As I drove home from Gatwick Airport, Sarah seemed pensive, and I guessed part of it was the post-holiday blues you experience, after having such a good time. However, I suspected it was more than just that and, like me, she was also reflecting on what happened in Crete and what we should do now we were home.
“David,” she said after twenty minutes of silence. “I am seriously going to start looking for a new job; something in the travel or entertainment industry.”
“That would be great,” I enthusiastically replied. It was something we had talked about before.
“You are too clever to work long in the removal company’s office. I promise, whatever happens, to always support you.”
Sarah smiled. Her hand squeezed my thigh; it was her way of saying thank you without using words.
The car fell back to silence. Our thoughts, once again, kept to ourselves; my mind still thinking about Crete, and what went on there.
Our ten-day holiday on the Greek Island had been good for us. It had been full of fun, sun, sea, and sex, but the most important thing was that we had got to know one another. Until our vacation, I had always felt as if I was only chipping away at Sarah’s multi-layered, protective shield.
My two girlfriend’s personalities were very different. Clare, would simply nudge me, and then tell me how it was. Sarah’s was more complex, it had taken time for me to understand her, and for her to relax and let me inside.
There was also something else. I felt, first meeting Clare, and then somewhat perversely, sharing Sarah with season swingers, Don and Ashley, had brought us closer together as a couple.
However, the sex that we had indulged in during our stay in Crete needed to be spoken about, maybe not today, but soon.
Sarah needed to experience life outside her village, and importantly, do things that Clare had already done. That was why I had given her an anklet. It was the key to our newly agreed open relationship. Something within me had said that the only way that I could keep Sarah was by giving her the same sexual freedom, Clare already had. If I didn’t, I would simply lose her.
I was in a unique situation, having two beautiful girlfriends who knew about each other and were happy to share me. They liked one another and were even friends, but I knew if I wanted to keep them both, I needed to compromise, especially with Sarah. I wanted both my girlfriends to be in sexual equilibrium.
However, there was something that occurred on our holiday which I hadn’t expected. This was the sexual thrill I got when sharing Sarah. It started when I encouraged her to expose her body, and then I shared her with Don, and then Ashley. To start with, it was more fun, a sexual experimentation, and we learned so much. But almost shockingly, by the end of the holiday, I was getting off just watching my girlfriend.
The biggest incident happened almost by accident. Sarah had sex with a German guy called Kurt. He had paid her for it, crossing off one of my girlfriend’s strongest sexual fantasies.
I had stood there watching the build-up, the flirting, and the making out. I accepted what was happening, and I just put it down as being a bit of sexual fun. After all, we were all adults, and Kurt played his part perfectly. But there was something which I struggled with, and that was I had ejaculated while watching Kurt and Sarah fucking. I had been so aroused watching my beautiful girlfriend, someone who I genuinely loved, being fucked that I had cum with hardly touching myself.
This I didn’t yet understand… was this me?
In my mind, I was trying to blame it on the holiday atmosphere, the alcohol, the sexual tension, or simply anything. However, deep down, I knew none of that was true. I could have stopped it, but I had gotten caught up in the moment; the simple truth was I had enjoyed what happened.
I glanced at Sarah, she seemed to be dozing and my thoughts turned to Clare. I knew that with every mile, I was getting closer to her and I could not help but look in her direction as we passed her turning. We would see her tonight, and I could only hope that she missed me as much as I missed her; next time it was going to be a holiday for three.
As we approached her home, Sarah seemed to wake up, and I glanced at her. I then brought up something that I had been thinking about for a while.
“Sarah, tomorrow I will get the keys to my flat. Why don’t we move into it together?”
She smiled at me and then giggled. It was the first joyful sound I had heard from her since we had walked to the aeroplane.
“David, it is too soon. I need some time at home to find my balance.” Then she giggled once again. “Anyway, you got to learn to do your own cooking!”
I grinned. She knew me, I hadn’t been surprised by her answer, and she was right, I didn’t like cooking. But there was something I needed to fully understand, as I knew it could be important.
“Balance,” I questioned.
Sarah looked at me.
“My family life, David, I just need to adjust back to living in a village.”
She then softly stated, “Perhaps, I enjoyed what we did in Crete a little too much. I may have dreamed about it, but until we were there I never thought I get that chance, as you well know, it is impossible to repeat those things where I live.”
“David, I just need a period of stability.”
I took my hand off the wheel and squeezed her thigh; it was an act of reassurance.
