrugged. They were both unsure how much to divulge and what Sarah’s intentions were with all of this.

“Reina meant, was there anything else work-related that you had a question about,” Chad said, hoping to avoid delving deeper into uncomfortable territory.

“Oh, well, no. I guess not. I’m sorry if this was weird. I really like my job and didn’t want to cause any trouble,” Sarah said, standing quickly, feeling too chicken to ask what she really wanted to know. “I’ll just get back to work if that’s okay?”

“Are you satisfied with the outcome of this meeting?” Chad asked.


“Then, yes, you’re free to go back to work. We will consider this matter settled, yes?”


After Sarah left, Chad plopped into his chair and ran a hand through his thick, dark hair. “Well, that was fucking weird.”

“I’m sorry if I didn’t handle things correctly, Sir,” Reina said softly.

“What the hell were you thinking? Telling her that I spanked you was the last thing I expected to come out of your mouth.”

“It seemed to pacify her.”

“It seemed to stupefy her, more accurately. But I think it’s all worked out. I hope we can count on Sarah’s discretion.”

“Chad, do you honestly think that people don’t have a clue about what goes on in your office?”

“I don’t know. I mean, it’s soundproofed, so no one can hear what we’re doing. Do you think people know?”

Reina shrugged. “I don’t know. Did they know when you had a string of blond bore-whores working here that you were using them sexually?”

“I think things were pretty well under wraps. No one ever said anything.”

“Would they have?”

“I guess not.”

“I’m sorry if I made a mistake. I half expected her to think I was joking. But I know this has made you feel very ill at ease.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

It was Sarah.

“I know this is the wrong place and time to be asking this, but I have questions about spanking. I have no one else I can talk about this with since I come from a very religious background.”

Chad inhaled deeply and asked, “Would it be best to talk with just Reina?”

Sarah shook her head. “Actually, I need to talk with both of you. I overheard you talking in the break area this morning about the spanking, and I should have just come out and asked, but I made this complicated and weird.”

“Ask what, Sarah?” Reina inquired gently.

 “I need to understand why my boyfriend wants to spank me.”

“Oh, well, um, I’m not sure…” Chad stopped. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about spanking with an employee. But he figured this might be a way to ensure the Office Whore activities with Reina would stay private.

“Have a seat, Sarah. Reina and I will answer what we can.”

“Thank you so much.”

Chad looked extremely uncomfortable. But this wasn’t a situation where he could bring in an HR person. He could, however, ask Karena to join them. “I would like to call Karena in to participate in this meeting.”

Sarah blushed, a look of panic in her eyes, and shook her head. “I, well, it’s just…”

“Karena knows that Chad spanks me. She’s very discreet and not at all judgmental,” Reina said quickly, trying to reassure Sarah.

“Um, okay.”

Moments later, the four of them sat at the conference room table in Chad’s office. Reina explained what had led up to this meeting and what Sarah was asking.

Karena smiled. “We are happy to help you sort this out, Sarah. But I will need to ask you to sign this NDA first.”

“An NDA?”

“A Non-Disclosure Agreement. In the course of our discussion, some sensitive information may come out, and we need to be sure you won’t repeat any of it. Likewise, we will sign an agreement to ensure your privacy.”

“Oh, okay. That actually makes me feel a lot better.”

Once all the paperwork was signed, Sarah sat with her hands folded on her lap. She avoided all eye contact and spoke softly. “Last week, my boyfriend, Jeff, said he thought we should both feel free to say what we thought might spice up our sex life. I suggested he buy me some sexy lingerie that I could wear for him. He liked that idea a lot. Then it was his turn, and he said he thought we should try letting him spank me. I thought he was kidding, so I laughed. It turns out, he was dead serious. He said the idea of putting me over his knee and spanking me was a huge turn-on.”

“How did that make you feel?” Karena asked.

“Confused. I thought Jeff was the one, you know? Like, marriage material, for sure. But this has just thrown me for a loop. I was raised that men don’t hit women. So, how could this be arousing for him?”

“How did the conversation go?”

“Well, I told him what I just said to you. He got defensive and said he watched some porn videos with spanking, and the girl seemed to get into it just as much as the guy. He said she was moaning in pleasure. He wanted to show me the video, but I didn’t want to see it. I mean, those people in porn vids are actors. Of course, she sounded like she was enjoying it. I told him I needed time to think.

