And Baby Makes Four -Chapter 4

"When at first you don't succeed, try again."

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For the next four days, Sarah and I fucked at least a dozen more times, during which Lexi, Ginger, or both watched and made out next to us. The first time I saw them at it, I was so distracted I had to wait until they were finished before I could turn my attention to Sarah. By the time Sunday evening rolled around, I found myself wishing it was Ginger who would carry our child. Then Lexi had an idea.

It was after our last session and we were chatting as Sarah gathered the few things she had brought with her for the weekend. “You know, our chances of having a baby would go way up if we had more than one woman who was willing to be a surrogate.” She was holding Ginger’s hand and looking at her as she said it.

“What me?” Ginger said, surprised. “Oh no, I don’t think so!”

“Just an idea,” Lexi said.

“I for one would love to make out with you while your husband fucks my girlfriend,” Sarah said. She leaned over and kissed Lexi.

“That would be a great side benefit!” leered Lexi.

“Not gonna happen!” stated Ginger. “I mean, sure I’ll fuck him if you’re good with it, but I’m not carrying your kid. If I ever have any kids, I’m keeping them!”

“Okay, good to know,” said Lexi. She moved to me. “What about you? Would you like to fuck Ginger while Sarah and I watch?”

“I would, but right now, I don’t think I have it in me!” I replied. “I’m fucking wasted! I need a day off tomorrow just to recover, I’m not twenty-one anymore!”

Lexi got the reference, for my twenty-first birthday, we spent the entire weekend in bed fucking. We must have done it twenty times from Friday night to Sunday night. “Maybe next weekend then?” she suggested.

“Can’t next weekend, we have a thing,” said Sarah.

“What kind of thing?” asked Lexi.

“A none of your business kind of thing,” Sarah replied. “Look, I’m not trying to be a bitch here, but this is first and foremost a business arrangement, let’s not forget that. It’s great that we all get to have amazing sex out of it but let’s stay on track here.” She reached over and pulled Ginger to her side. “Our lives are our lives and outside of this arrangement, are not your concern.”

“I’m sorry,” said Lexi. “I guess I got carried away.”

“It’s okay, Lexi, really,” Sarah squeezed her hand. “Truth be known, I want to be with you again too, but for now, let’s just keep our eye on the ball.”

“I hear you, Sarah.” With that, the two younger women got up and made ready to go back to their place. As we all stood at the doorway, we shared hugs and kisses.

“It’ll be a week or so before a test will show anything. I’ll let you know if anything happens,” said Sarah. She took me into her arms and kissed me. “This was fun!”

“It was!” I replied. “I’m torn here. Part of me wants you to be pregnant, but another part wants to not be.”

“I know which part wants me not to be!” laughed Sarah as she squeezed my cock.

“Oh, little tender there!” I winced.

“You and me both!” she said. She turned to Lexi, “If I am pregnant, great! If not, we keep trying!”

“So long as you bring your girlfriend here to keep me distracted, I’m good with that!” Lexi replied. They kissed, and Sarah moved aside to let Ginger kiss Lexi.

“I had so much fun!” Lexi gushed. “I can’t wait to see you again!”

“Me too!” Ginger said. “Me too!” Then Ginger moved to me.

“Who knows, maybe we’ll have our chance one of these days,” she said as she tiptoed up to kiss me. “You know, once you get my girlfriend knocked up!”

“So win-win for me, then?” I said. “I can handle that!”

“We’ll see about that too!” Ginger said. One more quick kiss, “Ask your wife. I’m quite the handful!” They left, and as the door closed behind them, Lexi sighed.

“I cannot believe we’re doing this!” she said as we hugged.

“Me neither.”

“So do you think it worked?”

“I tried my best!” I replied.

“I know you did!” she smiled. “One thing is for sure, now that I know I’m bi, our sex life just got a whole lot more interesting!”

“You’d like to see other women after this?” I asked.

“I think I would,” she replied. “And maybe other men, too?” She kissed me, “That is if that’s something you want.”

