Hysterical Histories 7

"The business reaches full maturity"

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Lady Emma returns… again.

Lady Emma is one of Helen’s closest friends and thereby became our inaugural client when we began our new life in Harley Street. She has pressed her advantage as a friend, imposing upon Helen to allow privileged access to me, but Helen has always steadfastly refused.

At our very first meeting, Helen had crept beneath the Consulting Couch to relieve my excitement at treating Emma, gathering my cum in a glass which she consumed later. That led me to consider the oral delivery of semen as a health benefit for women.

At our second meeting, it was clear that Helen had revealed all this to Emma, and she had become very excited at the prospect of receiving my semen in one way or another. Helen had refused to countenance Emma touching me, let alone allowing me to fuck her, but she did very proudly show me off in my fully erect state- something which Emma had never seen before, even including her husband. That is not unusual.

In the end, Helen had excited me to the point of ejaculation, in front of Emma’s widening eyes, and had allowed her to receive my semen directly into her mouth- at least, as much as could be accurately directed there! Emma was never allowed to touch me, but she swallowed my warm cum wholeheartedly.

I have since decided that oral delivery, while a great pleasure, is not a very practical service, especially if my clients are denied the right to wrap their lips around my cock at the vital moment!

Instead, Helen has developed a range of lubricating oils, and face and body creams, into which she mixes small quantities of my cum, as the ‘magic ingredient’ which justifies the cost; certainly, no one else can deliver the identical product!

She has also created “Doctor Watson’s Assistant,” a Ladies Companion, in the image of my own erect cock, and while she retains the original copy she had made in ebony, she has had multiple copies made from it, in clear glass. All of those have been readily sold, leading Helen to order many more from the master mould. She now has a number in stock, and there is a backlog of orders from interested Ladies.

So we are well equipped for her friend’s third visit to our Consulting Rooms.

Emma enters the Consulting Room with a beaming smile, and appears full of energy. She says that ever since swallowing my cum, she has felt energised, not least by the vivid recollection of its delivery to her, at our last meeting.

When I say that it is not a service we can provide regularly as part of her treatment, she seems extremely upset, and pouts sullenly at the end of the Couch. She had been hoping at least to taste me again, if not more.

Helen puts an arm around her friend to comfort her, and emphasises that she has been unusually privileged to see my cock roused to full erection, and to see the copious ejaculation that naturally follows. No other client has been treated to that sight, though Jane had to be convinced that the glass Companion was a true representation of my erect cock.

“I am very disappointed,” says Emma. “I had thought you might allow me to see Simon again, and I even harboured thoughts that you might allow him to deliver his cum… elsewhere.”

“That will just not be possible,” says Helen firmly, but I think I see her mind racing privately to find alternatives to offer. “What I suggest is that you allow Simon to treat you, using the glass Companion, with appropriate oils, while I apply some of his creams to your body.”

“Hmmm,” says Emma, “I will let you do as you wish, but I cannot foresee it being so arousing as my last visit here…”

“We will try.” I say, and ask her to lay herself back, totally naked, on the Treatment Couch.

Emma becomes a little re-invigorated when Helen hands her a glass copy of the Companion. Her eyes light up with the familiarity of the cock she had seen before, and when Helen offers her oils, she smooths some over her hands and strokes the Companion with closed eyes.

“Mmmm,” she says, “that is as hard and smooth to the touch as I imagined Simon would really be. And I suppose I can play with it as long as I wish, without it ever becoming soft! There will be no cum to taste, perhaps, but it could offer never-ending pleasure.”

It seems she is overcoming her initial disappointment, as she lies back before me, with her legs splayed, and hands me the Companion she has already oiled.

Helen surprises her by handing her a second copy of the Companion, to stroke around her face and cheeks, ultimately licking and kissing it, and taking the bulbous head between her lips.

Meanwhile, Helen applies a little cream to her hands and slowly massages it into Emma’s large breasts, teasing around the wide pink areolae to firm her long nipples into erection.

I am exploring Emma’s vaginal lips and her long button, which craves the attention of my mouth and tongue. Before I follow my instincts, though, I raise my head to say, ”When we last met, Emma, I asked you to practice gripping my fingers with your internal muscles as I inserted them, and you did so. This time, I’d like to insert the more substantial Companion, and for you to grip it as hard as you can.”

“Ohhh, Simon, I just wish it was your REAL cock, but do continue,” says Emma, “I have another to play with here too!”

So I slowly insert the pre-lubricated Companion inside Emma. Her moans are slightly muffled by the presence of another Companion between her lips, but when I lick and suck on her button, she has to withdraw it to gasp for air.

