Sometimes Your Dreams Come True – Part 1

"Richard meets this former teacher. It looks like he might get what he always wanted."

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Richard was twenty-three, a PhD student at a prestigious British University. He was doing one of those PhDs that only someone else with a similar PhD understands. He had been in London, visiting some friends. They had drunk a lot the night before. Being students, they were slow to get up the next morning. It was early afternoon by the time Richard got to the station to take a train home. It was one of the quieter, more pleasant times to travel.

The station was a terminus, and the train was already waiting at the platform. The first-class coaches were always closest to the station ramp. Richard knew he would have to walk down the train to the cheaper standard-class coaches.

Richard planned to have a nap on the way home, so he walked down the train to get to the least-occupied coaches by the locomotive. Although being a typical twenty-three-year-old guy, Richard wasn’t averse to looking out for pretty women to sit next to on the train.

The train was a typical intercity train of the eighties. Long MK3 carriages with slam doors at each end. The seats were arranged in groups of four, facing each other around a table. This seating arrangement was much better for chatting up women than the modern airline-style seating.

Richard couldn’t believe his luck, he spotted Miss Scott, his old geography teacher. She was sitting alone in a largely empty coach. Miss Scott had been one of his favourite teachers; she was young and beautiful. Like many of the lads at school, Richard had a crush on her.

Richard doubled back to the coach door he had just walked past and got on the train. He walked down the aisle and then acted surprised when Miss Scott saw him. She said, “Richard Smith, what a nice surprise.”

Debbie Scott looked over her former pupil. He was no longer a lanky, spotty sixteen-year-old. He looked fantastic. Richard was over six feet tall, with wide muscular shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist. Debbie eagerly invited Richard to sit down, pointing to the seats facing her.

Richard took off his jacket. Debbie casually admired his muscled torso clad in his thin T-shirt. He effortlessly chucked his heavy bag onto the over-seat rack. Richard settled down in the seat opposite Miss Scott, she looked exactly as he remembered, absolutely gorgeous.

When he was at school, Miss Scott had been his geography teacher. It has been her first teaching job. She had been in her early twenties, that perfect age.  Debbie Scott dressed elegantly in tight white blouses and slim figure-hugging skirts.

Best of all, she wore stockings rather than tights. They were going out of fashion, but they made her feel sexy. If you looked carefully, you could sometimes see her suspenders and stocking tops beneath her tight skirts. Just about every heterosexual male in the school did look carefully. They tried to imagine her thighs between her stockings and her panties.

The lads in his class were overjoyed to discover that she was to be their teacher for ‘O’ level geography. Miss Scott wasn’t the only reason geography was popular. The school insisted you did a “humanity”, either geography, history or religious studies. Geography was a no-brainer for those terrible at English but good at Maths and the Sciences.

Debbie remembered Richard, he had been one of her favourite pupils. He was intelligent, hard-working and charming. Richard was very good at geography, the best student that year. Unfortunately for her, he was even better at maths and the sciences. When it came to “A” levels he had chosen double Maths, Physics and Chemistry. So apart from the occasional greeting in a corridor, that was the last she saw of him.

She knew he had gone to a top University to do one of those hard technical degrees that typically lead to a successful career.

Debbie was an excellent teacher. She was so good that the examination board invited her to mark papers and write new exam questions. She had visited London to attend yet another meeting at the board. Debbie couldn’t believe her luck. Instead of marking school work all the way home she had this lovely young man to talk to. Pupils, especially the cute ones you fancied were completely off-limits. However, long-gone ex-pupils who had grown into magnificent specimens were fair game.

The chemistry between them was immediate and tangible, they both fancied each other. At first there some of the historical hierarchy remained. They chatted for a while, along predictable lines. Debbie asked Richard about what he had done at the University.

She wasn’t surprised to learn that Richard had done well. However, she was impressed at just how well he had done. This third-year project had been in processor design. It had gone so well that he had been invited to stay on and do a PhD.

His department had close links with a large computer multinational. This PhD studentship was generously sponsored by the company and his research had links to their product development. Richard thought that his research might lead to patents being filed. These would lead to profitable new products.

Debbie’s initial interest in Richard had initially been that of a former teacher. Then his fantastic body had stirred her sexual interest. Listening to him talk about his research struck a deeper chord. This guy was a catch, he was going to be very successful.

Richard wasn’t an awe-struck teenager anymore. A few years of living away from home makes a lot of difference.  He was good at talking to people and showing interest in them. This made him very popular with the women at the University. Frequently visits to the gym and developing a magnificent body sealed the deal. Gaining a first-class degree and industry sponsorship had further increased his confidence.

Richard chatted with Debbie, asking about her work with the examination board. He flattered her, telling her how much everyone appreciated her as a teacher. Her well-focused lessons and strict weekly tests had prepared them well. She had been the perfect teacher; they had all got excellent grades with the minimum of effort.

