“What do you think they have in store for us?” Nina asked Pedro.
“I think we will have our ultimate humiliation fantasies come true.”
The pair were buffeted by a light wind as they stood on the deck of a small ferry, Nina guessed they had about another fifteen minutes before the boat docked at the approaching island. She squinted as she scanned across the brilliant blue water, trying to make out any significant details. From this distance, all she could see were some trees and what may have been some people lying around on the beach.
She turned back to Pedro and asked, “What are you most looking forward to, darling?”
Pedro tore his gaze from the horizon, and a few stray strands of black hair fluttered in the wind as he spoke. “The auction is going to be very stimulating, to be sold off to the highest bidder has long been a fantasy of mine.”
“Me too,” Nina said, “For me, it’s the bukkake. One of the others told me that they stick to the pure Japanese tradition.”
“I hope they keep us together,” Pedro said.
“In some ways, so do I,” Nina said. “However, whilst I’d love to be made to watch your humiliation, and for you to watch mine, there is something to be said about separation.”
Pedro turned his attention back to the approaching island and nodded slowly, “I can see that, perhaps the imagination of what they are doing to you will add to my own humiliation. But I hope that you see me being utterly dominated, I want to be completely controlled by a large gang of men.”
“Do you think they’ll require you to fuck women as well?”
“Hopefully as part of your humiliation, but I’m not sure how it works. They asked for our kinks but there is no promise to fulfil them all.”
Pedro turned back to the approaching island, the hum of the boat’s engine and the gentle lapping of the waves, eased Pedro into a daydream.
He couldn’t quite believe his luck when he’d met Nina at Johann’s BDSM shoot. Pedro had started to believe that he would never find a woman who understood the nuances of his sexual orientation. Sure, he’d been with lots of girls who understood and accepted his bisexuality; however, none of them got him when it came to humiliation and bondage. Nina had no problem understanding that whilst he could be the dominant, heterosexual protector with her, he also needed to be held and dominated himself.
After that night, he sold Nina to the stag party, Pedro explained to her that to complete the scenario, she had to get revenge on him. She suggested a gay gangbang porn shoot, which she would direct. At first, Nina suggested they use strangers, but after watching a week of gay porn videos, she said it would be better if they got professionals in. However, Nina sensed his disappointment at not using random strangers. So instead, unbeknown to Pedro, Nina put out an advert for amateur filmmakers who were interested in shooting pornography.
The studio they hired out had been made to look like an underground car park Nina created a loose script which involved Pedro looking for his car and being set upon by a dozen masked men. When Pedro found out that not only would the whole thing be filmed, but with random amateurs from the internet, Pedro knew Nina was a keeper. The shoot itself was pure perfection, Nina directed the men with expert precision and a tone to her voice that struck a chord that shuddered through Pedro’s body.
“Hold him down,” she told two of the men at his side, “Camera, make sure you get a close-up of that cock sliding in his arse. When he moans, shove your cock in his mouth,” and on and on she went. This was Pedro’s humiliating punishment for selling his wife to strangers, and he took it with glee, striving to be a good, obedient whore for the men who used him roughly at his wife’s behest.
Pedro’s daydreams ended A quarter of an hour later as they disembarked with seventy-five other passengers and stood waiting on the beach, in the bright sunlight. Pedro recognised Ms Hargreaves as she strode from the treeline towards them, flanked by four smartly dressed men. She looked younger than he remembered. Her grey hair now flowed loosely, matching the movement of the creamy cotton kaftan she wore, which didn’t quite cover her simple sandals.
Ms Hargreaves came to a stop ten feet in front of them, taking a moment to sweep her gaze over the group. She held up her right hand, and one of the men behind her stepped forward and handed her a bullhorn.
A natural silence fell as Ms Hargreaves brought the horn to her lips, “All of you are required to strip, leave your clothes and any items you have on the floor next to you.”
Nina had not brought anything other than an overnight bag with some toiletries, Pedro was similarly travelling light. The sand burned the soles of their feet as they stood waiting for everyone to get naked.