All three of us are working hard now. My mouth is clamped over Emma’s button while I steadily move the Companion in and out of her vagina, to increasing depth and with increasing speed and force. Meanwhile, Helen is massaging, squeezing and pinching Emma’s breasts and synchronising her timing with the thrusting Companion that she can see moving in and out of Emma’s vagina. At the same time, Emma is teasing her own mouth, playing with the hard replica of my cock between her lips.

We all synchronise until Emma starts to shiver with waves of delight, emanating, I think, from her button, but causing her to clench so tightly around the lubricated Companion that I have to leave it still, deep inside her, while the paroxysm subsides.

Emma puts the second Companion aside, allowing herself to shout and curse in the most unladylike manner, as Helen pinches her nipples tightly between her oiled fingers.

The climax seems to last forever, but slowly Emma rests back on the Couch, while Helen backs away, and I carefully withdraw the Companion from her pulsing vagina, allowing copious juices to flow.

After a few minutes, Emma is able to talk again.

“You two have done it again!” she exclaims. “I had arrived with different hopes, I must admit, even thinking that you, Helen, might allow Simon to fuck me this time. That would be heaven, I think, but I fully understand that you want to keep that pleasure to yourselves. Perhaps one day?”

“I doubt that,” I say, “Helen is very proud of me and will take any opportunity to show me off, but she will always be adamant that we will only fuck each other, as will I.”

Helen vigorously nods agreement, but I notice that her hands are moving between her thighs and her body seems to be trembling in a lower-key version of Emma’s climax.

I think Emma notices this too, and from her focused gaze, she has clearly seen that my cock is not only pressing firmly against my trousers, but visibly throbbing.

Her gaze moves from me to Helen and back again, and she says, “I admire your composure, both of you, and your devotion to each other. But it seems clear that your ‘treatment’ of me is also very arousing for you. I hope you know that you do not have to wait until I have departed, before you satisfy each other’s needs.”

“Indeed, if I cannot experience Simon fucking me, I think I would melt with passion if I could watch the two of you fuck each other with abandon.”

Helen looks into my eyes, and says, “We did allow you to see me make Simon cum, last time, so I suppose it is no great advancement to allow you to watch us fuck. It would also allow us to take full advantage of the great arousal you have noted.”

I am so hard now, and really in need of relief, that I cannot argue.

While Emma helps Helen to undress, Helen herself undresses me, until we each stand proudly naked in front of Emma, who still remains naked herself. “Wow,” she says, “you are such a handsome couple! If I cannot have you myself, it would be an honour to witness you fuck and perhaps imagine some of the delight that you feel yourselves.”

Helen and I hug closely together, and I feel my hard cock pressed firmly against her belly. I think Emma quietly notes how deeply I will reach inside her friend.

Helen climbs onto the Couch and kneels on all fours before me, while Emma sits on the low stool alongside it; I note that she still holds the oiled Companion between her thighs, and sensually strokes her naked, oiled breasts as she observes us closely.

I stand behind Helen, alongside Emma, and adjust the height of the Couch to allow me to enter Helen while standing.

I look to one side, and Emma’s eyes are bulging as she watches my cock slide up and down between the cheeks of Helen’s backside; I squeeze her around me, then lower myself in an attempt to gain entry, but Helen’s body is a little too low for the tip of my cock to pass between her legs.

I look aside, at Emma, and quietly whisper to her to “point me in the right direction.”

She sets aside the Companion which had been teasing her while she watched, and leans forwards. Looking up at me, as though asking for permission again, she reaches out to tentatively touch the hard shaft of my cock.

Emma gasps at its rigidity, but emboldened by her very first touch, she wraps one hand around the shaft and slowly forces my erect cock downwards to seat the head between Helen’s pouting, engorged vaginal lips. I whisper thanks and as she removes her hand, I slowly insert my cock to full depth inside Helen, before Emma’s wide eyes.

Both Helen and Emma groan as I do so, and when I look aside, I see that Emma is now moving the Companion in coordination with me, seeming to simulate my fucking of Helen.

I close my eyes to concentrate and try to resist the explosion which will inevitably come. I simply want to prolong my own pleasure as long as possible, and hopefully please both Helen and Emma in doing so.

As I move deeply in and out, I feel the lightest of touches on my backside, as Emma rests one hand lightly upon me, not pressing, but moving in sympathy with my thrusts. I look aside, and see that she is moving the Companion in the same rhythm, between her engorged, pouting vaginal lips. Her hips are swinging back and forth, like Helen’s, who is clearly trying to hasten me to a final conclusion. With every thrust I make deep into her, she exhales a gasp of air from the very depths of her lungs.

