Marshall’s Story Pt. 1

"The Post-Apocalyptic Trans Slut that leads the Alien Revolution"

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Being an escort in this day and age is hard work. It’s even harder when a meteor hits the planet and takes out most of the fuckable population. But what is a slut to do? You make yourself sexy and sell that ass, cos what else is there to do? Clean up the rubbish from destroyed buildings? Go through other wreckage and pick through them like a fucking vulture? No fucking way. The way I see it, this planet is on the shortlist for demolition, and when I go, I want it to be writhing between someone’s cum slick thighs.

My name is Marshall. No last name, bad for business. But I have the juiciest cunt you ever wanted to fuck. What? Yes, I’m Trans. Once you have one of us, nothing, and I mean nothing else will satisfy. I am cock brained and cunt bodied, your very favorite wet dream, one you may taste once if you’re lucky, and more than once if you have enough special something to make me want seconds.

Where can you find me? Over on the Northside. I got expensive tastes, and some very miserable rich people live there. Of course, in a post-apoc society, not many have money as they used to before, but I am open to other currencies. Like room and board for a few weeks. A good meal. A shower? What! Don’t look at me like that. I told you. The world is dying. Fucking rotting out its teeth, more gray than green. And you know what? I fucking like it better.

Feels more like home than it ever did before. Cos everyone is miserable now. Not just me. It was always just me before. At least it felt that way. But now. The Playing Field is even!

And I finally feel at peace—with everything.

It started with the third pandemic. Then shit just got worse, and some politician stepped on the last nerve of the last god to give a shit, and Wham! Meteor. I still remember where I was when it happened. Have a seat. Get some tissues and some lotion. I’ll tell you the story.

Just promise me one thing. Don’t judge me after you hear it, okay? Or you know what, go ahead and fucking judge me, just don’t say shit to me about it.


I was on my knees, between her legs. As all good stories begin, right?

Her hands were in my hair. I had long ass hair. And it made me hard cos, her hands were also like her eyes. My girl was born blind, which is a damn shame cos she will never know how fucking gorgeous she is. I knew the moment I saw her that I was a goner. She was sitting alone at the gay bar called Teddy’s and she was just bobbing her head along with the music, her fingers drumming on the shot glass she had in front of her.

I sat next to her. Ordered something too sweet to be booze. But I could walk home and come back to my car later. Or maybe I would go home with someone. I just wanted to feel something other than despair. It was why I was there, right?

I went to open my mouth to say something to her, and she sensed I was there. Or heard me and spoke first.

“I love this song. This club always plays the best music. Do you want to dance with me?”

I was startled. “Fuck yeah!” I said and downed the rest of whatever sugar solvent of alcohol I had ordered. And I saw her turn on her stool and hold her hand out for me to take and guide her to the dance floor. Such a lady! I loved it.

She made sure to keep one hand on my body at all times. I didn’t think anything of it. We danced to a few songs, and she wanted to get another drink and some water to sober up, and asked if I wanted to go home with her and have something sweet. I thought it was a pretty interesting pickup line. I was all into her by then, so naturally, I went with her. She asked if I had a car. I said yes, and added that I was pretty sober after the tall glass of water she ordered for me. I just had to pee; then we could head to her place.

The car ride was longer than I thought. Out in the outskirts.

“How did you get to the club?”

“The bus. It stops running at midnight.”

“I don’t see any bus stops out this far”

“Oh, it’s a five-mile walk to the nearest stop. But I enjoy walking”

She had an airy, wispy voice. I noticed that she stared off into nowhere and did not make eye contact when she spoke. She had a small purse she held in front of her at all times and was looped around her neck like some kind of fucking latchkey lanyard or some shit.

Taking the foldable walking stick out of her purse once we arrived at her house, was when it all made sense. I followed her to her door, which was on the back end of the house. There were motion-sensor lights that hummed. She put her keys on a hook once inside, and then made her way toward the kitchen, folding the stick away and setting it aside. She walked around her home with the surety of someone who knew where everything was, by the millimeter of where it was placed. And would notice if it was off in the slightest degree.

“I have some leftover carrot cake, or I can check if there is enough produce to make smoothies?”

“You weren’t kidding about something sweet, were you?”