“You know I do,” I said. “We talked about this many times, but it was you who stopped it.”

“Well, maybe next time the opportunity comes up, I won’t stop it!” She kissed me again. “I’m going to run a nice hot bath. Care to join me?” She took my fingers and led me into the master suite. As the tub was filling, we slowly disrobed each other and renewed our passion for each other. We didn’t have sex, just the intimacy of our bodies being together was enough for the moment.

Our schedules didn’t align for us to get together for a couple of weeks, so other than a quick “how’s it going?” text between us, there wasn’t much communication between us and Sarah. Then she called, and I put her on speaker.

“I guess we’ll have to try again,” she said after we exchanged pleasantries.

“Oh, that’s too bad,” I said, and Lexi stifled a sob. She was really hoping our tryst with Sarah had worked.

“Hey, it’s okay, I just got off the pill last month. Sometimes it takes a while,” she replied.

“I know,” said Lexi. “It’s just I was hoping you were pregnant.”

“We were hoping,” I added.

“We were hoping,” agreed Lexi. She sniffled and then took a deep breath. “So like what, next weekend?”

“Probably starting on Friday,” Sarah said. “That’s when I’ll be most fertile again.”

“Maybe we should start on Thursday, just in case,” Lexi suggested.

“Can’t Thursday. I have to work early on Friday,” Sarah said. “Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of time.”

“I have to leave on Sunday for work,” said Lexi. This conference had been planned for months.

“Are you okay with Will and I getting together if you’re not there?” Sarah asked.

“Of course! Maybe if it had been the first time I wouldn’t be, but now we’ve spent all that time together, it’s fine.” Lexi squeezed my hand. “I guess Ginger and I will just have to make the most of the time we have!”

“Yeah, about that, Ginger won’t be joining us anymore,” said Sarah. “She’s had a think about it and she doesn’t want to be involved with this, so she’s going to keep her distance.”

“Did you guys break up?” I asked, more than a little disappointed.

“No, we’re good. It’s just that after we got home, she struggled with all the new feelings and would rather take a step back,” Sarah said. “For now.”

“Oh, okay,” Lexi said. “I was afraid it was something we said or did.”

“Quite the opposite, Sweetie! Everything you did was too good, and she is afraid that if she stays involved, it will hurt our relationship,” Sarah said. “It’s not you, it’s her.”

“Oh, okay. So why don’t you come over Friday for supper and we can try again?” Lexi asked.

“Actually, Ginger is going away for the weekend, so why don’t you guys come over here? We’ll get Chinese takeout and then, you know,” Sarah suggested.

“Fuck,” giggled Lexi. “Sounds like a plan! See you next week. Let us know if anything changes!”

“You got it,” Sarah said.

Lexi put her phone on the counter. “You know what this means, don’t you?”

“What?” I asked.

“Abstinence until next Friday!” she teased.

“You’re kidding right?” I said with frustration. She giggled and reached for my crotch.

“Of course, I’m kidding!” She kissed me and walked toward our bedroom. “I’m gonna take a bath.”

I got the hint and followed her. As we soaked, we kissed and played with each other, “I’ve been thinking,” she said.

“About what?” I replied as my fingertip caressed her nipple.

“You seemed to really enjoy Sarah’s bare pussy.”

“It was different from what I’m used to,” I said.

“Do you think I should shave my pussy?”

“No,” I said. “I think I should shave your pussy.”

“Mmm, that sounds like a great idea!” She shifted her backside against me to rub it against my boner. “Then maybe I could shave you?”

I had always kept the downtown trimmed. I just found it comfortable, especially in summer, but the idea of me not having any hair down there was not something I ever considered. “Sure, why not?”

“Excellent!” she said. “Help me up!” I helped her stand up, and she got out of the tub to retrieve the items we needed. Setting them on the edge of the tub, she climbed back in and knelt to face me. “How are we going to do this?” she asked.