The combination of seeing Emma playing alongside me, watching and feeling my throbbing cock plunge in and out of Helen’s vagina while I hold her still in front of me, and hearing Helen’s imminent climax building up, makes it impossible for me to resist any longer.

I have to let out a deep roar as I plunge into Helen for the last time, and stop deeply embedded inside her. She squeals as she feels my cum pumping into her, and I see Emma firmly crossing her legs around the Companion inside her and gasping for breath.

We all freeze still for what seems like an eternity, but is really only a minute or two, I think. As I pull my softening cock from Helen’s fluttering vagina, despite her attempts to clasp me inside her, the excess of cum flows back and drips copiously from her wide-open vagina.

It drips from my cock too, and Emma cannot resist reaching forward to gather some into her mouth; she has at last had her initial wish fulfilled, though this time, she swallows a combination of my cum and Helen’s juices. Helen groans and collapses flat on the couch, while I back away and Emma gathers her thoughts; the images flashing before her eyes are astonishing to her.

Despite feeling almost overwhelmed with tiredness, we all compose ourselves and dress. Emma gathers her own “Doctor Watson’s Assistant” and numerous pots of cream and oil, all discretely packaged by Helen.

We escort Emma to the door, where her horse and carriage are still waiting patiently, and bid our farewells. She says, “Once again, you two have treated me to a most remarkable experience, which I will never forget, and have no wish to. I hope to visit again, and again, if you will allow me!”

“Of course,” we both say, and retreat inside to assess the situation in cold blood.

We cannot wait long before we just have to fall into bed, but it is clear to me that Helen’s entrepreneurial brain is fizzing with excitement, though her body is exhausted. I suspect that she has had some revolutionary thought about our future, but I am too tired to listen now. She will have to explain all tomorrow.


The future beckons.

As usual, we review what had happened at the last appointment with Emma, to look for points of learning or potential improvement.

We both agreed that we had enormously enjoyed that occasion, which felt much more participatory for us all as a group, and less like the application of a ‘treatment’ to a supposed ‘patient’.

It was a very good feeling, and we also realised that both of us had positively enjoyed being watched by Emma. To some degree, that aspect of maintaining a conscious, public performance in front of her had heightened our own pleasure and satisfaction as we controlled our fucking until we could hold back no longer.

Helen has taken this thought to its conclusion, and now seeks to turn it to commercial benefit.

She knows that we have enough repeat clients for our business to prosper now, and ‘reserves’ to replace any enforced dropouts. We also have a healthy income from the sales of “Doctor Watson’s Assistants,” as well the potential of new oils and creams, none of which taxes us physically.

As things stand, though, even if both of us play roles in individual treatments, there are natural limits to our capabilities, if we are also to continue to satisfy each other physically as husband and wife. We both feel that that is of paramount importance, and cannot be sacrificed in any search for increased income.

We have already developed much fame, or notoriety, amongst the gossiping groups of Upper Class wives, and indeed we are relying upon that for our sales of ‘accessories’ and to provide a pool of future clients; many of them are anxiously pressing for our attention already!

Helen’s thinking is that we might be able to hold a monthly ‘soiree’, for groups of, say, five or six young wives at once. Knowing that we enjoy the exhibitionism of ‘performing’ publicly, we could perhaps satisfy a number of clients simultaneously, she thinks. It would be a great opportunity to create sales of Companions and of oils and creams, and she thinks we could charge very highly for exclusive tickets to such a scandalous, secretive event.

Of course, it is not something we could do at the Consulting Rooms in Harley Street!

Helen proposes that she should approach our existing regular clients to see if they would host such an event in private, at their respective grand Country Houses. If they agree, she will ask them to sell tickets to, say, five interested ladies; their own ticket would be free in exchange for hosting the event.

She will outline a scandalous performance by us, to demonstrate various techniques and positions in front of the group. To some degree, the content of the evening could be determined by participants expressing their own particular interests. It would be made very clear that the audience themselves would not physically participate with us, though they could respond privately in whatever ways they felt comfortable.

Companions, oils and creams would be made available for any who wished to take advantage of them, but once used, they would have to be purchased, of course.

I agree that this would be a much more efficient way of boosting our income, and our notoriety, at very low cost to us. After our experience with Emma, it will be a slight

challenge to perform before a group, many of whom will be unknown to us, but we both feel that we will positively enjoy that challenge.

So Helen determines to investigate, through discussion with our regular clients.

She reports that Lady Charlotte Lyle is the most willing and able to lead such an event, at her husband’s Country House, while he is abroad on business. Charlotte is scheduled for her second treatment soon, but has not been able to attend yet, because her husband demands that she appear alongside him at so many business events, to boost his ego and reputation. Now, however, he is away for a whole month and she has free run of his properties.

