A Problem Named Maria

"A widower comes alive again in the arms of another man's wife"

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I noticed her straight away. It was a long time since a lady caught my eye like that. After five years of widowhood, I had never started looking again. Don’t get me wrong; I noticed if an attractive lady served me at the bank, but I didn’t feel attracted. This lady was different. She was tall, slim, and blonde, yet had a large chest that seemed out of place on her otherwise willowy frame. Almost like they had been placed there accidentally; maybe she had bought them, I mused.

She was the complete opposite of my late wife. Ann was short, petite, with masses of wild, curly dark hair. I smiled when I thought of her. It took me years to be able to smile and remember the good times. For a long time, I couldn’t think of her without that lump in my throat and the anger that she was no longer here, and yet I was. So, I closed off my emotions; I didn’t think of her. I am so ashamed of that and always will be. She deserved better, so much better.

Eventually, I snapped, and all that grief came out. My therapist said that it had to and that Ann would know that it was because I loved her so much that I had postponed my grief. The man who had stoically stood at her funeral dry-eyed and seemingly unfazed at her loss is long gone. When I say goodnight to her picture, I hope she will be pleased about the gallons of tears I eventually shed for her. That she somehow knows how much she was truly loved.

I realised that I had closed my heart off to others, however. Grief embarrasses people, and my own grief finally came when others had moved on a little. They could not be there for me. I was too late for that particular pity party.

So, now, after five years, this lady caught me unawares. I watched her move around the room, smiling and being social, but there was an unease there. I could sense it. She was putting on an act—I know all about that. Suddenly, Guy Lombard took her by the elbow and steered her in my direction.

“I’d like to introduce you to my wife – Maria.”

I smiled as I took her hand. There was a spark, a connection. She looked at me, shocked. She had felt it, too.

“Mark here is the man who could take our little company to bigger and greater heights if and when he decides to invest,” Guy looked at me and tried to hide the desperation in his voice. We both knew my investment would save his company, not expand it. On paper, it was a good deal, and I could certainly afford the risk, but there was something holding me back—something I didn’t trust about Mr Lombard.

Mrs Lombard, however, was a different matter. She smiled nervously as Guy disappeared into the crowd.

“My husband appears to have abandoned me – again. He does that a lot at these functions.”

“Well, I don’t know anyone, so please feel free to join me,” I gestured to the spare seat at my table.”

“He’s trying to impress you, you know. He thinks if you can see how popular he is with the movers and shakers, you will be more inclined to invest with him.”

I laughed; I liked a straight talker. “Should you be telling me his secrets, Maria?”

“You’re a sensible man, Mark. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. I can see that nothing fools you.”

“I notice things,” I said quietly as I poured her some wine. “I notice that you are not happy to be here. You are trying to hide it, but I can see it.”

She stared long and hard at me as I passed her the wine. That intense stare did something to me; I started to harden in my trousers. That hadn’t happened for a while; apart from occasional bouts of self-pleasure in the shower, my libido had been on hiatus since I lost my Ann.

One look from her, and I was thinking thoughts that had lay dormant for a long time. I felt ashamed—this was another man’s wife. I was a man of integrity; this wasn’t the sort of man I was. Yet, I couldn’t help but respond to her stare. I shifted in my seat, praying she wouldn’t notice my discomfort.

She flinched, and I followed her gaze. Guy was joking with a couple of younger ladies. I noticed the sadness in her eyes, and I took her hand.

“Does he always flirt with the ladies?” I asked gently.

“Oh, he does more than flirt, Mark. Much more. Those two are just the latest in a long line. He’s not subtle about it either; he’s quite blatant. My friends don’t even bother telling me when they see him out with his latest conquest.  I used to complain, but Guy does not take criticism well. I’ve learnt it is better to pretend not to notice.”

I suddenly had all her attention. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be speaking to you like this. Guy wouldn’t like it. I don’t know what’s come over me. Too much wine on an empty stomach, perhaps? You are very easy to talk to, you know. I feel like you are listening to me. It’s nice. I like it.”

I smile at her and realise that I am still holding her hand. She’s so lovely and so sad, and I want to take that sadness away. I suddenly urge her to smile. I need her to smile, and I need her to smile at me. It is a long time since I have yearned to make a woman smile.

Guy ambles back then. “Maria, I hope you have been keeping Mark entertained. Mark, if you want to dance, I am sure that either Jennifer or Emily over there would be happy to dance with you.”

“It’s a long time since I danced Guy. Not since my wife was alive, anyway. I am sure that I’m a bit rusty. Perhaps you would allow me to dance with Maria instead; we could continue our conversation?”

If Guy was surprised, he hid it well. I knew he would not refuse my request; he needed to keep me on his side.

“Of course, my wife doesn’t usually dance with anyone but me, but I think we can make an exception, just this once.”