“I recommend the smoothie, it hits the system faster, and no, I wasn’t kidding. Eating or drinking something sweet makes my cunt juices taste delightful, and should you want a taste of that, I want it to be enjoyable. In case this is a one-off, which is totally okay.” She said with a smile in her voice as she took out apples, pears, a bit of pineapple, and some flaxseed.

I felt myself get hard at the thought of burying my face between her folds. I got up from her comfy couch and met her in the kitchen. “By all means, let me help you with that. I would love a smoothie.”

Hours later, her hand lost in my hair, my face between her thighs, her body trembling and so sweet, and creamy and swollen from my lavish attention. I felt her cum at the same moment. There was a tremor and something crashed down and hit my car. I didn’t know it was my car till much later. I had a quivering woman pressing my face to her cunt, bucking and whimpering. The harder I tried to suck, the more she pressed her hand against my head. Until she grunted out a sigh and fell flat on the bed, panting.

My shorts were soaked. But I didn’t want to ruin her afterglow by mentioning I hadn’t cum yet. I sat there aching, staring at her. She reached out a hand to find me. “Hold me?” She whispered in a soft voice. “At least until I fall asleep, then you can sneak away, like the wet dream that you are and you never have to see me again.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. So I just let her cuddle into me. Her long red hair was sticky to her body from the sweat. I stared at the window with cracked blinds in her room near her bed and watched as lights too green to be sunrise slowly flooded the room. She didn’t move a muscle. She was prone and sleeping soundly. I wiggled free from her sleeping body and went over to the window. The sky was bleeding the green light like someone had ripped open the horror simulation of Earth and reached into it like a bag of jelly beans and my money was that Earth was the disgusting kind you threw out as you try to find a better flavor.

“Marshall?” Her sweet voice asked into the low light part of the room. I heard her move on the bed.

“Yeah, I’m still here. Something is going on outside.”

“What is it?”

“Well, my car is totaled, but also the sky looks like something exploded, it’s a good thing you live in the middle of nowhere, if this were a big city, there would be more people screaming than just a few dogs barking.”

“Your car is totaled?” She asked.

I didn’t get a chance to reply because we both heard a loud scraping sound on the outside of the house that reverberated through the whole tiny stationary trailer house. “Did you hear that?”

“I’m blind, not deaf. Go see what it was.” She replied and hugged her knees to her chest, wrapping the sheet around her naked body.

Right, I thought to myself. I took my phone out, on the low charge of 16% as a flashlight, and went out to see what the scraping was. And that was the last thing I remembered before I woke up elsewhere.


I looked around and it looked like a high-dollar hotel, so I turned on the television. The date on the bottom of the news channel, which was in a language I didn’t understand, was five months in the future from the last thing I remembered before the bright lights.

Everything from that night, when I looked it up on my fully charged phone, which was sitting on the nightstand next to me, was labeled as The Event. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked as sexy as always, but what the fuck happened?! I decided the best way to find out is to find someone in power who has all the information and get the information from the source.

How would I do that, you wonder? Well, the only skill set I have is my ass. And I clean up real good too. I am everything ambiguous, exotic, and attractive that powerful people are drawn to, like priests to sin, flies to shit, and fat people to buffets. So, that is what I went with. It was easier than you’d think. I got lucky that the senator’s wife had a bi-curious streak, so as soon as I made her cum, at least four times, she was telling me everything I wanted to know.

The event was a meteor that hurt Earth — hurt enough that the population is now barely a million – worldwide from nearly nine billion, now …. Barely even a million. Fuck!

And I suddenly felt like shit. Cos I didn’t remember her name.

Let alone if my Blind Beauty was still alive.

I was such an ass. How could I live and not her? Fuck!

But if the senator’s wife was that easy, then who else could I fuck and learn some intel from? And that is how I became Marshall the whore. Marshall the spy. I can fuck anyone and they’d tell me anything. It was like a superpower. Once I decided I wanted someone. They would be helpless against my corny and awkward-as-hell flirts. It was a gift from the green light, it had to be.

Was I chosen to do this work, like I gained a role in some twisted Alien Porn Movie?

Marshall Double 0 CuntBoy – Watch him fuck to earn much more than your bucks, No, he wants your intel, your secrets, and all those things you hold hidden in your heart. So that one day, if he needs to, he can use the intel to maybe one day destroy life as you know it.