“What things?” I carefully asked. I needed to know.
“You know my sexual fantasy list, and I don’t regret what I did, or the fact I now crossed off four of them. However, crossing them off doesn’t mean that I don’t want to do it again. If anything, because I enjoyed it so much, I have a greater urge for a repeat.”
I was surprised by what Sarah had just said, but I also understood.
Before Crete, I never had the urge to share Sarah. That had only arisen because of Clare, and the fact she had made it clear she was going to carry on sleeping around, though as far as I was concerned, only with other women.
If I wanted two girlfriends, and with Clare not ready to stop, I knew I had only one choice… treat them both the same.
“So, now we are home. Do you want to put all we did in Crete to bed?” I had deliberately chosen that word. “And go back to how we were before, monogamous; you, me and Clare?”
Sarah laughed. It was good to hear.
“I don’t… But, you can’t put monogamous and Clare in the same sentence?”
“I just did,” I chuckled, knowing what Sarah had just said, was true.
“Look, David, like Clare is currently doing, maybe I would like to explore my bisexual side a little more. I enjoyed our holiday, and I enjoyed what I did on it.”
“With Clare?” I hopefully asked.
“No, she is too close to home. I am talking about being very discreet, something away from where I live.”
“So, not Clare,” I was disappointed.
“David, there might be moments between us, but we don’t know where she is with her life. From what she said on the phone, she has got enough going on.”
I knew Sarah was right, and I didn’t press any further, thinking the conversation was over. But I was wrong.
“Don mentioned contact magazines, didn’t he?”
I confirmed that he had.
“Well, I was thinking once you have moved in, maybe you could purchase one…” Sarah stopped, as if suddenly uncertain. “I am not sure if there are women seeking women in them, but if there is, I might be interested.”
“Sarah, I am sure if we put an advert in, you would be inundated with offers. Don’t you realise how beautiful you are?”
I received a nudge, despite the compliment!
“No, dummy, I just want to look, and maybe, and I am saying just, maybe. If there is an older, experienced lady who lives well away from us, I might like to experiment once again, but no promises.”
“I am sure Brenda would make herself available,” I suggested with a large grin.
I received a second, harder nudge.
“Brenda has got friends who… Ouch!”
I shut up; I had been told.
If Sarah was going to do this, it would be under her terms, or not at all.
“Where is my little boy, then?”
It was Clare. I heard her voice before I saw her, those long, sexy legs, and her smile. She was dressed in a short skirt and a jacket. It was also obvious that she had forgotten to put a bra on under her blouse.
I just stood and embraced her. I needed that hug, which turned into a cuddle, and with every passing second, I felt my Clare-metre being filled. It had been too long between top-ups.
“What do you mean, little boy?” I questioned as I realised what Clare had just said.
It was only then I heard Sarah giggling. She was standing right next to me, waiting for her hug. I groaned; already, I thought. Clare was talking about my hair-free cock!
We were all at the “Green Dragon” which was a small pub in the large forest which covered most of the twenty-two miles between Clare’s and Sarah’s houses.
I sat down and watched the girls hug and then giggle as if there was a great big secret between the two of them.
“Well,” I said, as I looked at Sarah. “I guess you two have already been speaking on the phone.”
I had conjectured that Sarah couldn’t wait to tell Clare that she had got me to shave all my pubic hair off. Or perhaps it was more likely she was checking that Clare was bringing our modelling photographs.
Anyway, Sarah didn’t deny it.
The day had already been a long one for Sarah and me, but we thought it was important to see Clare tonight and reconnect. We needed to catch up with one another. To help, Clare borrowed her mum’s car and drove to this pub, which was not far from Sarah’s. She seemed just as keen to see us, and once sitting with our drinks, we started chatting.
Clare let us go first… and I proudly got out the flashing, farting back scratcher and presented it to Clare.
“From Crete,” I said and then turned it as if I was scratching an invisible back. It was a motion that produced a large FART, and then the lights flashed. The rest of the pub couldn’t miss seeing or hearing it!
Clare blushed and then attempted to dispose of it quickly, resulting in a repetition of the sound. I loved it… though Clare seemed to have a different opinion!
She called me an idiot and then smiled… and nudged me.
“You really are a little boy!” she then suggested. “That present is so embarrassing.”
“I told you,” Sarah said whilst looking at me.
“Well, I have a second one.”
Sarah didn’t know I had purchased two.