Everyone loves positive feedback, it makes them glow inside. Debbie reflected this guy was wonderful. He was great at making you feel good about yourself. Debbie was becoming more and more attracted to Richard. She was wondering how to move this on from a teacher-pupil conversation to two adults dating. Time was running out. It wouldn’t be long before the train arrived at their station.

Richard broke the ice and said, “Miss Scott, you must have been aware that I fancied you something rotten at school.”

Debbie chose her words carefully and said, “Yes, it was obvious that you had a crush on me.”

“I loved the way you stayed behind after the class to ask questions that you already knew the answer to.”

Richard replied, saying, “Well yes, it was lovely having you to myself for a minute or two.”

Debbie said, “We are both adults now. Please, don’t call me Miss Scott, my name is Debbie.”

Richard went on, “You looked fantastic in those white blouses and slim skirts you wore. Better still, you were so cool, confident, in control, and wonderfully strict.

“I loved watching you, you always stood or sat up straight. How can I put it politely; presenting your figure so nicely. What’s more, you are gorgeous. I was walking down the train looking for pretty girls and I saw this stunning woman. Then, I realised it was you.”

Debbie pressed her thighs together and flushed at the compliments, not sure what to say.

Richard noticed and teased Debbie saying, “You’re not so ice-cold now, you just flushed like a school girl.”

Debbie was taken off guard, her perceptive ex-pupil could see straight through her.  He was chatting her up like the best of them and she was thrilled like a schoolgirl.

Richard said, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. For all I know, you might be happily married.”

Debbie replied almost too quickly, “Oh no! I’m not with anyone at the moment. I haven’t met the right one yet.”

Richard smiled at the haste of her reply and said, “Well, that’s excellent news, I’m much the same myself, actually.”

Debbie was dazzled by Richard’s confidence.  His direct manner was… she struggled for the right word. Then it came to her: masterful.

She looked at the beautiful man before her and decided.  He can have me, right now, over this table if he wants to.

It didn’t need to be said, they both knew. This was going to end up with them together in a bed. Debbie started to think about how to manoeuvre towards what she wanted. She needn’t have bothered, Richard Smith had the situation completely under control.

Richard pressed home his advances and said, “You are the reason I’m so kinky.”

Richard went on, “You were so strict, it was a massive turn-on. I used to fantasise about you keeping me back after class and spanking my bottom. But you were the sexy strict teacher who never laid a finger on anyone.”

Debbie was shocked. Was this guy psychic or something? It was as if he could see straight into her soul. Even worse, he has been doing it since his teenage years. She had deliberately never used corporal punishment as a teacher. This was because she was as kinky as they come. She secretly fantasised about spanking or caning some of her year 12 pupils.

She thought, isn’t it strange how reality and fantasy complement each other? For example, how confident alpha males just want their bottoms spanked like a little boy. She wanted a successful, confident man, that sort pressed all her buttons. She wanted him to take charge and be masterful. But she also wanted to pull down their pants and spank their bottom.

She loved being an independent woman who was in charge. But she secretly fantasized about a big, strong man picking her up, throwing her over his shoulder, and carrying her away. He would spank her bottom as he climbed the stairs to his bedroom then throw her onto his bed and ravish her.

Richard went on, “I even tried to prompt you once. Do you remember that time I stabbed Brian in the leg with a compass? We were doing a test under exam conditions, he was trying to cheat by reading my answers. So I stabbed him. He leapt up and knocked over our table. It was so obvious I had hurt him. But all you said was, ‘Brian pick up the table and get on with the test’”

Debbie said, “Yes, I remember that; I was watching him cheat. I was about to say something but you stabbed before the words came out. It was hilarious; I told my friends about it in the staff room.”

Debbie moved in for checkmate, “You should have got the cane for that.”

Richard smiled and said, “I would have loved that, as long as it was you giving me the caning.”

Debbie continued her initiative and said, “Actually, I have a cane at home. Perhaps you should pop around for some long-overdue discipline?”

Richard was delighted and said, “Definitely, that would be a dream come true.”

Then he reflected and asked, “Miss Scott, why have you got a cane at home? Do you like caning naughty boys or are you a naughty girl who likes a dose of the cane?”

Debbie squirmed in her seat; oh dear, Richard was staring straight into her mind again. She flushed and said, “Both, Sir.”

They were both aroused when Debbie addressed him as Sir. Richard imagined pulling down Debbie’s panties and bending her over a table. Then caning her bottom and giving her a good shafting. Debbie was imagining much the same.

Richard looked into her eyes and said, “Debbie, are you busy tonight?”

Debbie replied, “No, Sir.”

As the train arrived at their destination, they agreed a time for Richard to come around that evening.


Published 11 months ago

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