It is agreed that we will travel to the Lyle estate, and Charlotte will recruit five very discreet young Ladies who are interested in our services, to attend an evening gathering there. They will all be charged a suitable fee.

A date is fixed, and Helen designs invitation cards, which will not make husbands suspicious. They are grand, gilt-edged cards, reading:


Doctor Simon Watson will lecture on the anatomy and physiology of the human female condition, on the evening of May 1st, at the home of Lord and Lady Lyle.

All questions will be answered in full. Attendance strictly by invitation only.

RSVP to Helen Watson by April 20th.

Charlotte distributes these invitations to a select number of friends, but interest far exceeds the capacity Helen has fixed. Even so, she insists that a limit of five Ladies, plus Charlotte herself, is the ideal number to permit interaction between us and the attendees. All of these invitations are accepted immediately.

So the date is agreed and the time is fixed. Charlotte gives all male staff the evening off, but retains a small number of Maids to serve drinks, and to pander to any other requests from the guests.

We arrive in the late afternoon, to find the ‘audience’ already gathered and chattering in obvious excitement. They have already heard lurid tales of our ‘treatments’, not only of Charlotte, but also of Emma, Jane, Sara and Emily, who all move in the same social circles.

Anticipation is high and there is a distinct scent of female arousal in the air!

We gather in the Main Hall, in front of the grand fireplace, where a low fire flickers. The pitch and tone of female chatter rises to a crescendo as Helen and I make our way to the front, to face the row of expectant faces before us. It ceases abruptly as soon as I speak, and they all lean forward to listen intently.

“Welcome, Ladies,” I say, “No doubt you have heard of me and of my Consulting Rooms on Harley Street, but this is a new venture of ours, attempting to bring our knowledge and expertise to you, in your own home environment. Lady Charlotte has kindly offered to host this event, and Helen and I are grateful for her help. Helen will explain the programme for the evening, and we will try to answer any questions you may have.”

Helen stands and says, “Good evening Ladies, and thank you all for coming. We plan this soiree in three parts:

I will allow my husband to use me as a demonstration model, to ensure that you all understand the important parts of your own anatomy. I know some of them are rather difficult to see, on oneself, but the Doctor will explain all.

In turn, I will then use Simon as a demonstration model, to illustrate the Male anatomy and its functioning.

We will then retire to the Guest Room upstairs, to demonstrate the interplay between Male and Female anatomies.

At every stage, you may ask questions of your own and we will endeavour to answer as best we can.”

The audience has listened in breathless silence, but now there is a communal exhalation, and a Maid standing by has to cover her mouth to suppress a giggle.

There is a lot of movement amongst the audience, and much rustling of skirts. The blushing Maid brings a tray laden with oils, creams and several glass Companions to the low tables in front of the audience.

Helen says, “ I will remove my clothing now, so that Simon can point out the essential features of the female anatomy. If any of you wish to divest your own clothing, so that you can identify features of your own, please feel free to do so.”

I help Helen to remove her bodice and blouse, to reveal her large breasts and pale spreading areolae around firm, erect nipples. I weigh one of her breasts in my hand, and say, “Of course, your breasts will all be of different sizes, shapes and shades of colour, but this is the essential pattern for you all, as women.”

Several of the audience nod solemnly, and a few run their hands over their own breasts, but none remove any clothing. Charlotte contributes, “I am even larger than Helen, and of course, a quite different colour! My nipples are much, much darker.”

Now I help Helen out of her skirts and remaining clothes, for her to stand naked before the group. There is a gentle intake of breath as they all accept that this is really happening before their very eyes!

I ask Helen to sit and then lay back on a low bench in front of the fireplace, and then to part her legs. This time, there is a distinct communal intake of breath, as Helen exposes herself to everyone.

“As you can see,” I say, “Helen is fashionably shaven in the pubic area- perhaps you do not all follow this trend, but for our purposes tonight it will allow a clear view of her private parts.” Now, it seems as though the audience is unable to breathe at all.

Suddenly, someone bravely declares that they are also completely shaven and soon everyone is talking openly about this. It seems that about two-thirds are shaven, and the others are neatly trimmed in that area; amongst these upper-class ladies, no one claims to be completely and naturally hirsute.

Now they all fall silent again, as I reach between Helen’s legs, and say, “You can clearly see the outer labia here; obviously, I know Helen well, and I think they are a little swollen already, probably because of the excitement of this situation.”

I note a number of the audience cross their legs at this point.