“I don’t want it!” She quietly hissed as I suddenly produced it, and then I proved that one worked as well as the first… “Thrrrppp.”
Both my girlfriends covered their faces.
“I bought it for Gary,” I defensively stated, which was true.
Gary was Sarah’s seven-year-old brother and was, by chance, the same age as Colin, Clare’s youngest brother. Their December birthdays were only a couple of days apart.
“I thought he would love it, and it comes with the bonus of reminding you of our holiday every time he uses it!”
Clare started giggling when she realised she was not the only one with the “naff” present, but Sarah remained unimpressed. She gave Clare the key ring she had purchased with a photo of the resort we stayed at and the words; “I love you,” underneath it.
“Interesting,” Clare remarked with a smile. Before saying, “Thank you.”
Sarah blushed as she smiled back at Clare. Then she turned towards me, and her eyes flared. She was not impressed that she would have to listen to the farting sound day and night.
But I had a solution.
“Well, if you move in, Sarah, you won’t have to put up with the noise.”
Clare glanced at me. I couldn’t read what she was thinking.
“She turned me down, Clare,” I quickly said. The last thing I wanted to do was upset my second girlfriend, especially as we had not seen each other for two weeks.
“Yes, I turned him down. We are not ready, and I think this proves I was right.”
Sarah was pointing at the flashing, farting back scratcher, which was now conveniently hidden under the table. I couldn’t resist giving it a knock to make it go off. It was an action which earned me a nudge from both girls.
Clare then said, “When I was with Alan and stayed with him during the weekends, I soon learnt a lot about him. I would seriously consider it; you probably learn David farts as much as the back scratcher.”
I tried not to take offence, knowing the girls were both ganging up on me. It was like before we went away on holiday. We were reconnecting, and I gently squeezed both girls’ hands to let them know I was still there.
“I take my chances staying at home, as at least the toy doesn’t smell.”
Dismissing what Sarah had just said, I turned to Clare, “Do you want to move in with me?” It was a playful, yet hopeful, question.
I didn’t want to live in the flat on my own.
“I am not doing your cooking for you,” she swiftly replied and then smiled.
It was the same answer Sarah had given me. Was I that obvious?
“And besides, no one knows you are going out with me, or have you forgotten your girlfriend is Sarah?”
I heard Sarah giggling behind me. She seemed to have enjoyed my put-down.
“Oh, and there are a couple of other things. I go to college in the city, which is miles from your flat, and I do not have a car. You seemed to have also ignored the fact that I am a lesbian with two girlfriends who also live in the city.”
“Only two?” I jested, knowing Clare wasn’t a lesbian.
Before there was a comeback, I smiled and held my hands up in surrender and then kicked the back scratcher under the table…“Thrrrppp.”
Despite the embarrassment, this time, we all chuckled. Perhaps my girlfriends were right; I was a big kid!
I had only been half-serious about either girl moving in with me, as I could live on cornflakes… But I did want to have that question out there, and I sensed it had to be. We would need to find time in our schedules. Yes, Sarah was my girlfriend, but both girls were equally important to me.
The conversation moved on.
Sarah and I told Clare all about Crete. Between us, we left nothing out except Kurt… and my ejaculation watching her, which neither Sarah nor Clare would ever get to know about.
We went through all the things we had done with Don and Ashley. This included how we met them, the nude beach and the Pirate Pool. Then we explained about the sex. How we swapped partners. That it was something that they had done before. I explained how I mainly watched Sarah and Don because Ashley preferred to watch rather than take part.
“I wonder why?” Clare openly questioned, not really understanding.
“Probably because David wasn’t any good,” Sarah playfully suggested, fully knowing that wasn’t true or the reason.
It had both girls giggling… though this time, I chuckled, too. Especially as I then asked Sarah to go through all the new things she had told me about Jerry. Clare may have already known most of them, but I felt it was important she knew it all.
Sarah may have glanced at me, and yes, I did hold her hand for reassurance. But this was a different Sarah; she seemed a lot more confident to share this personal information with Clare. I sensed the relationship between my two girlfriends was growing and that there may even be a real attraction between them.
I just hoped… as I sat there listening to Sarah, still gently squeezing her hand.
With us done, Clare told the story of what she had been up to with Brenda and Clare. Though I sensed she left something out when she was at “Rainbows,” something beyond the fact she had collected twenty-five names, and the fact Brenda wanted her to go on dates with all of them. Clare reassured us, especially Sarah, when she showed surprise that it was not happening. She wasn’t planning to go on dates with any of them. It had just been a game.
