Wednesday was all about going back to college, though no actual lessons, as it was just an orientation day. I didn’t need to find my classes as I had attended the same college last year, but I did have to get hold of my lecture timetable.
This was my last chance, if I failed at college again there would be no possibility to study accountancy. I would be back in a dead-end job, or perhaps more likely, half naked and swivelling my hips around a chrome pole.
At college this year, I will be taking A-level maths and basic accountancy. It was with the view that I would find a job where the business pays to put me through the qualifications needed to become a company accountant.
However, to do that, I needed to pass A-level maths, a subject that I had always excelled at, in fact, top of my year. As for Basic Accountancy, it was nothing more than a handy add-on course which I had to attend to make enough hours for free college. It was not essential, like maths, but it would look good on my C.V.
So, it was extremely disappointing to find that my timetable included double maths on Tuesdays. It meant that my first maths lesson was scheduled for the day I was helping David move into his new flat. I wanted to be there. For me, it was essential that I was part of my boyfriend’s big move.
Other than that, one day, my timetable was very friendly. There were no lessons on Monday mornings or all day on Fridays.
Luckily, I knew there was one person who could help me with this Tuesday, Mr Perkins. He was the Head of the Maths Department and the teacher who had in the summer given me my career advice about studying maths and becoming an accountant. I also knew he had a sweet spot for me, well, mainly for my legs and breasts.
With a mission, I brushed my hair, smartened myself up, undid a blouse button, then another one for luck and went to see the elderly Mr Perkins. I hoped my womanly charms would help me miss Tuesday’s double lesson without a non-attendant mark against my name.
With the Head of the Department looking down my blouse, I explained my situation, that I was moving house and I simply couldn’t make this Tuesday’s lesson.
Though I kept this to myself, I still worried that I would start doing something destructive. Have another downward spiral, and then not make the required seventy-five per cent attendance needed to pass the course.
For the whole time I was in his office, Mr Perkins’s eyes had focussed on my cleavage. By the time I left, I almost had him planning to help me with my house move. I never told him that it was my boyfriend who was moving and not me.
With my Tuesday attendance confirmed, I went to the maths classroom. There were fourteen in it, four girls, and ten boys. They were all a year younger than me, and I didn’t know any of them, so I just took a seat at the back, resigned that I would be sitting on my own this year. I mean, what straight girl wants to sit next door to a lesbian?
From my seat, I looked around and realised that this year at college was always going to be different. Even if I had been single and looking for a man, none of these boys would have been of interest to me, they were all too young. Like Sarah, these days my eyes only looked at older, more interesting men.
It was just before lunch and time to wrap up the orientation day when Debbie approached me. She told me that she didn’t know anyone either, and had seen me last night at Flamingo’s with my girlfriend.
I was surprised she remembered me.
We chatted, and it was agreed that we would sit next to one another. We both knew that it was always good to have someone in your class who you could rely on to take notes for you if you missed a lesson. Debbie and I agreed with one another to do just this if the other wasn’t there.
“See you on Monday,” I said.
Debbie grinned, turned, and left. As I watched her cross the classroom, my eyes naturally homed in on her tight bottom and then panned out to take in the rest of her body. I sensed she knew I was watching her, and I had an uneasy sensation that I might be letting myself in for trouble.
However, there was also a bonus; Debbie was a leggy blonde.
I was holding Karen’s hand, and we were standing in front of my parent’s house. She was shaking, a little unsure, a little scared. What she was wearing probably didn’t help either, as Karen had listened to my advice. Under her coat, she only wore a short red dress and G-string knickers. Yes, I checked. It was also fairly obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra.
Wickedly, I had failed to mention where we were going tonight until I parked the car. I had been discrete, as I didn’t want Karen to back out. I wanted and needed our relationship to take the next step and though my girlfriend was yet unaware; she needed that too.
Tonight we were a couple, and I knew my mum was on her own, my dad travelling for work. I wasn’t sure if my sister was in, and my brothers didn’t care. They were too young to appreciate that Karen was more than just a friend.
“It isn’t large, but it is home,” I said as we stood there.
“Your house is wider than mine,” Karen nervously replied.
“Come on, Karen. Your home is like the Dartford Tunnel. it’s long and goes on and on,” I giggled.