“You, you, you, and you, come and stand here in silence,” Ms Hargreaves said, as she pointed at Pedro, Nina, a man Pedro had talked to briefly on the ferry, and another woman.
“Right, as I pick you out, you will stand behind one of these slaves.”
Once Ms Hargreaves had organised them into four groups, her male assistants stepped forward and placed leather collars around all of their necks.
“These are your dog collars,” Ms Hargreaves said, “You are to wear them at all times, not even your slave master has the authority to remove them. They can only be removed in two circumstances: if one of your owners orders you to, or when you finally leave this place.”
As she spoke, her assistants attached stiff rods to the collars, so that the members in each group were bound to each other.
“Follow me. Single file. Silence!” Ms Hargreaves said. She then strode off across the hot sand.
Pedro’s group walked first, Nina’s and the other three shuffled behind, the four assistants leading each group by a leash. The stiff rods locking their necks together made walking in step difficult, so a few of them stumbled on the soft, hot sand. Nina was dragged to the ground four times as someone in the middle of the line stumbled and brought them all down. Each time this happened, Ms Hargreaves would bark, “Get up!” The assistant holding the leash would barely allow them to get to their feet before yanking them back into step.
They walked through the jungle for twenty minutes, along a winding path that finally brought them to a large courtyard, surrounded on three sides by high, white walls, beyond which Nina spied the mansion. A large Greek-looking man, dressed in a white robe that was too short to cover his large member, and opened at the top to reveal a hairy chest, and round belly.
Ms Hargreaves stood next to the man. “This is Tak, the chief slave master, he will prepare you for the auction. Follow his instructions to the letter.” With that, Ms Hargreaves floated off, leaving the leering Tak and the four assistants.
“Take them to the bowl, wash them inside and out,” Tak said to the assistants.
They were taken to an area with a large, empty swimming pool, the assistants disconnected them and ushered the slaves into the pool. Nina stood in the middle, around twenty or so people were between her and Pedro. The assistants stood above them on the side, all armed with hoses aimed at the group. Nina heard a rumbling sound and then four powerful jets of water hit them, NIna fell as one of the jets blasted into her. She tried to stand but others were falling too, making it near impossible.
Tak stood on the edge pointing and laughing at them, he shouted over the rushing roar of the hoses, “Here! Soap!” He emptied a big bag of soap into the pool. The assistants didn’t ease the water off, instead, the slaves had to fight to get a bar of soap. Nina noticed that the assistants were playing a game, trying to knock over as many of them as possible, rather than genuinely attempting to get them clean. That came later, when the hoses had been temporarily shut down, and more assistants, dressed in white, got into the pool with them.
Nina was ordered onto her hands and knees as an assistant gave her a thorough cleansing. She liked the way he paid no attention to her and acted as if he were preparing a piece of meat for a banquet. Nina enjoyed the feeling of his blue rubber gloves sliding over her skin, and probing inside her. It reminded her of one of her favourite old clients, back when her and Pedro had decided that they would both explore being submissive prostitutes. They were to take on clients and report back in great detail to the other. One of Nina’s clients had been a high court judge who paid her to kneel naked on his desk, with her hands tied to her ankles, and her face flat down into the desk. The judge also hired another escort to dress up as his prim and proper secretary. In between ordering her on office-type errands – getting files, making cups of coffee – he would say things like, “Ms Slater, fetch me that ridged black dildo and insert it up this thing’s behind for me, would you?”
At other times, Nina would kneel before him in silence, as he asked ‘Ms Slater’, to “Hold her mouth open,” as he pushed his hard cock down her throat.
Nina felt that being washed like this was even better, the assistant inserted things into her as he washed her, but it felt more functional. Nina didn’t dare to concentrate on what she was being prepared for, in case she came to orgasm right there on her knees, at the base of this pool, surrounded by other kneeling slaves.
One hour later, Nina was standing on a stone floor, being gently dried by the cool breeze, they stood in rows as Tak the slave master walked between them, inspecting, muttering to himself.
“Okay,” he said finally. “Time to prepare for auction.”