I also sensed that at the o-X-o Club, a little more had gone on past the violet limo and her making out with Karen. But neither I nor Sarah pressed Clare with questions. I guess we both knew if it was important, then these things tended to come out with time.
Clare also explained that she had done a few studio sessions with Brenda, including one where she had wet her knickers. Then she reassured me that she had not signed any release forms, even though by the New Year, she would need to find some money or get a job!
“You peed yourself on camera?” Sarah questioned.
“Yes, I did it for Brenda. It is her thing, though not so much mine.” Then she added something I knew, but was not expecting her to tell Sarah. “For a short time, I was with a man who was into that sort of thing…”
Sarah looked at Clare, and then at me.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to pee on you!” I exclaimed, then added, “Unless you want me to?”
It was a remark that warranted a nudge, first from Sarah, and then from a giggling Clare. It seemed as if she had decided to back Sarah up with a nudge, whatever I said… or did.
Clare went through what happened at college, flirting with Mr Perkins, and her new schedule. How I got Saturdays, Brenda, Fridays, Karen Wednesdays and any other day that didn’t affect her college work. While I knew college was important, I felt slightly marginalised…
“Only one day?” I questioned.
“And one night,” Clare replied. “We got to start somewhere, but any more backscratchers for presents…” I interrupted.
“Does this mean I need to up my game when buying you gifts?”
“Well, let’s put it this way. Brenda bought me a diamond necklace, earrings, and two anklets.”
She showed me the silver one, which was currently around her right ankle. I noticed it had three names on it: Brenda, Clare and, at the bottom, Karen.
“And you bought me a back scratcher that farts when you use it… What do you think?”
“Well, I like it.”
Clare smiled at me. “My brothers will like it, and so do I, but only because… It is so you!”
“I am just pleased you thought of me when you were both away on holiday.”
Clare leaned across and kissed me. It was our first kiss in two weeks, and I felt a surge of energy go through me. It was like our bodies were telling us something.
It was obvious that I was with Sarah, sitting next to her and still holding her hand.
When we broke apart, Sarah was looking at me. She didn’t say anything, but we were near her home, her sanctuary. So I kissed her in just the same way. After all, to Sarah, it was important to keep everything in balance.
It was only after we had broken apart, Sarah once again smiling, that Clare started talking about Jaz and, specifically, Rob.
With another man now involved in Clare’s story, I started asking questions. I wasn’t disgusted about her letting Jaz put their hands in each other’s pussies. Clare had whispered that it was called fisting. Neither I nor Sarah had ever heard of the term, but my cock did wonder if the two girls would show me.
I glanced at Sarah.
“No chance,” she said, without me uttering a word.
Clare explained about the lesbian show and what happened before. How Rob had repeatedly fucked her, and that they hadn’t used a condom. It hadn’t been planned, though my girlfriend was aware it might happen, and because of that, had chosen the least fertile time of her monthly cycle.
I didn’t like it, but what could I say? It was like all the other fifteen men, she had slept with before me. What could I do?
I wanted to reassure Clare that I was pleased she had asked, but there was no way I wanted her to do it again. I told Clare exactly that. Then I grinned as I thought of something.
“You also put on a lesbian sex show for Brenda, Paula and Tina. So by logic, the next one should be for me… Not Rob!”
Sarah nudged me. Maybe I was being an oaf.
“David, I don’t ever want to sleep with Rob again. The first time, it just happened. It was a big mistake, but Jaz needs me. She is going through a hard time adjusting to Rob not being about, and now he is seeing other women. Jaz may be with Tina, but I know it is not the same for her.”
“Well, I will have a spare room if she needs somewhere to stay,” I said, half seriously but also trying to help… “Can she cook?”
From the two looks I received from the girls, it was the only defence mechanism I had.
Thankfully, the conversation moved on to photos and our photoshoot. I was sure if it had been left to Sarah, after our initial greetings, she would have opened with that.
Clare told her that they were in a box in her mum’s car, as she dared not bring them into the pub. She also said that the few she had seen were excellent, and this was only half of them.
“Remember, Brenda can work magic in her darkroom. She can turn an ordinary photo into something special. She is that good.”
With this knowledge, we left the pub, probably to the rest of the patrons’ delight. Clare retrieved the box of photos, and we all sat in my car, the girls as ever in the back seats.