That brought a laugh from my girlfriend. She knew I was right.
“Mum knows I am introducing you tonight and, like me; that you are gay.”
Karen doubtfully looked at me. She knew that I was bisexual and not a true lesbian. So I decided to say a little more.
“I have told everyone. They all know I now identify as a lesbian. Only you, David, Sarah, Jaz, Ella, Tina, Brenda and Paula, know that is not strictly true, and I want to keep it that way.”
“That is quite a few people,” Karen remarked.
I smiled. I knew she was right.
“Karen, I feel very comfortable being in a relationship with you, and I don’t have a problem waiting for you to come out as I have. However, until you do, we cannot fully explore what an all-girl relationship is really like.” I then softly added, “You have to remember this is new for me, too. I have only had sex with girls and never tried being in a real relationship with one until now.”
Karen’s face turned more suspicious, though everything I had said was true.
“Come on, one step at a time,” I remarked as we walked up the drive. This was going to be a big moment for her… and me!
I introduced Karen as my girlfriend to Mum. Ella joined us, which was nice of her as it helped make Karen relax, and by the second pot of tea, we were all chatting away like a family. Mum even got out the photograph album and for the first time in my life, I was not embarrassed.
I even chuckled when I had the thought. Thank god this was not the album Brenda kept of me!
Later, as Karen and I were sitting in a town pub, just talking. She admitted that she was now pleased that she had met my mum and seen where I lived. She also agreed that our relationship now felt a little more real.
I took the moment to once again explain that this was also new to me. I reminded Karen that I had chosen her to have my first real lesbian relationship because I found her attractive and enjoyed her company.
Our conversation covered many topics. I explained, though I didn’t give details, that Jaz and I were now just good friends, and we had stopped having sex together, with one exception, the potential lesbian show for Rob. I then told Karen why it wouldn’t happen.
“Don’t I get a say?” Karen questioned.
“No, but you are welcome to join in. I am sure Rob wouldn’t mind!”
That reply earned me a nudge, but my comment neatly led me to what I wanted to bring up: fidelity.
I explained to Karen once again that I wasn’t ready to be faithful to her, though with time it was possible that might change. Then I added that I wanted Karen to experience the joys of sex with other women as I thought this was important, and that in the future; I wanted to share her.
This, I knew, was the opposite of what my girlfriend sought. She had requested a monogamous relationship, and while she was still young, babies with a nameless male sperm donor. That last point I did understand. Both our mothers had children young and had no problem reminding us of that fact.
However, while Karen admitted she didn’t understand my wish to be shared. She would think about it. Karen even admitted that the idea didn’t repel her. It just felt unnatural and not the thing to do.
We did not dwell on it. Instead, I explained my relationship with Brenda and how it revolved all around sex. How I enjoyed showing my body off for her, and that I sometimes had threesomes with Paula. I didn’t go into the details, as I thought it was likely that Karen would, in the future, start asking me questions about it.
Our night ended similar to the night before, with Karen naked and me between her legs giving her the best oral sex I could within the confines of Brenda’s car. After we both had come, Karen fingering me, we kissed and cuddled.
I dropped my girlfriend at home a little earlier than normal. Outside, she kissed me and quickly went inside.
It wasn’t until I drove home that I realised that was the first time Karen had kissed me in front of her house. It made me realise that our relationship had indeed taken the next step.
Like last Thursday, I sat there waiting for David’s phone call, and maybe this week, the anticipation was a little higher as it seemed too long since we had last talked. I glanced at the clock. It said five. Wasn’t that the same as seven in Crete?
For a little privacy, I pulled the phone up onto the stair landing, its cable straining as I got to the top. This was what I normally did, but I wished my parents would invest in one of the new cordless models, just like most of my friends’ parents had.
“Brr, Brr.”
It was on the second ring that I picked up the receiver, hoping it was David and Sarah on the other end.
“Hello,” I said and then smiled. It was.
“Hi there,” we all said in unison. Then I couldn’t stop from giggling as I heard them laughing at the other end of the line.
“Are you both tipsy?” I questioned. Their chuckles sounded so distant.
“No! Just happy to be talking to you, Clare,” David replied.