“More interestingly,” I say, as I part Helen’s outer labia, “ look at the inner lips. I am aware that it is difficult, if not impossible, for you to see these structures in your own bodies, but believe me, they are all very similar though their precise state depends partly on the degree of sexual arousal. Some may be larger, or smaller, some may protrude more, some less, and some may be more oriented towards the front of the body, or to the back. However, these are all personal, individual variations on the general theme- none are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, they are simply different, and in fact, they define you as an individual, just as much as your face does!”

There are some mutterings and murmurings in the audience, and a few are squirming in their seats restlessly.

“Most interestingly though, and some of you may have discovered this by personal experimentation, at the front junction of the inner labia you will find what is technically called the “clitoris.” Again, it varies in size from individual to individual, and may be very well hidden, or very prominent; it is usually covered, or sheathed, until sexual arousal causes it to swell, or it is uncovered manually.”

The audience is silent until one brave soul announces that she has discovered hers, and to great personal benefit! They are relaxing a little now, and a few giggles are heard.

I press on Helen’s prominent pubic bone, and stretch her labia, pulling back her clitoral hood. The audience gasps as her engorged red button comes into clear view; some may have discovered their own, by experimental touch, but I do not think any have ever seen their own clearly, let alone another woman’s!

I say, “That is our first demonstration, this evening, Ladies. I will not torture Helen with my touch yet- that will come later! Next, she will use me to demonstrate the male anatomy. There are ‘Ladies Companions’ available on the tables before you, which illustrate what you are about to see.”

Every one of the Ladies reaches forward to pick up a glass ‘Assistant’ now and cradle it in their hands. Some look quite incredulous and one says, “This cannot be a true representation!”

Helen stands now, but remains naked and unembarrassed before the audience. She says, “I assure you it is accurate, Ladies; I sculpted it myself, from life, and you will soon see the proof of that. First of all, how many of you have ever seen your husband’s private parts- or any man’s for that matter?”

Three of the Ladies, including Charlotte, raise their hands. “And how many have ever seen him fully erect?” asks Helen. Only two hands remain raised now. We are not surprised, as most marital coupling takes place in darkness and under the covers- at least in this Upper Class world.

“Well,” says Helen,” you are now going to see the real thing. Simon, will you undress yourself, please, and stand before us all.”

I do as instructed, and with the exercise of great willpower, manage to remain soft to the view.

The Ladies are watching avidly as I undress, and I can feel the focus of their gaze, like sunlight through a magnifying glass! There are murmurings of approval, and at least one gasp of utter shock, as my cock comes into full view, hanging down between my thighs. More than one of them grasps their Companion more firmly and holds it between their thighs, though all are still fully dressed.

Helen smiles proudly at their reactions, and reaches forward to cup the head of my cock in one palm and lift it aside to make my balls fully visible.

“As Simon was saying before,” says Helen, “there is a great deal of variation between individuals, in these matters. Simon is uncircumcised, but has a fairly short foreskin; that is this protective covering for the most sensitive head, and it withdraws as his cock becomes erect and grows. At the base of his cock, you can see the balls, or testicles, held in a sac of skin below. That is because they need to be kept outside the body, to remain cool, and thus efficiently produce the semen needed to impregnate the woman.”

I am not sure the audience is really listening any longer, and I think Helen also detects that I am struggling not to respond now, so she cups my balls in one hand and lightly encircles my cock with her other hand.

I am standing with my hands behind my back, a grand fireplace behind me, and an audience of six young wives staring fixedly at my soft cock, while my naked wife begins to stroke me gently. When I open my eyes, I also notice two young Maids at the back of the room, staring goggle-eyed at what is unfolding before them. I feel a rush of blood throughout my body.

Helen does not have to work very hard to erect my cock; indeed she simply supports the head while the shaft floods with blood, until it reaches the head, and swells almost to bursting point. Helen strokes me to a firm erection, but I think the very fact of being ‘seen’ in this way is quite enough to excite me to full throbbing length, and my balls tighten close to my body.

“There,” says Helen, proudly. “You can see the full extent of this cock now. I do not know how it compares with any you may have seen before, but I do know that it is quite sufficient to please me. Do any of you have any questions before we proceed to the finale of the evening?”

No one but Charlotte seems able to form any words; she had seen me before, of course, when Helen rode on my cock behind Charlotte’s back, so was perhaps better prepared for what stands before her now.

“Helen,” says Charlotte, “ I know the final stage of your demonstration is still to come, but I hope it will include a display of Simon’s oral skills, which excited me so much!”

“Indeed,” says Helen, “but Simon’s cock is pointing the way upstairs now, and I suggest you all follow us to the Guest Room, which we prepared earlier. For your personal comfort, I have provided simple shifts for each of you to don while you are there, so that you are no longer encumbered by excessive clothing. Simon and I are completely naked, but you are not required to be so. I simply suggest that you each bring a glass ‘Companion’ with you, and perhaps a sample of our lubricating oil.”