For better brightness, I drove my car and parked under a street light, just outside the pub car park. There we could see the photos more easily. They were good; they were very good. The girls commented on a few, but after ten minutes, it was only Sarah looking at them.
To me, there seemed like hundreds, and I rather judge them in daylight. I was also getting tired; it had been a long day. Perhaps Clare noticed, as she suggested she had to go.
“Can we keep these?” Sarah asked.
“Yes, they are ours, but I can’t keep them at my house,” Clare said as she looked at me.
“I take them home,” Sarah remarked, thinking more with her pussy than her head.
“They will be safer in my car. You would not want your parents finding them,” I suggested to Sarah.
“Anyway, I need your help tomorrow. If you took them home, you wouldn’t get any sleep, as you would be masturbating over them all night.”
It was a comment that got a laugh from Clare and a stare from Sarah. But we all knew it was very true.
“I need to get going,” Clare suddenly said.
She kissed Sarah briefly on the cheek and then got out of the car, leaving my blonde girlfriend going through the photos. She hadn’t stopped looking at them since we opened the box. We all knew modelling had always interested her. Sarah was beautiful and also had the body to do it professionally if she wanted to.
I joined Clare, and we walked with her to make sure she safely got to her mum’s car, which seemed to be parked in the darkest part of the car park. I also realised this was also the first time we had been alone in two weeks.
“I missed you,” I said. I really had, and it was a strange feeling, as I had never been so long apart from someone I loved.
“David, I missed you too. But I have to ask… Is Sarah really bisexual?”
“Yes, I think so, but I do not know how bisexual?” I then carefully added, “In Crete, it was a little experimentation with one lady. That is all. So, I am not sure if she knows the answer to that question either, but it is certainly something she is thinking about. You are going to have to ask her.”
I wasn’t giving Clare any more than that. Anything more would have to come from Sarah.
“It might be fun finding out!” Clare exclaimed.
I chuckled; I didn’t want to tell Clare that Sarah had already ruled her out, as she was too close to her family.
We reached the red Citroën. “Well, I guess this is it,” she said.
“Not so fast.”
I pushed Clare against her mother’s car and started to kiss her. My hand naturally went under her skirt and into her panties, my fingers sliding into her slippery folds. There was no resistance from my girlfriend; I didn’t expect there to be. We had both wanted each other from the time she had called me a little boy.
“I see that I am not the only one without pubic hair,” I jested, knowing it was one of Brenda’s rules. My fingers now working their magic as Clare started to gasp as she continued to kiss me.
“Do you want to christen your mum’s car?” I asked and then wondered if my girlfriend had ever used it before for sex.
“No, not tonight, we get the seats wet… I need to get going.”
Clare pulled my hand out of her panties.
“You need to get back to Sarah; we got all tomorrow once you all moved in.”
She was right, but my cock wasn’t happy.
“I doubt she realises we have gone,” I suggested, as I placed Clare’s hand on my cock.
“Don’t you want to see it without any hair?”
Clare giggled, “It’s too dark, David. You should get back.”
I pushed her head down.
“In the dark, you can taste me without any hair. It won’t take very long.”
Clare smiled and, more importantly, dropped, and as she did so, her legs splayed wide under her skirt. She unzipped me and took me in her mouth. It felt good as her head bobbed back and forth. Once again, I thought, it had been too long. I was also relieved to find out that Clare had not turned completely gay on me.
Though it was dark, and we were behind Clare’s mum’s car, this was risky. Clare was also right; I did need to get back to Sarah. I had locked the car doors, and it was under a light on the main road, but I didn’t want Sarah to worry about me.
But Clare’s mouth felt so good.
“You have not lost your touch,” I whispered. Her mouth did not stop moving; mainly because I kept my hands on top of her head and gave her gentle encouragement to keep moving.
“You do realise why I shared, Sarah?”
Clare carried on, my hands on her head, her mouth too full to answer me.
“So I could also be with you. However, I now need to treat you both equally, and that means Sarah will be open to doing things that she knows you have done in the past. There needs to be a sexual balance between the two of you.”
“But there was one other thing I didn’t mention until now,” I added, as my girlfriend carried on doing her good work. I was nearly there.
“I need Sarah to come out of her protective bubble. Be who she wants to be. I sense she is still recovering from her depression, and we need to support her. She told me the girl in Crete was more like the real Sarah, not the one who lives with her parents in a village.”
Clare briefly stopped, looked at me, and then continued.