“I wish you were here too!” Sarah added and then giggled once again.
“You must be tipsy!” I exclaimed. I was surprised just how cheerful Sarah was in talking to me.
They started talking about their holiday, which seemed to include all-over suntans and their luxury accommodation. I felt slightly jealous. It seemed they had forgotten that autumn had already started where I was sitting.
But my ears picked up when they started mentioning Don and Ashley. It shocked me that David had actually shared Sarah, especially as it had only happened so he could also be with me. She was so beautiful, I thought, in comparison to me; surely there must be some other reason? I thought.
However, with every word David spoke, I realised that we were both missing each other. Then I realised he was apologising to me for fucking another woman. It was the first time any man had said sorry to me!
I tried to laugh it off, but I knew I needed to say something. After all, in the last two weeks, I have been with more than one woman.
So I remarked. “I let you off, as actually, I have been with another woman other than Brenda and Paula since you left. So let’s call it even.”
“Who?” they both questioned.
“Tina,” I replied. “I tell you all about it on your return,” I quickly added.
I didn’t want to go into any details, especially as I had also been sexual with Brenda, Jaz, Paula, Karen, Linda, and Hazel, though that last name was always going to remain my secret.
Now that David had given me the chance to explore my sexuality, I was planning to sleep with many more women, with my main issue being how to keep Karen.
“Clare, David will have a pleasant surprise to show you on Monday evening,” Sarah giggled.
“What is it?” I asked.
“You have to wait until Monday,” Sarah quickly replied, which annoyed me. But I knew the perfect comeback.
“Well, maybe I should tell Brenda to lose your studio photos,” I chuckled, knowing Sarah couldn’t wait to see them.
“Have you seen them?” She quickly asked.
“Maybe I have,” I giggled. “But… you have to wait until Monday.”
I heard both Sarah and David laughing down the phone, and I thought, Monday evening was going to be another interesting date.
I then told them both about college and that I had managed to get next Tuesday free to help with the move. Though I didn’t mention how I achieved it, or if I had the use of Mum’s car, or even Brenda’s.
We signed off confirming Monday’s three-way date, me reassuring Sarah that I would bring the photos and then a whispered, “I love you.”
On Friday morning, I left Brenda’s car in her apartment block car park, and the keys on the kitchen worktop with a note. It said that I would phone her later. Even in daylight, being there on my own gave me the shivers. It was too large, and it felt spooky.
There was also something else I found strange. I know it was only five days, but I hadn’t missed Brenda being away, and that irritated me. I wanted our 3-way lesbian relationship to work, but here I was, and all I could think of was David’s looming return.
Men, I thought. Why do they have the habit of getting under my skin?
I just didn’t understand why I hadn’t missed Brenda, though I knew she hadn’t been away so long. But she was my sounding board, my rock. I knew I could rely on her, and where we stood in our relationship. I even sometimes wondered if I would be like her in thirty years.
This three-way lesbian relationship I was in had not been planned. While the sex was hot, the socialising and mental anguish was beginning to put a strain on my life. However, this week of being just with Karen had brought some clarity and I realised that with college on the horizon, I needed to organise my life.
My body seemed to always crave sex. However, I knew my mind would eventually become exhausted, as being in relationships with three people was tiring. I would need breaks, especially as A-level maths was not the easiest of subjects. There were going to be times when I would have to stay in and complete my assignments, do my homework, and even complete the projects. Yes, it was time to make some priorities with my social life.
After phoning and speaking to her, I went back over to Brenda’s. I wanted to hear all about Spain and spend some time in her company, discussing each other’s weeks.
I didn’t say anything, but I was relieved when she told me that she didn’t want to go to Rainbows tonight. Instead, she just wanted to stay in and chill. Though the photo shoot had gone well, it had been long and gruelling.
“Three locations in one day,” she kept saying, clearly still stressed.
We had lunch delivered, and then later sat in the hot tub, nude. It was the perfect place to unwind, chat, and reconnect with one another. Brenda lit a cigar, and I smoked even though I was giving up. By the side of us was a large bottle of cognac. It was a gift from Mr and Mrs Santos, a wealthy couple who lived in Madeira. My girlfriend told me she was planning to stay with them in April, and I was welcome to come along too.