There is an excited hubbub of female chatter, mostly indiscernible to me, possibly because of the pulsing of blood throughout my ears! Helen takes my hand and we walk across the Main Hall, to the doors opened by two Maids (whose eyes and mouths are as open as the doors). Across the Entrance Hall is a grand oak staircase.

Helen and I pause at the bottom, my cock pointing way ahead, while the six Ladies gather behind us, with a little jostling for best position, it seems. As the host, Lady Charlotte takes pole position though, and leads us all up to the Guest Room.

It is a grand and well-lit room, with the low evening sun shining through the vast windows overlooking the estate. It shines upon a Four-Poster Bed of enormous proportions- big enough, indeed, to be a stage for the performance to come!

As Helen had said, there were simple shifts provided for our Ladies, and two comfortable seats either side of the bed, with two more at the foot. Charlotte takes the lead again, by swiftly removing her clothes (though she needs the help of a Maid to release her corsets) and putting on the simple cotton shift we use at Harley Street, with buttons down the front. Her other guests hurry to follow suit and to choose their preferred vantage point.

While our audience prepares, Helen and I stand by the window, summoning our strength and courage for the performance to come. Of course, we had thought and talked through it all, but now we were going to put it into practice!

Our audience have all taken their seats around the bed, and Helen squeezes between them to clamber up onto the bed and ask, “Does anyone have any questions first? We have a scheme in mind which may introduce some novelties to you. As Charlotte mentioned earlier, I want Simon to demonstrate his oral skills and we will then openly show what usually happens, I think, under cover of your bedsheets, and probably in darkness.”

There is a lot of nervous giggling now, much fidgeting of hands and stroking of hair.

One Lady asks nervously, “Helen, can you tell us how long this demonstration may last? I am already quite astonished that Simon has maintained such an erection of his member for so long!”

Helen, says, “ I cannot be precise, of course. So much depends upon the environment and our degree of arousal; sometimes it can take only minutes, sometimes as much as half an hour, before we complete the process. I’m sure Simon will try to prolong the event as much as possible, for your enjoyment as well as mine.”

Another, from the other side of the bed, asks, “Charlotte has asked for Simon to show his oral skills upon you, but can we also see you apply your oral skills to Simon’s manhood? It is something I would like to know more about.”

“Of course,” answers Helen. “We intend to demonstrate what we in France describe as the “Soixante-Neuf” position, then we will adopt a more conventional position for our final coupling, perhaps with some advice from yourselves. While we perform, please do NOT reach out to touch us, even though we will be easily within touching distance. If you do experience physical urges which need to be resolved, you are at liberty to apply oils to your ‘Companions’ and use them for your own relief.”

This seems to silence everyone, for the time being, though there are more nervous glances between them all. They may all be friends, and knew the planned nature of this ‘soiree’, but none had witnessed this degree of nakedness and candour ever before.

I am conscious, since the Ladies removed their heavier clothing, that there is a distinct but varied odour of female arousal in the room. It energises me to think that this might be in response to my presence.

I step forward between the two Ladies seated alongside the bed on which Helen crouches. As I pass between them, my erect cock comes within inches of two open-mouthed and now blushing faces.

Helen says, “I think the Ladies are actually more interested in seeing my treatment of you, first, Simon, so please lie flat on your back with your feet to the foot of the bed.”

She knows from experience that when we do perform ‘soixante-neuf’ in private we prefer to treat each other in turn, rather than simultaneously, so that we can fully concentrate on the task.

The audience leans forward slightly, from all sides, as they see Helen straddle my chest, pinning my arms to the bed and then raising my cock vertically in front of her. There is a communal groan as Helen opens her mouth and wraps her red lips around the head of my cock, while one hand moves slowly and gently up and down the shaft. She locks eyes with one Lady at the foot of the bed while she does this, and can see her licking her own lips to moisten them.

She must be one of the more adventurous amongst our audience, for Helen sees her take her glass Companion between her lips and mirror her actions with my own cock. Helen finds this challenging, and begins to take me more deeply in and out of her mouth, sucking noisily all the time and allowing her saliva to coat my cock and dribble down to my swollen balls.

When she nearly gags, Helen shakes herself out of her competitive reverie, and turns her head to one side, showing two Ladies how her cheek bulges from the pressure of my cock sliding back and forth. She does the same for the Ladies on the other side of the bed too, much to their delight, and mine! Then she gives one very deep intake of my cock and it almost disappears from our Ladies’ view as it reaches her throat. Like Helen, our audience can hardly breathe!

After several minutes more, and with much licking of lips around the bed, Helen withdraws me from her mouth, and sits up on my chest, to address our audience again.