I led a shocked Maria onto the dance floor.

“He didn’t like that, not that he could show it,” she whispered in my ear. Her hot breath was sensuous on my neck, and I held her even tighter. Her breasts crushed against my chest; I knew then that they were real.

“You are enjoying yourself,” she smiled, “I can tell.” I tried to angle my erection away from her, but she pressed herself against me even more. “Is it true that you haven’t danced since your wife died?”

“I haven’t done much other than work and travel. I have been trying to escape my reality for a long time. I have finally made peace with it. I’ve accepted it but will always hate that she is gone.”

“So, no dating? You must have loved her very much.”

“I did, I do, I always will, but now I’m in love with a memory.”

“It must be lovely to be loved like that. Your wife was a fortunate lady.”

“I’m sure that Guy feels the same way about you,” I stated, not really believing a word of it.

“Guy loves himself more than anyone else. I’m just another of his commodities, something else to add to his collection. Everyone thinks I’m his trophy wife, a gold digger, but he had nothing when we got together. He’d sell me tomorrow if he thought it would save his company.”

“Maria, do you trust me?”

She eyed me briefly before saying, “Yes, I think I do. We’ve only just met, but I like you. You a straight arrow.”

It was my turn to whisper in her ear then, “How would you like a little revenge on Guy? Give him a taste of his own medicine.”

“I’m not having an affair with you, Mike.”

“No, I’m not asking you to. I wouldn’t be so disrespectful, but we could let Guy think we were. We could also see just how important you really are to him.”

“I’m too old to play these games, Mike, but it sounds fun.”

So, that’s how the plan came about.

I had my secretary make an appointment with Guy the next day. It was all smiles as I was led into his office. It was obvious that he thought I was ready to sign on the dotted line. The truth was that I had decided to invest with him. It was money I could afford to lose; it would strengthen his business. It was also money that I was prepared to risk, if I could have a little fun at his expense.

“So, Mike, this is a pleasant surprise. I trust that you have had time to look over our figures. I am sure that you are suitably impressed.”

“Actually, Guy, I am impressed. I’m almost ready to sign, but not quite.”

“Well, is there anything else I can show you? A different presentation, perhaps?”

“No, there’s only one thing you can do for me—one thing I want—your wife.”

“You what?” Guy bellowed before he thought about what he was risking.

“Well, I had a lovely time last night chatting with Maria. She intimated that you were not above having some extra-marital fun at times. I’m merely asking that you allow your lovely wife the same courtesy with me. She is quite beautiful; you are a fortunate man. I have not been so lucky; my lovely wife is no longer with us. All I ask is for a weekend with Maria, and I will happily sign the contract on Monday morning. My solicitor is already sorting the paperwork.”

Guy stared out of the window for a long time. “It is true, Mike, that I have not always been faithful to Maria over the years. However, I highly valued her loyalty to me. It is a big price you are asking me to pay.”

“Is it a price worth paying, though, Guy?”

“I will have Maria come by your hotel on Friday evening. I will expect to see you on Monday with the paperwork.”

“Don’t you have to speak to Maria first?”

“No, Maria will do what I ask her to do.”

With that, I made my excuses and left for my hotel.

Maria looked upset when she arrived.

“So, I was right. I said he’d sell me if he thought it would help. He doesn’t like it, though. He’s been pacing around for a couple of hours. I refused at first, but he was quite insistent,” she said as she slipped her jacket off. “It was quite funny to watch him as he needed me to do this for him, yet he hated the thought of it. Once I’d agreed, I made sure that he saw the lingerie I was packing.”

My eyes lit up at this statement. “I can’t wait to see that,” I smirked.

“Well, you won’t be,” she smiled. “This isn’t real, remember.?”

“Well, I’m allowed to dream, aren’t I?”

We dressed for dinner; my suite had two bedrooms. We were dining at one of the top restaurants in the city. We needed to make sure that as many people in Guy’s circle saw us together. When Maria joined me in the suite lobby, she truly took my breath away. She wore a tight blue dress that showed off her slim figure and those beautiful breasts despite its modest neckline. Her legs were stunning, and although I had never considered myself a leg man, I was beginning to realise that I was an everything man where Maria was concerned.

I paused; I didn’t know if I could do this. This stupid game we were playing. I’ll admit that I was shocked by how enamoured I was with this woman. It had taken me by surprise. I relished spending time with her and getting one over on her husband. But why? This wasn’t like me at all. As I stood looking at her, the reason was apparent. I was jealous of Guy, of what he had. I wanted Maria. He didn’t deserve her, and I did. I wanted her so much.

“Are you OK, Mike? Is the dress not suitable?”

“No, it’s stunning. You are stunning. I just realised something, that’s all. Something important.”