“Maybe we go into the bedroom?” I said. I was far too old to pull off the sort of contortions I would need to do in order to do that job in the tub. We had a double soaker tub, but I would need more space than that. We got out and toweled each other mostly dry, then I grabbed a fresh towel, a facecloth, and a bowl from the kitchen while she took the other needed supplies into the bedroom. When I got there, she was lying back on the bed playing with her pubes.

“Maybe in the chair,” I suggested. She smiled, got up, took the towel from me, and placed it on the seat. She sat down and I pushed the small stool from beside her makeup table over for her to rest one foot on.

“Careful!” she warned as I got between her legs and picked up the trimmer. I took everything down to a stubble, being very careful around her lips and clit. I then went into the washroom to run warm water over the facecloth before using it to dampen the remaining stubble. A generous application of shave cream and I was ready to go.

I pulled her lips to one side and drew the razor blade slowly along her outer lip. I could feel the resistance of the hair as the blade sliced through, much the same as it did when I shaved my face. I slowly worked my way around to get both sides, then moved to the patch above her clit. “Maybe leave just a strip?” she suggested, but it was too late. I’d already gone too far for that. I finished the job and then used the cloth to wipe away the remaining cream.

I ran my fingers all over to check for any missed spots, and sure enough, I hadn’t gotten that area between her pussy and her back door. “Hold up your legs,” I said, and when she did, I cleaned off the last of the remaining hair.

She lowered her legs and ran her fingers over her pussy. “Sarah and Ginger are smoother,” she said as she slipped one finger inside herself.

“Mmm, maybe because they’ve been doing it longer,” I said.

“Maybe,” she said. I smiled at her and she smiled back before I lowered my head and flicked my tongue along her slit. “Mmm, yes!” she purred. Fifteen minutes later my face and fingers were slick with her cum and a goodly amount had been squirted into my open mouth. I stood up and pulled her up in front of me.

“That was amazing!” she said between kisses. “You’ll have to do that more often!”

“I will do that every day if you want me to!” I replied. I turned and sat in the chair. “My turn!”

She repeated the process of trimming, moistening, creaming, and shaving, and in about ten minutes, I was as bare as the day I was born. “I gotta say, I like the look!” she purred as she bent forward to kiss the end of my knob. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your point of view, I didn’t last nearly as long as she did before I blasted my cum into her mouth and over her face. She smiled as she licked the last of it from my head and came up to share with sloppy kisses. The first time we shared my spunk I wasn’t a big fan but now I quite enjoy it in light of the pleasure it brings her.

“I love sharing with you!” she whispered as we snuggled in the chair. “I was surprised the first time you did that.”

“I figured if I wanted you to taste it I should be as well,” I said. “It’s not exactly tasty, but it makes you happy.”

“That you want to make me happy makes me happy,” she said, planting a nice long kiss on my lips. “I love you, Will, you know that, right?”

“I have never doubted that,” I said. “I still can’t believe you’re okay with me screwing another woman!”

“To make our baby,” she said.

“So if we had the opportunity to get together with a different woman, you wouldn’t be okay with it?”

“Before we met Sarah, I wouldn’t have, but now that I’ve discovered how much fun sex with women is, I think I could go along with it.” She kissed me again. “What about another man?”

“Would it make you happy?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she said. “But I think I’d like to find out!”

“Well then, after we get Sarah knocked up, maybe we should look into that,” I suggested.

“First things first,” she said. “And I think I’d like to get together with Ginger one more time too!”

“I’d like to get together with Ginger!” I mused.

“I could tell!” she laughed. “Your eyes barely left her when you first saw her!”

“She is pretty cute!” I offered.

“She’s not cute, she’s gorgeous!” my wife said.

“You’re gorgeous,” I said.

“So you keep saying.”

That was the last of the sex for me for the next ten days. I was even forbidden to touch myself, which was very hard because every time I showered, my wife wanted to join me to practice keeping us both clean-shaven. Many boners went wasted and my balls ached each time she fondled me, but I was determined to do everything I could to get Sarah pregnant.