“Then I heard Chad and Reina talking about the spanking he gave her yesterday, and I wanted just to come right out and ask about it, but I was too embarrassed. So, I made a bigger deal about Reina masturbating in the restroom yesterday as a way to broach the subject.”

Karena shot a look at Reina, who shrugged sheepishly.

“Okay, so I have an idea that might help, but it’s up to Reina and Chad if they would be willing to show you how she responds when he spanks her,” Karena suggested.

Chad frowned, “Look, I want to help, but there’s no way I’m going to spank my wife in front of another employee.”

Karena shook her head. “Not live, but how about letting Sarah watch the video of yesterday’s activities.”

“You videotaped spanking her?”

“He records all of the Office Whore tasks,” Karena explained.

Chad nearly choked on his own spit. Reina gave a pained look, making Karena realize they hadn’t discussed Reina’s role as an Office Whore for Chad.

Sarah tilted her head. “Office Whore tasks?”

Reina stood and started to pace a bit.

“Okay, here’s the short version. I was originally hired to do filing and to be Chad’s Office Whore. He has an extremely strong sex drive and can focus much better on his work if I take care of his needs. I’m not the first woman to be in this role, but I am the last since he fell in love with me, and we got married and had a baby together.”

Chad listened with pride at his fierce redhead as she continued to explain her job without a modicum of shame. To hear her speak like this, one would think that being an Office Whore was a coveted role. Of course, in his mind, it was.

“He calls me in for different tasks, depending on his desires, and I make sure he is sexually satisfied so he can do his job more effectively.”

Sarah’s eyes widened with surprise. But Karena smirked when she saw the IT girl squirm in her seat, clearly aroused.

“So,” Reina continued, “when Chad first started the program, he made sure to record the tasks for times when he was too busy to call in whoever was the Office Whore at the time. This was disclosed ahead of time and part of the agreement.”

Chad exchanged a guilty glance with Karena, both remembering that he’d recorded a session with Reina before remembering to inform her of that little detail. Then he smiled, thinking back to how Karena had been sure, viewing that video, that she’d watched her boss and best friend fall in love with the hot little redhead. Chad felt more relaxed as he reminisced about the erotic sex during that encounter; the hot water rained down on them, followed by sliding to the floor of the shower and having Reina kiss him playfully on his nose.

“What that means is there is a video of my spanking Reina that we would allow you to watch to see. That way, you can see that spanking can be very sexually stimulating.”

“Do you want to view it by yourself or with us to help explain things along the way?” Reina asked.

“Could I watch it by myself and then ask questions afterward if I have them?” she asked timidly.

“Of course,” Reina replied. “Let me queue up the video, and then we will all step out for a bit.”

Sarah hit play when the others exited Chad’s office. She was shocked at how submissive Reina was and how much she enjoyed the punishment. She hit fast forward for a bit and then stopped on a part that made her feel incredibly aroused. She felt her pussy tingle at the sound of Chad’s voice barking a stern command in the video.

“I think it’s time to switch to the paddle. I can feel the heat emanating from your beet-red bottom. Let’s make it sting some more, shall we?”

“Yes, Sir. Oh, please! I need to be paddled. I was a naughty slut for fingering my needy cunt in the restroom.”

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

The paddle thudded as it connected with Reina’s tender flesh. Chad’s cock was as hard as steel as Reina begged him to continue spanking her harder. It was all overwhelming, yet arousing to Sarah.

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

“Yes! Oh, yes! Spank my insolent ass!”

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

“You’ve made a mess of my pants with your dripping cunt. Perhaps you need the short crop to finish this lesson.”

Sarah pressed stop. She didn’t need to see anymore. She needed to go home and let Jeff spank her ass till it was good and red.

As she exited the office, Reina asked, “Sarah, are you okay?”

“I’m, um. Can I go home early? I think, um. I need, um. What I mean is, I think I understand now.”

“You understand what?” Karena asked gently.

“I understand why Jeff wants to spank me. And I want him to spank me like that. Oh… “

Reina grinned. “It seems counterintuitive to what we learned growing up. But trust me, being spanked makes me incredibly hot.”