“Ladies,” she says, “much as I would like to complete this demonstration by swallowing Simon’s semen, or letting you see it spurt from his cock, we have much more to show you. It is a sad fact that once a man reaches his final climax, it takes some time for him to recover his erection, and recharge the contents of his balls.

Luckily for me, as a woman, I can be brought to more than one such climax! Indeed, they may become even more pleasurable and more intense as one follows another, until it becomes impossible to continue because of the very extreme sensitivity I feel.”

Helen wriggles off me now, and turns to lie back on the bed, allowing me to take up a new position with my head between her legs, open to full view from the end of the bed. She says, “ Simon won’t be able to talk while he treats me, and I suspect that I may not be able to either, after a few minutes of his attention, so just enjoy the demonstration, everyone!”

Charlotte adds an aside, “From my experience under treatment by Simon, I can tell you all that I wouldn’t be able to give any running commentary!”

The other Ladies chuckle and I notice that several have now moved their glass Companions beneath their shifts, and between their thighs. As I crouch at the end of the bed, between Helen’s thighs, I can feel their eyes upon my hard cock, pointing directly at its ultimate destination, and I sense subtle movements all around me. In typical British style, though, they are biting their lips to stay silent!

I part Helen’s outer and inner lips again, and find it easier to expose her button this time; she is extremely aroused now and it is firm and very sensitive to the flickering touch of my tongue-tip.

I lick the full length of her inner folds, dwelling around her button awhile, and I am aware of a number of groans emanating from our audience whenever I touch her there. I suspect that some are copying my actions with their oiled fingers.

As Helen gets more and more aroused, I clamp my mouth more firmly over her button and suck it between my lips to play my tongue around it. At the same time, I spread her inner lips with my fingers, to expose the wonderful range of colours within, from the various shades of pink, through reds, to the deepest, darkest purple of her vagina. That is now exposed to view and oozes her juices over my fingers, allowing them to penetrate her easily; first one finger, then two, and curling them up inside her as I move them in and out.

I know from experience that she is approaching her climax soon. My fingers move harder and deeper in and out of her while my mouth sucks her button ever harder, with my tongue flickering around it.

She begins to buck her hips beneath my mouth, faster and faster, in concert with my treatment of her, until she lets out a blood-curdling scream and her body goes rigid. The room gasps too, and several pairs of legs are suddenly very tightly crossed, some around Companions, and some around fingers.

I think several of our audience climax along with Helen, who is now shaking with relieved passion, and which dissipates only slowly. As it ebbs away, we all recover our composure a little. I sit up and help Helen to sit up too.

In a slightly trembling voice Helen says, “I hope you all enjoyed that, though perhaps not quite as much as I did!”

Our audience laughs and one or two mutter that they had.

Helen says, “I need a few minutes now to compose myself, before we continue, but you will note, I’m sure, that Simon is still fully erect.”

The audience nod and giggle, one Lady commenting, “It is a wonderful sight, Helen. You are so lucky to experience such a strong member, as Simon’s wife. I only wish my own husband could perform in this way, but in my experience, his manhood is less resilient and I think rather smaller. Our encounters under the sheets do not last long!”

Others nod and seem to agree.

Helen says, “There is only one more part to our demonstration this evening, Ladies. I will give you a choice, because I can experience Simon at home whenever I wish, but this is a very rare and special occasion for you all.”

She looks me in the eye and says,” You have seen Simon’s fingers enter me. Would you like to see his cock do so as well, to the final conclusion, or would you prefer me to handle him to the point of ejaculation, so that you can see more clearly what happens inside your body when a man cums there?”

This poses our audience quite a conundrum! They want to see both, of course, but acknowledge that after such a long drawn out exhibition, there can only be one finale this evening.

They are all staring fixedly at my hard cock, while trying to think and talk clearly. It does not help their thought processes when Helen grasps the shaft of my cock with one hand and gently kisses the swollen red head, running her tongue around the rim, while we wait for an opinion.

“He is hard and waiting, Ladies! What would you like to happen?” says Helen.

Charlotte consults with her guests, and stands to represent their view.

“In summary,” she says, “we are evenly divided! We know that when Simon cums, the evening will be at an end, even though we do not want it to be. I can only report that half of us would like to see Simon fuck you, and perhaps in a less conventional position than we normally experience ourselves, while half of us want to see the spectacle of his final ejaculation. Your judgement of our desires has been perfect so far, so we will leave it to you to decide how to proceed.”