Like that Green Light Meteor did so long ago. Such a Big Event. It robbed me of a potential life with a sexy blind redhead. I could have been her chauffeur, her handyman, her sex toy every night, her smoothie buddy. But no. a damn comet had to land in the middle of my shit and fuck it all up.

I looked up at the sky and screamed my pain toward the stars, as if they could hear me, “Fuck you! Fuck you and your goddamn meteor too! Take your superpowers, I want her. Fuck, why can’t I have a fairy tale, just always gotta be some shit that takes it all down and away, like happiness only belongs to the fucking rich or some shit, right? Fine. You give me these powers, then I am gonna be a goddamn supervillain, at least until I find out what happened to her. And if she got taken by the Event, then I swear to every star that dares to burn when she can no longer breathe, that I would fuck you too. The heat death would be worth it. You and your stupid Bright Green Light can suck it!!!”

I screamed so hard I fell to my knees, sobbing. I didn’t even feel the tractor beam grab me until it was too late. And once it had me, I blacked out. Waking up in a sterile room. Bound to some bed.


My head was pounding with the echo of the blaring alarm. I rolled over groggily before I realized I couldn’t move my arms. I went to lift my arm and felt something restricting the movement, like I was chained to my bed or something. That startled me. My eyes snapped open, but the room was pitch dark. Until out of nowhere, someone turned on a light. I looked around and didn’t see anyone. I hadn’t seen any door or window either. It was just a plain white room, with a bed. I was wearing plain white clothes like I was in some sort of medical clean room or hospital or something. At least that was my first thought.

I opened my mouth to speak, and found my throat so hoarse and dry, it felt like it was lined with sandpaper. I coughed. It hurt. Seconds later, a person walked into the room. He looked young. He had a young, kind face, soft-featured and feminine. Fair hair and complexion, but dark eyes. He approached and I could catch a whiff of his scent. It was warm and sweet, like honeyed milk, which was strange in such a cold and sterile place.

“Do you know where you are?” he asked in English. I do not know why I made this distinction, but it was there and I was going with it. I shook my head, not trusting my voice to work until I got some water.

“Do you remember anything about what happened? Why you were found where you were, and what the strange items we found when we pumped your stomach?” he asked.

I frowned. Pumped my stomach? What the hell was going on? I wanted to speak to him; I wanted answers just as badly as he did. I made an awkward half motion for water, and he went over to a part of the room where my gaze could not reach. I could hear him pouring the water. Then he came back with a Styrofoam cup with a straw inside and held it up to my lips. I sipped the water, and the coolness burned like fire. I coughed and gently pushed the cup away. He frowned as he looked to my left at some monitor that displayed my vitals.

“I’m pleased to see you are starting to trust us, or at least, trust me,” he said. I gave him a confused expression. “It’s been three days, and you have been so suspicious and angry, that you would not accept anything from any of us, not even water, You were afraid it was poison. So they had to sedate you heavily and bind you to the bed,” he explained further.

He took the cup and walked it over to that counter; I supposed and set it down, returning empty-handed. He picked up a clipboard and flipped up the top page. I took the time to examine his features again, trying to piece together where I was. What was going on? And why I was here, in this place.

“We’re in orbit and on our way home,” he answered, as if he could read my mind.


He looked up at me. “Yes, home. To Xaelaar. Rest now. Things will make sense soon.”

“Explain it to me now. Please.” I rasped, my throat still hurt, as the water didn’t help at all.

He sighed and set the clipboard down. “You’re not of Earth as you believed. You’re from a planet in the Xaelaar System called Eqk VII. And You’ve been summoned home because your courting ritual is complete. You’ve chosen your mate. And now her world must be destroyed. It is the Xaelaar Custom.”

“The Blind Beauty?”

“Yes,” he said with a smile.

There was a weird alert noise, and he excused himself to leave. I was left alone, to my fucking thoughts. What the actual hell was going on?! I’m an alien? Since when!?!

Nothing made sense. And yet, it made perfect sense. It felt like, in a way, the figure known as Marshall the whore of earth, transfabulous and fuckable mister with a fuck off or fuck me attitude was fading away—who was waking in his place? I guess I’d find out…

Published 11 months ago

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