“I could tell. You were moaning and begging. It was, um, wow… “

“You are welcome to leave early today, Sarah,” Chad said. “Just remember the NDA forbids you from speaking about any of the Office Whore tasks or anything you witnessed on the video.”

Sarah blinked. “Then how do I explain to Jeff that I want him to spank me?”

Reina smiled and said, “You can tell him that you talked about it with a co-worker who loves to be spanked and that the discussion aroused you.”

“Oh, good idea. Thanks! Well, I’m, um. I’m. I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you!”

Sarah rushed to her desk, grabbed her things, and made a beeline for the door.

Chad shook his head. “I just hope she doesn’t accidentally blab our business to anyone.”

“If all those blonde bore whores could keep their mouths closed, I’m sure we can count on Sarah to keep this to herself. Besides, she’d have to explain how she found out,” Karena assured Chad.

“Still, this whole thing warrants another spanking for you, Reina. You should never have been so blunt with her about the spanking.”

“But my ass still stings from yesterday,” Reina said in feigned protest.

Ignoring her, Chad added, “I think you should treat Karena to some oral pleasure while I punish your bottom.”

Karena sat on the couch, lifted her skirt, and let her legs fall open, revealing her bare pussy. “Eat my cunt, you naughty Office Whore,” she cooed.

Reina got on the floor, kneeling before Karena, and got busy licking the woman’s delicious nectar that was seeping out, ready to be tasted.

Chad lifted Reina’s dress and gave her bare ass, which had a few red marks left from yesterday’s spanking, several stern swats with his hand. Reina moaned, encouraging him to spank her a bit harder while she dined on Karena’s juicy pussy. His cock was straining against the cloth of his trousers. He knew he’d need release sooner than later but kept himself zipped up for the moment.

Spank! Spank! Spank!

“That’s right, Reina; naughty girls get spanked. You shouldn’t have been masturbating in the ladies’ room, you shouldn’t have admitted to Sarah that I spanked you, and you surely should not have acknowledged the fact that you’re my Office Whore.”

Spank! Spank! Spank!

Karena was grinding against Reina’s mouth as she came in waves.

“Drink up her juices, my dirty Office Whore. I’m gonna fuck you while you make her cum again and again.”

Chad released his shaft from its confines and plunged it into Reina’s sopping-wet pussy. He grabbed her hips and fucked her hard and deep, causing Reina to moan louder.

“You like it when I use you like a whore, don’t you, slut? I’m gonna fuck your cunt hard till you cum, then I’m gonna take that naughty ass.”

Reina’s tongue continued to torment Karena’s clit while Chad pumped into his wife’s pussy. He was delighted when the two women came together and decided it was time for the grand finale.

“Karena, I want you to play with Reina’s tits while I fuck her tight, little ass.”

“Nothing I’d like better than to get my mouth on those gorgeous nipples,” Karena cooed.

Reina adjusted her position to give Karena access to her breasts and felt an electric current zip through her body when she felt teeth clamp down hard on her left nipple.

“Oh, holy fuck!” Reina cried out.

Chad used Reina’s plentiful juices to lube up her puckered star before pushing the tip of his cock against it. He slipped the head in and waited for her to get used to him, then he inched his way in until he was balls-deep in her ass.

“Your ass is so fuckin’ tight, my sweet whore.”

Reina was overwhelmed by the onslaught of decadence. Her nipples were being tormented by Karena biting and pinching them, while Chad’s thick, rock-hard prick was pummeling her ass. She writhed and moaned, cumming in a multitude of waves that left her feeling delirious.

Chad’s balls tightened as he jackhammered his wife’s ass. “I’m gonna shoot my load deep inside you, baby. That’s right, take it all! Take my seed in your ass. Ah, fuckkk!”

Reina came again while Chad filled her ass with his thick semen. He pulled out and watched it ooze out of her star. God, it looked hot!

Moments later, as their heartbeats returned to normal, Chad said, “Well, I hope you’ve learned a lesson today, my darling Office Whore.”

Reina grinned. “Yes, sir. I just have one question.”

Chad’s brow furrowed. “What?”

“Can Karena join us in the shower?”

He laughed. “Yes, of course. Are we just cleaning up or engaging in Task #5?”

“Task #5,” Reina and Karena said in unison.

Chad grinned. “Get your slutty asses in the shower, then. God, I’m a lucky man!”

Published 11 months ago

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