Helen and I consult, and I suggest that I could fuck her from behind for a while (a favourite position of ours, but less than conventional in Victorian marriage) then withdraw, to ejaculate in the full view of our audience. Helen agrees that would satisfy everyone (including her!) as long as I would also enjoy it. I confide that I would, and in particular I would enjoy ejaculating in the full view of an appreciative female audience.

So Helen puts this proposal to our audience and they are VERY happy with our solution to their dilemma.

Accordingly, Helen positions herself on all fours, and drops her shoulders to the bed, exposing her still-gaping vulva to view. The audience gathers on either side of me as I position myself behind her, and lean in more closely than ever. They resist touching, but I can feel hot breath on my shoulders, as I position the head of my cock between Helen’s lips.

To tease them all, as well as Helen, I make the head of my cock slide up the length of her lips, so that she jumps in shock when it rubs up against her swollen button. I feel some of them jerk in sympathy as I do this again and again.

“Fuck me, Simon,” shouts Helen, “ and do it NOW!”

I accept her command, and this time ease the head of my cock between her spread and swollen lips. I lean back a little, to afford a good, close view to all the Ladies gathered around, as I slowly slide the full length inside Helen.

The audience groans as one as they witness the shaft of my cock spread Helen’s lips further apart, to enter her to full depth.

I pause there for as long as I can, then slowly withdraw the shaft, now glistening with Helen’s juices, until only the swollen head remains lodged inside her.

I enter her to the fullest depth, then withdraw to the fullest extent, time and time and time again, steadily increasing the pace and force exercised, until I am thrusting in and out of her at full speed, and forcing her bodily up the bed with each stroke. I feel her climax building again, as she responds by forcing herself backwards against me, so that we are both clashing hard and fast.

Finally, she squeals and falls forward onto the bed as her body shakes and shivers, allowing my cock to spring loose, still hard, and shining with the coating of her juices.

I look around the bed to see reddened faces, jerking hands and wide eyes all focused on my cock as it throbs in open sight. I grasp Helen’s hips and lift her up again, pressing my shining cock between the cheeks of her behind, and using my hands to squeeze them together around me.

Then I thrust as I had before, but this time, our audience can see the head of my cock emerge with each stroke, until I can continue no longer. Letting out a loud shout, I stop still, with my cock poised above Helen’s back.

Our audience squeal as one when they see the first pulse of white cum shoot in an arc over Helen’s head, to the pillows beyond. The second pulse lands squarely between her shoulder-blades, and the third reaches her lower back. I still press forward squeezing my cock between her cheeks, and the final drops of cum emerge. Helen arches her back, and the various splashes of cum dribble together into a pool in the small of her back.

I am a little surprised by the silence accompanying this final display, but looking around, I think that is caused by the shock and awe of the spectacle. It is something that they have never witnessed before, and probably never will again, and their eyes are drawing in every detail to store in their memories.

Still no-one speaks, and I roll alongside Helen to comfort her as she too recovers.

Finally, Lady Charlotte draws a deep breath and says, “I think everyone here wishes to give thanks to both of you for the most exciting ‘soiree’ any of us have ever attended! It was a magnificent display, and I think we will all remember this evening forever. Thank you both again.”

The Ladies all give a little round of polite applause, and rise to their feet- some a little uncertainly. While they leave the room, the two Maids approach and pull a cover over our sleeping forms, but I think I hear one of them say, “That was just spectacular! We hope you will come again.”

When we wake in the morning, even we cannot quite believe what had happened. All the Ladies have departed, and Charlotte tells us that every one of them left fully laden with Companions, oils and creams, as well as memories which will never desert them. She hands over the fees paid for tickets, and remarks that we could easily have doubled them.

Our audience will no doubt spread the word that our ‘soirees’ are not to be missed!


When we get home, we take stock of our situation.

We have an established business, with happy repeat clients, a waiting list, profitable products bearing our name and ‘soirees’ perhaps making more demands upon us than we can ever meet.

It seems that yet another war is brewing in the Crimea, and no doubt Britain will become involved. It is obviously an area of strategic importance, and will no doubt be fought over for a long time to come, but the immediate impact upon us is likely to be the exodus of the male ‘Officer Classes’ from London, leaving frustrated wives at home.

Helen is alert to the many opportunities this will offer, of course, but also wary of us overtaxing ourselves, but she has a strategic solution.

She plans that we should treat no more than one individual client per week, at Harley Street, and hold no more than one ‘soiree’ per month, allowing us ample private time and energy for ourselves.

As demand grows- and she is convinced it will- she plans to increase the audience size at each ‘soiree’ so that we can maximise our return from a single evening performance. We may allow our audiences to ‘vote’ on what demonstrations they would like to see, or perhaps submit requests in advance?

It seems like a good life ahead of us – what would YOU like to see?

Published 11 months ago

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