After hearing about Spain, came the realisation that Brenda would be working tomorrow. As with all these professional photography shoots, there was lots of post-production work to do before any sign-off. She explained that sometimes it could take weeks before the client was happy and in the worst cases, reshoots were needed.
With Brenda’s Spain adventure told, I went over my week, and my issues.
We first talked about Karen, and I gave Brenda every detail. She wanted to know it all, especially about the sex. Like me, she was disappointed that I hadn’t penetrated her yet and taken her virginity.
“She is close,” I remarked, then added. “I think it is nice she is prepared to wait until the right time, and I respect that. She is very different from me, I couldn’t get enough sex. But when I look back, sometimes I regret not waiting a little longer.”
Brenda chuckled, “I know, my dear. You couldn’t keep your legs together. That’s one of your best attributes!” Brenda knew my sexual history; it seemed her stress level was simply falling away.
With Karen covered, I went on to tell her that I would not be sleeping with Jaz, despite winning the right to do so. That surprised Brenda until I explained why. “And things can change,” I said as I finished my explanation. “We needed to remember Jaz has her own issues, and that I need to concentrate on what is immediately important to me.”
Once again, Brenda chuckled. This time, it was because I had just straddled her, our boobs now rubbing each other’s as we kissed. With the Cognac in one hand and the cigar in the other, she was defenceless as I necked with her. I was planning to get her completely stress free.
We kissed, my tongue pushing into Brenda’s, her hands outstretched; mine playing and massaging her breasts. We broke apart, as I needed to say something more. It was important.
“Brenda, the crux of the matter is I require a dating timetable, as I need to concentrate on college. I just cannot fail again, as I am in the last chance saloon.”
Brenda put her cigar into the ashtray and the Cognac down so she could wrap her arms around my body and cuddle me. I smiled. We were now relaxed, and I went through my college schedule with her. I even explained how I managed to get Tuesday off with Mr Perkins and that I needed to keep him sweet throughout the year.
“So you want a timetable for fucking,” Brenda stated once I had run through my college one.
“Dating,” I replied, though I knew my girlfriend was partly right.
“It is not dating, Clare. With you, it is always fucking. But you are right, at your age; college is indispensable as education should come first. So, you need to learn to think with your head, and not your heart, or in your case, your cunt.”
I shivered. Brenda used the C-word too freely, but maybe in this case it had been the right word to use.
Brenda chuckled, “I will have the whole day Friday as you have no college.” Then added with a smile, “At least that means you are going to get one day and night of good fucking, and it gives you something to look forward to though out the week.”
Her fingers brushed between my straddled legs. I gasped and then grinned. Though I didn’t say it, Brenda was right.
“Agreed, and the rest of the week is mine… to study.”
We both chuckled, and then I kissed my girlfriend.
Though still only mid-afternoon, she said, “Let’s go to bed.”
It was where Brenda fucked me, and as always, the sex was fantastic. However, more importantly, afterwards, we cuddled and talked.
“Brenda,” I said as we held each other, our bodies feeling the other’s warmth. “Is there any chance I could borrow your car on Tuesday? So I can get to David’s.”
“Which one do you want?”
“The mauve limo or the Ferrari,” Brenda chuckled.
“I was hoping for the mini,” I tentatively replied, now feeling a bit awkward for asking.
“My dear, have you asked your mother for use of hers?”
“No,” I truthfully replied. “You know, my relationship with her is a bit up and down.”
“Well, I suggest you should ask her first and explain the reason. Maybe even promise to help her around the house, or offer to babysit more.” Brenda chuckled again, but this time, it was only to herself.
“I know it is not the answer you wanted to hear, but it is the right answer. If you are stuck, maybe I can get Donna to drive you over, and I promise it won’t be the mauve limo or the Ferrari.”
I was surprised by Brenda’s answer. She was rich and could buy hundreds of cars, but her reply gave me a jolt to mention something else.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed a couple of packs of the G-strings and gave them to Karen to wear. If it is an issue, I will replace them.”
Brenda sat up, and I joined her.
“My dear, you should have asked first. This time it is not a problem as I do understand that you have not got much money. However, my dear, please ask me in the future.”
I promised that I would, though I didn’t understand why she seemed to mind quite so much. They were only knickers!