Sarah welcomed us warmly, and we were surprised to see that Ginger was still there. We all hugged and kissed and then sat down in the living room.

“I thought you were going away this weekend?” Lexi asked her.

“I am, but I wanted to see you guys before I left,” she said. “I just wanted to make sure we were okay.” This was directed at Lexi, not me, but given that they had spent three days giving each other screaming orgasms, I guess that made sense.

“We’re good,” said Lexi. They kissed again.

“Good,” said Ginger. She got up and left the room, returning a moment later with a backpack. “The sheets are all washed, there are clean ones in the closet, there’s plenty of lube and other things. You guys have fun!” She kissed Sarah, “I’ll miss you!”

“You’ll only be gone three days,” she replied.

“I know, but while you’re here, getting loved to death by these two, I’ll be at my parents’ place. I’d trade that all day long!”

“It’s only a weekend, darling. When you get home, I will love you to death!” Sarah replied.

“Okay,” Ginger whispered. She turned to me and opened her arms for a hug. “Have fun with my girlfriend!”

“I will!” I said.

Then she turned to Lexi, “I hope you’re not angry with me.”

“How could I be angry with you?” Lexi said softly. They kissed like lovers before Ginger picked up her bag and left.

“God damn, she is fucking hot!” said Lexi.

“I know she is,” replied Sarah. “She’s hot for you. That’s why she’s been so uncomfortable about seeing you.”

“Why would that make her uncomfortable?” I asked.

Sarah explained it, “The way she sees it, if she has feelings for Lexi, she has less feelings for me. I told her that’s not how it works. She’s coming around.”

“I get it,” said Lexi. “I have feelings for her, and for you too, but they’re very different than the feelings I have for Will.” She kissed me, “I’m not sure yet what those feelings are, but I like them.”

“I’m glad,” said Sarah. She stood up and came over to Lexi, kneeling in front of her. “This is all more complicated than I thought it would be.” She shared a kiss with Lexi and smiled at her. “Complicated isn’t always a bad thing.” They began kissing in earnest and soon their hands were pawing over each other’s bodies. “Let’s take this to the bedroom,” she whispered.

“Am I invited this time?” I asked.

“Yes, baby, you are!” said Lexi. The girls started undressing each other, and when they were down to your underwear, Lexi looked at me. “Sweetie, you still have all your clothes on!”

“I was hoping that maybe you ladies would help me with that,” I suggested. Lexi kissed Sarah and smiled.

“Should we help this poor useless boy to get undressed?” she teased.

“We had better,” Sarah replied. “There’s not much chance of him getting me pregnant with all his clothes on!”

The two women stood on either side of me, slowly removing my clothes while alternating sharing kisses. When my pants fell to my ankles, Lexi knelt and took my cock in her mouth while Sarah continued favoring me with her five-star kisses. It was so hot I almost blew my nut right on the spot.

Then Sarah knelt beside Lexi and I watched as my wife pointed my cock at her face. Saraj opened wide and took me in for a few moments before the two of them began alternating, sucking on me.

“Girls, you need to stop!” I groaned. “We’re not going to make any babies this way either!”

“He’s right,” whispered Sarah.

“Don’t say that, it goes to his head!” my wife countered. They both stood up and Sarah moved toward the bed. Lexi stopped her. “Wait.”

She laid on her back, opened her legs, and beckoned Sarah forward. She got the hint and moved between Lexi’s thighs to kiss her freshly shaved pussy. “That’s new!” Sarah said softly before taking Lexi’s clit between her lips.

Sarah’s backside was up in the air, and I could see her puffy lips between her thighs. I slipped two fingers into her and confirmed that she was, in fact, ready for me. Moving behind her, I positioned my head at her opening and slowly pushed it in. Lexi’s eyes locked with mine as I started sliding myself out and in.

