The USRP Program – Pt. 2

"Coaching wasn't part of the plan for Sandra, but she accepts the challenge"

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I stepped into the large, cold office. It was empty, save for a large, vintage wooden desk, an ordinary office chair on either side of it, and a small, metal table under the window. There was nothing on either the desk nor the table, but that’s how Dr. Hu liked it, simple. Sheri Hu was a middle-aged Chinese-American urologist, who had been with the program since its inception.  She was kind and very smart, but also to the point. She was also my boss.

“Sandra, please sit,” the doctor instructed, entering the office behind me. “Do tell me, how is our newest donor faring? What is his name again? Dan?”

“Do you mean Ben?” I chuckled, both of us taking a seat at the desk.

“Ah, yes. Ben. He seems like a good fit.”

“I think so. He did well today,” I explained. “He gave four participants a healthy deposit with no trouble.”

“That’s fantastic,” Dr. Hu exclaimed with as much enthusiasm as she could muster, which wasn’t much at all. “Sandra, I’d like you to begin coaching him. We’re seeing an unprecedented number of young women signing up for the program and we just don’t have the men to handle the demand.”

“You’d like me to coach him?” I asked. “I’m not sure if I understand.” My job was simply to monitor the donor I was assigned. Coaching was not in my job description.

“We need to start thinking about the future of the USRP. The program is a resounding success and women are signing up in droves for the opportunity to have a child and help our country. In less than a century, our population has dwindled to a mere one-hundred and twenty million. We all need to do our part. I’m only asking you to do this because I believe in you, and I like what I see in young Ben. We need more like him, he’s confident and strong.”

“And super hot,” I whispered under my breath.

“I’m sorry, what was that?”

“Oh…I, uh…was just agreeing with you, doctor. You’re absolutely right, Ben is a great guy…I mean, a great donor.”

“Okay, then. So I take it you’re on board?”

“I guess so, but what am I supposed to coach him on?” I asked.

“First things first, he’ll need to continue getting injections. Once a week until I feel he’s in optimum condition.”

“Wait,” I interrupted, “more injections? I thought that three was all that the donors could be given.”

“Sandra, we must be able to keep up with demand. There’s no risk in giving him more injections as long as he can handle the physical demand. That’s where you come in, as his coach.”

“Okay, so what exactly am I going to coach him on?” I asked, still confused.

“Four deposits is an excellent start. Don’t get me wrong. I remember when the program started, most men would be lucky if they could inseminate three women in one day. We’re continually developing the treatment, Sandra. My goal would be to have Ben inseminate ten girls in a session”

“Ten!?” I almost fell out of my chair when she said it. “Are you still planning on him doing three sessions per shift? That’s thirty women! It’s impossible!”

“Oh, it is very possible, but like I said, Ben will have to be able to control his orgasms, and his stamina. He can’t expel all of his seed prematurely. Your job will be to help him regulate ejaculations and last long enough to succeed.”

“Oh, man, this is crazy,” I said, now sweating from the thought of this new task.

“Not crazy. Necessary,” Dr. Hu said, bluntly. “I will see Ben tomorrow morning for his next injection, he will need a full day before you can start working with him. I will lower his workload to twice a week, one session a day to start. His next session will be Monday. Any questions?”

“Um, yeah, a ton! For starters, how am I supposed to know what to do to help him?”

“Oh, come now, Sandra. You’re a young, attractive woman. I think you’ll know exactly what to do.”

Dr. Hu rose abruptly from her chair and exited the office, leaving me slumped in the chair opposite her. I sat there for a good ten minutes, wrapping my head around what just happened. I did my best to remain professional around Ben even though I found him incredibly attractive. He was a few years younger than me, at twenty-two. I knew all his stats, of course: six-three, a hundred and eighty pounds, brown hair, blue eyes, size eleven shoes, occasional drinker, moderate sex life.