With that, I took her hand, and we walked towards the lift together. She held my hand tighter; it felt good. That initial spark was still there, and it was growing. Maria could become a problem for me. I gave myself a little internal shake—whatever this was, I was going to enjoy it while it lasted. I finally deserved a little fun.

Over dinner, I learned Maria was an intelligent woman. Her input and ideas had initially got Guy’s company off the ground. She had a master’s degree in business, but in his arrogance, he had long since stopped listening to her counsel. She told me that her real passion was creative writing.

“It annoys Guy that I am always writing in my notebooks. He gets fed up with my scribbles, as he calls them. He doesn’t realise that I need to write to make sense of the world. I can control the world I write about.”

“But you can’t control your reality?”

“No, of course not. None of us can.”

“Well, you’ve taken back some control tonight with Guy. He’ll still be pacing the room with frustration, pining that he’s lost his prize for the weekend.”

Maria paused and said quietly, “I don’t think so, considering he’s been sitting in that booth kissing Emily for the past five minutes.”

“Why didn’t you say? We could have left. Come here.”

I slid around the booth and put my arms around her. I held her tight before lifting her chin, “Can I kiss you? I know this weekend isn’t meant to be real. But it could be. I haven’t wanted any woman for five years, but I want you so much.”

I felt her lips on mine as she tentatively kissed me, her tongue sneaking past my lips as she began to explore mine. We were searching together now, and she kissed me with ever-increasing passion. We forgot where we were and Guy; it was just about us two.

As we broke apart, we just looked at each other. We didn’t say anything as I asked for the bill. We both knew what was going to happen now. We were returning to the suite together and going to be together.

Her cheeks flushed, and she walked out with her head high. Neither of us glanced at the booth in which Emily and Guy were seated. I steered her out of the restaurant, gently touching the small of her back to reassure her.

We sat apart in the back of the cab, both frightened that any touch would tip us over the edge. I wanted our first time together to be special. I wanted Maria to feel treasured and worshipped. I wanted to rid her of any feeling that she was being used. I wanted her to need this as much as I did.

Back in the suite, I soon had no doubt that Maria wanted the same. As we kissed again, my fingers moved aside her panties. I found her dripping with need.

“I can’t remember the last time I was so wet,” she murmured.

I tasted her on my fingers. It had been so long since I had tasted a woman. It had always been my favourite thing. I loved it, and I missed it. As I lowered my head, I paused momentarily to inhale her scent. It was intoxicating, sweet and musky, and she smelled almost as good as she tasted it. I bent to my task, licking, sucking and probing with my tongue and darting in and out and licking and sucking in her velvety folds. Maria was going wild as I gently hummed and moved my head from side to side as I felt her orgasm build. My tongue finally concentrated on her clit as she came loud and strong.

I rested my head and kissed her inner thigh as she got her breath back.

“How many years did you say it was since you had done that?”

“Five years,” I replied, smiling.

“No one has ever made me feel like that. You are amazing,” she said, moving down to join me and kissing me again deeply.

“I taste so good on your lips,” she whispered. We moved into the bedroom then, and she undressed me slowly. It was decades since a woman had undressed me like this. When you are in a long-term relationship, that doesn’t happen often. Well, it didn’t in my case.

I felt wanted and needed. She was shocked when she pulled down my boxer briefs. Not because I was particularly long, just a little above average, but because I am over six inches in girth. She looked fascinated as she tried to get her hand around it.

It was my turn to undress her. Her blue lingerie was exquisite, and her large breasts were barely contained in the cups. She was stunning, and I was harder than I had ever been at the sight of her.

She unfastened her bra, and I saw them for the first time. They were truly magnificent.

“You are disappointed, aren’t you? They’re big, but they are a little saggy now.”

“They are wonderful,” I reassured her as I gently lifted first one and then the other to my lips to kiss them. I sucked on one nipple for longer. Feeling it harden in my mouth, while I massage the other other gently with my hand. I gently manoeuvred her onto the bed as I began to finger her, still slick with her juices.

“Please don’t make me wait; I need you now.”

I positioned myself at her entrance and sank myself into her silky warmth. Her wetness made it easier as she stretched out below me.

“So thick, so deep,” she panted as I began to move within her.

It was gentle, and it was loving; this wasn’t just sex; we knew this. This was a real coupling; we were showing each other that we were developing real feelings for each other. We needed each other. It was slow and gentle until I sensed that she needed more, then it was hard and deep and fast, faster and faster, till we came together. I flooded her; my stored-up reserves seemed to keep coming and coming. I looked down and saw she was swimming with my seed. I bent down and started to clean her up with my tongue.

“Oh, God, what are you doing? You can’t do that?”

“I can and I will. It is only us, you and me; what could taste better?”