It was later, and we were standing by the front door, kissing. I wanted to leave before the light faded. After our earlier sex, we were both totally stress-free. Over my shoulder was a holdall which had inside it a box full of photos, about half of the pictures taken at the photoshoot that David, Sarah and I took part in.
Though I had not looked at them, I knew what they would be like, Sarah’s beauty shining through, and her naked body dominating every photo she was in.
As I stood there, I asked my final question. “Brenda, don’t you find it spooky when you are here all by yourself?”
“Nonsense, my dear. You should try living in a fucking castle!”
Aided by the warmth between my legs, the walk home gave me a chance to think. I was happy and contented; there was no doubt that Brenda knew how to fuck another girl. I guessed it was something that came with years of experience. However, it was now clear to me that she didn’t like being taken for granted.
I understood her message; just because she has plenty of money, it doesn’t mean that I could help myself. However, I also had the feeling that there was a second message. This one had something to do with my mother, but it wasn’t so clear to me.
With the clock approaching six, I sprung through my parents’ house front door and walked into the kitchen. Mum was over the sink washing up. Dad was at the kitchen table, reading the day’s newspaper. He must have just got back from his business trip and I kissed him on the top of the head, which brought a surprised reaction from him, and then a warm smile. It was something I had not done for a while, but I felt that I needed to do it.
“There are some leftovers in the fridge. We have already eaten,” Mum said as she saw me. “I didn’t expect you home tonight.”
I felt a little rejected. Didn’t my parents know I still lived here?
I walked over to the fridge and remembered Brenda’s words.
“I can babysit tonight if you want,” I said with a grin.
Mum gave Dad a knowing look.
“Tomorrow would be wonderful, as it seems Ella has got a date!”
Mum and I smiled, but for different reasons.
“And I get to borrow your car all day Tuesday. I can take my brothers to school, but someone will have to pick them up.”
Dad chuckled, and Mum rolled her eyes. They both had probably guessed that there would be an ulterior motive behind my sudden willingness to offer my babysitting services, something more than being in just a good mood.
I then explained that it was to help David and Sarah move into his new flat. That seemed to soften them, as Mum was suddenly telling me that she would ask Wendy to take and pick up my brothers from school.
Smiling, it occurred to me that my car problem had been solved thanks to the fact that I had listened to Brenda.
Saturday saw our dad fix a bolt lock to our bedroom door. When he had finished, both Ella and I somewhat sarcastically cheered and clapped. It was a big moment for us!
But it only brought a reminder from Dad that he could easily remove it.
We got his message and immediately shut up!
With Karen away at the football, Brenda working and David still in Crete, suddenly there seemed a hole in my relationships. Mum even laughed when I said I was bored at eleven o’clock in the morning. So, with the cheap weekend rate, I borrowed the phone and started phoning my friends. I was trying my best to spend some time with them. So I didn’t think it was a waste of an hour when my mum finally got me off the phone.
Later, with Dad at golf, Ella downstairs watching television with our two brothers, Mum pulled me to one side.
“Have you got five minutes?” She said and then pointed to her bedroom, which was strange. It was a room I had hardly ever been in.
“I just want a quick word.”
I stepped inside the room, feeling distinctively anxious. I carried too many secrets, none of which I wanted to come out.
Not knowing why I said it, I nervously mumbled. “Just because your daughter is gay doesn’t mean you can ravish me.”
Mum smiled when she heard my awkward comment, then looked at me strangely and said. “I don’t think you are any more of a lesbian than I am!”
It was a comment which at first made me smile, and then wonder if my mum had just given me some sort of cryptic message. Did my mum also sleep with women?
I daren’t ask; I didn’t want to know!
“I have been doing a lot of thinking lately,” she said.
“Mostly, it has been about you and our talk on Monday.”
“Worrying,” I whispered, suddenly wanting to be somewhere else.
Mum smiled. “It’s nothing sinister or something you won’t want to know.”
I relaxed a little, but I was still on my guard.
“It is just that I realise that I need to treat you like an adult. I mean, you are an adult, almost nineteen, and I want you to be aware that I have not spoken to your father about what happened last Saturday night. He would be horrified that you know we occasionally attend… well, you know.”