What wasn’t listed in his file was his penis size, which I had been growing more curious about since joining the program. For me, penis size wasn’t something I ever thought about when I was with a guy. Now, I would be wondering how big the guy was sitting across from me on the bus, or better yet, if he was a donor. I knew the injections donors received caused some growth in that department, but it varied by donor. It wasn’t quite clear in what fashion I’d be “helping” Ben, but I hoped it would be physical in nature.

I gathered myself and got ready to leave the complex when a new message alert popped up in the corner of my eyeglasses.

“Open,” I spoke.

The message then projected out in front of me, so I could read it.

“Hey, it’s Ben. I heard from Dr. Hu. Sounds like we’ll be working together or something. I can’t wait!”

“Yep, I also heard. Did she tell you the details? Send.” The message was transcribed in front of me and sent.

I left the building and started the walk to the bus stop. Ben’s response came back.

“Just that I have to go in for another shot tomorrow. I’m nervous about it.”

“Don’t be nervous. Dr. Hu knows what she’s doing. Send.”

“Thanks. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“OK. I’ll be curious to know how the injection goes. Send.”

The bus was rather empty, which was a relief as I was not in the mood for being crammed in with a bunch of strangers. My mind was fixated on my new task, and I sat in a daze for the fifteen-minute ride home. It was obvious the injections Ben received were making him more potent. To impregnate four women at once was not a small feat. I knew that, due to the degradation of society in the last century, it was incredibly hard for a woman to get pregnant, if she was even deemed to be able to do so in the first place. That was me, unable to have children, which is why I joined the program. I wanted to help in any way I could. I also knew that men’s viable sperm counts had dropped off the table. Those two factors are what the treatment overcame, by increasing the donor’s sperm count significantly. What I didn’t know was exactly how that was achieved.

Once home, I decided to do a little research of my own. I navigated to a website explaining how the USRP treatment worked. It talked about stimulation of the prostate and seminal vesicle, increasing production of the fluid that carries the sperm. The testicles also become enlarged to accommodate an increase in sperm production. The whole process could potentially result in a substantial increase in semen volume, thereby significantly increasing the likelihood of insemination.

While reading, I felt myself getting aroused. I felt my crotch and, sure enough, I was wet. To be aroused by such a subject, namely semen, was new to me. To me, it was just part of having sex, and I never really gave it much thought, other than having to swallow it on occasion. I admitted to myself that I rather enjoyed the taste of it. The more I thought about it, however, the more I felt turned on. Perhaps it was simply because I never did think about it. I started rubbing my crotch, imagining myself with Ben. I supposed I could help him by having him fuck my brains out, but then that might cause him to cum too much, or too soon. I really didn’t know what the goal should be. Either way, I continued to pleasure myself with my hand now in my pants.

My middle finger slipped in my wet hole as I pictured Ben’s hot body suspended over me, held up by his strong, toned arms. I could practically feel his cock pounding my pussy as I did so with my finger. I alternated between rubbing my swollen clit and diving my fingers in and out of my hot snatch. I imagined Ben on the verge of cumming and him pulling out, shooting his big load all over my chest and stomach. The thought put me over the edge for real, and I had an intense orgasm, right there sitting at my computer desk. I slouched as my body quivered, and my hand was drenched in pussy cum. I came down from my climax and moved myself to the bed, panting.

“Message Ben,” I said.

The screen in the wall across from my bed came to life, a new message box appearing, ready to transcribe my words.

“I’m excited about working together soon. I’d like to show Dr. Hu what you’re really capable of. Send,” I spoke.

I lay in bed, staring at the screen, softly rubbing my still moist crotch. A few minutes went by and Ben’s reply popped open.

“I’m excited too. But what do you mean by what I’m capable of?”

“Don’t worry, you’ll learn soon enough. Goodnight. Send.”

That night, I had an intense dream. Ben and I were having sex. I dreamt of his muscular body hovering over me as he pummeled my pussy, giving me multiple orgasms. He pulled out and squirted a big load of cum in my mouth and I loved every second of it. I woke up early to find my pussy, and my sheets, soaking wet.

Published 11 months ago

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