She stopped her protestations then as I continued to lick and suck up the combined evidence of our lovemaking. It was delicious. Together, her sweetness and my saltiness tasted wonderful. She came again then and gently held my now glistening face as we fell into a deep sleep.

The following morning, I awoke to the feeling of her warm, wet mouth on my morning wood. I stretched my back in ecstasy as she took me deeper and deeper into her mouth. My hand reached around her delicious bottom until I found her pussy and inserted first one, then two fingers into her. I had always enjoyed a blowjob more when the lips that enveloped me were moaning with their pleasure. As she came on my fingers, I warned her that I was about to come. She sucked me more fervently as I came, flooding her mouth with my seed.

Afterwards, as we cuddled, she said, “I’ve never done that for Guy. Not once in all the years we have been married. I should feel guilty for doing that with you, but I don’t. After what you did last night after we made love, I wanted to do it for you. I wanted to do it for me.”

I lay quietly listening to this confession. I noted that I had already started sharing some firsts with her.

During breakfast in the room, I couldn’t stop staring at her and smiling. She was so lovely.

“Stop it,” she said.

 “No, I like looking at you. It makes me happy. I deserve to be happy.”

“Yes, we both do,” she said, taking my hand and entwining my fingers with hers. I tried not to notice her wedding and engagement rings as they pressed into my hand. I didn’t want to think about that, and I didn’t want to think about when she would return to Guy.

We walked in the park in the spring sunshine hand in hand. We laughed and chatted together. I couldn’t stop smiling. We ate a big lunch and shared a bottle of wine. We had already decided that when we returned to my hotel, we wouldn’t be leaving the suite until tomorrow.

I ran a bath for us both, and we slipped in together. Her gorgeous breasts bobbled above the water as my hands caressed those incredibly long legs of hers. My hand felt the muscles and sinews under her skin and massaged her feet. She became a quivering wreck. Eventually, I moved down to her ankles, rolling my tongue around them as my hands stroked her calves and shins. She let out a sigh as I leaned forward and took one of those soapy, wet breasts in my mouth. She let out an involuntary moan as my hands sought out the top of her thighs. My hands went higher and higher before finally reaching the place I was so desperate to touch. I moved my fingers in and out of her faster and faster as my mouth explored hers, our tongues entwining as she came on my fingers.

Later, lying in bed, we made love again. Slowly, sensuously, this time. She held me tight afterwards.

“Why do I feel so safe with you? Guy has never made me feel safe. He always makes me nervous, like everything is about to be snatched away. I love him, but I’ve realised I don’t like him much anymore.”

“I don’t like him at all. I think he’s an idiot for not treasuring you. If you were mine, I’d never want anyone else, and I could never share you.”

“Yet, you’re going to do business with him.”

“I can afford to take the risk, but I’m going to insist that you are on board to watch over my investment. Your husband might not value your contribution, but I do.”

Maria sighed as she settled down to sleep on my chest, resting her head on the soft hair on my chest.

The next day was Sunday, and we never left the bed apart from sharing a shower together. We ordered room service and ate it in bed. Late afternoon, I got that sickening Sunday feeling. It was the feeling you got as a kid when you realised the weekend was over and you had a week at school to face. I hadn’t had that feeling for such a long time. Let’s be honest; I hadn’t had many feelings at all recently. Not until I met this remarkable woman. I didn’t want it to end. I liked the cocoon of happiness, pleasure, and passion we had surrounded ourselves in. We still had one more night together until tomorrow morning when I signed the papers, and Maria quietly returned to Guy and her own life.

I was idly playing with her nipples, stroking them till they peaked, when she suddenly said, “No”.

I pulled my hand away and began to apologise, though I wasn’t sure what I had done wrong.

“No, I wasn’t talking to you, Mike,” she said and placed my hand back on her breast, “I was talking to myself. I’m saying no to Guy. I’m saying no to it all. I know how I feel about you. I don’t know how you feel about me, but I’m not returning to Guy. You said you deserved some fun. Well, so do I. You’ve made me realise that I deserve more. I’ve felt special this weekend and want to continue feeling special, whatever happens.”

“You are very special to me, and I don’t know where this is going, but I’d like to try to continue it together if you’ll have me.”

That was how I met my second wife. We don’t tell the children exactly how we met; it wouldn’t be appropriate. Our girls are very into Disney, so Mummy tells them that she was married to a frog and then found her handsome prince. That’s me, apparently.

As for Guy, he wasn’t pleased, but after a few tantrums, he realised that as a business team, we would be unstoppable. He had to play nice when he realised he would lose everything without my help. A quarter of a profitable company was better than all of nothing. I purchased half, and Maria got half of his in the divorce, so he became a silent partner. He enjoyed the profits, dipping his wick wherever he wanted with none of the stress of business.

As for Maria and I, we just enjoyed everything – together.

Published 11 months ago

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