“That’s it, baby! Fuck her! Make that baby for us!” she purred. Her hands were on either side of Sarah’s head, holding her against her pussy as I stroked a little more firmly. Soon, soft slapping noises came from between us as my cock pistoned in and out of her. Our sighs and moans grew louder as we all climbed that mountain for the first time that weekend.

Lexi got there first. I don’t know if it was Sarah’s lips on her pussy or the sight of me screwing our companion from behind, but I didn’t much care at this point. My struggle was to keep my eyes open long enough to watch Lexi’s face as she came. And a beautiful sight it was too.

I tried to hold off to let Sarah reach the promised land next but it was no use. The heat from our union, the snugness of her pussy, and the sight of Lexi’s orgasm were too much. I drove forward and emptied my balls into Sarah’s quim, my cock surging over and over. “Yes, Baby! That’s it! Fill that pussy up good!” cried Lexi.

After a moment, I started moving again and Sarah said, “Help me Lexi, I’m so close! Lexi scrambled around and ran her fingers over the outside of Sarah’s leaking pussy before slipping two fingers inside beside my cock. The callous of her hand rubbed Sarah’s clit as she finger-fucked her and in only a few moments Sarah let out a long low moan that announced her orgasm to the world. “Mmmm YES! That’s what I’m TALKING about! Fuck me!”

I kept at it as long as I could, but my cock started deflating way too early. It slipped out of Sarah and she rolled onto her back to catch her breath. Lexi leaned over and kissed me. “Good job, baby!” she purred. Then she noticed a little of my cum leaking out of Sarah’s pussy, which was slightly open and pulsing as she breathed.

Lexi ran her fingertip through it and then slipped it inside, which caused another drop to leak out. She looked at Sarah, “May I?”

Sarah nodded and she got up on all fours to lick the excess cum from Sarah’s cunt. Sarah began moaning again as Lexi’s tongue and fingers worked their magic. I pondered for a moment whether to join in or just watch and decided to join in. I scrambled around to get my face under Lexi’s hips and pulled her down onto my waiting lips. It then became a race to see which of us was better at licking pussy.

Lexi won, or should I say Sarah did, as she came again, more wetly and loudly than she had just done with my cock inside her. I redoubled my efforts and was soon rewarded with Lexi’s cum squirting onto my face and running down into my hair and ears. The sheet below us was soon soaked.

We disengaged and moved to lie together with Sarah in the middle. “I don’t know if that was very effective,” said Lexi. “Most of Will’s cum leaked out of you!”

“Then we’ll just have to do it again!” giggled Sarah. We shared kisses to confirm that plan.

I watched Lexi run her hand over Sarah’s pussy. “So smooth,” she whispered. “Mine is always a little stubby.”

“I don’t shave, I wax, or have it done,” said Sarah.

“Really, that’s a thing?” Lexi asked.

“Oh, yeah. Ginger and I go about once a month,” Sarah said.

“Go where?” asked Lexi, her interest piqued.

“There a spa we got to, you should go,” said Sarah. “You both should.” I wasn’t as keen on the idea as my wife was, but if it meant that her pussy would be as smooth as Sarah’s, I’d give it a go.

We lay there for a while until Sarah shivered. The sun had set by this time and the room was cooler. I got off the bed and pulled the covers over them. “You girls relax, I’ll order dinner.” I picked up my clothes and went into the washroom to clean up before getting dressed. When I returned to the bedroom, the girls were snuggled together, whispering and kissing. Lexi looked so content in Sarah’s arms that I dared not disturb them.

About a half hour later, the dinner delivery arrived and just as I opened the door, the girls started screaming out a new set of orgasms. The delivery driver just looked at me with a raised eyebrow and wished me luck. I took the food to the small kitchen and got out the plates and cutlery. Then I went into the bedroom to let the girls know their dinner was here.

“We just had dinner!” said Sarah with a cute smile.

“It was delicious!” added Lexi.

“I hope to find out for myself someday,” I said.

“Get me pregnant and you will!” said Sarah. My cock stiffened again at the thought of that.

Published 11 months ago

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