“Adult-themed parties,” I filled in for her. I was not as embarrassed as I had been Monday. Until Mum said!
“Well, you are sexually experienced. I just wanted you to know these aren’t orgies, just friends having a little fun.”
I was suddenly embarrassed. Why did my mum put me through this?
“Okay, Mum, I understand. You told me Monday, and I couldn’t care if they were orgies. I want you to have fun and enjoy yourself… just stay safe and don’t get pregnant!”
“Now I’m beginning to sound like you,” I then whispered, knowing my face was glowing red.
Mum smiled. “I have had my tubes tied.”
I didn’t know that, but it also meant she was having sex.
“Look, Mum, I promise not to tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me.”
I felt I needed to say a little more. “I have enough of my own problems to worry about.”
“Like still liking men,” Mum grinned.
It was a comment that had me blushing again, though it was true.
“Mum, I prefer girls and probably always will. But sometimes you need to mix it up, though certainly not at the moment. Don’t forget, I have two girlfriends.”
I pulled up my right skinny jeans leg and showed my Brenda and Karen, silver anklet. Mum had seen it before. It hadn’t left my right ankle since Brenda had given it to me. It felt like it was becoming part of my body.
We stood there and smiled at each other. We had an understanding.
“There is one more thing, Clare. Tonight we are going to another one of these parties. We wouldn’t normally… well, as you could tell, we enjoyed the last one.”
“No Clare, Surrey, but it’s the same crowd. This time it is in a big house and your dad and I want to stay. It is too demanding trying to rush back. We just want to enjoy ourselves.”
And get laid, I thought.
“Are you okay with that?”
“If not, we will not go and, instead, stay here.”
“If Dad’s okay with it, I guess I am. After all, we are all adults. When do you think you be back?”
“Before Sunday lunch, and if anyone asks, we have gone to a dinner party where we plan to drink and therefore stay over as they have a spare room.”
It was weird, but I sort of understood where Mum was coming from. Since Monday night, I had time to adjust to this big family secret. I had asked myself many times, was it so different to what I was doing?
They were both consenting adults, and I knew the answer to my question was no.
“I am going to start to get ready.”
“Mum is the word,” I said as I turned to leave. But I had a sudden thought, “Could I see what you are wearing before you go? I mean, you always wear jeans, and it would be nice to see you all dolled up.”
Mum hesitated, so I added with a giggle. “It would be wonderful to be reminded of what a beautiful mother I have.”
I turned and ran, making it out of the bedroom before a pillow hit the door!
Later, with our parents gone, it was Ella’s turn to get ready. As she did so, it appeared she now had too many clothes to choose from and didn’t know what to wear.
“It’s the third date; you know what that means?” I teased as I stood there, watching her.
“Well, that two more than you,” she huffed. Of course, my sister knew what it meant.
I smiled. She was partially right!
Like last week, Ella stood there. Her hair was washed and dried. A towel was around her as she sorted through her clothes.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Jon won’t tell me.”
“Bummer,” I remarked.
“It could be a meal, pub, nightclub, or even all three.”
I picked out a selection of clothes and handed them to her and then got out a pack of Brenda’s black G-strings. They were new, and I threw them gently to my sister.
“A present from me, and don’t wear a bra,” I said as I walked over to the door and slid the bolt to lock it.
“Clare, you meant to be on the other side of the door!”
“Come on, Ella, didn’t we have an agreement about a little sister nudity?”
“No, we didn’t!” my sister grunted.
I smiled and sat down to watch Ella. She didn’t move. I didn’t expect her to.
“There is one thing I got to tell you. Mum and Dad won’t be back until the morning. They are going to a dinner party and staying over. So you can stay out later if you need to.”
Ella nodded; I smiled.
“I leave you to it, though you welshed on our agreement.”
It was with that remark that I left my sister, though I could feel her pulling a face behind me as I walked out of our bedroom door.
Ella got back around midnight. The light was already off, and I didn’t say anything to her other than goodnight.
The sister in me wanted to repeat some of the things she used to say to me, like, Who was it tonight? Have you been slutting it? Or, are you walking, bandy?”
Though unknown to my sister, the last comment always made me inwardly giggle.