“I may love all versions of Sarah, but I prefer the one I had on the island to the one that left here with me. And certainly to the one before I met you, Clare, I don’t think even Sarah likes that version of herself.”
My mind flashed to Crete, my girlfriend, with Ashley’s head between her legs; and then Don’s cock pounding her from the rear. But it was the thought of Sarah laying on her back, Kurt fucking her, handing her the money that had me squirting down Clare’s throat.
It felt so good.
“You need to look after her. She is not me,” Clare said after she had spat out what remained of my semen.
She was right. “I had to find the right balance.”
I tucked myself back in and kissed Clare without thinking, my mind still in Crete.
Clare stared at me. She had an odd look. “You like tasting yourself now.”
I did not know how to react, and I just said, “It has been a long day. See you tomorrow and drive carefully.”
Knowing Clare, she would eventually work it out!
I walked to my car. With a wave, Clare drove past us.
Sarah was still going through the photographs when I got into my car. I had not been missed, but I did also notice that her skirt was now around her waist. It was clear she had been masturbating.
“Let’s go home,” I said. “It has been a long day.”
Sarah agreed with me.
I lay there on my bed at my parent’s house, furniture and my belongings were piled up in boxes all around me. I was thinking and accepting that tonight would be the last night I would sleep here in my bedroom. The tiredness of the day, which had started in Crete, was strongly pulling me towards sleep, but I wanted to hang on to this moment and reminisce.
This was a point in time which would define me. Could I keep two girlfriends happy?
I wasn’t sure, and I certainly did not know the answer to that question. What I did know was that despite being told I was a big kid, I did have sturdy foundations to build a multiple, complex relationship. There was no clutter in my history. My parents would always support me, and I also had a good job.
I knew that the Cretan holiday had been a defining moment in Sarah’s, Clare’s and my lives. Our relationship had taken the next step. How big a step, and in what direction was the next question to be answered?
The girls were different, and I knew that I needed to treat them equally, but also differently. Sarah needed a little push to keep her from collapsing back into her village bubble. I sensed moving in with me would be good for her, even if she had to do all the cooking.
While I would share either girl with other women, the truth was, under the right circumcises, I would also share Sarah with another man. I wasn’t sure if the Crete experimentation was a one-off; I hoped not. I felt both Sarah, and I needed to experience those feelings again, together. Though I wasn’t going to push my number one girlfriend into anything, with her, I knew timing was everything.
With Clare, things were almost the polar opposite. I was pleased she had stuck to her promise of only seeing other women and that there had been no men. Though, I wondered why she felt the need to flirt with old Mr Perkins. Surely it would have been better to ask if she could do extra lessons on another day.
I was also pleased that Clare was only going to see Brenda one day a week. That was six days less than I would have thought. I was going to have a word with Brenda, just to check she was looking after my girlfriend.
With Clare, her baggage was deciding on her sexuality. To me, she was ‘mainly’ a straight girl experimenting. But if you asked Brenda, I would expect a very different answer. What I wanted was to keep Clare on the straight and narrow. Pull her back and remind her that I was her boyfriend… and the only man she would ever need.
Then there was myself; both Crete and Ashley had taught me something.
I may not want to stick my cock in every girl I met? But if it was the right girl at the right time, it wouldn’t be a problem. I also knew that statement would remain true until the day each of us agreed to be in a monogamous relationship. I didn’t know with whom that would be or when.
Tomorrow, I would be stepping away from my parent’s protective nest. At twenty-two, a week off twenty-three, I was moving to the first place which I could home. I may not be able to cook, but I knew it was the right time.
I was moving to a flat close to work and my first girlfriend, Sarah. But there was an additional bonus; I could also get to my second girlfriend more easily, almost straight down the main road.
This was the right thing to do, and I knew… tomorrow was the start of my new life!
It is done.
The End… of… “Book 4 – Clare.”
David, Clare and Sarah will return in “Book 5 – The Three of Us.”
Final Author’s Note: I would just like to say thank you to the moderators and to the people who have taken the time to read and comment or tick the like box. Maybe I am not the best writer on Lush Stories, but feedback and likes, help me to improve and especially to motivate me.
What I am trying to do is write a five-book series with very developed, three-dimensional characters. Then, break each chapter down into smaller, under ten thousand-word stories.
While I do know it is difficult to read a book like this, but it is the only way I can post here at the moment. Eventually, I will put all the chapters back together. Have them edited, and post the completed books somewhere… where I do not know.
Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.