Good Boy Things

"Spontaneous, hypnotic, interspecies blowjob"

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As his friend stood next to him, near the table, Tahar noticed the way his sweatpants hung low on his hips but still covered what needed covering; he noticed how they were low enough that the crease of skin was visible to show the cleavage of his double dicks down below the cloth.

“Thanks for letting me borrow your sweatpants. I’ll wash them before I give them back.”

“No need. Not like I had time to wash them before I let you borrow them.”

“Mm, so our musk scents are co-mingling right now, then?” Nathan asked, with a tilt of his head as he kept massaging his long, wet hair with the towel.

“Uh huh…” Tahar assented and then swallowed to wet his throat, his gaze locked on Nathan’s abs now.

Nathan stepped closer and tipped Tahar’s head up with a finger. The nictitating membrane of the siren’s eyes blinked. “Have you ever been more jealous of anything in your life?”

“No, but it is definitely the first time I’ve been jealous of my own sweatpants.”

Nathan chuckled. “Well then, I’m happy to pop your cherry, however obscure a cherry that may be.”

Tahar blushed so brightly that he felt like a cherry himself, but the blushing quickly faded, as the blood migrated lower once Nathan’s hand caressed the top of his head, “You’re so good, you know that?”

“I am?”

“Yes, you’re a good boy.”

“I’m a good boy…” Tahar mumbled and leaned into Nathan’s touch, biting his lip as he felt his body go hard and sensitive from being caressed. “Wanna drop… p-please can I drop?”

“Mmhmm.. drop for me, good boy” Nathan whispered, as he kept playing with Tahar’s hair, knowing that was a good way to usher him under the tide of trance.

The shuffling feeling sent tingles down Tahar’s spine like stretching the static of trance energy beading along his flesh as if it were a breeze of Nathan’s energy stroking his whole body like he’d been transformed into one full-body sex organ for his pleasure. And all Nathan wanted to do was tease the tip, as he played with Tahar’s hair, steady and loose, as a metronome.

Their breathing was starting to sync, and the more unified it got, the more Tahar started to drop and slowly sink. Down, down, to the depths where Nathan probably swam and hunted, in his other more aquatic form, the gills on his neck vibrant as blood, and his eyes reflecting light, haunting shadows and singing sonar serenades to seduce unsuspecting sailors to offer up their souls, sliced up and sauced up with the lubricant of their arousal.

Nathan noticed the way Tahar was dropping and smiled, as he wondered if Tahar was in the mood for more. “Does the good boy want a treat?”

“Mmm… yeah, treat sounds nice,” Tahar replied in a floaty voice.

“Yeah? What kind of treat would the good boy want?”

“Your dick in my mouth.”

“Dicks. Plural.”

“Yeah….” Tahar’s voice shook as he felt a tremble of tingles cascade down his spine as Nathan ran his fingers glissando style across his entire scalp, ruffling all of his hair.

“Can you fit both of them in your mouth at once, or can you only fit one at a time?”

“I don’t know. I want to try. Please, let me taste them…”

Nathan’s breath caught, this time hearing that begging note in his voice, he widened his stance so the pants wouldn’t fall completely down to his ankles, and took himself out. He nudged the heads of them against Tahar’s lips, and his mouth opened reflexively and inhaled them inside his mouth at once. So that Nathan had the ‘frotting effect’ of his own anatomy as Tahar sucked them in hard and strong.

“Jeezus fucking — Oooh… yes, j-just like that, that’s good, That’s really good.” Nathan encouraged with a raspy whisper of a voice, his hand still remembering to keep the metronome stroke in Tahar’s hair, so he was in that floaty space of liminal trance state.

The sucking added syncopations to the composition of this carnal concert. The steady suck of Tahar’s mouth was making Nathan’s throat undulate his vocal sounds like a belly dancer. The staccato of breath was like incorporating a glitch pattern break as its own subharmonic, sub-hypnotic flavoring that gave depth to the moment, before the climax splat against Tahar’s throat before Nathan could hold it back. He felt embarrassed that he couldn’t edge himself for longer, and that embarrassment, that humiliating feeling was enough to stimulate the second splat of cum down Tahar’s throat from his second dick.

They were still hard and Tahar kept sucking and sucking. The overstimulation was fritzing Nathan’s brain til he felt mind-blank and only saw white light and heard as a tactile sensation the frazzled fritzing of sensory short-circuiting. He pulled on Tahar’s hair, then stroked his hand down, down to his chin, and gently tapped there as he whispered, “And release …” and as conditioned, Tahar let go of the anatomy in his mouth; he looked up calmly at Nathan and gave him a smile with gauzy eyes of post-trance brain fuzzy satisfaction.

“You’re a good boy, too.”

“Mm, well, I learn from you.”

“Yeah, you do.”

Published 11 months ago

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