A few weeks ago, I might have just said what my sister used to say to me. However, our relationship had changed, and I preferred the new one. I felt that in the last month, I had grown up. If Ella needed any help or advice, she only needed to ask me. I was right there on the bottom bunk.
Our parents returned just before midday, Mum and me having that knowing glance. She was back in jeans, and what she wore last night remained a mystery.
My afternoon date with Karen was very different, no sex or making out. With no car and it was now raining, we met in the city and went to the cinema, where we watched ‘The Mannequin’. Neither of us had seen it, even though it had been out awhile.
With the place almost empty, we could hold hands and then snuggle up, just like any other young couple would do. However, we were two girls, and we needed to be a little discrete.
By the end of our date, my pussy was crying out for attention, but there was simply no chance for any type of sex. So, it was with a quick peck on the cheek that I watched Karen get on a bus. Then disappear into the distance.
I was soaked as I walked in the rain to the train station, thinking about our enjoyable date. Maybe, Karen and I had just turned a corner in our relationship, as I couldn’t imagine seeing Brenda and not doing something sexual with her.
It was later that my sister told me that she was formally in a relationship with Jon.
“You, had sex?” I asked.
The question brought a nod from my sister, then a smile.
I was pleased for her and I also knew it would be good for her too, as it was all part of growing up. We didn’t discuss anything else and just said goodnight.
As I lay there in the bottom bunk, thinking, my thoughts first turned to tomorrow. It would be the start of a new term and, just possibly, a new way of life. I had college and then in the evening, I would see David and Sarah once again. I still worried that David wouldn’t want me, that Sarah and he were now engaged, or worse that she wouldn’t want me to be part of their relationship.
However, Thursday’s phone call had given me hope.
I also had my dating schedule, and now all I needed to do was to stick to it!
So, no cheating, no one-night stands. Friday’s were Brenda’s, Wednesday’s Karen’s… the rest left open, though I had told both my girlfriends that Saturday’s were David’s. He just didn’t know that, yet!
I knew over the coming weeks, David, Sarah, and I needed to chat and discuss our future.
With reflection, the break from Brenda had been a good thing. It had given me a chance to re-validate our relationship. That first week with David away and Brenda taking over had been too intense. I could not carry on like that, as I would have failed college once again.
I wanted my official girlfriend, the friendship, and the sex, but nothing more. Seeing her every Friday would be perfect for me.
My break-up with Jaz was also a positive thing to do. We would remain best friends, but we both knew we had to move on with our lives. Jaz seemed to be happy to live in a fully lesbian relationship with Tina, though we both knew one day she would move on. As for Rob, well, he was in Germany and now seeing other women. It didn’t seem to me that she cared that much. She was certainly not moving there, as Rob requested. Perhaps things will get sorted when he returns home for two weeks in November.
And then there were my mum and dad, who had been to two adult-themed parties in the last fortnight. That had been a shock to me, but now, with the chats with Mum, I realised it was something I could accept… and more importantly, keep secret.
Mum had also been good enough to tell me that my dad was my father. I accepted it as a fact, and I was relieved. Though the way she had said it had me thinking that she had slept around when she was my age. It made me realise, I was my mother’s daughter, and that was a good thing.
It was also true that from our chats, our relationship had become closer. The fact she knew I was seeing two girls, even though I lied about Brenda’s age, was a large step in the right direction. Mum was now starting to treat me like an adult, and that was something that had only spasmodically happened in the past.
However, it was my relationship with Karen that intrigued me the most. There was something about her. She was beautiful, yet innocent. She had that girl next door look, yet I knew she was just ready to be corrupted. Karen was still a virgin, but she had a dirty mind. Sometimes I even wondered if it was her who was leading me astray.
She might not have blonde hair, but Karen had that twinkle in the eye, coupled with an exhibitionist streak and a willingness to explore sex. I liked her… While I still thought that I could not fall in love with another woman; I realised the more time I spent with Karen, the more likely it could happen.
However, Karen needed to change, or we would be stuck on different future paths. She wanted our long-term relationship to be monogamous, and I wanted it open, polygamous.
One day, I knew a decision would have to be made.
My last thoughts before sleep took me were of David and then Sarah, and us all reconnecting once again as a three. I smiled and thought, let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2024 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.